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Good Morning, Friends! TGIF!! Looks like a beautiful day here again today. Watching the Today Show, looks like most of you are having some interesting January weather!! Stay warm and safe!

Waited all afternoon for mobile groomer to show up... she said between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. By 4:30 p.m. she hadn't shown, so we went out to eat. Hadn't done that in a LONG time, and it was weigh in day, so we decided we'd have a "date night". So, of course, message on our phone when we got back stating she'd been here and "missed us"! But phone # on her business card is useless... she doesn't answer and I keep getting a message that her mail box is full! But, I think she said she was coming back today. Very frustrating. First time we're using her. We've heard she does a good job, is reasonably priced, and she comes right to the RV and does it.. she pulls a trailer w/facilities inside to bathe and cut, etc. Anyway, inconsequential compared to things others of you are experiencing!!

Linda, hope you get those legal arrangements for Aylah straightened out SOON!!

Apples.... Yeah, you should name that bugger!! So glad that is over again!!

I had a little trip to town by myself yesterday. Short, but very therapeutic just to go alone, shop a little, have some "me" time. Just picked up a few groceries and a Starbucks, but enjoyed it. DH stayed here to wait for the dog groomer! Want to put cabbage, onion, carrots and turkey kielbasa in the crock pot today and didn't have any cabbage.

Almost time to get ready to go to Water aerobics. Oh... down 1 1/2 lb this week. Not much, but at least progress in the right direction.

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Good morning, YAWN!!! I hardly slept last night. As we were going to bed, DD called and was on her way to hospital with contractions that had gotten pretty bad and moved to her back. Dr told her to go in. She was having strong ones every 4 minutes and lighter ones in between and started to dialate internally as well as externally??? Anway they gave her a shot of something, had her take her RX sooner that she takes every 4 hours and got them to slow down to fewer than 6 and hour and no more dialation so let her go home about 2am. She's home resting now. I wasn't sure if I was going to be catching a flight or not this morning. Her husband has a 3 day weekend and is home with her now.

Not much time to post much else, on my way out to meet my friend for our diet coke/coffee chat at McD's this morning. LOL

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Hello everybody..... yes, its me again.... I'm making it to the computer more... wish it meant I was better, but I'm not.... got my treatment yesterday... Chiro said I really did a number on my shoulder.... my knee was out, too..... when my foot slipped down the second step I must have braced myself with my left arm...... I know I said right in the post before, but it was my left shoulder and knee...... Anyway, more to get over...... I just keep taking pills and being a slug.... I sleep weird, I eat weird, my brain is turning weird...... I'm a mess. The drugs seem to affect my memory now... I forget things so often... All of a sudden I gained about 3 pounds.... Arlene warned me about the Lyrica...... So, sit here doing not much of anything and feeling mostly worthless..... there's my vent for today................... SORRY

Apples, so glad you got rid of that boulder and hope the gravel is done soon.. I'll bet you and DH will have a blast with Eva and Jeff's friends....

Pyhll, congrats on the 1 1/2 pounds..... baby steps get you where you are going, too, just takes a bit longer.....

Lori, hope DD will be okay again... keep us informed

Laura, nice to hear about your morning.... and sorry to hear about your friend's loss... I'm sure you will be doing your "Laura" thing to help her when you can.....

Joyce, you are going to Tucson, too...... pick me up on the way!!!! Oh dang, suppose you are flying......

Arlene are you flying around helping everyone today????? take care of yourself, too.. You, too, Linda..... so much going on for you, too..... Sure is good that Ayla has you.....

Kelly, good luck with the new semester........

Janet, sure you are busy getting ready for Jodi and Dassi's visit.. have fun...

Everyone else, I'm hoping all is well.......

My shoulders are hurting so time for a pain pill..... I made it to after 4:00 today,.... usually need my first one by 3:00...... Take care everybody... have a nice weekend...... Don't know what we will do... Have been doing a lot of staying home lately..... I'm not a fun date...... Love you........ Julie

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Good Morning Gang! I thought I would check in so the thread would keep flowing. The cold front had kicked in my Fibromyalgia. I am hurting all over this morning, but I gotta keep moving. That is the only way I can get some relief. I am getting ready to go to my DGS's basketball game this morning then babysitting DGDS for a couple of hours. I will go take care of my mother tomorrow. My DS and I have been sharing that task, but her FIL died yesterday so she will be tied up for a while. Her FIL was also my neighbor in the small town I lived in for almost 30 years. I will be going to the funeral.

Julie, after you get used to the medication your head should clear. Don't forget to journal your food. I think those meds cause Water weight. I know muscle relaxers do that to me. Take care!

Lori, How is DD? I know that must be so scary for her and you. Prayers!.......she is on my list.

Janet, Jodi, and Phyl........party down! Wish I was there.

Eva and Apples, I guess you are sightseeing.......wish I was there too.

I am on the CHEW CHEW today. I ate out too many times this past week.

Melissa, is it there? BRRRRR!!!

Joyce, I saw on the weather report you are really getting the snow. Take care!

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Cold front is here too! After 53 years, the cold is starting to get to me.

The good news is that I went out to dinner last night with DH. Dad is at my sisters, I called her and told her if she really wanted to help me out she would take him this weekend and give me a break. The bad news is that I went out to dinner last night. UGGGGH, It was so good to be out and the food was excellent so I ate too much. Nothing terrible but enough to negate my good eating for the week. We went to a Cuban restaurant we haven't been to before. Very good. Off to exercise and try to make up for last night.

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Good Morning Gang! I thought I would check in so the thread would keep flowing. The cold front had kicked in my Fibromyalgia. I am hurting all over this morning, but I gotta keep moving. That is the only way I can get some relief. I am getting ready to go to my DGS's basketball game this morning then babysitting DGDS for a couple of hours. I will go take care of my mother tomorrow. My DS and I have been sharing that task, but her FIL died yesterday so she will be tied up for a while. Her FIL was also my neighbor in the small town I lived in for almost 30 years. I will be going to the funeral.

Melissa, is it there? BRRRRR!!!

Arlene - it is 47 degrees now but supposed to low of 27 but rain comes Monday we will see.

So good news with the diabetes Dr she said that if I lose my insurance it will only cost $30 to see her and the educator and also they are switching me to generic meds. I found out there is a liquid metformin I can take, whihc will help since I can't take the horse pill. Anyways wanted to say a quick hi. So Hi everyone hope you all have a good day

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One day - sorry I can't remember everybody's real name. I have insurance and my doctor keeps me on metformin. It is inexpensive as far as meds go and she says it can help to lose weight where some diabetic meds put pounds on. Plus it has been around or years. Some of the newer meds have been found to cause serious side effects after they are on the market a while. I have found Walmart is the least expensive on the metformin, I am so glad she is willng to work with you on this.

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One day - sorry I can't remember everybody's real name. I have insurance and my doctor keeps me on metformin. It is inexpensive as far as meds go and she says it can help to lose weight where some diabetic meds put pounds on. Plus it has been around or years. Some of the newer meds have been found to cause serious side effects after they are on the market a while. I have found Walmart is the least expensive on the metformin, I am so glad she is willng to work with you on this.

My real name is Melissa but One Day is find. For awhile I could not be on any oral meds due to a liver issue I have. But now I can take them. Since I work at Sams I get the discount so I have moved all my scripts there

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Morning everyone. Phyl, congrats on the weight - that's great news!!! Congrats. I see from the pics on FB that it looks like the groomer never showed up -- Earl was bathing the baby??? LOL. She didn't look thrilled.

Hope Jodi, Dassi, you and Janet have a great time today/tonight - will be thinking of you.

Well my computer says it's 19 but it sure feels colder than that. I am ready for spring. My left hand is all crampy this morning - I always have weird stuff going on. Yesterday I had a pain all day in my left side - think it must have been gas - but lasted all day. LOL.

Julie, Lyrica will definitely make you gain weight -- I gained 20 lbs. on it when I tried it (pre band). It did help with pain, but I was constantly hungry-- try to stick strictly to the lap band diet while you're on it and see if that will help you not gain weight. If it helps with your pain, it will be worth all the trouble.

Nothing new here to report -- Aylah is doing fine -- we are having a great time together.

Arelene, sorry to hear about your DS FIL - always something. HOpe your mom is doign okay - you're right about moving een with the fm flaring up -- I have learned that I hurt no worse if I exercise -- it's the same so I might as well exercise cause I'm less stiff.

Lori, haven't heard from you -- hope everything is okay with DD and baby -- getting close now and you'll soon be a grandma!! So exciting!!

Sandy, glad you enjoyed your dinner and good for you on telling your sister to give you a weekend off. You need that! I've never been to a Cuban restaurant - sounds yum. I love Brazilian food - is it similar to that?

Apples and Eva -- have a great time this weekend - how was the FSC? Bet it was fun!! Brownies sound good -- haven't had one of those in two years -- lol.

LauraK - hope you enjoy a relaxing weekend - any new dates?

Laura, sorry about your gf's FIL. That's way too young. Glad you enjoyed your time at work this week. I bet your patients love you!

Kelly, good luck with school and by the way, you are a BABY!! Turning 50 is so young!! Celebrate it -- my mother always said her life didn't begin until she turned 50 -so just think of all the good things to look forward to!!

I love FB - I've reconnected with several friends and then those friends have reconnected me to some others -- people I haven't been in contact with for about 20 years -- I really do love it. I don't know how the heck we ever lived without our computers!!

Well, gotta get going. It's so cold I'm thinking of just staying home to exercise -- I'm sick of being out in this weather. Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Chris - hope you are doing okay -- did you get back yet?

Jessica -- hope you're enjoying you're DB and DF's visit.

Cheri - what are your big plans for the weekend? More babysitting?

Love you all


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Good Morning Gang...

Had a great day shopping yesterday - My gf got some stuff from Coldwater - I got a nice sweater for $12 most likely won't be wearing it till next winter.. Sorry peeps but our weather is beautiful ... They opened a Chico outlet !!!! I bought 1 hoodie and 5 tops and a pair of white jeans and a belt !!! Saved $80 - but still spent too much - but paid for most of purchase w/$$$ boss gave me at Christmas - so not that much out of my pocket.. My gf did good too..

Had a lot of fun - but oh my legs were so sore from work out on Wed - I didn't think I had worked out that hard but by the time we left the Outlets my legs were killing me - when I got home took some liquid tyenol - rubbed aspercreme on them and vegged - I was pooped - lunch was Ice cream LOL

I just heard on news cold front for most of you -

Today - 79° - Tomorrow 77 - Next week 80's Pefect weather for Jodi's visit..

Julie Hugs on your pain

Sandy - it's normal to eat out occasionally and indulge ;0) just not 24/7 365 like we use to do - Just like yesterday - I chose to eat Ice Cream for lunch (it's great being a grown up) had a lite dinner..

Lori - Hugs & Prayers for DD

Linda - Just getting dressed for that weather ... I would stay home too.. How's Katie

Phyl - I guess you won't be using that lady again - I wouldn't nothing pisses me off more than making an appointment and it not being kept

Hell you might be retired but doesn't mean you are sitting around doing nothing all day long - your time is valuable too..

Buy the time I got home last night after sundown - didn't call Jodi - but had email from her - hopefully she can sneak a read w/o Dassi seeing..

Andrew cleaned yesterday - so today I need to do my wash and go get some veggies for dinner - Jodi bringing fish.. Phyl brining wine ;0)

Apples & Eva must be having a great time ;0) - I bet Apples is really enjoying weather

Melissa - good news about meds...

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Linda, I don't know if Cuban is like Brazilian because I have never had Brazilian. Hmmm, something new to try.

I did my new DVD this morning. Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. I did level one which was the beginner level. I may give level two a try tomorrow. Level one felt comfortable but my trainer told me I should reach just above comfort, so I will give it a try.:blink: I did get a good workout though - all sweaty and heavy breathing. Ycks, that almost sounds dirty.:D

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Wow this is the quietest I think this board has ever been.

DD is doing fine, only 2 contractions last night. She's home and resting. She hits 33 weeks today. At 35 they will take her off the RX that is limiting the contractions and allow her to go into labor if she does. Of course, the doc said she could still go full term at that point too. So we are just in wait and see mode. Trying to talk DH into going to Denver this week on Thurs instead of Friday to have an extra day there. He's such a workaholic that I'm trying to turn it to work related for him. LOL

Don't think Cuban and Brazillian food are similar from what I've had of either. But that isn't much.

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Sandy, I'm on metformin too, but I only take 1/2 of the proscribed does and my A1C numbers were 5.7 so the doctor is really happy with that. As far as the TT I think you should talk to a doctor or two and see what they have to say. Since I'm not even close to that, getting a professional opinion would be necessary to making that decision. I think you need to do what you are comfortable with, but if you are planning on losing more weight, you should wait....otherwise you have more lose skin issues.

Sorry, I've been negligent here again. My sister showed up Thursday after class and we ended up going out to dinner at a very nice Mexican Restaurant that has been written up in most of the major culinary magazines. Of course I couldn't eat all of my dinner and I'm making 4 meals out of it. Just finished the fish and it was delicious. Then yesterday we took Apples shopping. That was fun and I spent money too. Took her to LeeLee which is an oriental market that is amazing. Don't know what 95% of the stuff in there is, but it's always interesting to look. They also have a great selection of weird fruit and veggies.

FNSC went well. Apples brownies were a hit and both her and her DH seemed comfortable with my friends. I know my friends enjoyed them.

We stayed out too late again and when I got home, my dog had been sick in the house and I didn't see it until after I stepped in it, so not only did the dog track sh*& all over the house, so did I. The other problem which started yesterday is my drains are plugged. Really plugged so I can't run any Water. Had to call the plumber and he just got here, so I need to go babysit the plumber.


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Hi all. Just vegging this weekend. So cold out. Hot bubble bath this morning. Am reading second book for the day. Got a bit of a frog in my throat. Makes me sound like Suzanne Pleshette. Anyone remember her?

I agreed to write an article about the deaths of Joi and Mikey and the impact on the school for our school newsletter. I may attempt to start that this weekend. I'm already thinking about it. I am still constantly telling my students I love them. So glad i can give them hugs and let them hug me. Couldn't do it if I was in a public school. I still see heartbreaking messages to Joi and Mikey on FB from my students.

One of the teacher's commented during devotions on Thursday that Elizabeth Kubler Ross had it wrong. Grief doesn't come in stages, it comes in waves, and you'll never know when it's going to hit. He was Joi and Mikey's teacher last year. He talked about how he cried like a baby as he was waving good-bye to his grandchildren who were on their way back to Michigan after a weekend visit. The reality is, you never know if you'll ever see those babies again.

For all of you with children and grandchildren, biological or "adopted," hug those babies and tell them you love them.


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Hey everyone~

Lazy day today around here. Cold & rainy front came in. My son actually let us sleep until 830. That NEVER happens. : ) I left a note on the counter for him to feed the cats and have muffins and a juice box for Breakfast. He was so darn proud of himself! We were supposed to go to the Italian festival. Probably good that it was rainy and I didn't feel like going. We would have ate too much anyways. : ) We wanted to go out to dinner tonight but both of our favorite restaurants are booked! only times for reservations are 4 or 830! WTF? I HATE this time of year when all the snowbirds are here. sigh. I really want a bumper sticker that says IF IT'S SNOWBIRD SEASON, DOES THAT MEAN WE CAN SHOOT THEM? <hehehe> kidding of course.

Lori~ Sorry you didn't sleep. How is DD? I am glad the contractions are slowing down. yes, the external dilation can be felt by the practitioner's hands and internally they can check that on ultrasound. I am sure she is nervous and that doesn't help things. I pray the bun stays in the oven a little longer. hugs

Eva~ sorry about coming home to the mess. yuck. $hit happens. Literally. I would be a millionaire if I got a dime for everytime I stepped in one of my cats PB hairballs! The one downfall to oriental rugs- can't see crap. Glad you guys had fun together.

Julie~ Sorry to hear about all your pain. All the side effects you are reporting with the narcotics is so common. They can really change a person. I wish you could go back to the pain mgt dr. seems you had relief albeit temporary from the steroid epidural. I think you need a series of 3. IMHO. Lifelong narcotics are not the answer. As you are seeing you are building up a tolerance and needing more and more. One ends up taking them to not feel "sick"- but after a while they stop actually giving relief. I so wish for you a life without constant pain.

Sandy~ I agree with Janet. Have to allow for treats now and again. Cuban and Brazilian foods are somewhat similar. They both are big on blackbeans and rice. Brazilian food has much more variety b/c of how big and various the country is. If you are near the beach - you have one kind of food and near the mountains- another. Brazilian has much more meat (beef, lamb and goat) and Cuban- more chicken and seafood. Spices are different too. Brazilian used a lot of yucca/mandioca. The food you find in the US vs. in the actual countries is night and day. I am hungry just talking about this.

Cheri~ I couldn't agree with you more about grief coming in waves rather than stages. I have watched my family all go through the different stages at different times and different degrees and even combinations. It's a complex topic and varies from culture and family. I know that sudden vs long term illness is so different. I wish for you the strength and wisdom to write the article. I know you can do it- but it will likely take a lot out of you to do it. It opens wounds when putting your heart into something like that. hugs.

Janet~ WTG on the shopping! You make me laugh on eating icecream for lunch! I have done that before. Sometimes if I want dessert- i just have dessert b/c I know I can't have a meal and dessert. Last night Nels was in the mood to make cupcakes. He claimed it was one of our cat's birthdays..LOL. The mix was enough for 24 but I made 6 and dumped the rest down the drain. Same with the icing. I didn't want to deny him the treat but knew it would be too much of a temptation for me.

hi to everyone else. a little person is wanting my attention and i better go. : )

have a great rest of the weekend! Lori, keep us updated!!! keeping your DGD in our thoughts and prayers.


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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
      · 2 replies
      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

        Compassion goes a long way :)

      2. BabySpoons

        Seems it would be more compassionate not to perform a WLS on someone until they are mentally ready for it. Unless of course they are on death's door...

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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    • Stone Art By SKL

      Decorative Wall Cladding & Panels | Stone Art By SKL
      Elevate your space with Stone Art By SKL's decorative wall claddings & panels. Explore premium designs for timeless elegance.
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