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Lori - I agree Kings Speech was an excellent movie. So inspiring.

Sandy - so glad you will have a break with friend in Cancun. I've been there many times - actually stayed on Isla Mujeres twice and then a couple times near Playa del Carmen. The sunshine and relaxation will be great for you. Also will help to have sister experience the difficulties your father is having.

The WL support group I attended yesterday included an hour with the doctor who was discussing the "sleeve" with 3 patients who have been forced to have the band removed due to problems. I would NOT consider it, but found it very interesting and appreciated his professionalism and knowledge.

Karen - sorry about the PB. It has happened to me sooooooo many times. Even when I take small bites and chew, chew, chew......I've learned (for me) that it is that "one last bite".

So excited to hear you are wearing sandals and 72 degree weather there. I'll be there in 8 days - yippee. It's 26 degrees here this morning.

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Jessica, your Dr. sounds like some of the extremely controlling rigid food Nazi's who took over OA around these parts. I do believe we use carbs to take the edge off our emotions; I certainly use carbs to medicate my ADHD. I used them so much I gained 80 extra lbs just so I could sit still and stay in one place. LOL. However, many carbs are low glycemic and fruits and veggies contain flavenoids and micronutrients that are very good for us, and even white potatoes have potassium (if not much else). Unlike alcoholics and drug addicts, we can't just eliminate food from our lives, not even carbs. Frankly, I can eat turkey, one mouthful after the other, until I'm "stuffed." And its not a carb. We do have to be vigilant because we are never "cured" of this disease. But with the help of the band, I can stay on top of it. Knowing my trigger foods I can stay away from them most of the time. And when my food is threatening to get out of control and the weight is coming back I go to the tool that helped me lose weight, which was several days of almost no carb eating followed by a few days of maintenance low carb eating.

And guess what! Exercise takes the edge off our emotions and helps us deal with them. So is that something we shouldn't do in order to fully feel our emotions? Going to church and participating in activities and participating in a community are all supposed to help us stay positive and fight depression and live longer. So should we stop doing that in order to fully feel our feelings? Psychotropic(?) drugs have enabled many people to live much more meaningful lives rather than staying stuck in manic or depressive or paranoid or aggressive or obsessive thinking and feeling. So should we take everyone off those drugs so they can fully feel their feelings? Balderdash! (Great word isn't it?)

Oprah has had every food, lifestyle, and feel your feelings guru on her show and emotes frequently in front of national audiences. She can pay people to manage her food and train her body. Guess what? She still has an eating disorder that keeps her fat.

Let me tell you, most of those food nazi's in OA could have used a little more chocolate in their lives. Maybe they wouldn't have been so nasty. Nasty nazi's. LOL. Some of the most judgemental, controlling, paranoid people I've ever met. They weighed and measured and counted everything, carbs, calories, fat grams. They decided they were allergic to this and to that food and that everyone else must be too. And if you weren't doing things exactly like them then you weren't "sober." You had to have a food sponsor to whom you reported your food, preferably twice a day, and they frequently had spiritual sponsors and program (12 step) sponsors to help them work the steps. Balderdash!

Anyway, your Dr. sounds like he's fallen amongst these theives of common sense and proponants of fuzzy logic. So, that's my rant for the day. LOL. Felt good.


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Hi there, I stayed home from church again today... I wake up so groggy and usually feel like I've had a drunk on...... I really actually feel like an invalid right now.... I didn't even get dressed for 2 days.....just my robe... I sleep late after being up late and take pain meds when I can't stand it anymore.... Then I go into a drug-induced sleep...... wake up when the meds wear off.... I haven't taken anything but Tylenol today yet... I have my tens unit on and also an ice bag....... I can't remember for sure who asked, I think Melissa, but I have had times that are better and I get my hopes up that I've turned a corner only to have it come back and sometimes be even worse than before....... It is an unbelieveable way to live one's life.... I'm sure so many have it worse with incurrable diseases and such....... But it isn't much comfort when I'm hurting so bad I can only cry..... Sorry to have writted all that, but just wanted you all to know just where I an right now....

I'm going to get up and do dishes and get the kitchen cleaned up... DH has had leftovers to live on for a couple days, so took out some chicken and hope to be able to at least make him some decent supper.....

Meredith and Jessica..............ditto what the others have been saying .... you have both done so much and are doing so well...... count you accomplishments often..... I have to do that to stay sane these days..... I'm so proud of you girls..... our babies......

Joyce and Linda, hope your medical issues get taken care of soon.... I don't wish that kind of troubles on anyone..... you guys take care of yourselves...

Arlene, glad things are getting figured out with your mother....... I had a big ordeal with mine and my brothers yesterday... I was having a bad pain attack, but had to stop and solve a problem within the family..... I just noticed that my glasses need cleaning cuz there are tear spots all over the lenses........ But I think I got it worked out.......

Eva and Apples, glad you get to see so much of each other...... Sounds like it is a great situation for everyone.... Apples hope you and DH and Tanker have a great day with FIL........ I'm sure he'll be glad to see you......

We have the subzero weather here, too.... Supposed to be like this for 7-10 days..... Yeah, I love winter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Now you know the meds have taken my sanity!!!!)

Sandy, WTG on saying yes to your friend and going off for some R & R..... You deserve it...... have a great time.....

Well, my dishes await and I need something to eat... Scrambled eggs with cottage cheese sounds okay.... Think I'll go for it.....

You all have a great Sunday..... Love and hugs to all........... Julie

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By the way, if you want to laugh till you can't catch your breath, watch "It's complicated". The scene where Alex Baldwin is lieing in bed naked in front of the computer I literally thought I would die. I had laughed so hard I had no more air in my lungs and had to consciously unclench my stomach muscles to let my diaphragm expand and let in some air, whereupon I proceeded to whoop with more laughter. I'm going to have to watch that one again.


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Hello everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I finally have a couple hours to myself and am so excited. I love being home alone with a quiet house (with just some quiet music on in the background.) DH kindly took Nels to lunch and a movie to give me a "break". No video game noise... No "Mom!" (repeated 100 times)... No banging, drilling or talking. (Had the handyman here the last few days fixing some things). Just so peaceful. I just unpacked DH's suitcase and have laundry running, house semi cleaned up and now some me time to reconnect with my LB buddies. ahhhh. I've missed you all so much.

To Eva and Apples~ So glad you guys are able to hang out together! Apples I know you are enjoying the warm weather- you SO deserve it! Glad the boys are getting along (both DHs and pups). I would give my left arm to be there with you guys. Just love you both. : ) Next happy hour, make a toast and imagine me sitting right there next to you! Apples, have to tell you girl... DH said those socks ROCKED! He said it was night and day compared to his other cotton socks! He even hand washed the first pair he wore so he would have one for each day! (that never happens) He said to thank you again. Eva~ I think that is so cool that you will be taking day classes. I remember having sticker shock when i got my grad school books. We also had to pay for the syllabus for each class! My first semester was $1000 for books. Medical books are ALWAYS expensive. Some are great investments- Anatomy never changes much... but many of them were outdated when they were printed.

Janet~ Hug. I miss you. I know you are having a little bit better weather than even us! We've had this up and down temp thing. Some nights lows in 30 and then 75 in afternoon. Makes it tricky to dress. Did you get bro's estate stuff figured out? I hate book keeping. I can do it, just hate it. I love your avatar pic with the hat. so cute.

Sandy~ Have fun in Cancun. That sounds like just the break you need! Take pics! Hugs with the DF issues.

Meredith~ Hey GF! Hope you are trying to stay warm! Did you ever get the Christmas stuff down? I haven't ignored your FL info. I soooooooo hope we can get together when you are down! I figured even if we have to meet half way near Lake O we could.. There's a little farm town there and we could meet for lunch; would be 1 hr for each of us. You are doing so great with your exercise and eating- don't get too down when you have one bad day. I always think of it like driving. If you are going down the highway and suddenly realize you are going 90 in a 55... do you say F*@k it and go 100?! No, you let back on the pedal and slow down. Just try to make the "good" days outweigh the bad days. You and I have similar personalities- kind of all or none. I hear you on not wanting to go to too many functions. Sometimes you just need some TIME together. You and Andrew need to have quiet home time. : )

Jessica~ WTG on the exams. You are doing really well! It's a lot to balance a young son, DH, school, exercise, life, new apt, etc.. I would have to agree with Cheri about meds. Would be cautious about stopping them. If you wean, then do it VERY gradual. I even had a patient file down pills slowly over weeks, not days. (not extended release ones). Often times they'll say take half for a few days and then stop. It's still just too abrupt in my opinion. Good luck with that. Your exercise class reminded me of a class I took in undergrad called "combined rhythms". It was a PE class that was REQUIRED for the football players and was basically ballroom dancing! It was a GREAT way to exercise and meet guys..LOL! I made an A in that class. ; ) I just signed up Nelson for T Ball!!! Although he will be 7 on March 1, they said since he's never played they recommended him doing T first. We got him his cleats, bat and glove yesterday! He was soooo excited. we threw balls for over an hour when we got home. I am having my mom ship me my old softball glove from her house. I played all HS and even college. Kick off of season isn't until Feb 12, and can't wait! DH has never played baseball in his life (they didn't even have it in his country)- so he has no idea what he's doing.

Linda~ hugs. Loved the pics on FB, just so cute! Sorry to hear about the kidney function. Have they ever discussed doing a renal biopsy to REALLY know what the issue is? It can be instrumental sometimes in treatment. Also, it's really really important to keep BP in just a perfect range. Too high or too low can be tough on a sick kidney.

Cheri~ WTG on the loss! Seems you have your perfect balance figured out. I too love the sounds of a road trip! I am so hoping I can make the Chi trip. Still waiting to hear on the vacation schedule for the group.

Great~ Hugs on the Hawaii trip. I so understand. Nothing like getting excited about something and then it can't be done. How is DD doing??? I know you are getting excited to be a grandma! : )

Phyl~ How are you? I just tried to scan last few pages and didn't see anything from you. I love seeing all your pics on FB though! I travel vicariously through you. : )

Arlene~ Hugs on all the stuff going on. Re: freezing chicken salad- just cuz it's on google doesn't mean you should..LOL. I asked my mom and she said not too. mayo doesn't freeze well and usually the chicken has been frozen, cooked, frozen cooked (the Rotis. chickens from stores are all previously frozen)- it just shouldn't keep changing temp like that. IMHO.

Joyce~ couldn't agree more with everyone. Changing drs is ALWAYS a good idea when a problem isn't being solved. You HAVE to deal with the reflux b/c the possible complications are just too darn scary. I don't think your husband's idea of removal is necessary- but a happy medium is to have a really good unfill. Let the stomach heal after several weeks on a PPI (like prilosec) and then see how it goes. Of course they need to make sure it's in the right place and not a dangerous erosion or slippage.I had lunch the other day with the wife of a surgeon (he does RNY and LB) and was talking with her about some of the complaints some of us have had, and like Meredith & Phyl had. (she is a nurse/psychologist) and she was saying that her DH says 98% of the time, any % of slippage can resolve naturally with an unfill and time. Only in the case of erosion or obstruction or infection does it usually have to be removed. If someone has recurrent problems after the unfill/rests/refills THEN sometimes it is necessary to remove and consider another type of WLS. He still tells his patients that he prefers the band over all other WLS. He likes the adjustable factor- and he's seen so many RNY/sleeve failures 5 years later. As Janet says- it doesn't fix the brain.

Jodi and LauraK~ living the dating life vicariously through you guys. Just love hearing what you guys are up to. My little bit of soap opera heaven on LBT! : )

Melissa~ Seems like you are liking your new job- so happy for you. Can't believe the weather in GA. burrrrrrrrrrr. Have ur dr's considered putting you on Byetta (or one of the other injectables for Type 2 diabetes)? Many of my patients have WONDERFUL results b/c the major side effect of these meds is lack of appetite. Pt's have great numbers and start losing weight b/c of these. Most of them have a program for reduced price but you just have to fill out paperwork. Something to consider.

Julie~ Sorry to hear you are still in pain. HUGS. I thought they were going to see about changing meds? Also, did you ever get a final diagnosis? You may have posted and I missed it. Also, I think the last posts I commented on were back when Mimi's adoption went through. HUGS and congrats! I know that is a happy thing for your family! She deserves it so much! Nels was watching FINDING NEMO the other day and asked about you. He remembers the turtle he gave her and wondered how she was. awww. : )

I am sure I am forgetting someone. Not intentional- just CRS again. I read so many pages and was just so behind. I never thanked everyone for the lovely Christmas cards! I got them- and loved them- and FELT the holiday love! I never got around to cards this year. Sorry. These last 2 years were the FIRST time in my adult life that i didn't send cards. Dad's illness just has me in a funk with cards. (I think b/c i always do a holiday letter that talks about everyone... and with my Dad being so private- I can't talk about him. To leave him out seems weird.)

Weather today is mild- supposed to be 72. It's cloudy though and not sure it will get up that high. DH is so happy to be home. Nelson and he have been joined at the hip since he got home- he missed his Daddy. Not sure which one of us missed him more. I do know this- I would not be able to handle a husband that traveled for a living.

I got a call from one of my friends- her neighbor has a 55 gallon aquarium with TONS of saltwater fish. She just found out they are moving to TX (her husband has been unemployed for 2 years and finally got a job in field of engineering). They can't take their 5 year old Persian cat or the fish, as they will be in an apt that doesn't allow pets for the first 6 mo. When my friend called she said she was "giving" them away. I offered to take the fish but b/c of my elderly cat- couldn't take the cat. I was just about to go over to see the tank and she suddenly texted me that she wanted $300 for it. Considering that I would have to pay someone to help take care of it (I've heard those tanks are high maintenance and expensive), I was shocked when at first she said "giving" and then next wanting money for it. I know it is worth even more than what she is asking- but I wasn't WANTING to buy one. Now my friend thinks I am being "cheap". Sigh. How do I get myself into these things?

Dad's repeat PET scan will be end of Feb. (right around my birthday). He and mom are REALLY nervous. I am being a realist and am guarded- I don't think it's going to be good. Not to say I am not praying for it to be- just have that there is low probability. I will keep you informed. Otherwise they are doing good.

OK guys. Been on the computer WAY too long. Need to go "enjoy" my free time. Hi to you all. Will try to stay in touch more.


Was trying to put a film strip of my weight loss and just having the darnest time with this site. There is an icon under my avatar that goes to my gallery. This site has made me CRAZY trying to edit my signature tonight. LBT SUX

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Laura, tried the link but it said I didn't have permission to go there. Wierd

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Good afternoon. It's a gloomy rainy day here. Rain?? I can't believe it's rain but it's melting a lot of the snow so that is good and it means it's above freezing again today so I'll take it. I got my break into sunshine yesterday in the mountains. I looked at the weather forcast for Honolulu today and it's supposed to rain so I'll just pretend I'm there. LOL But I guess it all worked out that the trip cancelled. As a glutton for punishment I pulled up the flight I was supposed to take today and it went out full and I would not have gotten a seat (I fly standby). DH has promised to reschedule in the near future. it's just going to be tricky now with DD possibly going into labor any time after the first of Feb. and DH can't go before then due to other work committments.

No more baby shower drama, don't think the MIL has gotten the email addresses to my friend so they won't be included unless she does. It's the least she could do. ON another note, my sister whom I have not seen since DD's wedding last March the last time my folks were in town. Is throwing a brunch/shower for DD while my mom is in town so we can all be together and Celebrate DD? HUH? While I am going to be gracious and accept it for what it is, I can't help but think what her ulterior motives are. The same sister who didn't have the time of day for me at Thanksgiving, Christmas, or anytime I've gone to Denver (or for my DD for that matter) now puts on this show while my mom is in town? Oh well. DD will be blessed and there's always a chance for relationships to grow and heal.

Laura, nice to get caught up with you. Could I ask a question? DD keeps having FFN (I think that's what it is it's a swab test of her cervical mucus or something like that) tests to determine the likelihood of labor, so far it's negative. What is this and is it accurate? She hit 32 weeks yesterday and after 35 weeks they'll take her off the supposed contraction stopping RX she's on. Though she still has them but not as hard or frequent. It's tough on me sometimes when DH travels so much. And a reason I got so down when Hawaii got cancelled. Part of the draw for me when he took this promotion was to be able to pick up and travel with him and whenever I have plans to do that something comes up. It's not his fault, it's the demands being placed on him to be other places or put out other fires elsewhere. I'm dying for him to get TUscon scheduled before Karen goes home too. But alas, my priorities aren't his company's priorities. LOL I've had to jump in here and get involved in things so that I stay busy when he's gone. I've joined a book club, Bunko and a ladies Bible study group (that also goes to lunch each week). However, I am kidless now and wouldn't be able to do that with a child to tote along. I remember those days well. Glad you got today to yourself.

Meredith, was this shower for the gal due the same day as my daughter? I am looking forward to her's but it is going to be very simple with just cake and punch. My sister (believe it or not) is throwing her a family one with just my sisters, mom and grandma and it will be a brunch.

Arlene, sorry not me looking to freeze chicken salad, think it was Melissa. You'd never find me doing anything salad. LOL I don't eat lettuce since banding and can't stand the taste of mayo. LOL

Phyl, well my Packers did their part and won, hope your Seahawks can do the same today then we can be rivals and root our teams on next week!

Julie, I know I have asked a few times before, but maybe missed a response. What about Mayo? Are you due to go back there anytime soon? I thought they were having you back if what they had you do didn't work?

Joyce, I hope you don't need your band removed. ARe you too tight? Eating too large of portions? Perhaps and unfill and starting over is in order?

Meredith, you sound so much like me in the all or nothing thinking. You have accomplished so much, don't let the fear of failure derail you now. Talking to myself here too. I understand about wanting more me time. DH is gone so much or working at home when he's here that I resent outside commitments sometimes. It's like when is it my turn?

Sandy, good for you for scheduling that Cancun trip. You deserve it. Have a margarita for me!

Eva and Karen, enjoy, still pushing DH to get his TUscon trip on the books!

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Laura, I tried the link too and it said I don't have permission. It wants me to sign in. HUH?? I am already signed in.:blink:

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Afternoon ladies,

I'm having a lazy day today. I stayed up too late last night (2:30am) and slept in until around 10 this morning. I did get up a few times to let the dog in and out....a few times....did I mention it was more than once? LOL.

Sandy, that is so cool about your Cancun trip! Especially since you'll have your own room and will be able to just enjoy yourself for a week. Your life here will wait for you without a doubt and you need the break. I've never been to Cancun, but it's on the list.

Meredith, your two year plan sounds good to me....I'm on a five year plan so who am I to criticize. I understand about not committing yourself to all the functions all the time. Yes, you and Andrew do need some time for each other. It's wonderful to have many things to do, but having time for just yourself is important.

Cheri, I guess not all OA groups are the same. I went to one here and they were pretty supportive and did not regiment the diet, just suggested going on one. My biggest problem with the group was listening to the same people whine about the same things over and over and over again. It was good for them to have an outlet, but I got tired of hearing the exact same story again and again. I also had a problem following ALL the 12 steps. So when you laughed so hard you couldn't breath...I probably would have laughed so hard I peed my pants....that really brought a chuckle.

Laura, so good to hear from and glad to hear you have a little "me" time. Enjoy it while you can. Your young man will be at the point when he doesn't want to have anything to do with you in about 10 years, enjoy it while you have him now. So you aren't going to buy that salt Water tank are you? They are expensive and those fish are very finicky. I have a couple of friends with them and they spend a lot of time and money on them. I'd love to have you here too....we could have a girls day out, that would be fun. Apples has no problem leaving DH at home and going to play. It's been great having her around.

Great, you could always try and fly standby down here without your DH....we have room for you and time for you. At least you'll get some sunshine. And what I told Laura, we can have some girl time.

Not much going on here today....I might go dig a hole so I can transplant something. I need to get up and get moving. I walked yesterday and will do my pilates thing today, but still the weather is beautiful and I need to spend some time outside.

As far as the weather....as nice as it is now, remember, this coming spring/summer/fall when it's way over 100 degrees here, you all will be having the wonderful weather.

Have a great Sunday.

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Hope everyone is okay.....Dont have time to post much now....as we are packing for CA wanted to touch base about time to meet....Janet and Phyl.

Yes, Jan 22nd would be perfect. My dad will babysit so I can go out alone. yea.

Perhaps you can meet Dassi another time during the week or so....

but.....if this is good for Phyl as well then its a plan!!! I will have a car so Ill be able to drive wherever......

Do you both have my cell number???

I have both yours.

Will be leaving on Thursday morning at some point..not even sure yet lol. Have the tickets but didnt even look!!

Must go shopping tomorrow for some sandals. I saw a pair that I like at Jildor...that I really liked and they are on sale now during the winter....last years style....who cares.

read half the posts since I posted last...and havent finished all of them...so will post hopefully by tomorrow!!

Okay then

Have a great night all.....


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I use Tostitos Spinach Dip in my chicken to maken chicken salad, It stays very most more than using mayo. It is very yummy.

Peas - I got back to my primary Dr and my Diabetes Doc to talk about all my meds. And possible changing to a lower cost option. I was on Byetta in the past I forgot why they took me off of it. But we will see what both Drs say and see if I can come off some meds or go to a more generic med.

Anyways yes I really like my job it is fun and you stay busy. All jobs have its up and downs but I can handle the downs better with this job.

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Hi there, this is going to be a quickie....... I believe it is Melissa's birthday today.... I was doing something with my 2010 calendar before my new doc appt. and noticed it this evening... I have to update my 2011 calendar before I miss someone else............ So you are probably already in bed, but I'm sending wishes for a great birthday..... Hope you had a great day..... Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday, dear Melissa, Happy birthday to you..................and many more..... sleep tight sweetie......

Lori, I keep forgetting to tell you about Mayo.... I only had permission from insurance for that one visit... and they also never said anything about me coming back again... I was very disappointed in them...... Maybe this new doctor will be the answer for me... I've got my fingers crossed.... Have fun at all the showers...... Don't expect my DD to get one as she had a big one with Mimi and usually 2nd ones don't get showers.... We'll see what her friends do.....

NIght all... just took all my meds and am ready to go conk out for a while... Hugs and prayers for all my dear friends... Julie

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Happy Birthday Melissa!

Slept in and went to the b-day party today. It was ok. There was too much food there. I had some white chicken chili, salad, and a few meatballs. I also had a small piece of cake and gave the ice cream to Andrew. Like he needed it. LOL

Andrew and I decided that next weekend we will hang out just the two of us. He is on call, so we won't really be able to go anywhere or do anything, but we will hang out at home and spend some quality time together. Much needed! I feel like we hardly ever see one another because we are both just so super busy with other things going on.

Lori~ Yes, the shower was for my GF that is due the same day as your daughter. It was very nice and they gave out potted ivy as favors, which I really liked. I really hope that your shower drama is over with DD's MIL. Hopefully the shower that your sister is giving is legit, and like you said, she doesn't have any alterior motives. Maybe she is trying to turn over a new leaf? Ugh, thank goodness someone understands how I feel about all of these things going on with other peoples life "events". Not only do I feel like "when is it my turn?", but it is so super duper expensive! I don't think these friends realize just how much I have spent on them and their events. Sheesh! I sound like a jerk, but please believe me when I tell you I'm not a selfish person.

Laura~ Glad you are back gf and glad that you are having some time to yourself! It is well deserved! I got all of the Christmas stuff down inside, but it is still up outside. I don't turn the lights on tho! LOL. I was about to take them down and then it snowed! Oh, forget it! You are right! I am all or nothing. If I have one or two crappy food choice days, I feel like I've sabotaged myself for the rest of my life. Little exaggeration, but you know how it goes. I like the metaphor that you gave. It is perfect for the situation that I somtimes find myself in.

Eva~ Amen sister! 2 years, 5 years, hey, at least we have a plan, right? Glad you are having fun with Karen and can't wait to hear how school is going!

Sandy~ Thank you! Yes, I have gone through a ton of positive changes this year! I'm so glad that we can be together on this site. It helps so very much. So glad that you get to go on vacation! You are going to have a wonderful time!

Linda~ I too saw your GD on FB. She is absolutely adorable!!!! You must feel so blessed! Also, thanks to you too! Somtimes i just need to sit back and look at everything that I have accomplished this year. Thank you for pointing that out. You know, at times it feels like just one thing matters and that that one thing cannot be accomplished. Then, wonderful people like you step in and make me look back and see everything that I have accomplished and that I can do it! You have given me a renewed perspective on my next leg of this journey.

Julie~ Sorry you are having such troubles with your pain. It is not good for you to be on all of these painkillers day in and day out. It worries me. They can be so addicting. I certainly hope that these new doctors can do somthing for you to help and to figure out the cause. Thanks to you too!

Apples~ I miss your green ink junking up the thread.

Cheri~ I enjoyed your pics on FB

Jodi~ So jealous that you get to visit with the girls!!! Have so much fun and enjoy the warmth!

Sorry if I've missed anyone. I have to make A's lunch and go to bed. Tomorrow starts my routine back to the gym! Finally some time for me! Yipee! I've decided I'm really going to enjoy it and make it my me time.

Good night all, Meredith

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Hi there, this is going to be a quickie....... I believe it is Melissa's birthday today.... I was doing something with my 2010 calendar before my new doc appt. and noticed it this evening... I have to update my 2011 calendar before I miss someone else............ So you are probably already in bed, but I'm sending wishes for a great birthday..... Hope you had a great day..... Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday, dear Melissa, Happy birthday to you..................and many more..... sleep tight sweetie......

Happy Birthday Melissa!

Oh my goodness you guys are to sweet. I just popped out of bed at 5am this morning for no reason could not go back to sleep so I logged on. Again too sweet Love all my LBT friends

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Oops, in my confusion looking at 2 different year's calendars I got them mixed up.... Melissa's birthday is today, Monday...... So, I'm not late!!! have a wonderful day Melissa...... love you, girl...... Waiting to meet you one of these times.....

Well, I went down to my bed at 1:00 ish...... Up at 3:15 with pain..... took a pill and have a hot pack on, so it should calm down soon I hope.... Meredith, I don't like the pills either.... I can really tell it in different ways... I'm shakey a lot of the time, the horrible dry mouth all the time, and my memory is betraying me alot these days.... I hate it, but the pain is unbearable at it's worst and it takes a lot to knock me down.... Anyway, good night again all of my hopefully sleeping friends.... Julie

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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