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Eva - since I'm sinking in your head - you are sinking in mine - got a new computer (tower) So I'm trying to figure out windows 7 ;0)

So gang - drive by post - will catch up later

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Morning to all. It looks to be another nice, sunny day - high yesterday around 50 - we are all loving this so much. DH took Aylah to the park the other day and again yesterday afternoon -- still wearing hats, gloves and coats, but it still feels good. Supposed to get some flurries next week - -doubt it will amount to much - I AM positive thinking the weather to be good for awhile - let's see how that works. Ha.

Janet did you get Vista? I really like it - I've had it about 2 years now - so there's probably something even newer out there now.

We went out for Mexican last night - they had a "chicken fahita salad" which is basically just the same as fahitas except they throw it in a crispy shell and add a little lettuce to the top - didn't eat any of the shell. And, instead of it costing $12 (fahitas) it was only $7.40. And it was more than I could eat. It was tasty indeed. Aylah loves tacos so she had a taco and fries and Beans -- I'm so glad she loves Beans -- she got up this morning and wanted leftover beans for her Breakfast. I love that!!

I have our awards lunch on Wednes. and they sent the menu out the other day -- 4 cheese and sausage lasagne, cesear salad, garlic breadsticks and turtle cheesecake!! Wow, that's more calories than I usually eat in a few days. Oh well, I'll nibble -- at least my DH will be attending this one since I'm an honoree this time and he can eat half of my food. I wish they'd have some "healthy" options but all they ever offer is vegetarian and like this time it was the same food EXCEPT they don't put the sausage in the lasagne so it wouldn't be much better.

Cheri hope all is well with you -- not like you to be missing for a few days -- I guess school is keeping you busy.

Jodi, how's the bat mitzvah plans coming along? Have you found a dress for you yet?

Gotta get ready for the gym -- have a great weekend everyone!


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Welcome to Kelley & Kris. Nice to see new faces join this marvelous group of ladies.

Linda - I'm also enjoying some nice weather and hoping the forecast is WRONG for Monday and more snow.

Janet - enjoy your new computer. The learning curve is always a challenge. I bought a new Mac about 6 months ago and love it.

Arlene - hope the Zpak does the trick for you. I'm battling sore throat and cough for the last three days.

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Linda, Congrats! on being honored at work. It is such a good feeling to be recognized for hard work. Enjoy your meal! Take pictures!

Joyce, I am feeling so much better than yesterday. I took the initial two pills yesterday and drank two bottles of Water. I know this is weird, but I kept going to the bathroom all night. I must have been holding a lot of Water because I lost four lbs overnight. I think I was coughing so much my abdomen was literally swollen especially around my band. Anyway, I am on the mend. You better get that throat checked. Don't weight too long. HUGS for you today!

Janet, I will be glad when you are up and running again. Miss your posts!

Apples......where are you?

Eva, I am still enjoying the tea you gave me in Vegas. I ordered some online. That is the best stuff especially for colds.

Lori, Baby yet?

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Lori, I also did the Kohl's thing this week. I got two tops for $8 a piece, a pair of earrings, a purse and a flexi all for $68. plus the $10 in Kohl's cash for next time.

Eva, The dahlia bulbs here are annuals unless you dig them up and store them for the winter. I can't wait to get out there and start working in my gardens. Not happening anytime soon, supposed to get 5-8 inches of snow tomorrow. yuk and it was all just melting.

Arlene, this weather sure screws with the sinuses, I have been going between stuffed up to nose running like a faucet.

Joyce, lucky you having a cleaning lady. I'm like Lori, cleaning lady, tax lady, lawn care and everything else in between. lol

Laura, great job with that young man. You have made a difference in his life.

Kristi, and Kelley , keep up the good job. Stay on this thread and these ladies will help you all they can.

Phyl, hope you get to feeling better.

Melissa, have a great time with that baby. Love him up.

I went to the dr last week, yep I'm up just as I knew. I am going to see the Dietition next week have to pay for it myself but I am doing it. Then after that he is going to check my band to see if it is streched and see if I need a fill. I am not a carb person at all so that is not it. I have just been making bad choices in the calorie dept. I have got to start measuring and weighing and journaling to get the pic back in my head for portions.

On the love life, I had my second date with a really nice guy and we are going out again next weekend. He is a lot of fun and we seem to have a lot in common. Not the traditional dates, 1st was the casino last night was arenea football (my choice, I love foot ball) . I did tell him about the band so he knows eating out is not my thing to do for dates, that it is just a sideline option.

Take care everyone and have a great weekend.


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LauraK, your new guy sounds great - I too love Arena Football - so fun! Hope the weather forecast is wrong for you -- hope the snow doesn't happen.

We are having another pretty, sunny day and it's 43.

I went back to Penney's - had a coupon for $10 off a $50 purchase and another coupon for 15%. Found more stuff for $2.97 -- this time I got turtleneck sweaters one in a teal and one in a rose color that will be great for next winter -- and a pair of skinny black jeans for $2.97 in the junior dept - not sure why they were so cheap -- but hey, I'll take them -- they were 11 jurnior short ones -- which I need so maybe they just didn't sell. I did pay a little more for a Valour top ($4) and another top and I got two new bras -- buy one regular price get one 1/2 -- so I could meet the $50 to get my $10 off. I got another little top for $14 so all in all I think my total was $68 with tax. I got another top for $2.97 but I can't even remembe what it was - now that's bad. LOL. They had boots on clearance too - but don't really need them but hard to walk by them. This shopping thing has proven to be the biggest NSV in my world - I never ever got clothes so cheap -- it's wonderful to be able to walk in a regular store and buy stuff cheap that fits!! Wow.

Laura, if you feel up to it you should try the 5 day pouch test before you get another fill - it's hard to tell if you have good restriction -- I used to think but I was eating so many sliders and carbs that would make me hungry between meals.

Good to hear from you Julie -- sounds like you're feeling a bit better, hope so anyway.

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend.


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Arlene glad you're feeling better today too -- good news on your mom -- I'm happy for her too.


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Woo Hoo!! Taxes done, double checked and e-filed for federal and 2 states! Major refund coming! Double woo-hoo! Now I am glad for the outragous amount DH's employer took out in taxes. DH sat down with me and helped me go through everything one final time. Good thing, who knew a little thing such as a negative sign could make such a difference. LOL I inadvertantly dropped the negative sign for a loss on a stock sale and reported it as a gain. Thought it was a good day to do it as it's so dark, dreary and rainy outside. Though it has given DH spring fever, he's been busy looking at seeds, making his indoor planting boxes to start his seeds in a few weeks etc. He has plans for a 'salsa garden'.

Linda, enjoy that sunshine 'cause if what we have here is headed your way there's no sun. But at least we don't have to shovel the rain. Though it supposed to change to snow in the night. ONly 1 to 3 inches though.

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Hey All....I have been keeping up with the thread once in awhile but we have been so busy that I just have not taken the time to post. I guess a person can do whatever on vacation and we certainly have. Just a little over a week left of it and we can say we have had a great time.

Spent the day just hanging at the house. Have had a bit of a tough week with the band. It's much better today. Think I had a bug...was getting stuck on anything solid and that it just not the norm for me at all. Anyway, babied it for a few days and hoping in a couple things are back to normal. Eva had made the offer to take DH and I for a day of fun but turned her down because of the band troubles. Wed will be our day. Today would have not been good for it anyway....very, very windy. I did ride with DH to go up to his dad's to do a few things for him. We ended up coming back home because of the wind and blackout on the freeway. We came soooooooo close to being involved in a pile up with manhy cares. Thank God DH was not going very fast.

Janet....good going and taking that step and replacing your computer...hope you got things up and going and it was not too frustrating for you. I keep thinking of your place and how beautiful your home and grounds are. I can picture you now in your office while posting. As Eva stated on the way home...your house has a warm feel to it and I believe that has a lot to do with the hostess.

Phyll...hope you are feeling better and had a nice time with family. Think that bug hit all of us. I did not end up vomiting but really had to be careful this last week. Was very trying.

Arlene...good to hear you went to the doc and are doing better. Good news on your mom. You are a good daughter to devote so much time to her. Stories of your sweet mom makes me miss my Lucille. She was a sweet person also. So much fun. I used to brag that my best friend was 89 yrs old. Still consider her the best ever. She was a friend to all that met her.

Eva...as I stated above, today would have not been the day for our trip. We were very lucky today to not have been involved in that accident. Kind of like a MN white-out while driving.

Great....thought you might be a Grandma by now. Looking forward to your wait being over and seeing photos of you holding the little one. Such an exciting time for you and your family. Hugs

Linda....always enjoy your posts...so informative. You've got the workings of this band thing down and are so willing to share and help others understand. Thinking of you and your situation with DSD. Frustrating but great you are available for Aylah. Hugs.

Laura...aren't those Little League games fun? So cute. Would like to go back just for a day when my boys were that age. Hope you have the best birthday ever and a great trip next week. And, your story about the 21 yr old warmed my heart. Hoping he takes what your discussed with him and makes the needed changes.

LauraK...sorry to hear of your gain....just use this as a lesson and make this your point of not return....back on track and losing the little bit your gained. Learn from it and move to the next band phase....you can do it. Just don't let anything get in the way of you goal. Hugs

Julie...not too long now for you either with that new baby coming. Exciting time. Hope you got some of the warmer weather that MN got a few days ago.

Jodi...wishing you the best as you wrap up all the plans for Dassi's celebration. What a good mom. Hope the weather cooperates and the day is wonderful.

Cheri...have missed reading your posts the last few days. Hope things are good.

Not looking forward to heading back north but looking forward to staying more consistent in posting on the thread. We are so happy that we did something for the upcoming years and can be close to DH's dad and that I am just a short drive away from Eva. Can only guess what classes she will be occupied with next year...French class? Geology???? Horticulture???? Time will tell.

OK...time to pop the popcorn before DH and Tanker are in the REM stage of sleep...Will check back later. Sending the love...yep, love you guys!

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Hi all,

Day 9 post-op and I think I have over done it as I could only do 10 mins on my elliptical and my stitches are sore. Resting but all good :)

In Vancouver today it was another gorgeous day with lot of snow on the mountain and the sun shining strong for a high of 8 degrees.

I had a nice day. lunch with some girl friends & a big afternoon nap afterwards.

My hubby is away so I get to watch chick flicks – yippee.

Tomorrow I get to watch my niece & nephew bowl in their tournament.

Then I get to meet an old friend who is passing through town who I haven’t seen for 30 years. We have known each other since kindergarten.

Have a great weekend!



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Good morning everyone. Raining here this morning - 37 -- most all the snow was already melted except for just a tiny bit whre the huge drifts were so now it's all gone which is just fine with me. Supposed to turn to snow flurries tomorrow.

Apples nice to hear from you -- glad you've had a good time-- you both deserve it -- happy that you found a place you like with great weather - next year the weather will be even nicer I'm sure. Sorry to hear you were under the weather -- sounds like you girls shared a virus.

Kristy, I'm surprised you're even allowed to exercise yet -- Ithink I had to wait at least 2 weeks after surgery. Good going this close out even those 10 mins. are extremely beneficial.

Gotta run Aylah wants my attention.


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Morning ladies,

Kristi, sounds like things are going well, but take care with the exercise until your stuff heals. You really don't want to be pulling stitches. Have fun with your friend and the chick flicks.

Linda, good deals with the shopping. Glad you took some time to get a few things for you!! About the virus thing...not sure what that was because I think I had a touch too and yesterday DH was down all day. Weird because it wasn't a cold or flu and no one was throwing up, just general malaise. DH seems to be better today.

Nasty wind yesterday but it's cloudy today and no rain. The sun does break through but it isn't warm. Oh well. I hope we get a little rain out of it at least.

The wife of someone that works with my DH wrote a SciFi book and I stayed up until 2am reading last night. I was writing and reading most of the day and night yesterday. I shouldn't stay up that late because it messes up my sleep. Oh well, I finished the book.

Apples, so were DH and Tanker twitching and barking in the REM state last night? LOL. Glad you made it back from FIL's. That blowing dust is wicked.

I need to attend to a few things....later,


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Happy Birthday Laura

Hope you are having a wonderful day and DH and Nels are doing everything for you today!


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Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes! I feel the love!!! : )

I am lucky, I am sorta having a birthday WEEK. DH is on vacation this week and we are able to have lots of time together. Today the boys went "shopping". Nelson was so cute before they left, "I can't tell you but we are going to buy you a present, I hope you like it!" I asked what store they were going to and he said "ToysrUs, silly mommy! It's the only store I know where everything is!" I just smiled and said I can't wait to see what I get! : ) We have reservations at Benihana (the Japanese place on the Water where they cook in front of you). I am enjoying my morning of peace and quiet. Took a swim, then a shower, and now some tv and computer. Life is good. I am so blessed.

Hope everyone is doing well- will catch up on posts tomorrow. : )


Happy Birthday Laura

Hope you are having a wonderful day and DH and Nels are doing everything for you today!


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Happy Birthday Laura! Enjoy your day.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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