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Hey All. Nice to hear from you, Phyll...beading...sounds relaxing. We got just a bit of wind today but felt good. You talking about your Water arobics brings up a funny thing that has gone through my mind the last couple of mornings. DH and I and Tanker go on a pretty good walk every morning. Well, in order to get out of our little village, we have to pass by the community center and the pool is off in the distance. I told DH this morning that I'd be yelling back at the "B" that is heading up that Water arobics...she SCREAMS. It just wouldn't bring the peace to my life that I need. Happy I am not enrolled in her class.

I am dying with this stone. Have not had such a tough one since we were in FL a year ago. DH wanted to head to ER but I think it is moving...at least I hope it is. Cold sweats, hot sweats, laying on the cold tile floor. Just wanting to die a couple of times today. Just my life with stones. Have been fortunate the last few months without them, but my specialist warned me I had a big one that might "fall off the tree". Guess it's just what I have been "gifted" with. Poor DH...he doesn't know what to do and he has been hovering all day. I am not the type of person that does well with a hoverer....good intentions...trying to pass so I can sleep. This really sucks. My gripe for today.

Eva delivered a "greeen sauce" the other day. I have been putting it on everything and trying to eke it out until she delivers another batch. It is soooooooooo good. I have put it on aspargas, boiled egges, baked potato, scrambled eggs, etc. Eva....will you share the recipe with the group? (and me)...so good. Oh, really good on rice crackers and brie. And, rice crackers and smoked gouda.

Jessica...maybe you just popped that weird peice of cartiledge out that is located in the groin. Do you get tendenidis? Sounds more like that? Did you post a few months ago that you had a groin injury? Maybe putting too much pressure on one are when you work out or run? Just a thought. Repitition just doesn't work for some ppl.

OK...going to go get in a hot bath and see if it helps this along. My goal is to sleep tonight and be able to take my two on their walk tomorrow. DH has such a tough time (very active guy but short legs). He has a tough time keeping up with me (34-36 inch inseam). He's on a dead run most of the time. Good workout for him and I am thinking most of the time that he could speed up a little. Poor DH. Tanker likes my pace better. Never pulls the leash with me but is continuously pulling with DH.

Good night to all. Sleep tight. Love to all. Prayers I pass this awful sharp thing and that it does not end up in the "V" of my double ureter.

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Morning everyone. Apples, hope the stone has passed -- I have a friend who passed a huge one yesterday - she took a picture of it next to her diamond ring - not something I would want to pass. She was in the hospital at the time -- I think it was her 4th one in the last two weeks. Thinking of you this morning and hoping all is well and you can go on your walk.

Speaking of Tucson, very good news that Congresswoman Gabby is going to a rehab soon - wow -- so happy she is doing so well.

Well, DH was in Katie's hopsital room yesterday when her doctor arrived and she gave permission for him to speak in front of her dad. I have been right all along in that it is a drug problem - she's been smoking mj as well as taking prescription drugs without prescription -- can't remember the names -- several - he said the problem is that when you take them recreationally and then stop suddenly (unlike if you were prescribed with them -- the doctor would never stop them suddenly - always weans patients off them) it does cause nausea and other problems. She was screaming and denying this all during the time the doctor was talking. The doctor said they can't do anything to help her -- no doctor or hospital can help her because she is and has been abusing these drugs and until she stops them she will not get better and if she doesn't stop soon the prognosis is death because her body and immune system is so weakened by not taking care of her diabetes and drug abuse. He was going to release her! So DH told him that she has recetnly threatened suicide and "wishing to die" thoughts and so the doctor (thank God) called the psych nurse and they admitted her to psych care. So all we are doing now is praying they can do something with her/for her. If they would keep her 30 to 60 days and get her off the drugs or send her to a rehab. Not sure they will though. Not sure if psych dept will "mandatorily report" anything -- in many ways I hope they do. We have Aylah and of course are willing, able and ready to raise her. I do need to get Katie to sign some papers. So that's the latest -- I have been right in my mother's intuition all along - but wishing and hoping I was wrong.

Jessica, hugs on the possible break - maybe it's just a tendon problem which will get better with rest -sorry that happened. Have fun with DB and your DF -- how long are they staying. As for your MIL -- wow - you'd think she'd be wanting your support -- all you can do with people like that is be there for them when they ask for help. She should be hoping she can do as well as you have!

Eva, enjoy those classes -- love love love writing classes -- you'll have a great time.

Melissa - has Atlanta gotten back to normal? It's below zero here this a.m. and not supposed to get very warm -- I think 10 above for a high today. Yuck.

Arlene, hope you have a good day and feel better.

Great -- yes I watched BL - I felt the same way -- but at least he did okay at home.

Well, gotta get to Water aerobics.



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On my way to work.. so fly by. Thanks for the concern. I was on liquids yesterday and feel better today. Also nothing to drink or eat after 7. That is key for me.

Apples~ hope you pass the boulder soon! OUCH. I have never have one but seen grown men cry, vomit and have nose bleeds from the pain. You are a tough cookie and if you are hurting I know it is BAD. Hugs.

I have to run... running late. I HATE running late. Not enough time in the day sometimes. : )


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Good Morning Gang! I am not going to Water aerobics. I will walk. This stupid thumb of mine was popping back and forth all night long. Weird. I will go to the dr after my mother is better.

Apples, don't hesitate to go to a doctor today. You might need to get an x-ray to see if you can pass it. My DS had to get one crushed to pass it. Prayers and HUGS for you today.

Laura......glad you are better today. I try not to eat after 7. If I eat late my DH said I snore.

Jessica......sounds like a painful injury. I hope a few days rest will be all you need. HUGS!

Linda.....So glad DH got to speak to the doctor. So sorry you have to keep going through all the crisis. I know Aylah feels safe with you. Prayers and HUGS!

Lori... How is your DD?

Sndy....How is dad?

Tx......the band still working for you?

Janet.....got a computer yet?

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Hi All, Thank you for the comps on my new pic. My DS took it for me last week.

I am struggling right now with the munchies. As you all know I quit smoking Aug 31 with the help of Chantix pills. I have been off them for a couple of weeks and I am about gnawing my fingers off. Which I should be doing instead of grabbing food. So I am up a few pounds which now makes me about 24 lbs from my goal. I was below the goal my DR set but not to my goal. Body imagine issues also. I still see the fat. I know I am also bored and that is fueling the feelings about smoking. Got to get my head wrapped around the fight with both/all issues and get on with it. Back to the basics. I am not eating carbs mostly Protein, a lot of nuts, cheese that adds fat and increases the calorie count. I am not walking as much but doing yoga 2x a week. My plan is to be more consistant with my treadmill until I can get outside. I hate winter.

Apples, Jessica, Julie, hugs on the medical issues.

Eva, great for you on taking classes, I think that's what I need to do go learn something to get my mind unbored.

Arlene and Laura, you guys are so busy with everyone else you don't have time for yourself.

Cheri, good use of the money getting the whole family involved will keep the kids involved in school and keep them safer.

Ok back to work.


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Good morning. Drats I missed the trash truck this morning. I forget it comes on Thurs. mornings here, I am so used to Friday mornings in Denver and even before that in Delaware. I did get the recylce container out in time though. DH is gone and he usually takes care of that. He should be home tonight.

Phyl, I don't think travel is that big a hassle. I got my ziploc bag of liquids all packed and ready to go always and usually do carryon unless I am going some place for longer than a couple days or some place like Hawaii where I have to check bigger than 3 oz containers of liquids (like sunscreen). My biggest hassle is whether or not I am going to get a seat, but get used to that too and plan pretty good. I thought it was almost a bigger hassle when we drove to Denver for Thanksgiving, packing the car, roads, rest stops, car maintainance, car door breaking, etc. Maybe I just like to travel too much. LOL It's always been a passion of mine. AS you can tell by my travels.

Apples, pass that stone yet? Hope it passes soon or maybe you should listen to DH and go to ER? Not sure what they do for ya there though to make you pass it. Sounds awful.

Linda, hope Katie gets the help she needs, but unfortunately unless she's will to get the help or listen to it, it won't help. Praying she has hit her bottom and thinks of her child and takes the steps necessary.

Arlene, glad you are feeling better.

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LauraK, sorry you are struggling. I was there last fall as well. Have you tried the Laughing Cow light cheese? It's saving me - 35 calories and 1.5 grams fat per wedge -- very creamy - cream cheese consistency - they have about 4 flavors - my favorite is garlic/herb. Think they have a blue cheese, swiss and Tomato flavor. I like the swiss one too. Smoking is such a hard addiction to quit -- I was on the gum for many years but finally stopped that as well -- so I know how tough it is. Have you tried the new dessert gum? I do like it -- especially the chocolate mint flavored one - it really seems to help me not crave sweets. Hugs to you and hope winter is short for us -- frigid here today and supposed to be colder tonight/tomorrow.

Gotta get back to work.

Apples, hope it passes and you feel better. Hugs!!

Love you all.


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Laura -- I keep forgetting to tell you how fabulous you look -- wow -- you are HALF the size - what a great side by side that is. So proud of you!!!


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No such luck yet on the passing. Long night and needed help getting up this morning. Wanted to keep hydrated so sat and drank liquids for an hour and now thinking of the bed again. Arlene....I am so used to these things....just a part of my life. I have had them crushed, grabbed with a basket numerous times and had to have them surgically removed. I will keep an eye on what is happening and if I think it is not moving (which I think it is moving) I would go in. They have been in my life since 1994 and the worst part is that I passed these onto my boys. I just call it "Life Interruptus" and happy and relieved when they pass and then get back at life.

Linda...sounds like DSD is not quite ready to admit to her problems and is trying to put on a false front with her docs. Maybe being in the psych ward with push her to come clean with it. Hugs. I know this is tough for you. Just give Aylah some extra hugs and focus on her to keep your mind off of what Katie is doing to herself. Really tough stuff for parents.

Laura...happy you are somewaht better today. LauraK..sorry about the munching issues.

Back to bed for a few hours or until I see some action with this thing. Feel like my body is being turned inside out. Whine.

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Morning...... I'm hurting pretty bad right now, but this is my own fault... Got up in the middle of the night to the bathroom... When heading back to bed I missed the last step....(5 steps down to my bedroom from main floor)... My right foot just slipped and went down 2 steps at once... Well, my right knee and shoulder took all the weight..... Both started hurting right away... knee is bearable, but the shoulder is not good.... I have appt with chiropractor this afternoon.... Dang it all......... Just when I'm hoping for so movement in the right direction I go and do something stupid.... makes me so mad.....

Apples, hope your stone has passed during the night... Never experienced that, but I know pain when I feel it!!!!!

Laura, glad you are doing better... Laura K., you've done so well and you will get this too..... Just may take a bit more time... good luck and WTG on giving up the cigarettes... My DH has been trying to do that for many years without success...

Arlene, hope that FM doesn't get you today..... How long should I expect to wait before I know if this Lyrica is helping??? Do you know?? I forgot to ask doctor....

Linda, so glad your DH was there when the doctor came in ... maybe she will finally get the help she really needs..... We'll pray that good things start to happen there... You take care...

Well, Laromi will be here soon, so I'd better try to get a couple things done first..... DH had to go to dr today..... for his shoulder.... His first appt... they asked permission from our insurance for an MRI and got it immediately so he had the MRI today, too........ Why did I have to wait months????? Go figure.... I'm glad for him....

Take care everybody.... Hugs to all.......all you ailing gals get better soon... Love you all................ Julie

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Hi guys.

Apples~ Still rooting for a delivery! You may have to name this one! (and might need an epidural!) Hugs.

Julie~ sorry about the fall. Need to be so careful with stairs and pain medication. Actually one of the number one causes of falls. May need to get xrays and make sure nothing is fractured.

Linda~ Thanks : ) So nice of you to notice. Don't work too hard. ; )

I just got back from work and had such a beautiful morning. It's nice to be in a place where everyone is glad to have you there- from patients to nurses. Even the other NPs have started realizing that I am not in competition with them. I really made a difference in a couple people's lives today. Can't save the whole world- but if you can just be kind to a few. Imagine if everyone did that. (I am starting to sound like Oprah).

I need to get house work done now. I am thinking of making a stew for dinner, but it's warm outside and it gets me out of the mood. Sigh. I am switching to mushies today. I am starting to feel better- no more acid reflux. Only took my prilosec once yesterday and was fine last night. I just cannot eat past 7, period.

I will CBL...peasout..Laura

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Laura - You rock it GF - Love the side/by/side picture showing your marvelous success. And look at that smile. You look wonderful.

Linda - sorry for all the issues with DSD. How luck Aylah is to have you. And thank you for the post. Boy, did it ever hit home with me.

Hello to everyone.

7 inches of new snow here yesterday and last night. Plan to stay in and pack today for Tucson, leaving on Monday.

Still working out at the gym 3 days a week and have a trainer on 2 of those days. Weight is staying under 200, which is nice. Baby steps.

Time to shower and get started.

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Linda, I am glad that DH was there to hear what the doctor had to say and to provide his input. Hopefully, she will clearly see what needs to be done. If she doesn't I am glad that Aylah has you and DH to care for her. This may be too personal of a question but is her father in the picture? I am just curious and you don't need to answer if you don't want to. I wholeheartedly wish you the best.

Jessica, Any news on your possible break?

Arlene, Dad is doing better. He is not back to where he was but he is progressing. It sounds like you have your hands full with your Mom. I hope that at some point we can get back to normal, whatever that is.

I had my new TRX exercise class last night. I was very proud, I was able to do about 80% of the exercises and I am sure that I will be able to do all of them in the next month or so. This class was described as being for very fit individuals. It is still hard sometimes to realize where I am and that I am now considered very fit. Ha, who would a thunk it?

I called and made an appointment for a consult with a plastic surgeon to find out about a Tummy Tuck. I would like to get information about the surgery and find out if I need to lose the last 20 pounds before I proceed. I have my sights on 170 and have gotten down to 190 this last week. I am kind of looking at this like a fact finding mission. Have any of you had one? If you don't want to post a reply I would appreciate a private message on your experience. My appointment is on the 4th so I should know more later.

Apples, I hope you feel better soon. Can you take any pain medicines while this is happening?

Julie, take care.

Joyce, way to go on the weight. I know you were thinking about changing doctors, did you go through with it?

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Melissa - has Atlanta gotten back to normal? It's below zero here this a.m. and not supposed to get very warm -- I think 10 above for a high today. Yuck.



Weather has cleared up. The sun was out yesterday and people were making comments as to what the bright round thing in the sky was LOL. Anyways supposed to get snow or sleet again tonight and then some tomorrow or this weekend. As long as it is not as bad as last time I will do fine.

Morning...... I'm hurting pretty bad right now, but this is my own fault... Got up in the middle of the night to the bathroom... When heading back to bed I missed the last step....(5 steps down to my bedroom from main floor)... My right foot just slipped and went down 2 steps at once... Well, my right knee and shoulder took all the weight..... Both started hurting right away... knee is bearable, but the shoulder is not good.... I have appt with chiropractor this afternoon.... Dang it all......... Just when I'm hoping for so movement in the right direction I go and do something stupid.... makes me so mad.....

Take care everybody.... Hugs to all.......all you ailing gals get better soon... Love you all................ Julie

Julie - I hope your Chrio can help you out. Hang in there it will get better.

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I called and made an appointment for a consult with a plastic surgeon to find out about a Tummy Tuck. I would like to get information about the surgery and find out if I need to lose the last 20 pounds before I proceed. I have my sights on 170 and have gotten down to 190 this last week. I am kind of looking at this like a fact finding mission. Have any of you had one? If you don't want to post a reply I would appreciate a private message on your experience. My appointment is on the 4th so I should know more later.

I haven't had surgery but I have had the opportunity to talk to several plastic surgeons and several people that have had it done post WLS or even weight loss without surgery. The consensus from most surgeons is a rule of thumb is to lose weight at least to 10% near goal and maintain that weight for at least a year (though some said 2 years). The reason being that many lose weight but fail to keep it off. If you are going to gain it back, it is pointless to have the surgery. (with exceptions being panniculectomy or other surgeries that improve mobility but are not necessarily done for purely cosmetic reasons.) The reason many say you don't necessarily have to be at goal weight it that some people have up to 10 lbs of excess skin/fat that actually gets cut off. It varies from person to person of course. I would make sure and have at least 3 consultations and see what each one says. If you get the same answer, then you can feel more comfortable with your choice. My DH has told me repeatedly that I could get it if/when the time is right. I still have more weight to lose, then would need to keep it off. Let us know how the appt goes!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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