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Janet~ What I meant was that to find your max heart rate, you take the number 220 and subtract your age. I think I accidently put 120. Woops.That is your max heart rate. To find your target range you are supposed to work at 65-70% of that number.

Mine for example:

220 - 28 (my age) = 192 = my max heart rate (beats per minute)

65% of 192 = 125 =target heart rate

70% of 192 = 134 =target heart rate

So this is where my trainer says my target range is when exercising. Apparently if you work within this range you burn the most calories. Just some extra info.

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Good morning peeps! I am headed out of town to go to the dentist. He is only 50 miles from here. I just haven't found one here.

Lori, I know what you mean about the extender. I was so embarrassed when I asked for one and they had run out of them. Then after everyone was seated here the attendant came to me with one. That was the A ha moments. I imagine you missed out on many opportunities because of the dreaded extender. I would go to Hawaii every time DH goes. Just chillin on the beach with all that scenery is awesome.

I know you are teasing with me. I really don't like those squats especially when you have to use weights with them.

Last night I made my low fat, low carb meatballs. I brown small meatballs. Then I mix onion Soup mix, cream of celery, and 2 tbsp of worchestershire sauce with about 1cup of water.....pour it over the meatballs and simmer. I had brown rice and peas. Of course I had meatbballs and peas. I was able to eat it even after pbing earlier.

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Hey gang, Jut a quickie before I take jake to school. I got a letter from the college yesterday saying I recieved a scholarship from BCBS. I am so excited. I thought I was gonna have to foot the bill for my summer tuition because my grants only covered fall and spring.

Also on the cruise. I think we are going with carnival. They live right out of our city. I am so excited about it. We looked at the kids program. I didn't realize they provided so much for the young ones.

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Good Morning All...

Jessica...Congrats on the BCBS scholarship. That's wonderful. Like Janet said one time...you're out little butterfly. You've done so well. Just look back on this last year and everything you have accomplished. So happy you are planning your cruise and nothing more convenient than leaving from your own city. The take the time later to work out the formula on how many pairs of shoes you will need to take. LOL

Arlene...to answer your question...We are thinking we will do the trip in 3-4 days. Last year we were doing 1,000 mile days and just too much for me in a day since I do most of the driving. And, my butt just cannot take it. I even stopped at a Target and purchased a memory pillow to sit on. We are just going to start out at 6am tomorrow (hopefully) and drive till we decide we've had enough. I like to stop every 2-3 hours and get out and run around the vehicle, potty break, coffee, pee the dog and hit the road again. Those little breaks are nice. I have all the snack food packed. The trouble we ran into last year was that every time I would eat something (protein bar, dry high Protein Cereal, Jerky, etc.) DH would eat too. He really gained on that trip and I lost 7lbs. Don't know how that works. So this year he has his bag of lower cal Protein Bars and I have my bag.

Now, some of you will think this is weird but we a looking forward to stopping at the first Cracker Barrel that we see (I think closest is in OK). We don't have them anywhere near us and we love eating there.

Jodi...planning Dazzi's big day sound similar to planning a wedding. How much fun is it that you will be able to pick up a dress for little or nothing. Great way to do it. I come across some beautiful formal dresses when I do my consignment shops. I do not own one (no need unless one of my sons gets married sometime) but love looking at them. And, just enjoy having a housekeeper....if you can swing it, do it...don't guilt yourself.


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Oh my aching quads and hamstrings. Just got done with my workout on the EA Sports Active and since I got a new XBox and had to reconnect and reconfigure everything it doesn't remember my first 2 workouts so it started me back out at day 1. Day 1 was all those squats that got me so sore in the first place. But I did them. Had trouble with a few and the trainer gal on the TV kept telling me I could go lower and I yelled at her LOL We'll see if I can walk later. I am drinking lots of Water as I heard that that helps flush all the lactic acid out of your muscles and that is what's making them sore. Worth a shot and Water is a good for me anyway.

Today I have an eye appt I am a little nervous for. When I had my eyes checked in Nov they saw some dot hemoragges (sp) and wanted me to come back for recheck. He said they were signs of diabetes, blood pressure and all that, but all that was just checked and good. He said he thought they'd be reabsorbed when I came back so I hope so. Then it's off to costco since it's close. I went the other day with my coupons but the coupons weren't good til today.

Jewel, not sure what a BCBS scholarship is, but any scholarship has got to be good. Congrats to you! How much more schooling do you have?

Apples, does your route take you through Denver? There's a Cracker Barrell at the 120th Ave exit and I-25 which is about 20 miles north of downtown, it's right on the exit so it would be easy on and easy off if you'll be on I-25, not sure you might be on I-76. Still got all 12 pairs of shoes packed? LOL I can't imagine having 12 pairs of shoes that fit. LOL I have such big wide feet it's hard to find shoes but have discovered DSW shoes and they carry 11's so I have become a little bit more of a shoe fanatic but still not much real stylish I get Born and Merrills a lot as they fit my ugly feet well and are so comfy.

Arlene, how's that train today? I am making some Texas refried bean chili in the crockpot for dinner tonight. Starting to smell good already.

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Oh come on Apples, I was just joshing her since she started it. (Sounded just like one of the kids didn't I)

On one of Miranda Lamberts' songs she talks about being a southern girl and she can just say "bless your heart" and she doesn't have to be mean. Might have to remember that one with your "friend".

Great, see above. lol I think it is wonderful you can travel the way you do.

Jodi, Date was a lot of fun. He sure can cook a great filet mignon. We also had a salad and steamed broccoli and Cailflower. He must have been listening to me at one time, told him "white ain't right" so no starchy foods. lol

He invited some of his friends over also, so I got to make some new friends. Then we all went to the casino.

Breakfast was filet mignon omelets.

Janet, I do walk on my treadmill on an incline always. Outside we walk at a faster pace. I was just wondering which one is the way to go.

Meridith, thanks for that break down. I never knew the formula to figure that out. I know on my treadmill it has the numbers for what you are looking to do. Like fat burn, aerobic, and another catagory.


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LOL Apples

Great, I have a year left. I will graduate this December and take the state exam in January. Can't believe how close I am to acheiving such a huge goal. Something I thought would never happen.

I applied for a job at a local hospital but haven't recieved a call back. I think my lack of work the past few years may hold me back. I am gonna keep looking. We need dental and vision insurance. My husbands job only offers health. Little jake lost his first tooth and has never been to a dentist. He is too old to have never been. We all need to see the dentist though. I need new glasses also. Mine are 7 years old. I saw a deal in the paper the other day I may check out.

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Good Morning Peeps

Congrats Jessica on the BCBS (blue cross blue shield) $$$ - that's great -

Yep there are tons of kids programs on cruise ships - you may never see your son ;0) he will be so busy..

Great - I ordered the Zumba Wii game - will let you know how that works - I am beginning to feel soreness from yesterdays' leg workout - I know by Saturday it's going to hurt to sit ;0)

Apples - Don't think I have ever eaten at a craker barrell we don't have them in my area..

Charlene - There are alot of things we don't like - I would rather be eating chocolate 24/7 - but I know I can't - If I want muscles in my legs to give me better balance and strength I gotta exercise ;o)... You are going to need all the muscles you can get now for when you get older - you will be happy you did..

Well started this an hr and boss just caught me gotta jam

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LauraK...you have the cutest sense of humor. I do know of the song you talk of and I just love that saying whether it is meant or not. "Bless your heart". Cute. I went back and read my post when I was giving you crap about giving Lori crap. Ummmmmmmmmm....that came off as kind of crude and rude. Oooops....not meant that way. Wish we could all just do Skype cuz sometimes my posts come off not they way I intended. I guess you will all have to deal with my rudeness and crudeness...too old to change now. LOL.

Great....Colorado is not on the route. SD, NE, KS, OK, TX, NM, and onto AZ. Ugh...when I look at the route it makes me feel pent up already. Maybe I will just take some of Tanker's calming meds. We'll just use the Garmin to find our Cracker Barrels. Good going on hitting this "back on track" stuff the way you are and on the 5lbs lost. Remember....even though you are staying on track, don't let the scale get you down if the numbers jump back and forth a bit. Just keep it going. It's nice to be able to work out at home. Do you think you are going to miss the gym at all? Your chili sounds good. I have used Arlene's cookbook quite a bit. DS and DH have loved everything I have made so far. Thanks, Arlene.

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Janet....so true on the keeping active now to build stamina and help us in our golden years. My "Mom" was a great example for all. She would get her 2 mile walk in each and every day...even if she had to walk indoors. She was always taking care of all the others in her building that used walkers, chairs, etc. Most of them were 10 yrs younger than her. By staying active on a daily basis and watching her diet, she was able to be more than spry up until she passed away at the age of 89. When I was heavy, she could run circles around me. Embarrassing.

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Morning all. Lori, you KNOW we are all teasing you I hope -- I for one am just jealous I can't travel let me end this it's pausing shoot

may be going to junk up the thread

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Well, not posting mulltiples but is acting like it will. sorry all if it does.

Anyway, I can't wait to retire so I can travel more, so anything I say is strictly in jest and/or jealousy. B)

Arlene, hope the train doesn't de-rail today. LOL. You are such a trooper to put up with all of us giving you grief. How's your friend doing at home?

Apples, honestly, I don't know what to say about your stupid friend. I once told you I thought they were jealous but you said you didn't think they were. I think you handled it well, but I agree with Janet, you've had enough stress already. Glad you don't let it get you down.

Great, WTG on the 5 lbs!!!! Congrats. You deserve a new outfit for that one. Better go shopping . I think your shopping can be incorporated as part of your exercise program. LOL. Sorry that trainer on the game is yelling at you. Hope you aren't as sore today as before. Hugs on that -- it'll make you feel stronger though.

Congrats Jessica on the scholarship -- that's great news. Things just seem to be less of a struggle for you now - I think it's the self confidence -- you carry yourself differently, you have such a different mind set than before -more positive. Congrats.

Well, at work, gotta get back to it.

Later. Chris where the heck are you? Missing you on here.


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Apples, You are far from rude and crude. I knew you were just kidding. It would take a lot more than that to get thru my thick skin. lol

I know what you mean though that the written words lack a lot of the meaning. I know when I sometimes write stuff it is sarcastic, snarky or kidding but if you don't know me than you may not always know that. That is my fault for forgetting.

There is not one person on here that I would be mean to because you are all great.


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Apples - Let me know if you want to stop in Overland Park, KS to coffee, lunch, dinner, potty break - I can meet you. Safe trip.

Jessica - congrats on BCBS $$$$ - you are so near your graduation. You inspire me.

Janet & Eva - have I mentioned that I'll be in Tucson??? Will leave KC on the 24th (January) & be there thru the 29th.

Linda - I agree, you look great. Let us know what the PS recommends for you.

Went to gym again yesterday and will be there again tomorrow. Knee is a bit sore, but I'm taking it easy and building up to stronger workouts. Trying to "ease" into fitness again and avoid injury, like I sustained in Water aerobics. Knee is still bruised from cortisone injection.

Met yesterday with gal who has lost 110 lbs with the lap band. 37 years old and had port flipped, 2 revisions and finally had to have it removed. She is debating about the sleeve as an option now.

Carpet cleaners just left and IT is coming to repair new printer with a few issues.

Have been busy and spending less time on the computer - sorry have not read all the posts.

Hugs to all.

Joyce rolleyes.gif

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Good Afternoon....

Laura....Breakfast??? Breakfast? ?? That sounds like it was a great NYE!! Yea you!!! Sending you good juju so there will lots more breakfasts!!!! So happy for you and he cooks what you can eat....as he listened....you so deserve someone like that!!! Thanks for the update!

Jessica....Congratulations on the Scholorship! Im sure that takes a load off.....and makes life stressers a little lighter now!!! You so worked hard to get this!!! Good going!!

Chicago??? Sounds good but not sure if the timing will work out for me this year...but this is what I have available...

End of January....January 19th to January 31st. Winter vacation....so far have not made any plans for any vacation....and not planning to....I think that with Dassis Bat Mitzvah coming....I need to put aside every penny...and the only vacation would be a driving one to a place that is free....so staying home...and having a staycation.....lol. It will be okay....Dassi bummed about it but its not in the budget..the bat mitzvah will cost about $5,000. As of now I have $3,500. That pays for the restuarant only. Nothing else...and if we have more then 80 people then Ill need at least 4,000. Crazy Crazy Crazy!! This is what is considered a no frills party. Hahha could have fooled me. Hey....the dress is gorgeous and the invitations are as well....the food will be great and if we have nothing else....then thats what will be. Of course I know Dassi wants to have a photo booth and something to give away to each girl. A custom made mask of some sort....or gift...I hate that idea what a waste of money....but.....If I told you all the gifts she comes home with from each party...youd all think these people are insane...which of course they are out of their minds so have to keep everything in perspective for us but it aint easy as.....its hard not to keep up with the Joneses next door!! But heck sure going to try not to!!

Lori....enjoy the trip..and Karen.....you too....didnt catch where you are going to but where ever it is.....you both should have a wonderful trip...my suggestion...forget the 10-12 pairs of shoes and just buy as you go along !!! lol

oh....so here are the dates...available lol....hmm add??

Forget February and March.....Bat Mitzvah March 13th.

April for Passover vacation is......April 21st-27th is possible

Memorial weekend might be good

June 7th- 12 week is great actually!!

June-20th-24th is perfect actually or the June 27th to 30th will work just as well!! So I would say....

June 6th week and June 20th weeks are the best......June 6th without Dassi and June 20th maybe she would come hmm....not sure about that,. lol

other then that its all up in the air!! so....you guys choose....I choose June 7th.....lol

other then that June 20th with kids.

Okay then...

must be running....

Have a date tonight....yes, blind date....lives in the neighborhood.....sounds nice but....we shall see. We are going for dinner....got a babysitter for this as Mom was busy so hope it will be worth it (please god, must add a prayer there) lol

have a great night all~!!!!


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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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