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Janet, I needed that! I really think when I stopped walking so much and started going to the gym I started getting off track. My hunger increased and I fed it. I have not exercised like this since I was young. This coming Sunday the 26th starts my new year. I will have my schedule back. Meanwhile, I am hanging in there. I will not go back to where I was. In fact, I put on a tight shirt and pants today to remind myself I am going in the wrong direction. I do have an appt on the 30th with Dr. Davis' PA. I weighed in today at WW. No change.....that's a good thing.

Apples, yep, I am struggling like I did last year this time only......... this time I have more tools in my weight loss tool box.

Joyce......oh I hope your knee is okay. My DH has had a revision on his knee. We did not know they have to do the same procedure, but no therapy. Let's hope you just need to rest it for a while. HUGS for you! By the way, Gizmo is cutie. My pups dad's name is Gizmo.

Meredith......sorry about your sis's Lab. I hope they find him soon.

Tx. glad you dad came through the surgery. Yep, get used to dressing your dad......it comes with being a caring son. Just pretend you are the nurse.

LauraK.......get well soon!!!

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Tina, I have been on meds too. Since my surgery on Jan 4, 2010 my meds have been cut to only 1/3 of what they were. I believe it was partially to do with my weight and my life style. I am learning new ways to cope with my depression and rely less on the meds. I feel more proud of myself and what I have accomplished. My decision to have the surgery was also the begining of me developing a life that I can be happy with. I have made huge changes this past year and don't feel bad about myself as much as before. I hope the same for you. I didn't even realize how bad I was feeling until I started to feel better.

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Rain, snow, rain, snow, it's been going back and forth one or the other for several days now. All day yesterday rain, last night snow and this morning snow. So I just got in from shoveling a lot of slush. That is my gym for today! I've not been real faithful at getting to the gym this month but am staying active. I may not go to the gym as much after the first of the year because I might have a workout partner at home. I was telling my friend about my Power 90 DVD's and she wants to come over and do them with me every day. I hope she's committed as that will help me a lot. If not Plan B is to do them myself and/or go to the gym. I know better than to let my exercise or lack thereof depend on someone else. It's great to have a workout partner when they are committed but if they are not and you are not then it becomes an excuse for you not to as well and I won't let that happen, preparing myself in my head for that. This friend, I love her dearly, is the type to jump in things with both feet and then start to flake out.

I got younger this morning, had to go out and brave the roads, rain then snow is not a good combo on roads. Can you say ice? Luckily it wasn't too far. Then I did my shovelling and as soon as I cool down some am going to go start packing. Tonight DH & I are having our own little Christmas I think. We are going to dinner, then coming home and opening our gifts from each other. Since we won't be home we thought we'd do that rather than pack them to take to Denver, just to pack them to take home again. I was going to wait to do it til after we got home but DD tells me I want to open my gift from DH before we come. LOL Wonder what it is? I know he went to the Loft. LOL

Arlene, pardon me if I am out of line, but is there something that is possibly preventing you from wanting to be successful? Are you dealing with something that is making you self sabotage yourself? I know I've done that recently and I have the extra pounds (as you all saw in Vegas) to deal with as well. But I am not looking at is as failure but as a learning experience. Because I am learning to deal with my self esteem/worth issues in the weight loss and once I deal wtih them once and for all I will be successful long term. Carbs, even healthy ones seem to be your downfall. Can you elminate them from the house? Don't buy more oatmeal, sweets, etc. I allowed Diet Coke back into my routine, first it was a little glass, now it's big gulps. I don't want to deal with the caffeine withdrawal over the holidays so my plan is to give them up when we get back. Also having the diet coke makes me crave other stuff with it, like salty crunchy. I know I have good restriction because I just PB'd on my beloved nuggets (today was a 5 nugget day LOL) so it's a head and bad habit issue for me.

Meredith, any word on the missing dog? I just cried when I read that last night. I am such a dog person anyway and have 2 black lab mixes myself.

Everyone sending cards, thank you so much. I feel like such a slug because I took this year off from sending them out. I have sent them every year for 30+ years and it's the first time I've done that. Maybe I'll have to send VAlentines this year or something. LOL

Phyl, been enjoying your 'check in's on Facebook. Not sure how you do that but it's fun to watch your travels.

Well I'll probably post again tonight but if not, have a very Merry Chrsitmas everyone! I can read and keep up on my phone but haven't figured out posting while I am gone.

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Finally........I made about 90 cards this year and sent out a few store bought ones too. I am finally done with the cards and can get back to a more normal life. I haven't even checked my email in days.

I'm going to apologize again for not keeping up with everyone and all the posts, but I was determined to make up for my lack of enthusiasm over the past couple of years and really wanted to get the cards made. Now, I just need to clean up the mess and get my presents wrapped and under the tree.

I just put the tree up yesterday after I cleaned the dining area. My "dinning room" is one of the unfinished rooms in the house and everything gets piled up in there over the year and it never gets cleaned. It took me three days of sorting, moving, and cleaning to get that room usable again (sort of like Cheri's basement, I think). I'm daydreaming of how it will look when it finally gets remodeled and that probably won't happen next year, but maybe the following year.

I still have a bunch of stuff to do before Christmas, but I feel more in control. I'm really hoping next year will be better because I will have everything caught up (yeah...right).

As I sit down to take a break, I'll try and catch up on the posts and comment. The best to all of you and I'll try and BBL,


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Well, with my assistant's help all the money has been spent. I'm waiting for quotes to come back and then I'll make a final tally after discounts have been put in. Then I just have to send it in. I'm going to go in for just a couple of hours on Thursday to polish it off. Some things might be denied but at least I tried to spend all the Federal money.

Arlene and Melissa, I understand that need to have just that little something sweet. Even if its just fruit. But I also know that in order to lose the weight, I have to have days where I don't even have fruit or veggies. It's the only way I can turn off the carb cravings. Also, if you're not eating carbs and you're eating high Protein, you don't store the fat as fat. Your body will use the fat as fuel. Believe it or not, you can eat more calories and experience more satiety with no carbs. I still haven't gone totally no carb but I'm just within my weight range so the urgency isn't as great for me. I only want to lose 1 or 2 lbs. But when I did need to really lose, I had days where all I ate were Protein drinks and meat. Man did I lose. But don't beat yourself up. If you save some healthy carbs for supper only and they are combined with a lot of Protein, you will not shoot your blood sugar up much and you'll still spend most of your day in fat burning mode.

Somebody on this thread said their Dr. believes in staying in ketosis, which you wake up with since you've been fasting, as long as possible throughout the day. He actually only drinks undoctored coffee all day and only eats at night. Now, that won't work if you're diabetic, but sticking to protein all day with no carbs will keep you in fat burning mode, just not to the same extent. Save your carbs for supper when you're starving. Then, don't eat again the rest of the night.

Since neither of you seems to be able to totally say no to the carbs, even for a day, try doing that.

Jessica, thank you so much for sharing with Tina. I knew you had a lot in common with her. I'm so glad everyone shared those feelings from when they were struggling and contemplating getting the band. Tina, you are not alone.


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Hi, gang! We are in WA and will stop at daughter's for dinner rather than through Seattle area at rush hour. AND truce was reached- other daughter and DH and two of us ggoing south to go to Christmas Eve service with yhem and have dinner. Then Sunday they will come up with the kids. Kids will spend the night with us so they can have anniv. getawsy.

Joyce- so sorry about your knee! Anxious to hear what doc says.

Sorry-thats about all the pinkie typing I can do right now. HUGS!!?

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Hello all,

I thank you all for your kind and warm welcome. :) I am feeling better since i got on the WW plan and have started dropping a little of the weight before my surgery. Dont seem as depressed today.

My doctor's office called today to say they have all of my information together and are ready to meet with me one on one to set up the surgery and talk to the surgeon. YAY! Im so excited. The appt is set for Jan 3rd!!!

Jewel, thank you for your sharing your experience with me about being on meds ect. I have been on meds for my bipolar since i was 18 years old and am also a recovering alcoholic and drug addict. I have quite a bit of a "story" and im sure you guys will hear bits and peices over time as i share it. But this is the last thing i have to "quit". I have stopped smoking after 20 years of chain smoking, i have stopped drugs, and i have stopped alcohol. The last hurdle i have to jump is my food addiction. Which is actually just plain ole addiction for me. I have substituted food for drugs and alcohol and cigarettes. So, now its time for me to conquer my addiction to food.

Some people are telling me the lap band is the "easy way" but i havent heard that. I have heard it is still quite a job to lose the weight. I am ready for this change and am ready to do whatever it takes to conquer this.

I had a rude awakening when my sister in an email said that she thought my 65 father would outlive me...it kinda hit me hard.

Anyway, i just wanted to share the good news about my appt date that is set for Jan 3rd, like i said,



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Yay Tina. I'm assuming you work the steps. They help with this addiction, too. One day at a time, one meal at a time, one bite at a time.


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Wow, I posted..... saw it.......now it is gone. hmmmmmm????

Lori, yes, carbs are my downfall, but mainly it is the holidays. Too many situations......too much stuff going on. I am babysitting tonight for DS. He has the 18 mos. old and the six year old. DGD couldn't stand that the baby went to sleep in my bed . She just HAD to go in there and accidentally wake him up. At least they are laying in my bed watching cartoons. Can you tell I am tired? Tomorrow the nine year old comes for the day. He is not a problem unless he gets bored. I think I will have him walk with me tomorrow to shake off any possible boredom. lol I am looking forward to the 26th....... seriously considering a two week shake diet again.......going to talk it over with the PA.

Okay gang! I'll check in tomorrow.

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Yippee - only soft tissue injury. Best news and gift I have for the holidays. Cortisone injection into the knee and rest. He wanted to put me on anti-inflammatory too, but chose not to when I mentioned the lap band.

So rest, it is.

He felt I could try Water aerobics again - but I said, No way. There are plenty other forms of exercise that do NOT required jumping. I'll chose one of those.

Deep sigh of relief.

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Yay Tina. I'm assuming you work the steps. They help with this addiction, too. One day at a time, one meal at a time, one bite at a time.


Yes, it is one day at a time for me for everything. The hardest part is that you just cant quit eating like you can quit the other stuff. Its harder for some reason for me. You know?

Will check in tomorrow :)

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Joyce.........YAY!!!!! Rest!!! Enjoy the rest of the year!!!

We have two Water aerobics instructors. One keeps you moving to music, but the only jumping is like making a goal in basketball. The other girl is hard core. I don't go on those days. I think she forgets we are in Water aerobics because our joints and backs are whacked.

I let the six year old DGD play with my ipad. She quit pestering my DGS. All is quiet now.

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Hey there friends............. Lots of good stuff to read tonight.....

Joyce, so happy it is just a minor setback.... you'll be back to your old self soon... just take it easy....

Tina, sounds to me like you need to give yourself way more credit than you do.... You have conquered horrible addictions that have ruined others ...... you are still plugging away... be proud of what you have done and in order to do it you used food..... good for you that you found a way... Now, you have to get the food in the right place.... The band will be just the tool you need to finish this personal makeover you started.... No, the band isn't the easy way out... I think if you want that you need to do bypass moreso than band or sleeve...... Please start realizing all you have accomplished so far and that you can do this, too, with the right help and support...... WTG girl.....

TX, glad your father is doing okay... and WTG on the little meals... you are doing wonderfully..... It feels good doesn't it??? I love to watch some of the food show on tv that have people eating these huge portions stuffing themselves.. I can't imagine doing that ever again.... Sometimes I have to have a bite of my DH's double cheesburger at McDonalds or whatever, but them I am satisfied....I am happy to be so satisfied with less... congrats to you to be there now, too..... keep up the good work...... you'll be a hunka hunka before you know it!!!!

Meredith, so sorry about your sister's dog... have they found him??? What a sad story and at Christmas, too....... Hope you are okay...

Laura K, so glad your DD is able to be home for Christmas... Will you have your whole family together?? Have a great time...

Lori, hope your DD is feeling better soon.. Mine has been sick, too, and can't take much for it... Hope you didn't overdo the shoveling... I couldn't do that... Yes, that is definitley exercise in my book....

Karen, we had to dig out, too...... We've got enough snow to last a couple year's already.... and they are talking more yet..... No worries about having a White Christmas this year... Stay warm and keep it between the ditches!!!!!!

Phyll, glad things are turning out well in your world.... I'm still trying to figure out if I can pull that off with my family (brothers and families)....... I'm thinking of putting out a revolving buffet as people will be coming and going for three days....

Janet, you haven't said too much about you lately... Hope that means you are well and happy.... got your card today and it was so just like you.....swanky lady and her dog.. I loved it......thanks...

Eva, good to hear from you... The card was beautiful... thank you so much.. Hope you can stop and relax now and enjoy yourself.....

Linda, hope things are going well for you... glad you got all your baking done and now can just enjoy.. I haven't done much yet and don't know if I'm going too..... Have lots of snacky things, no one will go home hungry.... I just won't have to look at all the leftovers for a week...

Arelene, dear, sorry you are stuggling so much... If the holidays are a problem for you, then you know what you have to do to make it through them and then get back on the horse... You'll be in my thoughts and prayers that things go well this year and you can just maintain..... That was something I got told right away about the holidays... just hope to maintain... the rest is too hard.... so you just keep your chin up and it will be better soon...

Cheri, glad your chore at work is complete.... and good things are coming to your school soon.. good job.... Is tomorrow the last day of school before Christmas vacation???

Jessica, I agree with Cheri, that you were a great person to share your story with Tina.... Good for you... We are so proud of what you have done.... are you on a break now......

Melissa, same goes for you as Arlene...... just try to maintain through the holidays if it is so difficult... then hit it hard afterwards.... Cheri's Protein idea is a good one... best of luck... you guys can do this....

Laura, you must be so busy we haven't heard from you for a while.. I'm sure you are so excited about your parents coming... enjoy....

Jodi..............................where are you????? I miss you.......

Kelly, glad you are doing so well....

Sandy, how are things going with your dad??? Hope you have time for yourself....

Well, if I forgot anyone I will hope to be forgiven like Karen said... I just can't think who it is at the moment.... let me know...

I'm doing pretty well..... thank goodness.... yesterday I had some pain, but not the terrible kind... I tolerated it fine.... today DH and I went to Bismarck.. I had a dentist appt... and then we finished shopping...... no pain yet, anyway.... It's almost too much for me to take in that it could finally be time for this part of my life to be over... I'm praying it is, but am a bit like my DD.... hate to think that way for fear I will jinx it.... I have been without pain for a few days before and it came back.... It's been 8 days now..... anyway, I need to do a little more baking tomorrow and then will have both girls at 9:00, but will have to take Bailey down to Bismarck to her mother about 4:00.... DH will just keep Mimi until DD gets off work....... so another busy day..... Hope this finds you all well and happy.... take care......... hugs to all........... Julie

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Good evening. Went to dinner with DH tonight for our 'Christmas', I got my favorite, fish and chips. Just had half the fish (it was fried) and none of the fries. Then came home and exchanged our gifts. I got a scarf, Bracelet and sweater from the Loft along with an Ann Taylor gift card to spend. WOOHOO!! ONly thing is the sweater is a little snug. I am going to try and exchange it for the next size, if not I will keep it, it's a cardigan and I'll just wear it open. Can't wait to go to Denver tomorrow and wrap my arms around my kids. DD is feeling better tonight like things are loosening up some. So that is a relief.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good night!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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