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Tina, Yes. My husband is a true believer now. He loves the fact that I am changing. I have grown so much. Before I felt like I couldn't do anything. I was so disappointed in my self and my life. I am happier and that makes him happier. Our relationship has changed alot because I participate in family life. Back when I had surgery we were living with his parents and he was really stuck on the money. We didn't even have our own place and I was spending all this money for a lapband. He also was unsure if I would lose. I had failed so many diets before. He is so excited now and sacrifices to help me out. He does without some foods too. I have a home without temptation. If he wants a food that is tempting for me he goes out to get it and eats it without bringing it home. A few weeks ago he did bring cupcakes home and saw that it was hard for me. He also keeps some junk food at work out of my sight. This past week I went on vacation with my inlaws and they brought a ton of junk food. I didn't eat one lick of it. I did start to pop some popcorn but then gave it to hubby without a bite. I am getting stronger against the temptations and he tells me all the time how proud he is of me.

Some people eat popcorn but my doc wants me on low carb so I passed it on. JIC your wondering.

I am so proud of you and your hard work I love seeing your blog on You Tube. You have come along way from a tough time to start to look at you now WTG Girl!!!

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Tina - This is how I got started on my journey.

I did beat myself up before I had my LB. My highest was 283. My I had it moment was when I went to CA. for a vaca and went to an animal park with my Mom. You had to walk everywhere and it was long hilly walks. I had to get a ride back to the front of the park from a guy with a golf cart because I could not walk anymore I felt so ashamed. And I was sweating so much I felt like a pig. Also I was with my sister and my mom and they kept saying I kept them up from snoring so much at night and that was caused by my weight. I came back home and started the process for the LB. I originally wanted to have bypass like my Mom however I had Liver surgery in the past and due to the adhesions it was safer for me to have the LB. I got my band on 07/03/2008 and followed my Drs plans to a T and my lowest weight was 211. Then I guess I got cocky and also got my band to tight and started gaining weight due to me not following my Drs rules.

So right now by my posts you can see I am struggling because my Dr took out alot of Fluid out of my band. He did this because I was to tight and had problems with reflux. So I am very open right now and I am having trouble staying on the plan cause I can eat anything I want. So Janet, Apples, Cheri, Charlene and the others are helping me get back on the band wagon.

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Sitting here in lapband office waiting to get my second fill. I have my son with me today. I told him that daddy was going to get stuck with 2 needles and he just about cried. So I have to be good for him. He doesn't know I have a fear of needles. Anyway I hope everyone is doing well.

Congrata Jessica on getting to onederland.



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So my partner just informs me that she doesnt think i will follow the guildlines of the lap band diet. She said she thinks i CAN but that i probably WONT. But doesnt that mean she thinks i CANT? UGH!

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Well just checking in,,,,it has been raining all day and night! But I did manage to go jogging (yeah you heard me right) for 20 minutes! Wow, I really can't believe it!

Christmas day I ate crap and candy and sausages ( we recieved a figis big box) I ate peti-fours, and torts, and was a really baaaaad girl, but sinceit was only 24 hours, and my mom has hidden all the rest of the chocolate, and such, and it's back to the grind. I will say at the end of the day I did really feel like crap, and wondered how people can eat that shit day in and day out? I was very content to get back to my normal eating.....24 hours was all I guess I needed. I really have never been a big sweets eater anyway, being more of a meat and potatos kinda girl!

That's all I have to report, hope everyone stays happy, and healthy!


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No Tina, I would not say that she thinks you can't. Can't means you don't have the abilities to follow the guidelines. Won't is more a matter of the will it means you aren't willing to. However, the fact that your partner says you won't doesn't say much about his/her support of you. Perhaps he/she is judging by your past inablities to follow a diet. I know in my past I had many many failures. However, the band was the beginning of my new life. You need to adjust your thinking and will to 'you will' do what it takes and not let other's opinions of you determine your success. I would be concerned however, about being in a relationship with someone who has no faith in you.

TX, so how was that 2nd fill? Why 2 needles?

DD called and yep she is having contractions. There was an inconclusive indication of a possible infection which they are being agressive in treating just in case. However, the dr said due to her cervix, the positioning of the babies head and some swab test she isn't in imminent danger of delivering. She's home to more 'couch potato' status and goes back on Monday and is to call again if it happens again. She even had some contractions while at dr.

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Christmas stuff is in the attic......Yay! DD and DGD came today . I was away from the computer most of the day and y'all burned up the thread.....so much to read.

OMG....I think we have the California rainfall. We are getting the heaviest rain right now. I think around 3-4". Lots of lightning. Ugh!....another one of my fears.

Phyl....sorry that your friend passed from a stroke. Please be careful on your way back to CA.

Joyce.....good to hear from you! Take it easy on that knee!

Apples.....one word.....Ambien. It will give you a good night's rest.

Lori,.......keep us updated on your DD. Hugs and Prayers going your way.

Tx.....you will feel a better restriction with fill #2. Be sure and eat very slow.

Janet, I am not getting out in this mess to go to the gym. I might have to swim there. We should get another storm from Calif on Friday. We really do need the rain. I am grateful.

Choo! Choo! I had beef fajitas for lunch.....about 3oz......then beef Jerky for a snack. I brought leftovers home. I will probably heat them up. I could eat fajita meat at every meal......well, once a day.

Oh, I cancelled my fill appt. I don't need it right now.

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No Tina, I would not say that she thinks you can't. Can't means you don't have the abilities to follow the guidelines. Won't is more a matter of the will it means you aren't willing to. However, the fact that your partner says you won't doesn't say much about his/her support of you. Perhaps he/she is judging by your past inablities to follow a diet. I know in my past I had many many failures. However, the band was the beginning of my new life. You need to adjust your thinking and will to 'you will' do what it takes and not let other's opinions of you determine your success. I would be concerned however, about being in a relationship with someone who has no faith in you.

TX, so how was that 2nd fill? Why 2 needles?

DD called and yep she is having contractions. There was an inconclusive indication of a possible infection which they are being agressive in treating just in case. However, the dr said due to her cervix, the positioning of the babies head and some swab test she isn't in imminent danger of delivering. She's home to more 'couch potato' status and goes back on Monday and is to call again if it happens again. She even had some contractions while at dr.

I had contractions throughout my whole pregnancy too. I did end up in the hospital on an IV to stop them but i did have them and my daughter was only born a little early(couple weeks). I will pray this is the case here and that she will be fine and baby is healthy :)

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I had contractions throughout my whole pregnancy too. I did end up in the hospital on an IV to stop them but i did have them and my daughter was only born a little early(couple weeks). I will pray this is the case here and that she will be fine and baby is healthy :)

Oh and yes my partner doesnt always say things very gracefully. She said that what she meant was that she was afraid i wouldnt and i would have complications.....mhm right. I know what she meant and i know what she said. And yes she has not been very supportive with this. This makes me very very sad indeed.

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Well, let's hope I don't junk up the thread with this post. That was so strange!

Anyway, Kelly, I loved your comment -- yes, I agree that I don't know how people eat that "shit" everyday either -- although I used to myself - but you know, I never felt good either.

Tina, gotta get your partner to support you on this -- without her support it will be much harder -- I stopped cooking for my DH -- he now cooks for himself -- it's just the two of us and he's capable -- occasionally I will cook him a nice meal or casserole and freeze portions for him - and I cook for special occasions -- but as for everyday -- i don't do it -- it would be too hard for me so I just said, no more." I also decided that I had to spend at least one hour per day (actually at the begining I did 2 hours each day) exercising - I felt very selfish - but just told myself I'm going to spend that time on me and if it's selfish or perceived to be selfish then too bad cause I'm doing it anyway. And I've stuck with my plan for almost two years and I've accomplished a lot. I was just thinking the other day about how two years ago right now I was in Hawaii and weighed almost 250 and could barely walk anywhere. It was miserable. I couldn't even put on my own socks or shoes -- part of that was my bad hip but the majority of it was my fat. I feel so much more alive than I did before -- I exercise and am in great health and feel so much younger than I've felt in probably 15 years. So, it's been worth every thing. And truly, it hasn't been all that hard -- you just have to have the correct mindset going in.

Chris, hope the fill went well.

Sandy, good to see you post - hugs on the dad issues -- it's very hard to deal with but you gotta be honest and not let him make you feel guilty. When they get old they tend to think of only themselves - it probably doesn't even cross his mind that you are exhausted most days. Perhaps you could get a caretaker to come in -- my mom used to do that -- she would go in everyday and cook meals, do light housekeeping, grocery shop, etc. for some elderly people -- take them to the beauty shop, doctor's visits, etc. She was not a certified nurse or aid, just a nice lady who liked to care of people. She kept busy doing this for over 20 years and never ever ran out of people to help out. She didn't make a lot of money -- you could maybe find someone like that in your area -- maybe someone you know - go to church with or something like that -- I think she called herself a "house companion".

Cheri, how did the visit go with your mom at the facility? I hope she liked it and will start to think about moving to a place. I think it will be easier for our generation to give up our freedom - I know since I've moved around so much I don't feel like I HAVE to stay at my current home -- not like I lived there for 40 years and raised my kids all there - I can understand how people have a hard time when that's the case. I've always been a gypsy type, moving around a lot.

Janet, no I never did go to the strip for NYE -- I dated someone who hated crowds - as I recall we spent every NYE just hanging out with his family. NOw that I don't live there I think, oh that sounds like fun. LOL.

Lori, hugs and prayers for DD. I sure hope they can figure out how to stop these contractions. Sounds like she's going to have to be on bedrest for the duration. I know she's used to working so that will probably make her nuts. You may have to go stay with her and help her for the next few months. Hope it all gets better soon.

Arlene, hope all is well with you today. Proud of you for staying on the choo choo.

Well, gotta run. Will try to CBL.


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Oh and yes my partner doesnt always say things very gracefully. She said that what she meant was that she was afraid i wouldnt and i would have complications.....mhm right. I know what she meant and i know what she said. And yes she has not been very supportive with this. This makes me very very sad indeed.

Tina - I am sorry you are having to deal with this. Just do it for yourself and don't worry what she says. She will eat her words. Some people have spouses that were not supportive in the begining but then became supportive when they saw the changes in there mate.

Phyl - sorry that your friend passed from a stroke.

Joyce - Take it easy on that knee!

Lori - Keep us updated on your DD. Hugs and Prayers going your way.

Tx - Why two needles or were you messing with your son?

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My LB office uses two needles also....

one to deaden the skin before they use the big one.

Lori... praying for your DD, DGD. Hope the contractions have stopped by now.

Keep us posted.

HUGS, Tina!! You CAN do this!

Don't listen to the negative voices!!

Snowing here today off and on and very cold....

both inside and out. DH in a very BAD mood all week.

I am ready to run away. <_<

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Sandy....somehow missed your post today. Sounds like your routine has been very draining for you. Have you thought of a family meeting with a assisted living professional to put it out there to your dad should the time come for something like that? Having it come from someone other than a family member sometimes goes over much better with the person. Make sure to take care of yourself also during this trying time. Hugs.

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My LB office uses two needles also....

one to deaden the skin before they use the big one.

Lori... praying for your DD, DGD. Hope the contractions have stopped by now.

Keep us posted.

HUGS, Tina!! You CAN do this!

Don't listen to the negative voices!!

Snowing here today off and on and very cold....

both inside and out. DH in a very BAD mood all week.

I am ready to run away. <_<

Phyll....make sure to pick someplace warm when you go on the lam and if it's a really sour mood he is in, make sure he does not follow you! Hugs.

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My LB office uses two needles also....

one to deaden the skin before they use the big one.

My Dr use some kind of numbing wipe and then sticks the needle right in. It has never hurt me I have only needed a bandaid once.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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