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Hi all................. just a quick one on the way out the door...... Hope all is well with everyone.... Cheri, positive news about your daughter.... that's wonderful......

Arlene, I don't want to miss saying "Happy Birthday" to you tomorrow, so I'm saying it today.... Hope you have a very fun day... enjoy................

I need to go finish packing... so much stuff to take to manage my pain.....They'll think I'm moving in..........

You all have a great day and I'll talk to you when I can..... DH offered to write to you, but I thought not!!! I told him he could if I end up dead or something very serious.......... He wasn't thrill with my answer......

Hugs and love to all................. Julie

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Good Morning!! A quick note before I'm off and running for the day.... Red Hat luncheon at noon, happy hour party at German friends' later in the day. It's March.... everyone is realizing the snowbird season is wrapping up. People are already starting to leave. Our next door neighbors are leaving in the morning. We will miss them. Gena is one of my beading buddies! So... parties are going to be happening all month. People who have permanent places here need to empty their freezers and get rid of stuff!! So they throw farewell parites!!

Hope all goes well, Julie. We'll be waiting for an update!

Love the baby pics, Lori! She's a beauty!

Brain dead now..... CBL!!

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Melissa, are you doing better? You out of the slump?

Charlene - Not really, trying to fake till I make it. I had a very hard time last night my husband comes in the door with alot of valentine candy that was marked done to 79 cents. If he would have said nothing I would be find. I am so down right now. I feel like I have no friends (except you guys) I mean true friend not just people I know.

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Don't know if I posted this. The good news is that the pet scan shows the cancer confined to the tumor in Rachel's breast and in one lymph node, which according to the oncologist means a very good prognosis. The good news is also that she passed the heart test and can withstand the chemo and radiation. The bad news is that intensive chemo starts Monday, she will almost immediately lose all her hair, she will be tested every 2 weeks to make sure the chemo is working, after six weeks double mastectomy and probably total hyst, followed by more intensive chemo and radiation. About 4 or 5 months of hell. Rachel is a fighter but she is also an obsessive worrier which is not conducive to healing. She focuses on all the what ifs and gets beside herself. I've asked people on her special FB page, Rally for Rachel, to send her jokes and suggestions for good movies and sitcoms and videos that will make her laugh. You all have seen that I'm a firm believer in laughter being the best medicine. Maybe I'll copy and paste some of my stories about flatulent farts (redundantly ridiculous). I may gross out all her FB friends but it'll certainly take her mind off her troubles. LOL

Learned an interesting thing. The way cancer cells are spotted on a pet scan is because they love sugar. To take the test you avoid carbs ahead of time and then they give you glucose(pure sugar) and watch the cancer cells light up as they devour it. Basically, they hog the sugar. All food, to be used by your cells, must be converted to sugar. If we don't eat sugar or carbs, then our cells will convert Protein and stored fat to sugar to feed them. However, Protein and fat are converted slowly into the sugar your body needs for energy. So your blood sugar doesn't go up, and what you eat doesn't get stored as fat, instead, fat gets burned up.

So, I'm thinking, no wonder obese people have a higher rate of cancer than thin people. Just another reason to avoid carbs.


Cheri I will look for some funny sayings and jokes to post on FB. I have seen some woman with cancer chose to cut or shave their head before chemo makes it fall out. That way they are chosing it not a drug. Like kind of a cermony type of thing. There was also a movie called "Why I Wore Lipstick to My Mastectomy (2006)"

Thank you for all your advice for me and the rest of us. Know we are praying for you and your family. Loves and hugs

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Fielding co-wrote a book that I read... very good. i liked his philosophy. Didn't follow any of the links in that person's post, but sounded like someone very bitter.

Julie said her hemoglobin was down to about 6. Sounds like bleeding somewhere to me, wouldn't you say??

Multiquote never works for me no matter what I do!! But.... Arlene... was it you that mentioned a friend having partial knee converted to total?? I think it was you... post didn't copy for me! GRRR!! Anyway, I'm not at all worried about it... been telling the doc for the last couple of years... JUST DO IT! I wanted him to do both knees at once but he wouldn't. Soon as I get some advice from this new doc down here, I'm calling my WA doc.... might even ask this guy to do it, or at least write him a letter... and then, yes, I will see if they will get me on the schedule for May! I want it done NOW! Can't stand not being able to walk. Church/choir this morning was so uncomfortable! And I will probably take another Aleve before I go to bed so I can get a good nights sleep! So fed up with mobility issues!!

Phyl what was the name of the book Fielding co wrote?

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Real quick fly-by before I go to the LB dr.

Cheri~ I HIGHLY recommend your DD cut off her hair before chemo. A client of mine (and childhood friends mother) had to go through chemo 2x. The first time she just let it fall out, the 2nd time I went over to her hous 2 weeks before and cut it into a short 'do. The day after she started chemo, her husband called me in a panic and told me to come over immediately as her hair was falling out already. I got there and shaved her head bald. She later wrote me a thank you note telling me that this way was so much better than the first time and she wishes that she would have done that the first time around. Anyhow, Melissa's post made me think of that and tell you before your DD's hair fell out.

Off to Dr.


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Good afternoon! I got back home this morning. I cried when I had to say good bye to DGD last night but will see her in a week. She is just so adorable. Even the nurses were commenting on how 'pretty' she was etc. but then again, they probably do to all the new babies, but I just know she's the cutest! LOL DD's labor was so quick, just a couple pushes and she was out. They were to go home this morning but got held over til this afternoon as the baby developed jaundice and had to be under some lights. They have to go in to the pediatrician tomorrow morning to remeasure her bilirubin levels. They think this could be from a couple of things she may not be getting enough breast feeding, also baby's blood type and mom's are different and that could have something to do with it. I don't understand it all and am going to do some googling, but don't want to scare myself either. In the meantime she has to supplement with some certain formula. She sleeps so sound and doesn't want to wake up at times for feedings, I bet in a day or two DD will be wishing for those days again. LOL

I had a hard time finding you all again, I stopped getting notifications and went to the new thread, I liked it as it loaded faster. Maybe I'll have to unsubscribe and resubscribe here to get the notifications going again. I did see that bitter person's post. Wow is all I gotta say.

Arlene, it's ok if being grandma is expensive LOL I don't have a problem shopping for her. LOL Might have to join Janet's shopaholics though. LOL

Linda, yep more trips to Denver!

Meredith, hope you are feeling better.

Karen, glad the birthday party went well. Are you thawing out up there yet?

Janet, I didn't think of you as doing that much shopping.

Once again thanks for all the well wishes and prayers for DD on Friday. It was sure a scary experience when she called and said she fell down the stairs. We were so lucky to get on our flight. We got to the hospital about 1030pm, nurse sent us home at 1230 saying labor would be hours yet, at 230 we got a call to hurry back. We heard her first cry outside the door. DD's MIL is behaving well, for her at least. She's still obnoxious don't get me wrong, but DD was so worried she'd force herself into the delivery room, etc. (she's a NICU and labor/delivery nurse by profession) DD purposely chose a hospital that her MIL did not work in. LOL

Phyl, hope you can get your knee taken care of.

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Phyl, my DH had a revision on his knee, but he had a complete replacement the first time. I have heard that the new knees are a lot better. Maybe it was good you waited of a complete knee replacement. My Dh's doctor said since he has lost 100lbs his knees should last 20 more years. He will be 63 next month and one knee is already 10 years old.

Julie, praying for you! I know you will feel so much better after a transfusion. HUGS!!!

Apples, sounds like DS had a great party. Are you recovered?

Melissa, I wish is could say something that would make you feel better. HUGS and PRAYERS for you today!

Lori, I can see you smiling as you write about your new Grand daughter. You will be burning up the skies going to Denver. This is when DH working for the airlines really pays off. I love the FB picture!

Meredith......missed your post.....I hope you feel better soon!

Janet, are the Lucky Seven's staying with you this weekend?

Linda, I saw all of your new pics on FB. Aylah has your smile. She is adorable!

I took my mother to get her ingrown eyelashes plucked. Poor thing...I can tell it really hurts. Oh, and she has another bladder infection. UGH! She can't have a bladder suspension. She would never survive the surgery.

I stopped by on the way home and got my face waxed by a new girl. YIKES! I have four spots she burned. The wax was too hot. Now I will have scabs on my face for a week. I look like my two year old DGD that fell on the playground last week. lol

Okay, peeps, gotta go walk the dog. I may not have gone to the gym in a while, but I do keep walking. I want to get back in the gym. I hope my mother will not need me next week so I can get back in the habit.

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Hi beautiful banders!

Cheri – I hope all is going well! That is great news about the pet scan! My hubby had a pet scan when he had cancer. The good news is he is cancer free as he was diagnosed at 33 yrs old. The chemo & radiation zapped the colon cancer and because of the pet scan we cancelled his surgery! Miracles do happen!

Arlene – Happy birthday!

I had a great day as I worked at home! Just had a great work out but now starving!

Have a great evening all!



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Just a fly by....I'm been working on "the document" and ready to pull my hair out. This is the work thing. I'm learning new stuff and you know how frustrating things can get when you are trying to do something and it isn't working. Well, I finally got the photos input, complete with captions. This is just one of 5 sites that I have to do. I also have homework due tomorrow and a test Thursday.

Guess things are heating up.

Terribly windy today...didn't walk because of the wind, but it's supposed to be calm tomorrow and i'll be out there.

Need to do my homework...it's due tomorrow.



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Arlene Happy Birthday, sweet lady. rolleyes.gif

Julie - sending prayers.

Cheri - prayers for DD.

Still typing with one finger on left hand while right elbow heals. Nurse is here 4 hrs each day to help me bathe, dress, & keep house running. No pain at all while cast is still in place.

Lori - so excited for your DD as she begins her journey into motherhood.

Phyl - your life is sooo full of friends & good times. Loved the pix of red hat luncheon. Sorry about knee issues. sad.gif

I'm reading, but too hard to type.

Hugs to all m sisters here. rolleyes.gif

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Phyl what was the name of the book Fielding co wrote?

UGH!! Can't remember.....I believe it was co-authored w/Muhammad Ali's daughter and I can't remember her name. His contributions made it worth the read. Her part was a lot of family stuff, that was interesting to a point, and she did share quite a lot about her LapBand journey that was informative.

Arlene Happy Birthday, sweet lady. rolleyes.gif

Julie - sending prayers.

Cheri - prayers for DD.

Still typing with one finger on left hand while right elbow heals. Nurse is here 4 hrs each day to help me bathe, dress, & keep house running. No pain at all while cast is still in place.

Lori - so excited for your DD as she begins her journey into motherhood.

Phyl - your life is sooo full of friends & good times. Loved the pix of red hat luncheon. Sorry about knee issues. sad.gif

I'm reading, but too hard to type.

Hugs to all m sisters here. rolleyes.gif

Yes, Red Hat luncheon was very nice. Had to drive through a blinding sand storm to get back home, though!! Wind was awful all day, but especially over one stretch of the road we had to take. Happy Hour party postponed this afternoon because of it. It's been blowing like crazy for more than a day and a half now!

Lori.... elevated bilirubin in newborns is fairly common, especially in breast babies. Don't worry Grandma!! It will pass quickly.

Arlene.... this is partial that needs to be converted to total. Why did DH's have to be redone?? How long after his initial surgery? You may have said, but, as always, I'm having no luck with multiquote, so don't remember all of what you said!

Knee is not bothering me too much today. Tempting to go to Water aerobics tomorrow if it's not feeling too bad, but a little afraid that will aggravate it again!!

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Joyce, Thanks for the Birthday Wishes! I get to join the sixties club tomorrow. I hear they are a coolest! Take Care!

Phyl, the cushion went bad in the knee. It was six years old when he had the revision. Be it a replacement or revision they still cut his knee in the same place and he was in the hospital four days. A friend of mine had knee replacement last year and she had an epidural or some kind of pain block for three days. It sure made it easier to get up and move around.

I saw your Red Hat Pics on FB.....loved them!

Kristi, thanks for the "Happy Birthday". Glad you had a great day!

Eva, It is real windy here too. We have a cold front moving in tomorrow. It is going to mild. Low 40's and night and high 70's for the daytime. I am enjoying the sunny weather although we can use some rain. It would bring down the pollen and make my grass turn green. So far just the clover is popping up. I can't believe they moved Daylight savings time to this Sunday. UGH! Just when it was getting daylight earlier now it will be dark again. I wish they would just make it one or the other. Can you tell I am getting old? lol

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UGH!! Can't remember.....I believe it was co-authored w/Muhammad Ali's daughter and I can't remember her name. His contributions made it worth the read. Her part was a lot of family stuff, that was interesting to a point, and she did share quite a lot about her LapBand journey that was informative.

Found the name of it the book is called Fighting Weight written by Kahliah Ali with the help of that Dr and two others.

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Who was the one that said they had or read the book "Dying to Change" written by Katie Jay?

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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