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Whoa peeps!!!!!! y'all are burning up the thread today. I haven't read all of it yet. I got back from taking my mother to the neurologist. Her glaucoma is worse.....not a brain issue. She has decided not to have an MRI. There is nothing they could do for her anyway. At 87 and a bad heart..she doesn't want to know if her aneurysm is back.

Who is on the Choo Choo today? I did have a Protein bar for Breakfast and Chick Fil A nuggets for lunch. Lori, I ate most of them. I guess you would say I might need a fill in a few months.

Cheri, so glad your mother wants to move in a retirement place. It sure will take the stress off the family and them too. I hope your dad goes along with it. Enjoy your Birthday.

Later! gotta get some stuff done around here.

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Meredith....your pup story made me sob. I am one to need a Kleenex in hand at all times anyway but that story was just so amazing. My pup is as important to me as my sons and DH so I know how they can be considered "family". Thanks for taking the time to share his story with us. I have been under a considerable amount of stress the last 4-5 days. My Tanker has been taking care of me.....he always senses when something is not right. I got little or not sleep for two night straight and last night I was fighting going to bed too early as I did not want to wake too early. I was sitting on the couch and Tanker was sitting beside me. He actually took all is strength and pushed me with his nose to lay down. Then he got on top of me. His way of telling me it's "lights out". There have been times when I have been sick or had a kidney stone and he will put his head where it hurts and hold me with all his might. This is a dog that is not allowed up in the living area if he is not invited up. But, when he senses something is wrong, he is up the stairs in one leap to protect momma. Such a lover.

LauraK...the way I see the loose skin issue is.....if a partner loves you, it will not be an issue. If someone is so vain as to be turned off by a little saggy skin then they don't get the treat of being where that saggy skin is. I have places on my body that look like melted butter but I would never do anything about it. I do have an issue with my lower stomach skin. Rashes in the summer and when I'm exerting myself working and if I don't lay just right in bed, it wakes me up. Silly but I had no intention of getting it taken care of until after a lot of trouble with it over the summer. Still thinking on it and both docs I saw said it should come off. But, DH loves me just the way I am and that saggy fat tucks right into a nice pair of jeans and slacks so it does not worry me about the looks of it. I'm excited to hear about your date. Good luck finding just the right undies. Cornflower blue is always a nice color.

OK....here I sit typing and I should be working on my year end books. I have just a little left to do but have been putting it off for most of the day. I can be such a putts.

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Actually, Arlene, I would say I needed a fill now if I could eat Chik Fil A nuggets, for some reason whenever I eat those I get stuck unless I am wide open, but that's just me it seems we all get stuck on different things. I think it's because they are better quality aka white chicken breast meat, than the McD's version, but that makes them drier. I haven't tried them in 6 mos or so, the last time I had them was when we were driving from Denver to here in our move. We stopped at a Chik Fil just outside Denver for dinner and then I got stuck and was miserable in the car driving and had to stop and PB a few times. LOL Been afraid to try them since, but I know I have less restriction now so probably could get away with it. That's why I always say, don't tell me what's in a McNugget but they are mushier and go down easier. LOL Wendy's do too. I had nuggets today as well, it was a 5 nugget day. LOL I am on the choo choo for now but am planning a top at the movies popcorn counter either today or tomorrow. DH wants to go see True Grit and I am having popcorn at the movie. I went to Walmart and got yogurts, precooked bacon, some GoLEan Protein Bars and am all set. And I will get in the swing of things with working out more regularly as of the 1st as well. I've been working out but it's been inconsistent for most of December. I plan on mixing it up with my Power 90 DVDs, the new Active workout game I got for Kinect, walking and the gym. Variety is the spice of life. LOL

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Whoa peeps!!!!!! y'all are burning up the thread today. I haven't read all of it yet. I got back from taking my mother to the neurologist. Her glaucoma is worse.....not a brain issue. She has decided not to have an MRI. There is nothing they could do for her anyway. At 87 and a bad heart..she doesn't want to know if her aneurysm is back.

Who is on the Choo Choo today? I did have a Protein bar for Breakfast and Chick Fil A nuggets for lunch. Lori, I ate most of them. I guess you would say I might need a fill in a few months.

Cheri, so glad your mother wants to move in a retirement place. It sure will take the stress off the family and them too. I hope your dad goes along with it. Enjoy your Birthday.

Later! gotta get some stuff done around here.

Oh, Oh Arlene...I hear Janet coming....someone is going to catch hell for eating breaded chicken/fried nuggets. Hope they were good! LOL.

Full whiteout blizzard conditions here and no travel. 100 care pile up on the freeway by Fargo. So sick of this crap and being trapped in the house. DS just left to go home pulling a trailer with a skidloader on it. Why are guys such risk takers. Now will have 1/2 hour of worry till I'm sure he makes it home. Don't know what the little bugger was thinking coming out to work today anyway. He worked till after midnight last night putting in a new sewer system for a neighbor. (Tree roots caused major backup).

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Apples......Oh dear, I forgot about Janet chewing my A$$ out for nuggets. Too bad I can't delete.....lol! I would be a worry wart too if my kids where out in that mess. He is one tough guy. Just try and focus on AZ. It might warm you up.

Lori, popcorn sounds good. True Grit was a good movie....didn't eat or drink at that flick. I forgot a lot about the John Wayne version. I need to watch it again. Now I want to see Little Fockers.

LauraK......if they don't like a little sag and bag.......they aren't worth showing it to them. lol

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DH & I saw Fokkers last week, it was good but not great. The first 2 were funnier. Maybe the movies are predictable now or maybe they get lazy and rely on the formula of the first 2 to work again. Still enjoyed it though.

I was just surfing the internet waiting for DH to get home and found this, this is one of the outfits I got at Loft the other day, I got the jacket, the jeans and the necklace


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DH & I saw Fokkers last week, it was good but not great. The first 2 were funnier. Maybe the movies are predictable now or maybe they get lazy and rely on the formula of the first 2 to work again. Still enjoyed it though.

I was just surfing the internet waiting for DH to get home and found this, this is one of the outfits I got at Loft the other day, I got the jacket, the jeans and the necklace


That's a classy looking outfit, Great. Love it. I need to get this stuff done and off my desk so that I can get a look at my clothes and decide what is going south with me. DH just rolls his eyes when I start pulling things out. Nothing wrong with taking a couple dozen cute jackets, is there? LOL

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Happy birthday Cheri. You share birthdays with a very special person. My wife is ## today, but she says she is only 39. She had to change if from 29 cause her oldest turned 22 this year.

Deb, my DS and I are in Shreveport, LA for NYE. We just got here a few min ago. Reception here at her parents isn't great so I will check in as I can. Just wanted to tell everyone to have a safe and wonderful New Years.



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Happy Birthday Cheri!

My tummy was sagging before weight loss because of my child. I was looking at it yesterday and think I may need to start saving for a Tummy Tuck. I read during my research that some doctors recommend 2 years of maintenace before having the tummy tuck. May take me that long to save up. Some also say to wait until your done having children so as not to get stretched again. I wouldn't do it unless it was pretty bad and it is getting there. But I prefer to feel great and be sagging than to look and feel awful. I am still able to put on some cute things. Can't wait till I no longer need Just My Size clothes.

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Lori, love that outfit -- very nice -- I bet it looks great on you too. Glad to hear you DD is doing better today.

We saw Little Fockers on Sunday and I agree with Lori -- not as good as others, but watchable. Maybe we'll go see True Grit this weekend. But I'll have to pass on the popcorn this week -- I was really pretty ill Monday and Tuesday from my overinduling and since the last thing I overindulged on was the popcorn with butter I think I'll pass this time and do as I usually do -- pop up my 100 calorie stuff and sneak it into the movie in my large purse. LOL. One of these days they are going to look in there and tell me I can't go into the theatre. But, I can't drink soda so I take a bottle of Water too. What's the harm?LOL.

Cheri, you did very well in Vegas - I didn't realize you were uncomfortable at all -- it was a bit overwhelming with so many of us --and I was disappointed I didn't get to spend much time with several of you as I'd have liked - but there's always next time.

All the talk of Chicago -- maybe we could meet there in the spring/summer or fall this year -- it would be driving distance for many of us and it's a wonderful city to visit. I know some of you want to cruise, but I don't have the $$ for that and I can't go on a cruise without my DH as he would feel too left out - poor man is alone most of the time anyway so he needs to be able to at least do the expensive vacations with me. I'm very happy cause I hit my 5 years at work this year which means I get 6 more days vacation/personal time -- yay!! happy about that.

Melissa, glad you are going to go to the party -- I think you'll be happy you did afterwards. I used to have a big crowd over every NYE for a NYE buffet -- I miss those days -- now I can barely stay awake until midnight much less prepare food and serve guests between 10 and 1:00 a.m. LOL.

Apples, my Merry is just like your Tanker - she always puts her little chin anywhere where we hurt -- last night she never left my side -- slept next to my shoulder all night comforting me - and she usually doesn't like to sleep with us - I think our bed makes her too hot or something. My pets are always family members and when they pass away and have to grieve just like if a family member passes. It's always tough for me.

Been very slow at work - not many people needing our services today -- I just should have taken the day off.

Katie is sick and DH picked up Aylah so we'll be spending our long weekend entertaining her which is okay. I hope her uncle Bryan will babysit tomorrow so we can go to the casino for our special meal but sometimes he's a brat and refuses -- we'll see.

Yes the retirement village MUST be somewhere warm -- I don't want to be in snow country after I retire. I'm already freezing to death all the time -- just imagine how cold I'll be when I'm 90. I remember my Great Grandma wore a heavy cable sweater ALL summer - we used to be in shorts and sleeveless tops and be swimming and she'd be in her sweater and even have a crochet shawl around her shoulders sometimes. She's the one I'm built like - very tiny bones and short.

I made a talapia fillet on my George Foreman grill at lunch - just seasoned it up with some garlic, salt and pepper and lemon juice and a little spray butter and threw it on there for a couple of minutes -- didn't take very long and was very yum. Why I never thought to use it for fish before is beyond me - -just never did -- it was so quick and easy.

Apples, I forgot yesterday to mention your lap band friend's badgering of you. I cannot fathom talking to someone that way. You handled it very well, but it's so ridiculous that you are forced to listen to this woman's tirade. Sorry that happened to you.

Phyl, so sorry about your friend's husband. How is your friend handling it all? Hope Earl's in a better mood today too.

Eva, you are making me wish I could retire -- sounds so nice to have time to do all the things you are doing -- I love making homemade soups/sauces, etc.

Okay everyone, I think I'm all talked out for now. Will CBL


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Happy Birthday Cheri!

My tummy was sagging before weight loss because of my child. I was looking at it yesterday and think I may need to start saving for a Tummy Tuck. I read during my research that some doctors recommend 2 years of maintenace before having the tummy tuck. May take me that long to save up. Some also say to wait until your done having children so as not to get stretched again. I wouldn't do it unless it was pretty bad and it is getting there. But I prefer to feel great and be sagging than to look and feel awful. I am still able to put on some cute things. Can't wait till I no longer need Just My Size clothes.

I worry about the skin but i havent been fat my whole life so idk if that has anything to do with it. Only for about 5 years. Genetically i dont know if skin runs in the fam. Who knows. I feel the way you do. I would rather have skin than be fat and unhealthy any day. We dont have obese people in my family so i dont know about my genetics in that way. Im not too worried about it. I was told the lap band is slower than bypass so the skin is less with lapband. Still counting the minutes/hours/days to my surgeon meeting on Monday!!!! WOO HOO!

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Laura K~ I meant to tell you that the skin looks better laying down rather than standing up anyways! LOL. Was that over the line? Hey, it's true!

Tina~ I wasn't fat for a long time either. I was overweight for about 5, then I quit smoking and became morbidly obese in the last 2 yrs before banding. In high school I was an all-state athlete, hockey and lacrosse, so my muscle came back quickly after I started doing step aerobics 3 months after banding. I had stretch marks on my belly from gaining weight so quickly, so I knew I would have the skin there, and I did. Plus, my mom is not fat and she has saggy skin in her tummy from us 2 kids. I wouldn't worry. I hardly notice it, unless I need to tuck it back into my jeans (haha Apples!)

Lori~ Hopefully DD will be able to potato it up on the couch, relax and carry this baby to term! The dog was such a good hiker and never wandered like your one dog. I think that a gunshot scared him since it was the last day of hunting season and it spooked him.

Apples~ You are too cute. What you wrote about your pup reminds me of how this dog is with my sister. He is her child as far as I'm concerned.

CBL, Meredith

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Just got home from True Grit, good movie. DH absolutely loved it. It was the most crowded movie I've been to in a long time as well. popcorn was yummy too! Oh but it is so cold out there and it snowed more while we were in the theater, glad DH had to get out and scrape the windshield. LOL

Apples, I must've missed your post about your lapband friend and her comments about you being too skinny. I had to go back and find it. For Rude! But you handled it well.

Tina, I don't necessarily buy into the 'you lose faster with bypass than band theory'. I was told by my Dr that I lost just as fast or faster than a bypass person as have many of the successes on this thread. It all depends on how well you follow the rules, agressive your dr is on fills, etc. I lost 125 lbs in one year. And an advantage that I believe we have over bypass patients is that we have to learn our new eating habits right out of surgery. We don't have that 'honeymoon' period after surgery where our stomach is so restricted in fact right out of surgery it is just the opposite and many get very upset and discouraged because they hit what is affectionately (or not) called bandster hell. It's where after surgery your swelling goes down, you have no restriction and have to wait 6 weeeks to get a fill. You are like what the heck, I just had major surgery to not feel so hungry and to lose weight and we hit that wall about 3 to 5 weeks out from surgery where we stop losing and are hungry. Just be prepared for it and now that it's normal. Your restriction will come. Most but not all experience some version of bandster hell. Follow the rules and know that it will come. I don't say this to scare you but to reassure you so you aren't caught off guard.

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Meredith...great minds think alike. When I was posting to LauraK today the thought came over my mind about "posing" so that the extra skin would not be noticed. LOL. (TMI warning). Just be a princess on your back for the initial "induction". Gosh....not only do we support each other with our WLS concerns, we are relationship experts as well. Good thing none of us are prigs.

I have always been a dog lover, Meredith. I grew up with a minimum of three dogs in the house. DH grew up in a family where there was a "farm dog". You just threw it the leftover crap from the table and never would ever think about buying dog food. He has been totally in love with the dogs I have brought home. This kills me to say this but the first dog I brought home, he took out in the grove of trees and shot it. Too much of a bother. And, if you think that didn't get me thinking that something was wrong with this man, you are correct. It's just the way they did it on the farm. Never took the time to nurture or train a dog. Dog acted up...dog was gone. A major sin in my book. Well, after that horrible incident and me a forgiving person, I decided that I would "teach" him how to love an animal. Right now he is in his recliner lap top and lap dog on his lap....100lb black lab. Once I showed him that dogs were human, he is sooooooooooooo in love with every dog he meets. Tanker is our "empty nest dog". I missed my boys so much when they left. Had quit my job after working since early teens and it was so lonesome out here on the farm. Heck, Tanker knows everything I say. We have conversations.

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This whiteout storm we are having is absolutely wicked. Cannot see the big bright yard light through the blowing snow (only 20 feet or so from house). Took DS an hour to drive home earlier today (15 miles). He was happy to get home. Gosh, I hate to whine continuously but this winter has been one for the history books. If I knew how to post a damned photo on here, I would share the mounds of snow surrounding our house. Right now there is not way I can open my back door. Not a good combination. 55 yr old stressed out woman unable to step out the door. AZ is looking soooooooooooooo good.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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