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Good Morning Peeps

Lori - I would go to a professional too - the IRS scares me too ;0) - Never been audited - never want to ;0)

Hugs to all you snowed in peeps - can't imagine... Scary to me - Linda be safes - but I know you don't have to drive too far..

Well not much to report - dinner - left overs from the night before - tv and bed..

Busy day again today..

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Arlene, how is your weather? Heard there was snow in Texas -- hope you are okay - those abrupt temp changes are hard on you -- stay safe and warm.

Linda, it is 23 this morning. We are having rolling outages because of the demand on the power plants. So, I just had my 45 minute outage. Thank goodness I have natural gas logs and stove. It is supposed to snow tomorrow night and Friday when the clouds come in from the Gulf.

This is a good Soup day. I made a low fat low carb Soup on Sunday. I browned lean ground beef then added a can of beef broth, onion soup mix, pk of frozen mixed vegetables, can of Rotel tomatoes, can of Tomato sauce. Then after the veggies were done I added a handful of elbow macaroni and six cups of Water. Easy and good. I am not sure of the counts, but I did not put potatoes in it. Oh, I forgot one thing.....Tony Chatere's creole seasoning.

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Sounds good Arlene. Just don't eat the macaroni.

That Toredol shot seems to have prevented a lot of the inflammation that would have put me in a lot of pain. I've always felt that Toredol is much more effective than steroids. All my other joints don't hurt either. I did take my muscle relaxer and pain killer last night just to make sure I got a decent night's sleep. I woke frequently but not from pain. I was able to get back to sleep. We had lightning and thunder during the snow storm as well as strange sounds from the wind. Getting more snow now after a lull in the storm. Pretty sure we have at least 20 inches here. When the snow stops, the temps are going to drop. If we have wind as well, it will remain dangerous to go outside. We're supposed to get called whether we're having school tomorrow or not.

Sandi the weekend in June starts Thurs. the 9th through Sunday the 12th. All are welcome to come any part of that time. I'm off starting Thurs. afternoon and return to work Monday morning. Friday or Sunday might be good days for a walk/marathon but they're usually on Saturday aren't they? I just don't want to make Saturday too complex.

Linda, I have been reading Kaye's stuff and ran across the dumping syndrome there. Then I looked up more and read about the racing heart which she didn't talk about. That's when I realized that gastric banders can get a milder version of the syndrome. We still are connected to our old stomachs and first part of our small intestine, however, they've shrunk considerably from the small amounts of food that pass through them so high carb sliders go through them fast into the small intestine where they overload our systems with sugar causing the pancreas to produce huge amounts of insulin which is what causes all the symptoms. No wonder I feel sick and my heart races.

Called my parents. They're safe and snug in their house. Neighbors are taking care of snow removal. Calling my sis in TN. They live in Kingsport. My sis might have stayed in town because she's a Dr. and her home in the steep hills can be impassable with ice and snow.

Tried to read my sis in Lombard, IL. They've been unbelievably snowed under before we ever got snow. They had a house fire early last week and were in a hotel while the ins. co. got the house and everything in it taken out and cleaned. Some things had to be replaced and repainted and meanwhile kids had to go to school, Art and Kris had to go to work and daughter Olivia had some important Dr. apptmts and tests to be gotten to that have to do with her seizures. She's on a trial medication not yet approved in the States and is also being evaluated for a pacemaker type of implant that senses an oncoming seizure and uses electrical signals to stop it. So I can't get ahold of my sis to find out how they're all doing. Thought I could reach them today, that they'd all be home cause of the storm, but no one answered. They're probably all out shoveling and playing in the snow. I hope.


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Hello everyone~Thanks for the well wishes. Not sure what is going on with me. Yesterday had fever of 99.6. and just an ache in my legs. Sometimes when you know too much, you start turning into a hypochondriac. I was having some RLQ (right lower quadrant) abdominal pain. That's all I need it an appendicitis! But 2 ES Tylenol took care of all the aches and fever. I was dragging at tball practice. DH took pity on me and went with me. He feels awkward there b/c he doesn't know anything about baseball (they don't play it where he's from) and all the dads are on the field being honorary asst coaches. Bless his heart, he can't throw or catch. At home he tries to throw with Nels but there he just feels like a geek. Last night he was remembering HS and how he used to come up with 100 reasons to get out of PE. He hated it that bad. I told him I didn't fall in love or marry him for his athleticism! After practice we stopped at a little greek place for dinner. I completely forgot to have Nelson change his shoes and he drug about 10lbs of red clay on their floor! I felt so bad, even offered to sweep it up! DH left 100% tip..LOL

Cheri~ Glad you are ok after the accident. Yes, I agree with you.. Toradol is an amazing drug! I used it all the time when I was in the ER. It does come in pill form but not as effective as injection imho. Good luck getting in contact with the rest of your family.

Linda~OMW, I saw your photos!!! Now, that is snow! Curious to hear if you got to work today? Stay warm. The Soup sounds wonderful

Apples~ I was LOL at your nanna nanna boo boo comment..LMAO! Do you think this is a good time to tell everyone that it is 79 right now, with a high of 84? <smirk> I hope you survive the harsh winter you are having in AZ, a spring jacket, are you kidding me?! LOL. Your FIL is so lucky to have you. : ) I bet you put little labels on the lids- saying what it is and how to reheat it. right? : )

Janet~ I just love your commitment to exercise! I swear every time I read your posts I actually THINK about going to the gym..LOL. Seriously though. You are such an inspiration. WTG. When I grow up I want to be just like you. One of my old HS friends on FB is having WLS soon. She still can't decide btw rny and lb. I showed her your before/after. She was amazed! I showed her mine too. I told her I am the average. She is aiming towards the RNY b/c she is so afraid of failing. Her dr. told her she wouldn't keep the weight off with a band!

OK guys, it's early release today. I need to get my butt in gear. Nelson started extended day at his school this week (at his request). He went the first day on Monday. He stayed only an hour and was mad that we picked him up early. Today- will let him stay 1.5 hrs...LOL. I told the director that he is not there b/c I am working or b/c I want him out of my hair. He is there b/c he wants to be- he wants to see other kids and play. I told her to call me anytime he looks sad or isn't enjoying it. I want to give this a couple weeks (only going 2 x a week) and then I might work a whole day on Tuesdays. I have a lot of patients now and it sux when they can't see me b/c they can't make a morning appt.

ok all you snow bunnies! Please be careful and stay warm! I hope you melt soon!!!


PS. I still hate the new format on here! I wish posting a photo didn't take the knowledge of a computer programmer! Those of you on FB see my pix anyways.

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Cheri - So sorry about the accident. Take good care of yourself, while you are healing. Sending hugs.

Sandy - I had the same issues with "potty time" for my 12 lb. doggie. We keep shoveling snow to make a "place" for him. The drifts keep hubby busy trying to clear an area.

I'm staying home with warm fire. We have a generator also, but have not needed it yet.

Laura - I'm so jealous of those 85 degree highs.

Linda - love all your pix on FB.

I'm also jealous of all you ladies who are completing your taxes so early.

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I am checking in before the next blackout. Texas was not ready for this. We have had four outages today.......20-45 minutes.

Cheri, That Toredol is good stuff. That is the shot I had after lap band surgery. After that all I had was Tylenol. I am glad you are doing good. Don't overdue! Oh the macaroni was very sparce. I had to put a little starch in there for DH. I just chopped all my veggies for WW chicken Gumbo. It is an easy recipe too.

Laura, My lower right side hurts when I have a bladder infection. You think you might have a cyst? I hope you feel better soon. Nels is so cute. I saw his baseball picture on FB.

Joyce, I am so glad you mentioned the generator. DH forgot to get gas. We expect snow and ice tomorrow at noon. This is a big deal. 2004 was the last time it snowed and actually stuck on the ground. I have my fireplace going too. Of course our central heat has been on and off today. Stay warm!!!

I'll try to check it later. It is about time for the electricity to go out......GOTTA SHARE.....LOL.

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Hi All,

Snowed in here in MI we have about 12" since last night. The wind is blowing so the drifts are getting up there. Took and 1 1/2 hours to get the drive way shoveled only to start at the top because 3" fell in that time and had to clear it again. I decided to go to work which is only 2 miles but the roads were so horrible I made the executive decesion to close the place and took my co-worker home and came back home myself.

Cheri, hope you are doing ok since your accident.

Sandy, I will do that 5k with you and I will finish it. I think it would be great if everyone that wants to that is does this together, running or walking.

Very envious of you that are in warmer climates, I so hate winter and can't wait for the next 3 months to speed by. I miss the warmth, greenery and sunshine. I know waaaa waaa waaa.


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Just a fly by so you all won't worry. Got to work around 10:30 or so - been busy -- only two of us here (normally 5) so busy. Roads are passable but icy. Stay safe everyone.


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We officially got 20 inches. My highest drift,of course in the driveway, was shoulder height. I am done and exhausted. Taking a nap and then going to TRX class at 6:30.

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We officially got 20 inches. My highest drift,of course in the driveway, was shoulder height. I am done and exhausted. Taking a nap and then going to TRX class at 6:30.

OMG......sndy......take care!

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I am checking in before the next blackout. Texas was not ready for this. We have had four outages today.......20-45 minutes.

Cheri, That Toredol is good stuff. That is the shot I had after lap band surgery. After that all I had was Tylenol. I am glad you are doing good. Don't overdue! Oh the macaroni was very sparce. I had to put a little starch in there for DH. I just chopped all my veggies for WW chicken Gumbo. It is an easy recipe too.

Laura, My lower right side hurts when I have a bladder infection. You think you might have a cyst? I hope you feel better soon. Nels is so cute. I saw his baseball picture on FB.

Joyce, I am so glad you mentioned the generator. DH forgot to get gas. We expect snow and ice tomorrow at noon. This is a big deal. 2004 was the last time it snowed and actually stuck on the ground. I have my fireplace going too. Of course our central heat has been on and off today. Stay warm!!!

I'll try to check it later. It is about time for the electricity to go out.....GOTTA SHARE.....LOL.

Boy!! You sure are getting it down there!! My OK friends, too! Having lived in OKC for 15+ years, I had to chuckle at the news footage from there yesterday. I can't imagine the chaos!! I remember one snowy day when we lived there.. I was working for Aetna in medical insurance... Having grown up in Buffalo NY, snow and ice didn't scare me so off I went to work that morning. Only one other person showed up out of about 50 who worked in that office!! But everyone got paid! So a few months later, me and that other person got a bonus for showing up that day.

Cheri... so sorry about your accident. Glad you aren't in too much pain. They gave me a shot of Toradol lasts March when I had a bad episode of back pain. I was amazed at the instant relief! Didn't work so good after the accident we had last summer, though.

Yeah, Arlene, bladder infection was my first thought, too, when I heard those symptoms. I have a long history of chronic bladder infections and it still catches me off guard when my first symptom is feeling weakness in my legs. I always wonder what is going on for a while before it finally dawns on me.... duh!! Bladder infection.

Yeah... no one posting photos anymore because it's too darn complicated! I want to post pics of the bracelets I made this week. Working on my third one for the week! Love the pattern, so I picked out beads in four different color combinations... turquoise and black, burgundy and black, gold and blue, silver and blue. Will keep my busy this afternoon since it's too cold and windy to go outside! Yeah, I know..... 55 would be balmy to some of you right now!! And we DO have sunshine.

Memorial mass this morning for my Red Hat Queen's husband... died over Christmas. Very sad. I was supposed to go to pot luck lunch afterward at her RV park, but decided not to... would've had to pick up something at deli and then I would probably eat things I shouldn't. So came back home with stuff to make chili!


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Good afternoon. Remember a year or so ago when we had the dead battery-itis going around here? how so many of us caught it? Well I sure hope car accidents aren't contagious but guess who was in one this noon? Yep, Your's Truly. I'm fine and not hurt but car had to be towed so now I am carless. I can get a rental but decided to wait since we leave for Denver this weekend. I might need those days of a rental when I get back. My friend promised to come pick me up tomorrow for our McD's coffee/diet coke chat to get me out of the house. I am just so mad at myself that I got into the wreck. I was following my friend after Bible study (somethings not right about being spiritual and then getting in a wreck LOL). We were in a left turn lane, she was the first car in the lane and I was the 2nd. Light changed, she turned and I followed and I hit someone coming straight from the other way. I couldda swore I had the green arrow. He is saying he had the green. My friend thought the arrow was there too and she cleared the intersection. But when the cop asked her if she could say with 100% certainty that it was an arrow she said no and sadly neither could I. Basically I assumed as she went and I followed. So I got the citation for improper lookout. Thankfully she was there and came to stay with me during the whole process and gave me a ride home, etc. It's my first ever accident in almost 40 yrs of driving and I am just beating myself up about it. And so shook up, still shakey. Thankfully I had the vehicle I did as our other vehicle only has liability coverage since the insurance company won't write full coverage on it anymore after they totalled it out with the hail damage we experienced in our move last May. We have a $500 deductible and I am sure they will raise my rates now.

Arlene, macaroni in a low carb Soup???? why does DH need the starch? With bypass is he supposed to have that, doesn't it give him dumping? Just hadda give you a bad time.

Laura, hope you are feeling better.

Cheri, how is your pain today?

Linda, LauraK, Sandy, Cheri, and the rest of you in the snowy places be careful out there. WE got the cold but not the snow. It's warmed up already to a balmy 22 out. LOL

Speaking of the cold, my house made so many creaky, popping noises in teh night from the extreme cold. I was afraid my pipes were froze or something, but all was well. Might have been the aluminum gutters.

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Cheri, Hugs to you and your accident. Glad the drug has been helping and you get a day or two to recover. Interesting about the dumping syndrome with gastric bands because I didn't expect that because we do have all our parts. It is something to think about.

Great, I'm so sorry you had an accident too. You do get shook up don't you, but don't beat your self up about it...remember it's an accident....you didn't do it on purpose. I hope you are okay...take it easy the next couple of days.

Alright ladies....no one else is allowed to have an accident. Got that?

For you snow bound people, it may be cold here, but at least the sun is shining and we don't have any snow. I just don't want to live in a place where I have to shovel my way out to go to work. As for our weather, I've lived in AZ for 32 years and have never experienced a day that stayed this cold all day. It's supposed to be in the teens tonight.

Phyl, post your Bracelet picture on Facebook. That was very strong of you not going to the pot luck. Not sure if I am that strong sometime. Enjoy the beading.

Laura, sorry you aren't feeling well, but with as much as you do and working at the clinic, you may be a little vulnerable to what ever bug is out there. Take care of yourself. Sure understand how your DH feels....I never was interested in athletics either.

Janet, I take it your kids left?

Charlene, sorry about the blackouts....weird, do you have them during high heat times too? Your Soup sounds good, may have to put something together like that for dinner tonight.

Linda, I can't believe you went to work, but you are dedicated. Drive safely please.

Sandy, I was looking at walking/running paths in the Chicago area and saw that Grant Park has a 3.88 mile path....so if there isn't an official 5K, I think we can do our own. I would be very willing to walk it....I just don't run, never have.

LauraK, great decision....stay home, be safe and warm.


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No school tomorrow, either! The side streets have not yet been tackled in Chicago and neither janitor can get to the school to shovel us out. Our people who plow the lot can't get there till tomorrow so...no school! Fine with me. I just took my meds. Soaked in a hot bath all afternoon. Not doing too badly but my neck feels weak. Just taking it easy. My DH has been working on the driveway all afternoon. I think he's finally done. He'll have to take a nap before he leaves at 10:30 to go to work. Last night he didn't have to go in. They just left the security gates open at the gated community and figured nobody in their right mind would be out on the road except the plows and a few people returning home.

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Melissa, I have a friend who plays tennis. She goes through a lot of balls. Lucky for my dog, she saves them up and gives them to me for us to play with. If you don't know anyone with a dog to give them to, a shelter would be happy and greatful to receive them. I am glad you have found such a great way to connect with a 15 year old. It can be a challenge at that age. Mine is 23 and it is so much easier now. LOL, she doesn't mind being seen in public with me anymore.;)

Sandy my dog loves tennis balls so I can give them to her and I have a friend who's two dogs have about 20 different tennis balls. At least I have a place for them. Oh and by the way when I got older my parents and I became closer. I was always close to them but after I had my own child I really understood what I put them through (LOL). I love spending time with them.

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