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Good Evening Peeps! I think the rolling blackouts are over for now. I don't know why are side of town got picked. I think there was a power plant down. They wanted to prevent a major outage. It's all good for now. BRRRRR!!!! I have a new respect for all of you up north. Please stay safe! .......Lori and Cheri.....sorry for your accidents. I just thank God you are okay.

Phyl, did you put your bracelets on FB?

Lori, yeah, you peeps "try" to keep me in line. At least I am honest. lol

Eva, we don't have rolling blackouts in the summer.....not yet anyway. Maybe that power plant was down for maintenance. Whatever happened....this Arctic Blast caught them unprepared. Yeah, I like to do my own spin on Soups. The creole seasoning and Rotel tomatoes really gave the vegetable Soup a nice kick.

Tx......where are you??? Are you snowed in?

LauraK, Sndy, Cheri, Joyce, Linda, Meredith,Lori.......sounds like you are snowed in. Julie, Jodi..... are you buried in snow too? Stay safe! Warm HUGS for all of you!

Janet.....Oh, I bought a "try me size" of the Philosophy Miracle worker system. O my.......I love the cleanser!!! I will have to buy a regular size.

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Janet~ I just love your commitment to exercise! I swear every time I read your posts I actually THINK about going to the gym..LOL. Seriously though. You are such an inspiration. WTG. When I grow up I want to be just like you. One of my old HS friends on FB is having WLS soon. She still can't decide btw rny and lb. I showed her your before/after. She was amazed! I showed her mine too. I told her I am the average. She is aiming towards the RNY b/c she is so afraid of failing. Her dr. told her she wouldn't keep the weight off with a band!

Laura - Yep I gotta hit the gym if I want to stay healthy !!! and I want to stay healthy - I finally feel like the person I was always meant to be.

I saw Nels baseball pics ;0) - Yep it's too hard to post hear - Jessica gave instructions but too many steps - so it's easier just to post on FB

Thanks for the props about showing your gf my pic - it's doable...

Cheri - So sorry about the accident. Take good care of yourself, while you are healing. Sending hugs.

Sandy - I had the same issues with "potty time" for my 12 lb. doggie. We keep shoveling snow to make a "place" for him. The drifts keep hubby busy trying to clear an area.

I'm staying home with warm fire. We have a generator also, but have not needed it yet.

Laura - I'm so jealous of those 85 degree highs.

Linda - love all your pix on FB.

I'm also jealous of all you ladies who are completing your taxes so early.

Joyce - I got the stack going for taxes - but haven't even called for an appointment - so you aren't the only one who's not doing them yet 4/15 still along way off - Stay warm

Hi All,

Snowed in here in MI we have about 12" since last night. The wind is blowing so the drifts are getting up there. Took and 1 1/2 hours to get the drive way shoveled only to start at the top because 3" fell in that time and had to clear it again. I decided to go to work which is only 2 miles but the roads were so horrible I made the executive decesion to close the place and took my co-worker home and came back home myself.

Cheri, hope you are doing ok since your accident.

Sandy, I will do that 5k with you and I will finish it. I think it would be great if everyone that wants to that is does this together, running or walking.

Very envious of you that are in warmer climates, I so hate winter and can't wait for the next 3 months to speed by. I miss the warmth, greenery and sunshine. I know waaaa waaa waaa.


LauraK - Good Decision !!!! Stay Safe and warm !!!

Just a fly by so you all won't worry. Got to work around 10:30 or so - been busy -- only two of us here (normally 5) so busy. Roads are passable but icy. Stay safe everyone.


Linda - Hope you got home safe & Sound too ....

We officially got 20 inches. My highest drift,of course in the driveway, was shoulder height. I am done and exhausted. Taking a nap and then going to TRX class at 6:30.

Drive Safe Sandy !!! hell you already got your exercise in for the day

Good afternoon. Remember a year or so ago when we had the dead battery-itis going around here? how so many of us caught it? Well I sure hope car accidents aren't contagious but guess who was in one this noon? Yep, Your's Truly. I'm fine and not hurt but car had to be towed so now I am carless. I can get a rental but decided to wait since we leave for Denver this weekend. I might need those days of a rental when I get back. My friend promised to come pick me up tomorrow for our McD's coffee/diet coke chat to get me out of the house. I am just so mad at myself that I got into the wreck. I was following my friend after Bible study (somethings not right about being spiritual and then getting in a wreck LOL). We were in a left turn lane, she was the first car in the lane and I was the 2nd. Light changed, she turned and I followed and I hit someone coming straight from the other way. I couldda swore I had the green arrow. He is saying he had the green. My friend thought the arrow was there too and she cleared the intersection. But when the cop asked her if she could say with 100% certainty that it was an arrow she said no and sadly neither could I. Basically I assumed as she went and I followed. So I got the citation for improper lookout. Thankfully she was there and came to stay with me during the whole process and gave me a ride home, etc. It's my first ever accident in almost 40 yrs of driving and I am just beating myself up about it. And so shook up, still shakey. Thankfully I had the vehicle I did as our other vehicle only has liability coverage since the insurance company won't write full coverage on it anymore after they totalled it out with the hail damage we experienced in our move last May. We have a $500 deductible and I am sure they will raise my rates now.

Arlene, macaroni in a low carb Soup? ??? why does DH need the starch? With bypass is he supposed to have that, doesn't it give him dumping? Just hadda give you a bad time.

Laura, hope you are feeling better.

Cheri, how is your pain today?

Linda, LauraK, Sandy, Cheri, and the rest of you in the snowy places be careful out there. WE got the cold but not the snow. It's warmed up already to a balmy 22 out. LOL

Speaking of the cold, my house made so many creaky, popping noises in teh night from the extreme cold. I was afraid my pipes were froze or something, but all was well. Might have been the aluminum gutters.

Lori - Hugs on the accident - 1 accident shouldn't cause your rates to go up.... Hugs....

Alright ladies....no one else is allowed to have an accident. Got that?

For you snow bound people, it may be cold here, but at least the sun is shining and we don't have any snow. I just don't want to live in a place where I have to shovel my way out to go to work. As for our weather, I've lived in AZ for 32 years and have never experienced a day that stayed this cold all day. It's supposed to be in the teens tonight.

Janet, I take it your kids left?

Yep Eva - They left Monday morning - DS called to day his cholesterol is very high - he called to get healthy eating tips - they are giving him 4 months of eating healthy and losing 40 lbs before they put him on meds - and he has low thyroid so going on meds for that..

Yep it's Sunny here but 59 when I left work and suppose to get to freezing tonite - it's cold right now - but again the back door is open :0)

I agree NO MORE Accidents ;0)

No school tomorrow, either! The side streets have not yet been tackled in Chicago and neither janitor can get to the school to shovel us out. Our people who plow the lot can't get there till tomorrow so...no school! Fine with me. I just took my meds. Soaked in a hot bath all afternoon. Not doing too badly but my neck feels weak. Just taking it easy. My DH has been working on the driveway all afternoon. I think he's finally done. He'll have to take a nap before he leaves at 10:30 to go to work. Last night he didn't have to go in. They just left the security gates open at the gated community and figured nobody in their right mind would be out on the road except the plows and a few people returning home.

Cheri - Glad you aren't doing too badly and are home safe and sound

Good Evening Peeps! I think the rolling blackouts are over for now. I don't know why are side of town got picked. I think there was a power plant down. They wanted to prevent a major outage. It's all good for now. BRRRRR!!!! I have a new respect for all of you up north. Please stay safe! .......Lori and Cheri.....sorry for your accidents. I just thank God you are okay.

Janet.....Oh, I bought a "try me size" of the Philosophy Miracle worker system. O my.......I love the cleanser!!! I will have to buy a regular size.

Charlene I love the miracle worker moisturizer !!!

Julie home you are safe & warm too

Well my arms are killing me from Mondays workout and yesterday too - after tonite I won't be able to walk in a few day ;0)

Went to lunch w/gf - had shrimp no rice (chineese) and some tempura veggies - oh they were good.. But at to much - cuz as we were leaving I burbed and guess what came up - carrots ;0) tim ;0)

Well it's cold I need to turn on the heater and fix some dinner...

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Good Evening Kids...

I think we should do a shout out to Chris....HOW ARE YOU DOING, CHRIS? Check in please.

Another wonderful day. I started out with frying Eva's homemade pork sausage OMG. She has the recipe down. It was Tankers birthday today. Nine years old. OK...you would have had to live at our house to know how special we treat birthdays. Anyway, Eva dropped of a bunch of food the other day. NUM. Today was sausage day. Cooked a pound of it and made whole wheat toast. Every year on Tanker's bday, I make him a meat cake with candles in it. Ooops...Momma forgot to buy candles. When I divided the sausage into 3, I told DH "OMG, don't tell Eva he got one third of this sausage". I took it back cuz she made Tankers bday special. He got his bday meat cake. Thanks, Eva. The doggy drool was just a running.

Cheri...OMG...I hope you have not after affects from your accident. You poor girl. Not only do you have enough physical muscle problems to worry about...you don't need double/triple whiplash to deal with. I am praying that you have not affects. OH...Toradol....I am not a person that would ever request a narcodic (makes me projectile puke)...Toradol is great with the first shot (not so much by mouth). I was cut open from one rib cage to the other and one shot of Toradol did the job.

Laura...Damn, Girl...you know me...not only did I have labels on FIL's food, I had a sticky explaining how much time in frig and freezer, how to cook it and when to eat it. LOL. I feel so sorry for him. His wife hovered and he never learned how to function in the kitchen. He is just so cute. He's the man. So little and cute and has all these widows all over him like gnats. They feed him Bulgarian goulash, read him stories from their Kindles, invite him to church, pay for his Bingo at the RV park, gets a knock on the door in the morning to walk with three women....and...she just is so cool at 87 yrs old smiling all the way to his maker.

I ditto what you said about the "Exercise Queen"...aka..Janet. Admiration....But..you also inspire me. Just THINK what you are doing for those ppl you treat. I am sure you are sweet and kind and would NEVER make them feel like they are getting a hand-out. Got a write on my FB wall today from a friend that just returned from MX on vacation. Our little town made national news..........-53 wind chill. OH WELL...not there...not worried about it. (Well, yeah I am cuz 2 sons are there...they are tough and have been driving since the age of 7...OK, know they are fine).

Joyce...I am an early tax girl. I start early and do my appts and get them done on the earliest date I can possibly do it. It has to be dragged out because of prepays, etc. but, come early Oct.....I am ready to turn things in. By the first business day of January, I sign. Stay warm.

Arlene... your blackouts remind me of the spring storms we get in April. Heavy wet snow that breaks our power lines and it is to our advantage to have the generator and fuel ready to go. We have had many, many blackouts. Good time to "snuggle"....hmmmm....

LauraK...LOVED your statement "I will do it if you will to it and I WILL finish"....such a good attitude. Such a cute kid. Cannot wait to meet you. It's gonna be fun. I am looking forward to everyone giving the 5K a try. No shame in not finishing....just girlfriends being busy.

Sandy...OMG...that's a lot of shoveling. We live on 10 acres so we can pull and push a plow right through. Maybe 2 ft of shoveling by the door and DS and DH do that. I guess I am a princess now. (I used to shovel quite a bit) It's a killer.

Phyll...love your stories....DH and I love the RV parks cuz of the friendships made and all the lifetime friends made. Got some real "pissed off" FL friends (not really) that are missing us at the last RV park. Trying to pull them to AZ. Saw your Bracelet on FB. Beautiful. Loved your story about the ice storm and getting the bonus. I got a gift in the mail (after leaving my work place at a bank when I purchased my first insurance agency). It was for never missing a snow day. I made it 15 miles to work and never missed when and most lived 2-5 blocks from work. Made my heart happy.

Lori...first thing I thought of when you talked of your accident was "OH NO....it's catchy". (Cheri's accident). Glad you are OK....worried that Cheri with all of her muscle things might have issues. At least you only had a $500 deductible. I am an old ins. agent...have always weighed the diff.....higher ded. better. But, you never know when those accidents will happen.

OK..been on here a bit..DH is having "Ag Talk" withdrawl. Next year...my own lap top.

Love to all. Life is good. Just out on the porch to smoke...it's kinda warm outside... Right, Eva?????????

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Wow, am I the first to post since we RE-APPEARED?! Freaky shit this LBT site! I am going to look into alternative sights, this is getting old.

Can anyone say........... can't sleep tonight????? Was up at 1 with reflux. ugghhhh. I ate dinner at 7 and usually eat at 6. (and I guess I ate too much, although DH sat next to me and said I didn't)

LOve you all.......more tomorrow...xoxo Laura

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Hello again everyone!!! It seems that in the few days I missed checking into LBT, everyone has been snowed or iced in, or lost power because of the gas shortages associated with Texas! Wow!

Well...anyhoo...I was glad to rediscover this thread as it took me about a half an hour. I haven't been on the site much lately nor since they changed things. So if I seem confused about things...I am!

Ok...how to start...well, I became depressed and anxious as a teen and started Prozac which served me well for 2 years. When its effectiveness began to fade, as Rxs often can, I started taking Effexor XR. I started gaining weight very slowly even though I was on my school's and a community softball team, and running around like most teens do.

A number of years later, my depression developed into Bipolar II Depressive (meaning I can get really, really depressed but my hypo-manic periods do not cause me to put reality aside in order to partake in high-risk activities. When I am hypo-manic, I am super fun and bubbly, ready to organize and clean my house from top to bottom.) So my psychiatrist moved me from Effexor XR to a different class of medication for Bipolar, and my weight gain stopped. I didn't lose any weight, but it finally stabilized. It wasn't until a few years after stopping the Effexor XR that my Mom asked if I had started my weight gain when I began taking the Effexor XR. We had found our answer.

When I started gaining weight, I didn't let anyone help me because I was SO embarrassed. I had always been very happy with the way I looked...nothing special...but I was happy and that was all that mattered to me. And then gaining that weight; seeing family I hadn't seen in years; running into old classmates and dealing with being Bipolar and having Generalized Anxiety Disorder (Dx'd as a teen), I ran away from all help and probably made things worse without knowing it by not watching my food intake.

Ok...last and (LOL)...last January, I went to the National Institute of Mental Health in Bethesda, MD for a medicine protocol, which went well, but two of the meds they put me on after the protocol to go home on had a high propensity to make patients gain weight. In a month and a half, while eating a nutritionist planned diet, I gained 25 more pounds! I was inpatient for 4 months with the hospital keeping track of weight and food intake, and up until I started the new meds, I had gained 3 pounds over those 4 months. It was yet another blow.

As I began to feel better psychologically on my new medications, I decided I was going to research the LapBand to get the aid I needed to lose 100lbs. I researched and researched, and researched, and decided it was my time to do something to help myself. I have been banded since 8/24/10 and have lost 28lbs! Currently I am in a depressive state which is why it took me so long to get back on here, but it seems to be lifting a bit with the sun we've had the past few days.

I usually log my eating although other than Protein and calorie intake, I have no idea how to use the information because my surgeon hasn't been very helpful in that, but I have slacked off on logging for the past month and a half due to my depression. I spent 3 days in bed 2 weeks ago so logging wasn't much a priority. Same with exercise.

I did order and get the Jillian Michaels "30 Day Shred" and like it. It is pretty old school, so it isn't hard to keep up with...well, physically it is, but the moves aren't. I wish I had someone to go to a Zumba class with, but with this anxiety of mine, that is a tough thing to do alone. But I am staying positive that February will be my back on track month, and I will start losing again (been stuck at same weight for 3 weeks). I am trying not to beat myself up because I have many issues to deal with, and I knew going in I would have to work doubly hard. I try to give myself a short period to feel badly and then say, "Ok. Now we get to start again."

I think my "book" covered what you were kinda asking for. Feel free to ask questions or give advice. The only thing I ask is that if I ask a question about my digestive track, you don't answer me back that "it isn't like you have a piece of PVC pipe from your esophagus to your bowel". Yea...some guy actually told me that. I thanked him for the physiology lesson. LOL Still makes me giggle. Hope it makes you giggle too!

Keep warm. Please pray that Spring starts...oh...tomorrow! And be Blessed!

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Good Morning Peeps....

Kab Welcome - Hugs for your struggles - The only real advice I can give you is take your meds - Log your food and exercise - no excuses - just do it ;0) Losing weight is simple math - calorie in vs calories burned - You have the tool - how's your restriction - what are you eating (give us an example of your daily food) - If the tapes are too hard you won't do them - so just walk - go to an indoor mall and walk or join a gym and use the treadmil - don't worry about the pple at the gym - I didn't this time - I just went for me - I lost the majority of my weight just walking on the treadmil. You can do this...

Well Gang our thread is back - I facebooked last night and did some wash - need to wash sheets and mop this weekend -

Oh I found some really good cookbooks from QVC... Taste of Home - Guilt Free Cooking & Guilt Free Dieting - THEY ARE GREAT.. They give you all the nurtritional & cal info on the food - and have some really good recipes - I am going to make food from it when Karen & Eva come next weekend ;0)

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Good Morning Peeps....

Kab Welcome - Hugs for your struggles - The only real advice I can give you is take your meds - Log your food and exercise - no excuses - just do it ;0) Losing weight is simple math - calorie in vs calories burned - You have the tool - how's your restriction - what are you eating (give us an example of your daily food) - If the tapes are too hard you won't do them - so just walk - go to an indoor mall and walk or join a gym and use the treadmil - don't worry about the pple at the gym - I didn't this time - I just went for me - I lost the majority of my weight just walking on the treadmil. You can do this...

Well Gang our thread is back - I facebooked last night and did some wash - need to wash sheets and mop this weekend -

Oh I found some really good cookbooks from QVC... Taste of Home - Guilt Free Cooking & Guilt Free Dieting - THEY ARE GREAT.. They give you all the nurtritional & cal info on the food - and have some really good recipes - I am going to make food from it when Karen & Eva come next weekend ;0)

Whew!......I am glad we are back.....I almost got the shakes yesterday when the site was down. Well, all the hype about snow.....no snow for us, but lots of ice. The kids were so disappointed. The news said there were 800 car accidents in Houston. That is the ones that were reported. The sun is out today. I am going to my mother's to do laundry and move around her furniture. I hope she will go to her apartment next week.

I love cookbooks and I buy a lot of them from QVC. I will check them out. Right now I am cooking WW recipes, but it is easy to calculate points for any other recipes. That WW gumbo is delish. I used to subscribe to Taste of Home Cooking Light. I think it was my favorite magazine.

I am definitely walking my two miles today. I plan on getting back to the gym on Monday.


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Good Morning! Thank Goodness it's back. What in the heck do these people do? I did send Alex a PM. This morning I looked for the thread I started and it's not there - so weird.

It was sunny and 35 yesterday! Wow -- hope it gets that nice again today. Currently it's 12. My neighbor across the street knitted me a pair of mittens with the fingers/thumbs open -- so sweet = but they really help -- I wore them last night - it helps keep me warmer in the house -- I just can't get warm enough no matter what I wear -- my DH will be sweating and I'll be freezing. That the worst drawback to having had this surgery - yesterday at work I wore 2 long sleeve sweaters, wool socks with boots on and still had to have my heater blasting away -- everyone else was fine -- in fact some were complaining it was too hot.

Kab welcome back -- as Janet said, let us know what your food is. Did you surgeon stress the 4 rules? They are: Protein first, no snacking, drinking 64 oz of Water each day and exercising. Through my experience I have learned to remoe the carbs from my diet. Here's what I ate yesterday (and is my normal daily food). Breakfast: 1/4 cup strawberries/blueberries (no sugar) and half a banana mixed with greek yogurt. Lunch: 1/2 can of canned chicken breast mixed witih 1 wedge of light laughing cow cheese, sugar free Jello cup and sugar free popsicle. Dinner: Baby greens, onions and Tomato, another wedge of light laughing cow garlic/herb cheese, grilled chicken breast tossed with light sesame salad dressing, sugar free pudding with added Protein powder and sugar free Jello. Sometimes I add a Protein shake in the morning -- a couple times a week. If I do get hungry between a meal, I'll eat some sugar free jello or pudding to satisfy it or maybe a cup of coffe -- that seems to help stave off my hunger. Once a week or so I'll have a bag of 100 calorie popcorn as a special treat. I'm trying to lose the last 6 pounds or so. I exercise one hour every day -- occasionaly I take a day off - when I feel I need it -- sometimes I feel so energized I don't. Today I'm going to a Zumba class and then will lift weights. I lift weights at least twice a week -- it's important to build your muscles so you can burn calories more efficiently. Don't worry about what people at the gym think -- just do it for you - maybe the guy on the treadmill next to you used to weigh 400 lbs. - you don't know -- so just do it. Hope some of this can help you. this is not a diet, it's a lifestyle - a lot of us here have lost the majority of our weight and are either maintaining or fine tuning -- so between us we do have a wealth of information, but the bottom line is: it's not a magic cure -- YOU still have to work at making the lifestyle changes. You've accomlished so much in your life -- you can tackle this one too. Congrats on getting the band and continue to check in here daily -- it really really helps -- trust us, we all did and we're happy we stuck around.

Apples, glad you liked costco - I haven't been in probaly almost 25 years -- been going to Sam's club the past 15 or so. Woudl be fun to see the difference -- when I come to Tuscon (some year) you and Eva can take me. You better believe I'm heading directly to Tuscon when I get that motor home. LOL

Janet I'll have to check out those cookbooks -- love taste of home anyway -- thanks for the information.

Lori, hope you have a good time in Denver -- my DS adn DIL are there this weekend -- skiing.

Our bookstore in town is having a formal tea next Sat. for 4-6 year olds, so guess who I signed up? I can't wait - she's going to love it.

Arelene, did you survive the storm? Gosh that was terrible weather for you. Hope all is well.

Cheri, hope you're doing better too. Have a good weekend everyone. I have Zumba at 9:30 -- not normally held on Sat - she's making up for that one day when there was a storm -- Iwish she'd do it every SAt -it's a nice time to go and much more enjoyable than working out all alone.


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Morning...glad to see you all. This is a fly by, have a date with Apples and her DH. We are site seeing today.

It's over 30 already this morning. Uncovered some of my plants....all the euphorbias are mush and so are a couple of the other plants. Oh well.....plants come and plants go.

Okay, I'm off to San Xavier Mission, the Titan Missile Museaum, and Tubac.

Have a great day.


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Well I fell at work last night, Big time. I slipped on the floor landed on my right side mostly and then hit my head, tail bone, right shoulder, right wrist and ankle. To make it worse customers were outside the window and saw ,totally embarrassing. I am off work today which was a schedule day off. My headache is gone just my right wrist and ankle hurt, just a sprain nothing broken thank goodness. It happen so fast I was walking then I was on the floor. Other than that I am doing well.

I am fighting my sugar and carb demons big time trying to do Protein then something happens and I am eating sugar again. I know what to do but my head says no be bad. The tennis has helped with the exercise I just need the food to fall in place. I am 258 now my highest before surgery was 283 and lowest with my lapband was 211. I want to be thinner again my head won't quick. I need brain surgery (I know there is nothing for our heads). I can do this.

Can I switch fruit for sugary Snacks? I know everyone has a difference of opinion so do I do the 5 day, I don't think the one free snack day will help cause that will send me in a spiral again. So opinions please. Post away. I really do want this, I do but my sugar demon is getting in the way and I need to shut it up.

I have a splint on my left arm so forgive mis spellings

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Hey Gang, Tried to get on yesterday but no luck.

School is going great. Been doing rounds at a mental health facility. Some of the students are extremely uncomfortable there but I kinda enjoy it. Strange things happen and most of the staff are really great. I even worked with teenagers which was (dare I say) FUN. We talked with them while doing crafts and things like that.

The visit with my brother was awesome. School work suffered a bit but we had a great time.

Last weekend I took the motorcycle safety course and got my motorcycle license. I was so nervous at first. We are planning on taking my first trip beyond the parking lot tommorrow. I am nervous but I practiced alot of emergency situations in the class. It took me awhile to get comfortable leaning the bike into a turn but I got it. I didn't think I would pass the driving portion of the class but I was in the top 3-4 riders. My FIL has a bike he is letting me ride right now.

Got the xray results back on my leg too and it's not broken. Just tendonitis. No running till March though.

As far as eatting and weightloss goes I am doing terrible. I don't understand what is going on in my head. I feel like I have just given up. I gained 10 pounds but have held steady the past 2 weeks. I am pissed that now I gotta lose that weight again. I am angry that I got this body that response to food the way it does. I am tired of monitoring every bite and sip. Counting this and that. If my life doesn't revolve around losing weight then I won't lose it. I am tired of constantly fighting the fat girl.

Maybe I just need the physical activity to burn off all this steam. Seems like both times I got this injury I started feeling this way and started gaining. I feel successful when I complete a run, right now I feel like a giant loser. Hard to treat someone nicely when you think so little of them. I have so much in my life to be proud of and yet this one area of struggling overshadows it all.

I have a consultation with a new Doctor Monday. I am hoping he will help me develop an eatting plan that is actually doable. I am also considering going to OA to get some local support.

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Good Afternoon Gang! DH and I went to my mother's and moved her furniture in anticipation of her moving next week. We still have a couple of pieces to sell.....one is that dang glass table. I finished up my gumbo for lunch. I don't know what is for dinner. I was watching Oprah today( I dvr the good episodes) with the models from back in the day. Christy said when she was heavy they would make her eat fish and drink Water for several days.....sounds similar to a pouch test to me.

Melissa, so sorry you fell. I hope you went straight to get checked out. You know when my mother broker her wrist they did not xray her back and I think she may have a fracture. As far as sweets go......I think is is good for diabetics and long as you count your carbs. My friend who developed diabetes eats fruit all the time, but she keeps a journal of her food. You could make a SF pudding and put fresh fruit in it....like strawberries or blueberries. Don't start beating yourself up about the weight. Go to your diabetes counselor and make a plan. HUGS on the fall.

Jessica, don't you beat yourself up either. Keep walking if you can't run. It sounds as though you will be and awesome nursing. I am so proud of you. Be careful on the motorcycle. HELMET! always!

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NO MORE excuses!!! There I said it... I need to exercise more and reading all you ladies posts above... got my mojo working!!

It is snowy and icey where I live, and I dont like to miss my walking outdoors... I like to dress for the cold, and I found these really cool things for my boots.

My dog pulls when I walk her, and I`ve been worried about slipping and falling... ( crap I am getting old!) anyways, there are these RUBBER grippers with little metal kleats on the bottom , they stretch right out to fit over any style of BOOT... voila! It works great... and I can go confidently walking outside... I prefer that to the gym...outside with fresh air is just nicer... Plus, I get to snoop at all my neighbors!!! Who has the clearest snow shoveled walkways, and driveways!!!!

I know, boring, but I am retired, so small things amuse me :rolleyes:

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Hey Gang, Tried to get on yesterday but no luck.

School is going great. Been doing rounds at a mental health facility. Some of the students are extremely uncomfortable there but I kinda enjoy it. Strange things happen and most of the staff are really great. I even worked with teenagers which was (dare I say) FUN. We talked with them while doing crafts and things like that.

The visit with my brother was awesome. School work suffered a bit but we had a great time.

Last weekend I took the motorcycle safety course and got my motorcycle license. I was so nervous at first. We are planning on taking my first trip beyond the parking lot tommorrow. I am nervous but I practiced alot of emergency situations in the class. It took me awhile to get comfortable leaning the bike into a turn but I got it. I didn't think I would pass the driving portion of the class but I was in the top 3-4 riders. My FIL has a bike he is letting me ride right now.

Got the xray results back on my leg too and it's not broken. Just tendonitis. No running till March though.

As far as eatting and weightloss goes I am doing terrible. I don't understand what is going on in my head. I feel like I have just given up. I gained 10 pounds but have held steady the past 2 weeks. I am pissed that now I gotta lose that weight again. I am angry that I got this body that response to food the way it does. I am tired of monitoring every bite and sip. Counting this and that. If my life doesn't revolve around losing weight then I won't lose it. I am tired of constantly fighting the fat girl.

Maybe I just need the physical activity to burn off all this steam. Seems like both times I got this injury I started feeling this way and started gaining. I feel successful when I complete a run, right now I feel like a giant loser. Hard to treat someone nicely when you think so little of them. I have so much in my life to be proud of and yet this one area of struggling overshadows it all.

I have a consultation with a new Doctor Monday. I am hoping he will help me develop an eatting plan that is actually doable. I am also considering going to OA to get some local support.

Jessica - Try not to beat yourself up. For different reasons we are both doing the same thing with eating and our heads. I am glad nothing is broken. Are you aloud to walk? How about punching? Like punching a bag or your bed something to get the frustration out since you can't run. I hope your new Dr helps and go to OA it can help or got to at least one meeting and see if it is for you.

Great job on the motorcycle, I bet that it is fun. And I am so proud of you with the nursing you will make an awesome nurse heck it sounds like you already are. Love you girl keep yopur head up.

Melissa, so sorry you fell. I hope you went straight to get checked out. You know when my mother broker her wrist they did not xray her back and I think she may have a fracture. As far as sweets go......I think is is good for diabetics and long as you count your carbs. My friend who developed diabetes eats fruit all the time, but she keeps a journal of her food. You could make a SF pudding and put fresh fruit in it....like strawberries or blueberries. Don't start beating yourself up about the weight. Go to your diabetes counselor and make a plan. HUGS on the fall.

I have a sprain in my right wrist nothing broken. I bought sugar free pudding but ate the crap out of it. 1 or two cups a day. I am trying to feed something but not sure what. I guess I feel bad about my weight and I eat more. . I am going to call my Diabetes Dr on Monday and see if I can go in an talk about food and my cravings and see what she suggests. I know my LB Dr wants me eating 800 - 1000 calories a day and 30 min exercise. I really need to journal then I can see what I am doing on paper.

I have watched that show HEAVY and it is really interesting anybody else watching it?

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This site is Bullsh!t. I'm so annoyed. I posted this huge long post before our thread disappeared and it posted, then I got an e-mail saying Laura responded to me, now it's completely gone. Ugh. So annoying!

Anyhow, went to the dr this morning. Same weight that I have been for the past month. Its ok. Monday I am starting a new plan he put me on. I was at the Dr at 8 am, and had to work at 9. Just got home 30 mins ago at 7:30. I'm pooped. I put dinner in the oven and now am sitting on the couch. My knees hurt. It's gotta be the weather combined with standing on my feet in the same place for 10 hours. Plus, my Shampoo girl was sick, so it was a ton of work today. I'm thankful though, I needed the money.

We got 4 more inches of snow today! Where the hell does all of this snow come from? Poor Andrew shoveled. It seems like he spends his entire Saturday shoveling every week.

Ok, well, I'm going to write to you all later like I did in my post that was lost, just don't really have the time now since din will be ready shortly.

CBL~ Mere

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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