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Melissa, it's okay to whine, but I'm proud of you being an adult with your gift money. I can't tell you how many times I've done that with my gift money, but it sure helps later. Glad you had a nice birthday dinner.


Thank you very much. We had alot of fun. I love being able to spend time with my whole family.

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Hey Gang ... Drive by - too many to catch up on...

Busy at work - 100 email - and this is another short week for me - Kids coming on Thursday - having Family over Saturday for BBQ..

Had gym tonite - had a good workout - Tomorrow boot camp - Wed Legs..

food is good - in fact need to go start dinner - I didn't get to bed til 11 last night and 5 comes real fast - going to try to get to bed earlier tonite..

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Just got back from dinner with DH....it's our 4th anniversary and we actually went out on the day. This might be a first....hahaha.

Apples asked me to post a recipe for a green sauce...this is inspired by a sauce they serve on shrimp at one of the Mexican seafood restaurants here in town. My measurements are vague because I don't really measure, just keep adding until I like it.


Saute 1 medium chopped onion and 2 cloves garlic until soft. Cool a little and place in a blender. Add 1 small can of chopped and peeled green chilies. Blend until somewhat smooth. Add fat free yogurt either greek or regular. If you use greek, you may have to add milk or some liquid to thin it. Taste it and you might have to add more yogurt or more chilies. Add salt to taste. I might have added cilantro to this, but I don't always.

I use fresh peeled chilies when I can and I've used sour cream also, but the yogurt works well. The original recipe uses cream I think. It is very rich and has too many calories. The FF sour cream and/yogurt works well and if you have good chilies, the flavor comes from them and the garlic/onion mixture.

I use this sauce on chicken and shrimp and Apples uses it on other stuff. You can add a little chopped Tomato and avocado as a topping for the chicken. It works equally well hot or cold....just don't get it so hot it breaks.

Need to study Spanish. No hable espanole (yet).


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Evening All...another great day in AZ...We've been here two weeks as off today and it only seems like a short while. We are just concentrating on a NO stress lifestyle and are just flying by the seat of our pants. No planning too far ahead of time (we always vacation this way), no meals that are planned, no alarms set (which happens each and every day at home..weather it be a weekend or not). We are hanging out with the dog and finding lots to do but take every other day just to stay at home and hang. Much needed way of life.

Happy Anniversary Eva and DH! You guys are sooooo cute. Thanks for posting the recipe. Just wanted to be sure you shared with all. It is the best. I tried to eek it out and put it on everything I could think of. Now I can make a stash for us and keep it in the frig. It is soooooooooo good.

We are having such a great time. Spending as much time as we can with FIL. He's so cute. Think I told you all that many times. He's just such an interesting person. He lost his wife in August and has made a decision to stay busy and has accomplished that. They had spent 17 yrs in a resort in AZ until MIL had an anerysm that caused her kidneys to shut down during surgery to repair it. He has taken care of her for the last 8-10 yrs and now is able to go back to his resort and reconnect with old friends. He is out later than us! So cute. 87 yrs old and drives all over the place.

Spent the day making bars for FIL to take to his "social club". He had made the statement last weekend that he feels so bad that he cannot take his turn contributing to his club. MIL used to do it and he does not bake. Made him what he needs to last him the winter so he can take his turn. Also going to go up on Wed night (per his request) to play Bingo at his club. He was so happy to be able to reserve two more seats.

We spent the day yesterday "shopping" for next year and many years to come. Now all we have to agree on is where we want to be. Of course, I want to be in this area...loved it many years ago when we were here. But, DH is a farm boy and wants to be more rural. We think we have come to an agreement on where to be.

Sorry.......just have to let you guys know that I am going to be self-centered for the next couple of weeks. I might not respond to posts but just know I read them all. Just concentrating on us and what it takes to relax. It's my way of taking care of me, DH, Tanker and our relationships. Much needed and taking advantage of it.

Love to all...take care.

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Evening all,

Sorry been a little crazy round here. Dad is doing pretty good. I think we have everything working with him. Things are going ok with me I think. i go back to the doctor today. I think I am still 2 weeks out from going back to work. I am ready I think. Will know around noon. Still a little sore but range of motion is really good.

I've been getting set up to get my garage/shop cleaned up. I have a bunch of projects that i need to get done this winter/spring. I am going to be doing quite a a few things for a silent auction our walking group will be having later in the year.

Anyways Hugs to you all


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Good Morning Peeps...

Quick ck in before work...

Apples - Glad you are relaxing and enjoying yourself - you deserve it.. I love it when I don't have to wake up to an alarm !!!

Chris - Glad things are going ok - I bet you are getting bored ;0) sitting around

Eva - May have to try that sauce sounds good - Happy Anniversary !!!

Not much to report since last night - dinner - t..v. and was in bed by 9:30

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Morning everyone! At work so this will be quick. Did my Zumba last night (love love love the class - much different from that tape that I couldn't get) and early morning deep Water Water aerobics this a.m. (starts at 6:00 a.m.). Enjoy it. Had my very first (ever) chiropractic "adjustment" last evening -- and for the first time in about 15 years I had absolutely no back pain when I woke up this morning. I am now a believer. Wow. I go back Thurs. night - he's seeing me twice a week at first. I went cause my neck/shoulder area has been very sore -- it's already better too. I have a lot of abnormalties in my spine -- hence the rods and screws but my neck has lots of arthritis and other problems. Old age is tough.

Apples, I agree - relax and enjoy -- so sweet of you to bake for your FIL's social club - good luck in your search for a place -- understand the problem, but maybe you can fine a house on the "fringe" of town - that's what we have -- our backyard faces a cornfield and that's enough country for us -- we are 5 mins. from town and we love it.

Chris, glad you checked in -- when are you going back to work? How's the shoulder feeling?

Eva thanks for that sauce recipe -- I can't wait to try it - sounds like something I will love -- anything with garlic, green chilis and yogurt has got to be good. Yum, making my mouth water. Happy Anniversary!!!

Julie, keep hoping your new doctor will be able to help you - yes the Lyrica can make you gain - just try to be careful what you eat - but right now ust concentrate on the pain more than worrying about anything else -- once you're pain free then you can concentrate on the rest. Hugs.

Arlene, hope your DM is doing good today -- did you get that table out of there yet?

Melissa, sorry about having to spend the birthday money on bills -- some day you won't have to -- but i understand -- when I was a single mom I always had to use birthday and Christmas money on bills. It gets better, I promise.

Tomorrow is my 2nd bandiversary -- wow, it's gone pretty fast.

CBL Have a great day everyone!! I have a massage tonight after work -- can't wait.


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I guess my bandiversary isn't until Thurs. -- I was sure it was 1/26. I'll have to go look at a calendar from 2009 and see which day was Tues. LOL.


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Boy, does this make me feel "old" - it is Thurs., the 27th, NOT tomorrow. LOL.


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Good morning girls. (and guy)

A quick note- have sooooooooo much I need to do. I just returned from volunteering in Nels' class. His teacher was out sick and there was a sub. I could tell she was VERY happy to see me! I took half the class to the library to take their reading comp tests and evaluate scores to decide if they move up. I absolutely ADORE seeing their faces when they do good and are proud of themselves. I wish you could bottle that. Priceless. Then went back and took the other half. She said she repeated the lesson, but that with the smaller group it was easier and went fast. The sub is retired and I could tell she wasn't fond of the computers. I got them all signed on and started. She asked me what to do when they were done. I told her just to hit the power button on the monitor..LOL. (too complicated to explain to a non computer person how to shut down..haha).

Well, we made a decision about my birthday (Feb 20) and Nelson's (March 1)... We are taking a family trip! (Janet has me on a roll with that). We are going to Atlantis in the Bahamas for 3 nights. They have all kinds of deals right now, free companion airfare, kids eat free, etc. Nelson was given the choice of having a birthday party or taking a trip- was very happy and proud of him for taking the trip. I told him we will still Celebrate in his class on the DAY of his bday (bring cupcakes for everyone). He also said "I have too many toys anyway, I wouldn't want friends to bring anything." That just warmed my heart that he KNOWS he has enough. : ) He did ask if he could still make "goodie" bags for his classmates on his bday. So he isn't interested in getting- just wants to give. His big wish to do in Atlantis is the extra excursion to SWIM WITH THE DOLPHINS. DH and I decided we would also do it with him. DH is nervous they won't have a wet suit to fit him. I told him they would. I know that 2 years ago I would have DIED to have to try to put a wetsuit on. DH and I stayed in Atlantis for our honeymoon back in 2001. We decided this time not to stay in the fancy part of the hotel. They have some condos with kitchens, W/D and full balconies. You have to walk a little, but well worth it. It's close to the price of a reg. room but with all the amenities. I am feeling a little guilty b/c Dad's PET scan is the 23rd and we leave 24th for trip. Just can't be there every time. (and esp for Nels' bday). In April Nels and I will go up to NC for the week of spring break. DH has to work.

Apples~ So glad you are enjoying the R&R and seeing your FIL. I am sure you needed this time to thaw out and clear your mind. This has been a stressful last few months. YOU DESERVE IT! : )

Eva~ Glad you are getting everyone's pipes fixed..LOL. yours and glimmer. ; ) Cuando hablas Espanol mejor, si quieres, yo voy a practicar contigo. GL

Linda~ Happy Bandiversary!!! WTG.........woohoo

Julie~ Hope DH does ok. Will keep in in my T&P.

Janet~ Don't work too hard. Hugs

ok guys, got lots to do. Baseball practice tonight. DH on call. TTYL.......peasout..Laura

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Linda - Pre Happy Band Anniversary !!! Now how can you feel old - I KNOW that 2 yrs later you are feeling 10 yrs younger and have 110% more energy !!!! You go girl - Keep up the good work.. !!!

Laura - Yep make the memories while you can !!! Cuz that's all we have.. Ya can't take the $$ with you - enjoy it... Swimming w/the dolphins is a blast - Nels will enjoy it... You don't have to be there everytime- nothing wrong with enjoying your life - I bet your Dad would agree 100% - ..

Well back to work ;)

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Laura, I've been Atlantis advertised on tv a lot lately - looks like a great place - you go and have a great time!! I can tell you from a mother's point of view that if it were me, I'd want my kids to enjoy a nice vacation rather than spend it with me having a PET scan -- I'm sure your dad will feel the same way - - will make him happy just thinking of you and Nelson and Nael have a fun time. He's got your sister there. If you go spend an entire week in April, he'll be happy with that, trust me.

Thanks Janet, you're right of course, I do feel at least 10 years younger and at least 110% more energy -- in fact I noticed in my Zumba class that I was one of the few not huffing and puffing -- I sweat but i'm in great shape compared to most of the class -- and most are in their 30s and early 40s I'd say.

Okay, back to work.

Love you all.


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Linda – Happy Bandiversary! You must be so proud; not only did you get to goal, you have maintained it. You look fantastic!

Laura – WTG on the trip. Swimming with the dolphins is awesome. My daughter and I did it together about 10 years ago. Janet is right, the memories are priceless. Ok maybe not completely priceless. I did buy the photo package they offered at the end. Expensive but 10 years later I am so glad I spent the money. Every time I look at those photos I smile. I bet Nels would like to help assemble the goodie bags for his classmates. Maybe he can help make the cupcakes too. He would be proud of that.

TX – two weeks after you go back to work it will feel like you were never gone. Enjoy the time you have left.

Eva, I am going to make that sauce tonight. It sounds great.

Relax apples, you can junk up the treads once you get back home. DH and Tanker need your attention now.

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Linda, Happy Bandiversary, you look awesome. You go girl in that Zumba class. I'll have to find another one close by, I miss going.

Apples, have a great time on your vaca, you all deserve it. So cool about FIL sounds like he's in seventh heaven having you two there and going with him to his club.

Eva, I to will be making that sauce. Shared it with my co-workers and we are all excited about making it.

Laura, Nels is such a special soul. So kind and thoughtful. You are doing an excellent job with him.

Janet, have fun with your family coming. WTG on getting those books balanced.

Jodi, Janet, Phyl, your pics on FB are so cool. You ladies (Dassi too) are so beautiful. Looked like fun was had by all.


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Hi Gang!

Linda, no, the table is not gone yet. Tomorrow we where getting together to start making her apartment safe. I have decided to let my sister and cousin work on it tomorrow. My mother told my cousin I wanted to move everything out. I think she is confusing me with the therapist. I will let the monkey be on their backs this week. I need a break and my mother needs to hear it from others. Happy Bandiversary Thursday!

Apples, R & R.......you need it! Love ya bunches!

Julie, I hope the pain eases. You must be exhausted. HUGS!

Eva, Happy Anniversary!

Tx, I bet you are ready to get back in the groove. Take care! Eat clean when you start traveling. It is easy to get back to doing fast food. Plan!

Laura......what an awesome trip! I see that commercial all the time. That would be a dream vacation if my kids were still home. I know you will have a fabulous time.

I went to the shrink today. I don't know why I have to go to her other than my GP said since I have FM it would be good to see her for the Lexapro. Whatever! I stay there long enough for her to write out a script. She did talk to me about my mother. Her mother was in the same nursing home.

I haven't lost or gained this week. I feel I am doing good to maintain since my caregiving has interrupted my exercising. Also it has been raining for several days. I am walking today. YAY! I did go to Sam's and bought some broccoli, grapes, and a new Atkins bar. They were giving out samples......yummy! Janet, you should be so proud of me......I did not buy any junk or crackers.

Great, are you going to DD's this week?

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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