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Melissa, it's a shame you had to be "responsible" with your B-day money. Keep at it. Things will turn around one day. When that happens, get a BIGGER tattoo. Don't worry about whining, we all do it from time to time. It helps to let it out.

Thanks for understanding and letting me whine :) I do feel better

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Morning everyone. Phyl, congrats on the weight - that's great news!!! Congrats. I see from the pics on FB that it looks like the groomer never showed up -- Earl was bathing the baby??? LOL. She didn't look thrilled.

Hope Jodi, Dassi, you and Janet have a great time today/tonight - will be thinking of you.

Nothing new here to report -- Aylah is doing fine -- we are having a great time together.

I love FB - I've reconnected with several friends and then those friends have reconnected me to some others -- people I haven't been in contact with for about 20 years -- I really do love it. I don't know how the heck we ever lived without our computers!! Love you all Linda

Finally got through to the groomers voice mail. Now we'll see if she calls me back! I have three other people that want her to do their dogs!! Zoey didn't mind the bath. She's fascinated with Water...... Speaking of which, she jumped in Janet's pool last night!! Earl and Janet ran to rescue her, but she'd gone in by the steps so she quickly jumped back out again! But I have no doubt she wouldn't have if the Water had been warmer!

I love FB, too, and have found some hs classmates there. We're planning our 50th reunion, so have lots of people we're trying to find!

We wanted to go out to dinner tonight but both of our favorite restaurants are booked! only times for reservations are 4 or 830! WTF? I HATE this time of year when all the snowbirds are here. sigh. I really want a bumper sticker that says IF IT'S SNOWBIRD SEASON, DOES THAT MEAN WE CAN SHOOT THEM? <hehehe> kidding of course. peasout...LAURA

Excuse me???? Not funny!

I bet your local economy likes Snowbirds!!

Good Evening to All...MIA lots lately but in the vacation mode and even when we are not busy, we are just enjoying hanging out on the porch and sucking up the nice weather.

Had a great time meeting Eva's friends last night. Nice ppl and just plain fun. FIL called about noon today and stated he was on the way. Made for a nice day. Was able to get some cooking done for him while him and DH were out and about. He had lunch with us and then stayed for coffee and Cookies and took off b/4 dark. (he's 87 and had to drive about 45 minutes). He's so cute and is a walking encyclopedia.

Janet, Phyll, Jodi and Dazzi...hope you all had a great time together.

Time for bed. Going to be out and about with DH tomorrow. Going to take in some sights. You all have a great weekend.

Yes, we did have a great time!

And so glad you're having such a good time in AZ.

We are going over to Quartzsite AZ on Wed.

and then on down to Yuma and Algodones Mexico.

Have a clothing store in our little mall that had a 75% off sale that I had stopped in one night and got a few things. So after I got my house cleaned yesterday I decided to check it out. Well, parking was full and I had to park by Penny's so went in through Penny's and was stopped dead by signs of $2.97 shirts -- and 80% off sale signs. Never did make it out of that store!! They had long sleeved thin cotton tee (my favorites) for $2.97 -- originally $38.00 -- so guess who bought a ton of those? Then they had some sweaters at 80% off, I got 4 at $6.95 I think. Then I went over to the Jr. dept. and found a pair of size 11 junior black denim for $7.50!!! Tried them on -- fit perfectly -- I haven't lost weight, but have lost inches this year and that's my proof!! My receipt showed I saved $440 and only spent $120. I ended up with 3 pairs of jeans, 4 sweaters and 8 tees. Even my DH said he wouldn't have passed up those bargains either. So that's my NSV for this month -- being able to take advantage of those types of sales. So I was soooo glad I ventured out in the cold -- I arrived there shortly after they opened, and they had just put everything out, so I had a great selection of colors, etc.

Katie returned home yesterday -- she said they released her which I don't believe -- I think she probably signed herself out -- she claims she's had no "food" for a week -- only intravenous Fluid -- so why would they ever let her out?

Janet, can't wait to see the pics on FB - sounds like you had a great evening with Jodi, Dassi, Phyl and Earl - bet the doggies enjoyed having someone paying attention to them also!

Later, Linda Have a great day everyone!

Good job on the shopping!!

Sure hope Katie didn't sign herself out and that she continues to get the help she needs.

Dogs did have a great time with Dassi.

And Bella and Zoey love to play together.

Bear and Angel, not so much!!:lol:

Good afternoon. Settling in and getting ready to watch my Packers beat some Bears! (at least I hope so LOL). Got the tshirt on even got DH wearing one. He's a diehard Broncos fan but since his team isn't in it and he really dislikes Jay Cutler after how he treated Denver, he's rooting for the Pack as well.

DD is doing well. Contractions have really settled down. She has a dr appt in the morning and they are doing another ultrasound to measure the baby, cervix, etc.

Glad your Packers won. I'm still watching the 2nd game and hoping the Jets will win, but going in to the 4th quarter, not looking so good!

So glad your DD is doing well. Praying the contractions stay away until the baby is ready to come!

Just checking in....

Phyl.....What wine are you drinking now? Found any good buys?

I had BBQ chicken today with green Beans for lunch. I am finishing it up for dinner. My problem now is getting in my exercise. I will just have to walk till I can get back to the gym. Caregiving is time consuming. I just have to keep my pedometer on and keep on walking. Later!

Been sipping on the same glass of Merlot (boxed) all afternoon because I'm working on bracelets and watching football!

Besides church and choir this morning, Zoey and I took a ride after lunch. Went to beading teacher's RV to get some more beads... ran out of two colors for Bracelet I was working on, so while I was there I got beads to make another just like it in different colors. We have beading tomorrow, but she's making it a "workshop" for unfinished projects so she's not bringing any of her beads.

Then we went to Starbucks, of course!

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'Twas the month after Christmas,

And all through the house,

Nothing would fit me,

Not even a blouse.


The Cookies I'd nibbled,

The chocolate I'd taste

At the holiday parties

Had gone to my waist.


When I got on the scales

There arose such a number!

When I walked to the store

(less a walk than a lumber),

12_1_3v.gif 15_8_6.gif

I'd remember the marvelous meals I'd prepared;

The gravies and sauces and beef nicely rared,

The wine and the rum balls, the bread and the cheese

And the way I'd never said, "No thank you, please."

As I dressed myself in my husband's old shirt

And prepared once again to do battle with dirt...

I said to myself, as I only can,

"You can't spend a Summer, disguised as a man!"


So, away with the last of the sour cream dip.

Get rid of the fruit cake, every cracker and chip.

Every last bit of food that I like must be banished

Till all the additional ounces have vanished.

I won't have a cookie, not even a lick.

I'll want only to chew on a long celery stick.

I won't have hot biscuits, or corn bread, or pie.

I'll munch on a carrot and quietly cry.

I'm hungry, I'm lonesome, and life is a bore...

But isn't that what January is for?

Unable to giggle, no longer a riot.

Happy New Year to all, and to all a good diet.

7_5_137.gif 7_5_138.gif 36_35_8.gif 7_5_141.gif

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Only game I watched all season and the Bears lost. So its my fault. Had a great time with my granddaughter, Gracie. She's 21/2 and loves when we come over. She keeps hugging me and saying "I love you Grandma!" She's my DH's GD but doesn't matter. It was his DD BD and we celebrated mine as well. They gave a donation to RCS in my name for my BD which was so sweet. Haven't written my article yet but its running through my head.

Gotta go to bed, now. Gotta get up at 5 to get ready for work. I've also got a few irons in the fire at work that I've got to turn the heat up on. Not quite sure how I keep ending up in charge of some of these things. Hopefully, next year, with a new principal, I won't.


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I Spend most of last weekend working on this - a couple of nites during last week and since Noon today - got done about 8 p.m.

Don't ask me how I did it - what I was doing wrong before - I don't know - when I start working w/#'s watch out !!!!

Well, went to the gym, stopped to get cat food after wards - groomer was free - so took in all 3 to get pretty came home worked on books - now it's almost time to go to bed...

Food today - a couple of chips & guacamole this morning

Having lamb veggies & tater for dinner as soon as I get off computer...

Sorry about the drive by but I gotta get off this computer I'll catch up tomorrow......

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Good morning. Drats I missed the trash truck this morning. I forget it comes on Thurs. mornings here, I am so used to Friday mornings in Denver and even before that in Delaware. I did get the recylce container out in time though. DH is gone and he usually takes care of that. He should be home tonight.

Phyl, I don't think travel is that big a hassle. I got my ziploc bag of liquids all packed and ready to go always and usually do carryon unless I am going some place for longer than a couple days or some place like Hawaii where I have to check bigger than 3 oz containers of liquids (like sunscreen). My biggest hassle is whether or not I am going to get a seat, but get used to that too and plan pretty good. I thought it was almost a bigger hassle when we drove to Denver for Thanksgiving, packing the car, roads, rest stops, car maintainance, car door breaking, etc. Maybe I just like to travel too much. LOL It's always been a passion of mine. AS you can tell by my travels.

Apples, pass that stone yet? Hope it passes soon or maybe you should listen to DH and go to ER? Not sure what they do for ya there though to make you pass it. Sounds awful.

Linda, hope Katie gets the help she needs, but unfortunately unless she's will to get the help or listen to it, it won't help. Praying she has hit her bottom and thinks of her child and takes the steps necessary.

Arlene, glad you are feeling better.

Hi Greattobethin

, I am some what a newbie, found your site and was reading all the post, which are great!

I was banded on 1/14/11 have lost 28llbs very happy with the lap band so far and very eager to change my body/life. Was wondering if there is any set time for when you get your first fill. Noticed that I am really starting to get hungrier now, still in the liquid portion of post diet. Any advise you have would be greatly appreciated! Also noticed that a some time you lived in Delaware, that where I live now. It is really frustrating to forget to get the trash out on time......hopefully next week LOL.........Thanks Lori :rolleyes:

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This is a drive by -- gotta get ready for work.

Janet, congrats on those ranch books -- wow, that must be a difficult job -- sounds like a royal pain in the a$$$.

LoriNewbie -- welcome and congrats on getting the band and your 28 lbs.!!!! I'm surprised your surgeon hasn't given you information on fills -- you should call his office and ask when you are supposed to have it. My surgeon does first fills at 6 weeks and then on a monthly basis after that until you are at your sweet spot. However, that was two years ago and things have probably changed by now. Good luck and keep coming back to get to know us and tell us more about yourself.

Meredith - have you checked out the 5 day pouch test? The reason I mention this is it really put me back in the "groove" and made me realize the proper way to eat. There's also lots of information on that site - kaye Bailey runs it and is a NP who specializes in weight loss surgery patients and had weight loss surgery herself -- it's called "The Neighborhood". It has helped me get back on the "losing" track again -- and I was plateaued for a year.

Had a good day yesterday -- went to the gym and did 70 mins. aerobics and then weights. Then came home and cooked for DH for the week -- made homemade chicken noodle Soup from some broth I had frozen and another chicken dish -- witih stuffing. One of his favorites I haven't made in about 2 years. He was happy.

Watched parts of both games -- happy for Lori that her team won. I really didn't care who won either game.

Phyl, saw your pics on FB -- looks like you all had fun -- you looked great -- I think you look younger now than you ever have -- with each pound you lose you look younger so Earl better watch out!! LOL. And, lol on Zoey jumping in the pool - how cute -- she's still a juvenile, getting herself into heaps of trouble!!

Arlene, have a good day -- hope you can get that table out of your mom's apt. today -- lol on the wrinkle cream - that's probably how I'll be behaving at that age -- worried about "wrinkles" . How cute. You'd think they would have checked her for a stroke -- you should call the doctor and ask.

Well, gotta run everyone, have a great day!! Ughhhh it's Monday, BUT, hey it's 20 degrees -- quite a warming trend.

Love to you all,


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Hi Greattobethin

, I am some what a newbie, found your site and was reading all the post, which are great!

I was banded on 1/14/11 have lost 28llbs very happy with the lap band so far and very eager to change my body/life. Was wondering if there is any set time for when you get your first fill. Noticed that I am really starting to get hungrier now, still in the liquid portion of post diet. Any advise you have would be greatly appreciated! Also noticed that a some time you lived in Delaware, that where I live now. It is really frustrating to forget to get the trash out on time......hopefully next week LOL.........Thanks Lori :rolleyes:

Welcome, LoriFlowers, I am Lori too. I lived in Delaware from April 2005 to Aug 2006 so not long. We were considered Wilmington but were just one exit into DE from PA DH worked in PHL and I worked in PA too at QVC. Congrats on your 28 lbs. Interesting that your dr hasn't told you when you get your fills. The general rule of thumb is at 6 weeks though some get a small fill in surgery (I did) and some go sooner or later than that. Usually they want to wait til all the swelling and healing is done from surgery. Then after that it's sortta on an as needed basis. I got them almost every 2 weeks for the first month or so until I got where I needed to be. It took me a lot of fills and others (like our Janet here) only needed one. Be careful, as it is so tempting, not to compare your fills with anyone else though. It varies for everyone so much. Also, there seems to be a difference of opinion on docs as to if you need a fill if you are losing. My dr gave fills if you were losing on the basis that you were losing the fat pad between the band and your stomach and it loosened up. Others say if you are losing well why do you need a fill? So the best thing to do is really track and keep track of your portion size and how hungry you are. You should be full on 1/2 to a full cup of solid Protein. If not you are too loose, if you can't even eat 1/2 cup you are probably too tight. Good luck to you. Keep posting so we can get to know you.

Well gals, I slipped on the exercise last week. First it was the Monday holiday and DH being home, then it was going to DEN then well I just got lazy or said I would do it later and later never came. So Igot it on and ready in the other room and better get off my butt at the computer and go do it! Wanted to eat a little Breakfast first as I seem to get light headed when I don't. Talk to you later, post exercise!

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'Twas the month after Christmas,

And all through the house,

Nothing would fit me,

Not even a blouse.


The Cookies I'd nibbled,

The chocolate I'd taste

At the holiday parties

Had gone to my waist.


When I got on the scales

There arose such a number!

When I walked to the store

(less a walk than a lumber),

12_1_3v.gif 15_8_6.gif

I'd remember the marvelous meals I'd prepared;

The gravies and sauces and beef nicely rared,

The wine and the rum balls, the bread and the cheese

And the way I'd never said, "No thank you, please."

As I dressed myself in my husband's old shirt

And prepared once again to do battle with dirt...

I said to myself, as I only can,

"You can't spend a Summer, disguised as a man!"


So, away with the last of the sour cream dip.

Get rid of the fruit cake, every cracker and chip.

Every last bit of food that I like must be banished

Till all the additional ounces have vanished.

I won't have a cookie, not even a lick.

I'll want only to chew on a long celery stick.

I won't have hot biscuits, or corn bread, or pie.

I'll munch on a carrot and quietly cry.

I'm hungry, I'm lonesome, and life is a bore...

But isn't that what January is for?

Unable to giggle, no longer a riot.

Happy New Year to all, and to all a good diet.

7_5_137.gif 7_5_138.gif 36_35_8.gif 7_5_141.gif

Phyll - this was such a great thing to post. - Thanks for posting it




Janet - Congrats Yeah

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Phyl, yes, i forgot to comment on your poem -- very very very cute -- thanks for Sharing!!

Okay, Lori, time to quit making excuses -- give yourself that one hour a day to do it for YOU. It's worth it -- just that one hour every day -- only one out of 24!! You WILL do it, starting now.

Laura, sorry about those thin mints -- I refuse to order any more GSC -- figure none of us needs them. I just gave my gf $8 as a "donation" told her to go ahead and pick out two boxes for herself as I don't want them, but did want to contribute to the GS. It's a great organization and I like to support it. But don't feel too bad -- just get back on the horse today and be thankful you have your band to help so you don't eat like that everyday anymore.

Later, gotta work!


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Workout done! Lots of planks today, they are a major weakness for me so have been practicing on just doing them sometimes when I am watching TV or whatever. My little workout avatar on the XBox missed me last week. LOL

Jodi, Phyl and Janet, looks like a fun time was had by all including Dassi and the pups as well. Loved the pic of the dogs looking out the door.

We have blue sky and sunshine today! More muck is supposed to come in about Thurs. but that's ok as I am leavng for Denver!

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WTG on the exercise Lori!!!!!! Proud of you!!

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Morning ladies,

Great...I'm a Packers fan too but didn't watch the game. I did hear that they won....so cool they are going to the Super Bowl again. I used to watch football with my Dad decades ago. It's probably the only sport I'll watch on occasion.

LauraK, sounds like you are having a blast...good for you. Those 3:30 to 7am nights are tough. I've been doing a few of those lately and they do catch up with you, but glad you are having fun!!

Linda, great deals, I love it when that happens. I think you would be happy with a little TT. Please let us know if you decide to do that...I know you will, but I'm curious. You are smart with the gambling...I try and do that too, but I rarely go to the casinos. Get noise overload.

Laura....so sorry about the GSC....those thin mints are my favorite and go down way too easy. Hope you made it to the gym today!

Sandy, you needed a relaxing weekend....glad you enjoyed it. Yes, I'm curious to hear about your consultation too.

Melissa, it's okay to whine, but I'm proud of you being an adult with your gift money. I can't tell you how many times I've done that with my gift money, but it sure helps later. Glad you had a nice birthday dinner.

Phyl, Algodones....that will be fun. You just going down there for fun or are you meeting people. Going to spend the night in Yuma? I have worked in that are a little bit and have been to the Mexican side. Maybe next time I'll be able to speak a little of the language...LOL. Funny about Zoey being a Water dog...Glimmer, my sort of black lab could care less about Water and we have a hard time getting her in the water.

Charlene, I know you are being sandwiched with all that you do for your family, but they are very lucky to have you. And your mother sounds like a delight most times. Keep walking. I've started again too. The dog and I took a long one yesterday.

Cheri, you probably get put in charge because you get things done. It's a talent that everyone will want to use. When I write, I have to run stuff through my head a while before I can start putting it on paper. I think that is the hardest part...once the writing starts, it tends to flow.

Janet, congrats on the books....yeah!! Glad you had fun with Jodi and Dassi. Glimmer is better at least for right now. I took her off the valley fever meds and she is just getting the "leaking" meds because when I took her off that she was leaking. That med doesn't seem to be contributing to the diarrhea. Today I gave her some liverwurst and the bladder med and will see how she does for a couple of days on that, then I'll add her fluconizal back and see what happens. The plumbing issue cost $145 but we don't have the tools to fix it. There are roots in the drain pipes from the house to the street. These were actually between the cleanout in the middle of the yard to the front porch. We think the very large saguaro has found an excellent source of water. It's been growing phenomenally...guess we know why now. At least it was a quick and easy fix once the plumber got out here. Our drainage system is clay tiles and he says those pesky roots find a way in there no matter what you do.

My DH went to Arkansas a week ago to spend time with his mom. He came home this Saturday so we spent the day together, then yesterday was another slow day but we had a concert last night. Got home just before midnight so another night of not so much sleep.

Hello to anyone I've missed (and I'm sure I have). Have to go feed the birds....talk to you all later.


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Hey Gang!!

Lori, we have your cold rainy days. Boo! Congrats on getting back in the exercise groove!

Phyl, I loved the poem! A lot of truth to it.

Eva, yes, my mom is a doll. She has become stubborn because of dealing with her loss of some independence. My cousin is coming on Thursday to give her a pep talk and see if she can help move things out. She was an office designer and now does professional organizing. She will be a God send!

Janet, it is always a good feeling to get books to balance. Woo Hoo!

I made an appointment with a hand doctor. I found one that comes to our city from the Houston medical center. My thumb is still popping at the joint and now it is swollen. I will get some answers next Monday.

I'm off to a funeral about fifty miles from here.....my old home town. Later!

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Hi there,

Hope everyone had a great weekend... Ours was rather quiet until yesterday... Annual meeting at church with potluck and then hurry off to a baby shower.... Had a bad pain attack in church during meeting and had to have someone else take the minutes for me as I am the secretary..... But it's done and I'm okay right now....

Had a talk with DH this morning... He is thinking he will find out tomorrow that he needs shoulder surgery and he is scared.... He has a thing about hospitals and etc..... He's all emotional and had to tell me about who I am to give his things to when he dies..... I listened patiently and tried to assure him that all will be well, but he had to get it off his chest.... Now he is napping so hopefully he will wake in a better frame of mind...

Arlene and Linda, I do think I am retaining fluids probably from the Lyrica... I haven't been on the scale since I had a 3 pound gain last week...... I'm not going to panic yet...... Maybe tomorrow!!!!!

Phyll, loved the poem..... How funny about Zoey jumping in the pool.... must have had everyone all worked up..... She probably had a ball....

Lori, glad your DD is doing better... The longer she can go the better.... But it still won't be long and that baby will be here for you to hold. I held a newborn yesterday at church.... Made me anxious for mine to get here too, but I have to wait until May...... glad your team won..

Melissa, you deserve a little treat once in awhile..... and Sandy, you, too.... As long as the treat doesn't turn into a binge you are fine......

Oh dear , company...... gotta run.... talk to you later.. Hugs to all... Julie

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