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Linda, Thanks so much for posting that article. Very interesting and I bookmarked the website. Congrats on the weight loss, you have and are a very determined woman and should be very proud of yourself.

Julie, once again, sorry you are feeling so badly. I wish you could resolve your issues. How's your DH? What was the result of his shoulder stuff? How is DD doing with her pregnancy?

Cheri, you know when I'm in the carb zone, I don't feel so well either, not so much bloating (well maybe a little) but other things aren't so good too. As for planning for June, don't plan too many activities, we need time to talk. I don't think we got much of that in Vegas.

The quilt show was okay....it was all vendors not really a show. I spent less than $10 and that was for a couple of stamping supplies. I love to look at the stuff, but I don't really enjoy sewing....I'll have to leave that to my sisters. Of course, one of them was there with us. I think she is pretty well equipped, but it's still fun to look at the stuff. Also it was an excuse to go to Phoenix with Apples. Long day, but it was fun. We went to lunch (Indian food) then drove through florence and Coolidge and Catalina which is a longer but more scenic route.

Hope everyone has a good night.


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Apples I think our awakening to the fact that we can’t control everything and that we need to live in the moment comes with age. There must be something magical about being in our early 50’s (I am 53) that makes us stop and take notice of what is truly important; for instance our family. The things that were so important to me 20 years ago are basically meaningless to me today. I used to stress over having the perfectly decorated and immaculately clean house. Somehow I thought it was a measure of my worth and abilities. I no longer hold that as valuable. I would not let my family enjoy the living room because it had to stay perfect. LOL, now the dog and I take naps on the couch. Rather than spend the day cleaning and cooking I get in the truck with DH and find somewhere to go and have a together day. I have learned to let go and have fun. I no longer put off having fun except when family needs get in the way.

I am not sure if my ramblings make sense to anyone but me however, I bring it up because it sounds like Apples priorities, like mine have changed. I think what brings that change is that we finally grasp that we could drop dead tomorrow and that our life is not unlimited. When we were younger it seemed like we had forever ahead of us. Not so now.

After all of that gloom and doom – I am taking my own advice and going out with my friend today to a travel show and Breakfast. It’s like a two for one; a fun day with my friend and travel ideas for DH and I,

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My house is very conducive to sitting around and talking. People can sit upstairs or down. Everyone will be able to fit comfortably in groups downstairs. I also have a fairly large patio for sitting outdoors. June weather in the evenings is usually very comfortable. But I really want to show off my city. So we'd have to make a committment to getting out of bed in time to make a trip downtown worthwhile. We'd have Thursday night and Friday day as people come in and Friday night for talking. food at my house or nearby restaurants. Saturday should be early to rise and get downtown. We could finish that night with the cruise on the lakefront. Perfect for talking or dancing or both. Sunday morning breakfast/brunch at nearby restaurant or at my house. For those not flying out in the afternoon, another trip to Chicago to shop or see what they missed. Those still here Monday can plan for themselves-maybe a trip to outlet mall in Indiana. Or a trip to Amish country. Shipshiwanah.

I'd need others to help plan the food and early comers can help shop and prep. I have a small oven, a large oven, a microwave oven, and a toaster/convection oven. Four burners. I have a blender I never use. Maybe we could have demonstrations of favorite Protein shakes and fast, high Protein meals. We can eat outdoors or indoors. I have a patio. Maybe I'll puchase a gas grill by then. I have a charcoal one. We never BBQ.

I'm getting excited!


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Goooood Morning All!!!!

I agree that we need time to laze around and yakkity yakkity yak while in Chicago. That's why we need a week! LOL. I'm hoping most can come Thursday evening and leave Sunday or Monday. I myself will probably plan to get there Thurs. and leave Mon. Morning since I'm taking the train -- I'm in no rush to return to work. LOL. Apples -- are there trains from your area? I'm excited -- I love travel by train -- so interesting and relaxing.

Sandy, I too used to be like you -- I was soooooo clean it was sickening -- I'm still fussy (no one can ever clean to my satisfaction -- I always end up firing any and all cleaning people I hire), but I'm not nearly as bad as I was in my younger days. My ah ha wake up moment was when I had kidney failure -- that was when I decided i wanted to live and get healthy and enjoy life. I agree with you about the 50 thing of realizing we aren't going to be around forever -- I quit smoking right after I turned 50 but it took me longer to realize my weight was also killing me. I used to say I was a "healthy fat woman". Wow, who the heck was I kidding? I used to say, "I'm never going to deprive myself of anything again cause it doesn't do any good." I also used to say "I can't exercise cause of my back - it will make it hurt worse" when in fact it doesn't hurt any worse and often feels better after exercise. That was just the fat chick inside me determined to take over and kill me! Once my GD was born it made me realize I wanted to be around to see her grow up. I'm so happy I made those choices.

Eva and Apples sounds like a fun day - even if you aren't into sewing I'm sure the quit show was interesting. Apples, I am like you -- I have gotten away from all my creative projects as well -- especially sad I have not finished my book. We must vow to get back to these things this year. I too have a huge stamp collection and never make cards -- I have all these supplies and they sit, year after year unused. I must stop procrastinating and to it this year!!

My DH was not feeling well when we returned from Des Moines yesterday. Tried a new bbque place that someone recommended and it was good -- I had turkey and a few bites of Beans -- couldn't eat much - DH had brisket and garlic bread (including mine), Beans and french fries so not sure if something he ate made him sick or not. I felt fine -- it might just be the regular flu - -he had chills and aches and upset tummy. Hope he's better today - he's still slumbering - I really want to see the King's speech. Hope we can go.

Aylah called and said she made us some refrigerator magnets and wants to stop by and bring them to us. She's so darn cute -- she's so excited.

Spent about 2 hours in the kitchen after our return cleaning my chicken breasts and butterflying them in preparation for freezing - bought 10 lbs. of breasts - and it took awhile. Then I took the meat off the rotissiere chicken for DH - will make him some more homemade Soup today -- that will cure him.

Julie, sorry you are still having problems -- have you been to any doctors recently? When is your DH having his shoulder surgery? When is your DD due? Is it March? I can't remember. Sorry to hear about the weight gain -- try to eat mostly Protein and maybe some sugarfree puddings with extra Protein in them -- that will help your hunger and shouldn't put on pounds. Have some Protein drinks when you get hungry -- it's quick and easy - add a banana in it -- some Peanut Butter (or our powdered peanut butter) really helps fill you up -- DH is right - you need to have food to keep up your strength -- but the right kind of food is what you need --not carbs -- they don't build up your strength. Hope things turn around -- maybe you'll start to feel better when the cold weather passes -- it may be linked to cold, damp weather. I'm trying to remember when all of this started -- was it during winter? Hugs to you Julie, we think of you often. Hope it gets better.

Cheri, Kaye has information on dumping syndrome on her site -- from what I remember reading it sounded like we could get it -- not just the by pass patients -- if I see that article again I'll send you the link.

Arlene, you mom sounds like quite a lady -- I'd love to see a picture of her. I'm so glad she's doing better and ready to get back to her old life -- she's quite a fighter by the sounds of it. Good for her - you are such a great daughter -- glad you have such a good relationship with her - it's nice to hear about. I miss my mom and wish I could have some more time with her now that I'm older I think we'd have a better relationship. So please hear me when I tell you to enjoy her and be thankful she's still in your life -- once she's gone you'll miss her everyday.

Well, DH isn't up yet so I think I'll get dressed and go work out. Have a good day everyone.


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Goooood Morning All!!!!

I agree that we need time to laze around and yakkity yakkity yak while in Chicago. That's why we need a week! LOL. I'm hoping most can come Thursday evening and leave Sunday or Monday. I myself will probably plan to get there Thurs. and leave Mon. Morning since I'm taking the train -- I'm in no rush to return to work. LOL. Apples -- are there trains from your area? I'm excited -- I love travel by train -- so interesting and relaxing.

Sandy, I too used to be like you -- I was soooooo clean it was sickening -- I'm still fussy (no one can ever clean to my satisfaction -- I always end up firing any and all cleaning people I hire), but I'm not nearly as bad as I was in my younger days. My ah ha wake up moment was when I had kidney failure -- that was when I decided i wanted to live and get healthy and enjoy life. I agree with you about the 50 thing of realizing we aren't going to be around forever -- I quit smoking right after I turned 50 but it took me longer to realize my weight was also killing me. I used to say I was a "healthy fat woman". Wow, who the heck was I kidding? I used to say, "I'm never going to deprive myself of anything again cause it doesn't do any good." I also used to say "I can't exercise cause of my back - it will make it hurt worse" when in fact it doesn't hurt any worse and often feels better after exercise. That was just the fat chick inside me determined to take over and kill me! Once my GD was born it made me realize I wanted to be around to see her grow up. I'm so happy I made those choices.

Eva and Apples sounds like a fun day - even if you aren't into sewing I'm sure the quit show was interesting. Apples, I am like you -- I have gotten away from all my creative projects as well -- especially sad I have not finished my book. We must vow to get back to these things this year. I too have a huge stamp collection and never make cards -- I have all these supplies and they sit, year after year unused. I must stop procrastinating and to it this year!!

My DH was not feeling well when we returned from Des Moines yesterday. Tried a new bbque place that someone recommended and it was good -- I had turkey and a few bites of Beans -- couldn't eat much - DH had brisket and garlic bread (including mine), Beans and french fries so not sure if something he ate made him sick or not. I felt fine -- it might just be the regular flu - -he had chills and aches and upset tummy. Hope he's better today - he's still slumbering - I really want to see the King's speech. Hope we can go.

Aylah called and said she made us some refrigerator magnets and wants to stop by and bring them to us. She's so darn cute -- she's so excited.

Spent about 2 hours in the kitchen after our return cleaning my chicken breasts and butterflying them in preparation for freezing - bought 10 lbs. of breasts - and it took awhile. Then I took the meat off the rotissiere chicken for DH - will make him some more homemade Soup today -- that will cure him.

Julie, sorry you are still having problems -- have you been to any doctors recently? When is your DH having his shoulder surgery? When is your DD due? Is it March? I can't remember. Sorry to hear about the weight gain -- try to eat mostly Protein and maybe some sugarfree puddings with extra Protein in them -- that will help your hunger and shouldn't put on pounds. Have some Protein drinks when you get hungry -- it's quick and easy - add a banana in it -- some Peanut Butter (or our powdered peanut butter) really helps fill you up -- DH is right - you need to have food to keep up your strength -- but the right kind of food is what you need --not carbs -- they don't build up your strength. Hope things turn around -- maybe you'll start to feel better when the cold weather passes -- it may be linked to cold, damp weather. I'm trying to remember when all of this started -- was it during winter? Hugs to you Julie, we think of you often. Hope it gets better.

Cheri, Kaye has information on dumping syndrome on her site -- from what I remember reading it sounded like we could get it -- not just the by pass patients -- if I see that article again I'll send you the link.

Arlene, you mom sounds like quite a lady -- I'd love to see a picture of her. I'm so glad she's doing better and ready to get back to her old life -- she's quite a fighter by the sounds of it. Good for her - you are such a great daughter -- glad you have such a good relationship with her - it's nice to hear about. I miss my mom and wish I could have some more time with her now that I'm older I think we'd have a better relationship. So please hear me when I tell you to enjoy her and be thankful she's still in your life -- once she's gone you'll miss her everyday.

Well, DH isn't up yet so I think I'll get dressed and go work out. Have a good day everyone.


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Good morning,

Apples, your post is blank....??? Take everything you said back? LOL.

Just got back from my walk. DH dropped me off at the community college and I walked back (a little over 2 miles) and it is mostly up hill. Of course almost everything is downhill from where I live. I wanted to try it when I didn't have class and books, etc. I feel good now that it's done. I'm going to walk to and from class one day this week and see how that goes.

Cheri, it certainly does sound like you are excited. It should be fun. I've always wanted to spend a little time in Chicago. I've spend a few days in the Joliett (sp?) area where my friend's mom has a house but never more than a few hours in Chicago. Sounds like fun and maybe a extended road trip for me.

Okay, stamping ladies...Linda and Apples....since both of you have mentioned wanting to stamp again and I certainly want to do that again, why don't we plan on a card exchange. This is how it worked with the group of women I stamp with here (when I'm doing it), we have a planned card exchange day. We make a card for each participant, so I think there were 10 of us at one time and I would make 10 identical cards and everyone else would do the same. Then we give each other our cards. It was always fun to see what we came up with. Some of the women were really talented. So we could agree on a date (we need that so we don't procrastinate) then mail them to each other....or use the Chicago trip as the date to start. What do you think?

I need to study Spanish....sort of blew it off this weekend so far. I'm never going to learn it if I done apply myself.



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Returned from Tucson @ 5 pm last night. DH took me to dinner & enjoyed a steamed lobster tail with salad. Love him sooo much.

Karen & Eva were very kind to try to meet up with me in Tucson. Not enough time to make it work. My friend has great difficulty walking (MS & blind in one eye from a stroke). I'm a bit afraid to leave her in a strange place like the resort. She missed a step in the lobby (all marble) and almost fell. I almost fell trying to catch her. We had treatments at 11 and 4 both days, then went to stay with her daughter for two days. Her DD had taken time off work and had planned our days - so could not meet up with Eva and Karen. sad.gif

Spent Thursday @ Tubac - a charming little area near the border. Really enjoyable - but again, my friend could not walk much. On Friday, my friends DD took us to the TV station where she is Vice President and General Manager for a tour, then to lunch at a lovely restaurant. Had pajama parties both Thursday and Friday, then off the airport on Saturday morning for trip home. Had to get a wheelchair for my friend in the airport in Phoenix.

Have not yet read messages - need to unpack, do laundry and have nails done.

Next trip - Grand Cayman on April 30th - unless DD plans a trip to Las Vegas first.

Eating very carefully.

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Good Morning Gang - (still morning here 11:39)

Couldn't get on lbt at 6 this morning..

Just got back from Pilo - Sandy it's yoga & pliates combination - I LOVE IT.. Even the yoga class at my gym is gym yoga not too much for the meditation just the moves and I love it too but it's not until 7;30 p.m and that just too late on a week night - so that's why I really love my Sunday morning - I love the stretching and moving - I feel energized and not worn out like after boot camp.

Thanks for all the Bday wishes!!!! - Had a great day - My Bro Brad - My 2 nephews (Jimbo & Stephen) - Joseph & family (Melissa, Kaitlin, Brooke Andrew)- Uncle Charles & Cousin Laurant - Debbie and her DGD Noele and Kaitlin friend Arba (she was so sweet brought me flower and a box of candy) it was a very very good day. Had a few adult cocktails - piece of chicken - gacuamole & chips and 2 pieces of cake !!! To die for butter cream frosting my most fav....

When I invited bro - I didn't tell him it was my bday - just that I was having bbq and need to talk to him about the ranches - He installed a light in my kitchen nook area - (joseph helped a little) then a towel bar in bathroom - and he had to go to home depot for a hook and brought me back a gift card - That was sweet cuz I really didn't want presents just wanted my Family....

Talked to my Sis - GREAT BDAY PRESENT - BIL cancer HAS NOT spread to his bones !!!! Oh I am so happy - my niece & other nephew called. Everyone left around 6 - heck we were all pooped - I was in bed by 8 along with everyone else...

Linda CONGRATS ON 138 !!!!!

This is my most fav of that article The minute we give up the hell-bent fighter and survivor personality in exchange for the happen-chance dieter of lost-pounds-past we are at risk of gaining weight, of feelings of failure, and worst of all: we are at risk of succumbing to the metabolic disorder we fought so damn hard to have treated with bariatric surgery. We cannot have it both ways. If we truly believe our obesity is a medical condition -and by medical definition it is- then we must yesterday, today, and always consider it a medical condition. We cannot be gut-whacked one day for the sake of saving our life and the next day abandon the dietary rules like we could a few weight loss programs back when on a whim we joined a strip mall diet program advertising "Join Now! Walk-ins Welcome."

This has been my mindset - I will not give up my fighter mode... Did I want to go to the gym this morning - nope - would have rather vegged - but that's what got me fat - I will not give up my exercise for anything - it always comes first - occasionally life does get in the way - but rarely.. And as to my eating - that's why I stress so much that we don't need to look at this as a diet - they don't work - it truly is about eating healthy and that's eating like a caveman - that's what our bodies were designed for - Yes occasional treats are ok - but you can't let them sneak into your daily life..

Julie - Hugs Hugs Hugs - wish you could get some relief...

Well kids are gone to see DIL Family - need to get a couple of loads of wash done - and some veg time.. So will cbl -

Love to you all !!!

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Just read up on dumping syndrome. Didn't think you could get it with the band, just with all the bypasses, but I think I get it. When I eat sliders that are high carb, I get very uncomfortable pressure and bloating below my band and my heart races. I don't have it as severe as many, but I'm pretty sure it fits into that category. The pressure on the band from the intestines can actually radiate upward and make my shoulder and neck uncomfortable. More reason than ever to avoid carbs and stick to Protein.


I never discussed the racing heart thing, but when I eat late and go to bed my heart races. Another good reason not to eat late. I hate that feeling!

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Janet, I am glad you had a nice birthday visit with your family.

I wish my yoga class was just the exercises / poses. Oh well, I bought a pass good for 30 classes that is good at 7 different locations on Groupon for $20. If I feel the same way next week I will not go back to yoga. I can use it for Tai Chi or cardio kick boxing so I may give that a try. The nce thing is I can try many different classes for next to nothing and then decide if I want to sign up throught the individual location. If I don't like any of them that's ok with me. I didn't spend $300 on registration and a months worth of classes which is what the yoga studio charges. It is a very nice way to try something new.

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Hey all,

Flyby. Nels and I have had colds all weekend. ughhh. Nothing serious just sneezy, stuffy, sorethroat, coughing. No fever but just no real energy. DH was on call Fri, Sat and today. So I was a "single" mom this weekend. Nels has been so needy this weekend- not wanting to even be in a room alone (sooo unlike him). He even had a nightmare last night and came to our bed at 2am. (first time in over a year)- he dreamed the house caught on fire. i couldn't get on LBT this morning either.

Happy Birthday Janet (i know I wished you on FB, but wanted here too). LOVED your pics! That cake looked yummy and you look AMAZING!

Adios amigos... tomorrow maybe I can get caught up. peasout..Laura

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I wrote the following around 8 a.m. but it wouldn't let me post -- luckily I copy & pasted it and didn't lose it.

This site is terrible

Goooood Morning All!!!!

I agree that we need time to laze around and yakkity yakkity yak while in Chicago. That's why we need a week! LOL. I'm hoping most can come Thursday evening and leave Sunday or Monday. I myself will probably plan to get there Thurs. and leave Mon. Morning since I'm taking the train -- I'm in no rush to return to work. LOL. Apples -- are there trains from your area? I'm excited -- I love travel by train -- so interesting and relaxing.

Sandy, I too used to be like you -- I was soooooo clean it was sickening -- I'm still fussy (no one can ever clean to my satisfaction -- I always end up firing any and all cleaning people I hire), but I'm not nearly as bad as I was in my younger days. My ah ha wake up moment was when I had kidney failure -- that was when I decided i wanted to live and get healthy and enjoy life. I agree with you about the 50 thing of realizing we aren't going to be around forever -- I quit smoking right after I turned 50 but it took me longer to realize my weight was also killing me. I used to say I was a "healthy fat woman". Wow, who the heck was I kidding? I used to say, "I'm never going to deprive myself of anything again cause it doesn't do any good." I also used to say "I can't exercise cause of my back - it will make it hurt worse" when in fact it doesn't hurt any worse and often feels better after exercise. That was just the fat chick inside me determined to take over and kill me! Once my GD was born it made me realize I wanted to be around to see her grow up. I'm so happy I made those choices.

Eva and Apples sounds like a fun day - even if you aren't into sewing I'm sure the quit show was interesting. Apples, I am like you -- I have gotten away from all my creative projects as well -- especially sad I have not finished my book. We must vow to get back to these things this year. I too have a huge stamp collection and never make cards -- I have all these supplies and they sit, year after year unused. I must stop procrastinating and to it this year!!

My DH was not feeling well when we returned from Des Moines yesterday. Tried a new bbque place that someone recommended and it was good -- I had turkey and a few bites of Beans -- couldn't eat much - DH had brisket and garlic bread (including mine), Beans and french fries so not sure if something he ate made him sick or not. I felt fine -- it might just be the regular flu - -he had chills and aches and upset tummy. Hope he's better today - he's still slumbering - I really want to see the King's speech. Hope we can go.

Aylah called and said she made us some refrigerator magnets and wants to stop by and bring them to us. She's so darn cute -- she's so excited.

Spent about 2 hours in the kitchen after our return cleaning my chicken breasts and butterflying them in preparation for freezing - bought 10 lbs. of breasts - and it took awhile. Then I took the meat off the rotissiere chicken for DH - will make him some more homemade Soup today -- that will cure him.

Julie, sorry you are still having problems -- have you been to any doctors recently? When is your DH having his shoulder surgery? When is your DD due? Is it March? I can't remember. Sorry to hear about the weight gain -- try to eat mostly Protein and maybe some sugarfree puddings with extra Protein in them -- that will help your hunger and shouldn't put on pounds. Have some protein drinks when you get hungry -- it's quick and easy - add a banana in it -- some Peanut Butter (or our powdered peanut butter) really helps fill you up -- DH is right - you need to have food to keep up your strength -- but the right kind of food is what you need --not carbs -- they don't build up your strength. Hope things turn around -- maybe you'll start to feel better when the cold weather passes -- it may be linked to cold, damp weather. I'm trying to remember when all of this started -- was it during winter? Hugs to you Julie, we think of you often. Hope it gets better.

Cheri, Kaye has information on dumping syndrome on her site -- from what I remember reading it sounded like we could get it -- not just the by pass patients -- if I see that article again I'll send you the link.

Arlene, you mom sounds like quite a lady -- I'd love to see a picture of her. I'm so glad she's doing better and ready to get back to her old life -- she's quite a fighter by the sounds of it. Good for her - you are such a great daughter -- glad you have such a good relationship with her - it's nice to hear about. I miss my mom and wish I could have some more time with her now that I'm older I think we'd have a better relationship. So please hear me when I tell you to enjoy her and be thankful she's still in your life -- once she's gone you'll miss her everyday.

Well, DH isn't up yet so I think I'll get dressed and go work out. Have a good day everyone.


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Oh no, it did post -- it timed out this am. -- very strange.

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Sorry about junking up the thread -- I can't believe it actually posted this morning - it just sat and sat and then just timed out . Oh well.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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