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OMG so much is happening and I'm out of the loop again.... I have read the posts since I last was here...... Oh, you girls seem so busy doing good things and fun things..... I'm happy for you guys.... Sorry about a fall for Melissa... Laura, I agree with all of "our" people, that you are just right.... be yourself.....

My life has become completely out of controll.... If it wasn't so sad it could actually be funny..... You know my pain situation..... I still have that.... now have a head cold, so stayed home from church yesterday. And while I was home alone then decided to go down and put in a load of clothes.... Yup, slipped on the stairs again.... different ones... right foot slipped, left knee went backwards, then twisted around and I came to a stop sitting on a step with both feet on the basement floor...... I just sat there and tried to determine if I was going to be able to move.... finally managed to stand and then get back upstairs.... to the chiropractore today.... Both knees were dislocated and I've pulled the muscles on the outside of my left knee..... It stiffens up quite bad while I sit and then really hurts when I first get to walking..... Just more crap..... At least I already have pain pills....... This is my life........sad, isn't it??? or stupid......

Janet, Eva, Karen, and Phyll, hope you have a wonderful visit... Please think of the rest of us who wish we could be there.......

Love and hugs to all.................... Your friend, the invalid, Julie

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Oh Apples, I just love your long posts! I really am going to say DITTO on that one! Boy you covered all the bases! (I admire that about you!) Oh gosh I am pouting today.... Hmmmpppphhh. I would give my left arm to be on a road trip with Thelma and Louise! OMG, would likely have to wear a Depends! LOL. I wish I could be a fly on the wall at Janet's! Ha-frikkin-larious! You guys have fun. (not that you wouldn't if we didn't say that.) Hugs to you all.

Mere~ You and I are so alike. Yes- we have to learn to draw boundaries and set limits! I over extend myself so often and then get mad. But really, WHO committed? ME. So, learn to draw a line in the sand. I heard the best line on Oprah one day. "That really doesn't work for me right now". Isn't it smart? Hey, what ever happened with your band? You were talking about surgery- did an unfill- and now you are doing a pouch test? Are you back in business? Did they completely unfill you? When he diagnosed it, did they do a barium swallow, fluoro or anything?

Julie~ Hugs on the fall. You have to be sooooooo careful when you are taking the pain meds. Falls are #1 side effect. Oh hon, added insult to injury! Hope the chiro straightened everything out.

Arlene~ OMW, glad your mom is ok. That is awful! You had a feeling something else was going on! Shame on those nursing assistants! Hope she has a speedy recovery.

I am feeling 100% better with the stomach. WOW. What a difference. Slept so well! Now though after two days of walking- have pain in my heel. shit. just what i need. It's not easy getting old! Gotta go get Nels up and ready. Have a great day everyone!!!!

peasout, Laura

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Morning everyone. I'm home from work today -- didn't feel great yesterday and decided to stay home and rest and hopefully feel better tomorrow -- having a bout of vertego and felt all achy last night -- feel a bit better after sleeping well but hoping a day resting will do the trick. I think I just go go go all the time -- I can't remember the last time I had a day where I did "nothing" and rested -- so today is it.

Julie, so sorry to hear about your fall -- but Laura is right - it's gotta be from the pain meds. Hoping you heal quickly -- I'm so sorry that happend to you.

Arelene, your poor, sweet mom -- God bless her -- hope she heals quickly too --- I feel so sorry for her. How do they treat an injury like that? Do they put her in a back brace or something to allign everything and keep it in place?

Janet, I agree that we love our newbies and always want to be available for them, so I 'm glad in that way we can't have a private thread. Your messge is perfect - and in red -- perfect.

Laura, you already look gorgeous -- no need to panic about meeting your MIL -- you've already met the SIL haven't you? Just purge the carbs and start exercising and you'll do just fine -- I have lots of tapes that I use at home during bad weather or on days when I just don't feel like going to the gym. I used them last year when I was recovering from my hip replacement. Just one hour every day for you -- you can split it up into 15 min. increments you know or 1/2 hour increments -- whatever works - just do 1 hour every day of some type of real exercise -- because you want to lose weight don't sub housework for it -- really try to do it and you'll see results.

Meredith -- yes I think the 5DPT will work better for you -- be sure to get enough calories -- especially if you are exercising. I think you'll be happy with the results because as I said it's what you eat, and eating all Protein is truly what it's all about. When I mentioned that Reader's Digest article the other day what I forgot to also mention is that it said if cutting out the fat of our diets worked, we would all be skinny by now. During my band experience I was very very diligent about eating very low fat - I didn't even eat eggs until very recently because I wanted to cut the fats -- I ate egg beaters - I was eating ONLY non fat cheeses -- never ate any oils -- (ie., I wouldn't eat fahitas cause I knew the meat was cooked with oil). I only ate non fat/low fat everything -- and I was miserable -- AND I was ravenous hungry between meals. I was making my journey so much more difficult than it needed to be. Then I made the UNwise decision to add some low fat, low calorie carb Snacks into the mix and over the course of a few months, gained about 8 lbs. -- that's when I woke up and thought "WTF is going on? How can I possibly be gaining when I'm only eating 1100 calories per day and exercising every day?" So I decided to try the 5DPT and check it out and that's how I learned that Cheri was right all along -- we can't eat that crap. Now I'm eating more cheese, real eggs, more meat, using oils and and I'm staying fuller longer and feel so much better -- more energy -- my skin is even less dry -- it's an amazing difference. I'm eating a diet much higher in fat (but they are GOOD fats) and I'm losing weight again -- I haven't bothered to track calories cause I figured it would make me insane to do so. I'm now back to where I was at my lowest weight (which was right before my hip surgery last December). I didn't lose weight this past week but that's normal for me -- I usually stay the same a week or two and then drop a pound or two. I don't really care at this point -- the important thing for me is HOW I feel. I hardly ever feel that "ravenous" feeling any more -- remember too that I got fills trying to get rid of that feeling - and all that did was make me too tight and when I did eat Protein I would immediately get stuck and pb! So I learned to eat "sliders" cause they went down easier and I could eat -- thank goodness I got a .500 unfill in August -- that started me back on the right road again -- if I had done the 5 DPT before the unfill I probably would have realized I had too much fill cause I doubt I could have eaten any of the soft Proteins on Day 3. That's why I recommend the pouch test-- Joyce you might want to try that and see if maybe you are too tight - it sounds like it to me. I struggled most of last year with that and truly, you don't need to be that tight - the band will work if we are eating right and are not too tight.

Meredith yes you need to say "NO" -- don't be like me - I'm old and still trying to please everyone. For instance a week or two ago one of my co-workers invited me to a dinner at her church. She's always trying to get me to come to her church - I think she thinks I need saving or something. Now I am very spiritual and religious -- went to church all my life but after one particular sermon I decided organized religion wasn't something I needed to do -- I dislike it and so I don't attend churches any longer. Anyway, I almost caved in this time cause I felt guilty that I didn't want to go -- I thought "oh it would mean so much to HER" I can do that. Then I started thinking about it -- did I truly WANT to give up an entire evening for this -- it wasn't for me or my DH -- it was to make her feel good, not me. Plus it's a total LIE cause I'm not going to start coming to church every Sunday anyway. I know that. So when she asked me Friday I just said, "no thanks -- PERIOD" Didn't give a reason just said "NO THANKS." It worked - she didn't ask why or anything else. So I recommend you start now to say no thanks and not let people guilt you into stuff -- I think we have signs flashing on our foreheads that indicates we are easily manipulated or something. Don't do it -- cause I know exactly how you will feel -- you are very much like me in that way I think and I'm here 30 years later telling you that I did a lot of crap for 30 years that I didn't want to do to please people and truly it wasn't worth it. In your head pretend that you only have a few days left before Andrew leaves for a year and see what you would tell your friend then. And then do it!! You certainly would not choose her over Andrew if that were the case would you? And, more than likely, that friend would ask you to do so even knowing he was leaving for a year -- cause all she cares about is having someone to go with her -- she can find someone else -- you aren't her ONLY friend I'm sure, but you're probably the easiest friend to manipulate.

Jodi, where have you been? Missing your posts -- hope everything is okay.

LauraK -- love love love you -- you are so cute and fiesty. How's everything going with you -- you don't say much about your life on the thread any longer -- hope all is okay -- any new guys lately??????????? We gotta find you a good one -- maybe we can find one for you in Chicago - in my head I'll think of you meeting someone on the train to Chicago -- how romantic -- see -- that's why I'm a writer - -I have a whole scenario figured out -- then he'll cut his trip short so he can surprise you and ride back home with you -- he'll be so perfect for you you won't believe it's true -- it's going to be great!!! So if I think of that every day between now and June, I bet it will happen. Positive thinking!

Apples and Eva, be careful on your drive south - so jealous -- take lots of pics and have a wonderful time!!

Better quit rambling and go watch the news -- oh, by the way it was MINUS 10 when I got up this morning at 7:30.


Love you all.


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Good morning from blizzardy Denver! I am on my DD's computer and wanted to check in and say hi. All is well here other than I am snowed in, was to go home today but probably not now, I don't want her to get stuck in the snow and start labor or something. She's doing well, off all restrictions. Dr said baby can come any time not but probably won't for about a week. Her gall bladder is bothering her real bad now so they may consider inducing her next week so she can then get that taken care of. I've been reading on my Droid phone so am sortta up to date, just can't figure out responding on the thing. So a few of the things I remember to comment on:

Arlene, that must have been quite the stuck episode, never heard of it lasting like that. When I get stuck I usually just have to excuse myself, cough or burp once or twice and get rid of the offender and then usually can go back and finish my meal. Normally it's because I wasn't paying attention to bit size or chewing, almost always happens when I am distracted, talking etc. rarely when I am alone and being a good mindful bander. Have never had to do liquids or anything after, so I feel for you and sorry you had such a horrible episode.

Laura, I got your humor about the purse. Heck get 2! LOL Sounds like you really have things figured out though and it makes sense that a weight gain can tighten it if a weight loss can loosen it. I too am one that doesn't have good boundaries right now and over commit, hence the Boundaries book I am reading is helping me in that regard as well.

Meredith, take it from an old lady, if you can start saving no now and setting up good boundaries for your time you will save yourself a lifetime of grief. Good for you for realizing it at your young age. When do you start your pouch test?

Linda, hope you are feeling better.

Eva and Apples, have a great road trip, don't be too much like Thelma and Louise, don't they drive over a cliff or something in the end?

Joyce, sounds like maybe the 5 day pouch test might be a good idea for you too to figure out what's what with your band? When you are getting stuck are you eating too fast, too big of bites, etc? Did your DH support the band going into it or has he been against it all along and just wants you to be done with it? It's gotta be tough if you don't have the support at home.

Well I hear DD up, upstairs, today we are going to set up the nursery. We went baby shopping yesterday and finished getting all the baby stuff she needed that she didn't get at her showers. It's so cute. It will be a day stuck indoors in this snow storm. I know I won't be seeing my folks today if they didn't want to go out yesterday to see me in the almost 60 degree weather because it was too cold and too far, I know they won't go out today. DS was real hurt as we were to meet him at his Walmart and then go to lunch, he hasn't seen Grandma and Grandpa since they got to town, and DD was looking forward to showing them the nursery. Oh well their (my folks) loss. But when I did see my sisters and folks the visit went pretty well. I stood up for myself when needed, mom got a little ticked but I left feeling guilt free!

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Good Morning Peeps...

How's everyone this morning....

Linda - I have a good balance of carbs/starches/veggies/fat and pt - I think we just all have to figure out what works for our bodies - cuz each act diff to the foods we fed it...

Great - Have fun finishing the baby's room - I remember when we did Andrew's - I loved sitting in there rocking him ;0)...

Laura - We will take pic's I will charge my batteries tonite.. Hugs on the heel pain - I use to have it prior to surgery - but no more.. Knees and itb at times but my body is aging - too bad youth is wasted on the young..

Julie - OMG if it wasn't for bad lucky you just wouldn't have any - Hugs Hugs Hugs

Apples - Khols is a hit or miss for me - sometimes find tons of stuff - other times junk - just like Stein Marts -

Well got a meeting in a few - gotta get some things done cbl

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Morning ladies,

Sorry I've been absent and not reading. No excuse except I get wrapped up in what I'm doing and don't come look at the thread. Also, a couple of times I haven't been able to get on the thread.....

I did just read Laura's post and she has my complete support. I get her humor and really appreciate it...keep posting those sarcastic, ironic posts. Makes my day.

Julie, sorry about the fall. The pain meds have many side effects that aren't always obvious. Take care and I'm wishing you the best in your recovery.

Arlene, so sorry you had such a stick. It's tricky sometimes and if the blockage doesn't clear after the PB I think the sliming occurs, then you fill up your pouch with slime and then that has to clear. Take care of yourself. Sorry to hear about your Mom too. I'm glad she is staying with the nursing care a little longer.

Janet, kick some butt. I like that too.

Great, good for you. You need to stick up for yourself and your family. The nursery decorating sounds like fun...and I'm not a baby person, but I think all that stuff is so cute.

I know I've missed people, sorry, but I do have to go study. I have a test today and I have to walk to class because my car is in the shop. Apples will be picking me up afterwards and then we'll do the gem show.

As far as the Thelma and Louise thing, we will be making as many potty stops as necessary since depends are not part of the equation. And, I will not be driving off the rim of the Grand Canyon for ANY reason. Also the trip will be north and west from here.

Have to go study those gender things..... el libro, la mesa, un hombre, una mujer.



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I just got back from volunteering in Nelson's class. OMW- what a bunch of snot monsters! Every other kid had a cold or cough! I kept making them use sanitizer before I would read or work with them! Gross. I FINALLY got the last 3 kids in the 1st grade to start reading the AR books! Those three are still at the 0.3 level (which is really beginner kindergarten according to their system). I LOVE LOVE LOVE the look on their faces when they finish a book, then take the computer test, and see that they made 100%! Money could not buy that look EVER! They just beam with pride! Oh Cheri, it's the only thing about teaching (full time) that would be enough pay! I love my 1 day a week with the 16 of them, but couldn't do more.

Linda and Janet~ I hear ya on the exercising! I AM going to do it! I only got to do one mile walk today so far- b/c I had to go to school. Nelson has baseball practice tonight. Maybe instead of sitting and watching, I will walk around the sidewalk perimeter.

Eva~ The depends were for me LAUGHING! : ) Hope your test went ok. And hope the car wasn't anything big. Just don't spread a battery thing please!

Great~ Have fun with the nursery!!! I ADORE baby things! Soak it all in! I don't like putting things together, but like washing everything and folding them. Just imagine that little baby...oh my! How cool would that be if she went into labor in the next few days!!! Yikes about the GB. I had horrible attacks before my surgery. Wouldn't wish that on anyone. Wish her luck from us!!! Can't wait to see those baby pics! Have fun!!!

I need to get some work done... more later... peasout..Laura

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Good Evening Peeps! I went to my mother's and marked all her clothes so the home can start washing them. I figure she will be there at least another week or two. I went to the store room and got her back brace. The therapist put it on her and she felt so much better. She has a fracture on the 9 and 10th ? She is also going to get on the list for a newly remodeled assisted living apartment. Right now we have lined up help for her in independent living.

Laura that is so funny about Thelma and Louise. Eva, we know you wouldn't go off the Rim, but you might run next to it for kicks......lol. Have fun! I still wish I could meet all of you at Janet's. I know it will be a blast.......and Phyl will have some good wine.

Julie, Girl, you are in a fix! Prayers for you!!!! I mean it.....I will be lifting you up!

Lori, I love, love, baby stuff. Your parents are really missing out. Yeah, that was the worst Pb I ever had. I thought about it afterwards. I had gone to the store and gotten can goods that were on sale.....heavy lifting.......then my back hurt......then the weather was changing and I was aching......like I said a perfect storm for a pb.

Janet, I like Kohls for kids clothes and housewares. Oh, and their Barrow and Croft shirts fit my DH so good. It is a hit and miss for me too.

Apples, I want to know what you and Eva find at the gem show. I love that show.

Meredith, how is the pouch test going?

Linda, How is Katie doing these days? Is Aylah doing okay?




Joyce, I went to the gym yesterday, but I did not use the trainer. It is so freaking crowded on Monday. I figure in March people will feel buff enough to quit going. Then I will start training again.

Sndy......How is your dad?

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Good Evening Gang...

Eva totally understand life gets in the way - I know it happens to me all the time - Drive Safe !!!! Karen will get to see the DESERT LOL...

Charlene - You are busy w/your Mom - Hugs & Prayers

Laura - You got a mile in - if the game is outside or even outside - pace up and down the stairs :0)....

Well drive by - got bootcamp tonite


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I have a little thing I do that really has worked for me. I usually don't get stuck often. Has happened twice with Eva since we've been here. Gabbing, one extra bite and it might hit. I put my fists into my armpits and pump like I am doing the chicken dance. Granted, you might not want to do this in the middle of a restaurant...head to ladies room or outside. It most always works for me and no food popping back up. Sorry for your mom's continuted troubles. Hugs.

Apples, I got a great visual on that. Would pay $ to see that. Wish I were with you and Eva and Janet and Phyll. West Coast reunion. Hope you all can make it to the Midwest reunion.

Laura, I've not had any Tramadol now for two days. Didn't like the fact that I kept waking up at night. Very relaxed from muscle relaxer but figured something was in the Tramadol just like Vicodin. Plus, it wasn't working that well on my pain. Supplemented my regular anti-inflammatory with arthritis strength acetiminophen and got more relief. I've also been hanging from my inversion table which has been slowly stretching out the spine and surrounding muscles and relieving the pain in my neck, lower back and hip.

So, no trouble getting off the Tramadol. Been on liquids for two days. Protein drinks and SF pudding. Love the new Jello chocolate SF Mousse. They have choc. mint, too. Unfortunately, SF means sugar alcohols which means lots of gas. Amazing how the weight is melting off. Hopefully, with soft Proteins tomorrow and then the harder Proteins I hope the carb cravings are gone.

When I think about what I went through before and after the surgery because I was so determined to get the band and shrink my liver enough to get the 1 incision surgery. I gritted my way through liquid diets and then gradual reintroduction of food, then Bandster Hell while I hung on by my fingernails until I could get to my first fill, which wasn't enough, and then the second fill and adjusting to that. Then getting to goal and beyond. Reached one year of having the weight off last month. A year ago I had my feet knocked out from under me and had all kinds of body pain and limited movement while I healed. Stuck to my food plan. Didn't gain and eventually lost more. Back up to where I was last January but I'll be dipped if I'll go any higher and I'm determined to get back down and stay there. I don't want my clothes to not fit. I don't want to buy a bigger size. I like being in size 10 pants. I like wearing a large in tops and some mediums. I want to be able to walk all over Europe on my tour and sing my heart out and totally enjoy myself.

I don't want to go back on blood pressure meds or increase my cholesterol and pain meds. I want my eighth grade students to continue to think that I'm a "beast" in my leggings. I want to be able to play with my grandkids. I want to be able to dance with my husband. I wanted to be able to look down and see my feet. All the reasons for losing weight are still valid as reasons for keeping it off.

I think all of us need to list the reasons we went through the torture of getting the band and why we wanted to lose the weight. Some of us are at our ultimate goal and some of us have settled for major improvements. And that's OK. But if don't want to end up back where we started we have to stay hungry, not for food, but for a healthier, more manageable life.

For many of us, this time of year is the hardest. We don't see the sun, we can't get outside, it's hard to get to where we can enjoy exercising. So this is the time to remember how far we've come and why we've come this far.


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Isn't this fun!! Multiquote works SO well!! NOT!! GRRRRR!

So.... I'll do my best.... (Ch)Arlene..... hugs on your mom's issues. Ouch!! Fx vertebrae not a good thing!

Saw on FB that Chris got clearance to go back to work. I'm sure he's glad about that!

Looking forward to seeing Eva and Karen this weekend! Will be fun. DH is planning to cook something on the grill for us Saturday evening if the weather cooperates. Wind has been howling all day, so... hope that isn't the case this weekend. Too nasty to go to the pool this morning, in fact.

Still nursing my beading obsession. Had a luncheon today, but dropped in to beading class THREE TIMES stuffing things in my pocket! Last & 3rd time, I put it all in a baggie and asked the teacher... how much for all this stuff??? $5!I had a bunch of odds and ends to make more earrings... this weeks addiction! LOL! I do have to switch to a different Bracelet pattern!!! I think I've made six of this current one, and I have beads for at least 4 more. None sold at the craft sale last weekend. Had four on the teacher's table. She said so many of us are making jewelry now that they come in and look at stuff on the table and say, "oh, _________ will make that for me!"

Julie... so sorry to hear about your fall. Hope things start to turn around for you soon.

Feel bad for those having "PB" issues! Had a little trouble myself today... had 1/4 sandwich at the luncheon. Should have known better. Had to make a quick trip to the rest room... but, issue had resolved by the time I got there.

Okay... forgot who was talking about the chicken dance and why, but made me chuckle. Our choir sang a song Sunday .... three of us ladies sing with the tenors, and we had a repeating "solo" line that went, "I'm wingin' my way back home". Choir director always tells us to SMILE while we're singing... That's hard to do!! But when our line came up, he made like a chicken.. so there were a lot of big grins! It was a fun song to sing.

Well, we're about to eat dinner, and I can't remember who else I was going to respond to, so signing off for now!!

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Hi all.....well I hope everyone is well....been reading some of the e-mails sent....and sorry about all the trouble but seems like we the thread is back on again. For now.....

Its been a while...but have been so darn busy havent had a moment to read, or post so forgive me.....hoping things are a little calmer now.

Tomorrow im going for a unfil. Its time. Ive had enough episodes to know that I am now eating soft Proteins and beginning to eat not great choices just to make sure that im not going to get stuck or sick....etc so I dont get stuck, start gurgling, and get the hicups and it could happen after a spoonful of soft something or after a few bites of hard Protein...but im beginning to feel like its time to get that 1/4 fill taken out. Should have done it months ago....and after CA decided..really dont want to worry about if this is going to be the bite that ill throw up.....my luck that would happen on a first date. Not a good thing.....nope......but its the hicups and gurgles and hurting that is making me get it!!! Hope im doing the right thing. I get the hicups after pretty much every meal no matter how small or big...soooo its time!!!!

Last week got all the invitations out with the labels and all....recieved all the favors, masks and centerpieces, decided to have a magician for 45 min as entertainment....instead of a DJ or photo booth. We thought it would be a good accompanment to the masquerade theme. The dress came in and it is gorgeous...a real princess dress. Dassi loves it. The Made appointments for hair and nails for that morning and the only thing left is to deal with the food packages that we will be packing for the organization that will give them out that next week to the rusian students on campus from the Hillel House. Other then that.....my dress, which will get at the Gmach gowns....I saw several gorgeous ones that I could love!!

We got to Cockatiels for Dassis Bat Mitzvah from someone in the community that didnt want theirs any longer....they are two years old and are sweet!!! Since we are dogless now.....and I really cant get another dog..Dassi has been asking about Cockatiels but they arent cheap so.....when talking about this someone overheard and said they had a friend who really wanted to give theirs away that they got as presents and the father took care of them only and really didnt want to any longer......so we took them. I bought them a larger new cage and all new accessories.....Dassi is loving them and they are making this house a lively house with lots of music!! They sing and whistle the loveliest tunes. They arent fully hand trained yet but love to be pet and can sit on shoulder for hours on end. They dont talk yet but they will!!!

Okay, my allocation of time is up and the computer is being hijacked by Dassi so need to sign off......but glad to have posted.....

Lori glad the shower went well, enjoy all the room decorating and stuff....the best part of having a baby is this part so enjoy it with your daughter!!!!

Julie hope you feel better

Eva and Karen you enjoy your upcoming visit with Janet and Phyl!!

Cheri feel better!!

Luara dont feel bad about the unfil

I know ive missed everyone else.....im sorry hope all is well!!!

="5"] Hi all.....well I hope everyone is well....been reading some of the e-mails sent....and sorry about all the trouble but seems like we the thread is back on again. For now.....

Its been a while...but have been so darn busy havent had a moment to read, or post so forgive me.....hoping things are a little calmer now.

Tomorrow im going for a unfil. Its time. Ive had enough episodes to know that I am now eating soft Proteins and beginning to eat not great choices just to make sure that im not going to get stuck or sick....etc so I dont get stuck, start gurgling, and get the hicups and it could happen after a spoonful of soft something or after a few bites of hard protein...but im beginning to feel like its time to get that 1/4 fill taken out. Should have done it months ago....and after CA decided..really dont want to worry about if this is going to be the bite that ill throw up.....my luck that would happen on a first date. Not a good thing.....nope......but its the hicups and gurgles and hurting that is making me get it!!! Hope im doing the right thing. I get the hicups after pretty much every meal no matter how small or big...soooo its time!!!!

Last week got all the invitations out with the labels and all....recieved all the favors, masks and centerpieces, decided to have a magician for 45 min as entertainment....instead of a DJ or photo booth. We thought it would be a good accompanment to the masquerade theme. The dress came in and it is gorgeous...a real princess dress. Dassi loves it. The Made appointments for hair and nails for that morning and the only thing left is to deal with the food packages that we will be packing for the organization that will give them out that next week to the rusian students on campus from the Hillel House. Other then that.....my dress, which will get at the Gmach gowns....I saw several gorgeous ones that I could love!!

We got to Cockatiels for Dassis Bat Mitzvah from someone in the community that didnt want theirs any longer....they are two years old and are sweet!!! Since we are dogless now.....and I really cant get another dog..Dassi has been asking about Cockatiels but they arent cheap so.....when talking about this someone overheard and said they had a friend who really wanted to give theirs away that they got as presents and the father took care of them only and really didnt want to any longer......so we took them. I bought them a larger new cage and all new accessories.....Dassi is loving them and they are making this house a lively house with lots of music!! They sing and whistle the loveliest tunes. They arent fully hand trained yet but love to be pet and can sit on shoulder for hours on end. They dont talk yet but they will!!!

Okay, my allocation of time is up and the computer is being hijacked by Dassi so need to sign off......but glad to have posted.....

Lori glad the shower went well, enjoy all the room decorating and stuff....the best part of having a baby is this part so enjoy it with your daughter!!!!

Julie hope you feel better

Eva and Karen you enjoy your upcoming visit with Janet and Phyl!!

Cheri feel better!!

Luara dont feel bad about the unfil

I know ive missed everyone else.....im sorry hope all is well!!!


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Hi Ladies,

Thanks for all the suggestions and input regarding my band issues. Janet, I have always taken my meds after I drink the shake. Never had problems and felt I should not put meds on empty stomach. Thank you for suggesting taking them first. Still learning tricks and it has been almost a year.

Lori - hubby knows that I make my own decisions and he could NOT have influenced me once I made my decision. He has been supportive, but just hates to see me so challenged. I feel Maybe I am too tight. Just avoiding going to the doctor, b/c the weather is so bad (excuse, excuse). I manage to go the the gym and it is farther away.

Just seem to be avoiding dealing with this and electing to handle other issues.

Julie - so sorry to hear about your fall. Take care of yourself. sad.gif

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Think the 5 day pouch test is also a great suggestion for me - and an unfill.

Now, just to make myself commit to it.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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