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Here's a little tidbit of information regarding dates. Dates are high in calories and carbs but they have great nutritional value. 2 dates are about 120 calories. I used dates to sweeten my oatmeal and do not need to add additional sweetener.

This is from iloveindia.com

Nutritional Value of Dates Given below is the amount of nutrients in 100 gm of dates:

  • Sodium - 2 mg
  • Total Carbohydrates - 75 gm
  • Dietary Fiber - 8 gm
  • Sugars - 63 gm
  • Protein - 2 gm
  • Vitamin - A 10 IU
  • Vitamin C - 0.4 mg
  • Vitamin E - 0.05 mg
  • Vitamin K - 2.7 mcg
  • Thiamin - 0.052 mg
  • Riboflavin - 0.066 mg
  • Niacin - 1.274 mg
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.165 mg
  • Vitamin B12 - 0 mcg
  • Folate - 19 mcg
  • Pantothenic Acid - 0.589 mcg
  • Calcium - 39 mg
  • Iron - 1.02 mg
  • Magnesium - 43 mg
  • Phosphorus - 62 mg
  • Potassium - 656 mg
  • Sodium - 2 mg
  • Zinc - 0.29 mg
  • Copper - 0.206 mg
  • Manganese - 0.262 mg
  • Selenium - 3 mcg
  • Total Fat - 0.39 mg
  • Saturated Fat - 0.032 mg
  • Monounsaturated Fat - 0.036 mg
  • Polyunsaturated Fat - 0.019 mg

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Just a quick update. DD & SIL flew in yesterday morning. Tried to do too much because they were here. Now feeling really sick again and can't stay out of the bathroom. DH will have to do something with them today without me. If it would warm up a little they'd be quite happy to go sit by the pool, but we're supposed to get a big storm later today. Maybe they can get some sunshine before it gets here. It was snowing when they left Seattle yesterday morning.

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This is the segment that Mere was talking about....

Flyby... gotta run... more in a bit! peasout..

Jimmy K is a jerk I can't believe he did a segment on the LB. I could say alot more but I don't want to throw stones in a glass house.

Yesterday I had a patient that just touched my heart. 21 year old guy, with a BMI of 51. Recently diagnosed hypertension and high cholesterol. They had only given him a 15 minute appointment. I spent an hour an 15 minutes with him. He was near tears when I told him about his two new problems. I told him it was a matter of months before he would have diabetes. Then I told him I totally understand what he is going through. At my clinic I have never told any patient that I have lost 100 lbs. Now, I didn't tell him the whole truth- I didn't tell him about the band. He could not afford it right now and I didn't want him thinking it was the only way. What I did do was help him make a plan. I will see him monthly for weigh ins. I gave him an achievable goal of only 3 lbs a month. I told him to knock my goal out of the water! I was also able to order him physical therapy. Just like you would need rehab after a knee replacement, this kid NEEDS professional help to learn to exercise safely. He will have access to Water classes and gym, as well as a PT 3 times a week. I also made an appt for him with a registered dietitian. He said no health care provider had ever talked to him about his weight with a plan- they always just said you are morbidly obese and need to lose weight. I have high hopes for that kid. I'll keep you updated.


Laura - That was such a sweet story. I hope he takes all your help and advice and runs with it. He is only 21 he has a long life ahead of him.

I never asked what do you do?

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I'm back from the doctor. I got a z-pak and these little pearl like pills for coughing. She said that I must have an infection in my sinuses. I just want to stop coughing. Even my port is sore.

Phyl.....sorry you are sick again. You think you had the flu? HUGS! Take care of yourself!

Eva.....thanks for the pep talk and the info on the dates. I love dates, but I only eat them in baked goods. I do put about 10 raisins in my oatmeal.

Joyce......I am spoiled too. I have a lady come every other week to do deep cleaning.

Laura.....are you going to Atlantis next week?

Lori.....how did it go today?

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Hi gang............. I forgot to check the site yesterday so I missed a day again.... Well, we were having nice weather, but yesterday put a stop to that.... My church meeting got cancelled due to road conditions and weather... But that was okay, too... DD and family were here for supper, so it was fun to be with Laromi..... Bailey is with her mother right now....

I'm working on taxes today.... DD's...... pretty simple, so shouldn't take long... I never get going to do anything until 1:00 these days.....

Laura, that man doesn't know how lucky he is to have happened on you... I wish you well helping him.... Have fun on your vacation......

Lori, good luck in court....

Eva, you sound like you are reall settling into retirement well..... I would love to have a Water feature in my yard, but can't imagine what it would be like in the winter... so I don't push DH into getting one...... I know some who do it here, but not me.....

Well, better get busy... Hi and hugs to all.... welcome to new ones and old ones who are returning.... Glad to have you in this wonderful thread......Take care............... Julie

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Good afternoon. Well traffic court was okay, it was basically an assembly line to get more money I felt. It wasn't a time or place to plead your innocence or be heard by a judge, if you wanted that you had to go set up something else. This was for what they called 'plea in advance' or something like that. Basically you paid your fine whatever it was PLUS $25 and if you kept a clean driving record for 6 mos then the infraction won't show on your record and no points against your license. They moved you through really fast. I just did that, and be done with it. So I was in and out pretty quick.

Then I went to Kohls on that side of town. OMG, the bargains I got! I know there's been discussion about Kohls on here being a hit or miss kind of place, yesterday and today it was a definite HIT! First yesterday I went because I had a $10 coupon. Well they had all their clearance an additional 25% off and it was already 70 or 80% off. Plus at checkout you got a scratch off coupon for an additional 15, 20 or 30% off. I got myself a cashmere sweater, 3 camisole tops, 2 long sleeve tshirt type shirts, DH a sweater, and 6 baby outfits. Care to guess what I spent? $57!! for all that, plus I got a $10 Kohls cash coupon to use starting next week. I saw a shower curtain that I liked there yesterday but they were out so I went to the Kohls by the traffic court and they had it so I got that and found a serving bowl on clearance and got another $10 Kohls cash so next week I will go get some co-ordinating towels or rugs. When we moved into this house I changed most of my decor colors, it used to be golds and reds and now it's like a robins egg blue and brown. Everything was switched to that except my main hallway bathroom so now it's switched too.

Eva, thanks for the comments. Yes I loved Dragon Tatoo, I've read all 3 books. My only complaint would be the graphicness of them but it is part of the story. I also watched all 3 Swedish movies with the subtitles. There is a 4th book the author had almost finished before he died that's yet to be published his live in girlfriend and father are squabbling over the rights. Also come Dec. the Dragon Tatoo book will be released as a movie from Hollywood with Daniel Craig Mikeal Blomvist character.

DD had her dr appt yesterday and they aren't inducing. It really won't help her gall bladder pain and insurance considers it elective then and won't pay til 39 weeks, she's 37. They are concerned about the size of the baby so did another ultrasound and baby appears fine but very tiny. 5lb 11 oz right now and DD is so small. When they measure DD's tummy she measures like she's only 30 weeks pregnant. Said she should have an easy labor with such a small baby, we'll see. I'm very anxious. Oh and my friend that I go to McD's for coffee/diet cokes all the time with, just found out yesterday that she is going to be grandma for the first time. our daughters think this could be very dangerous for us but beneficial for them when we hit the shops! LOL So it will be fun to share this with her.

Oh, and, Eva, DH has his pond in each of our houses and I think every spring he goes through an algea problem after the freezes and thaws from the winters it must mess up the balance between the filter tank and the pond or somthing. Our pond is pretty thawed now and the gold fish are even swimming a tad.

Phyl, hope you feel better soon!

Joyce, how was the workout with the trainer? is this new? or have you been going?

Arlene, hope you are better soon. Congestion is the pits!

Meredith, have a great weekend with your sis!

Laura, I hope the 21 yr old guy really takes to heart all you did for him.

Cheri, where have you been?

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Good afternoon. Well traffic court was okay, it was basically an assembly line to get more money I felt. It wasn't a time or place to plead your innocence or be heard by a judge, if you wanted that you had to go set up something else. This was for what they called 'plea in advance' or something like that. Basically you paid your fine whatever it was PLUS $25 and if you kept a clean driving record for 6 mos then the infraction won't show on your record and no points against your license. They moved you through really fast. I just did that, and be done with it. So I was in and out pretty quick.

Then I went to Kohls on that side of town. OMG, the bargains I got! I know there's been discussion about Kohls on here being a hit or miss kind of place, yesterday and today it was a definite HIT! First yesterday I went because I had a $10 coupon. Well they had all their clearance an additional 25% off and it was already 70 or 80% off. Plus at checkout you got a scratch off coupon for an additional 15, 20 or 30% off. I got myself a cashmere sweater, 3 camisole tops, 2 long sleeve tshirt type shirts, DH a sweater, and 6 baby outfits. Care to guess what I spent? $57!! for all that, plus I got a $10 Kohls cash coupon to use starting next week. I saw a shower curtain that I liked there yesterday but they were out so I went to the Kohls by the traffic court and they had it so I got that and found a serving bowl on clearance and got another $10 Kohls cash so next week I will go get some co-ordinating towels or rugs. When we moved into this house I changed most of my decor colors, it used to be golds and reds and now it's like a robins egg blue and brown. Everything was switched to that except my main hallway bathroom so now it's switched too.

Eva, thanks for the comments. Yes I loved Dragon Tatoo, I've read all 3 books. My only complaint would be the graphicness of them but it is part of the story. I also watched all 3 Swedish movies with the subtitles. There is a 4th book the author had almost finished before he died that's yet to be published his live in girlfriend and father are squabbling over the rights. Also come Dec. the Dragon Tatoo book will be released as a movie from Hollywood with Daniel Craig Mikeal Blomvist character.

DD had her dr appt yesterday and they aren't inducing. It really won't help her gall bladder pain and insurance considers it elective then and won't pay til 39 weeks, she's 37. They are concerned about the size of the baby so did another ultrasound and baby appears fine but very tiny. 5lb 11 oz right now and DD is so small. When they measure DD's tummy she measures like she's only 30 weeks pregnant. Said she should have an easy labor with such a small baby, we'll see. I'm very anxious. Oh and my friend that I go to McD's for coffee/diet cokes all the time with, just found out yesterday that she is going to be grandma for the first time. our daughters think this could be very dangerous for us but beneficial for them when we hit the shops! LOL So it will be fun to share this with her.

Oh, and, Eva, DH has his pond in each of our houses and I think every spring he goes through an algea problem after the freezes and thaws from the winters it must mess up the balance between the filter tank and the pond or somthing. Our pond is pretty thawed now and the gold fish are even swimming a tad.

Phyl, hope you feel better soon!

Joyce, how was the workout with the trainer? is this new? or have you been going?

Arlene, hope you are better soon. Congestion is the pits!

Meredith, have a great weekend with your sis!

Laura, I hope the 21 yr old guy really takes to heart all you did for him.

Cheri, where have you been?

Lori,......sounds like it is all going to work out on the traffic ticket. Wow, I hope her labor goes well. My smallest baby was my hardest labor. Every birth is different. Yeah, you can go crazy at Kohl's baby sales too. I get a lot of outfits for the girls at Kohl's. I am going there tomorrow. I want to buy those Mary Jane Keds for my mother.

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I forgot to mention I will have my 10 week old nephew for the whole weekend. I can't wait I will pick him up soon. He is just to cute he is starting to talk (meaning baby talk) he is more expressive now. So I will try to post this weekend if I can but can't promise anything. Love to all

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Phyl, so sorry to hear you are so ill -- take it easy and hope you feel better soon.

Lori, hope the court date went well -- I'm sure it did. Hope you get to go meet Katelyn soon!!! I can't wait for the pics!!

Eva, you are so sweet to everyone -- that book really helped me when I was trying to convey "feelings" and "emotion" and I thought they explained it well and made it easy to understand. Glad it was helpful to you.

Gotta work -- sunny and in the low 50s -- still lovely -- almost all the snow is gone.



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Laura, you are special special special to help that young man -- I believe you have probably made a HUGE difference in his life -- for a health care professional to do that for him is a tremenous gift - I do hope he follows through -- you should feel so good about yourself and be proud of what you are accomplishing -- you are wonderful!!! Love you and hope you have a fabulous time next week and a fabulous birthday.


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Well my cleaning lady just showed up, aka ME! LOL Wish I had one., but just never felt I could justify the expense when I didn't work outside the home. But oh would it be nice to have someone come like once a year or twice to do a deep clean!

Now the tax lady is showing up, also ME! LOL I have them close to done, but want to go through everything from the beginning to be sure I didn't miss anything. Also, contemplating using part of DH's bonus to contribute to some IRA's or something so gotta see what sort of difference that will make. Very happy we are getting a very nice refund. Move years always make me nervous with all the moving expenses, reimburesement off, moving bonus, etc. plus both states want to tax you. I pray I have it figured out right.

After the tax lady, the chef will have to show up and figure out something for dinner. Unless she can convince DH to take her out tonight as a kick off to the long weekend! LOL

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Great, you are such a multi-talented person. I may clean but I would never do taxes, yuck, it involves math and numbers yuck. Thanks for the info on the pond....never had that happen before. Oh, yeah, it doesn't freeze here like that either.....hahaha.

Charlene, glad you got some pills, hope they help.

Julie, nice to hear from you. Glad you had an enjoyable evening with your family. Sounds much nicer than dealing with church politics.

Ladies, thanks for being nice to me too....I appreciate it.

Got the kitty litter, the root-be-gone, and salad stuff purchased. Had a nice lunch with my friend at Cheesecake Factory and had a very good salad. Yes, I had cheesecake, split a piece with my friend, her choice. White chocolate macadamia nut. It was pretty good.

I also bought flower bulbs. We should plant them in October, but there weren't any bulbs to be found in October, but they're out now, so I bought some dahlias, gladiolas, and asparagus. I also bought mint, thyme, basil, and a Iciban eggplant. I can't help myself.



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Lori - Glad traffic court went smoothly. I've been back at the gym since last week in November. Started with the trainer 8 weeks ago and just signed up for 12 more weeks. By then I'll be leaving for Grand Cayman. Feels great to be back at the gym and already feel stronger. The unfill has really made me feel soooooo much better. Still have a sore throat, but feel it is unrelated to band.

I need to start readying the Dragon Tattoo series. Have heard many recommendations.

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Good evening everybody! We've enjoyed another beautiful day in WV. We have had temperatures in the high 60's and low 70's the last few days, so hearing that we are to have snow and sleet next week is crazy!

I am trying to remember names from the thread page so I can address people on my reply, but I am having an awful time as a medicine I am on kills my memory. So I apologize for not addressing people directly while I am learning and adapting.

Laura...what you did for your patient was fantastic! You rarely, if ever, have or hear of people caring so much. We'd live in a much better world if we all cared and put forth half as much effort and care as you did. :D

I have already forgotten the name of the two people who addressed my post. I am so sorry. But THANK YOU! I feel so lost right now...like no matter how much I read and how much information I take in, I just can't get a handle on feeling comfortable that I am doing anything right. But knowing there are people who understand where I am helps so much. Feeling alone in this has been a hurdle in and of itself.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. Take care and Be Blessed!


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Hi all,

Had a great day. Finally got a good nights sleep of 8 hours! Yipee!

Had a good work out., great day at work. and to top it off it was sunny and a high of 8 degrees.

Finished work early & got my hair highlights refreshed & cut - glam! Love my boss! I am my own boss - self-employed.

Doing well with the puree stage 3 after surgery. I keep dreaming up yummy items. Just had garlic, zuchini & mushrooms - my favorite! Have lot of variety as I am being really creatitive.

I am a bachlorette this weekend - hubby at dad's for the weekend. Lot of girl time for the weekend!

I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!



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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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