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Good evening. WEnt to Denver this morning and am back tonight. Had a good day with Grandma. Took her to Walmart, the Dollar store, lunch and Walgreens, all very important stops to her and I balanced her checkbook and went through some tax stuff so very productive day. Both my kids picked me up at the airport so I got to spend the day with them too. Got into a little disagreement with DS so after we brought Grandma home we went to McD's and had a mocha (him) diet coke (me) and talked things through. All is good. I am exhausted though, gotta get up at 4 to make that flight and then go all day. Gonna sit down and watch Biggest Loser tonight.

Oh I did do some googling on Seasonal Affect Disorder, nope don't think that is me. It listed depressiong, hopelessness, over sleeping, social withdrawal, etc. as symptoms. I just get sick of inversions and get real spring fever. I do take high doses of Vitamin D (RX strength).

Jewel, what is a mini bypass? good luck with the new doc.

Linda, any word on the ultrasound yet?

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Hey just driving by. Beep Beep I wanted to say hi. I work 7-3 tomorrow I thing I will weight tomorrow to see where I am at. I hope everyone is doing well talk to you all tomorrow.

Cheri - Thanks for the info from the 5 day site.

Apples - I just thought you were all knowing :)

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Linda, loved the info.

Laura K, great avatar pic.

Jessica, I'm glad you're trying out a new Dr. Your old one always puts you in a tizzy. Donkey's Rearend is too good a name for him.

We've had people coming to the school to pray for the school with all that's happened. An old friend of mne who is now a chaplain came with a group of pastors she'd invited and read the following Franciscan Blessing. Brought tears to my eyes as it was exactly what I needed to remind me why I do what I do.

May God bless you with discomfort at easy answers, half truths, and superficial relationships, so that you may live deep within your heart. May God bless you with anger at injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people, so that you may work for justice, freedom, and peace. May God bless you with tears to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation, and war, so that you may reach out your hand to comfort them and to turn their pain to joy. And may jGod bless you with enough foolishness to believe that you can make a diffrence in this world, so that you can do what others claim cannot be done. Amen.


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Lost a long post...I am going to PM Alex again. I have noticed such a change in posting on threads and not many new threads. I think he is losing ppl left and right because of the fact that this site is sucky.

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Back from the gym - boot camp tonite - had a great work out...

Mini bypass=sleeve??? Jewel just smile and change the subject ..

Apples - The newbie here are really unorganized - were when I was a newbie 4 yrs ago - we pretty much stuck to our Lucky #7 thread - or the 50's thread where there were experienced banders - now they just post the same thing over and over again and don't look for thread with the same subject - and I do find alot of new threads - but I noticed last week the rants and raves have slowed way down - there are alot of newbies out there -but I don't see as much action like there use to be..

I find if I clear my cache every so often it helps. I lost my post this afternoon cuz of me - not the site.. mouse went up to the top and hit closed

Operator error ;0)

Not much to report - time to hit the couch ...

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Just got back from the gym and took a shower. I've decided that I like what I used to like, and that is going at night time. Whatever works, right? I did 45 min on the recumbant bicycle, 15 min on treadmill, planks, and arms. Feels good.

Food for the day:

BF~ Slim Fast

Snack~ laughing cow cheese

Lunch~ "Taco Salad" no chips or shell or anything, just lots of lettuce, gr beef, Tomato, black olives, 1/4 c. lf shredded cheddar cheese, lf sour cream, ortega taco sauce.

Dinner~ Small slice of meat loaf

Snack~ Grapes

Cals for the day= 894

Apples~ I agree, this site is "sucky" now. Let them know we are NOT pleased!

Night all~ Meredith

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Hey all,

Just wanted to say hello and that I've found everything you all say very helpful. I appreciate it! I was banded 4 months ago and am struggling with getting into some sort of weight loss groove and finding out just exactly what my eating issues actually are. It's not fun to realize I'm not fat just because I like to eat.... but because I have an unhealthy relationship with food that is made even more unhealthy with the chaos that I live in constantly. I'm excited to get to know more of you and I thought I would post this in the "buddies/mentors" section because I could always use a mentor or buddy!!

Thanks for 'listening'!


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Hi Kimmie and welcome -- sounds like you are doing the hard work -- the head work which is so important in this weight loss journey. Feel fee to tell us more about yourself and hang out a bit -- lots of good information on this site - many of us have been here for awhile and have gotten to be good friends with each other. You're welcome to join in and be our newest friend.

Meredith -- good going on the exercise -- you're right of course, to do it when you like to do it -- with my new schedule I can now exercise after work a couple nights a week and it's great not to have to get up at 5 every morning. I am doing deep Water aerobics on Tues./Thurs. at 6 a.m., but I love it so much I don't mind getting up early on those days.

Apples/Janet sorry your lost your posts -- miss you both. What I miss most about this site is the ability to post pics cause I'm too dumb to figure it out. It used to be much easier.

No word yet on the ultrasound. I think he got the results yesterday so if I don't hear anything today I'll "assume" I'm not in any imminent danger and will see him on Feb. 4 for my follow up. So that's good news I think.

Katie was transported to Iowa City hospital yesterday afternoon - hopefully they will get her whatever help (mental or rehab) that she needs. Because she is 27 the doctors are not allowed to disclose her medical conditions to us without her permission. We really are in the dark - all we can do at this point is pray that she will overcome whatever is truly wrong with her. The doctors here have just given up on her -- they refused to treat her last week and when she went to the ER yesterday they transported her to Iowa City (about 90 miles away). Let's just hope they keep her and do something for her.

Gotta get going and get to work - have to do Aylah's hair, etc. Busy busy.

Have agreat Hump Day Everyone!!!


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Good Morning! I did not lose this week, but I am not discouraged. I haven't done my walking which is a big help. I hope to get one in today. I am off to do my mother's laundry and whatever she needs. She will be in rehab for at least another 10 days. She is doing much better, but still stubborn about ideas such as getting rid of a lot of her clothes and furniture. GRRRRRR!!! Focus.......One day at a time.

Later peeps!

Welcome Kimmie!

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Linda, hugs and prayers for you and your family. I know this is hard on all of you. Hope she is strong enough to get the help she needs before it is to late.

Kelly, How is school going?

Cheri, that is so nice that the people from the church come and pray for you school. It is amazing that they see the need the kids and the staff and they are trying to help.

Jodi, I met another for coffee last night. Nope not happening. Used one of the lines I told you to use. Thanks but no thanks. Are you on your way to Cali and your Dad's now? Can't remember when you were leaving. Make sure you take lots of pics of Dassi's Bat Mizvah. I think it is so cool to learn about your life.


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Morning ladies,

Linda, sorry about SD, I too hope she finds the help she needs. The self destruction is so sad. Thanks for the article you posted. Always good info.

Arlene, my dog has Valley Fever which is a fungal infection. The fungus lives in the soil here and when it is disturbed it releases the spores which then lodge in people and animal's lungs. Most people will get it and it acts like the flu and most people can fight it. Animals do the same only my dog's immune system doesn't seem to want to fight it. So now she is on pills all the time, two a day, every day. Unlike Apples, she loves her liverwurst. LOL. Glad to hear you are not discouraged....it doesn't help.

LauraK, sounds like you are having fun with the dating thing. Not sure I could handle all the BS that goes with that, but you seem to be thriving. Enjoy.

Meredith, you are a night owl aren't you? I have those tendencies, but have been trying to fight them so I can live a more normal life with DH. I get a lot done in the morning, but only at my own pace.

I've been leaving Apples and her DH alone so they can relax and decide what they want to do...although they are very easy and up for anything. I spent the day writing yesterday beside attending my first class.

I'm taking beginning Spanish, so the teacher walks in and starts speaking Spanish.....duh......but after a little while, I actually could understand some of it. I think I'm going to like her and will continue to take the class for credit. There will be 4 tests and 2 oral presentations. I may be the oldest student, but there is a man that may be of similar age.

Today's class is writing and is this afternoon. We'll see how that goes. I've never taken classes without working also, so this is different for me.

The oven repair guy is supposed to be here this morning, so I got up and cleaned the stove top and took it out (this has to be done to get to the oven). I also cleaned all the edges and the back splash, etc. Never hurts to use these opportunities to give everything a swipe. I'm not sure if this guy is going to show. He sort of blew me off once already so if he doesn't show up this morning, I think I'll call someone else. I need my oven fixed. It's been two weeks already.

The weather has been beautiful again. I've been able to open up the house in the afternoon which is nice, but the house gets dirtier quicker. Oh, well, I am retired.



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Just a semi flyby. Busy busy. Nels started T Ball last night. OMW, how cute. Seeing all those boys and 1 girl on the field was just priceless! He seems to love it. He can throw from 3rd base to 1st base! He can hit pretty hard (on the T) We need to work on catching (normal for this age). I think he's afraid of getting hurt. He HATED the required "cup" for boys. Rearranged it every 15 minutes..LOL.

Well, I had an unexpected visit from TOM yesterday. You know- you can never depend on some people! <wink wink> They show up when they want to. Well he had me bloated and bitchy and face broke out and couldn't sleep and just plain irritated. Well last p.m. I had a Skinny Cow icecream (150c) around 930 pm. Was NOT a good idea. I guess dinner hadn't moved and when I went to bed at 1030 and as soon as I fell asleep 15 min later... the ole skinny cow mixed with acid made it's way into my throat (and possibly my lungs)! I woke up with the most horrible pain and cough. Took an extra prilosec and drank some Water. Then took a dose of my Carafate suspension. Decided to sit in the lazyboy and let gravity do its thing. I felt better, just have a sore throat this morning; but didn't sleep much last p.m. Now today I have no energy and feeling crampy and bloated. If I wasn't so bloated I would go get an unfill, but I think this is temporary. DH suggested liquids for two days- I think it's a good call. I worry that I have slipped a bit b/c I had an UNFILL last and never put any back in. Haven't had a PB in MONTHS, so I have felt restriction was perfect. This too shall pass.

Linda~ thinking of you as you deal with family issues. It's so tough when you are going thr something and can't get all the info. sigh. HUGS.

Meredith~ WTG my little gym rat! I need to catch that fever. I have been walking but haven't been back to the gym. Eating has been good- now need to get MOVING!

Arlene~ Don't worry. Next week will be better. So nice of you to help out your mom!

Eva~ Hola! Como estas? I am so proud of you for taking classes! WTG. Glad you get to spend time with Apples. : )

Janet~ Nice to hear from you. So proud of you for doing bootcamp! The mini bypass is different from the sleeve. The sleeve they just do a vertical stitch to make stomach smaller. The mini actually makes stomach smaller and reattaches the end of stomach to the intesting but doesn't bypass as much intestine. It's relatively new and my guess (haven't read much of the literature) is it will have the same long term problems of bypass (overcoming bypass). But b/c the bypass is much higher, you have less risk of Vitamin def. etc. If you google it, you can see some photos of them. This frickin LBT makes it impossible to post a pic of link now. I just gave up.

Melissa~ can't remember if i wished you a happy bday!

Hi to the rest of you. will write more later. cleaning/laundry/trying to rest. haha. peasout...Laura

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Linda, sorry you have so much to deal with. Is your granddaughter with you?

Eva, I would love to learn spanish. I will have to look into local classes. It would be so much more fun as an adult without the worry of grading.

Laura, I love the new signature. All I can say is WOW!!! You look wonderful. Va va va voom!

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Yipee my oven is fixed. I won't be able to use the self-cleaning function anymore, but that's okay as long as the oven part works. All of my appliances are 10 years old so they just aren't built like they used to be. The little fuse that keeps burning out is very small so $120 later for a very tiny part. I guess we are lucky because they way the kitchen was built, we set the oven on bricks in the opening under the cook top and it can be slid out by one strong person onto some more bricks. This oven is made for a cabinet but DH wouldn't let me put it where I wanted, so no cabinet. I don't think the oven could have been slid out and worked on by one person if it was in a oven cabinet.

The cook top sits on top of the counter and it can be lifted out...I can do that myself because it's not heavy. So the cook top got cleaned, the floor got vacuumed under the oven, and the floor washed. A good day all in all.

Back to more reading and cleaning.

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Sandy, I'm still getting a grade for Spanish...I haven't decided just to audit it. Even though I don't have to care about a grade for a degree, I still have some of that "need to get good grades" going on.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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