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ok guys...

sorry this is a flyby. other than FB people- I am 15 pages behind. What in the world?! I guess with everyone being snowed in, you are junking up the thread! I have been so super busy. I will try and get caught up tonight. Hi to everyone. Hope everyone is safe and staying warm wherever you are. hugs.

Spent the weekend with DH- we had date night and then getting him ready for his trip to Madison. Burrrrrrrr. Karen, he said your socks were AMAZING! He is freezing his butt off. He regrets not letting me buy him a hat and earmuffs. He has been tying his cashmere scarf like a lady around the top of his head to cover his ears. Nels is having a hard time with this trip. I guess last one I did more prep and had more activities planned. He just doesn't handle goodbyes very well. Such a sweet sensitive boy. I did revert to Apples ideas though and have let him plan most of the meals and even cook them (with supervision).

I need to go. We were out playing outside. Rode bikes and went exploring in the preserve down by the river. Need to SCRUB this kid and make sure no creatures made it into the house. My butt muscles are sore- I've been alternating riding bike and walking. Gosh, you really feel every muscle when you haven't been moving.

peasout.. more to follow. Laura

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Meredith...if you are having a tough time getting back into exercise, set up a time of day (right off the bat in the morning) and try to stick to it a few days a week and build from there. Baby steps but gotta take those steps. You are doing great watching what you eat. Suggestion....maybe try getting a couple hundred more calories a day (healthy calories). You don't want to set yourself up for a crash and burn or a plateau. Throw some eggs or Jerky in for a snack.

Yes, we are already enjoying ourselves. I took this morning just to hang with the dog. He is so content here. We have sat outside and read most of the morning (he has slept under my feet). We are just going to enjoy every day whatever we do...whether it be hanging or sightseeing. We've done this for a few years and really look forward to a different climate.

Be careful shoveling...especially if heavy snow. Take care

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Hi all.....Another day home....no school!!! Just for 6 inches!!!

So....just catching up on everything again!!!!

Went to the doctor to get results of the lab works from last month...and NO MORE CHOLESTEROL PILLS!!! So, now no more pills at all. Yea yea yea....still 145 and blood pressure great.....all is good and he couldnt be happier...actually hugged me hes so happy...he was the once who convinced me to get the lap band.

Foods...okay Proteins, veggies and some corn pops natural with Protein..bakes 140 cal per 2.5 cups, home so food is here!! not good but....control control!!

Exercise...not good...havent been able to get there this week...gotta get back into it but....having such a hard time!!! okay berate.....me!! I need it. But been busy with bat mitzvah and dates and no snow.....

I know no excuse but it is what it is.

OH....Phyiliis....didnt realize that you were also in Palm Desert.....is Palm Springs close by???

Joyce...would have loved to see you as well!!! But...six hours away?? Could understand why you wouldnt want to come on over!!!

Would anyone lilke to have a weekend though? I will be arriving on the 20th. there for two weekends...the 23rd and the 28th. Leaving on Sunday the 30th. If Arizona isnt that far maybe we can meet in the middle? Is there a middle between Arizona and Palm Desert? and please dont tell me LV...cause that is a deff NOOO. lol

So...when ever you and Janet want to get together....or we can get together seperate...I know Janet works but during the day...I will have a car so can travel. NOT TO VEGAS. sorry.

Dassi of course will be with me....but maybe not at night....and Friday-Sat Sundown to Sundown....shabbos. Other then this we really dont have any organized plan....I do know that Dassi would love to see all the dog stories and photos that ive shown her on facebook!! A day of shopping would be nice too!!!

I actually have a stop over going on Thursday in "TX"..for two hours and "Chicago" for two hours coming back on the Sunday the 30th....if anyone is near the airport...would love to see you guys.

So made just lost a whole long post GRRRRRR

I remember 'tule' fog well from living in Sacramento, I had to be to work at 4am and hated driving on I-5 to the airport in it. One gal that worked at the airport was killed in it one morning. So sad.

Ok, gals, looking for opinions about a baby shower. My friend is throwing DD a baby shower on the 29th and she's holding it at the rec center where she works (and I used to ) she can rent the room for free. It's the only date available til end of Feb. We chose this date due to the fact DD has been having the contractions and after the first of Feb the dr will take her off the RX that is controlling the contractions and off bed rest, and allow her to go into labor if that so happens. DD would like the shower before the baby comes. PROBLEM: DD's MIL informed her last night that she has to work that day (she's a nurse) and demands the shower be rescheduled. And also that it shouldn't be at the rec center. She just doesn't like the place. She's not offering any alternatives either and thinks the shower should be after the baby. First, this is my friend that is having the shower, not me and I think it's a wonderful thing of her to do (she also threw a bridal shower for her at the same place). She is inviting family but it wasn't necessarily a family shower. It's all our family and friends on our side of the family. She's free to throw another shower. Is it wrong to still have the shower when both grandmas can't be there? She is saying if DD doesn't change it that she will forever hold it against her (and me). This is the same woman that didn't want her son to marry my daughter, told my daughter she needed mental help, wasn't good enough, etc. She was horrible during the wedding preps, did nothing to help, and at the bridal shower, said she wasn't interested and came 45 min late and sat and cried the whole time. I feel if we change the date, it's caving to her demands and setting a precedent, DD has given in to her so many times in teh past and it's never enough anyway. What would you do? DD is beside herself, said that something that was supposed to be so joyous and fun has now become ugly and she feels stuck.

Lori.....I am hearing you loud and clear.....my family....grrr sometimes. My gut feeling is like everyone elses and yours.....keep the date. If she doesnt want to come well.....thats just too bad.

however....nothing to do with the above reasons....regarding the date in general..........

Igeneral alot of jews do not even prepare a thing for the baby until they are born. I think thats crazy..as the thought of having to run and do everything the second that baby is born is enough to drive someone insane......but at least have all the basics to be ready....so we buy all the basics and have everything ready in someone elses house....not to be brought in to the house at all....so god fobid something happens.....then there wont be anything there in the house when you get home....and of course if all goes well as should......then all the stuff is brought in and the shower is held and so on...so in general I dont think its a good idea to have any parties or preparing except for the first weeks needs....and thats only in the last weeks before baby is born.

Am well aware that the doctors are happy with your DD progress and the medications are working etc and have said that everything is great, I would hate to god forbid for her to have something planned and she couldnt make the party because she will be on bed rest at that time. I know from my own experience that at 3 months when there was problems...and the meds worked but regardless at 28 weeks....I was put on bed rest and couldnt get out of bed for the duration and even then I went into labor at 34/2 weeks...so my feelings is to generally wait but thats just what "we do" so I follow that premise....I do remember once mentioning to my mom that I wanted to order everything...just order and have them deliver everything after....and oh boy...did I get a mouthful. Never mentioned it again.

Bottom line is you have to be comfortable with what you and your family practice.....and if having the shower before is what you and your daughter and hostess has decided then thats what you should do!!

ok posted earlier but the delete monster got it.

Mr Filet Mignon did not come to the party on Saturday. I am finding that he likes to gamble a bit much for my liking. I did meet someone at the the party. I enjoyed talking with him so we'll see.

Kelly, go for it you can do or be what ever you want.

Meridith, wtg you are right in the game again.

Great, a big ditto from me on the MIL issue for your DD.

I'll do the northern whine while Apples is gone, I am so sick of this cold weather........

Ok got that out of my system for a bit.


Laura, I see the red flags are going up.....trust that gutt feeling. Glad you met someone else at the party hey you never know..he might have done you a favor by not being there.....dont you feel like your a teenager again??? I feel like a different person.....and going out on dates is a whole new experience that is both fun and exciting....to think that Jeff was even a runner makes me laugh. lol. sorry....he was nice to everyone I know....and he does put on a good show no pun intended. lol. But, the more time you spend the more time you get to know that people dont change so if you suspect a gambling problem......then remember that an addict is a behavior...that crosses over to other addictions.....so please please be careful....dont want you to become the co addict as we know we here who have been banded know is so easy for some of us to become as we are all addicts ourselves to foods esp.

More important.....go and have fun and experience, experience, experience!!!

Okay, here I am again apologizing for being absent so much... I don't know why I just can't get to the computer anymore.... I have been busy and then still doing the pain thing............it's my only excuse.. I haven't read since about page 213.........I'll never get caught up now.... I hope each one is doing okay and the new year is looking bright and promising...... glad to hear Apples and DH made it to AZ safely..... So, I'm going to say goodnight and pray you are all fine...... We are okay but have sick little granddaughters.... DD won't let me help as she doesn't want me to get sick on top of everything else..... Take care everybody.... Hugs and prayers for all..... Julie

Julie, so glad to see you!!! Glad you are busy...hope you keep feeling a little better....but sorry about kiddies hope they are better soon!!

Morning...off to get beautiful this morning, then I'll do some shopping...fresh stuff, and then house cleaning. What an exciting day. Oh, and I'll have to work at "work" too some.

I'm leaving Apples alone today to get settled in. I'll start bugging her tomorrow...LOL.

Meredith, Apples is renting my mother-in-law's house which has been empty for quite a while. We had it painted and I've furnished it with left-overs from my sister, the place in Benson, extra stuff I have, etc. So they are living in a hodge podge. The house is really nice, small, but nice, it's just the furnishings that are pretty funny. They did get a new mattress yesterday. It's functional and I think they'll be fairly comfortable. It has a really nice screened in porch...which isn't so important this time of year, but in the spring it nice to keep the flies out.

Need to scoot....check in later,


Eva....and Lori thank you so much for the websites.....I checked both sites out!! Etsys was a little out of my league but thanks for giving me a new site that has gorgeous stuff!!! I bought somethings allready for myself! lol. I did find through the other site...other sites as you suggested and found "Shindigz", where we will end up ordering great favors and center pieces for great prices!!! Thanks...so much!!!! BtW.....the cards Idea....fabulous! Dassi loved it and easy sheasy....your the bestest....would never have thought to print out sayings before hand and have them pick and choose and just tape!!! The stamps....nice. Thanks again!!

Sandy....with your dad was as open as Arlene's mom with getting the help he needs (but not all help from you). Hugs to you, too.

Sandy.....I hear you hear.....sometimes my mom is so frustrating...she wont wear her hearing aids and she just doesnt understand why we all scream at her and she doesnt hear whats going on around her grrrr. And...the money?? OMG....the computer is a great example....she wants me to help her figure it all out but I cant even do that and she wont hire a computer consultant and expects me to figure it out over and over again!!! grrr.. Frustrating...last week I called my brother beginning to vent and he just started laughing and said..."better you then me cause last week she drove me crazy for the same thing"!!! We have to love them...unconditionallly just like our kids! lol.

b] [/b]

Linda I hope that your mom feels better. So sorry about her hand.

Okay....yall....must go get dinner ready.

Have a good afternoon all!


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Well, I just got my little torture over for the year. Actually, the mammogram is not near as bad as it used to be. I called my mother and she is back with us. She has started remembering the events of last week. She started physical therapy today and will start memory therapy tomorrow. Meanwhile she has put in a call for assistance when she returns to her apartment. Thanks to all of you for support and prayers.

I went to Walmart and bought some Biotin for my nails. I was so excited to find my Protein drink there......Athlete's Honey Milk 20g Protein. I like the coffee and DH likes the chocolate.

Meredith, if your neighbor has so much time on his hands ask him to do your driveway. You know.....get some of the "free stuff". lol

Laura.....good to hear from you. I know when I go without posting one day these peeps junk up the thread and I can't catch up. Then if they don't post I start to wonder what is going on.....lol.

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Good afternoon. Home from a new ladies Bible study that started this morning and met some new people too that invited me to lunch with them afterwards We went to a Mexican place and I ate a few chips and then the innards of about 1/3 of a burrito and brought the rest home for DH.

Eva, funny, our Albertsons are all gone too. WE have Sunflower, Whole Foods, Smiths (Kroger), Harmans and DAns and a few others. Hope you get your 'work' done and can have fun this afternoon with Apples and Tanker.

Jodi, generally we do a baby shower in the last month or so before the baby is born to give the new mom time to get everything set up, laundered and put away. Her dr has given her permission to attend her shower. She will be taking her off the anti contraction RX a few days after that as well.

I had never been to that Etsy website and don't know that my DD even ordered anything from them but got lots of ideas from them for stuff.

Sandy, my and my DH's parents are the same way about paying for help and what not. Interestingly they seem to be of the generation that expects their kids to do for them. However, and I hope this doesn't sound too bitter, they did not much for me. Of course, they raised me, but once I was grown, nothing. I remember being so sick with pnuemonia and 103 degree fever with 2 preschoolers one of which had strep throat. DH was at work and I asked my mom to pick up an RX for me, we lived about 10 miles apart and it was too far to drive. DH & I have had many conversations about when the time comes and just how much help etc. I want to do the right thing by them, but on the otherhand not be at their beck and call either. If that makes sense, I hope that doesn' tmake me sound like a horrible person. Just have a very complicated relationship with my family.

Meredith, I've been nominated for tax duty this year again as well. Mom has already informed me that I am doing Grandma's taxes. I don't mine those as they are simple and I usually do mine on TUrboTax though was unsure about doing mine this year as I struggle a little bit in years that we move. I got audited one year and it was a move year and UT and CA both said we were resident of their state and charged me taxes, I owed over $1000 plus penalties. I've been gun shy in move years ever since. This is a move year. LOL

Apples, glad you are settling in so nicely in AZ. Sounds like you have a regular community there. Does your FIL live there or just winter there? I can remember going to Tucson as a kid and going to some western place where they filmed High Chapperal and watching a gun fight and stunt men. I was scared the bullets were real.

Janet, you've not talked about work much lately, have things settled down for you there?

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Jodi - How about planning a get together Sat Nite 1/22 (after sundown ;0) 5 ish here in Desert or Sunday - My family is coming the following weekend so I will be tied up and just made plans at lunch w/Gf for Friday 1/21 - I had I read this post before I went to lunch - I wouldn't have made

Nothing between AZ & CA but Desert and stupid little towns ... As you know I live in Indio - Phyl lives in Sky Valley/Desert Hot Springs we are about 20 - 25 mile from each other.. Palm Desert is in the Middle

So Sat 1/22 or Sun 1/23

gotta get back to work

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Caught up again. Whew! Such prolific writers.

Feel like my cold is letting up. It never got bad. Just felt weighed down and draggy and medicine made me loggy.

Maltitol and other sugar alcohols can cause gas. Wish more high Protein low carb products used splenda. Hadn't had an Atkins shake for a few days. Had one this afternoon and had terrible gas a few hours later. Sometimes it hits me, sometimes it doesn't. TMI LOL.

Watching It's Complicated. Love Merrill Streep. Gonna get to it now.


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Good afternoon. Home from a new ladies Bible study that started this morning and met some new people too that invited me to lunch with them afterwards We went to a Mexican place and I ate a few chips and then the innards of about 1/3 of a burrito and brought the rest home for DH.

Eva, funny, our Albertsons are all gone too. WE have Sunflower, Whole Foods, Smiths (Kroger), Harmans and DAns and a few others. Hope you get your 'work' done and can have fun this afternoon with Apples and Tanker.

Jodi, generally we do a baby shower in the last month or so before the baby is born to give the new mom time to get everything set up, laundered and put away. Her dr has given her permission to attend her shower. She will be taking her off the anti contraction RX a few days after that as well.

I had never been to that Etsy website and don't know that my DD even ordered anything from them but got lots of ideas from them for stuff.

Sandy, my and my DH's parents are the same way about paying for help and what not. Interestingly they seem to be of the generation that expects their kids to do for them. However, and I hope this doesn't sound too bitter, they did not much for me. Of course, they raised me, but once I was grown, nothing. I remember being so sick with pnuemonia and 103 degree fever with 2 preschoolers one of which had strep throat. DH was at work and I asked my mom to pick up an RX for me, we lived about 10 miles apart and it was too far to drive. DH & I have had many conversations about when the time comes and just how much help etc. I want to do the right thing by them, but on the otherhand not be at their beck and call either. If that makes sense, I hope that doesn' tmake me sound like a horrible person. Just have a very complicated relationship with my family.

Meredith, I've been nominated for tax duty this year again as well. Mom has already informed me that I am doing Grandma's taxes. I don't mine those as they are simple and I usually do mine on TUrboTax though was unsure about doing mine this year as I struggle a little bit in years that we move. I got audited one year and it was a move year and UT and CA both said we were resident of their state and charged me taxes, I owed over $1000 plus penalties. I've been gun shy in move years ever since. This is a move year. LOL

Apples, glad you are settling in so nicely in AZ. Sounds like you have a regular community there. Does your FIL live there or just winter there? I can remember going to Tucson as a kid and going to some western place where they filmed High Chapperal and watching a gun fight and stunt men. I was scared the bullets were real.

Janet, you've not talked about work much lately, have things settled down for you there?

LOL! I loved your description of your relationship with your parents. What the heck?!?! were we raised by clones? I have read a lot of parent stuff the last couple of days. It has been a comfort. I thought I was the only one raised by detached, non involved parents. I am 53 years old and have never, in my life heard I love you out of either of my parents. They took care of me and raised me but were never involved in my life. Nothing I did was ever good enough which explains why I am a perfectionist. I am not trying to beat a dead horse, it just is reassureing to know that I am not alone. It must have been something with our generation's parents. And no, you are not a horrible person. If you are then move over, because you have company.;)

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Janet, I have a sister - not much help. Yes, there are services that would pick him up and take him to PT BUT he would have to pay for that. I dont get it because like I said in the previous post, he can afford it. Yes, big baby.

Sandy - we have the problem in reverse - we are supporting a 43 yr. old son. He can manage to come over to have me pay his rent - but doesn't notice there are 6 inches of snow on the driveway. I refuse to ask for help. Also realize that some ppl don't SEE the obvious. My blood pressure stays in line when I allow a service to plow the snow and don't involve the deadbeat son.

It's all about keeping me calm and serene.

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Had a great workout today and a pedicure after. Still 6 inches of snow on the ground here and 9 degrees outside right now. Can't wait for Tucson weather.

Also busy planning a trip to Grand Cayman in end of April for my favorite caribbean carnival, Batabano. Parade is marvelous and 7 mile beach is wonderful. Have to get a break from this COLD weather.

68 is looming large for my b'day this year. Feel the urgency to travel before the body completely craps out on me. Excuse the facts - that is what happens to our bodies no matter how hard we try to avoid it.

Have been assigned to a new trainer at the gym. A gorgeous, built black man that is an EMT. I'm soooooo old, the club is afraid of liability issues with my training. lololol

As a business owner, I understand.

Karen - happy you made is safely to Tucson. Enjoy that porch and all the warmth.

Eva - what a delightful hostess to prepare so thoughtfully for the arrival.

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Good Evening Gang...

Back from Gym ;0)

Hugs to all dealing w/parent issues..

Cheri - It's a cute movie - love the smoking pot scene - LOL

Great - I'm working for my one boss - I have only his accounts now - so it's ok - I've worked w/him so long - I call him my office husband - and since he's got divorce and is w/his new gf (who me & my GF candy) set him up with and his cancer surgery - he has mellowed - so it hasn't been bad - 32 yrs this July (God willing) got a bit of mess on my desk right now - but nothing I can't fix if I put my mind to it - Still bored w/my job - but gotta have it -

Tell your Mom - I'm not doing taxes this yr - going to hr block - I'll take GM's with me ;0) -

Jodi - If we every go to Vegas again - we will hog tie you and block his # from your phone LOL

Well - I am hungry and pooped - really want mexican food for dinner - but I have fish left from last night - so I guess that's what I am eating..

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Sandy - we have the problem in reverse - we are supporting a 43 yr. old son. He can manage to come over to have me pay his rent - but doesn't notice there are 6 inches of snow on the driveway. I refuse to ask for help. Also realize that some ppl don't SEE the obvious. My blood pressure stays in line when I allow a service to plow the snow and don't involve the deadbeat son.

It's all about keeping me calm and serene.

Oh Joyce (((hugs))). I am sorry for the way you are being treated. I guess we all have our issues and dissapointment. I just need to learn what you have already learned - it is all about keeping me calm and serene. You couldn't be more right.

I spoke with my husband and my sister and told them something has to change because I can't keep up like this any longer. My sister and I are going to confront him with his need to hire outside help. My husband suggested that we go back to having dinner at our house and we will just pick him up and drive him home. I don't know what the answer is right now. I only know that I cannot continue as I have been and that something has to give.

I hope I have the chance to meet you in Chicago. I would love to talk and have a drink.

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LOL! I loved your description of your relationship with your parents. What the heck?!?! were we raised by clones? I have read a lot of parent stuff the last couple of days. It has been a comfort. I thought I was the only one raised by detached, non involved parents. I am 53 years old and have never, in my life heard I love you out of either of my parents. They took care of me and raised me but were never involved in my life. Nothing I did was ever good enough which explains why I am a perfectionist. I am not trying to beat a dead horse, it just is reassureing to know that I am not alone. It must have been something with our generation's parents. And no, you are not a horrible person. If you are then move over, because you have company.;)

Me too Sandy, nothing ever good enough. I never got credit for getting straight A's even. But I brought home a B once and boy did they notice that. It was like what happened here? SHEESH! I am a total perfectionist which is why I think I failed at so many 'diets' it's my all or nothing thinking. If I couldn't be 'perfect' I was a failure so gave in to everything and really failed. I made sure every night when my kids went to bed they heard I love you from me and to this day it's how we end every conversation on the phone, every good bye, etc. Now my parents wonder why they never hear from my kids, same thing, very uninvolved in their lives when they were little so kids forget to involve them now. It is reassuring to know that I am not alone as well. You are handling this situation with your dad with such grace. Even if he doesn't acknowledge it, he is very lucky to have you.

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Good Evening...short post...have some work to do. Need to email this big family (DH's) to send photos and prove that Dad is alive and well. They worry so and shouldn't. 87 yrs young and riding his bike 20 minutes up the McDonalds to have coffee every day. Heck, with my vertigo, I'd be road kill.

OK...I knew I loved Eva and DH...cool dudes...but what a nice visit. I am still in awe over Eva's talents. (Be quite Eva, I'm busy bragging you up). Cool desert home...just as her photos showed when she posted a few months ago. Her tiled floors and bath/shower walls are amazing...and...she did the work herself. On the ride home from her place I was telling DH that I need to pick up on a few of the things I let go from getting to busy on the farm. Now that I have the time, I need to get into that inner-feeling again. Since I quit work (11 yrs ago) and made the farm my job, I've lost myself a bit. I knew it but have not been happy with losing myself a bit in the farm stuff.

Tanker, DH and I took a drive to her home this afternoon...so interesting what they have done with their place. She does not brag so I guess I will need to do it for her. All I can say is OMG. You will all just have to make the trip (they are very welcoming and gracious and have so many stories on what they have done with their beautiful home...history). I turned down an invitation to go out for dinner. Me? I never turn down an invitation. Still on MN time and need one more night to recoup. We have plans for tomorrow. Looking forward to it.

You know...we might all have something in common when it comes to comparing parents and how we were raised. Some on this thread (and I am so happy for) I am sure can say they got the love and learned how to love from their parents. Some of us have jaw-dropping stories but if you can go through life and still choose your own life over someone elses, then you did feel some love even though it was not said or demonstrated. Not a lecture, just something to ponder. Point is...by not feeling the love, you learned survivor skills and fight to not repeat the pattern with your offspring. Not discounting or judging the depth of someone else's hurt, just saying...a person is equiped to "one-up" break the mold.

Gotta get those photos out and get the rest of my book finished b/4 DH finishes his and grabs the one I am reading. Night all.

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Had a good visit with Apples, her DH and Tanker...got to show off all my mess. I'm listening to an audio book and going to bed. Will catch up tomorrow after my bone scan. Have a great night.


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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