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Melissa, Janet is right. It is time to assert yourself and tell DH, in no uncertain terms, what you need. Tell him to keep the crap out of the house! My DH is a candy lover too; and I am diabetic. He keeps it in his truck so it doesn't tempt me. Take a stand. Let the people in your life know what you need.:seeya:

I have talked to him in the past. But I guess because I buy the crap sometimes when I am having a bad day; that I guess he thinks she is not trying and she does not care about her self. I am trying to go see my old shrink that gave me permission to have my LB. I have called twice for an appt still waiting on a call back. Maybe if I can show him I am trying then he will change.

My scars from the face waxing are still there. At least they quit stinging.

That happen to me once when I had my lip waxed. Never had it waxed again. It hurt so bad. I shaved it for a while and then had kaser hair removal. I found an awesome eyebrow waxer I will not go to anyone else. She even did my son's eyebrows and was so careful not to hurt him (someone scared him once)

Happy Birthday Arlene!!! Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Love :party::party:


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Good morning! Ahh how wonderful it was to get a great nights sleep. I slept from 10pm to 8am! AHHH!! Was so tired, I felt like a grandma! LOL didn't sleep at all Friday night/Sat morning, of course, with little Katelyn being born at 250am. The next night DH's blackberry went off all night long over some damage to an airplane in one of his cities. And then yesterday we got up at 4am to come home. I'd probably still be sleeping if DMIL hadn't called at 8. LOL That's not usually too early to call me, she felt bad, but I think I got enough sleep. LOL Today my McD's friend and I are going to McD's and then hitting the baby stores SHOPPING!! She just found out she's going to be first time grandma and we've been wanting to go shopping together but this is our first opportunity. LOOK OUT! LOL We have several Carters outlets here I think we are hitting some of those first. DD takes the baby to the dr this morning to get her jaundice checked out. I am very anxious for her to call about that and to hear how her first night at home went. But I am trying not to call her too much and be a pest so am trying to learn patience. LOL


Nope not giving anything up for lent, I'm not Catholic and never really got into that or saw the reason to. The one thing I like about Lent is all the restaurants have good fish deals! and the grocery stores too. What is radiese?

Joyce, hope your broken elbow is healing good and not hurting too much.

Apples, sorry you got drama going on. Praying it gets better soon.

Melissa, yep, you gotta be good about not bringing the junk into the house so that your DH doesn't think it's all right. My poor DH and the stuff I put him through in the years of my diet struggles. One day I'd be asking him to buy me something and the next I'd be mad at him for bringing something into the house. He never knew if I was 'on or off my diet'. But once I was serious and during my lapband journey he has been wonderful.

Phyl, I hope you can get your knee surgery scheduled at a good time. Could you stay in CA a little longer to have it done down there?

LauraK, sounds like the new fill is doing it's job. Good for you!

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Lori, getting a good night's sleep is a wonderful thing. Have a great time shopping...baby things are so cute!!

Melissa, I'm lucky, my DH doesn't bring anything into the house except beer and I don't drink that. LOL. Just ask him not to do it and explain that even though you slip now and then, it doesn't help when he contributes. Good luck on getting that appointment.

LauraK, how's it going with the new guy? Sounds like you've been busy. Good job with the fill and starting to lose again.

Sandy, glad your neck surgery went alright. Too many people have trouble with that stuff.

Apples, I don't think you would be happy if you couldn't cook for someone. You are an awesome cook.

Janet, OMG it's the winter of visitors for you. I can't believe they're staying a week! How fun. Your house is so comfortable and you are a great hostess. You have plans to do stuff? You know, if you need more room, you could clean out that closet and put an extra bed in there....LOL, just kidding!!

Linda, glad to hear your brother will be all right. Those infections can cause all sorts of weird things. Interesting about your neck. Do you have the appointment yet? They are developing so many new ways to deal with back/neck issues that someday, we might not have to be cut on and pinned or plated as before. I hope they can resolve your issues simply. By the way, the writing class has been invaluable. I'm learning a lot. Used your book a couple of times already.

Phyl, Cabo? Wow your life is so tough! So what are you doing with Zoey while you're gone? Sorry your knee is bothering you. Hope you can get it taken care of between trips. That mobility thing is pretty important.

Joyce, quick healing wishes for you. What a pain in the....elbow...huh? Nice that you have help coming in however.

Laura, how's it going?

Meredith, I'm coming to you to have my head shaved....no, not for cancer, but one day I'll stop coloring my hair, have it shaved off and let it grow back naturally. Of course, you'll probably be doing something else by then, but I'm keeping you in mind.

I know I'm missing a bunch of people, CRS is settling in. I'm going to take a walk, then work on "the document" and study for my Spanish test.



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Happy Birthday Arlene!

Have a wonderful day!

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cast runs from my finger tips up to three inches above my elbow and supported by a splint. Can't use right hand at all. Will have cast removed next Monday.

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Happy Birthday Arlene!!!!!!

Happy Fat Tuesday/ Paczki Day!!!! I'm allowing myself one. It is my scheduled treat of the week as I've been doing pretty well.

However, I might not be able to get anything down after the LB dr yesterday. He filled me .2 cc's. Last time he refused to fill me, this time he was chomping at the bit! Last time I had .2 put in, I had to have it out 5 days later bc of reflux. Well, last night, here it was! TERRIBLE reflux! So bad that I couldn't sleep at all. After I did fall asleep, finally around 5 am, I woke up choking and threw up. I threw up again a few hours later. I immediately called the Dr's office and they are getting me in tomorrow at 1:15. I keep asking if there is any way to make the fill smaller, like .1 cc? They say "no" that it is immeasurable.

Apples~ Hugs to you my dear! xoxoxo

Lori~ I hear ya on the no sleep. It's a good kind of no sleep though! All of that adrenaline! That baby is just adorable. I'm sure the new little family did great their first night at home!

Eva~ You made me nervous at first! But, I think that is a great plan! It is so difficult/ugly when people try to grow out their colored hair. Why not shave it all off?

Janet and Melissa~ I agree with you Janet, Melissa DH is sabotaging her or something. I know that if my Andrew ever brought that crap into the house, he would end up sleeping in the garage! Also, I know that sometimes we bring it into the house, but that is our own issue, not theirs. I'm not trying to be harsh, its just the way it is. Right?

Love to all of you! CBL~


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Hey all..

Joyce...I bet you will be happy to get rid of that big ole' cast. Sounds like it is quite restrictive. Sending healing thoughts your way.

Yes, Eva, cooking "does it" for me. Something I just will never give up. You'd have to understand what takes place when someone passes away around here. food gets delivered by the carload. LOL. I try to do a whole meal so that is one thing less the family has to worry about. I usually do a hotdish that can be thrown in the oven, homemade bread/rolls, some kind of salad and dessert. I usually throw in coffee, a box of Kleenex, toilet tissue, storage containers for leftover food. It's just something that is done around here.

DS's bday lunch turned out really good. The chicken fried steak turned out nice and tender. We had a friend that stopped in about 8am and he just left a bit ago. He lolled around all day visiting. He enjoyed the bday dinner also. Sooooooooo...DH did not get out to the shop to start work until well after 3pm. Just have a lite dinner planned. I had a large slice of ham/cheese/hashbrown eggbake when I delivered meal and have not felt right since. I think the hashbrowns "globbed" up in my pouch or something. No stuck feeling just extremely full.

LauraK...I get you on getting out and walking when you can. We are waist deep in snow around here and no way can I get out and walk. We are expecting more tonight/tomorrow. At least today is not bitterly cold. Not going to complain though. Appreciated getting out of here for as long as we did. Already looking forward to opening up the lake place. Hard to believe it's only 5 weeks away (if weather cooperates).

Julie...hope things are getting resolved for you. Looking forward to a post soon.

Phyll....I must have missed something about your knee/knees. Hope you are able to schedule and get things rolling when you get home. Pain sucks. I am so lucky to say that I don't have any. (Well, just the kidney stone thing once in awhile but have a handle on managing it). Wishing you the best with it.

Laura...so sorry your dad is in for another round of treatment. Hugs getting sent your way. Tough time for you. He is tough and seems to have a fighting attitude lately. Just be there for them and try to live in the moment. So nice you got to spend that week with them at your place. Hugs.

Cheri...tried to click on the FB address for your daughter but didn't work. Was going to leave a message for her...even though she does not know me. Maybe want to take a look at that to see if it's the correct address. Hugs to you also as you go through this trying time. Just plain tough.

Janet...thanks...got the toothbrush package a couple of days ago. Nice to have it again. Need to order a replacement for times like that. I have three of them but should just leave one in my vehicle when I leave them here, there and everywhere. I still have not looked into ordering those bras you talked about. Nice for just running around home. Forgot the name and who carries them. Would you mind posting that info again? My girls have changed lately and have no answer why. About six months ago, they deflated a bit. I got new bras and now I'm spilling over in the new ones. I'm afraid that one of these times I bend over in the grocery store with a V-neck shirt on, someone is going to get quite the show and not a real pretty show at that.

Grandma...ooops...I mean Great. I am so happy that you have your healthy baby. My oldest was yellow for a couple of days. I just put his cradle in front of the window when the sun was shining and that did the trick. I don't think he was getting enough when he first nursed. Makes me wince just thinking about it now. I was not cut out to nurse. Really wanted to but think I was too nervous. I lasted a little over a month. Oh my.....sorry about all the boob talk. TMI

I was LAZY today. Have you EVER heard me say that?????? After cleaning up the kitchen after lunch, I have been on my A$$ in front of this screen. In fact, had to get up a couple of times to bring the feeling back in my rear. Tomorrow I have two appts. Mental and Dental. Hard to believe it's been almost 6 months since the completion of my mouth. Ranks right up there with getting the band.

Gonna go find a slider....can't believe I am still full from that eggbake. I don't like that feeling.

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Meredith...sounds like your doc is not listening. I'm not expert but I only got about .5cc's at a time. I would ask him to do it under flouro or something in order to see what's going on.

I guess if my DH brought trigger foods into the house and I was struggling, I would throw them in the dumpster. I wouldn't care if he bought them for himself. If he kept them in the shop....fine...his space. Just so they were not in my space and tempting me. Melissa....only WE control what goes in our mouths and if there is something in your pantry, car, etc. that entices you to eat it, get rid of it no matter what. If there is a temptation at work, don't let yourself go near it...slap your own hand if you have to. It's not easy but it can be done. Think back to the excitement prior to banding and why you wanted this new life with less weight and better health.

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Thanks again for all the Birthday Wishes. They have helped me embrace sixity. I had a great lunch with DGS. He was so proud that he had a grandparent there. Then my friend that had the bypass called and I went to her house. She gave me a beautiful cake. I am having one piece and then cutting it up for the skinnys in my family. Let me clarify the Lent thing. I am giving up white starches. I know it will be tough, but I can do it! I just can't do the shake thing. I really burned out. I can't get into it. I can drink Protein drinks, but not shakes.....maybe smoothies.

Apples, tell DS Happy Birthday from the old fart that shares the same day.

Eva, I just can't even think about letting my hair grown out. The color keeps it somewhat under control.

Meredith. I have had the same problem. I have only had tweaks. Some of us just have to go slow or we reflux. I was thinking I was wide open until yesterday. I ate about 3oz of steak last night. ......not good. I pb'd I think I am eating too fast because I get so hungry now. Anyway today I have eaten very little. I did eat oatmeal this morning. Now I am going to eat fish for dinner. Maybe you are someone that needs to do liquids and soft food for several days after a fill. I hope you get relief soon. That is a miserable feeling.

Linda, does your DB have cancer? or an infection?

LauraK......how's the friendship going?

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Apples~ I have 5.2 cc's total in my band now. He only put the .2 in yesterday. He kinda wasn't listening though! He had to leave the office right before my appointment to go to an emergency. So, instead of rescheduling, he said he would be back in about an hour or so, I just waited. He came back pretty quickly, but my total waiting time was about 2 hours. I think that he was still in "rush" mode when he got back and wasn't his usual calm self. Tomorrow I see one of his partners since my surgeon is going out of the country to teach new LB stuff. Last time he really sat down and listened, so this is totally out of character for him. When he filled me initially, we did .5 cc's at a time. Well, except for the very first fill ever. That one was 2 cc's, but out of surgery my band was empty. Anyhow, glad everything went nicely for your DS's bday party! That is so wonderful for him. Thinking about you.

Joyce~ I don't know if I missed something, but I just didn't realize that you had a cast on! Where have I been!? Well, thank goodness that thing is coming off soon! Hang in there!

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Meredith...thanks for clarifying on the fills. For some reason I was thinking you were unfilled. I have missed a lot of details in posts the last couple of months. My doc does not require liquids or mushies after fills but I think it's a good thing at least for a couple of days.

Good you hear you had a nice day and you go to have your cake and eat it too, Arlene! Will show my DS your photo and send the greetings.

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Good afternoon. Well I am home from my shopping excursion, spent $50. Not bad, my total was $46 but if I spent $4 more I got to save $10 so of course I was able to find something. LOL Would you believe they make infant flip flops? Have no idea if she will be able to keep them on but I had a coupon for $5 and that's what I got to make my total $50. LOL They have an elastic strap across the back. My friend had a blast as well, only she was having a little difficulty as she doesn't know if she's having a grandson or granddaughter yet. They just don't make a lot of unisex stuff anymore, I suppose it's because everyone knows what they are having? Grandbaby is doing okay, her bilirubin levels were up some, she is to do the window thing tomorrow and they will retest on Thurs. again. She gained 2 oz overnight too, she's back up to 5lb 12 oz, she went from 6 lbs 6 oz to 5 lbs 10 oz in the hospital. DD was up almost every hour last night. DH just laughed and said paybacks. Poor thing is awake all night and asleep all day.

Meredith, hope you can get your fill right. Perhaps you are just irritated or swollen from the fill and after a day or two it will settle down?

Arlene, when you are 'wide open' is that also when you eat the hard Proteins? or is that when you have more slider type foods? Sometimes I feel wide open but and hungry then realize what I just ate really wasn't hard Proteins and I am reminded of my fill when I do eat a harder Protein and I get stuck.

Apples, everyone needs a lazy day once in a while. How thoughtful the extra goodies you include with your meals. I am having company this weekend and the meal I stress about most is I never know what to have for Breakfast. I made some Breakfast burritos ahead of time for one morning but got any ideas for something quick and easy for the other? I have a few breakfast casserole recipes I may choose from, but just not sure. I don't like to have to fuss much when the company is here, I would rather have something I can have ready and just throw in the oven the morning of or something.

Eva, I've considered letting my gray come out. My hairdresser said that she could do some highlights while it is doing that and it wouldn't be as noticeable. I think but am not sure, that I have a real pretty silvery gray so think of trying it once in a while. But I am afraid of it aging me too much.

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Great..Google crockpot eggbake. You make it ahead of time and it cooks overnight. Sounds like a good job on the shopping. WTG! And...I'll say it again....I will never eat eggbake with hashbrowns in it again in my life. It kept me way too full all day. It was tasty but caused me to not get all of my calories in and am still full. Go figure. Ate two pieces at Janet's place and oatmeal with one of the pieces and I was hungry an hour or two later.

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Great, wtg on the shopping. When I grow up I want to be just like you and Janet on the shopping. lol

No grays coming out here, just colored my hair, waiting to rinse.

Arlene, new friend is doing just fine. He called me when he got out of work. We have plans for next thurs. and hopefully this weekend. I like him and we do a lot of talking. Which is good.

Apples, you are the most unlazy person I have ever heard of.

Meridith, my doc requires 2 days of liquids after a fill. I did three this time just to be safe, it also helped jump start things. I can feel a difference in my jeans already. I don't get the reflux like you though.


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CRS. Don't be offended if I don't respond to everyone.

Arlene-happy B-day. My year to turn 60 also. Dec. 30.

Great--baby will be fine.

Joyce--like everyone else, had no idea you broke your elbow. You and my dad. I have a screw in mine.

Apples--hugs, with that much snow why aren't you still in Arizona? Can't farm!

Melissa--I have a feeling you won't stop eating till you deal with some of your codependency issues. Don't be offended, we're all codependents in various stages of recovery. Standing up to your husband--but also giving him consistent messages will help. Ask him if he would wave a bottle of booze under the nose of an alcoholic. I also think he's placing enormous pressure on you to carry the burden of working full time and providing insurance in a time and economy where that's almost impossible. The reality is, you're not going to find a full-time job with insurance unless you go back to school and upgrade your skills. Or are you the one putting that pressure on yourself to provide that? Instead, you're so stressed out you're ending up costing a lot of out-of-pocket money on your medical needs. Maybe your DH needs to take an extra job to cover insurance. However, someone posted that ultimately you are responsible for your own health and what you put in your mouth. Are you sure you aren't rebelling against all the expectations on you by putting your own health at risk? Take control of your life and of your food. Easier said than done. But ultimately, it's the only way. Sorry if I'm being too up front with you. I'm just especially aware of how fleeting life is. Don't waste it.

Meredith, I'd like to know what to put in my increasingly curly frizzy hard to manage hair. Don't think a bush whacking will take care of it. I'm talking over the counter.

Also will be posting the funniest post my daughter's best friend put on her page in response to my request for jokes.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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