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Joyce....good to see your post and that you are working ways to get your exercise in. Just gotta tell you, that Gizmo is soooooooo cute as was the card. Thank you. How did you get that dog so clean????? I bet not by spraying him LOL.

Lori....prayers for DD. Hang in there. Worries.

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Eva....ummmmmm.....that "walk-in closet" comment was a joke directed at DH just to get a rise out of him. It would not happen in this lifetime. He does not understand any kind of over packing. His motto for 2 months of travel is "4 plaid shirts, will travel".

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Just got a call from DD, she was up all night with cramping again, she goes to see the dr this afternoon. Dang it all, she was doing so well. Little Katelyn is going to be an ornery little one!

Really hope this little girl stays QUIET and stays int he oven a little longer.... :)

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Hi, Gang!! Very busy with family this week... not much time to post, but keeping up with all of you by reading the posts on my phone!

Congrats, Jewel, on the "ONEDERLAND"!! That's GREAT news!

Linda..... that is definitely cheating on "junking up the thread"!! LOL

Told you gals my Red Hat Christmas party story... Queen who gave me too many jobs to do!! And then I think I told you that her husband had a stroke about 10 days ago. Not very old... I think about my age. Anyway, at first they said it was minor, then next thing I knew I was getting emails that he'd been transferred to a hospice facility! Well... sad news is that he passed away yesterday morning. "Snowbirds" like us, and also from WA. So I guess she has flown up here for services. So sad! Kind of sobering that three friends from our CA "home" have died in the last two months. And we were out to lunch with this couple just 3 weeks ago today! Other two were elderly.... like my mother's age, but not this guy. This couple had just settled in to a brand new park model. He was so proud showing me through it a month or so ago, and all the things they had customized when they ordered it.

Oh, well... enough of that!

Zoey is so much enjoying spending time w/daughter's dog, Gigi that I don't know how she is going to handle the separation when we leave! Every day when we go over there they play and play and play!! Yesterday we had to go out for a few hours and put them together in a big crate in the kitchen and they were great. Looked kind of cute... the two of them "locked up"! I took a picture... some of you might have seen it on Facebook! They were waiting patiently to get out when we got home. And last night were snuggled up together on DD's lap a good part of the evening!

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Phyll...so sad your friend did not get to enjoy his retirement in his new unit and with his wife. Gotta enjoy the moment because God will take us when he wants us.

I saw the photos on Facebook with the two dogs together. Adorable!

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Cheri, Thank you so much for the beautiful compliment. It brought tears to my eyes.

I was worried I was gonna chicken out. I knew when they came to roll me out I was gonna bolt. Thankfully they gave me something for my nerves when I arrived. I was thinking today about all the disappointments I have faced in life. I kinda just accepted and expected to be disappointed. I didn't trust others or myself to keep a commitment. Things are changing though. I am becoming more positive. Expecially about myself. It is normal to have some worries but I know when I am depressed it seems to magnify. I found things to keep my hands and mind busy. I learned to crochet and before I went back to school I spent most my day doing that, painting, sudoku and puzzles. I know some people who even make collages to represent their goals for the up and coming year. I may do that myself since I'm on break from school. Really take it easy until your meds become effective. My hubby and son use to enjoy doing puzzles with me. It may be something your spouse is willing to do with you until you are able to find more active things. Now we play soccer and tennis instead. I know it is hard to see but your actually already taking a few steps on the right track. Making the decision for the surgery, getting the approval, getting back on the meds you need. Your already moving up. Congrats on your approval. I feel like I won the lottery with this surgery. It is helping me develop the life I wanted for so long.

Thank you everyone for the congratulations and the sweet words. It feels like Christmas today. I wish I could see you all and give you a HUG. This band is not a gimmick. It works if you work it.

I am working really hard right now and down 10 lbs in just a week and a half. Ive been doing weight watchers pre op and will do it up to the liquid diet which i anticipate happening mid January. It would be funny if my dates were dead on eh? Jewel i read some of the posts from page 300ish or so when you first came in and i will tell you ....WOWZER! You have grown leads and bounds my friend and you have everything in the world that i want! They used to tell me in AA that if someone has what you want...do what they do. Well i intend to follow in your footsteps if at all possible. In a year i want to read back and go...."wow i really have grown" and be down that much weight.

Janet i will try to stick with the same plan that you are on. I like that plan and i am too a night time eater. I like to eat the most at night. Especially after my meds...which increase appetite. I am in the process of coming off that medication though. Down to 100mg...the last stretch. I will be off next week all together. The medication is called Serequel and i DO NOT recommend it for any food addict EVER! But i still get the munchies mostly at night. I have cut way back during the day now to allow for some night time munchies. I'm eating veggies at night when im hungry. I cook extra at dinner and eat the left overs in the night when im hungry...or when i think im hungry :P

Anyway, went to Target today and walked for about 15 mins around the store. Progress. Had a Pumkin Spice Latte though...naughty but was a treat and i had the points so why not. I haven't had a treat yet since i got on WW and me and Jeani sat and "communicated" a little. We are doing much better...not much fighting the last two days. I woke up in the middle of the night the night before last crying and it seems since then she has backed off with the comments and im trying to not be argumentative back. Seems to be working better.

Jewel did you and your husband make it through the lap band stuff...i read that he was being a butthead. And if so did you make him a believer in the band?

Anyway enough out of me....its so nice to have you guys to talk to. Are you guys having any sort of meeting this year. You can all come to Nashville!!! Music City USA! Woot!



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Tina...not sure if I missed a comment from you regarding your partner not accepting that you are doing the LB???? You know, the only thing you can do when someone doubts your decisions....prove them wrong. Keep up your attitude that this WILL work for you and that YOU will work with the band in order to achieve the results you want. I can tell you that I am 100% healthier since losing the first 50lbs. I can run circles around my dog and anyone else that wants to give it a try. There is soooooooooooooooooooo much that comes with feeling better physically and emotionally. Stick around....we'll walk you through this and this time next year we will still be giving you Kudos for a job well done, Tina. Mother hens is what we are. We are always happy when a new little chick enters the nest. It's fun to watch the transformation.

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Tina...not sure if I missed a comment from you regarding your partner not accepting that you are doing the LB???? You know, the only thing you can do when someone doubts your decisions....prove them wrong. Keep up your attitude that this WILL work for you and that YOU will work with the band in order to achieve the results you want. I can tell you that I am 100% healthier since losing the first 50lbs. I can run circles around my dog and anyone else that wants to give it a try. There is soooooooooooooooooooo much that comes with feeling better physically and emotionally. Stick around....we'll walk you through this and this time next year we will still be giving you Kudos for a job well done, Tina. Mother hens is what we are. We are always happy when a new little chick enters the nest. It's fun to watch the transformation.

Well i will tell you thank you for your warm welcome. Thank EVERYONE for the warm welcome. Im very lucky to have found friends like you.

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Eva - Yep I hear you on the chili's if your fingers were warm - your mouth is going to be very warm LOL... Aren't you our little chef doing all this from scratch- I buy red chili colorado sauce in a can ;0)... I like to cook but that stuff you are doing is too time consuming and messy ;0) - I've done it when making tamales - but chili' I just add a can of enchillada sauce ;0).

Sandy - Hugs on your Dad issues - I know how tough being a care giver is - I did it when I was 36-37 - can't imagine doing it now

Joyce - Yep your baby and mine do look like they could be cousins - Gizmo is a tad bigger than my Angel

WTG on the gym - How's the food going - I changed purses the other day - came across your gold coins - my good luck pieces..

Apples - they have a special Shampoo for white dogs and you really do have to use it - otherwise they don't get as white as they should be...

Ya Great - just take them to Petco - I take mine every few months - mostly to get a good cleaning - nails clipped etc - Bella HATES HATE HATEs the Water - I bath all 3 in between beauty shop - but they never look as good as they do when they go to the beauty shop...

Tina - Another Janet Rule ;o) - take the work try out of your vocabulary !!!! replace it with I WILL

gotta get back to work -

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Jessica - I am so happy for you. Congratulations on Onederland. I am so proud of you. Like someone else said you shuld read your old posts and see how far you came. You are doing awesome keep it up. WTG!!!! :success1: :waytogo:

As for me woke up and my back was acting up but now I am better. I guess it is just being stiff in the morning. Oh and this back thing happen from a car accident a long long time ago but forgot all about it since I sat all day and now I being very physical at work plus I out alot of weight back on, so when that comes off I should be doing better.

Janet - I am glad I am still a baby to ya. :iloveuall: :huggie:

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Tina - Another Janet Rule ;o) - take the work try out of your vocabulary !!!! replace it with I WILL

Tina - Janet is right except I am still working on the I WILL.

Okay practice I will take control of my weight and deal with my head issues

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Tina - Janet is right except I am still working on the I WILL.

Okay practice I will take control of my weight and deal with my head issues

1day at a time, did you lose all the weight and put it back on? How do you think the weight gain happened? Im just wondering because it sounds like you had lost some weight and put it back on again. Im worried i will do that too :( I learn from others and srry if im being nosey...just trying to catch up on the situation behind some of your posts. And YES you WILL take control of your weight. And there is a really really good friend to have in these situations...well in any situations....God. Best friend i ever had :)

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Tina, Yes. My husband is a true believer now. He loves the fact that I am changing. I have grown so much. Before I felt like I couldn't do anything. I was so disappointed in my self and my life. I am happier and that makes him happier. Our relationship has changed alot because I participate in family life. Back when I had surgery we were living with his parents and he was really stuck on the money. We didn't even have our own place and I was spending all this money for a lapband. He also was unsure if I would lose. I had failed so many diets before. He is so excited now and sacrifices to help me out. He does without some foods too. I have a home without temptation. If he wants a food that is tempting for me he goes out to get it and eats it without bringing it home. A few weeks ago he did bring cupcakes home and saw that it was hard for me. He also keeps some junk food at work out of my sight. This past week I went on vacation with my inlaws and they brought a ton of junk food. I didn't eat one lick of it. I did start to pop some popcorn but then gave it to hubby without a bite. I am getting stronger against the temptations and he tells me all the time how proud he is of me.

Some people eat popcorn but my doc wants me on low carb so I passed it on. JIC your wondering.

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Exercise for the day = shoveling and snow blowing. EGADS it's that heavy wet slushy type. My aching back. I am working on getting my Kinect set up, DS is helping me, we can chat through the TV his voice comes right through the tv. As soon as this download is complete I'll see his face too! So cool and next we are going to play a game, Sports.

Cheri and Sandy, I am reading your parent comments and so dreading the issue when it comes (soon) for my folks. Went through it with Grandma and my parents don't think they are ready. They just want to sit down there in FL but thing is they just complain as we don't see them. It's not easy to run down there all the time either. We want them to move to Denver to be close to us.

Eva, goodness girl, I think you are busier in retirement than before. So very active. ARen't you glad for the band and how you are able to enjoy it now?

Joyce, way to go on getting back to the gym. Hugs on the knee issues.

Well DD is at dr now, anxiously awaiting a phone call.

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1day at a time, did you lose all the weight and put it back on? How do you think the weight gain happened? Im just wondering because it sounds like you had lost some weight and put it back on again. Im worried i will do that too :( I learn from others and srry if im being nosey...just trying to catch up on the situation behind some of your posts. And YES you WILL take control of your weight. And there is a really really good friend to have in these situations...well in any situations....God. Best friend i ever had :)

Tina - I don't mind saying. When I started this journey I was 283 the lowest I got was 211 so far. I started to get cocky and my head got in the way. I asked for another fill thinking that would prevent my bad choices (which it did not it only made me tighter and gave me more problems). I also was laid off of work twice within my LB journey and I am an emotional eater so I was eating foods I was not supposed to which as anyone knows makes you feel good for like a second and then you feel horrible. I also got acid reflux from eating too late and eating the wrong things and worst of all being too tight. I tried to deal with it on my own and with the help of my friends here but it got to the point I had to go back to the Dr (just a note my surgeon is an hour and half away and I pay $100 for each visit due to the fact my insurance did not pay for the LB I had too) When I finally saw the Dr he took about half of my saline out (due to he was afraid I might get a slip and he knew my stomach was irratated and swollen) which basically put me back to the begining with the band. Now I can pretty much eat anything including things I could not eat for along time because I was too tight like cold drinks, fruit and salads. So the weight gain is all my fault and not following my surgeons directions. So please follow your surgeons directions. I go back on 01/04/10 to see my Dr and get a fill I hope. I try to do this my self but there is no restriction I am in what they call banster hell. Like what Janet said she mentally could eat more but doesn't. What hurts the most right now is my hubby and son have notice the weight gain and it makes me feel so bad I say I want to get to onderland but my actions have not changed. I actually do take meds for anxiety which help but my head is stuck in a rut. I am trying to force my head to get back in the swing of things by changing my job to a more physical type job which my back is freaking out about. I could walk to work which is 3.2 miles driving distance but my hubby and son are afraid things might happen to me walking not sure why it is not in a bad area and there are sidewalks. Okay I am just gabbing away I hope this answers your questions.

Tina you are right I will do this. I just have to get out of the hole I created for myself with all this sugar and carbs I have been eating.

Also I have tried to give my problems over to GOD but I have problems letting go. My Best Friend is helping me with my journey towards giving things to GOD I am a work in progress with that.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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