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Laura - a very Happy Birthday. Enjoy for the whole week. I can't wait to see what Nels gets for his beloved Mommy. He sounded so excited to shop.

Karen - nice to see you on line again. Enjoy that last week in Arizona.

LauraK - date sounds like a keeper. Will enjoy hearing more about him.

Linda - way to go on the shopping.

Lori - yippee - taxes done AND a refund. I sent ours to accountant last week and feel relieved to have it "off my plate". Now it is hers to complete.

Eva - so fun to stay up all night reading. Used to love scifi.

Kristi - be careful until you are fully healed

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Hi everyone. I've been reading and keeping up. Just busy. Went out Friday night with hubby. Had a great meal and then went to Border's. I was feeling all mushy because it was sort of our Valentine's Day/Anniversary combo so I asked him for a kiss, which he gave me in public. I asked him again later, however, and he balked and told me I was trying to control him. I told him it was so sad that he thought that way and he made a nasty comment that took my breath away. It still hurts. This is something I always have to remember with him. I never know when the worm is going to turn and how long it will stay turned. Sometimes it lasts for months. So now we'll be civil and considerate but affection will not be part of our relationship. That will be my choice. It seems to be the only thing that gets through to him and it protects me from getting hurt again while he goes through one of his phases. It is my boundary. Trying to talk about it is a lost cause and only prolongs or exacerbates the hurt. So I go back to making my own life. Whatever he chooses to be a part of is fine. Whatever he doesn't, oh well.

Last night I had three grandchildren over for several hours and had a great time with them. He chose to stay in bed. His loss.

Today, I have to go check on my parents. My dad and mom were at their senior center, about to go swimming. My dad was opening double steel doors when someone came through from the other side and crashed into him. At first he didn't feel the pain but a few hours later was telling my mom it really hurt and when she looked he was bloody and bruised on his elbow. So they went to the ER last night and he has a delocated elbow. I have to call her now and see whether he got sent home and what's happening. They have decided to move to MI to that retirement village which has a memory assisted wing for my dad to transfer to eventually and will provide all stages of care until they pass. It's only because the MI economy is in such bad shape that they can afford to go there.

Borders is having a going out of business sale at one of their stores so I might go there today. Monday I'm off school but have a 1:45 p.m. eye Dr. apptmt that kind of makes it hard for me to make plans. However, I'm going to make sure I get to my daughter's. She needs a breast biopsy on a lump and has to have a half hard, half bloody ovarian tumor/cyst removed in March. She's been in a lot of pain for a long time but didn't go in to get the test which was ordered last Sept. Her mental condition made her too exhausted and she's so overwhelmed with her two boys (oldest Autistic) that she just didn't take care of herself. So I'd appreciate your prayers on her behalf.

food is OK. Not gaining, not losing. Not perfect. Struggling again today with grief. Sang in choir this morning and singing always puts me in touch with my emotions--good and bad. Pastor this morning talked about bad things happening in our lives resulting in us having a testimony. Someday I know I will, and even ocassionally now I can talk about it and share in a powerful way. Today, I'm just feeling the pain. But this too, shall pass. God remains good all the time, and all the time, God is good. Even in times of pain and struggle.


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Happy Birthday Laura!!!!

Well, gang, am feeling a lot better today. The cough is almost gone.

Cheri, I am so sorry your DH hurt your feelings like that. Prayers! and HUGS! You are a sweet lady.

Hi Joyce.....how's the sore throat?

Eva, I saw on the news yesterday where one of those bouncing things for kids parties got caught by the wind and blew over a house. Two girls were injured. That must have been a powerful windstorm.

Apples, Take care! My band has been messed up ever since I got this head congestion. I did start taking pepcid which helped with the digestion.

Great.......baby yet?

Janet........computer online yet?

Phyl.....how are you feeling?

Kristi, don't overdue till you heal. It takes a good six weeks to heal from abdominal surgery.

Linda.....sounds like you got some good buys. I am going to Penney's this week. I got my 10 bucks off anything over 25 dollars. It is burning a hole in my purse. By the way , Janet, I am carrying a new B Makowsky purse. Crossbody. I am sick of worrying about leaving my purse in the basket so now it is around my neck...lol

LauraK, I know you may not like Protein shakes, but just a few days on them will shrink your pouch. Even if you do them like three times a day with a Protein meal. It gives you a boost on your weight loss too. Hugs! I can so relate!

Sndy.....how is your weight loss going?

Chris......where are you?

Melissa......I bet you are enjoying that nephew this weekend. Tell us about it.

Weight Watchers 15- minute Gumbo







1. Coat a large skllet with nonstick cooking spray. Add vegetables and saute over high heat, stirring frequently for 2 minutes. Stir in flour and cook one minute more.

2. Stir in tomatoes, chicken and Creole seasoning. Cook over medium heat, stirring frequently, until hot, about 6 minutes. Yields about 1 1/2 cups per serving. Serves 4

I could not find the mixed vegetables for gumbo so I sauted onion, green pepper and celery....finely chopped. I did not use flour, but put in a can of Tomato paste for added thickness and also added some chicken broth. It was delish.

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Sounds good Charlene, Thanks!

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My Nephew just left. It was very tiring but fun. I just loved him up. He is only 11 weeks old, I forgot what it was like to get up every couple hours. Actually he sleeps pretty good. After you give him dinner bottle he goes to bed for about 4 hours then gets up again. But when you are used to sleeping through the night. Anyways going to bed early love U all

Happy Birthday Laura

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Good Monday Morning to you all.

Charlene, that recipe sounds good - mushrooms and zucchini would be good additions also. I also love okra -- just thinking about it makes me want some. LOL.

Laura, what did Nelson buy you? Can't wait to hear. LOL. When do you leave on your trip? Did you parents ever decide if they are going with you to Atlantis? Not sure if you ever said what they decided.

I've been sleeping better since I decided to try ear plugs -not sure why I never tried them before (DH snores) but one day I saw something on the doctor's show - I feel so dumb that I never even thought of wearing them before. Years and years of sleeping badly -- honestly I haven't heard him snore since I started wearing them. It's like a miracle. LOL. So if any of you have this problem. try earplugs -- they really do help.

Katie is back in the hospital - she has pneumonia again (not as bad as before) and her other problem with her digestion. Honestly we are so used to it it's almost like part of our daily lives - It's a relief for me to go to work and escape this part of our lives.

Do most of you have today off as a holiday? We don't -- our first holiday isn't until Good Friday.

I did my step aerobics yesterday for an hour, will go to Zumba after work tonight.

Hope everyone has a great week.


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My present from Nelson............

Just what I always wanted, my own personal robot!

I thought it was cute. And actually something we played with as a family for a while! LOL

We had a very nice dinner My birthday dinner http://benihana.findyourpictures.com/index.php?fuseaction=login.email&imageid=5688689

We had a lovely Water view and watched the sun set. Dinner with my 2 favorite men- couldn't ask for anything more! : )

No school today for Nelson. Yeah! One more day to hang out and play! Gotta run........ peasout..Laura

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Hi gals,

I had a great Sunday watching my niece win her division for the province and place #1 and my nephew placed 3rd for his.

They wanted pizza so auntie treated. The smell is a close we will get to eating it! I 8had 2 yummy pizza`s stare me in the face for about 20 minutes and I survived!

I have reached a point that I am hungry every 2 hours. I have stayed on the plan and just always have a carry pack of good food choices with me. Today I am going to get back onto Jello & broth in between meals to help with the hunger. As my favorite is my chocolate pudding with whey Protein mixed in. The down side it is 120 calories. I am eating about 840 calories a day.

Thursday I start stage 4 of food & my stitches can come out. Since they tug I will not wash them out and let them fall off as I have the strips.

Feeling better but get tired at the end of the day. I think my stitches are sore not from my exercise but from bending to get things & a brutal work week. Now that my DH is home from being away I will lean on him more. I have a busy week with lots of meeting day and night but I will make myself #1.

Thanks for all your support. I hope everyone else had a great weekend. Have a great week & see you on-line.



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Good Morning Peeps

I thought I posted yesterday - but don't see it..

Charlene getting on line was no problem - getting click free to work was (back up system) - but think I got that fixed - learning the new word & excel - did a couple tutorials - new photo shop is way dif - think I got pic's sorta organized but the problem there is to many folders within folders.. That's going to take the most time..

Belated Bday Love Laura - but I did wish you Happy Bday on FB..

Debbie came over Sat afternoon as she was having a few issues at home stayed till 11 p.m. so that cut into my computer time - Sat had my massage - went to costco and Target - yesterday had gym - then went to target to use my Target debit card - it's like your regular debit card you can only use it at Target but you get 5% off every purchase - every time you use it - so I figured I need it - yesterday I saved 5.50 plus tax - so as much as I shop at target - I will be saving a nice amount over a years time - so they are sorta paying me to shop ;0) can't think of it that way though :0)

Food good - Saturday was treat day ;0) we went to sizzler for dinner - did the salad bar - had Soup and loaded my plate as I was hunger - can't believe I still do that - cuz as I looked at it I know I wouldn't eat it all - but did have bites of this and that and did have their garlic bread and ice cream w/choc sauce - but back to normal eating yesterday - Had fillet Mignon - roasted butternut squash - !!!

Karen - you are too kind - my house is just a house and I think my back yard needs work not as manicured as I would like - but I'm not Eva :0) don't do much gardening - I like to but gotta be in the mood- Glad you felt comfortable - that what I want - mi casa su casa..

Linda Hugs on Katie - I would be so frustrated... I had gym yesterday morning - they changed up Pilo a bit was a little harder than usual and I have gym this morning since I am off - emailed Idrise last night and ck'd w/Vickie to see if we can go earlier (5pm normal time) and since I'm off today and go back to work tomorrow it's like a Sunday were I will be winding down and getting ready for tomorrow by that time ;0)

Eva I heard about a bad bad windstorm in AZ - Think I heard it was close to Tuscon... We had rain Friday nite a little Sat night and it's cold - 37 at 6 a.m. this morning - but the rain is over for now - talking about rain later in the week - weird February only suppose to be like 67 today and normally warmer during the day in Feb..

Kristi - I kept my calories between 800 -1200 during my weight loss phase - so you are doing good and your weight has been coming off really fast - I didn't have stitches - glue and steristrips - port site hurt (mild discomfort really) for the longest 2 wks I think

Cheri - Prayers for DD - being a single mom is hard enough but you add in what she has to deal with I could understand putting things off..

Well time for my 2nd cup of coffee and getting ready for gym and getting the rest of my wash done - will cbl

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Laura, so glad you had a great BD.

I am off today but have eye Dr. apptmt this afternoon and choir tonight. Going to stop by my parents today, too. Maybe see my grandsons this afternoon.

My DH is also off today. We'll see how well we avoid each other. It's almost like a game. Not fun, but at this point necessary for my sanity. Went and walked for an hour at the community center. Rainy here and gloomy. My grandsons could not get enough of being with me last Saturday. Especially David. I had gone to see their soccer games earlier in the day and took them out to McDonald's. Then I went and got my granddaughter and took her home with me for the evening and my daughter and her husband dropped the boys off at my house while they went out to eat. So I gave my daughter a break from them and them a break from her. Joshua and Leah are both 3 yrs old so they played together really well. David glued himself to the the Wii and practiced every game he could figure out on my Wii Fit PLus. Leah and I played Barbies and I set her up to do some coloring before they got there. I don't see her nearly as much as my other grandchildren so it was fun to have some alone time with her.

Then, back to the saltmines tomorrow. I really do love my work.


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Morning ladies,

I'm going to wash the floor in DH's office area....hold on to your hats, Eva's doing housework. I've already been outside and started digging out one of the flower beds. All of the beds are filled with roots from the eucalyptus tree or the ruse lancia and I think both of them poison the soil. I need to eliminate the roots and recharge the soil. I was very bad last week and bought asparagus (I think I posted this already), dahlias, and gladiolas. The dahlias are planted but I have to do the asparagus and glads. The glads are being planted in a container that will be set into one of the raised beds so that is what I'm working on now. I want things that can grow and go a little wild.

I've been drinking my Protein in the morning. I made a chocolate cherry smoothie with vanilla yogurt (1%) a banana, frozen fruit, and my Protein powder. I made chocolate a couple of days ago and today I made blueberry. It makes enough for two days. They have really been holding the hunger back well, but I'm wondering about the gas. Lots of bubbles from the blender. Anyway, it's part of my resolution to get some more of this weight off. I've been doing very well the last few days. Cutting back on the white flour carbs is helping.

Okay, back to the floors....yuck. Have a great day ladies.


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Hello friends....... sounds like most had a good weekend...Laura. happy belated birthday..... just didn't get on here yesterday.... It seems your boys have made it very special to you..... You are a lucky girl....

Apples, I'm happy to hear that you guys found a place of your own out there..... I must have missed that earlier.... No more spending time finding the right place each year..... No, the weather has not been nice here... Very cold...... Highs in the single digits in the daytime....Supposed to be 20's tomorrow and the next day, but then back down again.... We did have a few nice days that took some of the snow.... But we are on the downhill slide now, so I'm content to wait it out....

Eva, you are such a busy lady.... Wish I had your talent with flowers and plants and trees.... I do not have a green thumb and have no flowers at all in my house or in my yard... some years I do some pots in the summer, but not last year.... I envy your God-given knack for those things... It sounds so interesting and fun.

Arlene, glad you are feeling better..... You have too many down days, too.... Life should be easier at this age....

Linda, it's a shame that Katie doesn't come around.... But your little one has you to be the stable influence in her life and that is so wonderful..... keep up the great work.... Congrats on the kudos at work....... Wish we had your weather.....

Cheri, it bothers me to hear about your feelings being so hurt by your husband... You were having such a good night only to have it stolen from you.... I remember well some of our conversations in Vegas and I'm praying things will be better soon..... take care... Hope your dad is okay....

Kristi, things seem to be going well for you.... What you are experiencing is normal for someone who hasn't had a fill yet.... just be patient....

Lori, congrats on getting the taxes done.... We aren't that far yet, but working on it...... Did DD's yesterday only to have it come back.... I listed Laromi's new name and DD has not changed it with SS yet, so it came back.... I guess it's a little thing, but still aggravating.... Now news on the baby yet??? I'm starting to get excited about mine..... but we have to wait til May......

Janet, I can sure believe everything Apples said about your home and your hospitality..... Would love to experience it myself sometime or have you visit me...... Any of you are always welcome to ND...... Just don't come in the winter!!!!!!

LauraK, hope this guy turns out to be one you want to keep around for a while.... I'm very certain there is someone special out there for you.....

Phyll, hope you are feeling better finally.... Sick is just no good.......

Melissa, I'm sure you had a blast with that baby. But it sure doesn't take long to forget what it's like to have a little one around... They are tiring.... Get some rest now......

Sandy, how're you doing??? Joyce, you, too,, hope you are doing better..

Oh, no!!!!!!! I've been struck with the CRS problem...... My mind has just gone a bit blank.... can't think of what and who else to comment on...... that's horrible.... sorry to have missed someone.....

I've had an unusual day.... spent time on the phone with DD as she got an upsetting text from her old boss and used to be friend.... Talked her down off of that one only to have her call back about 20 minutes later... Her voice was so weird that I go scared right away... She said she needed me to come over right away and she was crying.... So DH and I flew over there to find her and the 2 girls in the bedroom all crying.... Laromi had been sitting at their little princess table eating grapes and watching a movie while Bailey took a scissors and cut her little braids off....... Laromi had very thin, fly away hair............. Bailey also had a big hunk cut our of hers in that back........ It was not the end of the world, but you would have thought so to look at the 3 of them.... So we calmed them down and called the salon and got told to come right away..... They took them both right away and did what they could to salvage the hair... Bailey's turned out okay and looks cute, but Laromi's had to be so short...... DD just cries and tells me she looks like a boy..... Even little Laromi said I look like a boy when she saw it in the mirrow...... The of course we had to take them to see daddy...... He was sad, but played it cool.... DD has calmed down now and the hair will grow, at least Bailey's will..... Laromi's grows very slowly..... but they will live..... DD is the one who is stressed out.... she just can't seem to catch a break... someone or something is always there to drag her down....

Well, I need to do my Bible study lesson or I won't be ready by 6:00.. A friend talked me into going with her last week and I decided to buy a book and go..... I think I told you, Never Give UP............ So......... talk to you all later..... Hugs............... Julie

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Good Afternoon Girls ....

Had gym this morning - nice workout - came home cleaned up and washed - still have a load to dry cuz I took a nap - My 1st nap in ages !!!! Now like Cheri gotta get ready for work tomorrow - short week for me cuz Friday is FF ;0) so only working 3 days and one person is off so i gotta help w/her work or delegate :0) .

Cheri - Why avoiding DH ?? Did I miss something ?? Or is he just getting on your nerves - Glad you had a good time w/Grandkids...

Julie - Anytime you want to come - You are welcome - As any of you are... Don't know how much traveling I'm going to be doing - gotta start watching the $$$.. Poor girls... Bailey didn't get a time out or punishment - does she understand what she did was wrong - guess they are going to have to keep the scissors put up

Eva -WTG yep the less carbs you eat the less you want - when I am craving them popcorn usually fixes it..

Well need to go cook chicken for my lunches next week - Green salad - Onion - Avocado - chicken w/Yogurt Ranch Dressing my lunch for the week ..


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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