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Tina, sounds like you've been through a lot. But you're taking important steps back to health. Glad your Dr. figured out the hypothyroidism and hope they can do something about it. I know I had a panic attack before the surgery, but went ahead anyway. Best decision I've made in a long time. I think you have every reason to be angry about your two conditions and what they combined to do to you. But you're angry at yourself instead of at the conditions. We all deal with sh!!. Things that aren't fair. Getting angry is a healthy response unless you turn it in on yourself. We become enraged instead of outraged. Once you accept that you're angry at what's happened to you you can move past it to acceptance. It is what it is. Then you move on to do something about it. And that's what you're doing. Be proud of yourself. You can do this!


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Evening everyone,

well we got home about 6 this evening. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you all but been busy getting dad settled. Surgery went great. A little bit longer than expected. He has been napping on and off most of the evening. I think the worst part about this for me is my dads lack of modisty. He flashed several ppl at the hospital and me several times. Not to mention that I had to help get him dressed. I love my father but there is some things as a son or daughter you shouldn't have to see. Anyway we stopped at chick-fil-a for an early dinner. I had the nugget kids meal and ate about 3/4 of it. That made me feel great. I have done this three times since being banded and it's so cool.

Thank you all for the prayers and wishes. You all are so wonderful. I love you all.



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Good evening.

Tina, no I didn't have any bouts of depression before the band. I am sure some people may but not all. I guess what I mean is we all have different issues and reasons we got the way we did. But the important thing is you are facing what it is for you. I did wake up from surgery and had a minor freak out moment thinking OMG what have I done to myself, but that didn't last long and am so glad I did it.

Julie, this year and last my tree ornaments have been co-ordinated. We made a bunch of balls out of pheasant feathers. However my wrapping paper is never co-ordinated, I just buy what I like each year and use it up. And I am usually a slap a bow on kind of person. Never can get anything else to look nice.

Joyce, sorry to hear about your knee, what happened?

Meredith, sorry to hear about the missing dog. That's so sad. Hope you are feeling better.

Just spoke to my DD she went back to the dr with her chest congestion, she was getting pains in her pelvic area when coughing. She has bronchitis, the pain they said was from the strain the coughing is putting on her already stretched ligaments from the pregnacy. The baby is fine, but her oxygen levels are border line, She is to do absolutely no lifting or pushing and be on rest. They gave her an inhaler to help with the coughing. Hope she improves soon.

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Meredith... so sorry to hear about that poor puppy! So sad!

Tina - I did beat myself up before i had my LB. My highest was 283. My I had it moment was when I went to CA. for a vaca and went to an animal park with my Mom. You had to walk everywhere and it was long hilly walks. I had to get a ride back to the front of the park from a guy with a golf cart because I could not walk anymore I felt so ashamed. And I was sweating so much I felt like a pig. Also I was with my sister and my mom and they kept saying I kept them up from snoring so much at night and that was cause of my weight. I came back home and started the process for the LB. I orginally wanted to have bypass like my Mom however I had Liver surgery in the past and due to the adhesions it was safer for me to have the LB. I got my band on 07/03/2008 and followed my Drs plans to a T and my lowest weight was 211. Then I guess I got cocky and also got my band to tight and started gaining weight due to me not following my Drs rules.

So right now by my posts you can see I am struggling because my Dr took out alot of Fluid out of my band. He did this because I was to tight and had problems with reflux. So I am very open right now and I am having trouble staying on the plan cause I can eat anything I want. So Janet, Apples, Cheri, Charlene and the others are helping me get back on the band wagon. Sorry to ramble but I thought maybe sharing my story could help you.

How about not fitting through the turnstile!????? Way embarrassing!

Tina, I think most people that are obese suffer from some depression. For one reason or another we start medicating with food. Along with changing your eating you will need to get into a counseling or a support system........get down to the nitty gritty of why you overeat. The lap band will not stop head hunger......only real hunger.

I have a thyroid problem too. As I tell most new lap banders.....get a pedometer and start walking. You want to set a goal of walking 10,000 steps a day. I started walking 2,000...then 4,000.....then6,000. After a couple of months I was walking 10,000. I don't walk that much everyday, but I do exercise daily. You can do this!

Thanks peeps for all the Congrats!!! DH and I went out and ate...yes.....fajitas. No chips, no Beans, no rice, no tortillas......water with lemon.

Phyl, I showed your picture to Dh. You do remind him of his mother when she was younger. Somehow, somewhere I think Dh and you might be related. lol

Linda, are your crock pot potatoes the ones made with frozen hash browns? My friend has taken them to so many funeral meals.....she calls them funeral potatoes. I just love em......well, I used to. I like "umma" that is cute!

Okay, gotta go do some wrapping......if you call putting gifts in bags.

Happy Anniversary!!! Did I say that already???? Brain dead after two long days in the car... and one more to go! Almost killed each other this morning. Wonder what tomrrow will bring??!! LOL

So... DH is a long lost relative??? I'll have to seee a photo!



I just can't explain how much it is................................there are "FLOOD SIGNS" ALL OVER AND SAND BAGS!

Pease out love you


Has it stopped yet???? Our friends in Three Rivers have the "north fork" running through their front yard as of this morning!! 2nd time in a few months that it has rerouted itself through their yard. They have 14 acres on the river.

Oh... just before we left, found out that the grandson of a friend of mine at Sky Valley just got a job teaching English at the high school in Farmerville. I think they are there this week looking for a place to live.

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Good Morning Gang! I ate oatmeal this morning. I am not on the choo choo today, but I am counting and watching my food......watching it go in..lol I am just a little down over gaining weight since Vegas. First it was five lbs.......now it is 10lb. I have all the tools at hand to turn this around.....I just can't seem to stay focused. If I can make it through this week without gaining anymore I will have had a victory. I am weighing at WW this morning. I am sure there is no change. Confession is good for the soul.....I feel better now that my peeps know what I am going through.

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Good morning,

We got snow and now freezing rain. Lots of accidents, but most people going slow enough to not be hurt. Crazy weather all over the world. Huge amounts of precipitation in record amounts. Including unusual places like Las Vegas. Compared with some of the pictures I've seen we have it relatively easy here in Chicago.

Gotta go back in to work this morning to finish my project. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to spend $24,000. I don't just want to load up on junk that won't get used. If we'd had more time I would have used the money to send myself for training in some things, but that takes forever to put together.

Anyway, there's plenty to do before the party at my house Christmas Eve. Have all presents, just need to wrap them. Staying out of the stores almost totally. Too tempted to buy things for myself. I have to keep remininding myself that my goal is going to Europe and getting my basement finished. Found out my niece got engaged and is getting married next summer. Hope it's not while I'm in Europe. We seem to have our family reunions whenever one of our kids gets married. I'd have a very hard decision to make.

Meredith, hugs. Feel better soon.


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Good Morning...

DH and DS are digging me out of the house as we speak. Lots of snow in the yard from yesterday's storm. Not sure how many inches we got but schools are 2 hours late so that ppl can did out and the buses can get to the kids. Running on plowed roads only. I never would have made my first appt this morning so was smart enough to cancel it yesterday. I have a 1:30 dental...just a check on seeing how the completed job is.

Cheri...what you are getting sounds like what MPLS was getting at rush hour yesterday. Cars were crawling and just sliding into the medians and ditches on their own. Lots of accidents. I am hoping my roads are better than right now by the time I go. Good luck spending your $$$$. It really would have been nice if you could have set up some educational seminars for yourself. Do the best you can. I know that some of the tension of getting this done and purchasing appropriate items is because you love these kids and are thinking about what they can use best.

TX...happy your dad is doing well. Sorry the private parts creeped you out a bit. I am sure that things like that can be overlooked by you in the future if you need to take care of your dad. Just a little tough to get used to if you've never had to do it. My poor DS would be the same. He'd have to put blinders on and care for us without seeing. Can't imagine if he ever had to change an adult diaper.

Meredith....breaks my heart about your dog nephew....dogs will take themselves off somewhere. We had that happen with our precious Spotty. I am sure you are in hope that they are able to find him. So sad. Hugs.

Arlene...sounds like you have really been struggling. Do what you can to not miss your WW meetings. Maybe get back into your doc and his staff for a visit to see what you can do for yourself. Hugs to you too.

Hey Phyll....hope your travels go better today. I know the feeling of the confined space and wanting to throw the spouse out the window while going 75MPH....Count to ten first. LOL. Safe travels.

Just wanted to say good morning. Lots going on here today with company coming to dinner and having appt so far away. Have the house spiffed up and ready. That's always my biggest worry...not the food.

You all have a great day. Sending the love.

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Joyce...forgot you....I hope this is nothing major with your knee. Keep us informed. Maybe just inflamed and need to rest it????? Hugs

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Sandi...congrats on your certificate. So nice your trainer did that for you. I am sure it was earned by you. You have been working hard. Hugs on the dad issues and trying to coordinate care for him. Not easy.

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Tina - I experienced every emotion you mention and more. Having lost your mother last year, I'm sure is adding to your depression as you face this first holiday without her.

The band is a tool that will help you lose weight and not feel hungry. Stay strong.


Hello again

I kind of have a personal question. A pre-band question.

Did any of you go into a depression or have major episodes of mood swings where all you think about was "how the heck did i let myself get like this"? I am going loco on my family because of the way i feel right now.

I hate the way i look, i hate the way i feel and i hate that i did this to myself to the point where i cant even take a shower without it being a major event. I am also nervous that they will tell me that i cant have the surgery for some reason....like trying to sabotage the situation...thinking negatively.

My mother died of Cancer last Easter and i dont know if the holidays is reminding me of her and this is the cause of my mood swings but somethings got to give. All i can think about is how bad off i am...feeling sorry for myself i guess....

What do you guys think?



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Tina...I think I get where you are coming from on beating yourself up right now. Hold onto hope that these emotions will wane once you get things rolling with having LB surgery. Once you know you will get some help with your band, you will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel and know that not only can you lose the weight, but the LB will help you to keep it off. But, that all comes with hard work and letting the band help you.

I, too, was so angry at myself. I was an average weight and when menopause hit, I started to pile on the weight. (I was someone that would keep things in check. Gain 5lbs and immediately work at getting it off). Well, the more weight I piled on, the more defeated I felt and just gave into it. If you feel that all these emotions are affecting your relationship with your husband and children, make an appt to talk with someone. Our loved ones can handle some of that but when it starts to infiltrate into all we do, it's time to give it over to a professional.

I am in hopes that you stick around here for additional support. We really can walk you through some things since we all have been through the process. Hugs.

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Linda - congrats on being at lowest weight. You rock, GF.

Tx - sending hugs to your Dad.

Janet - I finally devoted myself to exercise. The last two days in November and 3 days a week in December - Water aerobics. The jumping in the water aerobics has injured my knee. I feel like such an idiot - why did I think my knee could handle jumping???? duh

This teacher works to get the class to target heart rate and keep us there for 35-40 minutes. Jumping jacks, bunny hop, rocking horse, hands above the head while we run or jump....... I can't believe how stupid I was.

Will see what the doctor says today. I'm hoping either just resting it or immobilizing it will do the trick. Xray will tell the story.

Apples - sorry to hear DH is having prostate issues. Sending prayers that all will resolve in a positive manner.

Will check in after I see the doctor this afternoon.

Happy holidays to all - winding down to the end of the chaos.

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Happy anniversary Arlene and DH

Prayers and juju sent for Keith and Karen too.

Lori, My DD will be home on thursday night and yes this is her first trip home since I moved her. I want to go there and see her the end of March. I will need some warmth by then and will have cabin fever.

Chris How is your Dad doing? How are you doing?

Thanks to all for the Christmas cards, I really appreciate them.

Came home sick today, sinus, need some sleep........


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Good Morning Gang

Drive by - busy...

Chris glad your Dad is ok

Meredith Hugs Hugs Hugs

Arlene - Pull up the bootstraps !!!! Quit allowing for so many treats - Only Planned ones...

Hope is a word you use when speaking about others - I hope Janet is on time for our appointment - you hope because you have no control over me being on time..

But you do not use the word HOPE when speaking about yourself as you do have control over what you choose to put in your mouth - I don't hope to be successful - I WILL BE SUCCESSFUL !!!!

Gotta get back to work...

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Welcome Tina, I think we all have some of the depression you are talking about. Most of us here have other medical issues also but as Janet says "You have to do the work, your head makes the choices" You can do this and it's great that you are coming here before your surgery. That is what helped me the most, I knew what was ahead of me because these lovely ladies talk about it all. YOU CAN DO THIS.

Julie, My tree has changed over the years, used to be the kids ornaments now it is kind of on the fancy side as DD requested it be changed. Problem is she wants me to change everything every year like my Mom does. That ain't going to happen. lol I just use whatever paper strikes my fancy at the time.

Joyce, hope you get good news on your knee. Did you family comply with "only nice words at dinner"?


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