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Lori, your dinner will be great. If they don't like anything they don't have to come back again.

Apples, have a wonderful time with your get together tomorrow. Fake or real Gma it don't matter all that matters is the love you give.

Kelly, you go girl, you are doing so good.

Sandy, hugs for your stress with your Dad.

On the dating front.... I went to a singles party/dance last night. This is my second one. Had a blast, met a lot of fun people. One guy that I have been talking to and met last time, went to dinner, but I got his number and I think he is a player. Fun to play with for now. Changed my attitude about this whole dating thing, not looking at it as "finding the one" just going with the flow and having fun.


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Drain is fixed. Party was fine. Sons and granddaughters left while we were gone and cleaned up the bucket of chicken and mashed potatoes and mac and cheese we left for them. Told them to take what was left home and they did. Ken has to leave for work in an hour. Poor baby. This working midnights till 8:30 a.m. is very hard on him now that he's back to 5 days a week. However, it is helping to pay for the Christmas bills and the basement renovations. Most of my extra money has been going into paying for my choir tour to Europe next summer, so I'm glad he stepped up to the plate and increased his hours. I was bugging him because he's allowed to make a certain amount in addition to his social (he's 63) and he had dropped to 2 days a week too soon to earn his full amount. Now he'll be close. And he's going to keep working 5 days a week for at least several months in order to get the whole basement finished. Then, even though he doesn't realize it, there are other projects to get done on this house and since I'm physically unable to do them and he makes a disaster of any home improvement project, we'll have to pay to get it done. He's going to be 64 in March and once he's 65 he can work full time all year and still collect his social. It's not that what he does is taxing. He's a guard at a gated community and the hardest thing he has to do is stay awake all night and push the button to raise the gate. It's the hours that are stressful, and getting the schedule he wants. I just want to get this house finished before I retire so that we can either sell it or enjoy it.

Laura K, enjoy the dating. I know I did 11, 12 years ago. I sometimes wish I had not been so quick to get remarried. I had a blast. Felt like a teenager in a lot of good ways. Never had much fun as a teen but I did then. Got to flirt and have fun. Ended too soon.


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I had the most wonderful day today. My sister came to stay with Dad so my DH and I could go out. We started out with our friends at the matinee of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra’s Christmas show. It was outstanding and had me filled with Christmas cheer. Then we walked to a nearby restaurant for lunch. We sat for almost 3 hours over several courses and just talked and laughed (and had a couple of martinis). Next we walked to Daley Plaza and walked around the Kris Kringle market where I bought a couple of beautiful hand blown ornaments from Germany. We walked back to the parking garage by Symphony Hall and got the car and drove to Lincoln Park Zoo to walk around and see the lights and enjoy a hot chocolate. Wonderful day. I just had to share. I believe this will be my Christmas day in my heart even though it is not the right day. It was a perfect holiday with my husband. I am so grateful for him and for all of you.

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Sounds wonderful. I've done almost all those things in Chicago and know exactly what you were talking about. Everyone needs a day like that at Christmas.


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Hi, gang! So sorry to be MIA lately. Busy getting ready to drive to WA. Leaving early in the morning. Should be able to read posts on my phone but don't know if I can post. Will try.

Not feeling so hot either.... might have what Janet had last weekend... little nausea, trots, low grade fever. Not really SICK, sick! So we went to an open house in the park for a little while this afternoon. Felt fine. Came home... felt headachy again. Took my temp.... 99.3.

So... I am all packed and ready to go, but still writing Christmas cards!! Barely made a dent in them and don't know if I'll finish before Christmas or not!! Zoey is totally wired!! Kept seeing Earl take stuff out to the car and was convinced we were going to take her somewhere tonight! She's finally settled down, but Earl had to sit on the floor and throw toys for a while to wear her out. I've discovered something that I didn't know she'd learned. If she is standing in front of me barking insistently because she either wants a treat or wants me to throw one of her toys across the room.. if I put my finger to my lips and say "shhhhhh, quiet", she barks one more real soft bark and then she shuts up. I didn't intentionally teach her that... she figured it out.

Lori... anxious to hear how your dinner went tonight. Sounds like you were well prepared and ready! I'm sure it went great!

Apples... got the little snowman ornament today!! THANKS! Zoey really likes the snowflake, too! Had to hang it high where she couldn't reach it.

Well.... I have to go to bed soon because I've been told I'm getting up at 5 a.m. and I am NOT a morning person. I do good to get up at 7a.m. And... I need to write some more Christmas cards tonight!

HUGS to all of you. Will try to stay in touch while on the road for the next few days.

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Hi everyone - Hugs - I'm not reposting ;0)

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Well it's 11pm and my guests just left and......IT WENT GREAT!!!! I owe so much to all of you. I found this board for support in my weight loss and instead found support in my life overall. I know some of you who are entertaining extraordinaires are probably rolling your eyes and wondering what the big deal was but this was huge for me. You have all built me up, gave me pointers and encouragement this whole week and I don't think I could've done it without you. I so appreciate it. I really don't think it could've gone any better. They came at 6, I planned dinner for 630, I had a plate of cheese and crackers out but no one ate them. I gave tours of my house and DH his man cave and then dinner was ready. Opened a bottle of wine (Yellow Tail thanks to Karen) and one gal says oh that's my favorite! so thanks! They were all surprised and thrilled by the prime rib and it turned out as one person put it 'just perfect'. I made a new recipe of garlic mashed in the crockpot and they were yummy, I had a spoonful and Karen, your asparagus was a hit as well. We talked and laughed and shared stories. The 2 couples I invited knew each other 10+ yrs ago but not real well anymore since one of them had moved away and back like I did so lots of catching up, etc. So maybe, just maybe I can do this again. Oh and my new tablecloth was gorgeous with my new dishes. I thought it looked very classy. I was so nervous I didn't over indulge either. And we have left over prime rib, YUM!! This was really a good prime rib, did I say that already. LOL

Tomorrow night is a small group gathering from church, everyone is bringing appetizers and white elephants, I am just hosting but not the 'leader' so that should be easier.

Hard to believe a week from tonight Christmas will be all over!

Phyl, safe travels. We leave for Denver on Wed. am very anxiousl

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Well it's 11pm and my guests just left and......IT WENT GREAT!!!! I owe so much to all of you. I found this board for support in my weight loss and instead found support in my life overall. I know some of you who are entertaining extraordinaires are probably rolling your eyes and wondering what the big deal was but this was huge for me. You have all built me up, gave me pointers and encouragement this whole week and I don't think I could've done it without you. I so appreciate it. I really don't think it could've gone any better. They came at 6, I planned dinner for 630, I had a plate of cheese and crackers out but no one ate them. I gave tours of my house and DH his man cave and then dinner was ready. Opened a bottle of wine (Yellow Tail thanks to Karen) and one gal says oh that's my favorite! so thanks! They were all surprised and thrilled by the prime rib and it turned out as one person put it 'just perfect'. I made a new recipe of garlic mashed in the crockpot and they were yummy, I had a spoonful and Karen, your asparagus was a hit as well. We talked and laughed and shared stories. The 2 couples I invited knew each other 10+ yrs ago but not real well anymore since one of them had moved away and back like I did so lots of catching up, etc. So maybe, just maybe I can do this again. Oh and my new tablecloth was gorgeous with my new dishes. I thought it looked very classy. I was so nervous I didn't over indulge either. And we have left over prime rib, YUM!! This was really a good prime rib, did I say that already. LOL

Tomorrow night is a small group gathering from church, everyone is bringing appetizers and white elephants, I am just hosting but not the 'leader' so that should be easier.

Hard to believe a week from tonight Christmas will be all over!

Phyl, safe travels. We leave for Denver on Wed. am very anxiousl

Great - WE KNEW IT smile.gif(I'm talking for the gang - since most are all a sleep most likely - but I'm not - coffee tonite ;0)blink.gif

I am so happy for you - Silly girl - our life issues are what cause us to be fat in the 1st place (well for most of us- I shouldn't talk for everyone ;0) So yep we are here for you 100%...

Good Evening Gang....

Well I got off my butt (computer) around noon - got banking done - went to Worldmart then- Steinmart - got this neat belt


The no-buckle, no-bulk, no-front belt!


One size (Fits sizes 2-16), Color: Black - $8.99

Temporarily is out of stock.

One size (Fits sizes 2-16), Color: Khaki - $8.99

Say good-bye to the Big-Belt-Buckle-Bulge, "peek-a-booty," and t-bar sightings, and say hello to perfect fitting pants! Our one-size belt alternative, which attaches to each side of your belt loops, creates a slim, body-hugging fit. You'll have an instantly tailored, smooth front and a no-gap back, without expensive tailoring.

Instructions: Attach one end of your Hip Hugger to your side belt loop, feed it through the back loop—adjust the length for a snug fit—and simply clip the other end of the Hip Hugger to the other side belt loop.

Then went to costco - got a prime rib - everyone has been talking about it made me hungry for it - so got that and some real potatoes - cooked it but now not hungry cuz I had 2 cups of coffee ;0) - then my GF Linda came by we visited for a couple hrs.

Tomorrow nail - target - marshalls & ross - and then veg..

Well that was part of my post - the rest was to who had posted... I think I need to go eat and go to bed - I have gym @ 10 a.m. - then my shopping ;0)

Lori - Again I am so happy that all went well !!! See you can do it ;0) - You can do anything you put your mind to ;0)

Hugs & Love - Sweet Dreams

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I am up early despite not needing to be. I was so tired last night that I was in bed by 10:30 even though I'd slept in yesterday morning. And I'm so used to waking at 5 a.m. that I had to force myself to stay in bed till 6.

Lori, we all knew what you didn't. Your party was going to go great. So glad for you. The hostess with the mostest. The trick is not to overdo and overwhelm people. Otherwise they feel uncomfortable and like they can't compete. Hopefully, they'll invite you back but that doesn't always happen. Some people are just not entertainers. But you can always suggest going out to eat the next time you get together if no one picks up the ball.

I used to do more entertaining till my first marriage started turning bad. And my current husband is a social loner and can make people feel very uncomfortable. I never know if he's going to launch into a monologue and monopolize the conversation or, in the case of the small church group we were part of, turn on the leader and basically imply that he thinks small groups are intrusive and that he prefers keeping things private. That was his way of saying farewell. He burns bridges behind him. He's better with relatives but we have no friends as couples. He has no friends period. Except me.

Generally, with me he's fairly considerate and easy to live with. But I've learned not to rely on him for emotional support. Didn't get that with my first marriage either so that's nothing new. Girlfriends are better. I used to get a lot of support from other young mothers from church and then at Alanon and at OA meetings, but life and work have made it hard to have friends outside of work. So I love having you all as friends who can be my support group. I am much better at expressing myself in writing than I am talking. Plus, its easier to avoid areas of contention like politics and religion. I talk about my faith but pretty much avoid details of religion or pushing it on people. People tend to turn rabid on politics and religion and it brings out a side of them you wish you hadn't met. That includes me.

Karen, got your snowman. So cute. Thanks. Getting cards. Don't know if I'll get any out this year. I'm going to try to do it today, but its been too hectic and I've been too worn out with work. Gotta go in tomorrow and Tuesday to work on purchase orders for this extra Federal money that came in for NCLB. There are so many restrictions on spending it and so much paperwork. My assistant and my principal are both coming in to help me.

I didn't go to Joi's memorial service at the school Friday night. I went home and just didn't want to go back. My daughter called and asked if I'd babysit the boys while she finished some shopping and I just felt the need to be with my grandchildren whom I could hug and kiss and wrestle with and tickle and chase. Too much grief this year.


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Good Sunday morning to all....

Phyll....safe travels. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family and friends. Hope you are feeling better today. Great story about Zoey and her barking. It amazes us sometimes what they can learn. My big baby is such a protector. I was having a bad day on Thursday and sat down to have a good cry. Was not even minutes and Tanker was sitting by me with his head in my lap. (He only comes up to the living area of the house if invited...his bed is by the door). I Moved from my desk chair to the bedroom to do some things and he followed me there and laid crossways in the door. Until I quit crying, he was just panting and nervous and kept rubbing up against my legs like a cat. Just him being nervous made me take care of him and I forgot my troubles. Dogs, well any pets, you just love them so much. You and DH have become great animal parents. I just know how you are feeling when you talk about Zoey. We have to be careful sometimes about the way we talk about Tanker. Ppl already think we're nuts....don't want to add more to it.

Great.....when Janet posted "WE KNEW IT", it woke me up. So happy your party went well. And, now that you enjoyed and it went well, do it again every once in awhile. Also plan ahead to when your DH will be gone and invite some of your female friends over....even if it's just for appetizers. It's good to have ppl in your home. We have not done a lot of entertaining the last 6-9 months...used to do more. Since getting our lake place, most of our entertaining is done there. I do want to start entertaining a little more at home though.

Sandi....what a "Happy Post". You have soooooooooooooo much at your fingertips. We wish for things like that to do but NOTHING offered out in our rural area without driving a couple of hours. Happy you had a good day and that you could just relax while your sis took care of your father. I hope you can find some help to take the pressure off of you.

Cheri...glad you had fun also and that your sons were available to help you out with your basement Water problems. Hopefully it is fixed for once and for all.

LauraK...Go get 'em, Tiger! (Or should I say Cougar (wink)).

Laura....hope your rash is better. I know you are probably beside yourself with excitement about your family coming for Christmas. Can I live through you this next week?

OK...time to hit the shower. Heading to church this morning. Love church at Christmas time. Sorry I did not address each of you. And you know what???? Let's just forgive each other ahead of time. Let's each take a vow right now. We don't HAVE TO worry about the fact we might leave someone out of our posts. Where this is coming from is; I am such a scatter brain lately and I know I leave ppl out or forget what they say. I feel bad enough already without adding that to the mess and I don't want others to feel the same. So let's start a new rule...no apologizing or feeling bad for not mentioning someone in a daily post. Whew....I feel better already.

DH is still snuggled in under the blankies. I have been up for a couple of hours sitting in the dark in front of the lit Christmas tree. I will have to remember to share some photos of our day later. Have a nice Sunday.

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Zooey seems incredibly smart. What kind of mix is she again? Have a great trip. Be safe.


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Zooey seems incredibly smart. What kind of mix is she again? Have a great trip. Be safe.


Mornin' Cheri. Singing today? Wish I could hear one of your concerts....maybe some day. Sending love, Karen

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I agree. No guilt. Various people pick up on various people. It all comes out in the wash. I've never been able to remember or post on all the posts. Too bewildering. Too much activity on this thread. You post and find out 2 other people were posting at the same time. Great minds and all that.



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Not singing in my church choir. Could be doing it but I'm on tail end of a cold and don't want to force my voice. Plus, I'm backing away a little and hoping some other altos will pick up the slack. I'm going to my son's church at 11. They have their Sunday School program and he, his wife, and his daughter are all in it. He has a speaking part as a shephard. He's a great big guy with a beard so that was an automatic casting. I think Skylar is a sheep. Maybe she gets to baaa. I'm going to go walk at the community center. It opens at 8 a.m. on Sunday. Gotta wear off yesterday's party food. Didn't pig out, but definitely consumed many calories. So, back on Protein train today and until Christmas Eve.


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Hi gang! The "meet the parents" went very well, My DS's girlfriend's parents and sister drove all day from Arkansas. Her brother and his partner drove from Oklahoma City. This is the first time they all have been todgether in years. GF is active Air Force so she is usually off on assignment somewhere. Now she is assigned to the U of H directing the ROTC. My son was such host. He bought fajitas, guacamole, Beans, rice, cheese enchiladas and tortillas. Of course you know I brought the sweets. Yes, I ate cake! Janet, I am doing like you and Cheri.......I have designated carb days. I am staying Protein and carb free with the exception of berries in my Protein drinks. I won't indulge until Christmas Day.

Cheri, I know I shouldn't lol at some of the things you tell us, but you are funny. My DH is a quiet guy too. Most of our friends just love him because he is a calm quiet person. I just wish he like to go places more. I am trying to book a cruise on the new Carnival Magic next December. It leaves on Dec 18th for Belize. We will miss Christmas here, but we can do Thanksgiving and Christmas together. I will make it an off year for a Christmas gathering. Gathering once a year is plenty anyway.

Lori, see, you are a hostess with the mostess!!!! I think Apples has a good idea. You need to start having small gatherings with the women. You will gain your confidence. Congrats! on the dinner party.

Apples, I am glad you got to go to church today. We had baptisms again so I stood up front and passed out towels. Now I am washing them. I love my little jobs. Anyway, the sermon was on bitterness. Yikes! How the root of bitterness starts......what the bible says......and how we can heal. Of course my SIL came to mind. I really have to work on that even though I am at peace about not seeing her for awhile.

Sndy......sounds like you had an awesome time with DH. Are you on vacation?

Phyl.......stay safe in CA. I heard they were going to have some bad weather.

Melissa....take care!

Joyce.....want to hear about your Christmas dinner with family.

Janet......gotta get back to Dollar Tree....Ds had me wrap his gifts yesterday and took some of my bags and bows.

CHOO!!!!!! CHOO!!!!!!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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