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Good afternoon peeps! I am home from sitting at the hospital. My mother is feeling better and I should be able to bring her home tomorrow. I was there when the doctor came to check her out. He told me she has a high level of ??? forgot the name which indicates there may be a tumor growing in her body. Now we have to make an appointment with an oncologist. She is 87 years old. I am sure IF it is cancer she won't want any treatment. I did not make a big deal out of it because I don't want her to start worrying. I guess I will be busy this month with my mom.

I was on the train......fell off......not a bad fall.......I am back on again. Oh, my DH went to his knee dr today. He said with his weight loss and exercise his knees should last another 20 years or longer. Another reason to lose weight and be active! His doctor also gave him a name of a hand surgeon for me. He said I probably just need a cortisone shot. Ouch!.....but not as bad as surgery. I will go after I take care of my mother.



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Joyce, the Marriott is fairly close to my house...if it's the Marriott at Starr Pass...I think there might be another one in town, but not sure. We'll work something out when you get closer. A little competition, that's always a good motivator.

We are going to dinner at friends house this evening, guess I should get ready for that. Talk to you all later.


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Apples, don't bring that cold weather with you. It's finally nice outside today and I like it that way. Hope you make it out tomorrow but if not we can enjoy you junking up the thread more.

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Eva...our plan is to leave the cold/crappy weather behind us. The only vehicles we have seen go by today are snowmobiles and we live on a busy road. Just watched the local 5pm news and they say that this will let up by 8am but bitterly cold tomorrow. What the heck was today then? Tanker and I and Keith talked about Glimmer today. He's all for a play date some day soon.

Arlene...hoping that your mother's tests will come out OK. Try not to worry too much until you find out results.

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Eva...our plan is to leave the cold/crappy weather behind us. The only vehicles we have seen go by today are snowmobiles and we live on a busy road. Just watched the local 5pm news and they say that this will let up by 8am but bitterly cold tomorrow. What the heck was today then? Tanker and I and Keith talked about Glimmer today. He's all for a play date some day soon.

Arlene...hoping that your mother's tests will come out OK. Try not to worry too much until you find out results.

Thanks. I just called her. She is starting to run a slight fever. I have a feeling she won't be going home tomorrow. My DS is going up there.

Please be careful.......take your time! The sunshine will be waiting for you. We are supposed to be getting your cold on Monday......got up to 70 today. It was a beautiful day.

I had a green salad with chicken for dinner. Now I am going out for a walk. Take care!

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Apples, I hope you don't leave yet -- it's been nasty here all day -- we had snow over night and all day and now the wind is whipping up all the snow causing white outs -- not a good day to be traveling. Tomorrow's supposed to be fairly nice. You should seriously think about changing your route and coming south and then heading west. Weather map shows lots of snow in the west. Just a thought. . .but would be happy to put you up if you come south - have guest room and it can be ready without much notice.

Eva, you are so nice to me -- thank you so much for all the lovely comments you are always saying to me. That goes for all of you -- if I don't acknowledge it when I should please know that i appreciate it all from the bottom of my heart. My mother never gave me any praise (which is why I tend to over do it to others) and I never felt I was good enough or did anything good enough. It's caused me to be a perfectionist - I have a very difficult time in the world -- never took any kind of criticism well -- if I make a mistake I beat myself up to the point of being absolutely ridiculous -- it's also annoying to other people cause I just don't get over things quickly. I'm finally learning/growing in this area, but it's been a tough one for me. My mom died 8 years ago and so it's been 8 years since I've really had anyone be negative around/toward me. I loved my mother and miss her, but she was very difficult. Anyway, I didn't mean to get off on a tangent, but just wanted to say to all of you that you are so great to me and have helped me more than you'll ever know. Damn, now I've got tears and I'm still at work, must change the subject. You are all so fabulous and I truly do love each and every one of you.

Jodi, I love, love love all your plans for the party -- what a wonderful religion you have. I think it all sounds so fabulous.

A little of what is going on here in my world. I try not to say too much cause frankly, it never seems to change, and I think you guys will wonder about my DH and I sometimes. Anyway, my step son has FINALLY come forward to us and has admitted that his DS is taking lots of drugs -- now it's prescription pain meds that she's been on. I have been suspicious (pretty positive) that this was going on for about a year but I had no proof. If my DH and i try to talk with her about things like that it just ends up being a big screaming match with threats of suicide or not allowing us to see Aylah, etc. etc. I have been so stressed over this -- as you all know, I've been going to a counselor to try to figure out how to handle the whole situation. In the meantime, I've learned that she admitted this to her diabetes educator who hs now told DS that she is a mandatory reporter and MUST report it. So, not sure what is happening on that end. Supposedly the couselor is trying to talk Katie into admitting herself into a rehab. We'll see. Problem is she's been to many rehabs and all is well for awhile, but then she goes right back to it. Please pray for her and especially for Aylah -- she needs to do the right thing and raise her daughter and stay off drugs. All these months I've been so worried about her having a terrible accident or overdosing, etc. etc. It's just been horrible. She is still sick with the other problems but I think this is a vicious cycle - if she would get off the drugs maybe she'd be better able to correct her eating and take care of her diabetes. I've been avoiding the subject, don't like to burden you with my troubles, but needed to get that off my chest, Thanks as always, for listening.

Watched one of the Doctor's shows I taped from earlier in the week over my lunch -- it's about that 17 day diet again -- it's the book that costs like $50 -- they now have two teams of people that are going to compete -- the Doctor's show team and a Dr. Phil team. Should be interesting, Sounds like they basically eat the way we eat - whole foods, mostly Protein and veggies and fruit, and low carb. Lucky people on the team -- each of them gets work out clothes AND a personal trainer FREE. Then knowing the show, they'll all probably get free tummy tucks when they are done. I need to write that show again and see if they want us to come on there to set the record straight about Lap Band -- never hurts to try. Would love it if they offered us free plastic surgery -- wouldn't we all just die for that!!! LOL.

Apples, I'm getting pretty darn good at junking up this thread -- may take over your title if you're not careful.

Phyl, hope you get back to posting regularly again - you and Laura both - missing you guys.

We were hoping to go to Des Moines tomorrow for a quick Sam's Club run and I need to drop my Kitchen Aid mixer off at a repair place -- hope the weather clears up enough for us to go. Apples, sorry about that pipe, but yes, thank goodness it didn't happen after you had left.

Heard a cute blonde joke today -- a blonde was sitting at a bar drinking and heard that there was a terrible earthquake injuring and killing Brazilians. She started to sob and the bartender asked her if she had a friend or relative who'd been hurt in the earthquake and she said, "I don't know how many a Brazilian is, but it sounds like a lot more than a billion". Somehow it doesn't sound as cute written out but I thought it was a cute one.

Arlene, sorry to hear about your DM -- hope the results come back negative. Will be thinking/praying for you and her and the family. Glad she's feeling better today though.

Joyce, only three of us showed up for Water aerobics this morning so the instructor asked if we wanted to try deep Water aerobics -- we used a noodle and wow what a great work out - and it's much better for your joints/knees. I liked it much better than regular water aerobics -- you should check to see if anyone in your area offers that - your feet never touch the bottom of the pool -- it was great. I may start going a little early and doing some on my own before regular class. Plus it was warmer cause we had water up over our shoulders the whole time.

Lori, proud of you for your exercise - wtg and keep it up -- you'll be back down in no time. I agree with you -- the ex Olympic champ will do well - my boss said he thinks he lost a foot or part of a foot after the Olympics due to frost bite a few years ago -- they haven't mentioned that on the show. I always love the Tongans -- my DS had lots of Tongan brothers in Reno -- they were all my "other" sons and I've never met a Tongan I didn't just love. I hope they do well too. It was amazing to me that I thought the girls who were between 220 and 280 looked "small". Yeah, I heard Jilian AND Bob are both leaving - not sure if that's true -- but must be if they are bringing in two new trainers. I wonder if Jillian will do more of her own show like she had on last year.

Janet, are you working today? I couldn't tell for sure - maybe it's your furlough day? Are you still getting those?

Kelly, where have you been? Hope everything is okay with you -- we miss you.

Sandy, hope all is okay with you - how's your Dad doing?

Well, all, I need to get off here, been typing this most of the afternoon. Hopefully I'll be checking in over the weekend. TGIF!!! It's been tough working all 5 days. LOL


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Linda......sorry for the stressors in your family's lives. Glad you are going to someone and talking. It's so nice to be able to walk away from a few sessions and have tools to somewhat deal. I know it has helped me tremendously. I just didn't know which end to pick up as they were all falling down around me. Just a few "key words" sometimes helps you to get what you need to do or not do. Hugs and sending the love to you and your family. I know you and DH will be there for Alyah and hopefully DSD will hand herself over for rehab and do the work that it takes to get herself sober.

Thanks for the offer for the overnight. You live with a man, right? So, you know that the route is set in stone. LOL. Would have been lovely to stop and visit.

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Good Evening Gang....

Linda - I was at work - I have been having a hard time concentrating at work it's just so boaring anymore - I just don't have a lot of pep lately - I'm not depressed - I just not very motivated - Came home from work - was starving - had my italian cabbage for lunch - I liked it a lot better today.. Anyway came home made some popcorn - and had a little cat nap..

Hugs on stepdaughter - I think she means when she says she's a reporter - that she has to report it to the authorities child protection services.. You may end up with your Aylah full time... That's going to be a tough one - but then you can set schedules and have some routines instead of this drop off w/o any notice.. Your poor Aylah - Hugs & prayers that she gets her shit together w/o the authorities getting involved.

Sorry about your Mom, You are a beautiful woman !!! Whats a Tongan?? Like a Samoain?? I didn't watch GL on Tuesday - had 2 other shows recording...

Yep still have furlough days - I think mines next week or maybe the week after - I wanted the Friday before my Bday - but another girl who has kids who's bday fall then too wanted it off - so I let her take it - I will be taking a pto day since my DS is suppose to be coming...

Apples - Hate that you had plumbing problems - but it's a good thing you aren't on the roads in that kind of weather and we get you for another day...

Hell Phyls back and still hasn't posted here or on the #7 thread - bet she's getting caught up w/all her DHS friends..

Joyce - Yep SUPER PROUD of you on hooking up w/trainer - You are on your way to win the $50 !!!

Charlene - Hugs on you Mom -This has to be tough on you - she might be older but it's still hard w/they are sick..

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Janet...are you in need of some B-12 or something? We don't hear you talk of being "not motivated" very often. Can I send you some "piss and vinegar"? I seem to be full of it.

Pretty hard sitting in the house today and this evening and having the feeling (so many times this winter) like I'm being held captive. Have not been out of the house since Wed. For some reason...gotta be the stress piled on top of all the storms and being pent up in the house, I have had an attitude change. In all my life and everything we have ever gone through, I have never ever lost my positive attitude. I am starting to feel it slip away. It will pick up again once we back the car out of the garage (plowing first) and hit some good/non-icy roads. The way it looks right now, we will not hit good roads until we hit NE.

Oh...and for all of the talk I've done the last couple of weeks...I did just fine on the packing and fitting it into the car. I already know that there will be some boxes shipped back to MN a week b/4 we head back. Plan on doing some antiquing, consignment shopping and buying old books (my passion) while we are down in "God's Country". Want to look for some things that my DS's are interested in. I am just looking forward to walking outside and not having the nose on my face freeze solid. Whine.

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I couldn't get on here earlier, but now I can but am on my laptop, did anyone else have trouble or is it a computer issue for me? Will go try again on desktop.

DH and I went back to costco tonight to get one more "Cansolidator" and they had a larger size tonight so we got 3 of those and I am taking my 2 smaller ones back. We got it all rearranged again. Helped to have him helping me. He's making some little shelves for me too. Also went to Ikea to get a cheap rug, he's worried all my working out is going to wear on the carpet. LOL

I was crying when I read Linda's post. I think we were raised by the same mother. I am so like you Linda. A perfectionist, don't get over things easily, always felt not good enough. Trouble is I still hear it from my family or am super sensitive to it from them so take everything that way. I make great strides then something will come along and shake my new found confidence but I am getting over it quicker. I apologize all the time, because I just know whatever wasn't good enough, etc. Our chat over Breakfast in Vegas was really ground breaking for me and I've done so much better since then.

Janet, Tonga is another Polynesian Island near Samoa. We have a lot of Tongan and Samoan people in Utah. Wonderful people. Any special plans for your birthday?? Did you get your cleaning done? I finally got off the computer long enough to do some.

Linda, sorry to hear about DSD, you were right all along, not something you wanted to be right about, but let's hope she can get the help she needs. If she were to lose Aylah would you take custody?

As for Bob and Jillian, just Jillian is leaving, Bob has said he was not leaving and couldn't imagine ever leaving the show, think I read that on Facebook or something.

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Lori - I coud not get on this site earlier this eve either. Not just your computer.

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Linda - so sorry about family issues. Sending prayers and hugs.

Eva - 3800 Starr Pass is the Marriott were we'll be staying. Hope to see you when we are there. The daughter lives in Marana, where we will stay the 27th and 28th.

Karen - sorry about your weather delay.

Janet - thanks for the thumbs up.

Arlene - hugs to you for your Mom.

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When do you think you will be coming through TX & what part will u be through?

Sorry all for not checking in. Things suck here right now. Will fill in later.



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Quick post. Not even time to read posts today. back to back busy... Water aerobics to grocery shopping, then choir practice, then chili cook-off. By the time we got home tonight... just wanted to veg~~!! Read a few posts, but too many to read all. I am several pages behind.

Love you all!!

Happy Trails to Apples!!

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When do you think you will be coming through TX & what part will u be through?

Sorry all for not checking in. Things suck here right now. Will fill in later.



Chris...hope nothing serious is going on with you guys.

Not quite sure what cities in TX we will hit and when we will be in your state. DH thought Delhardt? Our travel papers are in the car and about ready to hop in and leave. DH says that we are not in OK or TX for very long at all..

This is a long time a comin'....out the door and one the road.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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