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Quiet on the thread tonight....when it's finally up and running.

Working on another story for my writing class. This one is a little tougher but worth writing.


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Melissa....I think you have to engage your brain when you eat and can't stop. I tend to turn mine off and that's why I keep shoveling things in....and the wrong things....engage the brain and think about the food you put in your mouth. I'm starting to take what Janet says about it's your diet....not being on a diet....it's your diet....and everything you eat is your diet so you can choose to eat those high calorie high fat things or make better choices. I have the same problem and think some of that philosophy is starting to sink in. Janet is a smart woman. You are stronger than your urges....you are.


Thanks Eva for the Encouragement in fact that you every one for all the advice you give me

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I'm starting to take what Janet says about it's your diet....not being on a diet....it's your diet....and everything you eat is your diet so you can choose to eat those high calorie high fat things or make better choices. I have the same problem and think some of that philosophy is starting to sink in. Janet is a smart woman. You are stronger than your urges....you are.


OMG EVA !!!!! I'm so happy that it's sinking in !!!! You don't know how happy that makes me... Gotta tell you it's how I have done it - and continued to maintain - I swear I am not on a diet - never have been - Ya I say no to junk (like donuts in the kitchen at the office today - As you know I can't throw them away LOL cuz they aren't mine and I get in trouble for being a food cop at work - but I did take the one that is my fav - and squished it up and threw it away !!!) I am eating healthy !!! That and exercise - that's it - As you know I indulge in real treats... But not every day and I know my limits, but I do have sf ice cream or sf pudding or snack pack popcorn w/butter spray - most nights and have since day 1 - Hell I have had a starch w/my dinner too - not as much lately - but during my weight loss days every single night 1/2 cup of rice. Linda and I are twins - cuz I eat like her too - hell 3.6 yrs later I'm still eating fish..

I am so happy - you just don't know how happy I am to read this..

Eva, thanks for not thinking i'm weird, especially after I told about that dream from this morning. LOL.

Janet, Katie is "sick" -- not sure what is going on. My DH doesn't want to do anything about it at the moment, so it appears I'm stuck for now. I just worry constantly about Aylah when she's over there, so I'd rather have her with us. But yes, it's exhausting.

Gotta work -- cbl.


Linda - I hear you that she's better off with you !!!! She is so lucky to have you - just like Andrew had me... We have so very much in common ;0)

ok... i'm pissed.. how the heck did I miss SURVIVOR??????????????? ughhhh.

Yes Lori, Nelson was in the dentist chair. He lost his two front teeth at Christmas (25th and 26th) and only one of them came back in. I was worried I pulled out a permanent one! But alas, his tooth is in there, just taking its sweet time. Xrays revealed a cavity in a back molar. sigh. They put sealants on his 6 year old molars x 4 and all the other stuff. VERY expensive stuff. He handled it like a trooper though.

Cooking some beef stew. Smells good in this house. : )

SOrry for the flyby............ just got home from work. Will CBL....Laura

Yep Laura it's back on - set the dvr for next Wed night - you most likely can watch it on line..


FDA Lowers Weight Requirements for Lap-Band Surgery

Cosmetic drug and device maker Allergan Inc. says it has received approval to market its stomach-shrinking Lap-Band to millions more patients who are less obese than those currently using the device.

The food and Drug Administration expanded approval to patients with a body mass index between 30 and 40 and one weight-related medical condition, such as diabetes. Patients must also have previously attempted other weight loss strategies, like diet and exercise.

Allergan said roughly 37 million American patients meet the new criterion for the device. The adjustable band has been available in the U.S. since 2001.

A ring is placed over the top of the stomach and inflated with saline to tighten it and restrict how much food can enter and pass through the stomach.

Copyright 2010 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. All active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL.

Sandy - I read this too - but pple w/bmi under- have been getting the surgery as long as they have co-morbities - so I really don't know why it's news - I think it use to be 2 and now just one - but hell if you don't have any all you have to do is go to Mexico and get the surgery -

last Sunday news was reporting death due to lapband - liver got nicked in surgery - well it was the surgery that killed the girl (doctor) not the lapband.

Well went and got my neck & back popped at the Chiropractors - OMG the neck hurt - one side more than the other - but it feels so much better already...

Came home talked to my sister - BIL started radiation for his cancer - not feeling well - Sis sounded good..

Food today - Jerky (Eva's - I gotta learn how to make this it's so good) PT cookie Peanut Butter 160 cal 15 grms pt - lunch baked chicken breast (3 oz) and 1 cup veggies.. dinner - I don't know have some fish already cooked - just gotta figure what veggies to make...



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Thanks all, I am on the right track :)

Linda - hopefully I can get off the machine sooner that later.

I am so tired tonight as I haven't been getting more than 5 hours sleep. Up again at 3am. Off to bed early. Have a great day all!



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Hi everybody!!! I am back after being gone a week! I lost the thread and had the worse time finding it. Luckily, I remembered that someone had "IndigoGirl" in their name, so I searched, and alas! Here I am. :lol:

I really like reading through this thread because I find great information that seems real and down to Earth. And at this point, that is just what I need.

The last time I posted, I was asked if I journaled. I will be honest...I am in a place where I am basically starting over. I haven't been keeping up with things because of my depression, but since it started lifting last week, I am focused on re-energizing my efforts. Today, I started journaling my Water intake because I don't think since I was banded that I met my intake goals. I am using a sheet I had to use while in the hospital to keep track.

Exercise has been hit and miss for me even though I know the Band can't do it's full job without it. I completely understand that but haven't been putting it in my life as a priority. So, yesterday, my brother and I took his dog walking trails in the park. It was great! I am planning to restart my food journaling tomorrow...so with getting my walking back on track and journaling my Water, I think I might get things together.

I do have a question to ask if you wouldn't mind giving me some suggestions. I am having an awful time with meeting my Protein requirements. I cannot eat pork (even when roasted all day in liquid) and the difficulty I have with beef that isn't ground... it just isn't worth eating. My main meat sources are chicken and ground turkey. I love yogurt, nuts and edamame. I drink a soy Protein shake from time to time and white fish like cod is great. The problem is that I eat the same thing every day. I can't come up with different recipes. I did buy "Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery", but the recipes are expensive to make. I have bought things for a few of the recipes, but I just can't afford it on a regular basis. Any ideas on how to overcome this?

I am looking forward to getting "to know" everyone and hope to manage keeping names straight! :rolleyes:

Have a great night!


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Good evening. Just got home from book club, our book this month was Girl with a Dragon Tatoo so we discussed that, but half the gals there hadn't read the book which makes for tough discussion. Tomorrow morning is my court appt for my accident. HOpefully that goes smoothly. I drove by it tonight so I know where to go in the morning.

Kelley, I have a tough time with pork as well. I discovered I could do the cheaper cuts of pork chops probably cause they are fattier but I don't do them often. chicken I can do the dark meat but not the breasts (too dry). Beef I do better with cuts like filet mignon from costco and some rib eyes. Usually more expensive cuts but since my portion is so small I justify it as I get several meals out of it. My DH is avid hunter and has deer and elk meat in the freezer so when I get the expensive steak it's just for me as well, but sometimes he gets a beef one and gets a cheaper one so he can have more he says. LOL I like chili a lot as well. Also for fish, have you tried tilapia? It's very mild, easy to cook and easy to eat.

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Just a quick fly by.

Got home from work at 10:30 and I'm exhausted. Had to put clothes in washer and eat dinner. I'm leaving for my sisters tomorrow after work. She lives up north about 4.5 hours away. I haven't seen her since Christmas and am so excited. I also haven't seen the puppy since his "return" from the wild! I'm soooo excited! Wait, did I mention that I'm excited?!?!

Jimmy Kimmel is on now and he just did a joke about the Lap-Band. Not funny. I get pissed when people make fun of people that are over weight. Jerks.

Anyhow, have to work early and still need to put laundry in the dryer, shower, make A's lunch, and pack. It's almost 12:30 am. Unreal.

Hope everyone has a great weekend! Be back Monday!

Love you!


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Morning all!

Meredith, have a safe trip and have fun with your sister. Give that puppy a big kiss and hug for me too.

Kelley, welcome back. On the food -- Janet makes "one pot wonders" -- with her meat and veggies in one pot -- she can give you some ideas. I also eat a lot of fish - -I just usually bake it with a little olive oil and seasoning. I make a little tarter sauce out of light mayo, lemon juice, capers and dill relish and eat a small amount of that with the fish. I don't eat beef often (I wasn't much of a steak eater before, so still not too keen on it and I seldom eat pork - maybe three times in two years I'd say. I also eat a lot of chicken breast. I buy boneless chicken breast and I butterfly them - then I season and marinate them in light Italian salad dressing mixed with several tablespoons of lemon juice. Then I either throw them on the grill outside or put them in my George Foreman. Because the lemon juice partially cooks the meat, they are done very quickly and aren't all dried out. I've had really good results in cooking the breasts that way. If you only cook them a few minutes they stay pretty moist. Then I eat them plain or with hummis or put them in a salad. I cook up several and then cut up into bite sized pieces and reheat for 25 seconds in the microwave with a wet paper towel covering them. Don't be afraid to eat fats -- I tried to cut the fats the first two years and I really wasn't getting satisfied and made my journey much harder becaise having some fats will help satiate your hunger and you will feel more satisfied and stay full longer. If you stick to Protein and no carbs you will lose the weight. Yes, regular exercise is important - i think most surgeons recommend an hour a day -- others say less -really depends on you. During the weight loss phase I did two hours most days -- it's also important to do some strength training as well as cardio - by making your muscles more efficient, you will burn fat more efficiently. I just told myself I needed to give myself that time for ME each day. I had been doing for my family for years and years and now it was MY time to do what I need to do. Yes, it's not easy and yes, there's days when I don't want to do it but I've been doing it for over 2 years consistently and yes, it's a drag but something that has to be done. Try to find something you really LIKE and it makes it a bit easier -- I've now settled into doing Zumba three times a week, Water aerobics two times a week, step two days a week and bike elleptical at least twice a week as well as strength training at least twice a week just to maintain my weight. So, it's definitely something to commit too - but you don't have to join a gym -- besides the Wii and Konnect games, there's tons of good dvds out there -- you can buy weights to do at home, etc. Can't remember where you live but if it's in a warm climate you can bike/walk year round. Like I said, the important thing is to make it something you love and instead of dreading it you'll look forward to it.

Okay, gotta get ready for my step class -- have a great Friday everyone - we sure enjoyed our weather yesterday - got up to 69 and sunny -- wow -- felt sooooo good -- today supposed to be a bit cooler and maybe some rain. All that snow is gone -- just a few Patches where the drifts were really high, but mostly gone.



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Also Kelley, there's lots of good recipes on the Neighborhood website -- go to www.5daypouchtest.com and you'll see a link to the "neighborhood".

I meant to include this in my original post and forgot.


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Ok... back from the bus stop. I have a few minutes to post. My DH is on vacation for the next week! Wooohoooo! Not sure yet what we will do on my birthday (20th), but we are going to the Bahamas next week for 4 days with Nelson! Nelson is counting down the days! He also has his first baseball game on Saturday! That is like going to a comedy club! lol. Those kids are so darned cute- funny to watch them try to catch... throw...bat.

Welcome to the newbies. You've come to a great site. Pull up a chair and stay a while. Be prepared to hear it like it is from our mentor and friends.

Well, since my unfill two weekends ago (had 1.5cc taken out), I have complete relief of all symptoms. No more reflux, pain, air escaping, inability to eat solids... nada. Now, I feel like I have very little restriction but haven't gone overboard. Dr says I can't have a fill for 4 weeks b/c I need to heal completely. I will need to avoid being too close to tight or even the sweet spot b/c , for me at least, I can fluctuate between perfect restriction to dangerously tight overnight with just a little bit of Water retention. In the past I have relied on the band to tell me how much to eat. But now I have to use my brain. I wish i had a brain. <smirk>

Yesterday I had a patient that just touched my heart. 21 year old guy, with a BMI of 51. Recently diagnosed hypertension and high cholesterol. They had only given him a 15 minute appointment. I spent an hour an 15 minutes with him. He was near tears when I told him about his two new problems. I told him it was a matter of months before he would have diabetes. Then I told him I totally understand what he is going through. At my clinic I have never told any patient that I have lost 100 lbs. Now, I didn't tell him the whole truth- I didn't tell him about the band. He could not afford it right now and I didn't want him thinking it was the only way. What I did do was help him make a plan. I will see him monthly for weigh ins. I gave him an achievable goal of only 3 lbs a month. I told him to knock my goal out of the water! I was also able to order him physical therapy. Just like you would need rehab after a knee replacement, this kid NEEDS professional help to learn to exercise safely. He will have access to Water classes and gym, as well as a PT 3 times a week. I also made an appt for him with a registered dietitian. He said no health care provider had ever talked to him about his weight with a plan- they always just said you are morbidly obese and need to lose weight. I have high hopes for that kid. I'll keep you updated.

Linda~ that beautiful GD is soooooo lucky to have you in her life! She will always remember the love you gave her during this time in her life. LOVED the FB pics!!!

Lori~ Good luck with court. Judges are usually nice to people that have had their VERY FIRST violation at your age. : ) It will go well.

Mere~ Have fun with your sis and nephew pup.

Janet~ Thanks for telling me about survivor! I was able to watch the entire episode online, you were right. I like Boston Rob. Hell, I like Russel too. I think the redemption island twist will make it interesting. Be careful who you vote off b/c they may come back to get you!

Eva~ Hope you did great on your school work! : ) So proud of you. What happened to your house keeper? I got teary eyed just hearing the news! <wink> I would keel over if something happened to my girls.

Karen~ Got your card! Thank you soooooo much for thinking of me!!!

ok guys, gotta get some work done. I will CBL.......peasout............Laura

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Good Morning Gang! Is it? It's been over ten days and I am still so stopped up and coughing. I am going to the doctor today. I think I have a sinus infection. The pain in my face and teeth wake me up at night.Ugh!

Laura, you are such a blessing at the clinic. I know that young man will work hard knowing that he can reverse his ailments by eating right. Let us know his weight progress if you see him again. Well, I know you can't give details, but I would like to know if he comes to see you again.

Lori, HUGS and prayers for your court day. If will go fine. Accidents happen.

My mother is doing so well on her walker I think she will be going back to her apartment next week. She has her snap back too.

Moment of truth. I stepped on the scale after many days. I knew when the weather got warmer I would put on some Water weight. UGH! Yep. Back to square one. Yes, I have eaten carbs like oatmeal, but mainly I am overeating in general. I feel so crappy I don't even want to conscentrate on an eating plan. I will turn this around.

Janet, are you still sick? Phyl?

Later gang!

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Charlene, I know it's tough...it's very hard, but you just have to wrap you head around the eating stuff. I'm not there yet, but it's starting to happen. Get rid of the white flour stuff first....get rid of all the white flour stuff...crackers, Pasta, Cereal, breads, rolls, whatever. Neither you nor your husband need them. People can live and live well without white flour. Look at the Zone diet by Barry Sears and the glycemic index stuff. Also a book I read that was interesting was "Protein Power" by Michael R and Mary Dan Eades. They are interesting. They may also help you get your head around the food thing. If you don't want to buy them, check them out from the library. The Zone book is in paperback and pretty cheap. I'm sorry you are sick...sounds like a sinus infection. You might need antibiotics...poor baby.

Laura, my housekeeper quit. She said she had medical issues and I believe her but I can't afford her now anyway even if she can work again. Boohoo. I'm so proud of you! I hope the guy you are trying to help takes you seriously. I'm also glad you took the time with him and maybe that will be what he needs. I've found the same thing with the doctors. They say essentially, "you're fat, lose weight" but don't give you any tools for that. I really like my doctor but he doesn't do anything as far as referral to a nutritionist or anything else dealing with weight loss. Of course my insurance doesn't pay for any weight loss things either.

Great, I have "The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo" on my Kindle but haven't finished reading it yet. Did you read it already? Does DD have her doctor's appointment today or was that yesterday? I would think they'd leave that baby cooking for as long as possible.

I have a 100 errands to run today and am meeting one of friends for lunch. We are going to the Cheesecake Factory because it was her birthday and that's where she wants to go. I'm sure they have salads or something I can eat.

I have my next writing assignment close to done. It's a difficult assignment because we are fictionalizing our own experiences....something disturbing or something you are afraid of or something that made you really happy (what fun is that?). Linda, thanks for the book again....it's helping a lot with this assignment.

Okay, off to get these chores done.


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Eva - your post was so filled with love and concern for Arlene, Laura and Lori. It made my heart warm to sense what a special lady you are. Really wish I had been able to share time with you and Karen in Tucson.

That assignment sounds fascinating. Writing in a fictionalizing way about ourselves would be so enlightening (and a bit frightening).

Sorry you lost your maid. I can't imagine being without mine after all these years.

Enjoy the sunshine while you run those errands.

I am on my way to work out with the trainer. cool.gif

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Ended up working on my pond...it's been slimed....green algae growing everywhere. It's a small raised pond (I'll try and put a picture on FB) horse trough type tank and I have 5 large goldfish and 1 baby (don't know where that came from :) ). The pond is usually at equilibrium...it stays pretty clear and I just use a little pump to recirculate Water. I have Water lilies, cattails and something else in there and it usually works just fine. Well I think the freeze and cold weather have wrecked havoc on it so I spend about 30 minutes cutting the cattails out of there and skimming slime. Cleaned the pump filter, refilled the pond and I'll see where it goes. I bet that filter will be plugged again in a couple of days. Hope it finds it's happy space again. It's a nice water feature in the desert.

See this is how I am...I start on one thing then get distracted and go and do something else. Ugggg

Thanks Joyce, sorry we didn't get to spend time with you too!


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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