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Again, I want to say thanks from the bottom of my heart for you support during my little meltdown over entertaining. Maybe next time I won't freak out quite so much. Oh and I just loved, loved, loved my new dishes. I've never wanted DH to get me stuff like that for Christmas before but was thrilled with them. Especially since he didn't think we 'needed' new dishes.

Cheri, were you saying I overdid it with the primerib? I really got it because a) it was on sale for $5.99/lb and B) it was something I was comfortable making and I knew I could do good. LOL MY other go to dish that I make well (at least get lots of compliments on) are my chicken enchiladas but was unsure about going Mexican cause not everyone is a fan. But I take them a lot to potlucks etc.

Janet, that hiphugger belt thing looks like something I need, my jeans always gap in the back. Did you get that at Walmart?

Apples, thinking of you today being 'fake Grandma'.

Speaking of Grandma, I have a question I'd like some feedback on. Seeing as how I am going to be Grandma soon I am wondering what I want to be called. I think I prefer just the traditional Grandma. But someone told me that since I will be the out of town grandma I should be called something different so the kids don't confuse me or get to know me as something besides 'the other grandma'. So should I and what? What do you 'grandmas' go by??

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I had another wonderful morning! After I got my ME ME ME day, we decided that our dog, Charlie, needed a day too. With so much attention going to my Dad lately, Charlie has been left alone quite a lot. Dh and I got dressed for the cold, it was 19 degrees here, and took Charlie to the forest preserve for a one hour walk. He was so excited and happy to just run around that it made Dh and I giggle. That dog brings so much joy to my life.

Charlene, you had me giggling too. I have been on a vacation of sorts. My Dad broke his arm about 10 days ago and has required a lot of help. He is 85 and he broke his right arm so his ability to do for himself has been limited. I live a block away from him so most of the help for him has come from DH and I. My sister lives about an hour away so stopping by after work is not easily done. Any way, my vacation started yesterday morning as my sister came to take care of Dad so we could go out. I took full advantage of the situation and crammed about 3 dates worth of activities into one day. LOL, it was wonderful. The vacation continued this morning when we took the dog for a long winter walk. My vacation is almost over as I have Dad duties at dinner. I am glad I have this weekend to get me through the week ahead.

Apples and Cheri I totally agree with the individual posting responses. This thread is very active and it is difficult to remember everything and everybody when you go to post. Heck, after two days it just isn't possible to respond to everyone. I hope everyone takes it for what it is and don't take offence since none is intended.

I can't answer the grandma question as, unfortunately, I am not a grandma yet. I think I would like "grandma Sandy" when the time comes.

Well, I am off to make chicken Soup for dinner tonight. The walk in the cold has me wanting some so I better go and get busy.

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Lori, I go by MEME. It is what my DD wanted the first grandchild to call me. How about LALA? my friend's name is Gail and she goes by GAGA!!!!! Your daughter may have the last say in your name.

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Howdy all,

Sorry I haven't been on here in a few days. It's been kind of crazy here. Trying to gt ready for my week long trip to my parents. Dad is having his surgery tomorrow and i am getting nervous. I keep telling myself that he will be fine but can't force me to believe it. If you haven't figured it out yet I am pretty much a worry wort. I know this yet still do it. Can;t help myself most of the time. Anyway I will post tomorrow when all is done and let you know.

On another note went to my support group meeting the other day. It went pretty well. Talked to the Lapband advocate that does the meeting about them getting more aggressive with my fills. She said that they wont do t was told by one of the nurses that goes to the meeting that my dr will put in my chart to be more aggressive if i will just call him and let him know what is going on. I haven't had the time to call him yet but will on mon or tues.

Shoulder is doing pretty good. Range of motion is getting better. I am right on track with therapy. I still Have another month before I go back to the dr so we will have to wait till then to see how it goes.

I hop everyone has a good week.



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My son calls my parents BOPPY and POPPY if that helps

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Hello to all you dear ones..... We've had a nice day so far, too... Church was good.. we have no little ones for a Sunday School anymore so we just do stuff ourselves.. Was in a little skit about the stable boy on Christmas eve... was very nice and then lots of carols followed by a nice pot-luck dinner... I did not over do it so I'm happy about that.. Had a nap in my chair and am now about ready to finish my cards and wrap some more gifts... DH is watching a western on Starz......

Apples, great idea about not feeling guilty if we miss someone... I always to to keep up, but lately has been more difficult for me, too.... I agree..... no worries!!!!! just love and concern......

Sandy, I'm so happy for you to have had this nice little "holiday" to get your Christmas spirit going very nicely... Sounds like you had a wonderful time.. Your DH sounds a great deal like mine.... It's a wonderful blessing...

Lori, I, too, knew you would do beautifully..... so happy for you... And that's just what we are doing here.......... being there for each other no matter what it is.... We aren't so much Lapband sisters, but dear friends who met under unusual circumstances.... aren't we just the luckiest bunch??!!!

Laura K, I met my husband at a singles dance, but someone did set us up... We used to love that setting when we were first together and before we got married... Our dearest friends (brain anuerysm) met at a singles dance, too, but before we ever knew them.... You just have a blast enjoying your new beautiful body and well deserved happiness....

Safe travels to Phyll and Earl...... cute about Zoey...

Oh, Lori, I go by Gramma..... At first Laromi called me mommy.... and I just kept saying "Gramma" to her and soon she switched over.... I think it will just come naturally when the baby gets here.... And we have "Papa" here, not Grandpa..... maybe when they get older.... Our boys out in Ohio say Grandpa and Grandma.....

Well, time is passing and I haven't started any work.... I really wanted to get those to Christmas chores done today... Have kids tomorrow and then dentist in Bismarck on Tuesday.... Christmas will actually be here before we know it.... Everyone have a wonderful evening..... may peace and contentment fill you souls.... Love and hugs to all........... Julie

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Hi all,

I'm Grandma Cheri to distinguish me from other Grandma's. It got started because my daughter, Rachel, was dating a man with two daughters so I told her to have them call me Grandma Cheri. They had no other grandmas and were quite delighted to call me that. Then Rachel had David and the rest is history.

Lory, I think your menu was perfect. But I have seen people get into a competition or be afraid to return the favor because they were afraid of not having as nice a supper or not having as nice a house. Since I'm not a domestic goddess, especially working full-time, I'm just as likely to order pizza. The main thing is, provide a comfortable atmosphere and enjoy your guests and let them enjoy you.

I've got Christmas Eve this year for the first time in years for Ken's family. They will be having it in my still uncarpeted, unbathroomed basement. But Thanksgiving with my parents and all mine and Ken's kids went well and this will, too. I changed things up from other parties, limiting gift exchange to female and male grab bags of no more than $10-15. And I told them I'd provide Merlot and Zinfandel, but if they liked other drinks they should bring some for themselves and a few to share. I don't keep a bar at my house and Ken and I seldom drink. Everyone's bringing an appetizer or dessert and I'm ordering pizza. My motto for entertaining is KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid.

Charlene, it is absolutely OK to laugh at my posts. I deliberately go from the sublime to the ridiculous because that's what life is like. My own foibles and the foibles of my loved ones are fair game as long as I'm not hurting them. And they don't read this. Thank God. I need a safe place to unload about them. And turning my sense of humor loose on them helps me to cope with them. So go ahead and laugh.


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Thanks Cheri, I like simple. Tonight's gathering is appetizers and everyone is bringing some. I made an artichoke dip and have cheese and crackers. House is still clean from last night so good there. I have a much smaller house than any of them last night and probably tonight too (but haven't been to one of them) but it's newer and well I think fixed up awfully nice but that's personal taste. The person I was most nervous about last night, her husband is an airline captian and she's very into designers and brands, but very down to earth, she made me feel comfortable. Your Christmas eve gathering sounds wonderful. This is the first year in years I've not hosted it for DH's family and that's only because we moved. That menu is set as it's his family tradition to have oyster stew and then chili for those of us who don't eat the oysters.

I plan on sleeping in tomorrow now that I got the weekend behind me. Then it's laundry to get ready to pack for Denver! Oh and I get younger on Tues (hair colored aka gray covered and cut).

Wonder how Karen is doing as fake Grandma? I bet she's having a wonderful time eating her pancakes. LOL

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Well, we are booked on a cruise to Belize for Christmas next year. I can't believe the lido deck was already booked up.....after we got the last room. It is near the elevators so we are subject to being bumped. It is considered a wheelchair accessible. I hope we get to to keep it. This is a brand new ship......the largest that Carnival has in their fleet. It is coming to Galveston I think in June. Now I have a new goal of fifty more lbs before the cruise. We will have a Thanksgiving Christmas next year.

Joyce and Apples we want to hear about your family Christmas today.

Julie, you sound so much better. What a nice present for Christmas.

Tx......glad the shoulder is better. Wishing you safe travels tomorrow, and prayers for Poppy. I know you said he has a lot of health issues. I can't remember why he is having surgery, but it must be necessary. Take care!

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Lori - My son calls my parents OMA (pronounced O-MA) and OPA

(pronounced O-PA) which are the german words for Grandma and Grandpa. Some back history I had my son when I started college so I was 19 and my Mom said she was to young to be called Grandma. My sister was taking German in High School and there you go.

My mother in law is called Nanny

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Congrats Great, So glad things went so well.

Cheri, That is great advice about the carbs. I keep hearing that ADHD people usully are above average intelligence. I see that reflected in you. We have learned a ton from you.

Well, I learned to drive a motorcycle today. I went up to about 30 miles per hour on it. My inlaws have an extra one and wanted to see if I would be capable and I am. So maybe they are planning to let me use it or sell it to us.

Also did 20 minutes of flat running today. No stopping or walking in that 20 min. I was nervous about the attempt but I made it. I am thinking about adding strength training to my workout routine. I have been doing just cardio for awhile now. I will be increasing my cardio next week. I am following a 5K training plan but it may be the reason I have slowwed down in weight loss. Also doing well with my commitment of 30 min a day for the month of December.

I have a doc appt tuesday. I know it is close to Christmas (dinner) but I believe I am ready for another fill. I declined it last time. SO I will get the docs opinion and possibly be on softs over Christmas. My priority right now is weightloss not food. I explained to my MIL that I don't allow junk in the house right now because it is too tempting and she went along with it. So hopefully I won't be faced with the decision to throw her hard baked goods away anymore. I like the idea of giving up guilt though. Guilt over Cookies, say it that way and it sounds silly.

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Also did 20 minutes of flat running today. No stopping or walking in that 20 min. I was nervous about the attempt but I made it. I am thinking about adding strength training to my workout routine.

Congrats on the running I know you were nervous. I saw your You Tube post

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Tomorrow I have to do the paperwork and make the decisions with my principal on spending $24,000. I am also trying to finalize the details for spending $1,400 for Parent Involvement. After Christmas I have to spend $13,000 for Professional Development. All these come with huge restrictions on what it can't be spent on and what it can. It's been an exasperating process going back and forth between various people to see what is likely to be approved and what won't. Still don't have all the answers I'd like but I have to have the paperwork in by Jan. 3. I actually am panicking about this. I'm ordering somethings that are very high tech and I am by nature very low tech. However, I can see the advantages of these things in teaching and I am going to have to master them. You would not believe how the thought of having to learn the technology filled me with fear. I don't even post pictures on here or do any of the ticker things or change my FB profile page because I find the process so frustrating. So pray for me tomorrow that we will make wise decisions that will benefit my program and help the kids be successful academically.


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What a great afternoon and evening. The only thing that could have made it better would have been if youngest DS could have been here. Was not possible for him to make it, missed him but made a point of making it what it should be for DS, GF, the children and DH and I. I can't even explain how much fun it was. OK...I was born to be a fake grandma.

First, we opened gifts, checked what Santa left in the stockings. Sent Santa a letter last week to let him know the kids would be here today. He showed up, which was great. Today was a ray of sunshine that was much needed in a rather sh_tty last couple of weeks. The kids and I did the cooking....I didn't give a crap about liquid eggs on the back of the stove or spilled maple Syrup on the floor. Little 5 yr old came to me with a piece of paper and said "How do you spell Employees Only". Made a sign and he hung it on the french door between the livingroom and kitchen. He insisted that dinner was "Off" if anyone walked through those doors. The kids fried chicken (supervised), made pancakes, fried eggs and bacon and served everyone on a tray. I had lots of Christmas Cookies, etc. but let the kids choose what dessert would be. Hmmmm....5 yr old decided that it would be a squirt of canned whipped cream in everyone's mouth. That was the meal. We watched Toy Story 1 and 2, played games and put puzzles together, got all the photo albums out and just had the best day.

All I can say is......we should all remember the "reason for the season" #1....plain and simple. #2....during your upcoming Christmas celebrations...just sit and watch the simple joy the children get out of just being in the moment. We get so caught up in how things should be. Next year let's all order a pizza and let everyone bring the rest of the meal. Let's not worry if our basement bathroom is not quite working. Get out the Connect Four, Mad Gab, Pictionary and Catch Phrase. (Cheri's idea of keeping things simple so we can enjoy the moment). It's about taking that one day out of year and making the ones we love look forward to the same thing next year.

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My dad is having a catheter put in his lower abdomen for Peritoneal dialysis. He is in stage 5 renal failure. His kidneys are only at 14 percent. He has had diabeties for 37 years and it is just taking it's toll. He lost sight in one of his eyes back in 94. It has been really hard on me seeing him in this condition. He has always been able to do anything and now there is not much he can do without help. We have to be there at 7am cst and surgery is at 9. I will post as soon as I know something.



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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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