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Arlene, maybe I'll go see the movie sometime when DH is out of town, I do that once in awhile. What is Gracecard? Never heard of it. What sort of work does your DH do? We (my kids and I) always joke that DH can never retire, first he is a workaholic and I can't imagine it, but 2nd, I want to keep our pass priority (standby priority when we travel). LOL

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Arlene, maybe I'll go see the movie sometime when DH is out of town, I do that once in awhile. What is Gracecard? Never heard of it. What sort of work does your DH do? We (my kids and I) always joke that DH can never retire, first he is a workaholic and I can't imagine it, but 2nd, I want to keep our pass priority (standby priority when we travel). LOL

DH is a process control engineer. He retired from Dow several years ago then went to work for a contractor doing the same job only less hours and more pay. He only goes in three days a week....works at home one day and is off for a three day weekend.

I think Grace Card is about the relationship between two cops. Louis Gosset Jr. is in it. I just love him.

I am watching The Biggest Loser. I haven't watched it in several weeks. Who are you pulling for?

Well tomorrow is CHEW! CHEW! I gotta get back on the Protein train. I am in better control of my WW pts when I cut out the starches. My cough is almost gone so I am heading back to the gym next week. I am babysitting tomorrow and I have to move my mother back to her apartment on Thursday. Thanks for all the prayers! She has her snap back and even a pep in her step.....with the walker!

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I never miss Biggest Loser, that is my number one show. I like Jesse and Rulon and Rulons friend the most, but like most of the contestants this time, unlike last time. Ooops not Jesse, Moses, am watching now and got the names wrong.

I never hard of that movie, will have to watch for it.

Good luck on the Protein train. I know you struggle with carbs, are you going to still have your oatmeal and just work on cutting out the other carbs or are you going Protein only?

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I'm here but not much time to post. Phone-a-thon for Roseland Christian School tonight and made calls. Last night 2 1/2 hrs of choir. Ketosis--google it. I learned a lot about it when I was doing Atkins. If you eliminate just about all carbs and eat a lot of Protein you start burning fat at a high rate and lose weight fairly quickly. Not good to be in ketosis for long periods of time but it takes a few days to really achieve it. Your blood sugar stays very low and doesn't spike. You start burning off belly fat where a lot of our fat is located.

Janet, because of a nasty comment in response to me wanting a kiss from my DH in public, I've basically cut off physical contact and endearments from me to him. To all appearances my DH and I are relating normally. I'm simply not affectionate. No hugs, kisses, cuddling or endearments. No waiting around for him to want to do something with me. Just do my own thing and make my plans without him. Nothing nasty. Just protecting myself from further abuse until he decides to deal with the situation he caused.

Lori, pray all goes well. Julie, mygranddaughter did the same thing to her own hair and my daughter did some damage to her own years ago. Happens to a lot of kids.

Linda, hope things get resolved for Aylah's sake. She seems so precious.

Gotta go to bed.


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Good Evening Gang

I was way to busy at work to ck in today - will be that way all week... It was very hectic - just catching up on email - my desk and my gf Diane's - didn't really get much accomplished just pushing paper from one pile to another.. Then I have this $20 charge on Valentine's day on my debit card - I didn't go anywhere that day - so I called bank - as well 1/2 hr later transfered to 3 pple - I was very frustrated - now I have to go to the bank and get a new debit card - they say it was swiped at 6;40 p.m in Rancho Mirage - I have card and I wasn't in Rancho Mirage at 6:40 p..m. Monday had gym got home around 6:20 - So just a icky day.. Didn't want to go to gym - but did...

Rhabdomyolysis is the rapid breakdown (lysis) of skeletal muscle (rhabdomyo) due to damage to muscle tissue. The muscle damage may be caused by physical (e.g. crush injury), chemical, or biological factors. The destruction of the muscle leads to the release of the breakdown products of damaged muscle cells into the bloodstream; some of these, such as myoglobin (a protein), are harmful to the kidney and may lead to acute kidney failure. The severity of the symptoms (which may include muscle pains, vomiting and confusion) depends on the extent of the muscle damage, and whether kidney failure develops. Treatment is with intravenous fluids, and dialysis or hemofiltration if necessary.[1][2]

Non-physical causes

Non-physical causes reported to cause rhabdomyolysis include:[1][2]

Linda - Yep being a step parent is really hard - Hugs Hugs Hugs..

Lori - Hope the baby hurries up and comes, those last few weeks are always tough

Charlene - I thought fillers only lasted about a yr - we will see ;0)

Well gang - I'm pooped - Ttyl

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Janet, because of a nasty comment in response to me wanting a kiss from my DH in public, I've basically cut off physical contact and endearments from me to him. To all appearances my DH and I are relating normally. I'm simply not affectionate. No hugs, kisses, cuddling or endearments. No waiting around for him to want to do something with me. Just do my own thing and make my plans without him. Nothing nasty. Just protecting myself from further abuse until he decides to deal with the situation he caused.


Reason I am single :0)

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Ok...I'll start the process (like we did when Arlene's last was born). I am going to guess next Wed, Mar 2, 10am as the date Lori's GB will be born. Everyone take a stab at guessing and the winner will recieve a prize in the mail (sent from MN)...unless I am the winner and then, darn it, I will have to go our and buy myself a prize.. LOL.

Keeping your DD in my thoughts, Lori...hopefully she can deal with that gallbladder soon after baby comes. No fun to think about doing that when you are adjusting to motherhood. Let us all know when you are off and running to Denver. How exciting.

Arlene and Linda...we are going to try and leave here on Monday. Have a lot of last minute things to do on Monday (i.e., deliver cable boxes and internet equipment, make sure garbage is on the curb and that waste mgt takes receptacles, stop by "love shack" and leave things we don't have to take home, stop by FIL's for hugs, etc.). Not so concerned about getting out of AZ....more worried about getting into MN. Fingers crossed.

If they had malls in heaven, I was at it today. Found FIL the perfect jacket. Wanted 2 but know where to get it in MN when we get back and will send it to him. He's so cute and appreciative. Also found a gift for a friend and that was about it. I am a comparison shopper and took me most of the day. I find it challenging but fun. DH always says I missed my calling...could have been a personal shopper. My heart is happy because DH has been able to spend so many special days with his dad. Watching them together is so heartwarming. Pretty sure DH is a clone.

Popcorn time...was just reminded with a flip of the nose by Tanker.

Linda...hoping your DH can have the gumption to do what he needs to do....we are waiting for things to come to a head so we can maybe have the opportunity to help. Hugs...know a bit of what you are going thru.

Love to all...Phyll..hope you are better this week. Sending the love to all. Wishing you all a good night of sleep.

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Ok...I'll start the process (like we did when Arlene's last was born). I am going to guess next Wed, Mar 2, 10am as the date Lori's GB will be born. Everyone take a stab at guessing and the winner will recieve a prize in the mail (sent from MN)...unless I am the winner and then, darn it, I will have to go our and buy myself a prize.. LOL.

Love to all...Phyll..hope you are better this week. Sending the love to all. Wishing you all a good night of sleep.

Okay.....Sunday the 27th, 6 a.m. is my pick.

Was feeling better, then had a bad day today... headache came back, starting to cough, and sinus drainage. Hope we're not starting a new phase. Then I had to drive the car 60 miles to RV maintenance facility because DH did not want to tow it. Didn't feel well enough but had to do it. And I suppose that means I have to drive back tomorrow. It's not that far, but hate dealing with the traffic, and don't like driving when I'm not feeling good... especially that headache!

Had good visit with DD & SIL but sure wish I'd been feeling better!

Want a cup of tea but can't use micro here. Plugged in to 110. Glad to have TV (antenna), and complementary WiFi (RV facility guest account). Cell works here, too.

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Okay, my guess is Monday, February 28th, at 2:00 pm................ Lori, just hope all goes well whatever day she comes.... I'm excited for you.... Being a grandma is just the most wonderful thing.......

In answer to the comments from some about me feeling better, the answer was yes, until this past Saturday..... I had almost a month with pain not going past a 6 or 7 on a scale from 1 to 10....... But the 10's and 12's came back Saturday and every day since... Had an ugly one in the middle of Wal-mart today... Had to take mother dowwn for doc appt and sure enough it had to rear it's ugly head..... I had pain pill so took that and just did what I needed to do without making too much of a scene.....

Things were much calmer today for DD and her family.... They had an OB appt, so took the girls to other G & G today..... Everyone loved their new haircuts!!!!!! Her Doc did put her on Zoloft as she seems to be falling into a depression..... This pregnancy has been very hard on her..... about 12 weeks to go.....

Linda, lets hope this new diagnosis will turn a corner for Katie... Bless you all....

Phyll, sorry you can't get rid of the crud you have..... Sometimes we just have to do things no matter how we feel..... take care....

Apples, glad you had so much fun shopping.... You got it right about getting into MN..... they say it's messy there!!! We didn't get any new snow yet... Hope we don't..... Everyone is getting tired of winter.... safe journey... Oh, and I never raised a boy, so don't know about frogs and such.... I'm sure it would have driven me to drink..... I'm scared of those kinds of things.....very much so!!!!!!!

Well, all you other dear ones, hello to you and hope all is well.... I need to do a little work on my shoulders and then try to sleep.... Tomorrow is my church meeting to try to fix things....... Not looking forward to it at all.... Hugs and prayers for all.......... Julie

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Good Morning everyone~

I have been up since 330. sigh. I hate it when I can't sleep. A lot on my mind I guess. Dad had his 3 month PET scan Tuesday. Keeping our fingers crossed but I am preparing myself for the worst. Since the last one showed return of cancer in all the previous spots (spine, lungs, liver, pelvis, chest)- I would guess that there will be more of the same. I am worried how my parents will react to the news. They have really been living PET scan to PET scan. Literally putting their lives on hold until the news. I will let you all know the news soon.

OK... my prediction for Lori's GD is......... Tuesday, March 1! Perfect day since it is also Nelson's birthday!!! If I had to give a time, I will say 7pm.

I really cannot write much.. getting sleepy. Will write more later. maybe. I have sooooooo much to do today! Pack, clean, etc. Leaving Thursday for our trip. YIKES.

Hi to everyone....... sorry I have been a slacker with posting.


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Apples, my prediction is Friday, March 25 at 8pm. Lori, how is that for convenience?

I have given up oatmeal for a while. It triggers carb eating. I am going back to a Protein drink or eggbeaters till I can get a handle on my carb eating. It too many WW pts.

Laura......prayers for your dad and you.

Phyl, Headache? Do you have a sinus infection? I am taking my last antibiotic today. I don't know why I waited so long to go to the doctor. I could have been over this crap a week ago.

Julie, my kids went through the hair cut thing too.......bangs. Sorry you are having flare ups with your pain. Maybe it is extra stress. Take care!!!

Janet, Laura Geller is QVC today's special. I bought it. Check it out.

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Apples, my prediction is Friday, March 25 at 8pm. Lori, how is that for convenience?

I have given up oatmeal for a while. It triggers carb eating. I am going back to a Protein drink or eggbeaters till I can get a handle on my carb eating. It too many WW pts.

Laura......prayers for your dad and you.

Phyl, Headache? Do you have a sinus infection? I am taking my last antibiotic today. I don't know why I waited so long to go to the doctor. I could have been over this crap a week ago.

Julie, my kids went through the hair cut thing too.......bangs. Sorry you are having flare ups with your pain. Maybe it is extra stress. Take care!!!

Janet, Laura Geller is QVC today's special. I bought it. Check it out.

OOPS! I meant Feb 25th, 8pm.

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Before I forget, I'll pick Saturday, Feb. 26 at 9:30 p.m. for baby's arrival.

Thanks for all the well wishes on Katie, appreciate it all.

Laura, so sorry you couldn't sleep -- hoping for the best on the Pet scan - I know how hard this is -- went through it with my DM -- will keep you and your folks in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs.

Julie, hugs on your pain -- I wish someone could figure it out for you.

Today is treats day for me as I have my luncheon. LOL. Supposed to be a nice day (calm before the storm) and then turn nasty and snow on Thurs.

Arlene, good luck with the chew chew today -- remember to feed the carb monster with Protein - just eat as much as you want but only Protein -- don't try to starve yourself -- just eat protein and keep those cravings satisfied. Made up my chicken last night -- bought some new spring salad greens at Walmart - very tasty -- and not too expensive. There's some stuff in there even I don't recognize, but it's okay if it tastes good. LOL.

Janet, we're busy at work too -- this is our super busy time of year -- now til July then will quiet down again until Sept. -- very seasonal. Getting a cash bonus today which will go into our vacation fund. We are planning to take Aylah to Disneyland next January -- our week at our timeshare in Carlsbad is the third week of Jan. and we figured would be a good time to take her there, visit firends and family,etc. but need to save save save!! Not sure if I mentioned but we are not using credit cards -- we had gotten ourselves in debt helping everyone out (Katie, Bryan etc.) over the past few years. In order to actually be able to retire in 5 years I decided I needed to pay everything off and so we are trying to do cash only while we pay them all off. Also paying extra on the mortgage so it can be paid off in about 5 years -- then I can sell everything and buy my motor home and hit the road.

Okay, gotta get ready for work. Have a good day everyone!!! Hugs to all.


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Good Morning Ladies

Great's - Baby Date - 2/24 9:30 p.m.

Linda - Suzie O would be very proud of you for getting debit in check ;0) I need to stop shopping :0) Enjoy your treat day - I had 2 last week or you could say one last week (Sat) then one this week (Sund) Andrew brought me ice cream from Cold Stone on Sunday nite - I should have said no thank you - excuse - never had cold stone ice cream ;0) - he did say that they had 1 healthier veision - don't know why he didn't bring me that ;0) he knows that would be my choice ;0)

Covering 2 desk is a bitch especially yesterday 12 certificates for one account - I hate doing certs. I really need to get in the shower and get there a little early - I would think spring/summer would be busy time with all the little league games going on..

Charlene - No I have enough LG LOL see I'm not shopping LOL - I love her makeup thought - I like it bettter than bare minerals -it's not so heavy... Tell me how you like her new mascara..

food good yesterday - BF pt chips 15 grms - lunch green salad & chicken - dinner Steak & squash - treats none.. oh a few nuts ;0)

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Goodness we have every day picked from Feb 24 until March 2nd for the baby pool. So I'll take the next date of March 3rd at 608pm. (I picked 608pm in a time pool that DD's BIL was doing - no dates just times). Though I think she'll come sooner. The 28th is my dad's birthday. He was a twin though the other twin was still born and he came on 2/29. Interestingly in DH's family he has twin cousins that were born on 2/28 for one and 2/29 for the other as well. They are the same age as DD. The one born on 2/29 celebrates on 3/1 to have her own day I think.

I am so ready for spring. It's bright and sunny out today, though not real warm but they are saying more snow by Friday. I love sitting out back on our patio by the pond and waterfall. We tried on Monday and I was wrapped in 2 blankets and still too cold.

Phyl, hope you are feeling better.

Arlene, are you still going to WW? haven't heard you mention going lately.

Julie, my kids gave each other haircuts once as well. It grows out and becomes a fun memory. DS also tried to bleach his hair once, with Clorox! He was older when he did that.

Janet, good thing it's a 3 day work week for you, you need the break from all the work you are doing in your 3 days.

Apples, seems like you just got to AZ. I am disappointed to not make it down, I really thought we would as DH keeps saying he has to go to Tuscon but other problems keep propping up. He is going to Phoenix next week.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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