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Hey guys~

The 2nd weekend of June will be iffy for me b/c we leave the 24th for overseas. : ( But... we won't have my DH's schedule until March probably for that month. (they usually give us 3 months at a time). You can request specific weekends off- but with us having 2 weeks in a row vacation, he can't make any request that month. If it works that he is off, or my parents ok- I will come up. I just can't come up with Nelson alone (won't be much fun) and can't leave him alone if DH is on call that weekend. It's just life. BUT... if it works out that DH is off that weekend- he has never been to Chicago and would probably be spontaneous enough to come up too. I would likely get our own room in that event, so don't count me in on totals for rooms. If it works out I am coming on my own then I can either crash on a spare couch or get my own room, it wouldn't matter. (remember I was a peace corps volunteer- can do pretty much anything! LOL)

DH is off today after a 3 day stretch of call. One cranky husband, one bored kid and one girl with a full list of TO DOs. Sigh. I need some more time in this day! Already finished 3 loads of laundry, cleaned the kitchen, scooped two litter boxes and paid bills. Thinking of a bike ride with Nels. Gotta get active!!! That's my goal for this year. : )

Wish I could write more. Hugs to you all..........peasout... until later. Laura

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Good morning. We have warmed up to at least double digits outside, and we are supposed to get all the way up to almost freezing, 31 for a high today. I am sitting here wrapped in a blanket, though if I went and dried my hair I might not be so cold. LOL Just got out of the shower and wanted to post before I go get ready for the day. I am meeting a friend for coffee/diet coke/whatever at 1130. We are meeting at MCD's so it might be a nugget day but gotta check out the carbs on them first. Just looked 11 carbs and 190 calories. I did my first workout with my new EA Sports Active for the Kinect today. OMG it was tough. I put it on medium intensity too. Definitely a workout. The bummer part was the heart rate monitor won't work on my XBox. I got DS's old one and the syncing button or something doesn't work. it still shows calories burned for my height weight age, etc. though. One exercise I had to skip as it was too much jumping for my knees. And so far I've had a Protein drink.

OWN expert show: I watched it. It was okay, I wasn't terribly impressed. Didn't like the host at all and they were so goofy acting. The poor 52 yr old virgin gal being sent back to do that speed dating on TV.

Arlene, not saying you need to do Protein or what works for you, but if you are on the protein train, I don't think oatmeal is a good choice. Though it is a healthy carb, I guess I just bring it up depending on what your goal is. Mine is about 29 grams of carbs which seems rather high. Perhaps if you need something warm have a warm protein coffee drink if there is such a thing, eggs, or even a piece of chicken or something. But if your goal isn't strictly protein and it works for you, by all means that's a carb that's a whole lot better than a donut. LOL

Janet, yes I exercised, now get off my back!!! LOL Just joking, you know I love ya. LOL I admire you for your resolve and you are a hero in my book.

Karen, any idea when you get to leave yet? You all packed, got that trailer hooked up? LOL You have been quite the cheerleader on here lately and your posts have been so insightful into those of us struggling. Thanks for that.

LauraK, yep I think I got cocky too. But we have the tools and know what it takes to get back on track.

Eva, glad to hear you are warming up. I love Ikea. We have one very close. In fact it's where we got the under cabinet lights that DH installed yesterday. They look great. My computer room furniture is from there as well. Howver, it has moved from Sacramento to Delaware to Denver to here and it doesn't move well. I think I want something nicer when the time comes but not til we are fully settled where we know we will be for awhile like in DEnver! LOL

Sandy, a Tummy Tuck is a great goal. You will get there.

Tina, good luck at the dr today

Laura, hope you can make Chicago, I am a maybe if it's June as well. Maybe we will meet finally!

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Great...we are on hold right now as for when we can leave. Corn train did not make it's arrival into town yet. Called this morning and it is stuck in snow on the track somewhere in ND and no idea when it would move again. POOP! We were expecting to be able to haul corn today, tomorrow and Wed. But, no worries....just so another storm does not hit as we are about to leave. I am setting my sights on Sat morning to leave. That way if we leave earlier, it will be a happy thing...if not...no disappointment. Ready to leave it all behind and hit the road! And, I am all packed and ready to go. DH was impressed by the amount of boxes this year compared to last.

Never been to an IKEA. I know my one son shopped there and found some cool things. Will have to check it out someday when I come across one. I am in need of not one thing for my house. It's been ages since I have purchased anything for the house...seem to be happy with just the way I have it.

Laura...hope it works for the Chicago weekend and Great also.

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Well, I walked to my DD's house and helped her clean. The baby is waking up all through the night and DD is so tired. Lori, the oatmeal was just a change up. I plan on Protein for Breakfast be it a food or drink. I did drink half of a coffee Protein Drink. I started buying Honey Milk Light online at Buy.com.

I think I will walk again before my DD goes to WW. She weighs this eve......I weigh in the morning. I think I lost another lb. LauraK.....you are right.....it is hard to get off when you gain a few back, and when you get older it doesn't get easier.

Later peeps!

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Melissa....hugs also...don't know what to say except make this a new start. Get back to the CPAP. Not wearing it if you need it has to affect your level of energy. It's a well known fact that loss of sleep affects so many things in our lives.

Wishing all of you that are doing a restart in your plan the best of luck. Hugs

Apples - I have not been on the Cpap for a while since I dropped the weight but however since I have gained back 50 pounds since my lowest. I have totally forgot about it and I guess no one knew I was snoring until my hubby was up with my son last night.

Well my DH took my son to urgent care they think it is food posining not the stomach bug. They had to give him a bag of fluids since he was dehydrated and could not keep liquids down also they gave him some more Zofran to help with the Nausea he should be better by tomorrow. He goes back to school tomorrow so we will see what happens.

I called my diabetes Educator and left her a message about what is going on with me and how I have not been checking my sugar numbers but have been taking my meds. My Dh has been all over me about what I am eating and how I could die. (I suggested he stop bringing in my trigger foods or move them to a different hiding place because I found the first one. And then we got on the subject of AA and NA people and there addictions) We kind of had a talk about me dying if my sugar is high and how being overweight could make my bengin tumor I have in my liver grow which in turn could cause me to need more liver surgery. Not sure if that was true I do not remember the Dr ever saying that.

Short story I had the left lobe of my liver removed because I had several Focal nodular hyperplasia lesions and one took over my left lobe and was expanding my liver capsule so they had to remove it or it could have ruptured; this happen before I was even a candidate for the LB. I had to come off of the BC pills and since they would not let me have anymore kids due to the more hormones I have in my body the more the three tumors that are left would grow (the 3 left are to close to my vena cava and could be a very risky surgery to remove so that is why they did not touch them the first time). The last scan and blood work I had showed they are not growing but I need to lose weight. I am so tired of hearing that.

Sorry guys I am feeling hopless today I have been on meds for a while for anxiety and depression but some days I feel terrible and today is one of them. Oh and my husband started talking about money and the fact we pay so much in cobra which makes me anxious and then he complained because I can't get insurance at work until 12/01/11 or if I become full time it could be a couple months from then. But they don't need full time people in any departments right now so I can only do what I can right.

I go to work at 3 so I am just hanging out.

Okay sorry for the long post and the rambling

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Drive by just reading post between files.

I don't think I have been to an Ikea.. Don't think we have one here in the desert..

LOL Lori - I haven't even been on your butt about exercising - So I guess I'm on your shoulder though :0) That's good !!!

Laura - I hope June 10th - would work for you - If this is the final date I would come in on Friday and Leave Monday Morning - that would give us 2 days..

Melissa - Hope DS is ok - Girl - Yep you are killing yourself a slow death w/your diabities.. So tell that DH that he HAS TO HELP and not bring the junk in and you have to exercise some self control - one step ok...

Eva - WTG on being recommitted..

Apples - Lov Ya....

Charlene you walked to DD house - WTG

Well gotta get back to work ..

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Melissa....your post about your liver surgery, tumors and your diabetes, just solidifies how important it is for you to get back on track and making a true attempt at eating healthy and watching your carbs and calories on a daily basis. If your honey is lecturing you about all of this, it is out of concern for your health and well-being. PLEASE take this opportunity to find a way to set things right for yourself. Can you follow up on a weekly basis with your doc's office that deals with your diabetes?????

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Melissa....your post about your liver surgery, tumors and your diabetes, just solidifies how important it is for you to get back on track and making a true attempt at eating healthy and watching your carbs and calories on a daily basis. If your honey is lecturing you about all of this, it is out of concern for your health and well-being. PLEASE take this opportunity to find a way to set things right for yourself. Can you follow up on a weekly basis with your doc's office that deals with your diabetes?????

I know what you and Janet say out true but the day he did it was the morning of our NYE party I almost did not go because of that but I did go which made me feel good but then looking at the FB pics I was like ughh look what I did to myself. I am waiting for the diabetes Educator to call me back and find out if I can get on a weekly appt. I guess I just feel out of control with everything my job ( I am only working PT because that is all they will higher), money ( I can't control), Health Insurance (It is either cobra or nothing and the increase in cobra is killing us it just went up another 350 dollars.) We might have to cancel our insurance and see if we can get our meds switched to some of the $4 or $5 equivalents) I guess lack of sleep last night and my emotions running high since TOM starting soon I feel crappy. I go seen my LB Dr tomorrow at 4 so he will have some things to say. Well I am about to go to work I will post more tonight when I get home. Love you all and thanks so much for caring about me, It helps so much.

Jewel - I just watched your You tube blog - You go girl!!! I am so proud of you.

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Kelly....where have you been lately???? Don't you start your schooling soon? Missing you around here.

Well.....all packed and so ready to go. It took some very creative packing to dwindle the load down to less than last year. I've been patting myself on the back all morning. I'm not obsessed, I'm not obsessed, I'm not obsessed......I'll have you all know that I am only taking 12 pair of sandals/shoes. That's pretty good for being gone for 2 months. We won't talk numbers when it comes to tops, sweaters, jeans, capris or shorts. Nobody's business. LOL

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Back on today!!!! And boy does it feel good!

Went through the cupboards and fridge last night and threw out all of the junk that might tempt me. Cut up veggies and am now going to make a grocery list for meals this week. I just need to motivate myself to get into the gym. That is going to have to wait until Wednesday night at least because on Wednesday I have a Math test at 1:30pm and NEED to study badly! The last 15 questions of the math test I have no idea how to work them. This is going to be an interesting 42 hours!

So glad that I have others that are back on track with me too! Eva, I agree 100%, I need to start all over again like I'm just newly banded too! Also, Lori here we are!!! It's our "Monday"! I think that I got cocky too and a little too overconfident because my body had turned into a weight loss machine for a while. I could eat, and it would burn off, plus some. That worked still at first, but quickly came to a screeching hault! But, I'm not looking back. I've learned from my mistakes and I am ready to move forward with a clean slate.

Have a great afternoon everyone!!!

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Melissa, do we have to jump on your butt everyday? Your DH should keep his Snacks out of the house. I just got back from Sam's Club and bought Jerky. It was the best price I could find for Jack's Links. I also bought diapers and wipes for DD. Boy, those things are expensive, but still better than washing and folding cloth. I hated that! Pampers came out when my second was born. He is going to be 37 in March.

Apples......Woohoo! I wish I could come live with you for the winter. It was so nice and dry until and hour ago. It is overcast and should start raining tomorrow.

Janet, yep, DD lives about a mile from me. I am going to take my Vitamins too! I think that is why my nails are so split.....lack of A??B??C???

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Well the surgeons office called today and canceled my appointment for today. I have to go thursday now :( Made me mad because they called like an hour before my apt was suposed to be :( Went to target for a few minutes today and walked for a few minutes. It helped a little.

Glad everyone is back on the wagon after the holidays. I lost another 3 lbs the last 3 days just going through all the stress. I will update my ticker soon.



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I got a hair cut today. My hairdresser is on maternity leave so I went with someone else. As you can guess I am not thrilled with the new do. I wanted the same cut just shorten it up a bit but the lady didn't listen as well as my usual hair dresser. She did this slant thing from the back to the front. The hairdressers I have tried the past few years always want to do that and I tell them no. Well here I am with it. I know some people like it but it's just not my taste. I also touched up my roots and now the hair looks black instead of brown. Several people complimented me today on my "black" hair. I don't mind the dark so much but I know hubby won't like it. I considered black before and he suggested I not. So I am doing the best with what I got now. I did a little curl in the front to soften it around the face. I'll just let it grow and go back to the hairdresser who listens to me. Live, learn and laugh, right?


1Day thanks for watching my videos and cheering me on.

I got the new zumba and Shape Up game for my wii. Boy was it hard even on easy. Atleast I got some workout in it was far from perfect though. Don't think I'll beat this game anytime soon.

School started back today and I met a lady name Vicki who volunteers there too. I am going to take my son to her house for a play date Friday. Jacob is so excited to play at his classmates home. So I have stepped out and made a move towards making a friend. She is older than me and has 7 children. I also sent an email to a class mate inviting her and her son to hang out with me and Jake for a day.


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Arlene...I am no expert on Vitamins but I have been taking Biotin since way b/4 banding and it has made such a difference in my nails and hair. I have not missed a day of my vitamins since Oct, 2007. I fill my little pill boxes a month to six weeks out so I always have them at hand and are just part of my daily routine. Once you get in the routine, it's second nature. This is what I take on a daily basis:


Vitamin E...1000mg

Vitafusion Calcium chews...really good...creamy orange, raspberry, etc. 1500 mg

Vitafusion MiltiVites...gummy vitamins 2 per day

Vitafusion Fiber gummies 4 per day (they have the sugarless also. I think they are called Weight Mangement but I take the reg.

Meredith...good luck on your math test. Math was not my thing. Give me history, English or science...not math.

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Jessica...I always thought that your hair was tapered in the back....looked like it in a couple of your photos. It looks cute. I never like when someone else styles my hair. It's gotta be me. DS's GF has done it for a long time now (6-7yrs) and she has a handle on exactly how I like it. Hope your DH likes the new color...and if not.....not his hair.

I follow your blog every other week or so, Jessica and I catch up on what I have missed. So nice to have that video history and I am sure you are helping many through this by documenting your journey. You do a great job and loved your 2010 recap. See? Just all kinds of things we love about you! Good going on making the attempt to meet up with the other volunteer and the mother of Jake's friend.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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