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Good morning! Looks like I am able to still choose font and color, etc. in the fast reply. Woke up to major wind outside. They are building a house behind me and have it all encased in plastic so they can stucco, think they do it in the winter for the weather, anyway the plastic is just whipping around like crazy, my dogs are afraid to go out back.

DD is coming in today, she had to come to SLC for the day tomorrow for a training class for work so she is adding her weekend to it and staying with me a couple days. Will be fun, DH is in ATL so now I have company. Since we were gone for Thanksgiving we are going to cook a turkey on Friday.

Laura, have you changed laundry soaps or anything? my DH is very sensitive to that if I change and I can't use Bounce sheets or anything like that. The first place it affects him is in underwear elastic. Glad your folks will be coming for Christmas.

Janet, I had a hamburger patty last night too. Actually a McD's one though. I was at Walmart and ran into a friend there. Her DH was out of town and we were just going to sit there and chat and get a coke or something but were both hungry, had no one at home and got dinner. I found out you can order a hamburger (I got the McDouble for $1 w/o cheese) w/o the bun. They serve it to you in a bowl then with a lettuce leave and knife and fork. Who Knew?? So I had dinner for $1. LOL I'll be having a burger for lunch again today too as the first thing DD wants to do on our way home for the airport is go to In & OUt Burger. She loves those and misses them from CA, they recently built them here. I usually never have burgers now 2 in 2 days.

oneday, congrats on the new job.

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Morning everyone,

Laura, I'm glad to hear your parents are going to spend Christmas with you. That will be so nice. I haven't done any shopping for DH yet and need to get that done. Just can't decide what to get him. We are buying a new TV for each other this year as our "gift" but there still needs to be a few stocking stuffers.

Great, wow a burger for $1. That is a bargain. Having your daughter around for the next few days will be nice. You have been able to see your kids pretty often since you moved. You going shopping? If you get really bored you can come here and help me decorate.

Melissa, wow you found a job already. That's great! NPR had an article about how it's easier to get a job if you have a job. For some reason some companies don't want to employ the unemployed. It sure doesn't make sense. Hope the new job works out for you. I sure understand about the insurance. I just went through that panic when they told me I was COBRA eligible for 18 months and then wouldn't have insurance. Had to kick and scream and send emails. It's finally fixed and I do have retiree benefits. It's one of the reasons I retired early...to insure I had those benefits because I think the new company (which will buy my old company early next year) will do away with those benefits.

So Joyce, what are you doing sharing your cold with everyone at Water aerobics? Is it a cold or just allergies? Hope you feel better.

I'm doing laundry and going to start cleaning house again today. I really need to keep going with my cards because I didn't work on them yesterday hardly at all. I also need to clean up the doggie do because DH doesn't do it.

I've had a callus on the bottom of my foot for a while now. I had a lady try and remove it while having a pedicure and have had a little trouble with it ever since. When I was at the doctor's on Monday I had him look at it. Diagnosis....arthritis in my toe joint. As the joint deforms, it's causing my foot to create a callus. Great....not. He said to remove the callus with salicidic acid, so after my walk today, I'm going to work on getting the callus off. You know, it's one thing after another. Getting older isn't for wimps.

Okay, off to dog dodo duty....LOL

Talk to you later.


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Hello everyone!

You all are sooooo busy, and I am sooooooo not busy.

I have been on a huge tuna kick lately. Been having it for Breakfast and lunch! I take some lettuce, dump the tuna on top, sprinkle some lemon pepper, and to with balsamic vinigrette! 160 calories and 22 grams of protien. Seems like the perfect meal.

Not much else to report here, guess I am on a plateau again....getting used to the way it happens, nothing for a week or so then bam 5 pounds down, then plateau some more. I think patience keep poking up it's head here, I'll just keep trying to learn it.

I will be glad when I start school on the 20th of January, and I deffinitely will be getting a flu shot before I do.

Well, just about time for my morning walk!

Everyone have a great day.

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Drive by -

I can change fonts - but multi doesn't work ... I hate that the most...

Laura - Sure glad your family is coming for Xmas - You know what I was just thinking that your Present is that your Dad is still w/you a yr after being diagnosed w/cancer - Grab every moment you can and enjoy ;0) the time you have - live in the moment - not the past or the future but in the now ;0) - Love the pic of Nel w/Santa - too freaking cute - Norman Rockwell moment ;0)

Don't worry about the cards - don't know if I will have time to get them out before Xmas myself - I have addresses - but this yr I'm not really doing Christmas - since it's me and the dogs - just don't feel like it's worth all the trouble to decorate :0) Christmas is 2 weeks from Saturday !!! So Maybe will look for Cards this weekend

I'm having company on Sunday - Phyl & Earl & Zoey - Zoey has a play date w/Bella :0)

Joyce - How did exercise go - you should have stayed home - yes this comming from the queen of exercise - but you are exposing others to your sickness... And I think it's not good to exercise if you are sick - you need to use energy to get well ;0) - Hope it went well - but take care of you !!!

Great - Glad your DD is going to be able to stay and visit - I was craving red meat last night - must need the Iron ;0) I think you can go to almost any restaurant now a days and order hamburger w/o a bun ;0)

Mine was nice and thick - but wasn't as red as I wanted - I am a true carnivor - really a canibal ;0) (don't think spell ck works on my work computer -- don't see any red lines ;0)

Eva - You are so right about getting old not for whimps ;0) - becare with that acid you can burn yourself - take it off slowly - use corn removal system .. My heals get bad in the summer and when they use that stuff at the salon - it just makes them get thicker calluses - I use my pedi egg the most..

Kelly - I got thur kicks too - eat the same stuff then switch up - had cobb salad for lunch today ;)

Well gotta get back to work - cbl

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Hi all! I'm back on line and I'm sooooooo happy to have my computer back up and running. I was missing the card for the ethernet connection for my router -- it was just a quick download but I don't have the techie knowledge to know that -- a co-worker was kind enough to stop by and check it out - he used to work as a computer tech so it was a less than 5 min. visit!! I went home and double clicked on a download he put on a disc for me and voila! I was back in business. Makes me feel kinda old and stupid! I had a corroded registry which the Dell tech (from India) told me she could fix for $288. So I asked her what the problem was -- she told me and the IS dept. at work told me to reinstall windows. Well, I'm happy to report that that was good advice - my computer is running like it;s brand new which is a relief since it's less than two years old and was not a cheap computer to begin with. So I should be back full time.

I have been pretty well been keeping up with the posts -- probably missed a few as I was doing it quickly at work.

Cheri, I'm just so saddened by the violence you and your students have been forced to endure -- such a senseless, selfish act -- have they arrested anyone? I get so angry at these types of crimes -- I just can't imagine that anyone at all close to sane could commit such acts. There is evil in the world but why does it have to occur to those we love and cherish? Just makes me so terribly sad.

Eva, glad you made it home safe and sound and not frozen - yes, it can be very cold in the midwest -- looks like you missed a lot of snow -- I'm from about 70 miles south of Erie where they had the biggest amount of snow this week. We are sunny but cold, no snow here yet and it can just stay that way!! Unfortunately, we're supposed to get hit with a big storm Sat. and that's the day of my company's Christmas party! We have 484 rsvp's but if it storms that will keep most away -- problem is we can't really cancel after Thurs. because the caterer would have to be paid anyway so typically they just have the party and then donate excess food to the shelters. I'm on the committee so have a busy weekend with the final preparations -- decorating the facility Friday afternoon and Sat.. morning - we use the center of our mall -- it's the only building large enough for us to hold a party. So we can't put out the table decorations until the night of the party as they might be messed with by the shoppers. We're having Dueling Pianos as the entertainment -- it should be lots of fun. I will dance away any calories from the booze and food. LOL.

Janet, welcome back -- loved the pics -- I have to tell you that you looked much younger than your DDIL -- she really looks so miserable -- reminded me of how I felt when I used to vacation when I was heavy - I was pretty miserable. I wish she'd take control of her life and lose the weight - she'd feel so much better. Looks like a great time was enjoyed by all -- you looked great on that parasail!!!!!

Apples, glad you got away -- hope you are having a great time -- shopping and visiting -- sounds like a good lifter upper.

We took Aylah to Bass Pro Shops for some Christmas festivities - it was cute - she made an ornament and wrote a letter to Santa, etc. but would not visit Santa (she's still terrified of all characters in costumes). She won't even push the button on our singing Santa at home. Then we did some shopping, drove through the Holiday Jolly Lights display (for Make a Wish) and came home. Katie then got sick and we had Aylah until yesterday afternoon. Never seems to end.

Sandy, wow, a triathon -- I'm so impressed!! I'm also in awe of your motivation -- you go girl - I'd love to be there in person to cheer you on -- when and where is it to be held?

Jess, you too -- good luck on your first 5K and you're doing so well in school -- you just keep impressing me more and more -- I'm so happy and proud of you.

Julie, hope you're doing okay, sorry you're having more and more difficulties -- my BIL had a year of constant pain and no one could find anything and he went to what seemed like hundreds of doctors and had all kinds of MRIs, x-rays, etc. etc. with no results. Finally someone decided he had a problem with something in his neck, did a surgery and he's back to his old self - his pain was in his groin area - who would have thought? My DS is an RN and he's a respiratory therapist and they had access to lots of doctors and it still took over a year before they found out anything. So don't give up -- the next doctor you see could figure it out. Hope you're enjoying babysitting.

Arlene, wtg on joining WW -- I'm like you - I'll keep learning all I can to try to lose/maintain - I'm open to anything if it helps keep me at my weight. I think being accountable is very important and it's nice of you to join to support your DD too. Oh, today I started taking my Corvalen Ribose - three doses - they say you need to take it awhile to see results -- I'll keep you posted. I'm excited. I've been really suffering the past few weeks since the cold temps started -- I'm so stiff too -- and so much pain from FM every day. I need to work a few more years before I can head to a better climate - can't wait.

Chris -- glad to hear you're doing great.

Laura, so happy your folks are coming for Christmas -- it will be great for all of you. Enjoy enjoy -- take lots of pictures. What a special holiday it will be for all of you. So happy you'll be all together with no one left out like last year.

Lori, you truly are a travel nut -- I couldn't do those trips -- it takes me several days to recoup from just a couple hour's drive in the car -- lol. Glad your DD is taking the opportunity to visit while having some work training -- my DS used to do that but hasn't had many opportunities/trips the last year or so.

Laurak, glad your DD is coming for the holidays. Hope you do go and visit Reno and Tahoe but I recommend you go in the summer (unless you snow ski). I do miss it -- used to love going to the ski resorts in the winter and sitting and getting a tan with snow all around. Also, we used to camp every weekend in the summer at North Shore -- miss that -- such a beautiful area.

Joyce, hope you are feeling better -- probably should be careful going to Water aerobics when you're sick -- we don't want you in the hospital with pneumona. Glad you enjoyed your trip, sorry for your recent drama at home.

Melissa, congrats on the new job -- that's great!! So glad you're getting away from that job.

Well, I know I'm missing some of you and I'm sorry - will try to CBL to catch anyone I missed. Going to get nails done after work -- have to get hair done at lunch tomorrow (OMG I haven't had the roots done since before Vegas -- my hairdresser is too busy and can never fit me in when I need it done, so I'm going to someone else tomorrow, so you can imagine how bad it needs doing). I work out every morning and i feel like all I do is rush from one thing to another every day -- rush to gym, rush home, get ready for work, rush to work, rush home for lunch, rush back, etc. - it's my life every day. I can't wait to retire some day!!! Love you all - take care and I'll be back.


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Thanks Linda. The man who committed the murders was the 18 year old boyfriend of the 17 year old daughter. It appears he murdered mom because she saw him kill her daughter. Then he murdered the 11 year old, my Joi, because she saw him kill her mom. He was found very quickly because he was seen and he had blood on him when found. Don't think he'll ever get out of jail. I had a good day today. Got rushed and hugged by a classroom full of third graders when I went to their class for something. When I find myself getting angry at a child I've been stopping myself and asking them for a hug. I tell them I don't want to yell at them and that I love them. Then I very gently tell them what I want from them. I've been getting a lot of spontaneous hugs from kids now. It's amazing how they respond to love.


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Good Evening Gang! I made the WW veggie Soup and put a cup of chicken breast in it. Of course I had to spice it up with a can of Rotel chilies and chopped tomatoes. It was delicious. It had cabbage, spinach, onion, garlic, carrots, and zucchini in it. I used low sodium chicken broth. I am kind of excited about the new recipes. I even have an App on my iphone to track the points.

Linda, I hope the new over the counter supplement helps. The change in weather is a killer on me. It has been cold all week so my pain is just the normal everyday stiffness. It was in the forties today and the humidity is 66%. It is the dampness that makes our weather suck. I hope you have a great holiday party with no snow.

Eva, I hear ya on the callus problem. I am getting one on the bottom of my foot because my bunion is causing my toes to cross. Good luck on getting it off. My pedicure girl scrubs on mine once a month and it always comes back.

Melissa, Congrats! on the new job.

LauraK......glad you are getting to see DD for the holidays.

Laura........so glad your parents are coming for the holidays. I know Nels must be so excited. I love his pic!

Kelly.....I hope you don't burn out on that tuna. You should drop a few on that diet.

Lori......can't beat a buck for a hamburger, and get full. Enjoy your time with DD. Gonna buy baby stuff?

Janet......You looked fabulous in your close up pics. Are you happy with the results of the injections?

Phyl, Julie, Joyce, Sndy, Jodi......I hope all of you get to feeling better. Take Care!

Tx....are you okay?

Apples......are you home yet? Missed ya today!

Jessica and Meredith .......must be hard at work.....take care!


I went a little crazy today at Macy's. They had 60% off of Christmas decor with a early morning special of another 10% off. I bought two Jim Shore ornaments and two Santas. I also got me a caphalon pan for grilling. I really wanted a new set of knives for the kitchen, but I am hoping one of the kids will give them too me.

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Hi all! I'm back on line and I'm sooooooo happy to have my computer back up and running. I was missing the card for the ethernet connection for my router -- it was just a quick download but I don't have the techie knowledge to know that -- a co-worker was kind enough to stop by and check it out - he used to work as a computer tech so it was a less than 5 min. visit!! I went home and double clicked on a download he put on a disc for me and voila! I was back in business. Makes me feel kinda old and stupid! I had a corroded registry which the Dell tech (from India) told me she could fix for $288. So I asked her what the problem was -- she told me and the IS dept. at work told me to reinstall windows. Well, I'm happy to report that that was good advice - my computer is running like it;s brand new which is a relief since it's less than two years old and was not a cheap computer to begin with. So I should be back full time.

I have been pretty well been keeping up with the posts -- probably missed a few as I was doing it quickly at work.

Janet, welcome back -- loved the pics -- I have to tell you that you looked much younger than your DDIL -- she really looks so miserable -- reminded me of how I felt when I used to vacation when I was heavy - I was pretty miserable. I wish she'd take control of her life and lose the weight - she'd feel so much better. Looks like a great time was enjoyed by all -- you looked great on that parasail!!!!!


Linda - Glad you got the computer fixed - I think I need a new one sometimes - mines' 6 yr old window xp (I think) It takes forever to load .. But don't want to go spend $600 for tower only - so I just plug along -

Thanks - I forget how hard it was for me to do stuff when I was morbidly obese ;0) - Melissa (dil) is suppose to get wls - She was going for band but 1st of the yr her insurance is changing so she doesn't know what she's going to do - I told her that with the amount of weight that she has to lose - I would go sleeve or bypass - She's close to 300 I think - and a big starch eater - and she likes her candy too.. You can see in Brooke how their bad eating habits are affecting her - I have let go about that - I harped alot this summer about it - they are killing Brooke - Even though Kaitlin is thin (she and I are about the same size/weight) she is also a big starch/cheese eater - but she's getting a little better - but she's out of shape - may be thin but not really healthy.. I talk all the time about eating healthy - but that's all I can do until they are ready to change their ways..

Thanks Linda. The man who committed the murders was the 18 year old boyfriend of the 17 year old daughter. It appears he murdered mom because she saw him kill her daughter. Then he murdered the 11 year old, my Joi, because she saw him kill her mom. He was found very quickly because he was seen and he had blood on him when found. Don't think he'll ever get out of jail. I had a good day today. Got rushed and hugged by a classroom full of third graders when I went to their class for something. When I find myself getting angry at a child I've been stopping myself and asking them for a hug. I tell them I don't want to yell at them and that I love them. Then I very gently tell them what I want from them. I've been getting a lot of spontaneous hugs from kids now. It's amazing how they respond to love.


Cheri - You are amazing !!!!

Good Evening Gang! I made the WW veggie Soup and put a cup of chicken breast in it. Of course I had to spice it up with a can of Rotel chilies and chopped tomatoes. It was delicious. It had cabbage, spinach, onion, garlic, carrots, and zucchini in it. I used low sodium chicken broth. I am kind of excited about the new recipes. I even have an App on my iphone to track the points.

Linda, I hope the new over the counter supplement helps. The change in weather is a killer on me. It has been cold all week so my pain is just the normal everyday stiffness. It was in the forties today and the humidity is 66%. It is the dampness that makes our weather suck. I hope you have a great holiday party with no snow.

Eva, I hear ya on the callus problem. I am getting one on the bottom of my foot because my bunion is causing my toes to cross. Good luck on getting it off. My pedicure girl scrubs on mine once a month and it always comes back.

Melissa, Congrats! on the new job.

LauraK......glad you are getting to see DD for the holidays.

Laura........so glad your parents are coming for the holidays. I know Nels must be so excited. I love his pic!

Kelly.....I hope you don't burn out on that tuna. You should drop a few on that diet.

Lori......can't beat a buck for a hamburger, and get full. Enjoy your time with DD. Gonna buy baby stuff?

Janet......You looked fabulous in your close up pics. Are you happy with the results of the injections?

Phyl, Julie, Joyce, Sndy, Jodi......I hope all of you get to feeling better. Take Care!

Tx....are you okay?

Apples......are you home yet? Missed ya today!

Jessica and Meredith .......must be hard at work.....take care!


I went a little crazy today at Macy's. They had 60% off of Christmas decor with a early morning special of another 10% off. I bought two Jim Shore ornaments and two Santas. I also got me a caphalon pan for grilling. I really wanted a new set of knives for the kitchen, but I am hoping one of the kids will give them too me.

Charlene - I like the label nasal fold diff is the best (the lines between the nose and the mouth) - my eyes well instead of bags - they are a little puffy - like I am retaining Water - I think I may need a little more on the bottom of the bag - going to call this week... No one has really noticed except one girl at work said I looked rested and Idrise tonite commented that my eyes looked a little puffy - but not as wrinkled - Over all I like it -

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I'm here! I'm here! I'm here!

Just a really quick one. Wanted to say "hi". I read all of your posts. Took awhile. Before this I took a 2 hour Math Final Practice exam online, before that, went to Toys r Us for our nieces and nephew that are coming from Vegas for Christmas. Was at school ALL day long. 1-9. I had two exams today. I'm exhausted. Gotta wake up in the morning and go to work now!

Since graduating in May, I've been taking classes to get into the Physician Assistant program. So, I've now decided to take the Winter semester off so I can study for the GRE and the GMAT, exercise, and take VACATIONS if I want!

Cheri~ I cannot stop thinking about your Joi. Hugs to you and to all of those children. I grew up and still live one mile from Detroit.The difference between my city and "THE CITY" is like night and day. But, I know how terrible things can get. I used to live in the city when I was 21. Every time I left the house, I feared for my life. Literally. The neighborhood was so dangerous, but eventually the neighbors respected the people I lived with because they were Detroit Firefighters, so they kinda looked out for us. My mom is a Special Education teacher (4-6) and her students sound just like yours. It's amazing how different peoples lives can be just living one mile apart. It makes my heart ache for those who have to live in such terrible situations. I'm just so very sorry you and your students have had to endure this pain.

I have a lot to write to all of you, but I need to go to bed. I just don't have the energy anymore and it's REALLY late. Almost 3 am. Unreal. I have to be to work at 9.

Good night,


p.s. I agree with Laura, is there another site out there that could accomodate us? I know, the change thing, but this site is a pain in the butt now.

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Fly by... on my way to work. Didn't sleep last night. I am taking these F#*&^%$@ steroids and they are killing me! One or two more days.

Janet, I wish you lived closer, my DH is such a computer geek and would upgrade your computer with just his spare parts! He just rebuilt Nelson's yesterday. I love that he is handy like that. I personally have turned off my brain to the techie stuff now that I have him. Sad, but true. I know my software, but would never bother working on hardware.

ok guys, is it just me- or do the email notifications only give a LINK to the thread? I used to get a real message and now it wants to connect every time. uughhh..

need to go get ready.

TTYL...peasout. Laura

ps brrrrrrrrrrrrr. 40s and windy today

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Good Morning Gang! WW is not working for me yet. I need to ditch the oatmeal thing and go back to egg whites. I haven't been able to do as much exercise because of all the "other people problems" OPP. I am planning a high Protein Breakfast then off to sit with my friend. She is having a heart cath right now. They plan on putting stints in if they find any blockages. Then she will be transferred to a rehab tomorrow near her hometown. She is on four shots of insulin a day and her blood sugar is now down to 160. Ladies, if you are not going for yearly check ups.....go. Being that we had surgery and fills I think we keep up with those things.

I will check in later! Have a great day!

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Good morning everyone! Took the day off from exercise -- did 8 days in a row and had a late night last night so decided to sleep in. With working on the party Friday and Sat. I'll get some extra exercise in anyway. I'm exhausted

Laura, I forgot to mention my wierd rash stuff to you -- around 1993 I had just cooked some fresh shrimp and was peeling it and my hands turned bright red and started to itch. Well, for the next 6 or 7 years I had hand exemia (sp?). I would break out every couple of months -- take predisone and clear it up and few months later back it would come - it was horrible. Then poof! One day it just disappeared and I've never had another problem. I've never had any problems eating shell fish -- so not sure what the heck that was all about. So anyway, maybe this too shall pass.

Meredith, I think taking a semester off is great as long as you get back to it after that semester. You've worked too hard to give it up completely -- I just worry when I hear of some young person taking a break cause some never go back - That's usually been the reason why I've gained weight back after successfully losing it -- taking a break and then never going back to the exercise or eating correctly mode. The mother in me worries. But, I'm sure you need the break and will definitely benefit from it -- you have had so much on your plate the last few years -- good to take a breather.

Janet, I'm happy to hear Melissa is checking iinto what she needs to do -- once she makes that leap, the whole family will benefit -- you'll be so relieved when that change occurs. I keep hoping my son will call me one of these days and say "I tried out for Biggest Loser and made it on the show". LOL.

Speaking of that, any of you watching the show? I think Ada deserves the no. 3 spot -- not Elizabeth - I'm wondering if Ada losing less weight than we all expected was game playing -- so she'd have a chance to beat the men -- it's really the only way she could win -- cause she's gotta be within 20 lbs. of goal -- she's only in the 160s and I bet she's 5'6" or even taller. So if any of you are watching I'd love to hear your thoughts. Elizabeth was rather pathetic all season -- just excuses, excuses and more excuses. Frustreated me!

Speaking of TV, what about Survivor? OMG those two girls quitting last week was such a shocker! Couldn't believe it! WTH???

Phyl, glad you now have a golf cart for you and Zoey to ride around in -- how will you take it with you? Will you have to tow it behind your vehicle? Or will you just store it in Ca?

Well, gotta get ready for work -- hope everyone has a fabulous day -- oh, yesterday was the first anniversary of my hip replacement -- time sure flies. Doesn't seem possible it's been a year. :D



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Good Morning Gang...

Laura - How funny I just to be super handy - fixing stuff around the house - but then got w/dh and let him take over ;0) and now even though we aren't together - I just got out of being handy... Yep when you don't have to do it - and have one else - save your brain cells for something else ;0)

Charlene - What do you mean it's not working for you - you just started - did you think you were going to lose 10 lbs in 2 days LOL -

Hugs on your friend - Hopefully she's learned that she has to take care of herself..

Meredith You are one busy girl... How's the tummy doing -

Well not much to report since last night - had dinner - watched my soap (amc) - went to bed - fell asleep then Andrew calls at 10:30 p..m. ask if I am asleep it's only 10:30 - well yes little boy I get up early - but he was excited to tell me about his 2nd day on his 2nd pt job - Cold Stone Ice Cream... So chatted for about 2 minutes :0)

Well just popping in to say Good Morning - Time to hit the shower..


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Arlene, I keep forgetting to mention your friend. So sorry for her -- I hope she makes a full recovery and will learn how to stay healthy - I've said many times that I'm so very thankful that I saw that first ad on tv and made the decision to get lapband -- I truly believe it was a message from God to save my life. I really think I'd either be very sick or even dead right now if I hadn't done it when I did. I'm very thankful my wake up call wasn't like your friend's. I will keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

Jodi, glad you and Dassi are enjoying your Hannukkah -- it's probably about over or is over and if so I apologize for my late greeting. That was a wonderful thing you did for Dassi saying that gift was from her father. So many women wouldn't be that generous to an ex spouse -- just shows how loving and kind you are. You deserve all the best in your life. Speaking of that, what's up with the deal Jeff was working on? Any new news on that?

Arlene, I don't know if it was the Corvalen but I was so hungry yesterday -- was tough on me not to snack - but I made it -- probably all in my head. I'll keep you posted if it happens again today. Knowing me it's just my imagination.

Okay, really gotta go now. Would rather stay here and chat with all of you. :o:unsure:


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Janet, I guess what I meant is it is not working because I am not taking the recommendations. They recommend eggs, meat, and a fruit for breakfast instead of carbs.......Duh! It sounds like WW is coming over to our way of eating. Really, you could have helped them make up the point system. You are "right on" on the new point system with your sample menu.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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