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Good afternoon, goodness it's 3pm and this is the first I sat down at the computer. I expected to be much more behind on posts though. LOL After DH left for work this morning, I crawled under the blankets and fell back to sleep. It was 845 when I woke up. I haven't slept that late in ages. Then I HAD to do my exercise, Janet! LOL So got dressed for that right away. I am sooooo frustrated though. Today my XBox Kinect acted up. We think it's the Xbox console as it's an old one my DS had, so tonight we are going to try it again and if still not working, DH said we could go buy a new one. I still did the workout though. I did the exercises the program had for me, it just wasn't registering my progress or reps so I'd do them then hit SKIP this exercise. So the trainer on the Kinect thinks I didn't work out and said I should try harder. I wanted to scream at her. LOL I did so many squats that, well, um, sitting down on the bathroom throne is very painful in my thighs. LOL My quads and hamstrings are killing me.

Also, for those that have Android phones, I know PHyl does, I found a great app by SparkPeople to track food and exercise. So am donig that. Yesterday I was surprised I only had 800 calories and 89 grams of Protein. I will vary the calories but I thought that was an excellent 'first day back'. So far today 700 calories and 74 grams Protein.

Julie, congrats on Mimi having a daddy! Miss seeing ya around.

Cheri, miss you too, everything okay?

Jewel, I've never cruised Disney but they do seem much pricier the few times I checked. I still think you'd have a lot of spring breakers regardless of the line. Carnival has excellent children's programs and so does Royal Caribbean as far as it looked.

Apples, it's so cold here as well but not that cold. Luckily SLC doesn't seem to get the subzero coldness that Denver got. We still haven't hit freezing though in over a week. What route are you taking to AZ? going through UT at all?

Arlene, we are going to have to tie you up to that wagon and lock you in! Get right back on, don't use it as an opportunity to say, well I already fell off I might as well have....... I know that's what I do.

Meredith, did you get some more protein? Good luck on that math test!

Eva we used to have a hummingbird feeder, I love to watch them. I would never have pictured there being many in AZ, are they there yearround or just for the winter?

Phyl, hope your mom is better

Linda, hope you get that right balance of busy vs slow at work.

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Arlene that was minus 2 and yes, went to work -- it was beautiful out -- sunny and up to almost 30. Very nice weather we're having. No snow and clear and beautiful blue skies.

Sorry about your train trip -- hope you can continue your journey for rest of today with no further problems.

Went and saw True Grit Sunday -- very good movie -- took my own 100 calorie kettle corn -- that and senior tickets for matinee and it was a cheap date.

Gotta run, still at work.



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Great....I know you asked me the route question a few days ago and sorry I forgot to answer...wanted to ask DH about the route first. Nope, won't be passing through Utah. Would have been nice to have lunch or meet up. Hopefully you will be able to find and opportunity to get to Tucson in the next couple of months. Good going on the Protein, calories and exercise. Sounds like you got quite the workout. Be careful with warming up and make sure to gradually build. Didn't think a person could have "toilet issues" because of exercise. LOL

Arlene....lunch with DS was very nice and we said our goodbyes. I had the most wonderful chicken and cabbage Asian dish with mandarin oranges. The sauce was so tasty. Of course, DS had his old standby...1/2 lb bacon double cheese burger with steak fries. That stuff just does not appeal to me anymore...not even to look at. Prior to this changing of a life style, I could have eaten the entire plate of food that he had. He took half home in a to-go box.

The drive to and from town was a nail biter. Ice under compacted/patchy snow. Not much easier running around doing errands and worrying about a slip and fall. Similar to your slip and fall off the train today???? What did you eat that was so tempting???? Do you have things around that are tempting you? Do you need to go through the pantry?????? Do you need to have Janet come down there????????????????????

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Apples, I didn't think the route would probably take you through here but I was hopeful. LOL It will be so nice in a week or two not to have to drive on that ice, huh? Our main roads are good now but side roads are still yucky as are parking lots.

Linda, we saw True Grit over New Year's, we really enjoyed the movie. Bridges (can't remember first name) did an amazing job as did the 14 yr old girl.

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Apples and Lori, yep, it was popcorn, and more than 100 calories. I ate chicken and veggies for dinner. I am back on the train. Now my pantry is safe again. I wouldn't tell you if I didn't need the accountability. I felt so guilty I did not weigh in either. I couldn't bring myself to step on the scale.

Linda, my mind can't wrap around -2 and a beautiful day, but I guess if the humidity is low enough it would be nice.

Lori, if I can get my DH to move my wii in the family room I will start exercising. I have the new 2011 Jillian Michaels wiii exercise program . Oh, I did walk this evening.

Okay peeps, I gotta go shower and get comfy. Later!

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Good Afternoon - Drive by as I am headed to gym..

Arlene - What happen to WW

Great - WTG on exercising anyway - sound like you had a good workout - if it hurts to sit on the potty...

Well gotta jam - bootcamp

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Hi all,

Lost two big posts Sunday night. Then, last night, spent a huge amount of time just reading posts and spent considerable time talking to my sister. She took my parents to MI Sunday night and stayed overnite with them so they could tour the retirement facility by my brothers. My dad liked it and I think they've decided to go that route. After my mom and I went to the one in Crown Point IN I wrote my siblings about it and it seemed to really get the ball rolling. I really don't want my parents living alone anymore after this winter. I want them able to get to many activities without ever having to go outside. They are both so unstable now. My dad knows his balance is bad and my mom clings for dear life when we walk outside. I wrote them how my dad cut my daughter and her husband off in their vehicle without even looking. He's blind in one eye but has driven that way for years, but, he didn't even look that time. His loss of cognition was very apparent during that game of "Catch Phrase" at my sisters Christmas Day. So I think I acted as a catalyst.

Trying to remember people's posts. I'm doing pretty well also with the food and exercise. Linda, I just wanted to remind you that you're probably carrying 10-15 lbs of excess skin and attached tissue so you can't go by BMI charts. Subtract at least 10 lbs from your current weight before you chart your BMI. I look thinner than I did at this weight in the past because at least 10lbs of this weight is excess skin and attached tissue. I'm wearing a smaller size, too. When I get below 160lbs I don't feel that well. I'm hungry all the time. I'm 5'9", look like I'm closer to 150 or 145 than 160, and really don't think I need to be any skinnier. I'm up 5 lbs right now but I know I can get that off quite easily and be comfortably at 160 again.

Also, when your muscles are in good shape your weight is condensed in a smaller package. A lb of muscle takes less space than a lb of fat. So don't take BMI charts too seriously. What are your medical stats like? Blood pressure? cholesterol? sugar? Those are the charts to take seriously. Melissa, I hope you start loving yourself enough to start taking care of yourself. I would suggest you talk to insurance and government specialists to see what you can do about health care. It absolutely is unfair for your husband to criticize you for your weight and then lay a guilt trip on you about health care, which you have no control over. You are doing your best by working in a time when its difficult for people to hold down any job. Your husband needs to reinvestigate self-insurance for his company now that the laws have changed.

However, you have to quit living in reaction to the people around you, their expectations, criticisms, lack of support, etc. Do you want to be healthy? Do you want to control your diabetes and liver tumors? I am convinced that we used the people around us and our codependance on them to keep ourselves unhealthy. Don't do it for them. Do it for yourself.

Also, although I think more people can make the June 11 time, don't rule out the April date. Not everyone has "weighed" in on the issue.

By the "weigh", meat is still the best whole Protein out there. Like Linda said, Protein causes you to burn fat if you're avoiding carbs. You can eat more and I think you feel fuller. I hate to say this but veggies can make me hungry. They're mostly Water and make my stomach growl. I need my protein first and formost and always.



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Janet, I am doing WW. I just was detoxing this week from carbs to help me get more control. I felt bad this morning and did not weigh. I know I lost a lb. The lady told us last week that today would be super busy with new people signing up. I just did not feel like waiting in line. They were also working short of people to weigh us. I know..... excuses......I will weigh in next week. I am watching the new season of Biggest Loser. Later!

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Someone brought these lyrics to my attention today and I thought I would share. I love the part about being a witness to my ressurection.

Heal Me lyrics by Melissa Etheridge.

Ain't it crazy

For a moment there

This felt just like dying

But now I see that something inside

Is coming alive

Ain't it crazy

No use running from a revolution

I just surrender to this evolution

Heal me lift me

Take me to the other side

Amazing grace

Has touched my face

And the sweet sound doesn't lie

Ain't it crazy

For a moment there

I just gave up trying

But now I see

You can let the light in

You can begin again

Ain't it crazy

I lay me down in this sweet perfection

I am a witness to my resurrection

Heal me lift me

(From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/m/melissa-etheridge-lyrics/heal-me-lyrics.html)

Take me to the waterside

Drop me in let me swim

Let everyone know

I'll be coming home again

Make no mistake

I'm wide-awake

Ain't it crazy

Heal me lift me

Take me to the other side

I'll take what I've earned

These lessons I've learned

I'm ready for the ride

Heal me lift me

Take me and my soul will fly

My battered heart will make a new start

Let everyone know

I'll be coming home again

Heal me lift me

Take me to the waterside

Drop me in

Come on and watch me swim

Let everyone know

I'll be coming home again

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Quick check in - home from boot camp ... I am pooped tonite - didn't get much sleep last nite so tonite I am going to make sure I am in bed early..

Charlene - isn't it funny when you start writing down the reason why you didn't do something - you see there was no reason just an excuse... What else did you have to do today - You should have gone to the meeting - it's like skipping an AA meeting - not a good idea..

Jessica - Great lyrics....

Melissa I did talk to our health insurance girls - in California if you are coming from one group going to another group they can't deny you.. I would ck w/another insurance agent.. GA might be diff - but I woldn't see why..

Cheri - Glad the parents are going to go to the retirement place - That's one less stressor in your life..

Well gang I'm calling it a night

Food today

Bf - pt shake w/banana & PB2

L - Green salad w/chicken

D - Fish & Spinach

S- popcorn & sf ice cream

took my vitimans - did 1/2 of my Water ..

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That just warms my heart to hear of Mimi's adoption. I am so happy for her.

I do miss talking with you but I understand. School will be starting again for me on Monday and I won't be on much again either.

I promised my hubby when I fit back into my formal gown we could go on a cruise and have a fancy dinner night. Well I am so close. I tried it on last night and it zipped up. It wasn't pretty, still tight. But it was on. So looks like soon and we decided that spring break would be a great time. We are thinking maybe a Disney cruise because Jake will be with us and I doubt there will be many college/highschool springbreakers using Disney. We have never cruised before so I am open to suggestions.

I love cruising - I think Disney would be good if you are going during spring break - but the all the other cruise lines have kids programs - just go to their websites and ck out what each ship has..

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Janet, you are right.......should have gone. I did quit eating fast food after the chick fil a nugget thing. Are you taking your Vitamins? I am going in the kitchen right now and take mine.

Watching Biggest Loser tonight reminded me of where I came from and where I am going. I found it inspiring.

Goodnight! Sweet Dreams!!!

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Lovely lyrics Jessica. Thanks for sharing.

Cheri, hope your parents find a good place for themselves. It will help take some of the worry out of your life if you know they are in a safe place. Wish I could have convinced my parents of that.

Linda, maybe those extra pounds are all that extra skin....never thought about that. Glad work is keeping you busy now. Being bored isn't any fun either. Sunshine and 30 degrees....at least the sunshine is nice.

Charlene, I had to break down and get some gym pants too because I had nothing that would work in the long pants area. Sometimes you just have to do what you have to do.

Apples, glad you had a nice lunch with DS. Sounds like you are really gearing up for the trip.

Lori, my GF just bought a new kinect that came with a dancing game. They were playing it at NYE and it was pretty funny. It also looked like a pretty good workout. We have more hummingbirds in this part of the country than anywhere else in North America. We have several species that live here year around and a few that winter here. The rest travel through spring and fall. What I'm seeing predominately are Costa's and Anna's.

Janet's going to me tired when she gets home from boot camp....but in great shape.

My bushes kicked my butt today. Got everything trimmed and hauled out to the street. I texted my DH that the bushes kicked my butt and he texted me back...."guess that means you're bushed"....maybe you had to be there but I thought it was pretty funny. My arms and back and legs are tired. Tomorrow, I have to work at my "job" and then go to Jeff's Mom's house and clean it so I can get it set up. I guess I don't let the grass grow too much under my feet. This retirement is a lot of work...LOL.

food good today and so was the exercise. Going to watch TV with DH. Have a good night everyone.


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A drive by to follow up Janets drive by...

Just wanted to stop in and post my food for the day.

Breakfast~ Spiru-tein Protein mix w/ 1 c. skim milk

Lunch~ green salad with grilled chicken (Janet, great minds think alike!)

Dinner~ Turkey chili

Snack~ Grapefruit

Calories= 930 Protein= 73g (Hows that for Protein girls!?!?!? ;):lol: )

I'm back tracking on livestrong.com on the daily plate to track all of my food. I love it and they have most everything that I eat on there already so I can track it easily.

Cheri~ When are we making the final decision? Talked to my aunt today and she booked our tickets to Florida for April. Something like April 6-13th. SO, that week is out for me.

Laura~ Ok, so, I will be in Naples, FL (above dates) so if you want to meet up that would be great! I know I have been talking about it, but my aunt and I finally got our schedules to work out!

Ok, thats about it for tonight. I have to get to bed. I have that math test tomorrow (thanks for the good luck wishes!) and I know I'm not going to ge that much sleep. I'm going to watch the 11 o'clock news, shower, and hit the hay. Oh, I also have my LB support group meeting tomorrow night. I am really looking forward to that because last month I was pretty down in the dumps. Another good thing about tomorrow, my EMU's are coming in the mail that my aunt got me for Christmas! They are awesome! Cannot wait for them!


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Cheri...so good to read your post that your father was leaning towards a retirement home. And you were worried he could not be swayed. There comes a point where we have to gently guide them in the direction they need to go. Sad for them to give up some of the control over their living situation. Oh how the tables turn. His bit of acceptance must make you siblings breath a bit easier. Hoping you are on the road to making this work for them.

Jessica...thanks for sharing the lyrics. Melissa Ethridge is one of my all time favorite performers. Been in love with her for years....Shhhhh....don't tell her partner.

Arlene...can you please make a promise to make the next WW meeting and weigh-in? When you signed up, you talked about WW being a good thing you and DD could do together. I know it is tough sometimes for DD to arrange things now that she has 2 little ones. Make it your weekly "date/Mother/Daughter time". Wish I would have had a mom that would have given me an hour a week. Show your DD that you give a hoot about your well-being and hers. (I know you care and are a very loving mother...just set the tone for her to think of her own health also). One thing that kept me accountable prior to surgery when my doc required weight loss was having to be accountable at my weigh-ins. I really needed it. I couldn't have done it without that. My point is....since you have been posting on this thread you have always had more of a tendency to stay on track when you had a structured weigh-in (like with Dr. Davis). Hugs

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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