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Melissa -As far as carbs go - I just watch the starches - I still eat yogurt & fruit - They are healthy - white bread isn't ;0) But I'm not the resident carb person - That's why I could never do Atkins - I think fruit & veggies (cuz everything we eat has some carbs) are healthy options instreads of the white starches.. To me when I say I am eating low carb - means I am eating veggie & Protein - leaving alone rice Pasta etc starches and sugar..

Thank You for the info Janet

Melissa, you are making great strides, keep it up. Glad you like your new job.

Thank You :)

Melissa~ I used to hate standing on my feet all day working my tail off when I was super heavy, but now, its no prob. Your body gets used to it. Believe it or not. Its good exercise tho! Proud of you.

Thanks Meredith sometimes its hard cause my jeans are a little tight but I do not want to buy knew ones. But I think they will be feeling looser soon.

Melissa, I eat Dannon greek yogurt with a very small amount (probably no more than 1/4 cup of strawberries/blueberries and 1/2 banana every morning mixed into it. That's my Breakfast. Like Janet, these are the only carbs I eat - I never eat starchy foods (potatoes, rice, Pasta, bread). First of all, I pb if I try and secondly, I don't really crave it any longer. Once in a blue moon I'll order a baked potato at a restaurant but I always have light sour cream with me to put on it if I do. It's a treat maybe twice a year.

I am staring the 5 day on Sunday only cause we have lunch plans with family tomorrow but I plan on sticking with the Protein, veggie and fruit thing

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Hello everyone,

Just got through reading the posts, but can't remember anything.

Great, you'll do just fine with your dinner. Most people will be completely thrilled by your dinner and those that aren't (and I can't imagine why they wouldn't be) don't matter. This isn't your family, it's acquaintances and friends and they will not treat you like your family does. Relax and enjoy your evening.

Apples, I bet Tanker is going to love his new toy. Glimmer looks like a lab and has that wonderful lab personality, but she doesn't like Water much. She didn't get that part of the lab genetics or the ball chasing.

Julie, glad you are feeling better...hope it continues.

Melissa, your job may be physically hard, but in a couple of months, your body will be thanking you. When I was working as an air pressure tech (working in manholes and doing very hard manual labor like moving manhole lids and stuff) my muscles were rock hard and I could do amazing things. Not so much now, but it was nice then.

Now I can't remember anything else....

I've been so busy I can't believe I'm retired. Had my annual well woman exam today (you know....poke, poke, prod...all that stuff) and my blood work results were in already. My blood work looks great and I'm pleased. The doctor is pleased with it too. The only thing I need to do is get my daily exercise in which isn't happening again. It's not like I'm sitting and not doing anything, I'm just not doing a regular anything. Yes Janet, I will make a serious effort to get my exercise program started again. My hips and other joints have been bothering me enough that I've had to take ibuprofen almost daily. Maybe it's the weather.

After the doctor appointment my friend from work texted and asked if we could meet today after she got off. She was leaving early so I suggested lunch. Well she didn't get off until after 1pm so it was a late lunch which was very nice. She told me how busy they were at work and how everyone is frustrated. I don't miss it at all. So we are going to try and see a movie after Christmas because she'll be off until New Years. Fun.

Had a nice visit with my cousin and her husband. Their daughter is living in the area now so maybe I'll be a little more connected with that part of my family.

Now I have to get busy and clean the dining room and get the tree set up. I still have presents to wrap and cards to make...need about 20 more. Always something. I'm not bored .

Hope everyone has a nice weekend.


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Christmas is kinda depressing for us this year - thank goodness we have Aylah but both DSS and DSD are treating us so badly and we long for an old fashioned Christmas -- wish I could have spent it with my DS or my sister or brother and their families. I will cook a nice meal and of course, Aylah will have a great Christmas but it's tough to be in the giving spirit with the other two. Not complaining -- just allow me this one time to whine a bit about it. Thanks. I'm done now.

Linda, I didn't eat a cup, but after the batches I taste......so I just count all of it together as a cup. I am so sorry your kids are being butts. That sucks at Christmas. We have had a few of those years. Right now we are good with all of them. Now that doesn't mean they like each other, but they will get along on Christmas Day. We don't see my DH's family since his parents died.......their choice. Well, I am glad my SIL doesn't come around. I told you she went to rehab for pain killers. Now she thinks everything is Okay with us. Oh, I forgive, but who wants to stick their hand on a burner twice....you know what I mean.

I know what you mean about the pouch test. When I was on the Protein shake thing my pouch really shrunk. I am still going to see the Dr on the 30th to talk about my weight management. Did I tell you that Dr. Davis is going to start taping for a new show that will air on Lifetime? The taping is in Spring. It must be showing in the fall. They asked patients to volunteer to tell their story. It should be interesting.

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I'm like Eva...read the last few post but CRS.

Linda...yep, got my Cookies all decorated. I think I have made 10 different kinds of cookies. The cutout ones three times. I have a garage full of cookies. Like having a walk in freezer. Sorry the kids are being crappy. One thing DH and I have noticed with the next generation (teens-late 20's) is that an awful lot of the ones we are exposed to feel entitled and be a bit disrespectful. Not right and not kind.

Congrats on the pouch test. If I remember right, Phyll does it once in awhile. Right, Phyll????

Melissa...you sound sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much more positive the last couple of weeks. I hope and pray that this change in your life and your menu put you to where you want to be. It makes me so happy to see you happier. Also, I hope you continue to post like you have been. Don't disappear on us. We want to help.

Kelly...Woohoo....you are on a roll with the weight loss and getting those walks in. I heard you guys are getting rains and storms. Poor Sophie's belly.

Arlene....I though Linda was going to give your little hands a cyber-slap for eating that chex mix. I agree with her....taste...not a cup. Good to hear it was just a tast.

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Crap...forgot to say "hi" to Eva. Hi, Eva! Such a busy girl. Retired? Sounds like you are busier now. Have fun decorating the tree!

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Good evening. Just got back from the store with the rest of my groceries for tomorrow. Did find the asaparagus for much less than $7/lb!

Arlene, a little here and a little there but still adding to a cup is still a cup. LOL A cup is a cup is a cup...;):o:blink: just giving you a bad time. You should submit your story for Dr Davis. Thanks for the card, nice pic at the Grand Canyon.

Eva, goodness retirement is sure keeping you busy! Thanks for the card it was beautiful!

Kelly, you rock, congrats on the weight loss.

Linda, focus on your granddaughter and try and not think about the rest and enjoy her this Christmas. I'm trying to focus on my family and keep my sisters, etc. out of my mind myself.

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I just finished my last batch of Texas Trash. I put a teaspoon of Tobasco in it.....spicy!!! While it was in the oven I wrapped all my Christmas gifts......you guessed it...bags.... just too many people in the family now to sit and wrap. Dollar Tree has awesome gift bags for a buck and huge bows 2 for a 1.00. I went yesterday. You would have thought it was Black Friday at Walmart. The checkout goes fast because it is all a buck. I just wish I had bought more tins.

Okay peeps, I have to finish my Christmas cards.

Cheri....you still on the train today?

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Evening gang, Just discovered my C actually is a B. So thrilled.

I get nervous about entertaining too but everyone always raves about how special my parties are. My Dad expecially loves them and wanted me to host on christmas eve this year. I am just serving pizza, wings and beer. Also making apple pie al a mode and a cheese appetizer that everyone loves. Doesn't really go together but I'll have wings for me and some special foods for my guest. The best part though is I always start the party off with a game. This time it will be Cranium. Last few times it was pictionary and Mad Gab. At my Inlaws we always play rook. It is so awesome to watch people who barely know each other really open up. Plus once the games over they have things in common to laugh about and share. For my sons first birthday we had a huge party of over 40 people. Hubby dressed up like clown and did a hour of magic tricks and jokes best party ever. I am very timid so if I can do it you can too. The best thing is you pretty much know everyone who is coming and they love you so they don't care if you set the table wrong.

I am slowly slipping off the weightloss train. I am just gonna start fresh right now. To many goodies are getting through the door and into my hands. I was 203 earlier this week now I'm 205. Not giving up another pound to this nasty food. Still working out really good. I have worked out everyday this month for at least 30 minutes. I will reach 199 by the end of the year. Will I always struggle like this? Either way it is worth it.

My relationship with my son has improved so much. On thanksgiving his teacher asked him what he was thankful for and he said Momma. Then he drew me a christmas card that says I love you. Way different than this time last year. I think it has to do with me being more able to play with him. We ride bikes, play soccer and tennis now. I am not so tired I am half asleep watching him anymore. Even my hubby says he gets so thrilled to see us playing together.

Finished my christmas shopping this morning. Now I am getting ready for our trip. We need snow gear and an oil change. The meals my MIL has planned sound good to me. Gotta get some gifts wrapped so I will talk with yall later.

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Did I tell you that Dr. Davis is going to start taping for a new show that will air on Lifetime? The taping is in Spring. It must be showing in the fall. They asked patients to volunteer to tell their story. It should be interesting.

I can't wait I like his show when it was on he seems really smart and very nice and understanding about how we feel.

Melissa...you sound sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much more positive the last couple of weeks. I hope and pray that this change in your life and your menu put you to where you want to be. It makes me so happy to see you happier. Also, I hope you continue to post like you have been. Don't disappear on us. We want to help.

I won't go away I feel really good I am not bored or depressed. I am happy my job is physical let's just pray now that I can get full time hopefully within 3 months or less would be good.

Evening gang, Just discovered my C actually is a B. So thrilled.

Jewel - Yeah I am so happy for you what a surprise. I am also excited that your son is getting better.

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So I do not know if you guys remember me saying that I have had alot of bloating and my left side hurts under my ribs. If you put your left hand under your left rib and press that is where it hurts. This is not anywhere near my port as that is much higher closer to my left breast.

Something triggers the pain cause it is not a constant. I don't know if it is a type of food or eating to much. Sometimes it feels like I can't take a deep breath in. Usually this happens at night and my stomach bloats up but by morning everything is down again.

Any Suggestions??? Body wise what is on your left side because all my past medical issues have been on my right side. Gall Bladder (removed) Pancreatitis and liver issues.

Actually after reading more about Pancreatitis it sounds like I have it again however to get diagnoised I would have to have blood tests and a CT or xray of my Pancreasis. Treatment is a week in the hospital on IV and nothing by mouth. What would you guys do? Do you think i could get away with just calling my doctor and having blood work done? But that won't be till Monday like I said the pain goes away eventually.

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Melissa, gas can push on that area and cause discomfort. Especially in the evenings. Then I fart in my sleep and feel much better in the morning. Also, stomach can be swollen and irritated and that goes down by morning. As you eat less and reduce your carbs and lose weight it may go away a lot. See what happens during the 5 day pouch test. Remember salty foods can swell your stomach and cause pressure.

Laura, sorry you're so physically miserable. One of my kids had that. Wierd thing.

Today was a planned station break from the choo choo train as will tomorrow. However, I had lost the 2 lbs this morning after 2 days on the train. Tomorrow I also have a party to attend. So Monday-Christmas Eve I'll be back on the train in preparation for being able to eat on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. I don't try to be a martyr about food on days when I'm surrounded by goodies because I'll just end up craving those foods and over-eating later.

I will say this again for those who need to lose weight. I lost by doing no carbs for 2 or 3 days in a row and then adding some healthy carbs for another couple of days. At least once a week I would have a higher carb with some sweets day. I steadily lost weight doing this. It's what I do for maintenance also. And I follow the 2 lb rule. If I gain 2 lbs I get back on the Protein train. Two or three days of no carbs (and I include fruit and yogurt in the carb category for those days) was the key for me. It always brings my carb cravings back under control.

Sandy, I do not have it all together. I have binge days, but then I get back on the Protein train.

A word of encouragement for those still losing. My metabolism picked up after I lost the weight. I believe I reversed some or most of my insulin resistance (I was bordeline diabetic) and my metabolism picked up. With the increased activity I naturally did without the weight on, I can stay in shape with just half on hour of climbing stairs and walking hallways most mornings at work.The rest of the day I run up and down the stairs many times without even thinking about it. I stand up and move around to teach instead of staying in my seat. I'm doing more housework than I did. I roughhouse with my grandchildren and run all over with them on weekends. So I am able to eat more than I could when I was maintaining at a higher weight partly because I'm moving more. Not exercising more, moving more. I also take exercise breaks to give my joints and muscles time to heal and to keep shaking up my metabolism. Some of you who are extrememely carb sensitive and insulin resistant may not experience these results to the extent that I have, but you may be as pleasantly surprised as I was.

As always, you need to take what you like and leave the rest when it comes to advice on this thread. What works for one may not work for another. We share our experience, stkrength and hope not as mandates but as inspiration. You can do this.

I am an ADHD food addict. We are a subcategory of food addicts with the worst record of success in losing and keeping off weight. We are unable to journal food or pre-plan food and are ruled by our impulses. By accommodating my disorder instead of fighting it, I have made a success of weight loss. I got a tool, the lapband, which I felt would help me with the boundaries I lack. I have a support group on this thread to help keep me on task. I do not try to stick to a rigid food plan. I only do total no carbs a few days at a time. I don't count the carbs, I simply avoid them. I don't count calories. I don't count anything. I don't record anything. Those are the things that drove me right back into the food in the past because they force me to try to be good at what I've never been good at, thus inducing the guilt that used to accompany being ADHD. And guilt drives me back into the food. So I gave up guilt for Lent, not food. Instead of eating food to help me concentrate and the weight to weigh me down and keep me in one place, I allow my ADHD to get me moving and wandering. If I wander upstairs to warm up my coffee and forget it in the microwave its a great excuse to run up the stairs again and go fetch it.

So don't give up. If I can do it, anyone can.


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BrownSugar, why was your fill such a terrible experience? Good luck to you as you begin your banded journey. Ask away as there are many successful folks on this thread. Best advice I have right now is follow your dr orders, remember the band is a tool, you still have to do the work. Protein first always!

Well here I am up because I can't sleep because I am fretting about my dinner tomorrow (tonight now). This time tomorrow it will be over. Then I just have the appetizer thing on Sunday night, not as nervous about it.

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Melissa, gas can push on that area and cause discomfort. Especially in the evenings. Then I fart in my sleep and feel much better in the morning. Also, stomach can be swollen and irritated and that goes down by morning. As you eat less and reduce your carbs and lose weight it may go away a lot. See what happens during the 5 day pouch test. Remember salty foods can swell your stomach and cause pressure.

I will say this again for those who need to lose weight. I lost by doing no carbs for 2 or 3 days in a row and then adding some healthy carbs for another couple of days. At least once a week I would have a higher carb with some sweets day. I steadily lost weight doing this. It's what I do for maintenance also. And I follow the 2 lb rule. If I gain 2 lbs I get back on the Protein train. Two or three days of no carbs (and I include fruit and yogurt in the carb category for those days) was the key for me. It always brings my carb cravings back under control.

As always, you need to take what you like and leave the rest when it comes to advice on this thread. What works for one may not work for another. We share our experience, stkrength and hope not as mandates but as inspiration. You can do this.

I am an ADHD food addict. We are a subcategory of food addicts with the worst record of success in losing and keeping off weight. We are unable to journal food or pre-plan food and are ruled by our impulses. By accommodating my disorder instead of fighting it, I have made a success of weight loss. I got a tool, the lapband, which I felt would help me with the boundaries I lack. I have a support group on this thread to help keep me on task. I do not try to stick to a rigid food plan. I only do total no carbs a few days at a time. I don't count the carbs, I simply avoid them. I don't count calories. I don't count anything. I don't record anything. Those are the things that drove me right back into the food in the past because they force me to try to be good at what I've never been good at, thus inducing the guilt that used to accompany being ADHD. And guilt drives me back into the food. So I gave up guilt for Lent, not food. Instead of eating food to help me concentrate and the weight to weigh me down and keep me in one place, I allow my ADHD to get me moving and wandering. So don't give up. If I can do it, anyone can.


Cheri to be honest I think I have the same problem cause what you said make sense. Only cause when I write stuff down my thoughts are always on food no matter what I am doing. What I can eat what I can't remember to write it down it stress me out. Now I still am looking at my food and calories I am not writing it down. As far as the pain in my right side I woke up this morning it is still their not as bad though. Well lunch got canceled so I will start the 5 day today. Day 1 liquids :)

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Cheri to be honest I think I have the same problem cause what you said make sense. Only cause when I write stuff down my thoughts are always on food no matter what I am doing. What I can eat what I can't remember to write it down it stress me out. Now I still am looking at my food and calories I am not writing it down. As far as the pain in my right side I woke up this morning it is still their not as bad though. Well lunch got canceled so I will start the 5 day today. Day 1 liquids :)

Melissa..what is the intensity of your pain? Is it just an irritating feeling or is it stabbing pain? If you have had pancreatitis in the past and it feels similar, don't let it go without seeing a doctor. If not, give it a few days and then see your doc if it does not subside. Good luck with your 5-day. Really want to see that post on day 5 on how you feel. (Like Linda's post of feeling so great because of having done it). Also, doing the test will not make you want to undo the good you have done over the holidays.

I am like Cheri in that when those holidays roll around, don't deprive ourselves. But, on the same hand don't get totally out of control with treats, mashed tators, gravy, etc. Tastes of your favorite things (a few tsps.) can be a wonderful things. Anything out of control can start a cycle within us where we beat ourselves up and feel defeated.

House is clean, gifts are all under the tree, I have a garage full of Cookies, fudge and baked goods (I'm handing them out left and right to anyone that shows up and DH is out right now delivering to friends and neighbors), and we are ready for our family Christmas tomorrow afternoon. For the rest of the day just planning on doing some things to keep my mind occupied and breathing deep and force feeding. We have a nice menu planned for tomorrow. Had the little ones fill out a menu as to what they want fake grandma to make and it's quite the mish-mash of goodies. Not the typical Christmas meal but will be tasty. Just so nice to have children in the house again. I get choked up just feeling so fortunate for the wonderful GF that DS has and the children she shares with us. What's even better is that we can see how much they love each other and how they treat the children. She is a wonderful mother and DS slipped right into the role of being at ease having the children around. He loves kids and is not afraid to get down on the floor and play with them for hours, run around the house shooting nerf missiles or holding them on his lap. We'll get some joy out of this Christmas and our other celebration next week with our adopted family. (1/2 dozen kids to spoil in that family).

You all have a great day. TX?????????

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Morning all. Just returned from the gym. Did my bike and elleptical and upper body weights -- feel good. Showered and ate my hard Protein for Breakfast -- last day of the 5 day pouch test.

Apples, yes, I agree with what you said -- over Thanksgiving I allowed myself a few bites of everything at the one dinner, but after that I was done - no leftover that weren't part of my everyday foods. I didn't gain any over that holiday so expect not to over Christmas either. I think this past few months has been a good learning experience for me -- and I'm glad I woke up and nipped it in the bud when I did -- it's so easy when you're on maintenance to get a little sloppy with our eating. I know I was miserable cause I was too tight but I was afraid to have any fill taken out - but since I did I've been so much better -- and I don't need a fill -- I'm at perfect restriction -- the only way I was able to tell that was by doing the 5 day pouch test. She has an entire site by the way -- I may check it out -- basically like this one but it seems to deal more with people who are struggling so it may be of help to some of you here too.

Cheri, I don't eat the yogurt and berries either when I'm doing no carb days -- but I did eat it daily during the entire weight loss phase with no problems. Now, I can still eat fruit daily and maintain, but to lose any weight, I have to give up all the carbs including the fruit.

Lori, hope your prep is going well -- call if you need any advice - you have my number.

Apples have a great time tomorrow -- enjoy those kids -- sounds lovely - what IS on that menu anyway? I'm nosy.

Well, gotta run - baking is calling me. Hope all is well.

Love ya all - have a wonderful day!


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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