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Arlene~ We would get an inch here, and inch there and then it would melt. This past Monday is when we got the big snow. I saw someone on FB write "I'm so sick of old man winter, I could kick him in the snow balls!" A bit off color, but this is how I have started to feel. Now I'm worried about all of this thawing. We have only been in this house for almost a year and am not sure about any leaking that could take place in the basement. So, we will see! How is the weather for you? Similar?

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Arlene~ We would get an inch here, and inch there and then it would melt. This past Monday is when we got the big snow. I saw someone on FB write "I'm so sick of old man winter, I could kick him in the snow balls!" A bit off color, but this is how I have started to feel. Now I'm worried about all of this thawing. We have only been in this house for almost a year and am not sure about any leaking that could take place in the basement. So, we will see! How is the weather for you? Similar?

Meredith, I would be concerned about the thaw too. Let's just hope you are on high ground. The weather here is like early spring. High forties at night and high 70's during the day. No complaints here except for the humidity 88%. I am going walking this morning before I go to my follow up visit for my trigger thumb. The steroid shot did the trick.

Oh, I am starting the 5 day pouch today. I need to shrink it!!!

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Good Morning Peeps...

Charlene - Clark's is a health food store - we don't have whole foods - we do have trader joes - but I dont shop at those stores - one time when I went to clarks w/gf - they had the Pasta - I had ordered it online before diff one not this one and didn't really care for it that much - but this fetuccune - is very good - I bought like 6 boxes just cuz I don't go out that way often and some lasagana ones too - it's gotten so that I just don't leave my neighborhood often

Meredith the Anthropigy i went to wasn't at outlets - we shopped on El Paseo which is the Rodeo Drive of the Desert ;0) - Girl - I eat like I want on vaca - but my home is my safe haven - I know that once I get home I go back to eating healthy... I did buy some Cookies this weekend - had a few - then in the trash they went... Why cuz I know I will have a couple here and there and those 100 calories will add up before I know it..

Not much to report - like said watch Oscars - can't beleive they are making such a big deal of the F bomb LOL - I guess if that's the worse that happen - so be it - it just popped out - I don't think I would let it pop out but in the moment and excitement it might ;0) doubt it but always a possiblity ;0)

Well time to hit the shower - Apples safe travels - oxoxo J

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Morning all, not much to report -- had a nice weekend - very restful for a change.

Supposed to be nicer weather starting tomorrow -- but had an ice storm last night -- but sun is out so it should be a nice day. I checked the forecast and looks like it'll be in 40s most of the week and sunny so that's spring like and decent weather for Apples and her DH's trip home.

At work so not much time. Didn't watch the Oscars -- watching Amazing Race and CSI Miami instead. Glad King's Speech won though -- I hate it when movies I didn't like win.

Arelene sounds like you had your hands full with the GKids. Sounds like a neat party your DS was invited to.

Aylah just called here at work to say good morning and that she misses me. She was over briefly yesterday - brought us Cookies she and her mom made -- I had one bite while she was there to show her I liked them -- it was good -- but DH ate the rest later so I wasn't tempted LOL. Sugar Cookies with icing are something I really do love - so it was hard to not eat it all.

WEll, gotta work. CBL have a good Monday all.


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Good morning! On my way to get younger (hair cut and colored) then who knows after that. Trying something new in the crockpot for dinner. Got a deal on round steak at the grocery store but I never cook that so didn't know what to do with it. Hopefully this makes it tender enough for me to eat.

I watched the Oscars last night, for once I enjoyed them sortta. OK I didn't hate them like usual LOL. I had seen 3 of the movies so that helps. I saw Kings Speech (my favorite), The Fighter and True Grit. The last 2 were movies DH wanted to see and I actually enjoyed as well but Kings Speech was my absolute favorite and was so glad it won and that Colin Firth won Best Actor. Wish the gal that played his wife the queen would've won supporting actor instead of the one who dropped the F bomb. how unclassy. I understand it's the excitement of the moment etc. but aren't they getting awards because they are such professionals? She was good in the Fighter though. We watched the Oscars perfectly. I DVR'd them and then watched Amazing Race so when we went back to watch the Oscars it was already an hour and a half into the telecast and we were able to zip through lots of commercials and lots of speeches I wasn't interested in and Oprah! LOL We caught up to the live telecast just in time for best picture.

Apples, hope the drive is going well. Tanker have his head hanging out the window?

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Meredith - love that little quip about kicking winter in his snow balls. LOL.


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Hi everyone............... It's Monday and most of you are back at work.... I'm lucky to not have to do that...... Don't know what I would do if I had a job to deal with along with my medical drama..... Lots of you ask questions about mayo and other doctors..... I have tried most everything... I would have to be approved by insurance to go back to Mayo and I don't have a doctor who thinks it would be worthwhile.... I went to a new doctor on 1-18 and he was so interested and thought he could help me, but needed to see my last bloodwork results... I signed a consent form, but here it is 3-1 tomorrow and I haven't heard a word from him... I've called many times and now know that they did get the paperwork, but still no contact... Today I called and left a very emotional message for the doctor.... told him I had been so hopeful he could help but it seems he doesn't want my case... Asked him to call.... We'll see.... Going to make an appointment with a different one... My mother was getting a shot in her neck and was telling this doctor about me and he said to tell me to make an appointment and he would help me..... Can't hurt to try..... It seems like I've done everything and some of them twice or 3 times.... I do get breaks.... like the one I had from 1-23 to 2-20...... really no pain past a 6 or 7 on a scale to 1 to 10 during that whole time... It was so nice.... and then bam.....back again... I'm having another bad day today.... Started on Friday and hasn't quit much at all.... last evening was a bit better and I slept pretty well....... But it's really biting me right now.... I guess I'm just doomed..... There are so many people praying for me.... I pray about it , too..... I guess one day I'll get an answer to my prayer.... Hope I like what it is......

Cheri, glad to hear you have things worked out so you can be there for your daughter..... Maybe the silver lining to this will be a new and better relationship with her...

Apples, safe trip home.....

Lori, babies have minds of their own.... I guess she'll come when she's ready... My DD is due May 17........ she is having such a different pregnancy from the first one... Her back is so weak......... My DH and SIL finished her kitchen for her yesterday... She washed her first dishes in her new dishwasher last night.... But she worked too hard getting things put up in all the new cabinets.........I'm hoping things will settle down now that the work is done and she'll get to feeling better....

DH is watching tv...... his big project is done and he's lost..... I did give him an idea about building something for the girls.... A playhouse for the backyard..... something portable that can get put away for the winter.... They would love it.....

Well, I need to get my lesson done for Bible study tonight.... I may stay home if I don't conquer this pain by then......

You all have a great day................. Hugs.. Julie

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Janet~ Oh sorry, I did read that you went shopping, but didn't realize that it was fancy shopping! LOL! We have a mall here that is like that. It's about 25 min away. I don't like to drive distances, so I rarely go there, plus, we have 2 other malls that are closer. I started the 5 day today. I agree, when on vacation, I want to relax and not stress about food. When I'm on vacation I'm always so active and end up staying the same or losing anyways since WLS.

Lori~ I have just started buying round steak. I cut it into pieces about 4inX4in and then marinate it for 2 day in the chop house flavor marinade (says 30 min) from Kroger. I then grill it, since the weather is crappy, ive been grilling it on the george foreman. Anyhow, i let the meat cool and slice it very very thinly and put it on salads with balsamic vinegarette or whatever. I also like it as a snack, cold, right out of the fridge. Just an idea.

Ok, well today is supposed to be cleaning day, but all I've done so far are the dishes. We don't have a dishwasher either, so I HATE doing them. Andrew is going to buy us a dishwasher, do any of you have one that you really love?

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Hi everyone............... It's Monday and most of you are back at work.... I'm lucky to not have to do that...... Don't know what I would do if I had a job to deal with along with my medical drama..... Lots of you ask questions about mayo and other doctors..... I have tried most everything... I would have to be approved by insurance to go back to Mayo and I don't have a doctor who thinks it would be worthwhile.... I went to a new doctor on 1-18 and he was so interested and thought he could help me, but needed to see my last bloodwork results... I signed a consent form, but here it is 3-1 tomorrow and I haven't heard a word from him... I've called many times and now know that they did get the paperwork, but still no contact... Today I called and left a very emotional message for the doctor.... told him I had been so hopeful he could help but it seems he doesn't want my case... Asked him to call.... We'll see.... Going to make an appointment with a different one... My mother was getting a shot in her neck and was telling this doctor about me and he said to tell me to make an appointment and he would help me..... Can't hurt to try..... It seems like I've done everything and some of them twice or 3 times.... I do get breaks.... like the one I had from 1-23 to 2-20...... really no pain past a 6 or 7 on a scale to 1 to 10 during that whole time... It was so nice.... and then bam.....back again... I'm having another bad day today.... Started on Friday and hasn't quit much at all.... last evening was a bit better and I slept pretty well....... But it's really biting me right now.... I guess I'm just doomed..... There are so many people praying for me.... I pray about it , too..... I guess one day I'll get an answer to my prayer.... Hope I like what it is......

Cheri, glad to hear you have things worked out so you can be there for your daughter..... Maybe the silver lining to this will be a new and better relationship with her...

Apples, safe trip home.....

Lori, babies have minds of their own.... I guess she'll come when she's ready... My DD is due May 17........ she is having such a different pregnancy from the first one... Her back is so weak......... My DH and SIL finished her kitchen for her yesterday... She washed her first dishes in her new dishwasher last night.... But she worked too hard getting things put up in all the new cabinets.........I'm hoping things will settle down now that the work is done and she'll get to feeling better....

DH is watching tv...... his big project is done and he's lost..... I did give him an idea about building something for the girls.... A playhouse for the backyard..... something portable that can get put away for the winter.... They would love it.....

Well, I need to get my lesson done for Bible study tonight.... I may stay home if I don't conquer this pain by then......

You all have a great day................. Hugs.. Julie

Julie.....so sorry you are still battling with the pain. Are you still on Lyrica? When I got a shot for this trigger thumb it sure did help my Fibro pain. I went to the dr for a follow up. He said I fell in the 70% of those who get relief from a steroid shot. I asked him if I needed surgery would I have to be put to sleep? He said no......just sedation and a local for the hand. Boy, that is a relief.

I forgot, what is you DD having? Boy or girl or a surprise?

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Hey guys!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for all the well wishes for our vacation! (and all the nice responses to the FB photos). I wish I could post some here, but just too darn complicated. We had an absolute BLAST! I have to say, one of our best vacations ever. It was just so nice that everyone enjoyed it. Nelson is so independent now and makes friends easily- so DH and I were able to read our books, soak sun or swim (while watching Nels nearby). Lots of fun excursions- the best was swimming with the dolphins! I could have done that all day. My NSV was getting my butt in a wet suit. I have to tell you- I have wanted to do that for years but was too afraid I wouldn't be able to get it on. I actually could have used a smaller size- it was sagging in the shoulders and crotch..LOL.

We arrived home Sunday afternoon and my parents were waiting here for us. We found out on vacation that Dad's cancer is back. New mets in lungs, lumbar spine, ribs, retroperitoneal lymph node. They will try another double agent chemo round. Praying he can handle it. Still hopeful. He is such a fighter. I decided not to tell Nelson until after his birthday. He is so happy to have them here. He turns 7 tomorrow. Where has the time gone???

I promise to catch up soon on all the posts. Liked the few recaps- No baby yet for Lori, Apples traveling, Meredith loving her snow's balls..LOL, Janet busy, Eva watching tv all day, Cheri, Linday and others hanging in there. Julie Hugs. I feel like such a bad friend. Just not enough time in the day. Love you all. peasout..Laura xoxo

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Good Evening Gang

Great - No Baby..... It seemed like for a while she wanted to come early now she wants to stay put... I want to see the Fighter - that looks like a movie I would like - the other 2 no so much...

Julie - Sure hope you find a doc to help... Play house is a great idea

Linda - Those are my most fav Cookies ;0)

Meredith - I am so use to shopping outlets or Marshall's, Target - Macy's - But enjoyed going to diff stores.. Heck you can find deals at the fancy stores too ;0) sorta of a NSV... @ 250 I couldn't even shopped at those stores..

Laura - Yep swiming w/the dolphins is a blast - So glad you had a good time - As far as telling Nelson - why worry him - just mho - I don't know if it's neccessary right now - see how things go first and just enjoy your visit -

Well had major computer issues - lock ups - can't attach emails - don't feel like I did anything except spin my wheels today at work - Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day - Had gym tonite - and now home - gotta figure what to eat for dinner - left overs but which ones ;0) - feed the dogs and get ready for tomorrow..

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Hi ladies!

The first thing I have to ask is does anyone live in a place where they can see grass as some point during the winter?! The part of WV I am originally from experiences wildly large amounts of snow during the winter, but where I live now, the area shuts down if we get 3". I cannot help but to laugh at people who are afraid of 3" of snow!

I haven't posted in a week or so because it has been a long, drama filled week.

Mom has had constant sinus infections lately, so I bugged her to go to the doctor. Her doc sent her for a CT scan this past Monday at 9 am. By 2 in the afternoon, her doctor called, apologizing for giving her information over the phone but wanted to for the purpose of speed, and told Mom she had a Cerebral aneurysm. The doc said Mom was scheduled for another CT test the following morning (Tuesday) that would provide definitive results. The second CT confirmed an aneurysm, and Mom's doc said she would need to have surgery in a week. Mom was just stunned. She never imagined finding an aneurysm when only her sinuses were bothering her.

So we decided as a family the Cleveland Clinic was the best place to go and received a call at 2pm Wednesday that she had a 7:30am the next day (Thursday). So four hours later, we were on the road to Cleveland.

We met with her Cleveland doc on Thursday and to sum it up, he said he would error on the side of caution and have the surgery, but that if she chose to wait to monitor the aneurysm, he wouldn't have a problem with it because she wasn't in imminent danger. She decided to have the surgery, so we'll be heading back up to Cleveland for a March 8th surgery. She'll be in the hospital about 5 or 6 days.

So...that's about it. She was really worried about work because it is a private company with no disability benefits but they have given her whatever time she needed, with pay, so between work and knowing she doesn't need to particularly worry about the aneurysm causing trouble before her surgery, she has felt a lot of relief.

I may not have names down yet, but I am keeping everyone in my prayers. It seems we have too much illness and drama in our lives and have so little time to take care of ourselves. But God is keeping us…even when we forget!

I was wondering if someone could enlighten me about the "5 Day Pouch Test". I have looked at a few websites, but they seem a little unprofessional with little information and that sends up red flags.

Please keep my family and my Mom in your prayers! You'll be in mine!


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Hi everyone.

My daughter's tumor is larger than they thought. They are going to start chemo to shrink it before doing surgery in two months on the breast(s) and ovarian cyst/tumor. I'm scared to death. It's hard for me to get through to her by phone to talk to her. Had a hard cry just now. Going to be hard to sleep. Had trouble even in choir tonight. Helped keep my mind partially off of it but it kept breaking through. I love her so much. She was such a beautiful baby and she's still a head-turning woman. She has blonde hair down to her waist, she's 5'11" , dimples, big blue eyes, and a great smile. This is going to be the hardest thing I've ever had to go through and it won't compare to what she has to go through. Please keep us all in your prayers.


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Good evening beautiful banders!

Trying to keep up with all your activity – love all the posts!

I am 3 weeks post-op tomorrow and only down 7 lbs since surgery. The scale isn’t moving this week. I keep a food dairy and can’t figure why. I sent my dairy to the nutritionist for ideas. I have been eating most days at 1200 or below. Yesterday I was just over 1200. I have only been walking 30 mins a day as I am still to be focused on recovery. I did get the elliptical today for 20 mins. I didn’t want to push it as I did 2 weeks ago. I can’t wait until I can go back to pilates and do more than level 1 on the elliptical + arms.

I had a nice business lunch at the club today downtown. This time I ordered my favourite Soup. The Soup bowl was so big it looked like I had nothing.

The next 4 days are 10-12 hour days + house guests for Thursday night. My BFF bander, 2 god children and hubby are staying the night. I am attending my first local WLS group with my DH. Friday I am attending a conference with a HR buddy from out of town.

I have still been sleeping really badly. Waking up at 3:30am. I lie in bed for about 45 mins then I just get up. I have been forcing myself to go back to bed for a couple more hours.

Kab1278 – we see the grass here in Vancouver all year long. I also have flowers planted all year too. Things are already starting to bud here.

Laura – sorry to hear about your dad. I am sending positive vibes to kick the crap out of that cancer. You & your family are in my prayers.

Have a great week all!



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Laura and Cheri Prayers for you and your families.

Sorry guys fly by I have been busy I will try to post longer tomorrow Love to all

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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