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OMG this morning the place was dead - I get busy and then you all just junk up the thread LOL

Lori - WTG on your workout ... Hugs on DD MIL issues - Yep you aren't giving the shower - you can't change the date - let her do her own ;0)

Not good w/icky MIL - I was lucky - I got along w/mine and all my bf's mom's so can't help their..

Eva - Glad Apples got there safe and sound - she will love originizing ;0)

Trainer sick tonite - so rescheduled for thrusday - so I got my Zumba game figured I would do that tonite - well it's stupid doesn't give you left or right - felt lost just on learning the steps - plus my hip didn't like it either - don't waste your $$$ it's going back to qvc -- but I did yoga and it's been 276 days since the last time I turned on my wii - have improved greatly in that area and my weight is the same as it was 276 days ago - it just gave me bmi - but it's the same ;0) 24.06..

I'm going to the kitchen to cook - I'm hungry...


Bf Jerky

lunch fish & spinach

Snack 1/2 ck thigh

dinner - ck thigh & broc & rice

Snacks ??? who know sf fudgscile - popcorn..

I gotta go watch my soap so will cbl

Charlene - did you lose 4 lbs???\\

Joyce WTG on your exercise too

Laurak - You will find your guy - Watching Suzie O on OWN last night at this stage in our life - your partners $$$ style needs to be inline w/yours...

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Lori~ You and your daughter are sooo sweet to even consider changing the shower for that woman! She sounds nuts. Hey, if she wants to throw a shower for her family, she can. She also seems to not care what others wishes are, including your daughter, who is the one giving birth!!!! If your daughter wants to have the shower before the baby is born, then she needs to have it on the date it is curently scheduled for. Bottom line. Heck, it might be great if this lady didn't talk to you and your DD for awhile! LOL. I don't understand why and how people get so crazy about these things? I wouldn't worry about it (easy for me to say). I always think about what my mom says in these situations, "Consider the source". It's so true. She sounds nuts and like she wants the attention (example A, the crying at the wedding shower) and not your DD, SIL, or GD. Not fair. Your friend is so kind to have the shower for her. Try to concentrate on the positive people in your lives. Good luck. I don't know if that helped any, but I tried. I know from experience that you cannot cave in and let these people get their way all of the time. Andrews mom used to be just like that and now she has done a 360 and her whole attitude has changed.

I agree!

Sounds like your DD's MIL wants to ruin the shower and your DD's relationship with her DH. She wants to be proven right that her DS shouldn't have married your DD. She's willing to risk your daughter's health and her grandchild's health by upsetting her as much as she possibly can while her pregnancy is in a precarious state.

Your DD and her DH need to sit down together and decide how to deal with her. My suggestion would be that DH tell his DM that she has a choice: be in her grandchild's life, or not. If she wants to be in her grandchild's life, she has to keep her opinions to herself and stop causing trouble for his wife. If she doesn't want to participate in the shower, that would be sad for her. If he is not able to stand up to his mother for the sake of his wife and unborn child, then your DD and her DH have some serious issues to resolve between them. If he doesn't man up, your DD will have to be the one to write her MIL and tell her she's sorry she won't be attending the shower . Just that and no more. Then DD needs to breathe a sigh of relief that she won't have to deal with that biatch at the shower and can go ahead and have a good time. As far as you MIL is concerned, Lori, I think you should let your DH deal with her if she takes sides on this. Again, the "we want you to be part of your great-grandchild's life but if you choose not to, we will live with that" is the kind of boundary that needs to be set.

By the way, I've only read the most recent posts, so don't know what's been going on. Recap anyone? I was with grandchildren all Saturday and Sunday so am way behind. My 4 year old DGD was teaching me how to use my Wii Fit Plus part of that time. LOL.

Linda, I do remember your news about Aylah's mom. Hugs, girlfriend. It's always tough to be tough with someone who's the parent of a dear grandchild. You may need to be proactive in filing for temporary custody of Aylah in preparation for the mandatory reporting.

Kelly, congrats.


I agree!

Just a FYI.... Apples is here and settling in to her new abode. Didn't spend much time with her because they are both tired and need a little time to adjust.

I'll read the posts and catch up a little later.


Lori, I have to agree with the consensus here...Let MIL know she'll be missed but plans have been made. Wow, it amazes me that some people have to have all the control all the time.

Joyce, Palm Desert and Tucson are about 6+ hours away from each other. It may all be desert, but it isn't the same desert.

Jodi, yep those families can sure get to you. You are going to be in the desert for two weeks? Cool.

Sandy, congrats on the progress....that is really great.

Meredith, congratulations on graduation and the math test. That is an awesome accomplishment (speaking from experience here.) You deserve a big pat on the back.

Charlene, glad your Mom is getting settled. Is the rehab place any closer to you than where she normally lives?

Cheri, how are you enjoying the Wii?

Linda, hope you stay warm in that snow storm.

Kelly, so excited that you are going to start school. I start on the 18th, but just for my own personal stuff, not for any career plans like you. You go and good for you.

Apples made it here earlier that she expected. I was still in Phoenix and not even at Ikea yet when she was 90 minutes out so they went visiting and hung out a bit in town. She made it to the house when my friend and I were unloading the new mattress. At least she'll have a decent bed (I hope), new sheets, and a place to let Tanker out. I left a mess there because I ran out of time, but I know she'll want to stay busy and can organize stuff the way she wants it.

I took a friend to Phoenix with me and it was very nice to have someone to visit with on that drive. We stopped by a leather store, and oh my was the furniture nice. I want to go back and look at that stuff again. It was pricey, but looked fabulous. There were other things there I wanted to look at also, but we just didn't have enough time...I think that is my biggest whine lately, where's the time.

Okay, I'm going to finish my stew. Hope everyone has a great night!


Tahnks soooooo much, and give Apples a big hug for me!

ok posted earlier but the delete monster got it.

Mr Filet Mignon did not come to the party on Saturday. I am finding that he likes to gamble a bit much for my liking. I did meet someone at the the party. I enjoyed talking with him so we'll see.

Kelly, go for it you can do or be what ever you want.

Meridith, wtg you are right in the game again.

Great, a big ditto from me on the MIL issue for your DD.

I'll do the northern whine while Apples is gone, I am so sick of this cold weather........

Ok got that out of my system for a bit.


Just figgered out multi quote....thanks Indio...btw I think you may know my dad Jack Doran...I think he may have worked with your firm...also when I was 19 I was building inspector trainee for the city of Palm Desert....OMG I bet we have a few friends in common....had to have a couple of cocktails to tell you this! Don't worry not that many!


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Okay, here I am again apologizing for being absent so much... I don't know why I just can't get to the computer anymore.... I have been busy and then still doing the pain thing............it's my only excuse.. I haven't read since about page 213.........I'll never get caught up now.... I hope each one is doing okay and the new year is looking bright and promising...... glad to hear Apples and DH made it to AZ safely..... So, I'm going to say goodnight and pray you are all fine...... We are okay but have sick little granddaughters.... DD won't let me help as she doesn't want me to get sick on top of everything else..... Take care everybody.... Hugs and prayers for all..... Julie

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Lori~ Nice recap! I'm impressed. So happy to hear the good news about DD! I will keep praying that everything continues to go so well for her. I think that I wrote in the post that was lost that my very very best friend is due March 12th. Right around the same time, right?

Janet~ Glad we could junk it up a little bit for ya!

Eva~ Thanks for checking in and letting us know that Apples made it safely. So glad. I guess I missed it, but is she staying with you, or in another house that you have? Im not sure.

Julie~ Glad to see you on!

Kelly~ Good luck with school! I love school. I don't know what I am going to do with myself this semester. It was so strange not going to school today to start the semester. The first time I haven't started a semester in 5 yrs! You will do great.

Jessica~ Thank you! Also, good luck with school and, again, wtg on the scholarship!

LauraK~ Mr. Mignon seemed so charming! A gambler, huh? That stinks. Well, at least he was able to get you back into the dating saddle! Yep, I'm back on, and serious about this again.

Arlene~ So sorry to hear about your moms issues. Poor thing. Hopefully she will be able to persevere past this new obstacle and get back to normal. I have 2 elderly grandmothers (90 & 91) and we are going through the in and out of nursing home rehabs with the 90 y.o. This has gone on for years now. She has been doing better now for a few months. I will keep praying for her as well.

Thats all I can remember right now. I will have to reread and comment more tomorrow.

Watching TV about all of the snow in Atlanta. Thats normal for us here! Apparently it is supposed to be coming our way tomorrow afternoon. I will welcome it because I won't have to go anywhere and, it will give me a good workout when I have to shovel it all. Plus, since my nieces and nephew have been here from vegas (got here dec 17th) our weather has been cold, but not really any snow. I can't wait to get into the snow and play with them! So fun!

Thats about it for now. Had the day off today. Did dishes and laundry and made a crock pot dinner.

food today:

Breakfast~ Active Lifestyle Cereal with Strawberries and Skim Milk

Lunch~ 1/2 Grapefruit

Dinner~ Polish Sausage, Sauerkraut, and Redskins in the crock pot.

About 800-850 cals today. Gonna log dinner into daily plate at livestrong.com Have to add the sausage and sauerkraut. No grazing or snacking today. Happy with that. Probably will have a sf fudgsicle too. I do need to get into the gym tho. I just cannot find the motivation to exercise! I was so into it when I was doing all of the step aerobics and floor aerobics.

Off to make some egg salad and Andrews lunch.

Night all!!!!

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Arlene - so sorry to hear your Mom fell again. A blessing that she was in rehab and help was available. Good luck at bone dr. tomorrow.

Eva - thanks for sharing the arrival news for Karen & Keith. We are all happy she arrived safely. Also thanks for geography info. 6 hours is way too far between Palm Desert & Tucson. Will be nice for Lori to enjoy her father and warm climate.

Lori - way to go - two workouts in one day. You inspire me.

LauraK - I'll join you on the whining for the cold weather. 21 degrees here in K.C. right now. Yuk. Have shoveled snow every two hours today - all day long.

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Watching TV about all of the snow in Atlanta. Thats normal for us here! Apparently it is supposed to be coming our way tomorrow afternoon. I will welcome it because I won't have to go anywhere and, it will give me a good workout when I have to shovel it all.

Meredith - The snow has been fun. I could not go to work today and they canceled school. Alex (DS)I had fun in all the snow. We were running in it at least trying too LOL. We started to build a snowman but then he got to cold. I told him to dress in layers but you know Mom's don't know best. LOL Anyways burned alot of calories running around and playing in the snow. Supposed to be worse tomorrow I think because we are having freezing rain now. So we will see if I can make it to work. They canceled school for tomorrow.

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Meredith - The snow has been fun. I could not go to work today and they canceled school. Alex (DS)I had fun in all the snow. We were running in it at least trying too LOL. We started to build a snowman but then he got to cold. I told him to dress in layers but you know Mom's don't know best. LOL Anyways burned alot of calories running around and playing in the snow. Supposed to be worse tomorrow I think because we are having freezing rain now. So we will see if I can make it to work. They canceled school for tomorrow.

Melissa~ Can't wait for the snow!!!! Glad you got to have so much fun with Alex! How much did you end up getting? On the news it just lootked like a few inches. I think that is what we are supposed to get. I was hoping for a HUGE snow storm. We still have lots of winter left! It has been VERY cold here, and it actually feels like its warmer when there is snow. I know that sounds crazy, but when there is snow, there is some moisture in the air and to me it doesn't feel as bitter. Sorry you couldn't head into work. hey, at least you got to have fun even if it did mean missing out on some money. I cannot stand this new site. My fonts and sizes don't work. It is so annoying.

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Good morning.

Julie, thanks for checking in with us - have been worried. Don't worry about catching up -- none of us has been doing anything too earth shattering. Sorry to hear the GDs have been sick but glad you aren't catching it.

Apples, hope you get settled in soon and get back on here -- missing the green ink.

Melissa - glad you enjoyed the snow -- stay safe -- it's so funny how it closed down your area with just a few inches. We got about 9 inches since yesterday and everything is normal here. I know it snowed once when I lived in SW Texas - about 1/2 of an inch and everything closed -- then the sun came out and it was all gone by 10:00 a.m. It was funny to me. It's amazing how snow can cripple an area that doesn't have proper snow removal equipment. Glad you stayed home and had fun with your DS.

Kelly, don't you still live fairly close to Janet? You should go meet her and Phyl one of these days. I promise, they are NOT axe murderers.

Lori, safe travels to Denver and have fun with GM and DD. Hope youare feeling better today about the MIL issues. Sorry your MIL is like that as well. I can't even imagine being that type of person. My sister's MIL was like that and was always difficult for my DS. I've been lucky and had wonderful MILs. I think if you just don't allow her to control any situation starting now that over time she'll learn what battles to choose. If she doesn't then she's just really an idiot or truly nuts.

Cheri glad to see you checking in and thanks for the good wishes. Things are calm right now - Katie said she spoke with the diabetes educator (who is the one who said she's the mandatory reporter) so not sure what is happening there at this moment. I just hope that woman does report it -- it's our only hope at this point in time.

Janet, sorry about the tape. I bought a Zumba tape and felt the same way it was just too hard for me to figure out. Now my gf is teaching a Zumba class but I can't go cause it's from 5:30 to 6:30 and I work until 6! Oh well, probably be hard on my hip anyway.

Eva, thinking of you -- this tragedy has just been so horrific.

Arlene, so sorry about your DM falling, but again, thank goodness she was in the rehab part. Maybe you could get her that necklace that you wear around your neck so if you fall you can get help -- I think it's called LIfe Alert or something - that would give you peace of mind when whe does return to her own apt.

Meredith, have fun in the snow -- it should be getting there about now or in a few hours. Very wet snow - I agree, it always seems warmer to me when there's snow too.

Well, gotta get this body moving on the step - staying home to exercise cause I don't need to be driving around in this weather --have plenty of tapes to keep me moving right here at home.

Then gotta drive to work -- that's enough for me.

CBL. Have a fabulous day everyone!


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Morning...off to get beautiful this morning, then I'll do some shopping...fresh stuff, and then house cleaning. What an exciting day. Oh, and I'll have to work at "work" too some.

I'm leaving Apples alone today to get settled in. I'll start bugging her tomorrow...LOL.

Meredith, Apples is renting my mother-in-law's house which has been empty for quite a while. We had it painted and I've furnished it with left-overs from my sister, the place in Benson, extra stuff I have, etc. So they are living in a hodge podge. The house is really nice, small, but nice, it's just the furnishings that are pretty funny. They did get a new mattress yesterday. It's functional and I think they'll be fairly comfortable. It has a really nice screened in porch...which isn't so important this time of year, but in the spring it nice to keep the flies out.

Need to scoot....check in later,


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Good Morning Peeps...

Julie like Linda said nothing earth shattering going on ... Hugs on your pain sure wish someone would get to the root of it - well I bet you would too.. That's nice of DD to be worried about you - hope the girls get well soon..

Melissa Snow - OMG it would shut down the Desert too..

Linda LOL me and Phyl not being axe murders - Kelly is like 5 hrs (approx porterville right kelly) not really close. Ya I gotta get hip ck'd out - cuz it's not really hip joint that hurts but the muscle/tendion that runs on the side of my leg - like right now sitting with crossed legs and can feel the side of my leg hurting all the way down to my knee.. Ya the cd - just didn't give good enough instructions and my hip wasn't hurting at all till I tried the 1st 2 steps - that was enough - I just took it out and put my wii active in.. Yep snow in the desert would shut us down LOL. Again Prayers for Katie..

Meredith - You are doing FANTASTIC !!!

Charlene - Hugs for your Mom- remember take care of you as you can't take care of her if you don't take care of you -I was my parent's caregiver for the last 6 months of their lives and it's really hard work..

Sandy - How's your Dad..

Cheri- Are yours moving

Phyl - How's your Mom

Lori - I know you are gone to denver - but the other night I was thinking (I know dangerous) but you never talk about your Dad ??? Hope you have a good time w/GM..

Kelly - Why did you have to have a few cocktails to tell me that?? I don't think your Dad worked for our agency - we have had a few names A.J. Sfingi & Associate - Lewis & Hannon - Sfingi & Hannon - HRH Insurance now Desert Empire - I know one Jack and he use to work for Fitzhenry Funeral Home..

We might know the same pple - the Desert isn't that big (well it use to not be lol) and I beleive in the saying 6 degrees of separation - My GF BIL use to work at City of PD Chris Neven's - he was a friend of my bro's too..

Melissa - Glad you gotta spend fun time w/DS ;o) Yep you burned calories

Joyce - LOL yep a long drive between me & Eva... WTG on gym.

Well quick ck in - need to get my butt in gear - I will cbl

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Checking in...fly by........My mother has an appt this afternoon to have her wrist set or whatever. She does have a fracture. I did go to WW......lost 1lb. I am babysitting right now for a few minutes. Am I in the sandwich generation or what? Janet, I will take care. I took care of my aunt for five years and my inlaws for the last few months of their lives. With my mother I am not getting freaked out.....maybe it is the Lexapro or just experience. One day at a time! The weather is so cold I will have to do my wii for the next few days......kinda excited about something new. Later! Baby is crying.......diaper change.....NOW!

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We are getting snowed on right now. It is a pretty snow, the kind that sticks to the trees and looks like a picture.

WTG on the shoveling Joyce. That counts as an aerobic workout! I usually use the blower so not too much exercise there. Maybe I need to get the shovel out.

Meredith, you are so close to goal. Keep it up!

Linda, my fingers are crossed for you and your granddaughter.

Charlene, I could use a little of your calm right about now. My Dad has improved but not nearly enough to be on his own. Oh my gosh, you would think he had major surgery the way he is acting. He only broke his arm! I am so tired of hearing "I can't". What do you mean you can't, your arm is broken not your whole body! Ok, enough whining and feeling sorry for myself now.

My workouts have been going well. I signed up to take yoga on Sat mornings. We will see how that goes. I have never done yoga so I really don't know what to expect. I figure what is the worst that can happen? If I hate it, I just won't go back. I start my TRX class next week Wed. So you see I am branching out and trying new things. I am keeping my trainer. No sense in messing with success. Beside, when I work out I forget my Dad problems for a while. They always seem to come back but I am free of them for at least an hour. And that is a very good thing!

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Greetings, guess who didn't make it to Denver today?? Seems the snowstorm in Atlanta has really messed up Delta's flights, which is who I fly on standby, folks were getting rerounted all sorts of crazy ways and my once open flights were oversold. I didn't want to chance getting stranded. I may try again on Friday. So I did my extra workout for nothing last night. LOL Well not really nothing as now it was a bonus because being the good girl that I am I did the regularly scheduled workout today. This Sports Active I am doing changes up the workouts every day. Yesterday was focus on upper body today was almost all squats. I am afraid I will pay for that. It's Karma getting me back for last night. I purposely picked the first workout I did that had so many squats and got me so sore last week for DH to do, hoping he'd get sore. LOL And then this morning it was all squats. I'm afraid, very afraid, tomorrow is a rest day I may need it! LOL I was very tempted to take today off to thinking well I did that workout last night, but no I didn't. Are you proud of me Janet?? LOL

Snow: I get such a chuckle reading how snow shuts some areas down. When I read Melissa say she might not be able to get out with a couple inches. And I know it's all in what an area is used to but we trod through just about anything. Reminds me of when we first moved to Vegas about 10 yrs ago. our first week there they got snow. Now mind you this was a dusting, the grass was white but the roads were just wet. Folks were panicking. I had a hair appt and went to the salon and they were closing down due to the storm. And one beauty operator didn't even come in as she couldn't get out of her driveway? That was my first experience with others who aren't used to experiencing snow. My kids and I got such a laugh out of that. Of course, a city like that has no equipment to deal with it now snowtires etc. And I realize that is why it cripples places like atlanta etc.

Meredith, your friend is due the exact same date as my DD, March 12th. You'd never know DD is that far along she has only gained a little over 10 lbs and looks just a couple months along.

Janet, my dad is good guy. But he is of that generation that shows no emotion, he showed his love for his family by providing for them but not by showing it any other way if that makes sense. To this day he has never told me he loves me (nor my momfor that matter). He's very quiet. I get along fine with him but find it difficult to talk to him when it's just me and him one on one. We differ dramatically on politics and he'll sometimes try to goad me into a debate, sometimes I do but most the time I don't. LOL He retired from teh airlines in fact got DH his job many many years ago. He's also very henpecked by my mom and for years hasn't stood up to her, he has basically just sortta checked out and spends as much time as he can on the golf course. LOL

Arlene, hope your mom's wrist isn't broken. Good job on going to WW. My friend who goes showed me her stuff on it. I find it interesting that this time they have no charts to tell you your point range etc. that your leader has to tell you etc. Guess they are trying to prevent folks from doing it on their own, though I did see some apps to figure points to download to my phone. I did download one to show her but am using Spark people app for my cals and Protein.

Eva, sounds like you did good for Karen. Get your work done so you two can go play!

Linda, I asked DH last night if he thinks his mom will say anything about the shower, he's confident that she won't. He said she's so afraid to speak up that all they talk about is the weather. LOL

Well now that I have this unexpected free day, i am off to DSW show store. They had a pair of Born shoes I liked before Christmas. Santa didn't bring them and I am hoping they are on clearance now. LOL Also to costco to return some Can organizers that I didn't use. BTW my pantry rocks now!

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Janet, yes I remember Chris Nevins.....How about a Mike Smith that worked for J.F. Davidsons? I used to work for them too... I remember when the desert was fairly small, and kinda deserted in the summers.....I also saw the plans for the Palm Desert Mall before it was even started...

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Melissa~ Can't wait for the snow!!!! Glad you got to have so much fun with Alex! How much did you end up getting? On the news it just lootked like a few inches. I think that is what we are supposed to get. I was hoping for a HUGE snow storm. We still have lots of winter left! It has been VERY cold here, and it actually feels like its warmer when there is snow. I know that sounds crazy, but when there is snow, there is some moisture in the air and to me it doesn't feel as bitter. Sorry you couldn't head into work. hey, at least you got to have fun even if it did mean missing out on some money. I cannot stand this new site. My fonts and sizes don't work. It is so annoying.

Snowed in again today. Yes Ga. is shut down again we never do good in snow. Parts of the major interstates are completly closed. I am actually off tomorrow and they closed the schools again. It is fun being home but could use the money since I am not salary.

But you know what I am not complaining we are having fun watching movies playing board games. Power is on so we are warm and toasty. So maybe this is GOD's way of telling people tp slow down and enjoy what you have.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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