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Evening all!!!

Sorry for being MIA far a while. Things are crazy here at work. Not getting much time on the computer. Not getting much sleep for that matter. Came back to work and have been runnin my butt off. Was put back on my normal rts. We are rebidding this week so my schedule and rts will change next week. I get really worried at bid time. I've been here almost 9 yrs but I have 26 ppl in front of me. Atleast I'm not driver number 96. Enough of my work crap.

I'm not really sure how to respond to the question about how the band is doing. I'm am 4 months out this past Sunday. Haven't really lost any weight but haven't gained any either. Been having some first bite issues. Not really sure what's going on with that. I have been eating alot less than I was. I am thinking that now that I am back to work and my body gets used to throwing the cases again that things will finally start going. I have been trying to get in as much walking as I can. Anywhoo I'm off to try to get some sleep have a long day ahead of me.

Hugs and love


PS March 3

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Evening all!!!

Sorry for being MIA far a while. Things are crazy here at work. Not getting much time on the computer. Not getting much sleep for that matter. Came back to work and have been runnin my butt off. Was put back on my normal rts. We are rebidding this week so my schedule and rts will change next week. I get really worried at bid time. I've been here almost 9 yrs but I have 26 ppl in front of me. Atleast I'm not driver number 96. Enough of my work crap.

I'm not really sure how to respond to the question about how the band is doing. I'm am 4 months out this past Sunday. Haven't really lost any weight but haven't gained any either. Been having some first bite issues. Not really sure what's going on with that. I have been eating alot less than I was. I am thinking that now that I am back to work and my body gets used to throwing the cases again that things will finally start going. I have been trying to get in as much walking as I can. Anywhoo I'm off to try to get some sleep have a long day ahead of me.

Hugs and love


PS March 3 9 am

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Morning everyone.

Kelley, sorry to hear about your mom's aneurysm. A co-worker of mine just had that surgery in January -- they discovered it in November -- she was able to have a non-invasive surgery where they went in through her groin and got the aneurysm from there - she had surgery on Friday and went back to work on Wednes. Hope your mom can have that same type of surgery. Glad they found it -- like my friend - she was investigating something completely differnt and then they did the CT scan and found it. Will be sending positive thoughts and prayers for your mom.

Laura, sorry to hear the bad news about your dad -- but again,will keep positive thoughts for him -- he IS such a fighter -- hope he handles the chemo okay - hope you are doing okay. Thinking of you and your Mom too.

Kelley, lol on the people who can't handle the snow -- I know what you mean - when I lived in Reno we had people there like that -- you could tell them cause they didn't have a clue about how to drive in a little snow. They used to scare me to death.

Kristie they say not to worry about weight loss during recovery period because you're body is healing -- once healing is done and you can work out more the weight shoudl start to come off -- but again, it's not a fast process -- most of us lost an average of one pound a week -- and that doesn't mean we saw it on the scale every week -- it means at the end we looked back and saw that we "averaged" a pound or so a week. Sometimes I think it's best if you don't weigh every week.

Chris, glad to hear from you -- hope all goes well with your bidding on your route. How's Deb doing?

Janet, we are too much alike -- lol on the Cookies - yep, I can pass up most but those sugar Cookies with icing are the ones that really KILL me to leave alone. Glad I have such a nice DH who's willing to fall on the sword for me. LOL.

Julie, hope you can get some resolution and relief -- sorry that new doctor has let you down -- but as Arlene said -- are you still doing Lyrica? If it gave you some relief early on it might be that they need to increase your dose -- I remember they start out low and increase as you go along -- worth checking out anyway. I have plenty of projects around here -- you can send your DH my way.

Time to leave for Water aerobics.

Oh, on who asked about the 5 day -- just google 5 day pouch test and the website by kaye Bailey should come up -- all the information is right there. Hope you can find it. I think it's www.5daypouchtest.com


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Good Morning

Kelly hugs on Mom - glad they found it - they usually dont and pple die - shes so lucky - I had a gf 45 who died from one... Prayers

Cheri - Hugs & Love - Prayers...

Melissa - Hugs

Chris - What types of food are you eating - keep a food diary - remember our bands are only tools - it's really all about your food choices - Hugs glad you posted

Linda - LOL DH falling on the sword LOL - Yep we are very much alike ;0)

Well gang just my morning drive by ;0)

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Cheri, Kelley, Laura, Hugs and prayers for you and your families.

We seen dead grass here in Michigan for about 2 days last month when it melted. Now back under about 4" of snow. Can't wait to mow the grass. I know sounds sick of me. lol

Date night was great we had a lot of fun and did a lot of talking. Have more plans for the future. He is so nice, down to earth, and a gentleman.

Well better get to work, have a great day all.


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Hey – looked at my chart and I was wrong I am down a total of 24 lbs & 12.5 lbs since surgery on Feb 9th.

Have a great day beautiful banders!


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Aylah is back -- called us last night at 8:15 and said her mommy was sick. So we went and got her. Not sure why -- Katie seemed to be doing okay so makes us suspicious. My DH was there for dinner and didn't leave until 7 so between 7 and 8:15 she got that sick?

LauraK -- glad your new relationship is fun -- hope it continues.



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Just found out my DB is back in hospital and is having lung surgery in the next couple of days -- keep him in your prayers please.



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Hi everyone.

My daughter's tumor is larger than they thought. They are going to start chemo to shrink it before doing surgery in two months on the breast(s) and ovarian cyst/tumor. I'm scared to death. It's hard for me to get through to her by phone to talk to her. Had a hard cry just now. Going to be hard to sleep. Had trouble even in choir tonight. Helped keep my mind partially off of it but it kept breaking through. I love her so much. She was such a beautiful baby and she's still a head-turning woman. She has blonde hair down to her waist, she's 5'11" , dimples, big blue eyes, and a great smile. This is going to be the hardest thing I've ever had to go through and it won't compare to what she has to go through. Please keep us all in your prayers.


But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Isaiah 40:31

You and your daughter are in my prayers.


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Good Afternoon Gang!

Day 2.......the shakes are giving my stomach the rumbles again. I am going to just do Protein tonight. I haven't been drinking enough Water, but I have been walking.

Lori, WW moved the meetings to a different location. I am going to just stay online, but I am going to start back at Dr. Davis support meetings. I received an email today for a four week "back on track" meeting with the dietitian and monthly support meetings. I need to call for a price.

Cheri....Oh my goodness, I am so sorry for your daughter's diagnosis....continued prayers for you and your family.

Laura.......your dad is such a fighter. Prayers for him too. Happy Birthday to Nels!

LauraK.....sounds like you may have a keeper!

Phyl.....are you well yet?

Kelley.....Oh my, if they had not checked on your mother's sinuses they would not have found the aneurysm. My mother had an aneurysm years ago......then when they did another MRI.....it was gone. HUGS and PRayers!

Kristi.....WTG on the weight loss!

Linda......sounds like Aylah doesn't feel comfortable staying with her mother alone. Kids are pretty in tune when things are not right.

Prayers for your DB! Oh, I am gonna eat some chicken tonight. The gas from the shakes is really bothering me. I haven't had starches in two days. I think I can do this all week.

Janet, I just started using Dr. Denese facial cleanser.....love it! It is similar to Philosophy Purity.

Eva, where are you!

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I meant to ask a question...can anyone recommend a good cookbook for band food? I bought "Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery", but the recipes aren't "everyday" recipes IMO. I don't have the money to eat sea scallops every day... who keeps saffron in their cupboard :blink: ... and I have never seen both Asian chili paste and Asian chili paste with garlic hanging around anyone's kitchen. :P

Oh...and I can't eat any fermented soy (soy & teriyaki sauce, tofu), no cheese except skim mozzarella, American & Parm from the can and some other things I had never heard of before, so they really aren't a problem. I take an MAOI...you know the warning you read on the back of cold medicine that says "Do not take if you are on a MAOI" and you wonder "What the heck is an MAOI?" Well, it is a category of drugs for depression that I take for my Bipolar Disorder. ---and many recipes in this book call for these ingredients I cannot eat.

I am really struggling with finding foods to eat that are regular meals. I can't live on yogurt, grilled chicken and chili forever!

Ok..got some frustration out. I feel better. Names of books or great web sites are appreciated.

Thanks everyone! Be blessed!


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Good evening peeps. I just got home from Denver. I flew out for the day to spend with Grandma and both DD and DS. Grandbaby wasn't co-operating in coming and I really needed to get out there to see Grandma so I went for that. I did pack a bag and carry it along just in case DGD wanted to make an appearance while Grandma was there and ready. LOL But nope she had other plans. DD does have a dr appt tomorrow, she's hoping they'll talk about inducing. Grandma was very happy to see me and both her great grandkids as I was. Hard to believe she will be 102 exactly 2 mos from today. We went shopping and to lunch. Now that's how I want to grow old! It saddens me to read of so many health issues here lately with our families and my heart goes out to each of you.

Arlene, I love Dr Denese stuff, I got hooked when I worked at QVC, I've not gotten anything new lately and didn't get her recent TSV as I hate to spend that much money and end up with Oil of Olay stuff. But I had stockpiled so much on my discount that I am just now pretty much out of everything, I especially like the firming pads.

Kelley, I didn't get any special cookbooks or anything so sorry I am not any help there, but I really didn't cook a lot different after surgery than before. Other, than I ate much smaller portions and didn't make the starchy side dishes. I mostly grilled meat or baked it. I couldn't do chicken breasts so did thighs, couldn't do certain beef cuts but could do filets and ribeyes, a little more expensive but I was buying much smaller portions. And fish, tilapia is a good one. We do have some very good cooks on this thread so maybe they'll have better ideas for you. I am not much of a talent in the kitchen.

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Good evening peeps. I just got home from Denver. I flew out for the day to spend with Grandma and both DD and DS. Grandbaby wasn't co-operating in coming and I really needed to get out there to see Grandma so I went for that. I did pack a bag and carry it along just in case DGD wanted to make an appearance while Grandma was there and ready. LOL But nope she had other plans. DD does have a dr appt tomorrow, she's hoping they'll talk about inducing. Grandma was very happy to see me and both her great grandkids as I was. Hard to believe she will be 102 exactly 2 mos from today. We went shopping and to lunch. Now that's how I want to grow old! It saddens me to read of so many health issues here lately with our families and my heart goes out to each of you.

Arlene, I love Dr Denese stuff, I got hooked when I worked at QVC, I've not gotten anything new lately and didn't get her recent TSV as I hate to spend that much money and end up with Oil of Olay stuff. But I had stockpiled so much on my discount that I am just now pretty much out of everything, I especially like the firming pads.

Kelley, I didn't get any special cookbooks or anything so sorry I am not any help there, but I really didn't cook a lot different after surgery than before. Other, than I ate much smaller portions and didn't make the starchy side dishes. I mostly grilled meat or baked it. I couldn't do chicken breasts so did thighs, couldn't do certain beef cuts but could do filets and ribeyes, a little more expensive but I was buying much smaller portions. And fish, tilapia is a good one. We do have some very good cooks on this thread so maybe they'll have better ideas for you. I am not much of a talent in the kitchen.

One of these days I'll get the multi-quote to work for me!!!

Glad you had a good day in Denver, Lori! Your grandma is amazing!!

Arlene... yes, feeling much better! Problem with my knee, but that I can deal with! DH is pretty sick, however! He thinks he's going to make pancakes at the pancake Breakfast tomorrow morning!! Keep telling him, NOT a good idea!!

Very busy most of yesterday on WA state potluck... we're in charge.. this was our first one to officiate. It went well and we were amazed that 80 people showed up!! OR potluck the day before there were less than 30, so I was concerned that it was going to be a flop.

Beading today... no new project, just work on unfinished ones, and last session here this season. Teacher started in Nov, so she is tired and running out of beads and "steam"! She said we can go to her park model if we want to do some more beading with her. She has to haul all her stuff over to our park for these classes and it gets to be a drag after 3 months of that... twice a week for the last two months. Anyway, didn't stay up there too long, but went next door and beaded with the neighbors when I got home. Finished two bracelets I'd been working on today but need to put clasps on both of them, which I will do tonight.

Watching Idol. I like the red headed guy, and James, but have just heard a few so far. Watching east coast feed... an advantage of living in an RV!!

Cheri.... continuing to pray for your DD and following her FB page. HUGS!!

Okay.... TV is distracting me... guess I'll sign off for now!

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Good Evening Gang..

Kelly - IMHO no such thing as Lapband cook book - we are to eat healthy - Check out Weight Watcher Cookbooks they have some that say like 5 ingredients 30 minute meals - I just got to Taste of Home -Guilt Free & Healthy Comfort food from QVC. here the link http://www.qvc.com/qsearch/search.aspx But truly I eat lots of fish - veggies (spinach, butternut squash, zucchini, yellow crooked neck squash, green Beans, Brussels sprouts, broc, cauliflower) rice - One pot wonders - I make up as I go - meat (ground white turkey meat - or lean hamburger (they have about the same calories) pork chop, top sirloin ) onion bell pepper jalapeño garlic, zucchini - Tomato sauce - i make a big patch of it have it for lunch - I like pork chop w/cabbage - little soy sauce , onion bell pepper garlic jalapeño and 1/4 cup rice - yummy - I don't do a lot of cheese - but will make lasagna with zucchini & meat or spinach too..

But truly for the 1st year this is pretty much what I ate - BF yogurt/1/4 c granola or hard boiled eggs (egg salad sometimes) - lunch meat w/2% cheese- egg beaters & 2% cheese - or - Lunch one pot wonders or left overs from dinner- dinner fish veggies rice - snack sf puddings - sf fudgecicles - snack pack popcorn..

Today I eat pretty much the same types of food - I keep my calories about 200 - 250 for Breakfast - Lunch 200-300 - dinner 200-300 - Snack 200-300 - kept my calories between 800 - 1200 and varied them..

Email me I will send you sample menu (jwrightpim@aol.com) - Today BF - Turkey Lunch Meat - Lunch - Lamb & carrots w/ 1/2 of small red potato - Dinner will be fish & squash - Snack 1 cup sf ice cream - & maybe some popcorn and fruit juice (lite) 40 cal for 8 oz..

Charlene - I haven't ordered any face stuff from QVC cuz I got some expensive stuff when I had my botox -- Obagi and it has retina A - so I have been using that..

Great - I would have gone broke if I worked at QVC..... It's so easy to pick up the phone and order and the easy pay - OMG that's killing me I'm still paying on stuff from November - like ok already... I need to cool it w/QVC for a while - last month bill wasn't bad $140 - this month - won't tell you but more than that LOL

LauraK - Sounds like you might have found the one...

Nelson - Happy Bday... Tomorrow is my Brooke's 7th bday too ;0) ---- Laura hugs & prayers on Dad

Cheri - Hugs & Prayers for your family too..

Well gang need to feed the dogs and get my dinner ready - gotta watch idol ;0) !!!!

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Good Evening Gang..

Kelly - IMHO no such thing as Lapband cook book - we are to eat healthy - Check out Weight Watcher Cookbooks they have some that say like 5 ingredients 30 minute meals - I just got to Taste of Home -Guilt Free & Healthy Comfort food from QVC. here the link http://www.qvc.com/qsearch/search.aspx But truly I eat lots of fish - veggies (spinach, butternut squash, zucchini, yellow crooked neck squash, green Beans, Brussels sprouts, broc, cauliflower) rice - One pot wonders - I make up as I go - meat (ground white turkey meat - or lean hamburger (they have about the same calories) pork chop, top sirloin ) onion bell pepper jalapeño garlic, zucchini - Tomato sauce - i make a big patch of it have it for lunch - I like pork chop w/cabbage - little soy sauce , onion bell pepper garlic jalapeño and 1/4 cup rice - yummy - I don't do a lot of cheese - but will make lasagna with zucchini & meat or spinach too..

But truly for the 1st year this is pretty much what I ate - BF yogurt/1/4 c granola or hard boiled eggs (egg salad sometimes) - lunch meat w/2% cheese- egg beaters & 2% cheese - or - Lunch one pot wonders or left overs from dinner- dinner fish veggies rice - snack sf puddings - sf fudgecicles - snack pack popcorn..

Today I eat pretty much the same types of food - I keep my calories about 200 - 250 for breakfast - Lunch 200-300 - dinner 200-300 - Snack 200-300 - kept my calories between 800 - 1200 and varied them..

Email me I will send you sample menu (jwrightpim@aol.com) - Today BF - Turkey Lunch Meat - Lunch - Lamb & carrots w/ 1/2 of small red potato - Dinner will be fish & squash - Snack 1 cup sf ice cream - & maybe some popcorn and fruit juice (lite) 40 cal for 8 oz..

Charlene - I haven't ordered any face stuff from QVC cuz I got some expensive stuff when I had my botox -- Obagi and it has retina A - so I have been using that..

Great - I would have gone broke if I worked at QVC..... It's so easy to pick up the phone and order and the easy pay - OMG that's killing me I'm still paying on stuff from November - like ok already... I need to cool it w/QVC for a while - last month bill wasn't bad $140 - this month - won't tell you but more than that LOL

LauraK - Sounds like you might have found the one...

Nelson - Happy Bday... Tomorrow is my Brooke's 7th bday too ;0) ---- Laura hugs & prayers on Dad

Cheri - Hugs & Prayers for your family too..

Well gang need to feed the dogs and get my dinner ready - gotta watch idol ;0) !!!!

I just emailed you. I thought I'd post it here too.

I don't know your real name to address you properly! =) I am so sorry about that.

Thank you so much for replying to my post. I have had so much anxiety about my food because all I received from my nutritionist was a list of suggested foods (canned tuna, eggs, yogurt...) and suggested measurements. When I found out I couldn't tolerate much meat other than ground turkey, ground beef, and chicken, I about died. A girl can only manage so many ground meat recipes!

Fruits give me a lot of trouble but veggies go down pretty nicely. The problemis finding decent veggies this time of year. I have been eating canned/frozed green Beans, cauliflower and broccoli...but can't wait for fresh summer veggies...and the grill!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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