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I think we need to keep this thread. I couldn't even post on the other thread. However we could hang on to it for emergencies.


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You guys have a few options:

1) We could just merge the 12 or so posts from the old thread in to this one.

2) We can close this thread or the old thread and redirect members to the new thread or vice versa.

Choice is yours.......

PS: I'm the one that deleted the thread by the way. My greatest apologies ;-)

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Hi Gang.... don't really know which one to post on, but will try here..... I must have really missed something as I don't understand why they felt the need to cancel us..... We don't do anything hurtful or nasty...... That's what I get for not paying close attention....

Well, I stayed home from church today and missed a cute one with my granddaughters... We had a supply pastor today as ours was gone... She called the girls up for the children's sermom.... They are the only children we have at out little rural church..... Anyway she was asking them questions and such and got a bit more than she bargained for... Laromi took over and was dancing and talking 60 miles an hour.... DH said it was the cutest thing ever..... I'm so sorry to have missed it.... But I'm just so weak and yesterday was a bad day..... they did come here for Breakfast after.... Leftovers from my baking for World Day of Prayer (muffins, scones, and carmel pull-aparts, and fruit..... I just made some sausage and it was all very good... I got my dishes done now so DH won't have to look at them the whole time I'm in the hospital.... Don't know how long that will be..... overnight or longer......

Well, going to take my weary bones off to my recliner.... I did finally finish my paperwork so that is all up to date for everyone....

Take care now everyone... I'll be back when I can..... Hugs..... Julie

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You guys have a few options:

1) We could just merge the 12 or so posts from the old thread in to this one.

2) We can close this thread or the old thread and redirect members to the new thread or vice versa.

Choice is yours.......

PS: I'm the one that deleted the thread by the way. My greatest apologies ;-)

Alex - this is the ORIGINAL thread - I think we should keep this one and move the I'm here to help gang thread post here... I think most of us are use to this thread....

Thanks for your help on getting this thread back up - I wish I had seen that posters post - would have given her/him a piece of my mind ;0)

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Good Afternoon Gang (2:24 p.m Cali Time)

Well I didn't buy anything !!! Except disk to make recovery disk for my new computer... Linda - I really really need to quit shopping you gotta see my closet - It's full and it's just me and I have stuff in the guess room closet too (winter/summer cuz we really have only 2 season here ;0) I am going to watch it for a while - I don't need anything - I shop to get out of the house ...

I like the new thread - I don't care either - I ck'd it first... It loads faster -

Well washing clothes - Making spicy chicken Soup for dinner and lunch the rest of the week ... I have my Lucky #7 girls coming next Sunday - so might not be on as much - but since I'm the early bird - I may have some free time in the morning to check in.

The first few hundred pages of the old thread probly has more info - hell this thread has alread had tons of views :0)

Well I'm going to go watch t.v. and relax a bit - I will cbl..

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Okay saw the post saying to post here So I am posting away LOL :)

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Janet, I got your message. This thread only!

Lori, being a new Grandma can be expensive......being a Grandma ten years out is expensive! I am so glad you are enjoying your new title. She is precious!

Laura, I am so glad you had a long visit with your parents. Those times are so sweet.

Eva, glad you had time to check in. I am off tomorrow to take my mother to the eye doctor. She needs her ingrown eyelashes plucked....OUCH! I am sure she has a few jobs lined up for me. I think we are going to talk to the assisted living department and get her on the list. It will be a thousand a month more, but she needs it. Her eyes are so much worse since this last illness.

Linda, How did the cake turn out? The kids gave me a chocolate cake with raspberry filling.....one piece only!

Melissa, are you doing better? You out of the slump?


I have to get a fill this month. I am wide open. Scary!!!! I hate being hungry all the time. Ugh!

I think The Apprentice starts tonight. There are some real strong personalities on this one. It should be good. I know a lot of it is staged, but I like it.

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Post that I think might have taken down LBT was last night after Kellie and Kristi's posts. It was extremely negative and sounded quite bitter. It's gone... so I still suspect that's what caused the problem!

Lori... congrats on the grandbaby!! Saw her beautiful photo on FB!!

Julie... concerned about you putting off hospitalization until Monday if your Hgb is that low! Should be like 12-15!

Alzheimer's walk today.... disappointed because I walked almost the whole 2 miles last year and had to ride my scooter this year... knee problem. Seeing an ortho on Friday. Frustrated that my ortho at home has been telling me for almost 3 years that partial needed to be replaced with a total... said hardware was loosening/collapsing because of weight loss. But every time I told him.. then , lets do it, he told me he wanted to watch it "a little longer". Well, it's never given me much pain until this week and now it's difficult to walk. We won't be home until bout the first of May So then he's going to want me to go to my primary care doctor for screening to make sure I'm healthy enough for surgery. With the other knee he wouldn't put me on the schedule until that was done. And then they were booking about 2 months out. Our 50th high school reunion is 2nd weekend in August. So... if I need this knee done THIS year, want to get it done as soon as possible after we get home so I have plenty of rehab time before our cross country trip! So if I can't get it done by early June, it will have to be late August which will mean staying up north longer than we want to in the fall!! We are NOT going to miss our 50th reunion!!

Well, better go to bed. Getting late and have to be at church early for last minute choir practice.

Phyl, my DH has had a revision on his knee. His recovery was so much quicker than the first replacement. The top part of his knee got loose. He got to where he couldn't walk and the knee would swell. Yes, get it done!

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ok.............. i got the message! Although I also liked the new one.. b/c it loaded faster. : )

Janet, that post was kind of interesting. This person put all these links to supposed "articles" about a LB surgeon. The only problem was all the links went to "blogs" supposedly about this surgeon. He is a very well respected NYU bariatric surgeon who actually helped pioneer LB surgery! He has published more than ANYONE regarding gastric banding! And interesting enough- he has a band himself! Obviously this person had a complication- and is now has a personal vendetta. This just isn't the place for that. Feel free to look at the info on this dr. VERY interesting and impressive!


Well, DH took the boy for a day of movies, bungie jumping in the mall and a trip to the toy store. I did 4 load of laundry and made homemade beef and cabbage soup- and watched some tv. : ) Now DH was called in again for an ectopic pregnancy and appie. SIGH. Why do people have to have an appendicitis on his call night?! (kidding of course)

Julie, wishing you luck tomorrow. I still missed the post that explained why you were going in the hospital. Anemia? Caused by? Which of your drs is admitting you? the plan? Good luck! We are all thinking of you!!!

Linda, loved the pics on FB!!!

Peasout.. laura

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Good Sunday Evening to All...just checking in quick...

DS's bday party was very nice. Went out for a nice surf and turf dinner with him, his GF, SIL and her BF, a good friend of ours and DH and myself. Band was good, party food and cake was great and fun was had by all.

Really fast fly-by...sorry...sending the love

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ok.............. i got the message! Although I also liked the new one.. b/c it loaded faster. : )

Janet, that post was kind of interesting. This person put all these links to supposed "articles" about a LB surgeon. The only problem was all the links went to "blogs" supposedly about this surgeon. He is a very well respected NYU bariatric surgeon who actually helped pioneer LB surgery! He has published more than ANYONE regarding gastric banding! And interesting enough- he has a band himself! Obviously this person had a complication- and is now has a personal vendetta. This just isn't the place for that. Feel free to look at the info on this dr. VERY interesting and impressive!


Well, DH took the boy for a day of movies, bungie jumping in the mall and a trip to the toy store. I did 4 load of laundry and made homemade beef and cabbage soup- and watched some tv. : ) Now DH was called in again for an ectopic pregnancy and appie. SIGH. Why do people have to have an appendicitis on his call night?! (kidding of course)

Julie, wishing you luck tomorrow. I still missed the post that explained why you were going in the hospital. Anemia? Caused by? Which of your drs is admitting you? the plan? Good luck! We are all thinking of you!!!

Linda, loved the pics on FB!!!

Peasout.. laura

Fielding co-wrote a book that I read... very good. i liked his philosophy. Didn't follow any of the links in that person's post, but sounded like someone very bitter.

Julie said her hemoglobin was down to about 6. Sounds like bleeding somewhere to me, wouldn't you say??

Multiquote never works for me no matter what I do!! But.... Arlene... was it you that mentioned a friend having partial knee converted to total?? I think it was you... post didn't copy for me! GRRR!! Anyway, I'm not at all worried about it... been telling the doc for the last couple of years... JUST DO IT! I wanted him to do both knees at once but he wouldn't. Soon as I get some advice from this new doc down here, I'm calling my WA doc.... might even ask this guy to do it, or at least write him a letter... and then, yes, I will see if they will get me on the schedule for May! I want it done NOW! Can't stand not being able to walk. Church/choir this morning was so uncomfortable! And I will probably take another Aleve before I go to bed so I can get a good nights sleep! So fed up with mobility issues!!

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Cheri~ I'm so so so sorry that you have to go through this tough time. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Julie~ Interested to hear what happens after you go in tomorrow. Prayers to you that all goes well and it is nothing too serious. Hopefully they can fix what is wrong and get you back on track to becoming pain free.

Lori~ Love that baby!!!! She is adorable! Congrats on becoming a grandma too! Wow! I was happy to read that DD's MIL is behaving herself. It's about time!

Laura~ I have been getting filled gradually for the past few months. I'm at 5 cc's and I think I was at 6 before. 2 months ago I had it filled to 5.2 and 5 days later i had to go in and have him take out the .2 because i had reflux so badly. Last month I wanted a little fill. He said "no" because thats what we kept doing, filling, then it would be too tight, then taking some out, refilling, and that was the cycle. So, I think tomorrow is just some sort of check up or something? After doing the 5 day I'm not so sure if I need a fill or not. I think that I just need to do high Protein and liquids 6 days a week, and have my treats on Sunday. That seems to be the way to go.

Sorry I didn't post to all of you. I'm not really feeling so hot today. I woke up this morning with a sore throat and no voice. I've been feeling achy all day and don't want to get sick again after I was so ill in December. I just relaxed today. It felt good after a really long week.

Ok, bedtime for me!

Night all!


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Good morning to all. Had a busier weekend than I imagined, but happy with it -- went to Sam's on Sat. and then yesterday was SS"s birthday dinner -- went well. The cake was quite good - i did have tiny piece, very rich.

Julie, I am very concerned and hope all goes well today. I somehow missed the e-mail about your going in the hospital. Will be thinking of you today.

Meredith, hope you feel better today and don't get any sicker -- I've been lucky and haven't really had much this winter. Yes, you've come to the same conclusion I have -- Protein and no carbs and maybe one day a week for treats -- it seems to work for me. I've been maintaining at 138 now for several weeks -- would like to see the scale move a bit but won't complain as long as I can maintain. I checked my fill records -- I'm at 5.75 -- I was at 6.25 last year when I was too tight and they took .500 out. I'm fine here -- dont' want/need any more -- in fact I had a couple of stuck episodes last week where I slimed -- need to chew chew chew.

I see my ortho surgeon for follow up on my hip and he's also going to look at my shoulder and see what is going on with that. Hope it's nothing serious -- but it's been bugging me for months and months.

Phyl, I'm with you -- I'd want that surgery done asap too -- why not have the doctor in So. Cal do it instead of waiting to go home? Since you've lost all that weight and exercise I'm sure you're in good shape for surgery -- that's why I was able to get my hip done so quickly -- another NSV. If I need something done to this shoulder I'll want it done right away too - no sense putting it off in my opinion.

Saw some pics on FB that Jodi has been posting -- looks like the girls are having a blast at the bat mitzvuhs. I think Dassi's is next weekend - I know it's soon.

Need to call and check on my brother -- haven't heard any more -- last i heard they weren't going to do the surgery but seeing if the lung will stabilze and not fill back up again. He's at a great hospital so I feel confident in whatever they decide to do. His son is a student there so I know he's getting the best of the best of care.

My little dental surgery caused me some pain over the weekend -- hope nothing is wrong -- just really sore all weekend but seemed to be a bit better yesterday/last night -- so I think I'm healing. The stitches are still in place so that's good.

Well, it's Monday -- have a good day and week every one. Lori, so happy that Katelyn is healthy and going home -- she'll get the hang of breast feeding - it's always a struggle at first -- they'll both get it - they have lots of support and help these days and it's so good for the baby.

I'm sure you'll be going ot Denver a lot more now.

CBL Love to all.


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Good morning Peeps...

Can arthritis strike over night - yesterday my left pinky knuckle is swollen and hurts to bend finger - I didn't do anything to it... Still swollen and hurts this morning - I've been taking arthritis Tylenol for the rest of my body for the last week - I don't think taking arthritis med can cause it to strike..

Lori - Joseph wouldn't take my breast - they tried when I had him - he wanted nothing to do with it - but it didn't matter to me cuz I wasn't planning on breast feeding anyway - too much bother - bottles so much easier.. Yep you will be buying all these cute clothes for your DGD - Hell when my Kaitlin was born I went out and bought like 20 dresses..

Laura - I wonder why that person came here to bitch and moan - none of us went to that doc - maybe cuz our thread has so many views.

Linda - Sometimes sweets call my name other times it doesn't - Glad you had a good weekend - What did you have done that you have stitches - tooth pulled?? Knock wood - I haven't been sick since banding - maybe a cold but that's it..

Julie - Hugs & prayers for today - let us know how it goes..

Cheri - Hugs & Prayer - You have had a tough go of it lately...

Apples - Glad your DS bday was good.. Need you back junking up the thread ;0)

Eva - How school going - Yard work ?? Yep proud of the exercise ;0)

Well going to be a busy week... Time to jump in the shower and begin it...

Have a good Monday !!!

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Janet, The dentist thought I had a small cavity under the gum line but when he cut the gum to fix it discovered I had bone disease and he scraped the bone -not very pleasant and not what I had planned for the weekend for sure. They said it didn't show up on x-rays - kind of a weird thing. It hurt like heck on Sat. but better today TG. He was cute when I asked "what caused this" he stammered a bit and then said, "well, it happens as we get older". Lol. He's maybe 30 if even that old. LOL it was cute as he didn't want to call me old. It's hell getting old.


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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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