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Good morning! Am ready to leave shortly for my day of shopping. First up downtown to the Loft store with my gift card! Not sure if I will spend it or save it for spring/summer clothes. I really don't have much of that, what I do have I bought 2 yrs ago at Goodwill when we went on our cruise. Then it's the mall closer to me as NY & Co has everything 70% off, then it's costco for some lobster tails, I think they are frozen to keep for Friday night. I don't want to go later in the week if we get that huge snowstorm they are talking about so I want to get all my errands and running around done today.

Arlene, been meaning to ask, how come you want to cruise next Christmas? I thought you enjoyed being with all your grandkids so much? We are looking at a cruise around May or so, would really like to go to Eurpope again so have been watching for some deals.

Linda, glad you had a good time with DGD for Christmas. Sorry you missed your son so much, that would be hard.

Cheri, your day downtown Chicago sounds lovely. ABout 15 yrs ago DH's sister lived there (Schaumburg I think) and we went downtown to see all the lights and windows. We saw a parade as well so it must've been around Thanksgiving time. Then I went one summer and we went to the pier.

So, you cooking gals, I am going to this New Years day football party. She is serving spaghetti, what's something good but not too difficult I can bring to go with that?

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Good Morning All...

Peaches...have a great trip to Europe. Sorry your DH stepped in to whine at the last moment. Don't let the guilt bring you down. Sounds like he had a chance to step up and talk about it prior to now. Just have a great time.

Melissa....sorry about the back troubles. Do what it takes to protect that back.

Tina...good to hear you are working on you and your relationship. No one else can do it for us. Getting back on your meds is a step in the right direction. Hugs.

Janet....I must have missed a post talking about your DS being ill. I have a friend with the disease and it can hit when least expected or when he stupidly eats a ton of peanuts in one sitting. Maybe he will get the "Aha Moment" like his mom did and start taking care of his health. He's so young.....if only he could feel as good as his mom does.

Eva...sounds like retirement is agreeing with you. Love hearing that you are busy and your days are full. I think I was more organized and got more done when I worked full time or more. I had to be. Now I am much more relaxed and easy going since I don't work. I was wound up tight in order to get everything done.

Cheri...sounds like you had a wonderful day with GD and DH. I've been to Chicago but only to drive through the city or maybe around it. DH loves to travel but he chooses to not make NY City, Chicago or LA on his list of places to see. Not sure why...he loved Sydney and enjoyed our month there. I am not afraid to travel with friends and he's good about seeing me do it. NYC is on my wish list. Maybe should hope in the car this summer and travel south. Hit a few of you girls on the way down, end up in Chicago, stay a night or two in a hotel and head back. My kind of trip.

Hey Linda....I saw your Christmas photos on Facebook. That Aylah is so adorable. Seafood buffet sounds wonderful for NYE. We are unsure of plans. DH wanted to go to casino and rent a room for a couple of nights. Gotta book months ahead of time around here. I am thinking of just buying a couple of lobsters and making dinner and having another boring (but warm) night at home. Still have to finish packing for our trip and going out on a cold and dark and icy night just does not appeal to us anymore. We were just talking about it this morning.....nothing kept us home when we were younger.

I think it was Peaches that asked what all of us were up to today....this is going to sound like fun, fun, fun (not).....This morning we have the fertilizer rep here and we are doing our prepay purchases for next year's crop. After that I am heading to town with the crop insurance yield report then coming back home to make the year end payments, close out the three accounts on the computer and make the computer checks out that need to be mailed while being gone. Some of our utility companies do not allow online or credit card payments. Sure wish they were up to date on all of that. Most of my personal payments are made by credit card or online otherwise.

Better get after it....our fert guy just showed up. Looks like meeting will cut into lunch time so better add another pound of hamburger to the pot (Making BBQs) Later.

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Good Morning All...

Peaches...have a great trip to Europe. Sorry your DH stepped in to whine at the last moment. Don't let the guilt bring you down. Sounds like he had a chance to step up and talk about it prior to now. Just have a great time.

Melissa....sorry about the back troubles. Do what it takes to protect that back.

Tina...good to hear you are working on you and your relationship. No one else can do it for us. Getting back on your meds is a step in the right direction. Hugs.

Janet....I must have missed a post talking about your DS being ill. I have a friend with the disease and it can hit when least expected or when he stupidly eats a ton of peanuts in one sitting. Maybe he will get the "Aha Moment" like his mom did and start taking care of his health. He's so young.....if only he could feel as good as his mom does.

Eva...sounds like retirement is agreeing with you. Love hearing that you are busy and your days are full. I think I was more organized and got more done when I worked full time or more. I had to be. Now I am much more relaxed and easy going since I don't work. I was wound up tight in order to get everything done.

Cheri...sounds like you had a wonderful day with GD and DH. I've been to Chicago but only to drive through the city or maybe around it. DH loves to travel but he chooses to not make NY City, Chicago or LA on his list of places to see. Not sure why...he loved Sydney and enjoyed our month there. I am not afraid to travel with friends and he's good about seeing me do it. NYC is on my wish list. Maybe should hope in the car this summer and travel south. Hit a few of you girls on the way down, end up in Chicago, stay a night or two in a hotel and head back. My kind of trip.

Hey Linda....I saw your Christmas photos on Facebook. That Aylah is so adorable. Seafood buffet sounds wonderful for NYE. We are unsure of plans. DH wanted to go to casino and rent a room for a couple of nights. Gotta book months ahead of time around here. I am thinking of just buying a couple of lobsters and making dinner and having another boring (but warm) night at home. Still have to finish packing for our trip and going out on a cold and dark and icy night just does not appeal to us anymore. We were just talking about it this morning.....nothing kept us home when we were younger.

I think it was Peaches that asked what all of us were up to today....this is going to sound like fun, fun, fun (not).....This morning we have the fertilizer rep here and we are doing our prepay purchases for next year's crop. After that I am heading to town with the crop insurance yield report then coming back home to make the year end payments, close out the three accounts on the computer and make the computer checks out that need to be mailed while being gone. Some of our utility companies do not allow online or credit card payments. Sure wish they were up to date on all of that. Most of my personal payments are made by credit card or online otherwise.

Better get after it....our fert guy just showed up. Looks like meeting will cut into lunch time so better add another pound of hamburger to the pot (Making BBQs) Later.

Thanks for the hugs! I appreciate it. Yes im working hard at getting out of this dark hole i am in. Blah Blah and Blah! hehehe!

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Morning ladies,

Peaches, thanks for the poem....it was very nice. How exciting to go to Europe. I want to go during off season too. I was thinking October some year. I don't think I could get away with going without DH however. He likes to travel too and usually wants to come. Yep, sometimes those men are frustrating.

Melissa...yep, ask for a back brace. Those lifting issues are weird, it doesn't take much to tweak things especially if something is already going on that you don't know about. I have a herniated disk between L4 and L5 which is very very very common and it didn't take much to put me flat on stomach (on my back was too painful). It does get better however, but you need to be very aware of not just lifting but turning too.

LauraK, it is nice to have a house to yourself isn't it? Love having company (especially family) but also like to get back to my own routines. Are you off this week?

Janet, it's cold and supposed to rain tomorrow. You might get it tonight too. I thought we lived in the hot old desert....LOL....I'm waiting for it to warm up to at least 55 before I go work on my oleander project and laundry.

Phyl, I bet you are tired. Look at how much stuff you've done. Sounds like you are having a great visit with your family however. It's raining up in your world now too isn't it?

So today's project is more tree chopping, laundry, and I might bring the Christmas boxes in the house so I can load them up tomorrow. Weather forecast says 80% chance of rain tomorrow which means I won't be outside working and will be the perfect opportunity to put away the Christmas stuff. Our family tradition was to leave the stuff up until right after New Years, but I might as well take advantage of the weather. I'll probably leave the lights up outside until Sunday or Monday next week. I like those a lot too.

I made broth out of the bones yesterday and will be making Soup the next couple of days. Today's will be potato and ham...I'm cooling the ham broth off to skim the fat, then will use the leftover mashed potatoes (not very much fat in them and not much of them left) and tomorrow I'll make turkey/chicken and green chili Soup with the turkey broth. I really can't eat the turkey without some moisture and the soup should help with that. I'm also going to make red chili tomorrow. It involves removing and deseeding dried red chilies and I have 3 packages of them plus a string my sister made, then boiling them with a lot of garlic. When they are all softened and cooled a little, I put them through the food mill to make the sauce. You guys know what enchilada sauce is? Its primary ingredient is red chili, that is basically what I will be making then freezing what I don't use for the posole.

I did not eat any flour products yesterday which is a big step in weaning myself off of the bad carbs. Besides potatoes, I will not eat any flour products today either. I am determined to stick to this for the week. Need to post my resolve so I can see it in writing.

Okay, off to projects, it is warming up a bit.


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Honestly all you can do is hop back on the wagon. You have a great tool inside you. The Lapband! And if you could do it once you can do it again! wink.gif



Tina - I can do it again I know it. I just have to keep at it.

Melissa...yep, ask for a back brace. Those lifting issues are weird, it doesn't take much to tweak things especially if something is already going on that you don't know about. I have a herniated disk between L4 and L5 which is very very very common and it didn't take much to put me flat on stomach (on my back was too painful). It does get better however, but you need to be very aware of not just lifting but turning too. Eva

Eva - When I get in to work I am going to ask for a brace. I pray I can make it through today I have to be there for 5 hours then two days off.

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Melissa...don't be afraid to let your workplace know when you ask for the brace that you are having back issues. Maybe they could readjust your duties temporarily. If you feel you have injured your back at the workplace, it should be reported.

LauraK....I love having my kids around also. We have oldest DS with us most days as he works here. He is easy to have around and goes home to his house every night. But, when I have a house full, I am happy to get back to the routine we have developed. Enjoy the rest of your time you have with DD.

Julie....how did it go getting the new play room set up for GDs? Nice when they can have their own space to play without worrying about tripping over toys.

Phyll....like Eva said....you have packed a lot into this last couple of weeks. Take care and try to get some rest. Even though it's been tiring....it sounds like your are having a great time with the kids.

Have fun shopping, Great. Lots of good deals this time of year. I am looking forward to digging out the spring/summer stuff and doing my packing for AZ. Have gotten out some of the jackets, light sweaters, etc. to wear evenings and cooler days. Hard to know what to pack. The last two years in FL were so cold that I only wore capris a couple of days each trip. I guess I will be safe with a couple of shorts, couple of capris, couple of jeans and short sleeve shirts that I can throw a sweater or jacket over. I am stressed over not taking too much. Told DH last night to hook up the 8x28 enclosed trailer and I would just make that my walk-in closet. LOL. I think he thought I was serious. (scared him).

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Eva...your Soups and sauces sound wonderful. I use a small amount of leftover mashed potatoes to thicken soups a bit. It does not take much of them to make a nice creamy Soup. Usually, a cup will to the trick. Mashed/cooked Beans also are great like Janet does with hers.

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Hi all....

well....its been a fun couple of days here in NYC. Blizzard!!!

No school now going on day two...so hence no work now going on two days. Just about to go bonkers...running out of hot cocoa mix and no more milk and only little rice milk left. l.ol. Have plenty of everything else...so we will just have to suck it up and drink water! Actually might venture and walk to the grocery a little later but not looking forward!

Have...now organized my closets, drawers, and bookshelves in my room...next project is my living room....thats going to take a while and as it looks there will be lots of time...as I dont know if tomorrow ill be able to get into Brooklyn at all. The major streets highways are good..but the side streets...they havent even ploughed yet. So..I might be home yet another day tomorrow and who knows...about Thursday. This isnt my idea of a great vacation but am getting alot of orgnization done! lol

Not really good to be home near the kitchen all day...testing, testing, testing. Cant get to the gym so no ability to rationalize that one bite of something with the thought of working it off at the gym anytime today or tomorrow either! so...being real careful. Proteins, Proteins, and Veggies...

okay.....Im hearing lots more stories filled with wonderful traditions that are making me smile and so happy....for everyone...what a special, special time. Thank you all so much..I am living vicarously through all of you at this time and again as ive said before...wow what wonderful feelings youve all conveyed. I just think that if I was celebrating Christmas I would have my decorations from the earliest possible to the latest possible moment ever!

New Years...eve comes out on Friday night this year..which means...no partys here for us. Its shabbos so we wont even get to see the ball bounce on TV as we dont watch TV on shabbos at all....or listen to radio. It will be like any other day,. boo hoo. Even though its not a jewish holiday its...American...so we do Celebrate..except when it falls on Friday night so kind of depressing however..I trust you will all post about your celebrations and what nots.....so I can at least hear all your experiences!!!

Im bored. lol, must get out..cabin fever setting in!!!


Im so sorry about your situation....but it seems from what you are posting that this relationship hasnt really been healthy for a long time and you know this. You are both what psychologists call "co-dependants". You have both set up the perimeters of your relatiosnhip a certain way...that is not healthy for you or for your partner youve said this as much......and you are feeling it as well..as you have stated. Behavior patterns are hard to break especially when there is no one objective like a therapist to help you do this...I agree that in order to begin the process you must first look into yourself and the underlying reason for your behavoirs in order to then change the pattern of behaviors allready set in place. You are both now fullfilling the needs of each other but they might not be being done in the healthiest manner.

You will not be able to change your partner..but you can change yourself..and hence will inadvertently change her behaviors however...if she does not get healthy mentally on her own to do the same...she will continue to seek out behavoirs that will enable her to fulfil her needs from someone who is willing to comply.

This is called...behavior modification in its simplest form...we are made of "behaviors" when we stop behaving we are dead.

Our behavoirs stem from past experiences that effect and shape us and our own future experiences. We have learned that when something happens and experience occurs....an antecedent behavior...determines our own behavoir and our response....then there is a consequence of that behavoir or response. These determine how we will behave, and respond to experiences....the thing is...this could be for pleasant or unpleasant, healthy or unhealthy depending on our state of mind at the time. So...I hope that Im not lecturing here...but just giving some insight as to what needs to occur to help each other reach mutual goals and aspirations for oneselves and together in a relationship.

You have taken a major step to changing past experiences...and your behavior so..that is a major feat...you should be proud and hold that close to you!! What ever comes of this can only be positve as it a positive healthy change that you are seeking!! Good luck..and we are here to give support and encouragment what ever decisions you make!

Well...must be going to kids are coming back from outside and it will be fun...more Hot Chocolate!!

Have a great day all.,...

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Hello all,

I've been reading all of your posts. Busy busy. Sorry I haven't been posting lately. After my bout of stomach flu last Mon and Tues, I worked Wed and Thurs, had Christmas Eve, then Christmas. Christmas was beautiful. I loved every moment. After dinner on Christmas, I looked at my mom and said "my throat hurts". I thought it might be someones perfume that was irritating it.

WRONG! I have been super sick, sleepy and sluggish ever since. I went to the Dr. today. She thinks I might have Mono. It would make sense. She took 5 vials of blood, urine (which was normal), antibiotics, and gave me a shot of B12. After the doc, i went to get gas, drive thru at the bank, and kmart for a humidifier. This absolutely exhausted me!

Sorry to complain, just thought I would let you know what was going on here and why I haven't been posting. I'm going to take a nap. I have so much to post on all of your comments. I'm just so tired.

More later,


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Tina, I'm the one with ADHD, Candice is the one with bi-polar, and Jessica has something else. I've had situational depression (I was married to an alcoholic) and my physical limitations and pain from the osteoarthritis I have. I have gone to counseling, couple's counseling, group counseling, OA, Alanon, and I forget what else. I have read just about every book published on codependancy. I have been on anti-depressants and on meds for ADHD. I am currently looking at getting back on the ADHD meds in order to help me not use food to medicate the ADHD and also to help me focus enough to keep teaching and handle my aging parents and take more responsibility for our finances.

My first marriage didn't make it but I learned a lot from it. I chose to learn about myself and what I needed to do to become healthier emotionally. I learned that I couldn't save the marriage myself and that couple's counseling was ineffective if only one person was genuinely trying to change while the other spent all the time blaming me for everything.

Codependancy is a huge co-factor of obesity, so you and your partner do need to work on yourselves. Sounds like your partner has major co-dependancy issues and is trying to change and let you get yourself better. So do it.


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I weighed at WW. I lost 2lbs. Now that is two of the ten I gained since Vegas, but I'll take it.

Lori, we booked the cruise for several reasons. I want to go on the new ship Magic.....we want to go to Belize......DH always takes off at Christmas .........and I want a Christmas Break. It just so happens that two of my kids are going on a vacation at the same time. Now, if something happens between now and then we can always cancel. We are doing Christmas on Thanksgiving. I think it will be a nice change. We do Thanksgiving at my house every other year. I think we will do the same with Christmas. That way the kids can go to the in-laws on Christmas too. Our family is up to around 25. It is fun, but a lot of chaos. I think we are also going to scale down the gift giving.

I have all my decorations down......now to pack. It shouldn't take too long.

Tina, so sorry you are having problems. I think the medication will really help. Also try to get out and walk. It really clears your head, and make you feel healthier. Take it from someone who detested exercise. I just feel so much better.

Peaches, I just loved the poem......thanks!

Cheri, being a child of an alcoholic I have read many codependency books. Ugh! I just wish I would have not been such an enabler. It really hurt my kids.

Jodi, I will be bored with you on Friday. I don't go out on New Years......too many crazies on the rode. We don't have mass transit like NY. Everyone drives down here......and some should not be allowed to drive anything!!! I think the Houston area has most DUIs in Texas. Crazy!

Meredith........get well soon!

Sorry, I only read the posts on this page......Later! I better get to packing!

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Jodi....snowed in...wow...haven't experienced that since 1978. Enjoy your few days off, when you are working they are precious few.

Meredith, sorry you are sick. Seems to be going around and since everyone is out visiting this time of year, I'm sure it gets spread around more. Take care of yourself.

Chopped down some more oleanders and will have to take it easy with the sawing because it hurts my back. Got a few trunks sawed off, but there are quite a few more. May ask DH to use the chain saw on them. He likes that.

I also registered my new Kindle and bought my first book. However, I don't know how long I'll sit and read....started bringing in the Christmas boxes.


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Drive by ;0)

Tina - Great advice here... Remember it's all said w/love - it may be tough love - but the operative word is love - the majority of us are 50+ so we are also speaking from experience too..

Eva - 70% chance of Rain tomorrow - right now 69 and sunny - Thursday suppose to be 57 high - as you know that's way cold for us ;0) - But hell I'll take it - there's no snow or ice w/it ;0).. I'm reading Cross Fire on my ereader - I think I read faster on the ereader - I only have about 80 pages to go - for some reason the books seem shorter don't know why.. My card reader isn't working properly - I am going to have to send it back - but wanted to get my books read 1st .. Be careful w/the back - WTG on the food !!!

Charlene - WTG on your 2 lbs !!!!!

Lori - Have fun shopping

Cheri - I just love you!!!! Gosh sometimes in reading your post I am reading my life :0)

Well gotta get back to work.

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Well did I ever score shopping! First up was the Loft, of course, with my gift card, it was for $100. Everything in the store was 50% off but the card I got in the mail said that excluded new arrivals. What I really wanted was these new wide leg jeans they got in and were showing on the postcard. You all know how I hate my legs and big calves/knees, wide leg pants help me a lot. Well.....I get to the store and they are honoring 50% off everything! PLUS! the card I had was for an additional amount of a total purchase. So I got a jacket (normally $80) 2 pairs of jeans (one normally $60 and the other $70), a knit shirt (normally $40), sox and a necklace (normally $40), all of it was brand new mechandise and total came to $108 so for $8 plus my gift card I got a huge sack full! I was so excited, told DH that was why I liked gift cards for Christmas. LOL

I can feel it getting colder and our storm starting to get close. Supposed to get real windy here soon, then rain turn to snow by tomorrow. We've had so much snow already and in Denver they are having to Water their lawns as they've had nothing. Weird.

Well DH just surprised me and walked in early. Gotta go.

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Drive by ;0)

Tina - Great advice here... Remember it's all said w/love - it may be tough love - but the operative word is love - the majority of us are 50+ so we are also speaking from experience too..

Eva - 70% chance of Rain tomorrow - right now 69 and sunny - Thursday suppose to be 57 high - as you know that's way cold for us ;0) - But hell I'll take it - there's no snow or ice w/it ;0).. I'm reading Cross Fire on my ereader - I think I read faster on the ereader - I only have about 80 pages to go - for some reason the books seem shorter don't know why.. My card reader isn't working properly - I am going to have to send it back - but wanted to get my books read 1st .. Be careful w/the back - WTG on the food !!!

Charlene - WTG on your 2 lbs !!!!!

Lori - Have fun shopping

Cheri - I just love you!!!! Gosh sometimes in reading your post I am reading my life :0)

Well gotta get back to work.

Tough love is just fine with me as long as its love :) Yes i am trying to get into contact with a therapist to get started on some healing. I am not really feeling any better and i took the pill this morning. Hopefully in a couple weeks i will know the difference.

I am only 36 so i am the baby here i guess eh?

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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