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Good Morning Gang!

Janet.....your son has diverticulitis? UGH! I hope he is better soon.

Linda.....I saw the picture of your DGD. Precious. I am glad y'all had a good Christmas.

Phyl......be careful on your way back to sunny Calif. I wish we had a motor home parked at your place right now. At least it is going to be warmer today.

Yep, I gotta get the decorations down today. DGD and DD will be here tomorrow to put them in the attic. My putting up and taking down is at the mercy of my DGDS. Next year......NO decorating.........CRUISE.....YEAH BABY!!!! lol

I must have a touch of vertigo. When I turn over at night I get dizzy. It's weird. I am fine walking, but if I lean over I get dizzy. Weird. Anyway, I am going to go weigh in this morning. I know the WW scale is two lbs heavier than mine. We will see. I have been good since Sunday. Choo! Choo!

Will check in later!

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Good Morning Gang...

Well not much to report since last night - had dinner - ground beef - onion - salsa - cilantro - little cheese - then greek yogurt/cream cheese for dessert.

Phyl - the least amount of holidays that they can give us - the more $$ in their pocket and more days that we are at work..

Cheri - I know sometimes I don't want to go out - but once I get out I'm fine - Your dh working grave yard has to be a little hard on him especially if he's not a nite person - when I was young I could be a grave yard worker but now a days in bed by 9:30 up at 5

I would love to see the mirical mile - never been to Chicago-

Charlene - It was/is really nice not to have to take decorations down - heck decoration don't make Christmas anyway - Christmas is in your heart

Yep Linda - Skype is the way to go - could be there without the hassles ;0)

Well need to get moving to shower - cbl

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Well folks it looks like my marriage has come to an end. We both decided that all this fighting was making us both miserable. I'm tired of fighting thats for sure. Im really scared because i have been so dependent on her for all this time because of my weight...not being able to do much on my own. But i will soon be able to get on my feet. Surgery in Jan i hope! I have my consult with the surgeon on Jan 3rd. I am going to start going to AA again. Its hard though to get around and do things still though. I get worn out really quickly. Im completely sedentary so getting around is really hard for me. I went to the grocery store the other day and that was a chore.I just hope i can survive the next month until surgery in the same house as her. Im scared like i said, and want to start doing more for myself but its really hard. Physically im doomed at the moment. IM in a really scary spot.


Tina - Sorry about your relationship troubles. You can not live in constant conflict, I tried in my previous marriage it does not work. I have found there is so much more in life even if it is by yourself. Maybe it is a blessing in disguise. Meaning now you will be able to focus on you and your LB journey. Get back to being happy with yourself and someone will come along that is better for you. I truly believe that. Don't be scared we are all here for you.

Merry Christmas!!! I know it's a couple days after but it's still the season! We had a wonderful Christmas after our scare with our daughter going into preterm labor. I could read here while I was in Denver but couldn't post and I so appreciated reading all your thoughts and prayers for me, I was overwhelmed by the love and support! DD got released from the hospital at 6pm on Christmas eve. They had to wait 24 hours from the time they had first given her this injection of some kind of steroid that is supposed to help develop the baby's lungs in case she delivers early. She needed the 2nd injection and then got sprung lose as long as she promised no standing and to take it easy. She behaved pretty good. She's still have contractions however and taking an RX to prevent them. She had a dr appt today and the cervix is still good and not looking like delivery is imminent whatever that means. She has another week of being homebound and then sees the dr again next Monday.

Great - I am glad things are better for your DD. Tell her to take it easy stay off her feet. I am praying for you guys. Keep us posted.

Okay my turn so we all know my job is very physical now, which I love however I woke up this morning with shooting pains from my lower back down both my knees I can't bend over and only can sit for a little bit then have to lay flat. I have been given muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatories to take. I was only taking the muscle relaxers at night due to they make me sleepy. However today I can take them as the script was written 3-4 times a day. My DH is driving my car today so I don't have to worry about driving and I do not go to work until 1pm it is 8:30am right now so I am hoping I get better. It could be a mixture of the weight gain and the hard labor at work. I have to lift 50lb boxes of chicken several times a day. I am very aware of how to lift properly maybe I still need a back brace. I can't lose this job and I really need them to make me full time. They just told us yesterday all the part timers will be going to 20 hrs a week ughhh how can I pay my bills with that. It seems I am having terrible luck with my jobs latley.

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Tina - Sorry about your relationship troubles. You can not live in constant conflict, I tried in my previous marriage it does not work. I have found there is so much more in life even if it is by yourself. Maybe it is a blessing in disguise. Meaning now you will be able to focus on you and your LB journey. Get back to being happy with yourself and someone will come along that is better for you. I truly believe that. Don't be scared we are all here for you.

Great - I am glad things are better for your DD. Tell her to take it easy stay off her feet. I am praying for you guys. Keep us posted.

Okay my turn so we all know my job is very physical now, which I love however I woke up this morning with shooting pains from my lower back down both my knees I can't bend over and only can sit for a little bit then have to lay flat. I have been given muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatories to take. I was only taking the muscle relaxers at night due to they make me sleepy. However today I can take them as the script was written 3-4 times a day. My DH is driving my car today so I don't have to worry about driving and I do not go to work until 1pm it is 8:30am right now so I am hoping I get better. It could be a mixture of the weight gain and the hard labor at work. I have to lift 50lb boxes of chicken several times a day. I am very aware of how to lift properly maybe I still need a back brace. I can't lose this job and I really need them to make me full time. They just told us yesterday all the part timers will be going to 20 hrs a week ughhh how can I pay my bills with that. It seems I am having terrible luck with my jobs latley.

Morning Thoughts.......

God's Boxes

I have in my hands two boxes,

Which God gave me to hold.

He said, "Put all your sorrows in the black box,

And all your joys in the gold."

I heeded His words, and in the two boxes,

Both my joys and sorrows I stored,

But though the gold became heavier each day,

The black was as light as before.

With curiosity, I opened the black,

I wanted to find out why,

And I saw, in the base of the box, a hole,

Which my sorrows had fallen out by.

I showed the hole to God, and mused,

"I wonder where my sorrows could be!"

He smiled a gentle smile and said,

"My child, they're all here with me.."

I asked God, why He gave me the boxes,

Why the gold and the black with the hole?

"My child, the gold is for you to count your blessings,

The black is for you to let go."

We should consider all of our friends a blessing.

Send this to a friend today just to let them know you

are thinking of them and that they are a joy in your life.

A ball is a circle, no beginning, no end.

It keeps us together like our Circle of Friends

But the treasure inside for you to see,

Is the treasure of friendship you've granted to me.

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Cheri, its amazing how similar your relationship issues were and are so much like mine. My partner does everything for me though. She gets my medication, she does the house chores including laundry and cleaning. The only thing i do is cook dinner. The rest of the time she literally takes care of me in every way. She even shaves my legs as embarrassing as that is to admit.

I went to the psychiatrist yesterday. He thinks i have been in a chronic depression since i went off my anti depressants 2 and a half years ago. I didn't realize it either until yesterday when i noticed i am heading downhill with my moods. Its been a long time since i have been happy. I hate my life and hate living. I stopped living life about the same time i went off the medication. I gained a lot of this weight since then too. I dont go anywhere, i dont do anything and i just want to sleep. She too does the grocery shopping as well. I have trouble staying on my feel long enough to do the shopping. I have always made excuses for the down and tired feelings. I had a thyroid problem but when they fixed it the problem didnt go away. I made the excuse for my depression the fact that my mother was sick and then she died. While, yes that is a good excuse to become depressed i cant use it to justify my lack of living anymore.

My partner told me she wants a "partner to live life with." she said, "i want to share idea's and do things together". " Explore the world together". I dont know if this will happen but we decided we are going to try and make this work. I am setting myself up with a therapist. Going to start this anti depressant this morning.

I really need to start doing things for myself. Its just so hard since she has done everything for so long now. And i have like i said become totally dependent on her for everything. Its a helpless, hopeless feeling.

I woke up in the middle of the night and just cried for like an hour. Hopefully this anti depressant will help me.


Tina tongue.gif

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Morning Thoughts.......

God's Boxes

I have in my hands two boxes,

Which God gave me to hold.

He said, "Put all your sorrows in the black box,

And all your joys in the gold."

I heeded His words, and in the two boxes,

Both my joys and sorrows I stored,

But though the gold became heavier each day,

The black was as light as before.

With curiosity, I opened the black,

I wanted to find out why,

And I saw, in the base of the box, a hole,

Which my sorrows had fallen out by.

I showed the hole to God, and mused,

"I wonder where my sorrows could be!"

He smiled a gentle smile and said,

"My child, they're all here with me.."

I asked God, why He gave me the boxes,

Why the gold and the black with the hole?

"My child, the gold is for you to count your blessings,

The black is for you to let go."

We should consider all of our friends a blessing.

Send this to a friend today just to let them know you

are thinking of them and that they are a joy in your life.

A ball is a circle, no beginning, no end.

It keeps us together like our Circle of Friends

But the treasure inside for you to see,

Is the treasure of friendship you've granted to me.

Peaches - I needed this. I needed a reminder too put it all in God's hands and he will take care of me. Thank You

Cheri, its amazing how similar your relationship issues were and are so much like mine. My partner does everything for me though. She gets my medication, she does the house chores including laundry and cleaning. The only thing i do is cook dinner. The rest of the time she literally takes care of me in every way. She even shaves my legs as embarrassing as that is to admit.

I went to the psychiatrist yesterday. He thinks i have been in a chronic depression since i went off my anti depressants 2 and a half years ago. I didn't realize it either until yesterday when i noticed i am heading downhill with my moods. Its been a long time since i have been happy. I hate my life and hate living. I stopped living life about the same time i went off the medication. I gained a lot of this weight since then too. I dont go anywhere, i dont do anything and i just want to sleep. She too does the grocery shopping as well. I have trouble staying on my feel long enough to do the shopping. I have always made excuses for the down and tired feelings. I had a thyroid problem but when they fixed it the problem didnt go away. I made the excuse for my depression the fact that my mother was sick and then she died. While, yes that is a good excuse to become depressed i cant use it to justify my lack of living anymore.

My partner told me she wants a "partner to live life with." she said, "i want to share idea's and do things together". " Explore the world together". I dont know if this will happen but we decided we are going to try and make this work. I am setting myself up with a therapist. Going to start this anti depressant this morning.

I really need to start doing things for myself. Its just so hard since she has done everything for so long now. And i have like i said become totally dependent on her for everything. Its a helpless, hopeless feeling.

I woke up in the middle of the night and just cried for like an hour. Hopefully this anti depressant will help me.


Tina tongue.gif

Tina - can you go to a therapist together seperate from yours? Or do you feel that if you work on you it wil help you both? Just wondering. I don't remember have you been with your partner a long time?

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Cheri, its amazing how similar your relationship issues were and are so much like mine. My partner does everything for me though. She gets my medication, she does the house chores including laundry and cleaning. The only thing i do is cook dinner. The rest of the time she literally takes care of me in every way. She even shaves my legs as embarrassing as that is to admit.

I went to the psychiatrist yesterday. He thinks i have been in a chronic depression since i went off my anti depressants 2 and a half years ago. I didn't realize it either until yesterday when i noticed i am heading downhill with my moods. Its been a long time since i have been happy. I hate my life and hate living. I stopped living life about the same time i went off the medication. I gained a lot of this weight since then too. I dont go anywhere, i dont do anything and i just want to sleep. She too does the grocery shopping as well. I have trouble staying on my feel long enough to do the shopping. I have always made excuses for the down and tired feelings. I had a thyroid problem but when they fixed it the problem didnt go away. I made the excuse for my depression the fact that my mother was sick and then she died. While, yes that is a good excuse to become depressed i cant use it to justify my lack of living anymore.

My partner told me she wants a "partner to live life with." she said, "i want to share idea's and do things together". " Explore the world together". I dont know if this will happen but we decided we are going to try and make this work. I am setting myself up with a therapist. Going to start this anti depressant this morning.

I really need to start doing things for myself. Its just so hard since she has done everything for so long now. And i have like i said become totally dependent on her for everything. Its a helpless, hopeless feeling.

I woke up in the middle of the night and just cried for like an hour. Hopefully this anti depressant will help me.


Tina tongue.gif

Ahw TIna; HUGS GIrl!!! I am happy to hear that you and your partner are going to try again.... you should never make major life decisions while you are depressed... It is probably ALL THE DEPRESSION that came between You and your partner. SO glad that you are going to see a therapist and restarted your antidepressants. WHy did you decide to come off them 2 years ago??

Just so you don`t think I am talking thru my ass. I understand where you are... I am Bipolar, was diagnosed in 1990 and have taken meds ever sinc e.... I will for the rest of my life..

It was an easy decsion for me... LIVE or Die... My father was also Bipolar and committed suicide at age 59.. I was only 20 yrs old.. I miss him to this very day.

I don`t mean to be preachy here, Just wanted you to know that YOU are NOT alone in this....

Candice (Peaches9)

O.k. I am finally packed!!! ( My trip to Europe Jan 1st) It wasn`t easy! Not enough room in one suitcase for 2 weeks!!! Oh yeah, and My Hubby says last night.. some remark about Not being invited to go on this cruise... WTF.. this is the guy who last year when I mentionend going south in the winter... ``Òh I hate travelling, why don`t you just go with one of your friends!`` I was sô pissed with him at the time.... so this year I did...

Just proves that when living with Men, you can NEVER win...... If I`d have begged him to come to Europe with me.... he`d have whinned and moaned about it before hand... Oh I`ll miss band gigs.... whatever!!! I am not going to let him spoil my trip. He`s had 3 months to express himself about not being invited, and he picks a telephone conversation with my Daughter last night to whine about it. ARGH!!!:angry:

And so why did he give me $500 us spending money to go with???? Oh he makes me nuts!:blink:

So colouring my hair as I type... ooooh, its cold with that clammy stuff on my head. Getting my nails done at 10a.m. then we are off to the kids place this afternoon...can`t wait!!

What are all you girls up to today»???

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Morning. Off to work for a while, then my Dr.'s apptmts. Gotta remember to talk to him about my ADHD. LOL.

Love the poem.


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Going to work today at 1pm I am going to ask for a back brace that will hopefully help with my back issues. Then i am off for the next 2 day yeah

Peaches - Loved the poem as well

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Peaches - I needed this. I needed a reminder too put it all in God's hands and he will take care of me. Thank You

Tina - can you go to a therapist together seperate from yours? Or do you feel that if you work on you it wil help you both? Just wondering. I don't remember have you been with your partner a long time?

We have been together 6 years. She thinks we need individual work on oursleves before we can do couples...i dont know if this is true or not but yes i really want to do couples counseling.

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Well back to work today for me. Christmas was good. I am enjoying my DD being home, but is different around the house. I guess I am getting used to doing as I please and not having to answer to anyone. lol

My tree is still up which is iffy for me. I have been taking it down early but this year I am enjoying it up. Keep it plugged in most of the time now. Weird year I guess.

Can't wait to get back to yoga next week and to be able to get my treadmill set back up when DD leaves. Trying not to eat the crap but have found myself picking because it's there. ugh going in the garbage or told her she is taking it all with her.


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Ahw TIna; HUGS GIrl!!! I am happy to hear that you and your partner are going to try again.... you should never make major life decisions while you are depressed... It is probably ALL THE DEPRESSION that came between You and your partner. SO glad that you are going to see a therapist and restarted your antidepressants. WHy did you decide to come off them 2 years ago??

Just so you don`t think I am talking thru my ass. I understand where you are... I am Bipolar, was diagnosed in 1990 and have taken meds ever sinc e.... I will for the rest of my life..

It was an easy decsion for me... LIVE or Die... My father was also Bipolar and committed suicide at age 59.. I was only 20 yrs old.. I miss him to this very day.

I don`t mean to be preachy here, Just wanted you to know that YOU are NOT alone in this....

Candice (Peaches9)

O.k. I am finally packed!!! ( My trip to Europe Jan 1st) It wasn`t easy! Not enough room in one suitcase for 2 weeks!!! Oh yeah, and My Hubby says last night.. some remark about Not being invited to go on this cruise... WTF.. this is the guy who last year when I mentionend going south in the winter... ``Òh I hate travelling, why don`t you just go with one of your friends!`` I was sô pissed with him at the time.... so this year I did...

Just proves that when living with Men, you can NEVER win...... If I`d have begged him to come to Europe with me.... he`d have whinned and moaned about it before hand... Oh I`ll miss band gigs.... whatever!!! I am not going to let him spoil my trip. He`s had 3 months to express himself about not being invited, and he picks a telephone conversation with my Daughter last night to whine about it. ARGH!!!:angry:

And so why did he give me $500 us spending money to go with???? Oh he makes me nuts!:blink:

So colouring my hair as I type... ooooh, its cold with that clammy stuff on my head. Getting my nails done at 10a.m. then we are off to the kids place this afternoon...can`t wait!!

What are all you girls up to today»???

Cheri, I too am bipolar and been on meds for years and years. I'm normally stable and came off the anti depressant because of the many negative side effects and i figured i didn't need it any more. Well, was i ever wrong. The last 2 and a half years has been total hell and i didnt even see it. I blamed it on my mothers illness and death.

Im going to try to do some chores in the kitchen today. Maybe organize some things. We shall see. Right now im going to go take my meds and hope that anti depressnat kicks in quickly.




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We have been together 6 years. She thinks we need individual work on oursleves before we can do couples...i dont know if this is true or not but yes i really want to do couples counseling.

My DH thought the same way however as I lost the weight I became more confident which has helped our marriage.

However, with me gaining weight I feel so terrible because he has noticed but he thinks it could be another reason like my Diabetes or my Liver issues. But really it is me and my emotionally eating which I have to work on again. So I can get this weight back off. Only I can fix this no one else is to blame.

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This is my Horoscope for the day I think it applies for some of us.

"Remember all those resolutions you made in the past? It's time to recommit to them. All signs indicate that you need to take better care of yourself. You've been so busy working that exercising has begun to feel like a luxury you can't afford. Actually, exercise and proper nutrition are luxuries you can't afford to ignore. You're burning the candle at both ends. Stop before you burn out completely!"

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My DH thought the same way however as I lost the weight I became more confident which has helped our marriage.

However, with me gaining weight I feel so terrible because he has noticed but he thinks it could be another reason like my Diabetes or my Liver issues. But really it is me and my emotionally eating which I have to work on again. So I can get this weight back off. Only I can fix this no one else is to blame.

Honestly all you can do is hop back on the wagon. You have a great tool inside you. The Lapband! And if you could do it once you can do it again! wink.gif



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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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