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Hi there..........oh, I'm so behind..... tried to read a bunch tonight, but didn't get through it all yet.... Need to get off the computer so will say a few things and try again tomorrow...

Chicago.............. Most anytime is okay with me, except April 26th..... my Mimi's birthday......

Speaking of Mimi, it was a special day for her today... We all got to go to court and she was legally adopted, so for the first time in her life she has a real daddy...... It makes us so happy..... was a great day, except I'm in pain now and trying to get it to let up...... Sorry to be so absent all the time... Just can't get to it like I would like to........ So, hugs for now and I'll be back later.... Julie

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Congrats to all who had a good first day of staying on task. It gets easier with each day. Just remember the great feeling of what you have accomplished today and be determined not to undo the accomplishments.

Janet....great minds think alike. First thing to go across my brain with Meredith's post was "Where's the protein". Gotta be the staple in a bansters food plan. Meredith...get that Protein in any way you can...it will give you the stamina and prevent you from going off course.

Julie...congrats on the adoption. Big day in the life of your family. Hope your pain eases so you can get some sleep.

Good going today, Great....you will have another one of those tomorrow and the next and the next.. Think of Janet on your shoulder when the hunger hits. Scary, huh??? LOL. Hope DD holds on for a few more weeks and that your test is negative. Some day I will tell you all about my pregnancy with youngest.

Onto a new day tomorrow for our girls. I was always told it takes 18 days to form a habit. Measure and weigh food, journal, keep all the junk out of the house. You all have been through it b/4...you know what a good feeling it is once you can start eyeballing your food again and KNOW your portions are what they should be. Just think "real" foods and nothing else right now. Just the basics. If you get the hungrys...have a conversations with yourself. Give yourself a lecture if you need it. Convince yourself that you are not hungry. Focus on the boost your will get a couple of weeks down the road when you are tripping over yourself to get to the computer to post those pounds that are melting off.

Heading to bed a little later than usual. So much accomplished today and more to get done tomorrow. Ready to fly this coop and wear some of those sandals I have packed. Love you all. Sleep tight...talk to you all tomorrow. Phyll...safe travels...watch the crossroads. Hugs.

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Apples and Janet~ I know about the protein! After I posted, I knew immediately that the two of you would jump on that one! LOL. I didn't plan well today and never made it to the grocery store. I only got in <20 grams today. I know how it goes, like you said, I've done it before, I just need to go shopping! I only had about 600 calories today so maybe I will have my last 200 cal in a Protein drink. Hell, I think they taste good. Kinda like a dessert. Well, thats what I will tell myself at least!


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Fly by this morning. Sigh... I WAS so looking forward to Nelson going back to school. Now that it's here.... I am missing him already and he's still asleep!!! Sniffff.. The contradictions of motherhood.

Meredith~ you beat me to the bunch. Was already getting ready to lecture you on the Protein. You know, I still go back to what your dr Rx for pre/post op liquids. The high Protein boost. Now, I think they have way too many calories/sugar/carbs. BUT.. when it is used as a Meal Replacement, I use them from time to time. I have no yeck with other Protein drinks.

Lori~ keeping you and DD in my thoughts. Hope all stays ok. Let us know. Call anytime!!! We got nelson the kinect (they have a Kinectanimals for kids where you take care of animals on a jungle full of adventure). It's a nice off the couch video game. I tried the sports one and broke out in a sweat...LOL. Maybe we can kinect one day. : )

DH is up and ready for work. Off the computer till later. I am going walking after bus stop. I am already dressed! whoooaaa baby! peasout..,Laura

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Morning everyone. Had a busy day yesterday at work -- was surprised but happy cause it's been soooo quiet and boring during the holidays.

Great -- thinking of you and praying for your daughter and baby -- will be anxious to hear about the test results today.

Jessica -- thank you for figuring out how to upload pics. We'll have to all try it in the near future. I too watched your video the ohter day -- very nice job -- For some reason I hadn't realized until recently that you were doing a blog -- great job and great way to stay on track.

Tina, sorry about the doctor's appt. but Thurs. is just around the corner. Congrats on the 3 lbs. -- that's quite an accomplishment over the Christmas/New Year holiday - I'm sure your doctor will be very pleased with your progress.

Melissa, do you have Type I diabetes? Sounds like you do. Two of my step kids have type I and I know how tough it is. Keep trying to get your health under control -- yes it's very hard to do, but you can and will accomplish it -- remember how good you felt when you were at your lowest weight -- and try to get there again. Take your readings and stay on top of your diabetes. I agree with Janet, everyone deserves affordable health insurance. IF you do have type I I know that you may qualify for a federal program -- you have to go to specific doctors for coverage, but you are covered -- you might want to check into that. Both my adult step kids qualified for it because of their diabetes. My youngest is now able to be back on my insuranc with the newest change that anyone under 26 can stay on parent's insurance. It's a huge relief to me as he can't find a job with any coverage either.

Since you also have clerical skills, you might be able to get full time quicker than some of the other employees -- do they post all the jobs that open? Hope something opens soon that you can apply for. Hugs.

Julie, sorry to hear you are back to having daily pain. I was hoping you were just busy. Congrats on the adoption -- what a great day for your family and little Mimi -- so happy for her.

Meredith - don't forget that our metabolism works much harder when it is busy digesting Protein - it has been proven in studies that we lose more fat when we eat Protein rich diets, so don't be afraid to add that protein in.

My food for yesterday: Protein Drink witih added powedered PB for bk, greek yogurt with 1/4 cup strawberries and salad with chicken for lunch, and another salad with chicken for dinner (was really craving this for some reason). Snacks: sf pudding and 1 sf poosicle.

Arelene, good going on walking to your daughter's -- and keep up the good work.

Great -- proud of you for staying on train - good going on choosing the beef instead of fritos.

Everyone have a great day -- stay on the train - no stopping at the station!! CBL


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That was poPsicle, NOT poOsicle. LOL. On my way to the gym.



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Good Morning Gang!

Julie, congrats on Mimi's adoption. She is blessed!

Great, good going on the carb withdrawal. The Jerky has helped, but I think the sodium has caused Water retention. I too need to up my Water. I hope your DD stays true to her bed rest. I know she is bored. God bless her through this tough time.

Apples, are you chopping at the bit to leave? I hope you get out of there before another blizzard.

Melissa, ask your Diabetes Educator about organizations that help with the cost of diabetes. Here in Texas if you don't have health insurance you just go to the ER. They can't turn you away. A friend of mine works for a company that finds money for people that need surgeries and can't afford them.

Laura......it just blesses my heart to hear how much you love your son. Hugs today for you and Nels!

Meredith.....try to find a Protein drink for a snack. Most of them have 20p.

I'll check in later!

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Good Morning All (Whine Alert!)...Got up this morning to 18 below zero temps and I have all kinds of errands to run in town. Going to try and head out by 10am. Errands in the cold, lunch with youngest DS, tax appt., a few more errands, home for a bit and then back out in the cold for a meeting this evening with our farm management guy to do the cash flows and balance sheets for the farm and business. I am thankful that everything is packed and ready to go because I am not sure what more I will be able to fit in.

Linda....where do you buy those "poosicles"???????? Have a good day at work. Nice when it's busy, isn't it. Makes the days fly by.

Laura....we know how much you love that little guy of yours. Us moms are pulled back and forth so much with our feelings. When the boys were teenagers (and little devils..truly...devils) DH used to say "I cannot wait till you guys are 18, out of here and on your own". I would cry and ask him how he could say something like that. Then when they do actually leave it takes a bit to adjust and you wish for the times when they were little like Nels. Then (like LauraK described recently) when they come home for extended visits, you love and enjoy them but look forward to your routine back. You are the best mommy...just enjoy every bit of it.

Well, better go layer up for the bitter cold. Just wanted to say good morning. I was thinking this when Linda talked about getting Protein. A person is better off grabbing some protein to eat when they are starving and cannot stand it (like Lori was last night). You are better off going over your allotted cals for the day and eat a couple of ounces of protein to stop that hunger and not grab carbs. I used to have turkey or chicken breast in the frig ready to grab. Janet has a good way of tallying....don't count veggie carbs on non-starchy veggies.

OK...you all have a great day. And, yes, Arlene...I am ready to get the hell out of here. Thank God that oldest DS works with us and he can take over things while we are gone. We appreciate being able to get away as long as we do being the age we are.

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Morning ladies,

The traveling shoes is so funny. I can't even imagine taking 12 pairs of anything on a trip. I think I own at least 12 pairs of shoes but certainly don't wear them. For a two month trip I would have four or five pairs...maybe. Depends on whether it's summer or winter. I love shoes, just can't wear most of them because of my flat feet. I would never be able to walk any distance in regular shoes....have to have my inserts. So I spend a lot of money on a few pairs of shoes that are comfortable.

food was very good yesterday. Did have a few moments of grazing behavior, but resisted eating any bad stuff. Got quite a bit of exercise in chopping and hauling branches. I trimmed the trees along the driveway and did some more oleanders. I did not get to the front bushes and may try that today. My arms are sore and so are my legs. It's good for me.

My friend Ron came by and gave me work, but I just can't seem to get interested in it. I will get to it, but not until later today or maybe tomorrow.

Julie, congrats on the adoption. That is wonderful for Mimi.

Jessica, I like your hair...yes it may be a little dark, but the cut is cute. You are looking so good. Good for you reaching out. It's hard, but you can do it. You may not connect with everyone you reach out to, but eventually you'll find the right person.

Meredith...good luck with the math test. I hate those too. You've done very well with your weight loss.

Great, good job with the carb denial. Boy that one is hard. Glad you had a good visit with your friend. It is important to have those one on one relationships.

Tina, so sorry about the doctor's appointment, but Thursday will be here soon. Keep posting especially if it's helping you.

Arlene, good for you and your walk. I'm hoping to walk to school when it starts. It's a little more than 1.5 miles each way, so that should give me a good walk each day. I've starting on my pilates machine again too, but the hedge trimming is absolutely a workout. Just ask my arms a legs right now.

Laura, you'll get back into your routine with Nels in school quick enough. It's good you enjoy him so much because they do grow up quickly. My DH's son is 17 and I can remember when I met him at 4. What a difference in that time.

Alrighty, I need to do something...it's too cold for outside, so maybe I'll work on my "job". Later ladies.


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Oh, I forgot to mention hummingbird watch. There were seven birds on the feeder this morning. There are only 6 holes, so two of them had to share. It was too dark (sun not up yet) to get a picture, but DH saw them too. Just amazing because they are very territorial and will chase each other off of the feeder. The females seem a lot more willing to share, but those boys, they strut their stuff. I enjoy watching the hummingbirds so much. The cardinals are fun too, but just not as interesting, but they are pretty.

Melissa, I forgot you in my previous post. What you have to do is very hard, but you can do it. You can't mess around with the diabetes. I have type II and it's well under control. I only take 1/2 the meds the doc prescribed, but the doc says as long as my numbers are down, no problem. I know you know this, but you really need to incorporate it into your being. Fighting the depression isn't easy either, but you are strong and can do this. My doctor prescribed my blood pressure meds so I could get them at Wal-Mart. They are cheaper there than with my insurance's co-pay. He figured that out and I can still get three months at a time and don't have to claim on my insurance ($10 for three months worth of pills at Wal-Mart and $25 for three months through my insurance.) You might want to ask your doc about that.

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Good Morning Gang

Apples I was going to complain about how cold it is - my car was left in the street last night (Andrew blocking driveway and after he left was to lazy to put it in the garage) omg there is a big diff in a car being in a garage vs the street - but nothing compared to -18 .... I would be ready for the warmer weather too..

Meredith ;0) - I love my vanilla cream ready made shake by pure pt - I add a banana and the PB2 (powdered peanut butter) and it's to die for - I want to get an ice cream maker and make it into ice cream - 200 cal approx and it makes a big shake so I would assume good amount of ice cream and 20 grms to boot.. I will have one in the evening as a snack.

Take your butt to the store today.... Like apples said - get some deli sliced turkey - roast beef and eat that when you want to munch..

Eva - I'm not much motivated myself to work LOL - You get your exercise with all that yard work you do - WTG on stopping the grazing... IMHO that's where pple get in trouble - a bite of this or that and you think oh it doesn't count - well it does cuz everything has calories - I could sit and watch all day the humming birds- but if I had a feeder my cat would love it - she loves to hunt birds and bring me presents - luckly I have saved a few - not humming birds though - ;0)

Julie - So glad Mimi has a Daddy !!!! Is she going to call him Daddy or is she already?? Hugs on your pain..

Linda - Yep we crave healthier food now a days - I know I do - Glad work has picked up - it's funny when it's busy we want slow when it's slow we want busy how come we can never seem to get just right ;0)

Well I'm at work - on my 2nd cup of coffee - didn't get to bed till 11 - woke up a few time to potty (terrible side effect of Water lol) and am sleepy right now and it's 7:45... Have bootcamp tonite - ugh - I guess I will be having coffee this afternoon

Planned food for the day

BF - Pt Shake w/banana & PB2

lunch - Green salad & chicken

dinner - Fish & Veggie (left over from last night)

Snacks - ??????

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That was poPsicle, NOT poOsicle. LOL. On my way to the gym.



I would think it would be Apples having Poosicles!! It's 18 below there!!


Julie.... congrats on Mimi's adoption! Great news!

Quick post.... DH is making me a scrambled egg. Still on the road but at our DS & DIL's now for a couple of days. Going to radiation tx appt w/my friend this morning & then we'll have lunch in SF before we hit a couple of thrift shops.

Very concerned about my Mom.... had stomach flu for 3 days. Yesterday was feeling better and they let her go down to lunch. She is in assisted living. Last night started feeling worse again, coughing and congested and had a rough night. Doctor at the facility has ordered an x-ray. She gets bronchitis very easily.

Hope you warm up soon, Apples!! Jessica.... I like the new cut, but have to say, I think I like the blonde hair better. But, like Janet said, that's what we're used to!

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Hi there..........oh, I'm so behind..... tried to read a bunch tonight, but didn't get through it all yet.... Need to get off the computer so will say a few things and try again tomorrow...

Chicago.............. Most anytime is okay with me, except April 26th..... my Mimi's birthday......

Speaking of Mimi, it was a special day for her today... We all got to go to court and she was legally adopted, so for the first time in her life she has a real daddy...... It makes us so happy..... was a great day, except I'm in pain now and trying to get it to let up...... Sorry to be so absent all the time... Just can't get to it like I would like to........ So, hugs for now and I'll be back later.... Julie

That just warms my heart to hear of Mimi's adoption. I am so happy for her.

I do miss talking with you but I understand. School will be starting again for me on Monday and I won't be on much again either.

I promised my hubby when I fit back into my formal gown we could go on a cruise and have a fancy dinner night. Well I am so close. I tried it on last night and it zipped up. It wasn't pretty, still tight. But it was on. So looks like soon and we decided that spring break would be a great time. We are thinking maybe a Disney cruise because Jake will be with us and I doubt there will be many college/highschool springbreakers using Disney. We have never cruised before so I am open to suggestions.

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I would think it would be Apples having Poosicles!! It's 18 below there!!


Well, it WAS -2 here, so I can have POOsicles too. LOL.

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Hey gang! I haven't walked today. I am gonna do it later. I wasn't feeling too good this morning.....weather change.....Fm issues. This time it was IBS . UGH!

I fell off the train today. That's all I am going to say about it.......I got back on this afternoon. I went online and found some petite length exercise pants. Everything I bought was on clearance. No more clothes buying till I go down a size. I just needed some gym pants.

Wow! Linda.....2 degrees. Did you go to work? Apples, I hope you had a good lunch with DS and a safe trip home.

Jessica, I had a friend that was a nurse on the Disney cruise. I think it would be awesome. All cruises have scheduled events for the kids. Several of the ladies on here have been on cruises. I've only been on Carnival.

Eva, I would think all the yard work you do is plenty of exercise. The walk to school and home will be a good workout. How is your back doing?

I have to go figure out something for dinner. I bought a roasted chicken at the grocery store. I will probably put salad and veggies with it. Later peeps!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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