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Apples~ I just have to put my mind to it, and I really have. I just finished day 2 of the 5DPT and tomorrow it is on to soft Protein. I'm ready. Also, I cannot wait for this little one, he is going to be such a joy, but you know what I mean, it's just kinda scary anyway. I love kids, but don't want any. It is just not for me. I've never really wanted them. Andrew feels the same way. I asked him what if I ever change my mind? I don't think I will, but if that ever happens, I'm sure he will be open to whatever. He's good like that. But, really, I don't think thats gonna happen. Not in the plans. Thanks for your encouragement. You are awesome! Now I cannt sleep!!!!

Oops, Meredith....glad I stated "if/when you have children". We have a few couples that our friends of ours that decided to not have children. It's a huge undertaking and I wish more ppl would actually sit down and consider what they are getting into when it comes to being a parent. I admire you and Andrew for that. We have had friends that decided not to have children and then 10 yrs into the marriage, decide to. Now they are doting parents and wonderful with their children. It's a very personal decision and should not be made with any outside influence.

Haven't checked the posts this morning. Hopefully by now you are a new "fake" Auntie. Hey...and you are "awesome". Wishing you a great food week and that you can stick out the rest of your 5-day plan.

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Here's Kaye Bailey's this week's newsletter -- it seems to hit the nail on the head for us this week, so thought I'd share it again.

From Kaye Bailey:

Recently in a question and answer session I was asked "What is the single most important advice you give to post weight loss surgery patients?" Well, I was certainly caught off guard by this and on the spot I'm not sure I gave the best answer when I said "Make your own health a priority before taking care of anyone else so that when it is time to care for and nurture others you have the physical and mental strength to do so." I am not original with this advice and it does sound good in a sentence, but how do we do that in the real world of family-work-friends-social-religious-networking commitments?

So, I am taking the opportunity with this 5 Day Pouch Test Bulletin to amend my answer and offer something a bit different, although I do know that we do our best when we are healthy. Knowing this, I suggest we actively pursue an internal peace treaty whereby we separate the medical condition of obesity and/or morbid obesity from our moral character and personal self-worth. In 2010 I wrote an article that explains this better:

"I Am Not Obese. Since kindergarten the word "fat" defined me and I actually thought that was who I was because "You are fat" and "I am fat" were constant phrases in my world. By about age 40 I finally figured out that I am not fat. I have obesity, a disease. Have you heard a heart attack patient say, "I am heart disease" or a leukemia patient say, "I am cancer"? We are not the disease. Heart attacks and leukemia are not a moral failure and neither is obesity. We are not the disease! We have a disease that is part of the whole person that makes us the wonderfully unique and powerful person we are." Read the full article.

When we disjoint our moral character, our spiritual self, and our self-worth from the medical condition we are fighting with weight loss surgery we are able to pragmatically approach the control and treatment of the condition without making it personal. We are not bad people if we relapse with weight gain and we are not bad for having this illness in the first place. It just happens to be the cards we were dealt in this life. If you have ever been the parent of a child with an illness you understand the emotional baggage that comes with the news that something is wrong. But you also know that when you take a knowledgeable and deliberate approach in the management of the problem you are better able to function and do the right things.

So, I suggest we take a clinical approach toward our obesity. management. When we lose weight we put obesity in remission. When we gain weight obesity is in relapse. As intelligent beings we can take an active role in managing our remission by using our experience and the knowledge we glean from others. We can return to the behaviors that worked shortly after surgery to help us lose weight. Behaviors that are not supportive of our health can be considered and replaced. We have opportunities every day to improve our health and enjoy the pleasures good health brings.

Please consider this if you are using the 5 Day Pouch Test to get back on track. Take your knowledge and let it empower you because you are a good and worthy person. You are not your disease. I have met enough of you, my WLS Neighbors , to say this with complete conviction. You deserve to be your very best - obesity be damned for getting in the way!

Comfort Eating is Okay IF....

From the moment we were born food has provided comfort to us. It is natural that we are compelled to reach for food when seeking comfort. This is not a character flaw: this is the human condition. Weight loss surgery does not take away our intrinsic human need to be comforted with nourishment. WLS gives us a second chance to rethink the type of nourishment we reach for when seeking comfort. Gone are the days of empty calorie comfort snacking. We are better served with a warm cup of Soup or a delicious meal of perfectly-cooked Protein and vegetables. Sweet berries or fruit provide far more nourishment and comfort than convenience store Snacks and they come without the post-noshing guilt. So I say, indeed, comfort yourself with nourishment: it is human nature. Just use wisdom in selecting your comfort foods.

Pot of Soup

Never underestimate the comforting power of a healthy well-made soup: it is your best weapon in the battle against the Carb Monster. Use any fresh vegetables that you like. Saute them in a scant amount of olive oil which will help your body absorb the nutrients and then simmer in reduced sodium chicken, beef, or vegetable broth until nice and tender Serve yourself some delicious goodness one cup at a time and feel the love.


Practice mental presence during the 5 Day Pouch Test. Be mindful of all you eat, how you move your body and observe your energy levels and patterns. Be completely aware of yourself and identify the things that are working and helping you to feel refreshed and alive. Use the 5 Day Pouch Test journal to record your experience and focus on learning about yourself. Awareness is not selfish, it is part of the process of understanding so that we may improve our health and wellness. Carry this focus forward to Day 6 and continue to treat your body in a kind and healthy manner and avoid stepping back into the the self-loathing and unhealthy behavior that brought you here.

Lori, so excited for you - can't wait to see the pics. You will love being a grandma.

Meredith - it's okay to not want kids -- I only wanted one, my DS and his wife aren't having any and that's fine -- the only time I think it is sad is when you get old -- then I think it's nice to have kids and grandkids when you're old and sick. LOL. But that's just me.

Gotta get back to work.


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Morning All....for some reason, no luck with changing fonts. Whatever...miss the photo download option we used to have also. Have you all noticed no one posts photos on the "Before and After" anymore? That was one of the biggest inspirations for me when I was in the weight loss stage.

Great...was hoping to wake up to a huge announcement. To answer your question, DS's party is at a club that is owned by his GF's sis and BIL. A lot of the food is being done there because it is a supper club. I ordered the meat and cheese trays and crackers and the cake. Was going to make it but decided I have way too many irons in the fire with just getting home.

Janet...my boys used to pull the asking when their friends were standing there. Something every kid does at least once.

Busy day...gotta run. Later

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Apples, so happy you are safe at home - I hope spring comes early for you too. We seem to be having some spring like weather here. Party sounds great - nice to really celebrate! I've never had a birthday party since I was young. Maybe I should have one for my 60th next year.

Arlene, how are you doing today? What is your DH and kids doing for your big b-day? When are you getting your injections? How's your mom doing?

Julie, sorry to hear about your friend's DH -- so young!

My sister talked to my SIL and since they moved my DB to the Pittsburgh University Hospital his new doctors want to hold off on surgery -- they may still do it but are trying to see if the lung issues will resolve themselves without it. She said FINALLY someone is more worried about WHAT is wrong as opposed to just a quick fix. I just hope they can figure it out without more surgery -- he's been through so much in his life with his health. Poor guy. Thanks for keeping him in your prayers everyone.

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Linda...Let us all know when that big 60th party is....I'll head that way. Hopefully the new medical team will be able to figure out what is going on with your BIL and be able to take less invasive measures to take care of his problems. Hugs.

You do such a nice job with explaining and helping others on here. I get what you are trying to relay to others on the "feeling" a person gets with accomplishing the 5-Day plan, for example. It gives a person that extra bit of confidence and really does help with the feeling of wanting to stay on track. While on vacation, I ate so many different combinations of foods. I feel so much better when I stick to the plan that works for me. Was very fun to try a little bit of everything but spent most days feeling bloated. Days went much better for me when I ate the "formula" of foods that I am used to. The right mix of Protein, carbs and fruit/veggies. DH mentioned the same thing once in awhile.

Julie.....missed commenting on your friend passing away. Sorry to hear. Very young. There is a pain article in the latest Time magazine. Worth a read. Cover story. Starts with explaining that the first step is to find out the origin, eliminate, if possible and then take certain steps to maintain a life with pain if there are no options for treatment. Interesting article.

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Saw a new poster at work that is really great and applies to all of us:

Here it is: Pain is temporary -- Pride is forever!!

I'd say that is quite perfect.

Gotta go home.


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Hi Peeps! I am pooped. I took my friend (that had a stroke) to get her eyes checked and buy glasses and her insulin for this month. Well, the doctor said she has diabetes spots on her retina that indicate she has had diabetes for 5-10 years. She told him she knew she had it for five years, but was in denial. Well, I guess being paralyzed on one side of your body is a wake up call. She is able to walk with a walker , but very slow. Since she isn't working she didn't have the deductible money for her insulin or the extra on her glasses. I am glad I could help. She should be good till next year on the deductible.

Melissa, please take care of your diabetes. It is so sad to see my friend struggling because she was negligent with her sugar issues. You are young..........take care of yourself because when you get old it is hard to find people to help. We love you!

Janet, sorry Andrew was being an A$. I am glad he apologized.

Meredith......saw the newborn on FB. sweet baby!

Great.......No baby? Maybe this weekend. Happy travels! Keep us in the know!

Linda, we are having grilled hamburgers. I think the kids got me a James Avery gift card. I am getting injections on 9th, but I have another cold. I won't get them if my sinuses are messed up. I will have to postpone. I am ready to be 60, but I just want to perk up my face or at least make an attempt at it. lol

Apples, post some pics of the party this weekend. Put them on FB.

I made WW Gumbo again. I am hooked on that stuff. I only put a cup of chicken in it. I am not using the Mild Rotel next time.....with the cajun seasoning it makes it a little too spicy.

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Hey Gang -

This is going to be a drive by - I'm pooped - don't know why - but I am...

Hugs & Prayer to all ..

food - pt bar for bf - lunch fish/veggies - dinner - fish veggies Fiber groument Pasta 130 cal vs 210 ;0) - dessert sf ice cream - no exercise - it's my free day - have gym tomorrow..

Love to all

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Long night of no sleep. Baby is here. I posted info on fb. I let mom and dad rest today and will go see them and meet my "nephew" tomorrow. I'm going to work and skipping out a little bit early to go. They are at a hospital about an hour away. Some of you know that I HATE driving long distances (this is long to me) but I would do anything for this little pumpkin!

I'm doing very well on my 5DPT. I'm down several pounds and have stuck to the plan to a "T". Melissa, the first day is the hardest. You need to get those carbs out of your system! Yesterday I was sick with headache because of the stupid withdrawl, but I feel so much better now and I have restriction back!

Sorry it's a flyby! Love you!


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Morning to everyone.

Arlene, so sad about your friend. So nice of you and your DH to help her out -- you are a true Christian. You walk the walk and talk the talk and no b.s. I love that about you. I hope your cold clears up so you can get those injections. I look in the mirror and it seems I have more and more wrinkles everyday. LOL. When I think I'm almost 60 it just doesn't compute in my brain. I'm sure you feel much the same.

Meredith, so happy you are having a successful week on the 5 DPT. Good for you -- it feels great doesn't it? WTG and keep up the good work.

The other day at work people were getting mini blizzards from DQ. They are about the size of a bathroom dixie cup -- what is that 2 oz or 3 oz or something like that? Anyway, I looked up the nutritional value of them -- most have like 450 calories, 80 carbs and 20 grams of fat in that tiny little cup. Not worth it. I can't imagine what a large would be. Holy cow. I used to get the large (of course) and never even thought about the calories,etc.

I have a dental appt at 1:00 - what a way to spend a lunch hour -- have a small filling to take care of . No biggie. Just a pain having to brush and floss at work.

AI was brutal last night -- really amazed at the talent they found this year -- seems like they are so much more polished/professional then they used to be -- do you think it's cause of those video games like guitar hero, etc.? Or are they just doing a better job with the auditions. I think all of the 13 finalists are as good as many of the past winners. It's going to be very hard this year - would be a great concert to attend afterwards.

Biggest loser seems weird to me this year - the way they are manipulating the show by changing things up is kind of ruining the show in some ways. I think the red team was dumb to send ARthur home when he has so much more to lose and they kept people who are basically done losing their weight or close -- of course the black team did the same thing the weeks before. Of course they are probably thinking ahead to where they'll be competing individually and don't want those heavier people around to compete with I suppose. So maybe they do know what they're doing. LOL. For some reason it doesn't seem as good as normal.

Well, gotta get my butt in the living room for some step aerobics this morning. Have a great day all. Happy Friday.


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Morning to everyone.

Arlene, so sad about your friend. So nice of you and your DH to help her out -- you are a true Christian. You walk the walk and talk the talk and no b.s. I love that about you. I hope your cold clears up so you can get those injections. I look in the mirror and it seems I have more and more wrinkles everyday. LOL. When I think I'm almost 60 it just doesn't compute in my brain. I'm sure you feel much the same.

Meredith, so happy you are having a successful week on the 5 DPT. Good for you -- it feels great doesn't it? WTG and keep up the good work.

The other day at work people were getting mini blizzards from DQ. They are about the size of a bathroom dixie cup -- what is that 2 oz or 3 oz or something like that? Anyway, I looked up the nutritional value of them -- most have like 450 calories, 80 carbs and 20 grams of fat in that tiny little cup. Not worth it. I can't imagine what a large would be. Holy cow. I used to get the large (of course) and never even thought about the calories,etc.

I have a dental appt at 1:00 - what a way to spend a lunch hour -- have a small filling to take care of . No biggie. Just a pain having to brush and floss at work.

AI was brutal last night -- really amazed at the talent they found this year -- seems like they are so much more polished/professional then they used to be -- do you think it's cause of those video games like guitar hero, etc.? Or are they just doing a better job with the auditions. I think all of the 13 finalists are as good as many of the past winners. It's going to be very hard this year - would be a great concert to attend afterwards.

Biggest loser seems weird to me this year - the way they are manipulating the show by changing things up is kind of ruining the show in some ways. I think the red team was dumb to send ARthur home when he has so much more to lose and they kept people who are basically done losing their weight or close -- of course the black team did the same thing the weeks before. Of course they are probably thinking ahead to where they'll be competing individually and don't want those heavier people around to compete with I suppose. So maybe they do know what they're doing. LOL. For some reason it doesn't seem as good as normal.

Well, gotta get my butt in the living room for some step aerobics this morning. Have a great day all. Happy Friday.


Linda......you are too kind. I am just a sinner saved my Grace. I wish eating right was as easy to me as helping a friend. I ate oatmeal this morning. There goes my Protein only. I still like WW, but I think it is too many calories for my resting metabolism. That is why I am going to Dr Davis and get another test done. They have a "back on track" plan for WLS patients. I will get a metabolism test, 3 one hour sessions with the dietitian. I will probably go in April. I need to go back to eating like I ate in the beginning. I also need a fill. I am wide open since the weather has warmed up. I probably need a tweak.

Thanks for all the info from Kaye Bailey. Now how do you sign up for her newsletter?

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Arlene, you need to sign up for the Neighborhood -- it's free like this -- just sign up and check the box for the newsletter or if no box, then you probably get it automatically when you sign up. Can't remember.


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Good morning! Still no baby news. Looks more and more likely it will be Monday, I see no one picked that day, I will pick it. LOL Is that cheating? LOL My pick was yesterday.

Arlene, at least when you get a carb attack it's oatmeal. LOL Something a little more healthy than a donut. LOL To me oatmeal is one of the grossest (is that a word?) on the planet, so I can't imagine going for it when I want carbs. LOL I do eat it occassionally but not much as I really can't stand it. it's a texture thing for me.

Meredith, have you held that baby yet?

Apples, now that you are home, does it feel like you ever left? Does FIL stay in AZ year round now? Soon you will be heading to the lake.

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HUGS! You sound so stressed out. I think Linda gave good advice about eating Protein and veggies. I know you must get tired of sugar free Snacks, but there are some good recipes out there. Sam's has good Protein Bars. Like you user name says........you gotta take it "One day at a Time". You vent all you want......it helps to get it out. We are here for you! I hope you get on full time soon.

Thanks Charlene I am I am trying to take it one day at a time but I feel like I am drowning.

Melissa - Hugs Hugs Hugs.. I wish you could afford to see a shrink - I think you need some major counseling... I wish that you could see that you are a wonderful woman and deserve to be healthy... You need to really understand this... You are loved.

Actaully before I saw your post today I just called my insurance company and the Shrink I saw that gave me permission to have the surgery is on my approved list. I am really excited i called the office and left a message saying I wanted to come back and when could I get an appt. I hope they call today

Andrew just called and apoligized :0) But he still a little butthead....

LOL too funny on the butthead comment. It made me laugh


Melissa, if you could just do the 5 days without breaking it I think you'd get excited about your weight loss again. Pick a week where you know you won't be hormonal -- where your schedule looks busy and then try to stick to the 5 day pouch test. Weigh yourself the first morning and then weight yourself again on the morning of day 6 and I think that will help excite you again. Then try to spend at least 150 mins. a week on some type of exercise -- walk, playing tennis, etc. It doesn't have to be a one hour grind at the gym -- until you start losing again and feeling some energy return you aren't going to feel like exercising much. The carbs really do make you feel lethargic - I was exhausted all the time when I was eating carbs. First just try to rid your body of the carbs -- not sure if you like the things I mentioned, but if you do they should help get you over the hump. Like I mentioned yesterday - feed that carb monster -- and then after a few days it will back down and not be rearing up it's ugly head. Whenever you want to eat, eat -- the first two days you can include sf pudding and Jello -- so buy them and eat them -- add a little Protein powder to it and try that. I think once you see (and feel) the results after 5 days you'll get back on track. Good luck, I'm here for you.

Linda - thanks so much your words help me and you are right heck everyone is right. I am allowing my circumstances get in the way of my health. Heck i am letting my disease dictate what I can do and that is wrong, but sometimes I feel trapped.

Melissa, my opinion (throw it out if you want) is that you need to stop looking outside yourself and look in. Only you have the power to do this. Your friend that is a downer, if she brings you down, you might have to do the hard thing and seperate yourself. You also can't make her want to do this, she has to want it for herself just as you have to want it for yourself. Your God friend, sure you need God, but He won't do this for you, you have to take the steps and do it for yourself. Hormones? Always going to be there, every month you can count on them. Stress? job, money, health insurance? Yep gonna be there too, but they are also things you can only control so much. Something you can control is what you eat, what you exercise, etc. Focus on that. Don't let those issues make you give up on yourself. Janet is one of the busiest people on this board, she works full time, til recently was raising a teenager, stress of losing some family members, taking care of an estate, etc. but she has always found time for herself, her exercise, etc. She is a perfect example of someone for you to follow, she didn't let life stop her and took the power to change her life instead of looking for excuses in her life to say she couldn't. LInda, too, look how busy she is with work, practically raising a grandchild, step daughter in and out of hospital, etc. but she doesn't look outwards to those things either to prevent her from focusing on herself. She even has to deal with the fibromyalgia pain and finds a way. Look at Cheri, the stressful job she has teaching those kids and going through the losses she has this year, plus she sings, has a very ill daughter and parent but she is still very focused and determined. Those are just a few examples of the wonderful successes here. You can do this too but you have to stop looking outwards for reasons that you can't and look inwards for reasons that you can and need to do this. If you can't afford to talk to someone is there a clergy member or something available? You can do this, we all have faith in you.

Great - you are so right I do look outwards and blame other things, but I need to look inwards and get a handle on this.

Here's Kaye Bailey's this week's newsletter -- it seems to hit the nail on the head for us this week, so thought I'd share it again.

Thanks for the post it does hit the nail of the head for me

Saw a new poster at work that is really great and applies to all of us:

Here it is: Pain is temporary -- Pride is forever!!

Love the Quote

Melissa, please take care of your diabetes. It is so sad to see my friend struggling because she was negligent with her sugar issues. You are young..........take care of yourself because when you get old it is hard to find people to help. We love you!

You know I need to watch what I do. Sometimes I except my diesease and sometimes I hate it. I take my meds I just don't eat the best all the time my DH worries about me he said he does not want anything to happen to me

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I'm frantic right now. DD just called she fell down half a flight of stairs. She's in hospital being monitored. Prelminary reports are good that baby is fine, heart rate was down from normal but still good. They said it could be because she is going in labor. They may keep her til she delivers. I am frantically getting ready to get out there. I may not be able to post on this site to update you but will try and text someone or email from my phone. I can read posts but haven't figured out how to post from my phone. Hopefully I can get on DD's computer sometime while there. Asking for prayers please!


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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