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Melissa - good luck on life change in career. Takes guts to make the changes.

Arlene - loved the story about your Mom.

Cold weather friends, - it is here too. Deck is covered with ice and dog slid off chasing squirrels. Snow expected.

I'm leaving for the gym before the bad weather arrives. New trainer today.

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I could speed walk a 5 K - and would be willing to join in -- sounds like fun.


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Good Morning Gang! I finally got a good night's rest....pain free. I stabilized my thumb so it wouldn't pop all night, and turned the A/C on to get the house nice and cool. Now the front will move in the next couple of days......Ugh! I do go today for my jacked-up thumb.

Linda, yes, my mother has many life experiences that she always handled with grace......and God Blessed. I saw the Hallmark movie last night with Betty White. Wow, my mother's husband was MIA in the Philipines in 1944. I hope she didn't watch it. It was a real tear jerker.

Sndy and Meredith.......the storm of the year is coming! Take care!

Phyl, glad you checked in.......you are one busy lady.

Janet, I think it is a good thing for you son to make sure his daughter knows her dad. Then she can form her own opinion and relationship with him.

Glad you had a good sleep! Sounds like one heck of a storm coming to a good part of the midwest today!!! It won't get you down there in TX, I suppose.

We're having a chilly, windy morning and my sciatic pain is back... left hip, again. So I decided to skip the pool this morning. But... as I commented on FB, doesn't hurt bad enough to skip beading later!!! :lol::o:lol:

Last night's weather report said the wind is going to stick around all week! And temps nothing close to what they've been for the past couple of weeks. Have to find my favorite sweatshirt again!

Reading all about your plans for the Chicago trip are awfully tempting!! Sounds like a great time. But I think we have too many travel plans for the coming months to include that in my agenda!

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I think I heard thunder. I got back from grocery shopping about 30 minutes ago and the sun was shining. Now it's cold and windy and ....is that thunder? Guess this is part of the storm you guys are going to get. It's supposed to be freezing again this week, so out come the plant covers. Brrrrr....at least I don't have 20 inches of snow to contend with.

Nothing too exciting today...just working on homework and staying out of the food. Maybe I'll make some hot tea. That usually helps.

Laura, hope you a Nels are feeling better.

Joyce, sorry we missed you but I understand how it goes being busy. The days just fly by. Did you enjoy the spa?

I haven't taken Apples to Tubac yet, but it's on the agenda.

Okay back to reading and writing.


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Eva - loved the spa. Had two treatments each day and still feel the affects of relaxation. Loved Tucson for the second time. rolleyes.gif Will consider winters there in a few years. Lovely firepits out by the pool at the resort and wonderful restaurants also.

New trainer recommends a resting metabolic test to determine what direction to go with my training. Think I will like him. He models and played football for Colorado. 30 years old and great eye candy. I'm the oldest client he has worked with, so will be a new challenge for him.

Feels good to be back at the gym (since November).

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I just got back from the Hand/plastic surgeon. I have "trigger thumb". I was his third patient today with the same problem. He put a steroid shot in it.......OUCH!!!. I acted like it didn't hurt, but I was screaming in my head. I have to go back in a month. Anyway, while I was there I got a price on getting some fillers around my mouth. Now I have to hit up DH for the $$$. After all, turning 60 is a big deal! Oh, I told the surgeon about the lap band and my weight loss. He said finish losing the weight I want to lose then he would do a face lift, breast augmentation, body lift...........WHAT! That's when I told him I just wanted fillers. He also gave me a price for Botox to lift my lids.

Eva, yep, it is coming. Tomorrow is our rain day then 25 on Wednesday.

Joyce, I talked to my mother today. She did see the movie with Betty White last night. She said it was her life without the train station or the body coming home. She even said a man from Texas called her after her husband was killed and told her what a brave man he was. He was killed in the same place that the man in the movie was killed. I thought the movie would upset her, but she was glad she watched it.

Phyl, back in the day when we lived in Hawaii I crocheted pearl rope necklaces. I was looking in the Annie's Attic catalog and they are popular again. After this thumb gets to working I think I will buy some seed pearls and start doing crocheted jewelry.

5k......I would love to walk one someday.

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Honey I am home!!! :lol: I had a real nice weekend in Denver. I was able to read the posts on my phone but not respond so hopefully I remember everything I wanted to comment on. The weather was gorgeous, 69 degrees on Friday. We left just in time though, tomorrow's high is supposed to be single digits and a low of MINUS 16, brrrr. That's the thing about Denver weather it's very spoardic. If it's 70 this time of year, you know something is coming, they call it the warm before the storm. But I'll take a storm if I get a day or two of 70's this time of year!

First off the shower, it was wonderful. DD got so many cute little outfits for Katelyn. This is the first baby in the family in years so everyone had fun and went overboard buying frilly little girly outfits. She got many necessities too. The cake was wonderful. I bought that here and carried it on the plane. I got a 'Nothing Bundt Cakes' cake, a white chocolate raspberry, and then made some candy molds out of the candy melt stuff of baby bottles on sucker sticks and stuck them in the middle of the cake (in the hole). DD's MIL behaved pretty well as well. The night before she was a handful, we had all gone to see DNephew's HS basketball game (he's her nephew too) and all I heard was how the notice for the shower was too short, and how she disagrees with DD's obstetrician on somethings. She's a NICU nurse and thinks she knows it all. But I think I will go with the Dr's opinion vs her's. And I am not getting in teh middle of it, DD is confident in her dr and listens to her.

Next thing, in Denver I got to go to an Ann Taylor Loft outlet store!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They opened one in Castle Rock in October, DH know how badly I wanted to go and took me. Loved it, got several things for $9 each. Good thing I had such a big suitcase from bringing all the baby things to Denver to bring my purchases home. LOL

Meredith, you asked about Ann Taylor vs the Loft. Here's an article I found: http://www.associate...hat.html?cat=46

I am sure you'd find wonderful slacks at either one. I love the quality of their clothing.

Next, I went to my lapband dr office while there, I saw the NP not the dr. but did get a small tweak of .25 cc's in my band. She also checked to see if all was still there and it is. I was happy with that as my restriction seemed to loosen up and I was afraid of a leak as I haven't lost weight obviously so couldn't understand why it would be looser. I am glad I went we had a great chat and she told me something that helped so much after I had said how I cancelled my last appt to come see them as I was embarrassed about gaining a few pounds back. She said you got banded but you still have a life. Things happen in life that can side track you, major stresses like divorce, death, MOVING! etc. that the important thing was to set boundaries. Allow yourself some time and then get back at it. It's the all or nothing thinking that doesn't work. So I have gained a few pounds, I had a major life change, and I know what to do and now you just get back at it. It just sortta eased all the pressure I was feeling and the failure.

Now the other things if I remember I wanted to comment on:

Chicago, still not sure if I can make it, but if I do, I would be all about wanting to sit and visit vs lots of running around and sightseeing. My opinion is I am coming to see all of you, not Chicago, but if there can be a combo of the two then great. Like the dinner cruise, we could see the sights but sit and talk over dinner as well. But, of course, would go with the majority, but wouldn't want to spend lots of money on admissions etc. to things.

Linda's lapband article: Loved it, thanks for posting Linda. Do you think it's important to do the liquid days on the 5 day pouch test or just get back to pure Protein?

Janet's bday: Glad you had such a wonderful visit with the family. I posted HB on your FB while gone and will add my belated wishes here.

5K: nope not interested in running with my fake knees but I make a good cheer section!

I believe there was a discussion about FL vs AZ weather, give me AZ or Vegas or any desert type climate any day with the dry heat. I can't stand the humidity. I visit my folks in FL and just hate that humidity. I went once I think in October and that wasn't so bad but every other time of year it makes teh hot feel hotter and the cold feel colder. It's what I hated most about living in Delaware/Philadelphia area, well that and the rudeness. LOL

Well I better go catch up on my emails and also around the house here. If I remember what else I wanted to post on I will be back. LOL

Now I remember, Yoga, I did some power yoga. I liked that, but it was hard. It was none of the meditation type stuff, I don't think I'd like that.

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Melissa, good going on the tennis--not only is that good for your body but good to be connecting and spending time with Alex -- it's a win-win situation for sure. Keep it up. You'll get the food under control -- just start with one day and then add another and another - just keep your goals small at first -- soon you'll get excited again and start feeling so good you'll want to make the right choices. Since I've taken the carbs out of my mouth I have felt so much better -- have a lot more energy, etc. It's amazing how much better I feel.


Thanks for the encouragement. I am glad we can find something my DS and I can do togther. It has been a little hard with the 15 yr old teenager and his hormones. You know they tend not want to spend time with their parents so yes this is really a win win.

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Just got back from the grocery store. I usually go on Mondays, but let me tell you, today was like going to the grocery store on December 23rd! There weren't any spots in the lot except in the very last row. That didn't bother me since that is where I park anyhow. Then, there were no carts! People were running around the store, some in a panic just grabbing heaps of items off of the shelves. Insane. I'm prepared. I think. We will see. I already have the car in the garage, I'm not going anywhere!

Lori~ So glad you had a nice time at the shower! Thanks for the article. Thats how I've always thought of the two stores because I do shop at both. I usually buy my plain tee's and long sleeved tops at Ann Taylor, and sweaters and stuff at the Loft, but never any slacks at either. For the last year or so people have been giving me pants, so hopefully I will like theirs.

Sandy~ I am in for the 5k. I will begin training in May for a half marathon that I will be running in October in memory of my friends baby that was "born sleeping" on September 22nd this past year. So, this should be perfect! I'm excited! So glad you are staying home on Wednesday. I am too, and I'm sure a lot of other people will be doing the same.

Melissa~ WTG on the tennis!!!! Andrew and I were just talking about joining the tennis club here!

About Chicago~ I too would like to spend more time hanging out and talking rather than running around a ton. Shopping and stuff is fun, and the dinner cruise sounds great as well.

More later.


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Meredith......now you know what it is like down south when a hurricane is coming. I hope you stay warm and safe.

HUGs to all of you up north!

Lori, So glad DD's shower was a success and no one spoiled it. Katelyn is one Blessed Baby!

Janet, It was in the 70's yesterday. I can handle 75 in the house during the day, but I have to have it 70 at night. The humidity makes it so miserable for this old broad.

Apples???? What's happening this week?

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Meredith, glad you were able to stock up and get tucked in before the snow hits. So did you send off your resumes? You should you know. Changing jobs is exciting and scary but really worth the experience. Even if you don't like it, you can always fall back on what you are doing now but you have to try it.

Great, welcome back! Glad the shower went so well. I remember that weather in Colorado. Sun and warm in the morning and snow in the afternoon. Sort of like here today. No snow of course. So going to Castle Rock is worth the time to shop? I guess it was an outlet store...LOL. At least you got to go before the snow. I hate that road in the snow and ice.

Charlene, is your thumb feeling better yet. Sorry about the needle but hopefully it helps. So you crochet seed pearls? That must be interesting. Your mother's story is sad, but at least she did find someone to love.

My cat is picking on the dog again. The dog is so nice and the cat is so mean. I need to finish my fish. Hope everyone has a great evening.


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Hey to All...

Eva...don't know what happened to my last sappy post. I went back in on Sunday morning and was going to edit a big ole' typo, DH interupted for something, came back and it was all gone. You guys are used to my going on and on and no reason to do away with a post.

Another wonderful day in AZ. WE SAW CLOUDS TODAY. Still sunny and warm though. We are loving AZ. Can I say it again? We are LOVING AZ. I know we will be retiring here. Me and Eva driving around with our blue hair going to Trader Joes for spices we don't need and going to World Market for special sauces.

Well...we wrote the check for the "Love Shack" today. Nothing special but cute and have a place to live for 2 months each winter. We are figuring that within the next 4-5 yrs we can spend six months here. Did a lot of looking and pondering. We met half way. DH wanted more rural and to be by his dad and friends north. I wanted close to Tucson and a short drive so that we could still see Eva and DH. We got it worked out. We are about an hour away from Eva and I love to drive so not a problem. We are both happy with our decision and considered Tanker's wants and needs when making our decisionn. LOL.

Just got caught up on all of the posts. DH and Eva's DH are out on a special "errand" (looking at a peice of equipemt). What a nice man he is. He spent a couple of hours at our house last night and brough Glimmer (black lab) along. Her and Tanker were so cute together. Tanker was the perfect host and immediately handed his tennis ball over to her.

Janet....sounds like an absolutely wonderful bday. You are loved...can tell by the family showing up. Family is everything. So looking forward to a road trip to see you and Phyll.

Lori...so nice to hear about the shower and your trip to Denver. I look forward to time we have babies in the family. We are soooooo enjoying the personalities and time we spend with our little 5 yr old and 8 yrs old of DS's GF. DH and I are kid lovers. I am just amazed at what comes out of their little mouths.

Cheri....I am so excited about the Chicago trip and spending time with all of my friends from LBT. DH and I are trying to figure out ways to make a trip to MN for all of you interesting. We live a simple life in a simple community. Reminded him the other day that it's about who we are with and sharing the life we live. He made the statement that "the girls" might be bored with a trip out to our area. To me, playing a game of cards is interesting. Showing "the girls" the farm and acreage is our life. It's simple but nice. A very different way of living than all of you live.

Cute story...DS's GF's kids are "town kids". The biggest thrill the little 5yr old had was going to the top of the grain storage system and peeing off of it. (Many, many feet up and on a catwalk). Something exciting we could do is go to the top and pee off of it. (Not). Point is....when we go to Chicago....I think Cheri should pick out a couple of sites that are special to her that we can all see. We would still have time for visiting besides seeing some sights.

Linda...I might do the 5K and power walk. I can no longer run but would try to keep pace with you. Sounds great.

Arlene....your story about your mom and her first DH made me cry. Reminds me of my "mom" Lucille's story about her fianace going off to war and not coming back. Your mother sounds like a very special person. We all have our stories and that's what makes us "us". Eva and I were visiting on the way to Phoenix on Sat and I stated that even though things in my life were not ideal, I wouldn't want to change anything. I like who I am and even though there were not so nice things in my life....it all made me who I am. Hope the shot helps the thumb. Ouch!

Meredith...so funny...know you are from the Midwest. I use the term "grocery store" also. One of DH's favorite sayings is "Change is good". Go for that career change. If it turns out to be not what you expected, you have something to fall back on.

Julie...wish I knew what to say....I just hope you can find the answer to what is going on with you and that you never had to take anything again in your life to ease the pain. Hugs.

Laura...get better. Colds suck. I am amazed every time I see your posts. That side-by-side photo is amazing. You look wonderful. Be proud of how far you have come. So cool.

LauraK....I bet that you can do the 5K by June. Something to shoot for. Yep, you can do it. Cannot wait to meet all of you that I can only picture in my mind. It's going to be great.

Melissa...You sounded so HAPPY in your post about playing with your son. Keep it going. A great way to show your son how much you want to spend time with him. And a great way to kick your physical activity into gear. Way to go!

Hey Phyll...busy girl...hope your back is better. Looking forward to seeing you in a few days.

OK...gotta go. Making steel cut oats with mixed dried fruit for FIL. DH is going to spend a father/son day tomorrow and want to send some for his freezer. He asks for nothing, but, when I saw him last week, he said "I don't like to eat your oatmeal every day cuz I am afraid it will run out". AWWW...made my heart happy. He's so cute. He has all these little widows feeding him.

Will pop back on later. Might have to change my user name to MIAGIRL. Not going to apologize though...

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Eva mentioning her fish made me come back and post. For supper tonight we had halibut that Eva caught in Alaska the last time she was there. It was WONDERFUL. We have had so many of her special treats. Last night was her homemade tamales. This morning BF of her sweet tamales and halibut for supper. Everyone should get treated so well!

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Okay, that settles it!.......I'm coming to Tucson one day to get Eva's treatment. The food sounds wonderful.....and I know the fellowship is awesome. Maybe I will come next winter so I can see Apple's "love shack" too.

My thumb is sore from the shot, but at least it quit popping back and forth. It was really annoying and starting to hurt.

Goodnight All!

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I am popping in to say hi. Sorry to say another flyby sorta. Only read page 845- so can only respond to a few of you.

Mere~ Stay warm! Brrrrrrrr. I don't know how you guys do it. Be safe!!!

Lori~ We may have humidity but we don't have SNOW!!!!!!!!! I live far enough south that we don't get that much cold. Being from NC I guess I am used to "east" coast humidity. My semi curly hair actually loves it. It is a bummer for allergies though. So glad DD shower went well. I just adore baby girl clothes! So cute! I am sure you are getting so excited! I can't believe you carried the cake on the plane? (did I read that right??) Go Grandma!

Apples~ Congrats on the winter/retirement place in AZ!!! <sniff sniff> I won't pretend to act like I am happy about it. <pout> I was really hoping you would settle for this side of the US. (but I totally understand). Thanks for the compliments. It's still a battle- but happy to still be hovering- and not going up. So nice of you to make oatmeal for DFIL. Love the puppy stories. So cute. I had dog fever last week--- BAD. When that happens I go over to my neighbor's- they have a 2 year old pedigree Golden. He's HUGE- like 80lbs or so. He's still thinks he's a puppy and jumps and play bites with slobber and pulls on your clothes. I came home with my black pants COVERED in hair and dog spit. I am cured for at least another week. I definitely think when we get a dog we will get a rescue and one that is past puppy stage. I like dogs that sleep at your feet most of the time.

Arlene~ good luck with the thumb. Those hurt. I hope he put some numbing medicine in there too.

Eva~ Tamales. yum! I am so glad you are getting to see Apples. Wish I could come see you guys. : (

My parents might come down this weekend. I am hoping they do. Dad couldn't get the bone medicine today b/c his kidney function tests were too high. That kidney just cannot handle the medicine. His tumor in his spine is so close to the spinal cord and they are so worried a fracture could paralyze him. But he said he doesn't want the medicine to cause him to go on dialysis. They will recheck it in 2 weeks. We are also trying to talk them into going to Atlantis with us for our birthdays. They are thinking about it. Mom loves casinos- and Atlantis has a nice one. It would be great for Nelson to see them on vacation. We even told him to postpone his PET scan for a week. It won't change anything, except make them sad if it is worse. There is no more chemo for at least 6 months. This kidney will not take it. I am not even sure why they are redoing the scan. sigh.

I need to get to bed. Hugs to you all fixing to get hit with snow!!! peasout..Laura

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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