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Arlene, glad you are feeling better..... You have too many down days, too.... Life should be easier at this age....

Julie, I am feeling so much better. Everyone in this part of Texas has the "crud". Our weather goes from 40 to 80 in a day. One thing that has helped my FM pain is the steroid shot I got in my "trigger thumb". My thumb is fine now and when the weather changes I haven't had pain. Of course, the down side is weight gain. I think I gain when I take Tylenol. UGH!

Janet, I am taking my friend to get fillers in her face. I am going to get an estimate on my mug while I am there. Does it hurt? Do you bruise? My mother said she would give me the fillers for my 60th birthday. Of course, my jealous sister (16 months older) said she wants them for my birthday too. Whatever! As long as mama is paying. lol

Eva, good going on the Protein shakes. I know about the stomach rumbles. Gas-x helps. Take it before you drink the shake.

Cheri.....HUGS for you DD!

Oh, Janet, I have been walking everyday. I will go back to the gym when my coughing stops.....almost there.

Joyce, how are you feeling?

Okay gang, I checked in today......let us know how you are doing. :rolleyes:

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Well we ended up with 8" of snow last night. I am so sick of it, just when we had a thaw and could see the ground finally. yuk yuk.

Cheri, bummer about your date night being spoiled. Glad you had a fun time with the G-kids.

Melissa, one does forget that baby stage. I know I could never go back to that full time.

Laura, Happy belated B-day. Have fun with your boys.

Eva, I would love to come garden with you. I am so ready for it.

Julie, you sound like you feel better. To bad about the girls hair, but it will grow back.

Janet, you don't have time to garden, you are always on the go.

Arlene, WTG on your walking.

Ok I caught Julies, CRS so take care to all.


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Arlene, glad you are feeling better..... You have too many down days, too.... Life should be easier at this age....

Julie, I am feeling so much better. Everyone in this part of Texas has the "crud". Our weather goes from 40 to 80 in a day. One thing that has helped my FM pain is the steroid shot I got in my "trigger thumb". My thumb is fine now and when the weather changes I haven't had pain. Of course, the down side is weight gain. I think I gain when I take Tylenol. UGH!

Janet, I am taking my friend to get fillers in her face. I am going to get an estimate on my mug while I am there. Does it hurt? Do you bruise? My mother said she would give me the fillers for my 60th birthday. Of course, my jealous sister (16 months older) said she wants them for my birthday too. Whatever! As long as mama is paying. lol

Eva, good going on the Protein shakes. I know about the stomach rumbles. Gas-x helps. Take it before you drink the shake.

Cheri.....HUGS for you DD!

Oh, Janet, I have been walking everyday. I will go back to the gym when my coughing stops.....almost there.

Joyce, how are you feeling?

Okay gang, I checked in today......let us know how you are doing. :rolleyes:

Charlene - They put numbing cream on your face first (this is for the filler) and it helps and they had me ice the areas too but depending where they are injecting you will fill a pinch - my eyes watered a bit - take the arciana pills for the bruising before you go - you can get them at the health food stores and maybe even Walgreen's - I did have a little black eye on one eye - but they have you ice after too,. A little painful but it's worth it - Apples said she could see the diff - but no one else at work as said anything - my one gf candy finally noticed but I think that's cuz I was having a good makeup day :0)

WTG w/the walking - moving is what counts

Well we ended up with 8" of snow last night. I am so sick of it, just when we had a thaw and could see the ground finally. yuk yuk.

Cheri, bummer about your date night being spoiled. Glad you had a fun time with the G-kids.

Melissa, one does forget that baby stage. I know I could never go back to that full time.

Laura, Happy belated B-day. Have fun with your boys.

Eva, I would love to come garden with you. I am so ready for it.

Julie, you sound like you feel better. To bad about the girls hair, but it will grow back.

Janet, you don't have time to garden, you are always on the go.

Arlene, WTG on your walking.

Ok I caught Julies, CRS so take care to all.


LauraK - I am sitting on my butt in front of this computer too much of the time - if I skipped the computer I would have tons of tiime LOL I did some fertilizing today though ;0)

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This seems to be the place where I need to be :) ! I have a ffew food questions. I'm trying low carbs and doing well. But I'm afraid of getting bored. How do cold cuts fit into your diet? Is cheese and hard salami ok if you're low carb? I use the cheese as the bread. Also, would someone here please explane ketosis? What is it and how do you find out if you're in it? Thanks for your help :D !!

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Good Evening All...had a great day. We drove up to FIL's place. DH was on his back most of the day and under the motorhome. Much appreciated by FIL though. I brought lunch along and made it easy for them. Then, got in my car and headed out to shop in Casa Grande. Hit the outlet mall (sad) many stores closed but made a haul at GNC. We are heading back to FIL tomorrow and I will hit the much better shopping area and hoping to find some things I have been lookng for. I have hardly spent much on this trip. FIL mentioned a certain type of jacket he wants so I am going to focus on finding a couple of them for him. He said "Just pick me one up but I would like navy and black..I will pay you whatever it is". Well, he's so good to us and I have casino winnings (not stating here but nice winnings) and I don't mind buying him a couple of jackets. He's lost without MIL doing some of these types of things for him. Sad but happy to step in and do it.

Heading for a fun-filled day with Eva on Wed. Seeing some sights and just going to enjoy her company. Both DH and I have had so much fun spending time with her. Our walking/talking tour guide.

Cheri...sorry your DH was an A$$....but, glad you can come here and vent. I have so many friends that either lost there husbands or are divorced and are perfectly happy without after their married experiences. I don't have the perfect DH (and he has a far from perfect wife) but I am thankful each day for him. I have stated many times throughout our life together that if anything (God forbid) would happen to him, I would never have the need to remarry. At this age and being as independent as I am, I just couldn't be bothered with having to put up with what comes with it. So sorry for you having your feeling hurt. Hopefully he will come around and make it up to you.

Linda and LauraK...got texts from friends and DS this morning and we got over a foot of snow where we live in MN. DS said that we was out at the farm plowing snow and the snow was up to the winder on the door of the truck because of the way it was piled. He has a big Ford pickup and buried it and had to pull if out. This is the suckiness we have to go home to. Just hope we get home in time for DS's 30th bday party. Was going to make some of the food and the cake but got smart and ordered it to be delivered. Think we will be cutting it short with travel time.

OMG, Julie, the story about the girl's hair...we got through life without my two doing the haircutting thing. They thought of every other mischievous thing to do but not that. Ever seen what 16 toads cooked in the microwave look like? Ever known the feeling a mom has when she finds out the her little boys took the babysitter's car (with her approval....stupid girl) and took it seven miles down the road and back all on their own? Ever come home from a long day at work and have 7 birds loose in the house and pooping on the navy couch and lamp shades? Not making light of your situation today....kids can get into so many different things.

As someone stated...you sound like you feel better. Hope so. Take care.

We have had the ideal vacation and we are both dreading heading back to the cold. Next year we are tacking on another month or two. Whine..sorry.

Better sign off....need to figure out what to get together for DH and FIL's lunch tomorrow. Hoping to have a good shopping day and find what I am looking for b/4 we head back to "The Land of no Malls". Later

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Good Morning everyone. Missing Chris -- hope he's doing well - i think he went back to work. Hope he stopes in some day and says hi and how he's doing.

Julie, glad to haar from you -- sorry about the hair - your poor DD with that text messaging already making her upset and then that and being pregnant! Good thing you were there and available to help. But as you said, it will grow -- at least not something permanent. Your DD will have her hands full with a new baby in the house -- I'm sure you'll be helping quite a bit.

We lucked out -- no snow -- we're right between the two storms I think - it's colder (25 not bad) but so far (knocking on wodd) no snow. Had a few flurries yesterday but didn't stick or accumulate.

Apples, hope your found the jackets for your FIL. He sounds so cute - and I bet he's very happy you're planning to come back every year. Hope you make it home okay -- what day are you leaving?

Charlene, so nice of your DM to offer to pay for the injections -- she's so adorable. I love Texas women - when I was a little girl my grandma had a friend (Kitty was her name) who lived in San Antonio and used to come visit us every summer. I remember her turquooise jewelry the most -- but always loved her accent. So I've always loved to listen to Texas women talk -- love that accent.

Cheri, hope DH has come to his senses! I understand - my ex DH was very much like him. You have the right spirit though -- just do your own thing and let him stew until he figures it out - does no good to sit around and wring your hands. Hope your week at work goes well for you.

MyTurn -- welcome -- I never ate cold cuts -- I always worried about the sodium in them - I usually ate fish or chicken. I don't know anything about ketosis -- I think I read something about it at "the Neighborhood" -- google 5 day pouch test and you'll find it -- it's another on line support group for people who've had any kind of weight loss surgery -- then do a search for ketosis there. Sorry I'm not much help to you. Congratulations on the band and good luck. Hope you'll come back here and stay in touch with us.

Laura, love that robot -- so cute.

LauraK sorry about your weather -- that's a bummer.

Gotta cut this short -- time for Water aerobics. Did Zumba last night followed by 15 mins. on the elleptical and then my weights -- felt good but was tired.

CBL. Have a wonderful day everyone!


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Good Morning

Happy Tuesday - Back to work today..

Apples LOL on your boys - they were a handful werent they - Enjoy your Shopping & time with Eva..

My Turn - I eat limited starches - I've really just counted calories and Protein - Hard Salami (a fave in my house) is high fat high calorie and depending on cheese the same thing - I have done deli meat - the Oscar Myers type - ham 5 or 6 slice for like 50 cal with slice of 2% american cheese 45 Cal - 95 cal total. I have used lite bread 45 a slice - so made 1/2 sandwich w/mustard. Ketoisi - Cheri can give you the run down on that but it's about your body burning up something - you have to becareful cuz I have read that high Protein can be hard on your kidneys ..

Linda - WTG on your workout - I have boot camp tonite - need it Andrew brought me coldstone last night ;0) so I'm going to have to work out extra hard tonite :0)

Well just a quick ck in - need to get ready for work..


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I can't believe no one's been on here today except for me and Janet. forgot to mention that Katie is still in hospital - but finally a new doctor with a new diagnosis which actually seems to match her symptoms - its rhabdomyolysis -- which at first doesn't sound like it would be her problem -- but the more you read/investigate the more sense it makes - due to her drug abuse. Her doctor was very forthcoming with my husband about the drug issues and told him exactly what was found in her system -- yes, it would be considered a breach of doctor/patient confidentiality -- but I think the doctor realizes it's probably the only way to save her life -- this has after all, been going on for 2 years and 6 months - he made a judgment call on it and for which we are grateful to finally have someone to be honest and upfront. She's still in hospital - still cannot keep anything down -- and has to go on and off oxygen for her pneumonia. Sigh. Hopefully my DH will follow through as he's promising -- you have to understand - I'm in a weird position - it's his daughter and even though I've raised her since age 9, I can't call all the shots here.

Anyway, just checking in. Will CBL.


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Sorry to hear about Katie, LInda. Never heard of what you said she was diagnosed with. Does she have a lot of drugs in her? I pray that she gets the help she needs. Could she lose Aylah? She's lucky to have you there for her. Where is Katie's mom in this, if you have no say? Sorry lots of questions don't answer if you don't want.

I've been awaiting calls all day from DD. She was up sick all night throwing up and can't keep anything down. She has bad pain as well but not like labor pain or regular. She went to Dr this morning and they 'lost' her appt and she had to see the nurse practitioner since the dr was busy that she was supposed to see. They did a blood test for eclampsia since she was so swollen and had small amounts of Protein in urine but her b/p is fine but higher for her. It came back negative. The NP told her sometimes you get nauseous as the body is getting ready for labor, or it could be her gall bladder acting up. Since the blood tests were fine they didn't induce. She's feeling so down and ready to have this baby. The gall bladder has really been bothering her lately. She's dialated to a 3 now and was even having contractions at dr office but not hard ones. She was sent home to wait. She was frustrated not being able to see the dr but she's not assertive enough to insist either. She's at 38 weeks now.

Not much else new. Need to get back at exercise, I haven't done it since getting back from Hawaii. Feeling a little under the weather myself as has DH, like we are fighting off colds or something. I've had a sore throat for about a week, it's better today, if it worsens I'll call my dr.

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Lori, no what I mean is that the step-parent relationship is weird - her own mother couldn't raise the kids cause she's a druggie too -- still is even at age 49 -- so she's no help. Even though I have raised her I kinda "know" my place if you get my drift - I have to be careful what I say to my DH - he's very supportive and grateful to me but I still watch what to say - I can't call the shots like I could if it were my own child. He knows I'll support him in any way I can - financially, raising Aylah, etc. But because of the "step parent" status it can be difficult -what I think/say doesn't affect them the way it does if he says it -- not sure someone who never raised step kids can understand that -- it's just different.



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Lori, thinking of your DD and hoping Katelyn makes her appearance soon -- sounds like she's going to make a grand appearance -- not an easy delivery to be sure. I'll be thinking of all of you -- hope it goes well and soon.


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Great, sounds like your granddaughter will be here soon if she is dilated to a 3. Maybe she will wait long enough for your to fly in and be there for her arrival. Keep us posted.

Linda, I will have to look up that condition. It sounds serious. Is it caused from drug abuse? Aylah is so blessed to have you. Prayers and hugs for your SD and especially you, Aylah, and DH.

I went with my friend to get fillers.....Radiese. She had it injected around her mouth....the marionette lines. I could tell a difference immediately. The syringe full was 650.00 I am scheduled to get mine in a couple of weeks. Janet, they did put numbing cream on her face and Ice packs after. She didn't have any pain when we left. She said it stung for a few minutes. I think I am going to get a little Botox to raise my lids a little. That reminds me of the new Adam Sandler movie. Y'all have to go see it. He is a plastic surgeon. Hilarious!

Well, I gotta get ready to babysit my youngest grand. It is hard to believe she is almost six months.

LauraK, how is the nutrition plan going?

Apples, when are you going home? I bet you dread that. AZ.......love it!

My Turn......keep the cold cuts low sodium.....and the cheese low fat. Ketosis.....yep Cheri is a good one to answer that question. Cheri.......where are you?

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Lori, keeping fingers crossed for your DD...sorry she's not feeling well, but geeze she's got that baby in there and it's got to be pushing on stuff everywhere. I wish her the best.

Linda, I have a step son too and I do understand. DH does most of the stuff for him, but I still have to watch what I say on some stuff. Step son will turn 18 in May and then it doesn't matter because most of the problem was with his mother. She would keep Robbie away from DH and I wouldn't allow that. Robbie's Mom is bi-polar and is on and off her meds so you never know what's going on. The poor kid has some issues too but for now it's not drug or alcohol abuse. He's seen the negative sides of that and doesn't want any part of it. Yipee for that.

Had a dentist appointment this morning...regular cleaning. Not my favorite thing, but necessary.

We watched a cute movie in Spanish class called Valentin. I really enjoyed it, but needed the sub titles.

Working at my job a little. They're finally send me stuff to do.

Not much else exciting. Hope everyone is good!


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Linda, yeah, I understand it, for some reason I thought you had adopted Katie as well. Sounds like a very stressful situation and it seems that you are handling it well.

Arlene, I thought of seeing that Adam Sandler movie but DH refuses to see it because of the whole concept of it.

Do these fillers last forever or is it something you have to maintain? My Sis in law gets botox, not sure I could do it. Guess I'll just have to age. LOL Well 'cept for my hair, it's not going gray yet as long as I can afford the upkeep. LOL

Thanks for the well wishes for DD. I can tell by talking to her she is very down and well a bit grumpy too. Her hormones must be all over the place too, she's hard to even talk to, so I am trying just to listen. DH says he's staying clear til the baby is born. LOL

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Linda, yeah, I understand it, for some reason I thought you had adopted Katie as well. Sounds like a very stressful situation and it seems that you are handling it well.

Arlene, I thought of seeing that Adam Sandler movie but DH refuses to see it because of the whole concept of it.

Do these fillers last forever or is it something you have to maintain? My Sis in law gets botox, not sure I could do it. Guess I'll just have to age. LOL Well 'cept for my hair, it's not going gray yet as long as I can afford the upkeep. LOL

Thanks for the well wishes for DD. I can tell by talking to her she is very down and well a bit grumpy too. Her hormones must be all over the place too, she's hard to even talk to, so I am trying just to listen. DH says he's staying clear til the baby is born. LOL

The fillers are supposed to last 18mos-2years. The botox is 3-4 mos. Probably will just do it once especially since DH told me yesterday he wants to retire.....YIKES! He says that every time he is on a project he doesn't like. He is teaching this week. Must be something he doesn't want to teach.

I know Adam Sandler's character starts out as a jerk, but it has a twist. Are you going to see Gracecard? It comes out this Friday. I want to go see it.

Yep, the bad mood is a good indication she is getting close. Be sure to have your bag packed.....lol!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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