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Hi all, I've been reading and lurking. I'm not all the way caught up -- had a busy weekend and have been busy since the weekend as well.

We were expecting about 1 to 1-1/2 inches of snow on Sat. evening -- and then it was supposed to get bitterly cold and windy late Sat. night/early Sunday morning. Well, when I left to go to the facility to decorate for the party it was raining -- we had just finished up the decorations when we got a call from the HR director saying we might have to cancel due to weather -- so we sat and waited another hour for the decision to be made -- it had dropped in temp and snowed several inches and we were expecting blizzard conditions due to high winds -- so our party was indeed cancelled and so we spent the rest of Sat, undecorating - lots of work since we decorated Friday all afternoon and had 60 tables set up and over 500 chairs to unfold and stack. But we got it all done. Will have it in Jan or Feb - whenever we can get our entertainment to come back - we were having a Dueling Pianos group. They were already in town and so we will have to pay them again to get them to come back. Then the caterer had some of the food prepared so we had to have them serve the seafood, sushi and brisket at work Monday so it wasn't wasted. We were already over budget, so will end up being a huge expense to the company -- but it's a great company and they will do it. But boy was I worn out.

Julie, sounds like the new doctor is already doing more than most of your former ones -- that's the type of doctor that Aylah had for her disease -- I have a lot of respect for rhumatoidologists -- her doctor sure did a great job on her. Good luck, let's all hope 2011 is much better for you.

Great - good luck on the party - I love entertaining -- like Apples - I think if you like to cook that's most of the secret -- I was born that way -- love to cook, eat and show off my things I guess. You'll do fine -- like Meredith I would recommend having something you can cook in advance like lasagne - make a big salad and garlic bread or bread sticks to go with it. Since I'm late in giving you my recommendations I'd suggest you do a casserole called load potatoe casserole -- it's like twice stuffed potatoes but in a casserole - you can make it in advance and keep it in the oven until you are ready to serve it -- I usually make it with my prime rib on Christmas day - also I like a spinach salad with my prime rib - I have an old recipe that everyone loves -- the dressing is made with fresh lemon juice - very easy to just make up the salad in advance and the dressing and then reheat the dressing right before you serve. If you want any of the recipes I'll be happy to oblige. You'll do just fine -- you're a very warm and gracious woman and your guests will enjoy themselves, trust me.

Melissa, my nutrionist at my surgeon's office has a motto - Carbs are NOT required for a balanced diet. She is specifically referring to the white carbs -- she told me when I was in preop that I could go the rest of my life without ever eating a carb and be just fine. I occasionally go on the 5 day pouch test and it's really helped me -- it's sort of a "cleanse" and you feel so energized when you do it - just google 5 day pouch test to get the instructions.

Cheri, your post about older relatives was very poignant and well said. My mother died before we needed to intervene and my father is in a special home for brain injured vets so never had to deal with that. It's the one thing that I hope I never have to burden my son with - I just hope I can take care of myself until I die. I have lots and lots of friends/acquaintenances here that are 80 plus that are still living independently so I know it's possible.

Apples, hope all is well - -you enjoy those kids -- all kids can use an extra set of grandparents -- there's always room for more grandparents.

Yes, costco is almost exactly like Sam's -- I used to belong to costco and then when I moved to So. Cal the Sam's was closer so I switched. I don't really think there's any difference - yes the Costco people think Costco is better, etc. To me they are pretty much carry identical products.

Laura, pics were fabulous -- loved them all. When do your folks arrive?

Eva, hope you enjoyed your visit.

I did get some Christmas goodies made Sat. and part of Sun - got too tired so stopped -- will make a few things this weekend. Our weather has been really terrible -- wind chills of -20 and -30 -- lots of ice and blowing snow. Today was the first warmer day - up to 25 today -- but supposed to snow tonight -- 3 to 8 inches.

Had my second appt. with counselor today -- gave me some more coping pointers and thinks I'll be fine if I can use them. She says I need to think of the kids trying to serve me their "problems" as I would think of someone trying to serve me a plate of Cookies -- just say "no thanks I think I'll pass" and refuse to get involved. Sounds easy but I'm sure I'll struggle with that. Tough love is super hard you know.

Meredith, another bandster here at work is having similar problems -- she had a scope done today and they told her she has kinks in her tubing -- they tried to remove Fluid and could only get .25 cc's out. But the scope showed no slippage. She's had tons of problems with vomitting and acid, etc. She lost 150 lbs. but she really hasn't been able to hold much down for the most part -- she's been on liquids most of the time. Hope your band heals itself. Stay positive!!

Well, time for me to go home, and I probably won't have time to post later. Will try to cbl.

Love you all.


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Ouch let me say again Ouch. Today was my first real day working. Standing, lifting, cleaning, making meals doing the works. Stair climbing walking everywhere.

So I got what I wanted a labor intensive job. Remember my jobs have not been physical at all since 2001. So if I am sore now I will feel it more tomorrow I am going to take a warm bath and some aleve and go lay down. But I am happy :)

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Melissa, my nutrionist at my surgeon's office has a motto - Carbs are NOT required for a balanced diet. She is specifically referring to the white carbs -- she told me when I was in preop that I could go the rest of my life without ever eating a carb and be just fine. I occasionally go on the 5 day pouch test and it's really helped me -- it's sort of a "cleanse" and you feel so energized when you do it - just google 5 day pouch test to get the instructions.


Linda -thank you for the information. I actual have the 5 day pouch test book. I plan on getting more things this weekend to prepare some meals in advance but right now I am doing pretty well with the food could be better but I am taking it one day at a time

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Hi guys. So far so good. Stuck to meat and Atkins shakes and bars all day today. Have a chicken broccoli kiev in the oven right now. Has a few but not many carbs. One more day of extremely low carbs and then I'll add some back. Nuts are Ok as long as they don't trigger pigout in me. Just a few in a salad are good. A few berries in my salad. No more than that. A couple of pieces of chocolate a day eventually. But if they trigger bingeing then they've got to go again. Since I'm at maintenance a couple of days of no carbs usualy drops 2 or 3 lbs and puts me back where I want to be. Then I have to be careful or it comes right back. Very hard this time of year. For me, the two lb rule really works. Gain 2 and I have to go on 2 days of no carbs and then a few days of lower carbs to stabilize. The Protein train has always worked for me. Choo,choo!


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Linda, so good to hear from you. Thanks for sharing the counselor's advice. I love it. I would like to think of it as serving me a big pile of dog poop. JUST SAY NO!!! Don't even get close enough to smell it. lol My DD and DGD are trying to serve me up their drama. I keep pointing them both to God. So, they haven't called in a few days. When it is a money issue they want me to play god and dish out the dough. Nope.....they need to pray about it. Lesson learned.

Cheri, Boy, if I tasted chocolate......this train would run out of steam or hit a log jam. I have to stay away from it.....trigger food. It sounds like you did well today. WTG!

Melissa, I bet those dogs are tired today. A hot bath is definitely in order. Hang in there!

Time for Protein shake. I am using my old menu from when I was on the Protein Shake diet. Protein shake......chicken......coffee w/ Protein Drink in it.......chicken/with green salad.......protein shake with two strawberries. See I am using the tools I learned from nutrition class. Oh, the almonds were okay too.

Choo! Choo!

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Hi guys~

Just sort of a fly by. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers for me and my itching. Well, I went to the dermatologist yesterday (it took a firm call from DH to get me in- I hate that too. I couldn't get past the secretary and she said the first available was Feb!!!) My dr was super nice of course when she saw me and gave me the time of day (even though she was busy). Well, she said I had every right to be concerned- it looks bad. She took a biopsy although she is 99% convinced it is a viral exanthem. (rash caused one of many viruses). She said it is SEVER and is surprised I haven't itched my skin off! I have it on every surface of my body except myu fave- but it is on my neck too. I will attach a photo of some examples. It's common for kids to get this more- but I have "weird" skin and tend to react strongly to every thing. So, I have to continue the antihistamines- atarax or benadryl at night and high potency steroid creams for in between. I am done with reglar prednisone tabs. The benadryl and atarax knock me out. DH has seen me scratching in m sleep! (it's that bad). She said the stress of my Dad's diagnosis is always a contributing factor too. So, I will live- I will just look horrible for a few more weeks. I am just thankful it doesn't appear to be a recurrence of my gutatte psoriasis- which I really don't have time for!!!

Only 2 more days of school! I was hoping to have gotten all my wrapping done and presents hidden in the attic. (Florida homes are notorious for no hiding places or roomy closets!) I guess I will have to sneak a few down each night and get them down that way. I am excited that my parents and sister will be down. It will make the holiday fun and cheerful. I have to start thinking about the menus for the other meals. We will have to wait until after Christmas to do the new england clam/lobster bake. Florida is on thier "no no" list for shipping. It's too warm to risk it. (we always got those sent to NC no problem). Dad wants an organic Turkey on the big day. He loves homemade leftoever turkey used in pie. I want to give my mom a break from cooking. She is wearing herself thin).

Next Saturday is DH's big anesthesia group Christmas party. Last year I was feeling sassy and bought new black pants and a sassy red and gold sweater and new heels. well- today I went to 3 stores and can't find anything that I LOVE. I can't wear the same thing as last year. Might have to venture to the mall in a couple days.

Tomorrow I work. I am feeling torn, as it's one of the biggest "center' days at school. They will be doing 4 crafts. I delegated all the work, so hopefully it will all get done. Friday, they are watching the polar express and I will bring donut holes and hot cocoa. I am also REALLY pleased with my parents! So far I have 10 out of 16 reply and send in money for a group gift. I decided to give a visa gift card. I figured teachers have enough "junk" from all the years of teaching! I do know she likes chocolate covered pretzels- and Godiva had an amazing gift basket I couldn't pass up!

(chocolates, coffee, Chic pretzels and a nice decorative bowl)

I hope you are all doing OK. I promise more writing later. So much on the brain right now!!!

hugs... Laura

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Started a post a couple of hours ago and lost it!! Here I am again!! Stayed inside today trying to get Christmas stuff done. Made a little progress but not much! Tomorrow is back to back stuff again! So much to do before we leave on Sunday!! Trying to keep up with all your posts so I know what's going on!!


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Hey All!

I haven't posted for awhile.. nothing new happening since I'm in my 6 weeks of liquids/puree. I will be having my first fill in a couple weeks and I am feeling nervous about it. Not the fill itself but the restriction, the chewing well, the dry meals, possible stuck foods... any words of wisdom?

I haven't lost much in these last 4 weeks, I feel mostly because eating mushies its not like I'm finding a well balanced meal. But I'm ok with that since I've been told that before the 1st fill you may or may not lose much.

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Hi again everyone and thanks for the "welcome"s!

Charlene K - I have started the preop. I began it on Monday, so beginning day number 4. I've heard I'm over the worst days (1-3). It seems to be getting easier. I haven't had any cravings yet - which is excellent considering... (period

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Okay I have no idea what just happened but I'm frustrated that it cut off ALL the rest of my answer. :(

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Good morning everyone. Janet, glad to hear you're feeling better -- like someone else said I've been lucky that I've been nausea free since banding - I don't get too many stomach viruses so I'm thankful.

I've been on the Protein train for two days - in the process of doing the 5 day pouch test -- I do this too after I've overindulged a bit - this past week I enjoyed myself a few extra times and my pants were feeling tight. I enjoy it -- feel renewed and energized -- I truly recommend it for anyone struggling -- remind yourself it's ONLY a few days. I can do anything for a couple of days -- positive thinking MAKES it happen people.

Arlene, I'm kind of glad your surgeon recommends salad as I have always been a salad person and enjoy eating a salad as my main course for dinner -- with chicken or salmon in it -- I can eat quite a bit -- probaby 1 to 1-1/2 cups of veggies and then my 4 oz of Protein added in. I tend to use fat free ranch on mine because that's what I have eaten for over 20 years. I know others here don't think fat free is the way to go.

Vickie, good luck to you, we will support you any way we can -- did you get banded in Mexico? If not, you should call your surgeon's office and make an appt. with the nutritionist. They should still be willing to help you with your weight loss -- my surgeon's office advertises that they will be there for their patients "for life" -- any time we need them we can go in for consultation. I don't go in very often since I don't need fills any more -- they want to see me twice a year to keep me accountable, but if I need them I can all and go in at any time.

Kelly, wtg on the weight loss and walking -- walking is truly a very good way to begin your exercise journey -- just keep increasing speed/distance as you go along -- move those arms. Funny story -- I always have dogs that are part daushound -- the last two have been terrier/daushound mixes - but personalities like daushounds -- anyway, my former dog, Rusty, was old when I started walking in 1988 - it was the first time I started a serious weight loss path and I was walking every morning -- she truly loved it at first -- the first 6 months or so. Then one day I was getting ready -- stretching when she was doing her business and when it was time to start walkng she just sat down and refused to budge -- she was about 16 at the time and I think 5 miles of super brish walking was just too much for her -- so then I started walking her just a small bit and putting her in the house before my longer walk.

Gotta run everyone -- Aylah was here overnight and she's up and I need to ge be grandma.

Love to all. Chris - where are you? Hope everything is good with you,


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So I knew it woke up sore today. I have another 8 hrs of work for the day. (don't get me worng I am grateful) Just my body is probably saying what the heck are you doing to us. LOL Anyways just a quick Hi and I am going to get ready for work. I will post this evening when I get home.

Laura - I am glad you got an answer for your itching

Kelly - WTG!!!!

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Good Morning Gang! I am still on that Protein train today. I had turkey sausage patties(2).....well pups had one of them. Now I am off the Water aerobics.....Lori, for real, I am going!

Linda, I like eating 4ozs of meat on a bed of lettuce. It is more filling for me. Where as some many people get stuck on it......it actually helps me get the meat down.

Swan........Good for you! Yep, straight Protein takes the hunger way down. Remember that when you get hungry after the band is in place. Protein really helps control the hunger.

Laura.....so sorry about your rash. I clicked on the site, but I didn't see it. I will try again.

Apples.....missing that green post......need my green post fix!

Phyl.....I did not know you were leaving. Going home for Christmas?

Janet.....glad your tummy is better!

Melissa.......soak those feet when you get home!

Okay, I am off to the gym.......then babysitting the 2 yr old DGD. The three month old has a UTI and needs to go to a follow up today. They even want to do an ultrasound. I am going to see my friend that had a stroke . She is about fifty miles from here. I will check in this evening.

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Good morning! I am stuck at home today without a car. I could've taken DH to work this morning but didn't want to get up that early and really have no where to go. My car is at the autobody place getting the door fixed that got damaged in the wind driving across Wyoming for Thanksgiving, it's supposed to be done tonight. I sure hope so.

Linda, thanks for the kind words and the tips on the dinner party. I already bought the prime rib so am going with that. Could I get your spinach salad recipe? I have one I make but it's more summery. Ugh, to go through all that work for the party only to have them cancel it.

Phyl, leaving? Where ya going??

Laura, glad you got some answers on your rash, never heard of a virus causing a rash, guess those darn viruses can cause all sorts of things. HOpe it clears up soon. Couldn't get your link to work.

Arlene, did you make it swimming? or was it too cold again? I thought when you said that you were going out doors. LOL BRRRRR

Melissa, think of your job as getting paid to work out! What are you doing for Sam's?

Apples, where are ya?

Eva, ????

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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