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Good Evening Gang !!!!

Got off work around 2 - went to store to get stuff to make salsa - home - cleaned & washed - will save vacuuming for tomorrow.. Got Salsa made - cookie dough in the fridge - got a $15 itunes card from a girl at work - so will be down loading some new music for my treadmill workout in the morning- Need to get in the extra exercise so that I can have some Cookies w/o guilt ;0)

Are party at work was so so - not really a party - we just ate (me chips & salsa - poppers (1 a roasted yellow chille pepper filled w/shrimp) and one cracker w/lite cream cheese & lox - Instead of gift exchange we bring toys for the shelters and we don't have a Office Xmas party as we adopt a couple families - The did give us $100 - that was nice cuz they haven't given us anything in a few yrs..

Chris - LOL Yep we do give tough love ;0) -

Cheri - Hugs on the DD issues.. I wish I had some great answer for you, but alas I don't - I guess I would just drop by to see the GK's and tell her you love her and when she need you or wants to talk - that you are there for her..

I try and do 4 fonts but sometimes - I forget ;0)

What would I want to eliminate from the world - Well I can't pick one thing, Aids, bigotry, evil, cancer, poverty, addiction, that everyone had access to clean drinking Water and enough food to eat..

I was watching 20/20 or one of those shows and there this thing where you give up your bday and have pple donate $$ to a cause to help children around the world - and like $25 would give the pple in India clean drinking water..


These are the things that move me, There is so much that we bitch and moan about in our lives - when in all reality we have it so easy..

Jessica - WTG Girl - Can't wait for Christmas Day - What a great goal and it will help you from over doing treat over Christmas ;0)

Kelly - WTG - You are doing so good...

Well, I have had 2 cups coffee - will be up all nite ;0) and I bet no one will be here ;0)

Apples how did lunch go..

LauraK - So glad you get to spend Xmas w/DD

Laura - Hugs - Please don't worry about what's around the corner - enjoy what you have today ...

Jodi - Hugs on the Jeff issue - He's just not the one for you.. You will find your guy..

Julie - How are you doing - hope your shoulder is leaving you alone..

Charlene - You are a trooper, you might fall off - but you don't give up ;0)

Eva - Hugs - I know you have been busy too ;0)

Linda - Hope you can get some sleep tonite

Well Joseph just called - so will cbl

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Just got home and found an email Great had sent a little after 8am this morning. She asked me to send out for prayers for her DD. She went into premature labor. She is in hospital. Gosh....I feel so bad with things like this. Later.

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Hi everyone, OMG, so sorry to hear about Lori's daughter... Will put her in my prayers.... Isn't she due in March?? This is way too early..... I'm sure Lori is so glad to be there with her....

Karen, great news about DH...... hope you both ditch the bug so it doesn't interfer with your holiday festivies..... I've been trying not to get a cold for 2 days now... I just can't rid myself of this terribly scratchy throat.... Hoping for the best....

Laura K. , I'm sure you are just going nuts waiting for the plane... Hope your time with DD is just wonderful....

Cheri, I can relate to your worries about your DD... Have been through that with mine more than once..... I agree with what someone else said, Janet, I think, just let her know you are there and keep loving her....

We have a 60th birthday party for my friend tonight... supper out... her daughters put it on... a full turkey supper with cake and ice cream.... I ate a couple bites, but the turkey wouldn't go down... mine was a waste of money...

Arlene I have your Texas snowman on my tree, too... think of you everytime I see it..... relax and enjoy now... you've been working too hard.....

Jessica, I'm sending good vibes that you get your Christmas wish... would be just wonderful for you......

Well, I need to go put some Cookies in containers now that the frosting has dried... I only got one batch done today... My shoulder gave me a bit of trouble so I sat down in my chair with a hot pack and fell asleep.... But no biggie..... will finish up tomorrow and then just relax and go with the flow for the rest of the weekend.... Night all... have sweet dreams.... Love....... Julie

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Apples.........Oh yes, prayers. Hopefully medicine will stop her labor. Keep us posted.

I haven't read the posts today......just sat down for a minute to check in. My body told me today that the front will be here soon. lol. My friend was so surprised to see all of us show up in her hospital room. She just cried when we gave her a gift certificate for new bifocals. We laughed that at least we didn't meet in a nursing home or funeral home. I mean at our age seeing each other at the funeral home is not uncommon. They all made me feel so good......said I looked so much younger since i lost weight. It just gave me a boost to keep on keeping on.

I don't know if I will be checking in until Christmas evening. I have so much cooking to do for Saturday. I am going to try to make my cornbread tonight for the dressing. Ugh! I have got to teach one of my DDs how to make my dressing. It is time to pass on the cooking for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas!!!.....and a Big Thank You for support you have given me. A special SHOUT OUT to Janet our Sheriff that keeps the Posse in check. Love Y'all!!!!

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Just got home and found an email Great had sent a little after 8am this morning. She asked me to send out for prayers for her DD. She went into premature labor. She is in hospital. Gosh....I feel so bad with things like this. Later.

Lord, bless and keep Lori's daughter and her baby. Bless the Dr.s and help them to make the best decisions. Give peace and comfort to Lori.

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Daughter admitted to hospital with preterm labor praying they can stop it and she can carry baby to term


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Good Evening All...OMG...so much to catch up on. Will I ever be forgiven for being so absent lately? I do read every word but have not had the opportunity lately to respond like I would like to.

Cheri...all I can say keep showing the love without being too pushy. As you know, we have had our share of trying to figure out a kids for the last few months. I can tell you that backing off and respecting their wishes (short term) when they tell you they don't want to talk really does work. I respected and left ALL of the talking up to him. He couldn't stand it that momma wasn't yacking all the time when he saw me. But, I made sure he got a couple of "I love you and miss you" when I talked to him by text, phone or in person. Just back off a bit if you can and throw a love in once in awhile. A little touch or a rub on the back to DD. I know how tough this is for you and my heart breaks for you. Hang in there.

For some freaking reason, I cannot get my text to be anything but a 1 or 2. I have tried everything....sorry Cheri.

Had a WONDERFUL lunch with DS. Had to do a little mention of certain boundries and then things went smoothly. Spent quite a few hours with him. Got a nice hug and kiss. A person never knows how things will turn out in life and all I can do is show some love and be me. Took me 2 hours and 15 minutes to drive the 70 miles home. Deep, unplowed snow and very little visibility. I was still shaking 15 minutes after I got home. Many cars and trucks in the ditch and a came across a couple of accidents. One looked not good.

Came home and made my chili and salad for tomorrow. Both turned out really good. Had to have a bowl of each and now feel like I over-did it. I spaced them out a couple of hours so know I didn't. Made the chili out of ground turkey, wild rice, black Beans, diced tomatoes, garbonzo Beans, orange, red and green peppers. The salad I made is blackberries, blueberries, strawberries with SF cheesecake pudding mix, SF strawberry Jello (dry), greek yogurt, and FF Cool Whip. We have a house full of diabetics tomorrow.

Tina....I feel like I have ignored you the last couple of days. Not intentional. I am usually the one hanging around and junking up the thread and getting crap about it from most. (love it). I did read all your posts and just want to let you know that I am looking forward to following you on this exciting journey as I am sure the others on the thread are also. Please stick around for support and friendship. We are a close group but a very welcoming one when it comes to newbies. Actually, to tell the truth...we are a bunch of clucking hens that just love to take ppl under our wings.

TX...happy to see you sticking around also. You balance out the group.

Got a text from Lori and DD is still having contractions and on labor stopping meds. Prayers said.

Phyll...happy you are having a good time with family. We always missed DH's folks the couple of years they did not make it home for Christmas. Not the same.

Julie...it is such a relief to read your posts and to know you are not in the kind of pain that caused you such an upset in your life. Have a wonderful

Christmas and hoping it is pain free.

LauraK....I am sure you are at the airport by now. Have the best time with your DD and DS.

OK...time for cleaning up the kitchen. We will be gone all day tomorrow but home on Christmas day. Movie marathon for DH and I. I will check in tomorrow but just want to wish you all the best Christmas ever. May it be wonderful and peaceful and a time to share with loved ones. Take the time to let each one of them know what they mean to you. I love you all and am sending a warm HOLIDAY HUG to each and everyone of my friends. We have such a mix of personalities and I am so impressed by the acceptance and respect we show to each other on a daily basis. I wish for all of you to have peace in your hearts and to feel the love from the ones you spend these special days with. Love, Karen

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Well I guess I should have read ;0) - Didn't know that Apples had already posted - I just sat down at the computer and she posted that post on FB... So I thought it was a new development and wanted to get the word out there - good intentions - just a little late

Lori - Know you and family are in my prayers...

Arlene - How sweet ;0) Thanks !!! Yep you need to teach the kids - I know that my Sis has taught her DD - especially now that she's not well - DD has taken over the cooking - well gotta say even 10 yrs ago - she & my DIL where pretty good helpers - you know they got the duty of peeling potatoes and of course they got the job of cleaning up - Hell isn't that what daughters are for LOL...

Tina - When I was in 8th grade I weighed 165 - I was 5'3 and I was the fat girl compared to all the others - and now that I look back on those pic's - I wasn't morbitly obese by any means - but I was 35 - 40 lbs over weight and that was/is considered obese..

This is the best thing you can do for your DD is help her get healthy and learn good eating & exercise habits now.... Not when she's 50 - We all know how tough life is being the fat girl..

My DGD (grand daughter) Brooke is 6 yrs old and weighs like 90-95 lbs - her Mom is big and so is my DS - they have taught her their bad eating habits - My 16 yr old DGD isn't over weight (we wear the same size - 4) but she doesn't have the best eating habits and hate exercise..

I get after both my ds & dil that they are killing Brooke - literally - I talk to Brooke all the time about eating healthy and getting exercise - she likes veggies - salad - fish - the problem is her mom had taught her to eat pizza w/ranch dressing - tons of starches - sugar etc (my ds is to blame for the hot cheetos) Once when they were here - I said that she (brooke) didn't need the Ranch dressing - DIL said that if you couldn't have ranch dressing w/pizza why bother - I just shook my head and walked out and let the make pigs of themselves - but later DIL came to me and said - I was right - why add another 200 calories for the dressing to an already high calories meal - and again - Brooke just had eaten lunch before the other kids ordered the pizza - she didn't need any pizza as she had just eaten lunch - but they let her have it..

My DIL is looking into wls - she says that she doesn't want Brooke to grow up fat- she said that she wanted to start getting healthy - but they still haven't changed too much in how they eat - if at all..

So Please understand I am not just the Sheriff here - but w/my own family - I am PASSIONATE about pple understanding that we aren't dieting - that we aren't taking the easy way out - but that for us to lose the weight with or without the band - we can't diet - we have to learn that we MUST make this about a total lifetime lifestyle change in our eating and exercise habits..

As to your WW point - after surgery you will concentrate on getting your Protein grams in (pt=protein) most docs want you to get 60 grm of pt a day (every doc is diff some want more - mine said 60 grm) rule of thumb 1 oz meat = 7 grms pt. But in the beginning you will be on liquids (pt shakes) - This is why it is so very IMPORTANT TO READ LABELS - you need to know the # of calories in your food and the pt grms - most foods have pt in them - When you get to the mushies stage you will eat Beans (fat free= FF) add a little cheese 1/2 cup of refried ff Beans has 130 cal and 6 grms of pt - Eggbeater 1/4 c has 30 cal and if I remember correctly 6 grms of pt - Also there is a clear pt drink that's like crystal lite that you add to bottle Water and it has 70 cal and 12 -15 grms pt..

My doc's recommedations were that you get your Protein in early so that like at dinner you could add veggies to your meal -

During my weight loss phase - I counted calories and pt grms - kept a food & exercise diary..

Julie - Glad your shoulder isn't too bad..

Well got 2 loads of wash done - house picked up - disher washer done (well still need to unload - I hate that part) Saving vacuuming for in the morning.. Got Salsa made had to go back to the store for more tomatoes. Target was busy

Talked to Joseph - will skype w/them Xmas morning - so I can see Brooke open presents.. Hell - I be up before them - I am the one who has to wake the house up - always have been ;0)

Made my sugar cookie - but not going to frost them till tomorrow (so I don't eat 1/2 of them tonite LOL) - making plate for Andrew & Janelle then Brad and my Uncle Charles

Charlene - I found the cutest little plastic ziplock type bag for treats at the dollar store..

I have put the Choc chip Cookies in them and put them out of my site ;0) or they would be gone by morning..

When I got home from work Janelle had left message that she wanted to know how to make the Cookies that I use to make - thought it was cute that she love's LaLa Xmas cookies - but hell she's been having them since she was 2 - she's 20 now.. So I guess I have made a good memory for her too... Warms my heart ;0)

Well that's the latest for me ;0)

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Just got an email from Lori. She sounded so sad. She left the hospital to leave DD and her DS to be alone together. Was tough for her because she stated she is used to taking care of DD. Docs have changed the med because contractions are still coming. She is dialated to 1 and cervix is shortened. Lori sounds really scared. She can read our posts but cannot post. Please send out your loving messages to her and when you lay your head on the pillow tonight, throw in a couple extra prayers.

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1dayatatime... Thank you all for the encouragement! It's so nice to know I'm not alone in my crazy thinking before surgery. It's been a little stressful but I know that all will work out fine. I am looking forward to being part of the "normal" size crowd. Getting to shop at a normal store. The little things have me very excited. My mom is also very excited for me. She called yesterday with the news that a girl she works with that had her band placed in September has already lost 44 lbs. My mom seemed thrilled with that. While I'm not planning to make this a competition - I think averaging 10 pounds a month is an alright goal. That may be a little on the slower side but it'll still get me to goal within the first year :rolleyes: I can't even imagine but I'm so happy thinking about it.

Jewel... thank you for your continued support! You've been great helping me through the journey so far and i REALLY appreciate you and your advice. Congratulations on being so close to onderland! I know you'll make it there before we talk again.

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!

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1dayatatime... Thank you all for the encouragement! It's so nice to know I'm not alone in my crazy thinking before surgery. It's been a little stressful but I know that all will work out fine. I am looking forward to being part of the "normal" size crowd. Getting to shop at a normal store. The little things have me very excited. My mom is also very excited for me. She called yesterday with the news that a girl she works with that had her band placed in September has already lost 44 lbs. My mom seemed thrilled with that. While I'm not planning to make this a competition - I think averaging 10 pounds a month is an alright goal. That may be a little on the slower side but it'll still get me to goal within the first year :rolleyes: I can't even imagine but I'm so happy thinking about it.

Jewel... thank you for your continued support! You've been great helping me through the journey so far and i REALLY appreciate you and your advice. Congratulations on being so close to onderland! I know you'll make it there before we talk again.

I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!

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Lori~ We love you so very much. I'm saying extra prayers for you, your DD, SIL, and that sweet baby. Hopefully the Doctors can figure out how to stop the contractions. I'm so so so very sorry you have to go through this. Love you. HUGS

Everyone, I just wanted to post to Lori before I go to bed. I will try to get on here tomorrow. If not I just wanted to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas!


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Lori - Praying all is well this morning.

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

    • Alisa_S

      Bought a treadmill and some 5 lb weights. Time to get off my butt and get moving!
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      1. DaisyChainOz

        That's a great choice! 😊

    • DaisyChainOz

      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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      3. Alisa_S

        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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