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Cheri, Hugs, Prayers, and good juju sent your way for you and your family. You are one strong lady with all you are dealing with. Love ya, take care of yourself.

Kristi, WTG you are doing so good. It's very cold here in Michigan also. Talking snow again for this weekend. yuk yuk yuk

Janet, new man is still going good. We are having fun together and learning more about each other. He seems more like me, down to earth and not all flash. Going out again tomorrow night.

Phyl, go to the Dr. I went, have a sinus infection, on antibiotics, now feeling great.

Linda, you need to quit sending me your snow, I've had enough. lol Got to love the Chiro...........

Apples, you sure are having fun. love it for you and yours.

Arlene, glad your Mom is back in her apt. You are so good to help her all you do. How's the G-kids doing?

Joyce, How are you?

Chris, miss hearing from you. How is work?

Laura, how is vacation going?

Meridith, have heard thru friends that we have a lot more snow than they do north of us. I see you are going to be getting hit again this weekend, bummer.

Hello to the Kelly's. How are you doing?

Lori, What's the baby report:?

Have a great weekend everyone.


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Good morning. Nothing to report on the baby yet. DD is getting very impatient LOL and hormonal! LOL

DH is home today on a vacation day if you call it that, he hasn't left his computer or Blackberry more than a few minutes though he is out snow blowing now. Yep more snow and more coming tonight. I am ready for spring! I thought that ground hog said spring was coming. I like winter but by Feb I have had enough winter. We might go see a movie today, not sure. He asked what I wanted to do today and one thing about UT there isn't much to do! LOL Don't want to drive in the mountains in the snow, we could go to Wendover about 90 min to the west which is a NV border town but don't want to do the snow drive either. Of course, he's not into shopping. LOL

Prayers: for me it's how I communicate with my Lord and Saviour and ask for His intercession, healing, blessings, power, etc

Cheri, my prayers are with you. So sorry to hear about your daughter and dad.

Arlene, glad mom is moved back home and doing better.

Phyl, you are a nurse! you should know go to the dr if you aren't better! hope you are better soon

Laura, saw some pics on FB looks like you are having a great time. Did your folks come along?

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Happy Happy Friday to everyone! We have sunshine, 30 degrees, so all the snow is quickly melting -- but supposed to have more tonight, Sat., Sun. and Mon. -- hope they are WRONG. I'm also sick of snow and winter and ready for spring.

Lori, hope you and DH find something fun to do - do you have a planetarium or science center there -- we love going to those -- always interesting.

Had to buy a new tv today as ours completely died last night -- it's been going bad. Unfortunately last year DH spent about $500 repairing it - thinking it would last a few more years -- boy that was dumb -- should have junked it then and bought a cheap new one instead -- he learned a good lesson. LOL. There was a good sale on one so we got a 47" High def for about $370 after rebates -- a cheap one but it'll be fine I'm sure. We got a wide screen cause have been noticing everything is wide screen these days -- even the weather forecast --lol part of it was always cut off.

Katie was feeling well enough to have Aylah visit her today -- so Dennis dropped her off for a few hours -- just so he could go buy the tv and deal with getting the old one disposed of. Had to drive 40 miles to buy the new one.

Kristi -- sorry you had the stuck episode, glad it didn't last too long. I carry papaya enzyme (buy at Walmart) pills which can sometimes help get the food down -- I also learned that getting up and walking around sometimes can help too. Glad you didn't slime -- that would have been embarassing. Good to baby your stomach today -- just have liquids and let it quiet down. You're only two weeks out -- I was on Clear Liquids a whole week and full liquids the next two weeks, then pureed for two, soft Protein for two and then finally regular Protein after that. Congrats on the weight loss.

LauraK so glad to hear your new fella is a keeper - hope the relation is all that you want it to be. Enjoy it while it's fun and hope it continues to be perfect for you -- you deserve it!!

Meredith -- you haven't mentioned your nephew dog and how your visit went -- do fill us in on all the details.

Did step aerobics this a.m. at home - I have a great tape if anyone is ever interested -- it's an entire hour of cardio.

Gotta fun -- will catch up more after work -- Lori -- hope you are packed and ready to head to Denver -- I'm sure it'll be soon.

Love to all.


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Good Morning Peeps! Well, I was pooped from moving my mother back in her apartment. I had to buy groceries, do laundry, and put up two months worth of clothes and crap she accumulated. What tired me the most is the temperature in that building. It is kept warm for the residents. I was soaking wet. Anyway, my mother is in her place. A lady is coming this morning to help her bathe and fix her Breakfast. I think she will do fine for a while. Assisted living is definitely in the future.

I am going to start praying every day for all of you on the mailing list. If you have a special request please let me know. Pray for me too!

Cheri, I prayed for you before I went to bed and when I got up this morning. I also know someone who had aggressive breast cancer when she was young. She had it in her lymph nodes. She had a bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction. That was twelve years ago. She is still cancer free.

Phyl.....did you go to the doctor. That stuff is hard to shake without antibiotics. HUGS!

Hugs on moving your Mom back home! Will it be easier to watch over her there?? I imagine you have a lot of concerns about that! Assisted Living is a wonderful thing!! Is she willing to explore that option??

Challenges... taking care of elderly parents! Social Worker called one of my sisters last week about my uncle... Seems he's causing problems at their assisted living place. My sister went to have a talk with him... she said, "uncle Ed, did you get out on the wrong side of the bed today??" Cuz he was being mean to her, too... So my Mom answered for him, sarcastically.... "Yeah!! A MONTH ago!" I think he's got Alzheimer's. He's always been obstinate, but he's starting to be nasty... telling my Mom she should go live with one of her daughters when he's always been so "lovey dovey" to her! For those who don't know the story... he's my Dad's youngest brother. Anyway.... will keep you in my prayers, too!

Prayers.... my way of communicating with my Lord and Savior, all my concerns, my "Thanksgivings", my praise for all He does in my life.

Cheri, will be praying your all you are going through right now, too! Hugs for you and your daughter. So sorry to hear this latest news.

No haven't gone to the doctor... just the flu, I'm sure. Doesn't feel like a sinus infection. Just with company here, never had a chance to rest and recover from the first round before second one hit! Temp is low grade. Actually, usually a sign that you're almost through it when the coughing starts!! LOL! Didn't even get dressed yesterday.... and myabe I won't today!! Just changed from pajamas to nightgown!! HAHAHA! Weather is not nice anyways.... good day to stay in again! It's chilly and very windy, but sunny.

DH has a cold now, too. But he's out there with maintenance working on our electrical hook up. When we went to Redlands for maintenance the other day, he discovered that our plug was partially melted... so park's electrical hook up needs to be replaced. So maintenance man is doing that and DH is replacing our melted plug with a new one. And I can't continue to watcy my recorded Today Show until their done... or make my 2nd cup of coffee!! But my laptop is on battery so I'm okay there... just can't send it until the network is turned back on!!

Happy Friday all! Wow, did this week fly by! 2 week's post-op – all is going well. I am down another 7.5 lbs since surgery on Feb 9 for a total of 22.5 lbs. Stitches are dissolving and can be gone now! I have become the puree queen! I have become very creative and like my creations. I carry food with me when I am out and about so I never get in a tough situation. This is working really well.

Last night was my first business meeting dinner with some good friends & business contacts. OMG can you say a sticky situation. I thought I would be able to eat slowly... I ordered an appetizer with shredded pork. I ate slowly and all of sudden it got stuck. Not only did it get stuck but I started to feel faint and light headed. I didn't want to pass out. I didn't want to alert my dinner friends so I just sucked up and thank god it passed. Today I still feel full and still stuck. I am going to stay with a liquid & puree diet for the next 48 hours as well as a nice walk today. Maybe next time Greek or Mexican may be better choices.

Not to much on for the weekend which is nice. But the other week's ahead are really busy as we moved DH dad to a senior living and have a offer on his family home. so once it closes we will have to clear out the last of the remaining items. We are having cold weather today in Vancouver it is to hit -10. That is really cold for us on the West Coast. I wish everyone a fabulous Friday & great weekend! Cheers, Kristi

Kristi, You are doing GREAT!! Eating out is always a challenge. Sometimes a baked potato or Soup is a good option when you are needing to stick to "mushies".

We are sort of "neighbors".... when I'm home, that is (right now I'm Janet's neighbor!).... Lake Stevens WA... just east of Everett.

Good morning. Nothing to report on the baby yet. DD is getting very impatient LOL and hormonal! LOL

DH is home today on a vacation day if you call it that, he hasn't left his computer or Blackberry more than a few minutes though he is out snow blowing now. Yep more snow and more coming tonight. I am ready for spring! I thought that ground hog said spring was coming. I like winter but by Feb I have had enough winter. We might go see a movie today, not sure. He asked what I wanted to do today and one thing about UT there isn't much to do! LOL Don't want to drive in the mountains in the snow, we could go to Wendover about 90 min to the west which is a NV border town but don't want to do the snow drive either. Of course, he's not into shopping. LOL

Prayers: for me it's how I communicate with my Lord and Saviour and ask for His intercession, healing, blessings, power, etc.

AMEN!!! Very well put, Lori!

Cheri, my prayers are with you. So sorry to hear about your daughter and dad.

Arlene, glad mom is moved back home and doing better.

Phyl, you are a nurse! you should know go to the dr if you aren't better! hope you are better soon

Laura, saw some pics on FB looks like you are having a great time. Did your folks come along?

We're thinking of going to a movie tomorrow.... if I'm not coughing my head off.... but we're debating about the dog! Leave her home... put her in her little red bag and take her with us and hope the sound isn't too loud..... she can't deal with loud noises. I want to see "King's Speech" before the Oscars!

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Hello......the sun is out, but it's very deceiving as it is also very cold out..... I'm sure ready for some warmer weather.... above zero would be nice!!!

Cheri, you just keep getting it piled on.... I, too, will keep you and yours in my prayers..... I'm so glad you have such a strong faith to fall back on during this time... Someone else already said this, but take care of yourself...... You've got so much and you have to be at your best..... they need you.....

Phyll, hope you are well soon.....

Lori. hope the weekend finds the stork visiting your DD..... My neice had her baby on Tuesday... little boy, Asher Louis....... 8# 1 oz..... 19 1/2" Can't wait to see and smell him... I love the the smell of newborns....

Everyone try to have a great weekend..... DH is redoing the kitchen in our little house where DD and family live... The new cabinets came last evening so he will be working no-stop..... I have to get supper ready and take over as DD has no way to do it right now......

Love to all........... Julie

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Cheri, hugs and prayers to you and your family. I don't know very good words of encouragement, but I feel them, so I'm sending you the love.

Jodi, sounds like the party is coming along. I finally put some pictures on my computer of the wedding, I'll post them on facebook....masks and all.

Charlene, glad your mother is getting settled. I'm afraid it that time in our lives and theirs that things start to slip. It is very hard to watch and live through. You have been a good daughter.

LauraK...interesting about the new friend. Hope it continues and such a positive note.

Julie, glad your meeting went so well. It's very hard counting on others to do stuff however, just keep that in mind. Not everyone is a dedicated as you.

Lori, I bet you're tired of that snow. Keeping fingers crossed for your DD.

Linda, so nice your company acknowledged you like they did. Wow, you got great stuff. My company used to give nice things at the "5" anniversary dates, 5 - 10 - 15, etc. but they got cheap after Qwest took over and we were lucky to get anything.

Phyl, hope you are feeling better. Worried about you...you need to keep having fun, but slow down and get rid of that cold.

Janet, shopping? That's a surprise. I'll do a little research on the shoot out and see if there was a bank robbery. That's pretty funny.

Kristi, take care of your stomach. If you aren't sure what will work when you go out, you can usually find a Soup that you can eat. Just chew any chunky stuff up really well.

It's another beautiful day in the southwest. I understand tomorrow it's going to windy and cold with a chance of rain. So I was inspired and planted by gladiola bulbs, cleaned up a few things and repotted my chives. The pot broken when I picked it up (plastic rots here, so do clay pots. The chives were so root bound I cut the root ball in half and planted them in two pots. It's supposed to freeze again, but it shouldn't hurt the bulbs, they have sprouted yet.

dinner went well last night. I had beef posole (it's usually made with pork) and made a Mexican flan. It was an easy dinner. Another couple came by and DH and I sat on the couch and laughed at Apples and her DH because our friends had a captive audience. They sure can talk. Love them both however, very good people.

Apples is making dinner tonight (we kept trying to do this earlier in their visit, but it just didn't happen). So now that they are getting close to leaving we are finally having dinner at each others house. Glimmer is going to visit too.

Okay, gotta take another shower since I got all sweaty today.

Yeah, yeah, I know you are all jealous. Well when we are 110, you can make me jealous with your wonderful weather.


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Good Evening Gang! I had a bad food day.....not a bad carb day.....just ate too much.

LauraK.......how is the new "friendship" going? My g-kids are good. I babysat the girls this morning then Sunday two more are coming to stay the evening. I heard from my mother today and she had a good day.

Linda......yep, it is just more economical these days to just buy a new TV. They are kinda like microwaves.....they last a long time. Enjoy the new widescreen!

Lori.....no baby yet? Well, I missed the due date. Everyday will make her stronger. March 8th would be good. Awesome people are born on that day. lol

Sndy......haven't heard from you in a while. Are you okay?

Chris.....you must be on the road. I hope the band is working for you......how much have you lost?

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Good Evening Peeps.

Had a WONDERFUL day - well after my bank ordeal.... I should have known better than to to my b of a in Indio - got there 9:09 - didn't get to see anyone till 9:50... I even threaten to close my account w/them - they didnt' care - I asked what time does the bank open - 9 - well then why are there 4 pple waiting to get personal service (not teller service) no one showed up till 9:30 - I was so pissed - took a xanax after I left there - Hell all I wanted was a new debit card since my old one got shut down for a $20 charge made on Valentines at some pet pillow place in rancho mirage at 6:40 p.m. I was home on the computer at that time - I was really really pissed - I will be going to the b of a in La Quinta - it won't be full of the kind of pple who don't help you - I don't have million in the bank but more than the average person and I feel that after being w/bofa since I was in Kindergarden (savings) and a real about since 71 - that I should get good customer service....

So I picked up Diane - 1st place Chico's got 2 tops and 3 bras - no back fat (excess skin) and they are so comfy - they were expensive - but I dont think they will be the 1st thing that comes off when I come home at night ;0) then we met another gf for lunch at Tommy Bahama's - Had scallop sliders (not the bread part) OMG they were cooked to perfection - Diane was looking for a dress for a wedding next month - stopped at a few more store JCrew - Black & White - some store w/an A - got home about 5.. Had a really nice day - didn't talk about work - well for a second when I picked up Diane - but we didn't gossip or think of work - just talked and shopped - GREAT day....

Melissa (dil) called last night - girls are out of school the week of 3/14 - they were thinking about coming down - Told her I was having company that week ;0) she said that's why I'm calling cuz I know you have a life - I thought that was cool - I have a life - without my lbt friends - I might not have such an active one ;0).. So they are coming for Easter.. Girls have like 2 days off and I have good Friday - so will have fun making baskets and dying eggs..

Loving having a 3 - 4 day work week ;0) but I would have to work extra hard to get them and I don't like working that hard - infact was warned to watch my lbt and fb activity w/the new computers - that's going to be hard.. Cuz in between files - I so a lot of web surfing ;0).. Going to have to take my ereader and see if there is wi fi anywhere around us ;0)

Phyl ;0) I just feel so bad that you are sick - hope you feel better today.. Yep our weather tomorrow suppose to be crappy - today was pretty nice at this end of the valley.. Hugs on Uncle Ed...

Krista WTG on your 7 lbs - I find shredded meat a little hard to eat too stringy - Like Charlene said Soup is always a good choice - Or scallops (if you like them) Yep Phyl is my neighbor in the winter months..

Eva - Ya it's really hard to believe I'm shopping ;0) - got some cute outfits.. Your pozolle sounds good - I most likely will make soup or chilli tomorrow - suppose to start raining and snow at 1000 ft level - 36 degrees at the end of Feb - hard to beleive.. Glad you and Apples getting together for dinner -

Laurak - Sounds like this one might be a keeper ;0)

Charlene - I like the Malley foundation - creamy dewy - as you know us w/older skin dont neet our makeup to matte - but I did use a little Laura Geller over it.. Glad you got your Mom settled in - it was a stressful day - eating to compensate happens sometime ;0) - Tomorrow is a new day

Lori- The 1st thing I was looking for was baby news.. My Brooke called tonite asking if I was coming for her Bday 3/2 - Told her we would skype and so I could watch her celebrate;0)

Linda - I just noticed the other night that my tv has burned in marks from leaving it on QVC - I have projection t.v. its not bad - but I did notice - I won't be getting a new one till this one is out - cuz I will have to buy or have a cabinet built - I was watching gf dianes tv when I dropped her off - flat screen hi def - looked like 3'd - I have a high def tv - but I don't have a high def cable box - I guess I need to get all caught up on my recorded shows and go get one to see if it makes my tv clearer - my tv will be 7 yr old in May or June.. Glad Katie is felling better - what is she going to do about her condition - is she at home or in the hospital - does she live alone - what does she do for a living..

Julie - Yep new babies are the best - when is your DD due??

Well Kaitlin's calling - cbl - Hugs

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Good Evening All...it was an absolutely beautiful day in Tucson. Spent a bettter part of the day fussing and cooking and eating and sampling the goods. Found time to sit on the porch and do a few daily crosswords. Had a wonderful time with Eva and her DH....way overstuffed but found some room to have a large bag of popcorn to top off the day. Poor Eva...sent her home with a large TJMaxx bag full of leftovers....mostly healthy dishes. We are down to just a few meals in the frig. Would love to find a way to transplant Eva and her DH into our group of friends at home. Have had some good times. Crying...whine...gotta leave.

Tomorrow we are heading up to the "Love Shack" to drop some things off and then having lunch with "Mom Lucille's" son...my fake bro and his wife. They are who we spend the holidays with. Family. They are down here in AZ for another month or more. Lucky. If it weren't for our son's 30th bday party, we would extend out stay. But, have our priorities in order and need to head back to real life....which really isn't so bad....except for the cold weather till the end of April...or longer if the Man up above decides to put it upon us. We've done a lot of traveling but this vacation measures up to be one of the best. So happy we bought a place and have years of wonderful vacations to look forward to.

Janet...so nice to see your post on what a good day you had with friends. Your post sounded so happy and today was just what you might have needed.

Well, time for bed. Want to get up very early to travel since there is a wind warning and we don't want to be caught like last weekend. (Blackout dirt storms). Goodnight to all. sleep tight. Cheri...you've been on my mind today. Sending the love.

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Cheri - My heart goes out to you during this difficult time.I send you big hugs from afar! I will pray for you & your family. As the C is a toll but can be beat! We have had many journeys in our family down that path unfortunatly. May sure to take care of yourself! xx

Eva - I wish I could have the heat you are having. We are to have snow today. Which is rare for the west coast.

My stomach is doing much better. I had mushies yeterday and also bought the papya tablets. Live & learn :).

I have a relaxing weekend ahead yipee! Today watching the niece & nephew bowl in another tournie. Test drive cars as our leases are up in the fall. Walks and just general R & R.

Have a great weekend all!



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Morning to all -- I'm rushing to get to my Sat. morning Zumba class so don't have much time. LOL, DH had terrible time yesterday with new tv v. old DVD, old surround sound system, etc. Had to get one of Katie's friends over to help him get everything hooked up -- had to go get a splitter too --poor DH -- he was sooooo frustrated. We may have to buy a new dvd -- they're pretty cheap these days so no biggie.

But the tv is nice -- a little low -- we need to buy something to set it on as we like it a bit higher -- can't really hang it on the wall - we have a huge cabinet -- with shelves and lights -- a curio cabinet basically and I have my collections in there so can't really get rid of it until we are ready to retire -- DH loves that piece of furniture - it was his "special deal" years ago - so I live with it.

Katie was released Wednes. night and didn't feel great so Aylah stayed with us until yesterday afternoon -- Katie took her to see how it went and felt well enough to keep her overnight. DH lectured her -- we'll see -- at least she didn't argue (which is her usual) so maybe what the doctor told her is finally sinking in and she'll straighten up. Janet, she works part time at a local grocery store -- she's barely worked -- they give her months off the schedule when she's sick -- when she does work it's only about 10 hours a week. Which is part of why I get so frustrated -- she's on "assistance" and when I was raising my son I never even considered getting assistance -- and this generation seems proud of it - it's embarassing to me - especially living in our little town with our uncommon last name. I just keep telling myself it's not really a reflection on us.

Well, gotta run, I'll cbl -- have to clean today -- got another couple of inches last night -- yesterday was gorgous all day -- sun and in the low 30s so a lot melted, then more last night. Supposed to have several more days of snow.

Apples, be careful on your trip -- will be thinking of you.


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Good Morning Peeps

It's 52 and cloudy - high for the day is 56 w/rain - I know spring weather for most of you - but for us 56 is down jacket weather LOL..

Linda - I was on welfare from 16 to 19 - I used it for what it was ment for - I was in what was called the Win program - paid me $15 a month to go back to school (I missed to many days to get credit for half my junior year) and they also gave me gas $$ which my Dad paid my gas - so I had about $30 xtra bucks which was alot of $$ back in the day - I went back to school got my diploma and job - I have worked since I was 19 - well had one break when I was in my 23 where I didn't work for 6 months (that's when I gained weight) but didn't collect welfare - had unemployment and was living w/a guy so we had it covered - Win/welfare paid for childcare even after I had job till I started making more money - I am not ashamed of being on it - I used it as a hand up not a hand out - I beleive in helping pple but not having generations who do nothing but collect welfare.. Hugs Hugs Hugs..

Today is my rest day from gym - got it tomorrow - gotta get bills together to pay on the 1st - grocery store - Soup or chili - don't really know yet not hungry ;0)

Cheri - am thinking and praying for you girl - wish I could do more - just know we are here for you..

Saw Laura's pic's on FB looks like they are having a good time

Eva & Apples - glad you had a good evening... Yep Apples did have a good day - Really didn't need to shop - but when I was hanging up my purchases - I did (and will) continue to pull thinks out that I only wear like once a year - in the mood to nest - Iron - so may all that to my schedule today...

Well just cking in - cbl

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Good morning! More snow! GRRRR DH is out blowing it now. About 6 to 8 inches worth. But it's warmer so melting more which is good. At least now going into March with the snowstorms, when it does snow it melts pretty quickly and we get some nice days in between. I have spring fever bad! I love winter but am done with it a few weeks after the holidays. LOL

No baby news yet.

Janet, now did the store with 'the A in it' have an nn Taylor after it? is in Ann Taylor or Ann Taylor Loft? I am jealous if it did. LOL

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Thanks for the love and prayers everyone. Rachel has been difficult emotionally for over 9 months. Knew she had thyroid issues and female issues but the breast cancer may have been contributing as well.

Going to be in a training session for work all day tomorrow. Going to bed early to make up for little sleep last night with my father. He kept waking up in pain and out of it, trying to stand up without nurse to help and trying to pull out his IV. Much better this morning when my mother came to stay with him Hopefully he was finally able to pee in the bottle so he can go home.

Janet, both are going to a retirement village by my brother in MI in May. We've got to help them pack up a 45 yr stay in their home. Plus I have two grand babies due end of April. I also have to keep on teaching school.

I did confront husband. We've resolved things pretty well. Don't need to deal with DH issues while all this other stuff is going on. Got resolved fairly quickly after he'd experienced the emotional wall I put up for several days. Told him when he says cruel things its often the signal that he's going into one of his "funks" that can last for months and that I don't need that right now with all I'm going through. He seemed to hear that. So household tension is greatly reduced.


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Good Evening Gang...

Cheri - 45 yrs to pack up OMW hope you are going to have some help - that's going to be tough... Continued Prayers

You have had one hell of a time lately HUGS... Glad you and DH got things batched up... When my Dad got sick the day of my Stepmom's funeral - and then a week late got life flighted to Scripps in Encinitias - I took 1 month leave of absence - Lucky my job allowed it - Hugs Hugs Hugs

Lori -They had a Loft - but truly sorta boring - I like color as you all know - I'm not a big pastel girl - I like BRIGHT - Anthoalogy for something like that - GF said it was a la t da store - but we both got $138 pants for $20 ;0) my gf is tall so they are like long capris for her and ankle pants for me - did get a cute top there too but it wasn't on sale..

Well - here's my day... Played on computer - took a shower & gave Angel a shower at the same time ;0) - talked to gf on the phone - got dressed when to Marshalls bought 3 pairs of the same shoe in 3 colors - black white nude - gosh I can't think of what they are called (old age is a bitch) remember candy shoes - spike heels that are slip on - omg what's the name Got it MULES LOL I REMEMBERED ;0) - then went to Target got Brooke Bday cards 3/2 - then Winco wanted Ox Tails to make Soup - but they didn't have any (target didnt either) so went all the way across town - and Stater Bro didn't have any - so no soup tonite - guess I'll eat the lamb chops I made last night..

We haven't gotten the rain they said we were suppose to get - it's 55 They say rain is suppose to hit tonite around nine -

If you want the MOST COMFORTABLE BRA IN THIS WHOLE WIDE WORLD (you can get front closure (I wore this one today lepoard print &/or the back - I got both) Here's the link - a bit pricey but OMG so worth it !!!!!!



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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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