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Hey All...couldn't have asked for a better weekend. Quite the road trip with Eva....such an easy-going person to travel with...yep, decided we could do more traveling together...DH's are welcome to hop on the plane with us. Our five hour trip each way just flew by.

Experienced a "Little Piece of Heaven" with going to Janet's and Phyll's world. Beautiful country. I am always amazed by the landscape no matter wherever we go but I was very impressed. Love, love, love the mountains of AZ but also fell in love with the mountains of So Cal.

Janet made us the BEST kabobs on Friday evening (hostess with the mostess) and Phyll and her DH hosted a 5 Star meal at their place. Num. Cleaned my plate and shared a few glasses of wine with Phyll.

Lots of reconnecting with each other. Just a very lovely time with ppl close to my heart. Not much better than that.

Home now and enjoying my DH and baby dog. Will catch up with you all tomorrow or later if we hit the road early. Sending the love.

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Happy Valentine's Day!

It is going to be a beautiful day. Getting ready to go walk then taking a friend for a birthday lunch and the new Adam Sandler movie. My cough and cold are winding down. Don't colds last a week? This a day seven. UGH!

Sndy.....when I watched HEAVY one girl had a TT after about half of her weight loss because it interfered with her running. Mine really causes me rashes in the warm weather. I may need to check into it in the fall.

Eva and Apples......glad you had Happy Trails. I know the country must have been beautiful. Good to hear from you.

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Good Morning Peeps..

Had a wonderful weekend... Girls got here around 12:15 - visited - lunch at my fav mex restaturant - then Phyl & Earl got here - dinner was good - Saturday had wonderful weather - even hot in the sun but not too hot - shopped at the street fair - went to Palm Springs and Phyls - Had a lot of good visiting time.. Eva makes wonderful sausage !!! She brought me home made pork sausage... To die for..

Like Eva & Karen said GREAT weekend but I too am pooped - after girls left went and got nails done - then Target home by 2 - tired to nap but only got in 20 minutes - but was in bed by 8:30 ... I was pooped and still am ;0) Will go back and read later - Phyl did post 1 picutre on FB - I got a couple and will try and post tonite - on fb not here it's too hard ;0)

Happy Valentines Day !!!! Love you all....

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Happy Valentine's Day to all!

Sandy, good luck on the TT - I still want to check it out but can't afford to do it unless I can get my ins. to cover it -- is your insurance covering yours or are you self pay?

Janet, good to hear from you - glad you had a good time with the girls - sounds like it was a great time.

Well, gotta work -- unfortunately -- again another gorgeous day -- sunny and already 40!! Wow! I LOVE this kind of spring weather - hope it sticks around.


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Good Morning Again...

It was quite here this weekend ;0) Lori in hawaii - me apples eva out and about -

I am at work - would love to be chilling at home - but alas I gotta work

Cheri - why can't you eat out - if you can only eat sliders then do you think you maybe on the tight side...

Well I'm lucky that kate bailey theory on popcorn doesn't include me LOL - cuz I don't know what I would do without it... It's my salvation... 100 cal snack pack tames the head hungiers for me... I am lucky my boding isn't that sensative to carbs - Hell during my weight loss I ate rice every night..

Charlene - Glad you are feeling better... How's your Mom..

Sandy Belated happy bday !!1

Medically necessary TT really isn't a Tummy Tuck from what I have read - they just take off the excess skin they don't do anything to the muscle..

The weekend was great - we had great weather - good food and great company.. Busy the whole time even if it was sitting and chatting - but Sat nite after we came home from Phyl's both Eva & I fell alseep watching t.v. LOL aren't we the party animals ;0) but after walking around all day - looking at stuff - having a great dinner - sun - we were pooped ;0)

Well back to work... cbl

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Here's a great article by Kaye Bailey re snacking:

LivingAfterWLS Weekly Digest

The Four Rules: #3 No Snacking

When snacking hurts; When snacking helps

February 9, 2011


I hope this newsletter finds you warm and well this second week of February. Today we continue our discussion of the Four Rules - we are at Number 3: No Snacking. It's a tough one and I dare say most of will or have struggled with snacking following weight loss surgery. And, as you will see from the articles in this newsletter, not all bariatric centers follow the same Four Rules that include no snacking. But what is consistent, across the front lines of those of us living with weight loss surgery, is that out-of-control snacking on poorly chosen foods leads to a stall in weight loss and may possibly lead to weight gain. So please, take a look at the information here and revisit the information you were provided at the time of your surgery. Find your personal position on the "No Snacking" rule based on knowledge, experience, and environment -- it is the most empowering thing you can do for yourself in this ongoing battle of weight management in a world where it is much easier to be fat.

Happy 2011 - We are all in this together!



A Note: We have received the fourth printing of the LivingAfterWLS Neighborhood cookbook earlier than anticipated. We are processing backorders as quickly as possible - so look for yours in the next few days delivered by US Postal Service. Thanks for your patience!

Link to view the previously published Weekly Digests in our 2011 Four Rules Series:

Rule #1 - Protein First:

LivingAfterWLS Weekly Digest January 20, 2011 <P style="MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px">

Rule #2 - Lots of Water

LivingAfterWLS Weekly Digest February 2, 2011

The Four Rules: Before surgery most of us were taught the Four Rules we must follow in order to achieve the best results with weight loss surgery - any procedure. Those rules (with minor variations from one bariatric surgeon to the next) are:

  • Protein First
  • Lots of Water
  • No Snacking
  • Daily Exercise

In order to maintain weight loss and keep the obesity from which we suffer in remission we must follow these rules for life. When we meet patients who have maintained a healthy body weight for several years with weight loss surgery we learn that in most cases they live by the Four Rules.

If it has been a while since you have given consideration to the Four Rules I invite you today to spend a little time refreshing your knowledge and enthusiasm about Protein First. Actually, this is my favorite rule because it means good food without the guilt! Link to the articles of interest and take a look at some of our great WLS recipes. There is something for everyone as we get excited again about the Four Rules!

Every now and again it serves us well to step back into our pre-op mindset when we were hell-bent on making surgery work to achieve weight loss and improve our health and quality of living. Take a look at this article with your pre-surgery eyes. I think it will help renew your enthusiasm for working "the tool" and living well today:

Understand the Four Rules of WLS

Before Going Under the Knife

Weight loss surgery is frequently perceived as an easy means to weight loss that requires little or no effort by the patient. However, patients who undergo bariatric surgery are prescribed Four Rules of dietary and lifestyle management that they will follow for the rest of their life if they wish to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. Here is what you need to know about the Four Rules of weight loss surgery before going under the knife.

LivingAfterWLS Weekly Digest

The Four Rules: #3 No Snacking

When snacking hurts; When snacking helps

February 9, 2011

No Snacking. It is the rule that works.

Rule #3 - No Snacking

Excerpted with permission from Day 6: Beyond the 5 Day Pouch Test by Kaye Bailey

Pages 43-45 - Copyright 2009 - Kaye Bailey - All Rights Reserved

"Without a doubt, the "No Snacking" rule is the most divisive in the weight loss surgery community. In fact, I've received more angry letters on this topic than any other of the Four Rules. One school of thought is that snacking is absolutely forbidden. The other school swears that three meals plus two Snacks a day are essential for the nutritional survival of the weight loss surgery patient.

"I am not a doctor and I am not a nutritionist. But I work on the front lines with weight loss surgery patients every day, patients who are many years out from surgery; patients who have lost touch with their bariatric centers. What I do know for certain is this: patients who snack and who are not engaged in extreme athletics gain weight. There is a fine line between snacking intelligently and grazing and few, if any, of us have the self-control to toe the line. In my experience and in my opinion there is no reason for the average person post-WLS to ever engage in snacking. If we follow the I {heart} DIET we will not be hungry in the 4-6 hours between planned meals; there will not be a blood glucose emergency and there will not be a physiological need to snack.

"This may be a very unpopular stand for me to take. But I have spent the last six years working with my fellow weight loss surgery patients and in every case of weight regain snacking has been involved. And in most cases the initial instructions from the bariatric center were for the patient to eat every 3 to 4 hours and somewhere along the third year things went wrong. Snacking on Protein Bars or nuts became grazing on pretzels and crackers washed down with soda, coffee or tea. Slider foods overruled sensibility.

"No Snacking. It is the rule that works.

"Now, I'm obligated to tell you to follow the very specific instructions given you by your bariatric center. If they instructed you to have three meals a day and two Snacks a day that's fine: please do not feel I'm beating you up here. But please, go get your original notes and instructions. Review the list of approved snacks. Copy that list and post it on your refrigerator to keep your memory refreshed. The snacks your center permitted during the phase of weight loss are the only snacks you are allowed for the rest of your life if you want to maintain your weight loss.

"I personally feel the "NO Snacking" rule is a tremendous relief. For several years of my adult life, prior to surgery, I had a 40-minute commute to and from work each day. My morbidly obese irrational thinking had me convinced that I could not last that commute without a large soda and giant cookie: both morning and night. Looking back that was about 1,200 calories of snacking I was taking each day just to "survive" my commute. Twelve hundred calories is equal to our full day caloric allowance after surgery! How was it again, that I became morbidly obese? Hmmm. My car was always full of crumbs and the back seat littered with empty cups and cookie wrappers, not to mention the expense of my snacking habit. What a relief when "No Snacking" took that burden from me.

"One reason we are prone to break the "No Snacking" rule is because traditional snack foods are ever present in our society and they tend to set more comfortably in our stomach pouch than protein dense food. Have you found yourself able to eat an endless bag of crackers or chips yet struggle to get a few bites of roast chicken down? The crackers are soft and when consumed with liquid create slurry that never compacts in the pouch the way protein does. The cracker slurry slides right through in a steady stream: slider food (more on this in Part II: I {heart} DIET Basics). Solid protein, on the other hand, settles in the pouch like an unwelcome second cousin on your sofa and lingers just a little too long. So naturally we prefer to eat something that gives us comfort, not discomfort.

"But the fact is, the pouch when it is used correctly, is supposed to be a little bit uncomfortable. The discomfort is the signal to stop eating. When we are snacking on slider foods we do not get that signal and we do not stop eating."

LivingAfterWLS Weekly Digest

The Four Rules: #3 No Snacking

When snacking hurts; When snacking helps

February 9, 2011


I hope this newsletter finds you warm and well this second week of February. Today we continue our discussion of the Four Rules - we are at Number 3: No Snacking. It's a tough one and I dare say most of will or have struggled with snacking following weight loss surgery. And, as you will see from the articles in this newsletter, not all bariatric centers follow the same Four Rules that include no snacking. But what is consistent, across the front lines of those of us living with weight loss surgery, is that out-of-control snacking on poorly chosen foods leads to a stall in weight loss and may possibly lead to weight gain. So please, take a look at the information here and revisit the information you were provided at the time of your surgery. Find your personal position on the "No Snacking" rule based on knowledge, experience, and environment -- it is the most empowering thing you can do for yourself in this ongoing battle of weight management in a world where it is much easier to be fat.

Happy 2011 - We are all in this together!



A Note: We have received the fourth printing of the LivingAfterWLS Neighborhood cookbook earlier than anticipated. We are processing backorders as quickly as possible - so look for yours in the next few days delivered by US Postal Service. Thanks for your patience!

Link to view the previously published Weekly Digests in our 2011 Four Rules Series:

Rule #1 - Protein First:

LivingAfterWLS Weekly Digest January 20, 2011 <P style="MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px">

Rule #2 - Lots of Water

LivingAfterWLS Weekly Digest February 2, 2011

The Four Rules: Before surgery most of us were taught the Four Rules we must follow in order to achieve the best results with weight loss surgery - any procedure. Those rules (with minor variations from one bariatric surgeon to the next) are:

  • Protein First
  • Lots of Water
  • No Snacking
  • Daily Exercise

In order to maintain weight loss and keep the obesity from which we suffer in remission we must follow these rules for life. When we meet patients who have maintained a healthy body weight for several years with weight loss surgery we learn that in most cases they live by the Four Rules.

If it has been a while since you have given consideration to the Four Rules I invite you today to spend a little time refreshing your knowledge and enthusiasm about Protein First. Actually, this is my favorite rule because it means good food without the guilt! Link to the articles of interest and take a look at some of our great WLS recipes. There is something for everyone as we get excited again about the Four Rules!

Every now and again it serves us well to step back into our pre-op mindset when we were hell-bent on making surgery work to achieve weight loss and improve our health and quality of living. Take a look at this article with your pre-surgery eyes. I think it will help renew your enthusiasm for working "the tool" and living well today:

Understand the Four Rules of WLS

Before Going Under the Knife

Weight loss surgery is frequently perceived as an easy means to weight loss that requires little or no effort by the patient. However, patients who undergo bariatric surgery are prescribed Four Rules of dietary and lifestyle management that they will follow for the rest of their life if they wish to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. Here is what you need to know about the Four Rules of weight loss surgery before going under the knife.

LivingAfterWLS Weekly Digest

The Four Rules: #3 No Snacking

When snacking hurts; When snacking helps

February 9, 2011


I hope this newsletter finds you warm and well this second week of February. Today we continue our discussion of the Four Rules - we are at Number 3: No Snacking. It's a tough one and I dare say most of will or have struggled with snacking following weight loss surgery. And, as you will see from the articles in this newsletter, not all bariatric centers follow the same Four Rules that include no snacking. But what is consistent, across the front lines of those of us living with weight loss surgery, is that out-of-control snacking on poorly chosen foods leads to a stall in weight loss and may possibly lead to weight gain. So please, take a look at the information here and revisit the information you were provided at the time of your surgery. Find your personal position on the "No Snacking" rule based on knowledge, experience, and environment -- it is the most empowering thing you can do for yourself in this ongoing battle of weight management in a world where it is much easier to be fat.

Happy 2011 - We are all in this together!



A Note: We have received the fourth printing of the LivingAfterWLS Neighborhood cookbook earlier than anticipated. We are processing backorders as quickly as possible - so look for yours in the next few days delivered by US Postal Service. Thanks for your patience!

Link to view the previously published Weekly Digests in our 2011 Four Rules Series:

Rule #1 - Protein First:

LivingAfterWLS Weekly Digest January 20, 2011 <P style="MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px">

Rule #2 - Lots of Water

LivingAfterWLS Weekly Digest February 2, 2011

The Four Rules: Before surgery most of us were taught the Four Rules we must follow in order to achieve the best results with weight loss surgery - any procedure. Those rules (with minor variations from one bariatric surgeon to the next) are:

  • Protein First
  • Lots of Water
  • No Snacking
  • Daily Exercise

In order to maintain weight loss and keep the obesity from which we suffer in remission we must follow these rules for life. When we meet patients who have maintained a healthy body weight for several years with weight loss surgery we learn that in most cases they live by the Four Rules.

If it has been a while since you have given consideration to the Four Rules I invite you today to spend a little time refreshing your knowledge and enthusiasm about Protein First. Actually, this is my favorite rule because it means good food without the guilt! Link to the articles of interest and take a look at some of our great WLS recipes. There is something for everyone as we get excited again about the Four Rules!

Every now and again it serves us well to step back into our pre-op mindset when we were hell-bent on making surgery work to achieve weight loss and improve our health and quality of living. Take a look at this article with your pre-surgery eyes. I think it will help renew your enthusiasm for working "the tool" and living well today:

Understand the Four Rules of WLS

Before Going Under the Knife

Weight loss surgery is frequently perceived as an easy means to weight loss that requires little or no effort by the patient. However, patients who undergo bariatric surgery are prescribed Four Rules of dietary and lifestyle management that they will follow for the rest of their life if they wish to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. Here is what you need to know about the Four Rules of weight loss surgery before going under the knife.

LivingAfterWLS Weekly Digest

The Four Rules: #3 No Snacking

When snacking hurts; When snacking helps

February 9, 2011


I hope this newsletter finds you warm and well this second week of February. Today we continue our discussion of the Four Rules - we are at Number 3: No Snacking. It's a tough one and I dare say most of will or have struggled with snacking following weight loss surgery. And, as you will see from the articles in this newsletter, not all bariatric centers follow the same Four Rules that include no snacking. But what is consistent, across the front lines of those of us living with weight loss surgery, is that out-of-control snacking on poorly chosen foods leads to a stall in weight loss and may possibly lead to weight gain. So please, take a look at the information here and revisit the information you were provided at the time of your surgery. Find your personal position on the "No Snacking" rule based on knowledge, experience, and environment -- it is the most empowering thing you can do for yourself in this ongoing battle of weight management in a world where it is much easier to be fat.

Happy 2011 - We are all in this together!



A Note: We have received the fourth printing of the LivingAfterWLS Neighborhood cookbook earlier than anticipated. We are processing backorders as quickly as possible - so look for yours in the next few days delivered by US Postal Service. Thanks for your patience!

Link to view the previously published Weekly Digests in our 2011 Four Rules Series:

Rule #1 - Protein First:

LivingAfterWLS Weekly Digest January 20, 2011 <P style="MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px">

Rule #2 - Lots of Water

LivingAfterWLS Weekly Digest February 2, 2011

The Four Rules: Before surgery most of us were taught the Four Rules we must follow in order to achieve the best results with weight loss surgery - any procedure. Those rules (with minor variations from one bariatric surgeon to the next) are:

  • Protein First
  • Lots of Water
  • No Snacking
  • Daily Exercise

In order to maintain weight loss and keep the obesity from which we suffer in remission we must follow these rules for life. When we meet patients who have maintained a healthy body weight for several years with weight loss surgery we learn that in most cases they live by the Four Rules.

If it has been a while since you have given consideration to the Four Rules I invite you today to spend a little time refreshing your knowledge and enthusiasm about Protein First. Actually, this is my favorite rule because it means good food without the guilt! Link to the articles of interest and take a look at some of our great WLS recipes. There is something for everyone as we get excited again about the Four Rules!

Every now and again it serves us well to step back into our pre-op mindset when we were hell-bent on making surgery work to achieve weight loss and improve our health and quality of living. Take a look at this article with your pre-surgery eyes. I think it will help renew your enthusiasm for working "the tool" and living well today:

Understand the Four Rules of WLS

Before Going Under the Knife

Weight loss surgery is frequently perceived as an easy means to weight loss that requires little or no effort by the patient. However, patients who undergo bariatric surgery are prescribed Four Rules of dietary and lifestyle management that they will follow for the rest of their life if they wish to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. Here is what you need to know about the Four Rules of weight loss surgery before going under the knife.

LivingAfterWLS Weekly Digest

The Four Rules: #3 No Snacking

When snacking hurts; When snacking helps

February 9, 2011


I hope this newsletter finds you warm and well this second week of February. Today we continue our discussion of the Four Rules - we are at Number 3: No Snacking. It's a tough one and I dare say most of will or have struggled with snacking following weight loss surgery. And, as you will see from the articles in this newsletter, not all bariatric centers follow the same Four Rules that include no snacking. But what is consistent, across the front lines of those of us living with weight loss surgery, is that out-of-control snacking on poorly chosen foods leads to a stall in weight loss and may possibly lead to weight gain. So please, take a look at the information here and revisit the information you were provided at the time of your surgery. Find your personal position on the "No Snacking" rule based on knowledge, experience, and environment -- it is the most empowering thing you can do for yourself in this ongoing battle of weight management in a world where it is much easier to be fat.

Happy 2011 - We are all in this together!



A Note: We have received the fourth printing of the LivingAfterWLS Neighborhood cookbook earlier than anticipated. We are processing backorders as quickly as possible - so look for yours in the next few days delivered by US Postal Service. Thanks for your patience!

Link to view the previously published Weekly Digests in our 2011 Four Rules Series:

Rule #1 - Protein First:

LivingAfterWLS Weekly Digest January 20, 2011 <P style="MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px">

Rule #2 - Lots of Water

LivingAfterWLS Weekly Digest February 2, 2011

The Four Rules: Before surgery most of us were taught the Four Rules we must follow in order to achieve the best results with weight loss surgery - any procedure. Those rules (with minor variations from one bariatric surgeon to the next) are:

  • Protein First
  • Lots of Water
  • No Snacking
  • Daily Exercise

In order to maintain weight loss and keep the obesity from which we suffer in remission we must follow these rules for life. When we meet patients who have maintained a healthy body weight for several years with weight loss surgery we learn that in most cases they live by the Four Rules.

If it has been a while since you have given consideration to the Four Rules I invite you today to spend a little time refreshing your knowledge and enthusiasm about Protein First. Actually, this is my favorite rule because it means good food without the guilt! Link to the articles of interest and take a look at some of our great WLS recipes. There is something for everyone as we get excited again about the Four Rules!

Every now and again it serves us well to step back into our pre-op mindset when we were hell-bent on making surgery work to achieve weight loss and improve our health and quality of living. Take a look at this article with your pre-surgery eyes. I think it will help renew your enthusiasm for working "the tool" and living well today:

Understand the Four Rules of WLS

Before Going Under the Knife

Weight loss surgery is frequently perceived as an easy means to weight loss that requires little or no effort by the patient. However, patients who undergo bariatric surgery are prescribed Four Rules of dietary and lifestyle management that they will follow for the rest of their life if they wish to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. Here is what you need to know about the Four Rules of weight loss surgery before going under the knife.

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Arlene, I have had a skin infection caused by the skin overhanging my belly button. It was very painful. I hope you get relief. Maybe a TT would help you.

Linda, because it is cosmetic surgery my insurance will not cover any of it. My dear sweet hubby has been saving to give me this for over a year. When I finally got under two hundred pounds I started talking about wanting to have this done. He took the bull by the horn and set up a separate account to save so he could give this to me. I am such a lucky girl.

The doctor's office gave me a brochure from www.carecredit.com in case I was interested in financing. My procedure will cost $7000. In the brochure it shows the payments plans for varying repayment times. To give you an idea:

$7500 repaid over

6 months = $1250

12 months = $625

24 months = $364

36 months = $260

48 months = $209

60 months = $179

The brochure did not show the payment for $7000 but you get the idea. Maybe this would be an option for you.

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Not sure why that copied more than once. Sorry about that. Hope you enjoy the article though.

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Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

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Happy Valentine's Day to everyone...... Hope you have your Sweetheart close..... I get mine all day...... Lucky.......and he's waiting for me to go help him do something so I'd better go..... be back later to check in...........

Love to all.............. Julie

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Hey ladies. I just came over from the Over 50 board and was wondering if i could join y'all. I was just banded on 2/7/11 and need some moral support. I've lost 11 pounds and started back to work today. Having trouble with the eating - i'm trying to keep my meals at 1/2 cup because i don't want to get too full and stretch my pouch but i'm not really having a feeling of "being full". So don't know whether i need to increase to 3/4 cup meals or stick to what i'm doing. I stay full for about 3-4 hours after eating but not sure i'm doing the right thing. I keep hearing about knowing when you're full and i haven't felt that. I'm eating soft foods now, making sure i eat the Protein first and having at least 1 Protein shake a day to ensure that i get adequate Protein. Haven't really started a big exercise program or anything. Hubby and i are trying to walk some everyday but my port site is still pretty sore.

Anyway i hope i can join in here and if you have any advice on the eating thing i would greatly appreciate it.


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Hey ladies. I just came over from the Over 50 board and was wondering if i could join y'all. I was just banded on 2/7/11 and need some moral support. I've lost 11 pounds and started back to work today. Having trouble with the eating - i'm trying to keep my meals at 1/2 cup because i don't want to get too full and stretch my pouch but i'm not really having a feeling of "being full". So don't know whether i need to increase to 3/4 cup meals or stick to what i'm doing. I stay full for about 3-4 hours after eating but not sure i'm doing the right thing. I keep hearing about knowing when you're full and i haven't felt that. I'm eating soft foods now, making sure i eat the Protein first and having at least 1 Protein shake a day to ensure that i get adequate protein. Haven't really started a big exercise program or anything. Hubby and i are trying to walk some everyday but my port site is still pretty sore.

Anyway i hope i can join in here and if you have any advice on the eating thing i would greatly appreciate it.



Welcome !!! Full is a new and diff feeling for me ;0) if you are staying full for 3 or 4 hrs that's good - just keep doing what you are doing - are you keeping a food diary and walking is good... My port site hurt the longest too - I think a couple of weeks - almost 4 yrs ago - so you know how it is for 50+ to remember stuff LOL..

You will tell better when you move to reg food to know if you have good restriction - but the time between healing and 1st fill can be hard cuz once the swelling goes down - you may be more hunger and have less restriction - during this time just keep eating healthy..

Jump right on in...

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Morning.....what a beautiful day. My thermometer says it's 80 degrees out. My male tortoise is up and walking around so I filled his Water dish and left him some food.

Janet, yeah, aren't we the party girls....falling asleep in front of the TV. I am still a little tired and I went to bed early last night.

I'm tempted to skip class today, but I won't. It is so beautiful out I want to work on my garden. I guess I'll walk on the track today instead. It's boring, but a really nice surface to walk on.

I have to go check Facebook since I got so many tags. Have a good one.


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Good Morning Again...

It was quite here this weekend ;0) Lori in hawaii - me apples eva out and about -

I am at work - would love to be chilling at home - but alas I gotta work

Cheri - why can't you eat out - if you can only eat sliders then do you think you maybe on the tight side...

Well I'm lucky that kate bailey theory on popcorn doesn't include me LOL - cuz I don't know what I would do without it... It's my salvation... 100 cal snack pack tames the head hungiers for me... I am lucky my boding isn't that sensative to carbs - Hell during my weight loss I ate rice every night..

Charlene - Glad you are feeling better... How's your Mom..

Sandy Belated happy bday !!1

Medically necessary TT really isn't a Tummy Tuck from what I have read - they just take off the excess skin they don't do anything to the muscle..

The weekend was great - we had great weather - good food and great company.. Busy the whole time even if it was sitting and chatting - but Sat nite after we came home from Phyl's both Eva & I fell alseep watching t.v. LOL aren't we the party animals ;0) but after walking around all day - looking at stuff - having a great dinner - sun - we were pooped ;0)

Well back to work... cbl

Janet, you are correct about the medically necessary TT. The one I am having involves tightening the muscles and is completely considered cosmetic. I am not too familiar with the medically necessary type but I have read, in the plastic surgery section, where some women get their insurance company to pay for the medical TT and they pay for the muscle work out of pocket. It is not an easy process. My GF, who had gastric bypass, needs skin removed from her legs so she can walk normally. She has been fighting the ins company for 2 years. She is in the arbitration process now. It has been a long fight for her.

Thanks for the B-Day wishes. I had a wonderful day.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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