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Good Morning Gang! I wish all you a prosperous 2011!

I am watching OWN network. It is about all the new shows that are starting next week. I had quit watching Oprah, but I think her network will have some cool shows.

Okay, Choo! Choo! I had one of my oatmeal/eggwhite pancakes. I could only eat a half. lunch is brisket and Black eye peas. I have to eat a few of them.

Melissa, I told you about Dr. Oz on the First magazine. Really good article on certain spices to eat to rev up metabolism.

Arlene...DH had TV on the other day and I caught Dr. Oz's show where he touched on a number of "diet tricks". One I remember is "the spicier the better" to rev up the metabolism. Another was drinking oolong tea. That's about all I remember but he did talk about his article in the mag. I have always listened to little tips here and there but I am not one to jump on a trend or designer diet. A person can take bits and pieces of info and incorporate them in their daily menu but if I could scream it from the snow hills here in MN, and anyone would listen, I would say that the one and only thing a person needs is to plan their day to day menu and stick to it the best you can for that day. And, if perhaps there's an over-indulgence, get right back on that horse and continue on with a food plan that is healthy but one that you find enjoyment in eating. I am a true believer that over-indulging or binge eating comes from feeling certain foods are never allowed and a person feels bad and things snowball back to the bad habits. When I started my food reduction plan prior to surgery, I decided that if I was going to be successful that I needed to NOT feel deprived. I had my daily/weekly treats but they were allowed for in my plan. I know it sounds so strict but it's really not. It's the way we need to live. It really does teach us to take control and moderate the treats and not run with them. The one thing that would get me in trouble and on the road to giving up on a diet was that I saw certain foods as "bad". I would feel defeated and naughty if I ate anything that wasn't planned for and then I would totally give up on the diet and feel like a failure.

Not sure if I explained that the way I meant it.

Melissa...so happy you had a great time. You took the steps to go and that is a very positive step. Now.....keep future parties and events in mind and how good you will feel about yourself with every pound lost. When ppl start to notice our weight loss, it's very encouraging and makes us want to try even harder. Change the way you talk to yourself these next few weeks. When you are hungry or bored and going to reach for something that you know you shouldn't, TELL YOURSELF YOU CANNOT HAVE IT. Force yourself...push yourself. After sticking with a plan for a couple of weeks, it gets so much easier. We start to see results and that spurs us on.

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Apples, I agree. I incorporate tips from all the plans and nutrition class I have been to. The one resolution I made this year is to take my mulit Vitamin. I am so bad about skipping Vitamins and supplements. I need to treat them like I do my prescription meds. They are a must for my health. I think I will go take it now. Also, I NEED a pedicure. I am sure the shop will be open. Yep, today or tomorrow.....definitely will get a pedi. Later!

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Apples, I agree. I incorporate tips from all the plans and nutrition class I have been to. The one resolution I made this year is to take my mulit Vitamin. I am so bad about skipping Vitamins and supplements. I need to treat them like I do my prescription meds. They are a must for my health. I think I will go take it now. Also, I NEED a pedicure. I am sure the shop will be open. Yep, today or tomorrow.....definitely will get a pedi. Later!

Pedi sounds wonderful! I will get one soon i hope! Things are about the same. Off to the bookstore. Hugs


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Happy New Year! BRRR it's cold outside, 5 degrees right now and it's noon. But oh it's so beautiful out. This cold we have none of that inversion and it's sunny and so beautiful. The mountains looks like you could reach out and touch them and they are so jagged and white looking against the blue sky.

DH and I stayed up til 11. WE watched the Times Square ball drop at 10pm our time on Fox. Anyone else see Rick Springfield on there singing Jessie's girl. Can you believe he's 60? They said that was the most requested kareoke (sp) song. LOL DH and I played cards and for once I kicked his butt! WE had a glass of wine and that was our exciting New YEars. LOL

OWN network: I was so disappointed when I realized that Oprah's new network was taking over that one, I watched that channel a lot but personally can't stand Oprah. In just my humble opinion she's gotten too full of herself and such an expert on everything and preachy, I find her hard to take anymore and I used to watch all the time. But sounds like it will be other programs vs just her on it so maybe I'll check it out.

Diets: Again in my not so humble opinions today, I think we have to be careful not to follow the latest fads, etc. AFter all haven't must of us tried enough of these diets and ideas of the day in our prebanded life? Didn't we get banded because nothing else worked, we now have our tool and the rules that go with it. We paid a lot of money (especially the self payers) for our bands and our surgeons expertise, to follow the latest fad, cleanse, etc. to me defeats the purpose. Again that's just my opinon take it or leave it.

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Great...I am so in awe of mountains and would give anything to be able to look at them on a daily basis. We are at 4 degrees right now at 1pm and expecting 10 below with windchills of -35 for night. Hard to believe you are as cold as us right now. Our local radio station is putting out warnings every 10 minutes or so about our major highways that are closed. Fines and even jail time if a person gets caught traveling on them. No warnings issued....not slaps on the hand...definite fines. We have not seen a car or truck go by our place (we live on a county tar road) since about 4pm yesterday. And to think, my youngest called me at 6pm when he got done with work in our town (15 miles away) and wanted me to come in and visit b/4 he took off for home which is 70 miles away. I told him to stay put but he drove home and texted me when he got there. Was a nervous couple of hours till I knew he was off the roads. A mother's worries are never over.

Well, got both my frig's washed out. Will need to send some things home with DS b/4 we go. Started some of the packing this morning and plan on doing the rest of what I can do this afternoon. Cuz.....the first inkling that we are able to hop in that car and take off, that stuff is going to be loaded....along with my dog. Almost wish we were taking the truck but the car will limit me on what I really don't need to take anyway. As you all know, (or should if you don't) that I am a self-confessed clothes horse. The biggest decision for me is to decide what I NEED to take and what I WANT to take. Once I get than done, packed and not allow myself to change things, I will be done. I know I will need a mix of both summer and warmer clothes...weather sounds pretty iffy down there right now.

Great...what station did OWN replace? I get you on the Oprah thing. I will turn on the show if there is a subject I am interested in seeing but I can hardly stomach her any more. She yells out in such a weird manner and then repeats herself over and over again. She has changed so much. She is not as genuine as she was many years ago. And, of course she has a big head....you need one to be in that business. Dr. Phil is the same. They have both had some really interesting shows and a person has to admire them for how far they have come but enough of the self-promotion already. OK...that was my bitch for the day. LOL

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Apples, having lived by mountains most of my life, I always took them for granted. They were just always there. But when we moved to Sacramento and I couldn't just see them out my window like I did in Denver, Utah and to some extent Las Vegas I really missed them. They were there but I couldn't see them, but I could get to them. But when I went back east to Delaware I really missed them. I think I need to live by mountains the rest of my life. LOL Though if DH gets sent to Atlanta one day I might have to do without temporarily but hopefully then I'd have my Grandma condo in Denver. They are just so majestic and one thing Salt Lake has over Denver, I think it is prettier. In Denver, the mountains were just to the west. Salt Lake is like in a bowl and we have them on all sides so no matter which way I look I see them but the most beautiful ones are to the east.

I agree with about Dr Phil as well. I was a huge fan back in the day and when I lived in Sacramento I was part of his Weight Loss challenge years ago and attended several show tapings, etc. I think all the fame must go to their heads. LOL Jillian of Biggest Loser is getting the same way, guess she is leaving that show after this next season. And you see her face on everything. I was at Target this morning and saw more videos and exercise equipment with her on it and even some diet supplements which surprised me that she'd promote something like that. Target had all the fitness gear out on promotion for all the New Years resolutions.

Arlene, a pedicure sounds wonderful, I am thinking I need one too, it's been about 3 weeks since I got one, DD and I went when she was here. Guess she won't be coming again anytime soon. She was to come this month but with being on bedrest she won't be doing any travelling. She was even going to try and fly to Hawaii with us in a few weeks. Though now DS is looking into it, I just need DH to pin down the dates. Doesn't his job know I have plans to make. LOL

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OWN replaced Discovery Health in the US. I'm not feeling Oprah either but there are a couple of shows that I want to see on her network.

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OWN replaced Discovery Health in the US. I'm not feeling Oprah either but there are a couple of shows that I want to see on her network.

Hey Blaze...thanks for the info. I also am looking forward to seeing what the station has to offer. Surprises me that they replaced Discovery Health.

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Back from the gym, had some food and got both pots of split pea Soup on cooking. I'm making two cause I put the ham bone in one and didn't want all the extra fat in mine. I used low fat/low sodium chicken broth for my base. Smells good. Figure I'll freeze mine into small containers -- will be good for quick lunches at work. I sometimes get stuck at work and can't leave so I like to have things like that on hand.

I agree about Oprah -- she's very closed minded about some things -- like lapband for instance - I'm quite happy she won't be on every day anymore .I actually got kinda upset when I watched her favorite things show a few weeks ago -- she said she had teachers and other people who "give" in the audience, but yet, Cheri wasn't there -- Cheri should have been invited for that show -- she lives and teaches right there in Chicago and deserves it with all her work --especially in the school where she teaches. So, I wonder who those people were and if they did, in fact, derserve all of that.

Katie came and took Aylah home -- so now we are going to put away the Christmas decorations. Just nagged DH that I would like to get started now cause I don't like starting projects so late in the day - I like to do my work early and then relax.

Went to the gym -- did my 65 mins. of cardio - feel good.

We watched a newly released concert on PBS last night -- from 1964 - it was so funny - Jan & Dean hosted and they had the Beach Boys, Supremes, James Brown, Smokie Robinson and the Miracles, Leslie Gore and the Rolling Stones - all these go-go type dancers -- so funny watching them -- everyone did like 4 songs -- except the Stones and they did 6!! It was really early on in everyone's careers -- very fun to watch that stuff. The credits showed it was a 2010 Dick Clark Production -- I wonder how many other oldies but goodies he has stored away and will eventually be released?

We started to watch NYE in Times Square with Carson Daily but could not take the musical guests they had on -- AND the interviews were so terrible -- I mean I don't even know who any of those people are anymore -- and I don't care about their aunts or their girlfriends/boyfriends. Boy do I sound like an old fart!! LOL.



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Pedicure? Did I hear pedicure? That would be so nice. I'm just 3 days out of surgery and am snowed in, which is ok since I can't drive yet. I'm so entrenched in liquid diets, gas, and steri strips (along with constipation) that the outside world has completely left my mind. I almost forgot how to spell pedicure!!!! Wow . . . I lost sight of the fact that there is a life outside of recent post-op bandin, and that living that life is the whole reason I did this!:mellow:

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Can't let Cheri be all alone in junking up the thread.....

I don't think I added my 2 cents on hotel, etc. for the Chicago trip. I like the idea of finding a place close to where Cheri lives and do the train, etc. to see the sights. Even if there is inclimate weather, I am sure there are museums, etc. that we could go see. DH is so cool. Told him I had no idea when it would be and just "Go...doesn't matter". I guess my worrying about planting and harvest comes from years of HAVING to be here. DS has kind of taken over my role. Fine with me. So, when you guys decide on a long weekend, I'm in. DH did suggest I fly rather than drive. It's 4 hours to our airport but less stress for him worrying about a 12 or more hour drive for me each way. Made sense to me also when he suggested it. That's a lot of hours of driving for a short trip. And, I love to fly....will just get a taxi or whatever to the hotel. Suites would be ideal so when I have a little time, I will look in the area that Cheri suggested. And, to ease Cheri's anxiety about sitting around in a group visiting, we will all just take turns taking her out for a walk. LOL.

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I like the idea of staying in a hotel outside the city as well and taking the train in.

I also googled Ann Taylor Loft stores, there's on in Michigan City, is that the outlet that was close? I still have not ever been to one! GRRR LOL

Will we need to rent any cars or will there be enough people driving in with transportation? I'd have to fly of course to Ohare airport. There's a Midway airport there as well. Which is closer to Cheri? For me and my flight benefits think Ohare will work better.

I got DH installing my undercabinet lights in the kitchen today. I am so excited to see them when they are done. I'm very lucky to have such a handyman. He's done all sorts of little projects for me today. Think he's feeling the snow/cold fever too. He's been planning his garden already, he wants to do a 'salsa garden' this spring and start the seeds indoors. We went and got a bunch of LED Christmas lights on clearance that he's going to rig up some how to be lights for his seedlings. He's also making some nightstands for the spare bedroom. We bought these cabinets at Goodwill for $5 each and he is refinishing them and replacing the tops with slate tile. They are coming out pretty nice. The man can't sit still. But I get the benefits of his handiwork! Okay I am rambling now. LOL

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Pedicure? Did I hear pedicure? That would be so nice. I'm just 3 days out of surgery and am snowed in, which is ok since I can't drive yet. I'm so entrenched in liquid diets, gas, and steri strips (along with constipation) that the outside world has completely left my mind. I almost forgot how to spell pedicure!!!! Wow . . . I lost sight of the fact that there is a life outside of recent post-op bandin, and that living that life is the whole reason I did this!:mellow:

Welcome...just keep this thought "This too shall pass". It does get easier and hope that the gas will subside and that your bowels begin to ease. It's tough at first with not knowing what to expect. Just follow your doc's rules, get up and move and rest when you can. Just wanted to wish you luck as you begin the road to a healthier you. And questions or concerns that we can help you with? Just fire away!

Linda....you are such a good GM and Katie is so lucky to be able to rely on you guys. You are also setting a good/loving base for Alyah....one that will affect her thoughout her life. She's a lucky girl....not every child has their grandparents in their lives. I also love split pea Soup and make it quite often. I have a pot of chicken Soup on the stove as we speak. I made my own egg noodles and they turned out really nice. We will have it for supper tonight and the rest will go in the freezer in portion sizes for DS. He will need some lunches while he is working out here while we are gone. Yesterday I made beef stew and another beef dish to freeze. He should have a variety anyway.

Good going on the gym...you never seem to make excuses not to go but you allow yourself some days off which is good. Isn't it amazing when you think of doing 65 minutes of cardio? Could you have done 65 seconds 2 yrs ago?????

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Great...we used to do a lot of projects like your DH is doing with the bed stands. Our first home was furnished with furniture that I either reupholstered or refinished. I loved that furniture. Love the idea of the marble tops.

My airline points are connected with Delta so Ohare is my choice as well. If we need to rent a car at the airport, I will go half. And....I somehow knew that the FIRST thing you would check out in the area would be a Loft!

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Apples, maybe we can coordinate our flight times if you will be on Delta as well? I'd chip in on the car too. It's my goal to get to a Loft outlet one day. Wouldn't you know AFTER I left Denver they opened one up down in Castle Rock? Will have to check it out when I go back. It just opened recently and I didn't even know it was there til searching for Chicago. Watch, I'll finally get to one and be so disappointed. LOL

Blaze, I saw from your ticker you went from a size 20+ to a size 2? congrats! How much have you lost?

NewDecade, congrats on your banding.

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