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Hey Gang

Well got wash done - went and dropped off pic's to get developed (water camera pics) still need pic's from Joseph but here are a few that I posted on FB ;0) http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=97926&id=1478202311&l=bb8d9b1e5d

Time to feed the dogs ;0)

Kelly - Losing weight causing your body to change ..

Apples - Drunk ;0)

Great - I need QVC discount - should get one cuz of all the $$$ I spend there ;0) I don't know how you can fly so much - Security is enough to deter anyone from traveling ... They took my vanilla & habenaro sauce in Phoenix - bought it in the Airport in Cancun (after security) didn't think to stick it in my ck'd luggage after picking it up at customs - they were little bottle stupid "b" took it - the guy at the metal detector was really nice - my sliver earrings made the machine beep - had to go back and forth a few times - but he was so nice I couldn't complain - but the whole lines - put all your stuff in a bin - take off your jacket, hat, shoes all after you just got off a plane from where you went thru security had to wait at the airport for 4 hours (in Cancun once you go thru security you have to stay in the terminal) then a 4 hr flight - then customs, then some other ck point - I was ready to scream !!!

I ate ok - didn't really worry about it - walked so much... Poor Melissa (my dil) was worn out when we were shopping in Playa del Carmen - I remember those days (pre-band) where walking like that killed me - we had to stop and get a taxi earlier than I wanted to cuz she was so pooped.. I haven't gotten on the scales yet - waiting for all the salt & sugar to get out of my system (ate dessert every nite ;0) - going to have fish and veggies for dinner - gotta say the food at the buffets was ok - veggie not cooked like I like (well done) and not alot of choices either and salads were lettuce leaves not chopped up - never even got a buzz from the cocktails - think they Water down the booze.. Didn't really drink that much - I guess I just wasn't in the mood and we had such a full schedule that didn't want a hangover either..

The speciality restaurants were good - we went to 2 steak & french - We all agreed the french place was the best - filet migon, lobster - and for me escargo ;)

Well, need to really feed the dogs they are looking at me and guess I need to start my dinner too..


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Great photos, Janet. Those two GDs are adorable. We already knew Andrew was a cutie. Sounds like a great time. Thanks for sharing.

What? Drunk? Didn't quite get that. The only thing I am feeling is an upset stomach from one too many Christmas Cookies that I baked today.

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Oh yeah, Janet. Hope when you step on the scale it is nice to you.

Just caught up with posts (double by some...LOL...must be the Baileys....well, maybe the wine). I am up to my eyeballs in cutout Cookies and doing the runny drizzle frosting where it coats the entire cookie. What a mess. Why did I start/??????? I also have a batch of ginger sandwich Cookies ready to bake. Why did I start?????

Mis-read this LOL - thought it was you drinking baileys/wine :0) - Reading too fast LOL.''Don't know what I am going to do about bella - keeps chewing up my mouse wires - then my ubs ports don't want to work...

Found this little mouse I got for laptop last yr... Tomorrow going to go get new stuff and some canned air to clean plugs..

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Thanks for the clarification, Janet. You wouldn't catch me drinking Baileys...don't like the taste.

Do you have some kind of box you can put around your wires so Bella will leave them alone? Good to have you back.

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Wowwee you have all been busy on here today!

Janet~ Glad you are back and glad you had a great time! I'm going to check out the pics on fb when I am done on here.

Apples~ I was just getting my christmas cookie grocery shopping list together. I think that when I make them I don't eat as many as I do when other ppl make them. I get sick of the smell or somthing.

Lori~ Glad you had a good time! Was the mall super busy? I've never been there before, but would like to one day if they ever have an "off season".

Cheri~ Glad your concerts are going well! I'm glad that you have something to look forward to and glad that you have somthing that you enjoy to take your mind off of all of the terrible things that have been going on lately.

Quiet day here. Just got all of my decorating done here inside. I thought I had way more stuff than I do. Last year being in the apartment it was Christmas stuff every where you looked. Now that this is our first Christmas in our home, we will have more room to spread stuff out. Mom says that she has a TON of stuff that she doesn't use anymore and that I can have. I'm looking forward to that. She has really good (and expensive) taste in decor and clothes. Anything she has I will gladly take off of her hands.

Eating was ok today. 2 eggs (with hotsauce) and 1 1/2 pcs of whole wheat toast for Breakfast with I Can't Believe its Not Butter Spread. Grilled chicken kebob and wild rice for dinner. Don't feel so bad about it. I just cannot get full. This is getting more and more difficult. I really cannot wait until Saturdays doc appointment now. My last aerobics class is tomorrow (at school), so i am going to be heading back to the gym, which is a good thing. Also, yesterday I decided that I would like to start running. I HATE running, but will learn how to love it. My ankle is not 100% yet, so I'm going to have to give it another week or so at least before I start anything strenuous like that.

Weather here is getting bad. Expressways are closed. Lots of accidents. I don't like driving, so I get nervous about this kind of weather, but love it when I don't have to go anywhere. I've decided to take the winter semester off of school. I graduated in May, so grandma is providing the funding anymore, and financial aid isn't going to pony up enough money for me, and I simply cannot afford it. I need the break badly, so it is a great thing!!!! I will pick up another day at work too. So excited to not have to worry about my studies for the first time in almost 5 years. What am I going to do with myself? Run?

Hope everyone has a great Monday!!!



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Hey Gang

Well got wash done - went and dropped off pic's to get developed (water camera pics) still need pic's from Joseph but here are a few that I posted on FB ;0) http://www.facebook....11&l=bb8d9b1e5d

Time to feed the dogs ;0)

Kelly - Losing weight causing your body to change ..

Apples - Drunk ;0)

Great - I need QVC discount - should get one cuz of all the $$ I spend there ;0) I don't know how you can fly so much - Security is enough to deter anyone from traveling ... They took my vanilla & habenaro sauce in Phoenix - bought it in the Airport in Cancun (after security) didn't think to stick it in my ck'd luggage after picking it up at customs - they were little bottle stupid "b" took it - the guy at the metal detector was really nice - my sliver earrings made the machine beep - had to go back and forth a few times - but he was so nice I couldn't complain - but the whole lines - put all your stuff in a bin - take off your jacket, hat, shoes all after you just got off a plane from where you went thru security had to wait at the airport for 4 hours (in Cancun once you go thru security you have to stay in the terminal) then a 4 hr flight - then customs, then some other ck point - I was ready to scream !!!

I ate ok - didn't really worry about it - walked so much... Poor Melissa (my dil) was worn out when we were shopping in Playa del Carmen - I remember those days (pre-band) where walking like that killed me - we had to stop and get a taxi earlier than I wanted to cuz she was so pooped.. I haven't gotten on the scales yet - waiting for all the salt & sugar to get out of my system (ate dessert every nite ;0) - going to have fish and veggies for dinner - gotta say the food at the buffets was ok - veggie not cooked like I like (well done) and not alot of choices either and salads were lettuce leaves not chopped up - never even got a buzz from the cocktails - think they Water down the booze.. Didn't really drink that much - I guess I just wasn't in the mood and we had such a full schedule that didn't want a hangover either..

The speciality restaurants were good - we went to 2 steak & french - We all agreed the french place was the best - filet migon, lobster - and for me escargo ;)

Well, need to really feed the dogs they are looking at me and guess I need to start my dinner too.. cbl

SECURITY..... and that's one of the reasons we are DRIVING to WA and not flying!!

Just caught up with posts (double by some...LOL...must be the Baileys....well, maybe the wine). I am up to my eyeballs in cutout Cookies and doing the runny drizzle frosting where it coats the entire cookie. What a mess. Why did I start/??????? I also have a batch of ginger sandwich cookies ready to bake. Why did I start?????

Mis-read this LOL - thought it was you drinking baileys/wine :0) - Reading too fast LOL.''Don't know what I am going to do about bella - keeps chewing up my mouse wires - then my ubs ports don't want to work...

Found this little mouse I got for laptop last yr... Tomorrow going to go get new stuff and some canned air to clean plugs..

Double post.... I added the pictures, and then I tried to look at them to see how big they were. Still can't figure out how to go back after you look at the first picture!! So I hit the back button. There was my post again like it was never submitted... so I hit the button to post it again!! So... double post... no pictures on the 2nd one! And it was no wine and just a little Bailey's in a cup of coffee.< /span>

Thanks for the clarification, Janet. You wouldn't catch me drinking Baileys...don't like the taste.

Do you have some kind of box you can put around your wires so Bella will leave them alone? Good to have you back.

My suggestion would be to buy a wireless mouse. Little transmitter goes in your USB port. Mouse then has no wires. Takes batteries and has an on/off button.

And our "FLASH MOB" did nothing at all entertaining except laugh a lot and act silly before dispersing!!

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Need everything wireless - Puppies - I have only 4 usb ports - need one for wireless - one for click free - may just look for wireless keyboard & mouse - tomorrow since I don't have to work :0)

I posted twice too ;0) - can't figure this new system out yet - anyone find subscipred threads yet... I miss that the most.. I hate email notifications - hell I had 238 emails to clean up...

Airport security - I guess just like everything else in this world - it only harasses the good guys doesn't stop the bad ones.. Just like pple who want gun control - it doesn't stop the bad guys from getting guns - but hell if I try to buy one take forever..

Some Mexican Vanilla and cooking oil which had to be no more than 4 oz - stupid witch - I'm still pissed about it.. She said you can go ck your bag - ya right after 8 hrs of traveling - waiting and going thru security going to pay $25 wait in another line - go thru security again - for $15 dollars of junk... Ya girl that's just what I'm going to do.. Karma that's all I can say..

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Good Morning Gang! I haven't read the posts from yesterday, but I just wanted to check in. I got on the scale this morning and I have gained two lbs I lost. I did not exercise yesterday then last night we went to a Christmas party. UGH! I am paying for it. I am leaving in a few minutes to go to Water aerobics. Then tomorrow I am going to join WW. I Need a meeting close by. Dr. Davis is too far to go to weigh. They said I can come by an weigh there whenever I want to, but 28 miles is too far for me. I will CBL and read the posts.

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Good morning chicas and chico! Woke up this morning to rain? What the heck? We've had so much snow already this winter and now it's raining, but at least that's melting the snow! I can see grass. I am having lunch today with someone I used to know when I lived here years ago, she found me on Facebook via a mutual friend. Should be fun to catch up, hope we recognize each other. LOL

Airport Security - yes I hate it. But I decided it's not going to stop me from doing what I love and that is travel. I agree with Janet that all it does is harrass the good guys. I really don't believe it does much at all to deter the bad ones as they will always find away. Just as Janet say with gun control. In fact DD is buying DSIL a shotgun for Christmas for our now every other pheasant hunting trips to SD, it took forever to go through the paperwork (she did this the day after Thanksgiving). She made one mistake on the form and used a 4 letter state abbreviates instead of 2 (Colo. vs CO) and it got rejected. She finally got the gun a week later. SHEESH! My biggest complaint about TSA is of course the body pat downs. But even before they started I always looked for the body scan machines due to my knee replacements. It was quicker and easier. But ever since the new pat down procedure started even that's not enough. Every time they still see something and need to feel me up! GRRRR This never happened before so what's the deal? Also, and this one really irks me. They say that the pat downs are if you refuse the body scan. Well give me a chance to refuse! Since our Las Vegas weekend, for a total of 5 times (that being number 1) I have gone to the body scan machine line only to get there and they have the machine shut down because the person running it is on break? WTH? Train more people, you have this mega $$$$ machine and you don't use it because someone is on break? So then I have to go through the detectors and of course alarm and then need the pat down. This happened again in MSP on Friday, I went to 2 different security checkpoints only to find no working scan machines. In Denver on Friday I filed an official complaint. I went through the line after a very long wait (the only had 2 lanes open), and then the gal came and started patting me down. She didn't tell me, she didn't use the back of her hands and she was extremely rude and when I asked what was going on she said they saw something. That's it! Then when I got to the gate to board found out why only 2 lanes were open. They had 7 TSA at the gate to check ID's. I've never seen ID's checked again as you board. It took 2 TSA agents to check the ID's of everyone, 3 more TSA's to watch the 2, and then 2 more out in the concourse to watch them! SHEESH!! My gov't tax dollars in action. Okay so rant over, but I am still going to fly and travel! LOL

Toast: OK so after reading Merediths post about having toast it sounded sooooooo good. I haven't had that since preband so decided to try it this morning. And to my surprise I can eat it very slowly. Not sure that's a good thing. LOL

Well I am going to go and try and look at some of the pics I've missed by reading the emailed posts on my phone.

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Good Morning Peeps !!

Great - I haven't seen body scanners at either Cancun, Phoenix nor Palm Springs just the regular metal detectors -I won't let it stop me from traveling either - but it's such a pain in the ass - especially after you have been traveling a long ways - another big complaint I have is that Airports should have secured area for smokers - I know we are the minority now a days - in fact we are hated - but why can't they have a space for us - we are pple too. After 8 hrs w/no smokes - I was ready to bite someones head off - and it was funny even though we just got off a plane - we still had to go thru security again to get on the plane to go home - that was the most unusual thing.

Charlene - Girl you just gotta understand that you gotta budget those calories - I think WW is great - I don't know about the point system as I learned it on the exchange system which limits your starches - but again it's not about dieting - it the way to eat for the rest of your life - that you can't eat the way you want - you really gotta watch the starches.

I still allow for treats but again budgetted for even 3.5 yrs out - sf for the most part but I watch starches - if you eat them then you just want more - I can eat bread etc - but usually don't - don't even have any in the house - last night just had fish kept burning up my veggies cuz I was on the computer ;0) had fish then greek yogurt & WW cream cheese w/brown sugar splenda - I was craving it after a week of not having it - it taste just like cheese cake w/o the crust..

I really think about nutrition when I eat - I know that if I eat junk - I will be junk - Not looking forward to Xmas and all the junk in the lunch room - last yr we were on the other side of the office - so I didn't see it much - but now that we have moved - I am exposed to it more often - going to have to practice my F you talk to the junk .. I don't have any parties this yr - so I don't have that nor will I be baking since the girls won't be here.. So I guess I have it easier than most less temptations..

Was going to sleep in this a.m. - but the gardeners got here before 7 this morning - so there went my plans ;0) - I need to go pic up film - hope to have some of our scuba diving - that was the best..

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Need everything wireless - Puppies - I have only 4 usb ports - need one for wireless - one for click free - may just look for wireless keyboard & mouse - tomorrow since I don't have to work :0)

Some Mexican Vanilla and cooking oil which had to be no more than 4 oz - stupid witch - I'm still pissed about it.. She said you can go ck your bag - ya right after 8 hrs of traveling - waiting and going thru security going to pay $25 wait in another line - go thru security again - for $15 dollars of junk... Ya girl that's just what I'm going to do.. Karma that's all I can say..

You can get a device, and I can't remember what it's called, but it gives you additional USB ports... like a USB extension. It will have 4 or 5 additional ports and plugs in to just one of your existing USB ports.

I think we're going to go to Algodones in January. We can get you some vanilla, or you can go with us. But we might spend the night at that new casino... the "Q"... can't spell the whole name!!

Good Morning Gang! I haven't read the posts from yesterday, but I just wanted to check in. I got on the scale this morning and I have gained two lbs I lost. I did not exercise yesterday then last night we went to a Christmas party. UGH! I am paying for it. I am leaving in a few minutes to go to Water aerobics. Then tomorrow I am going to join WW. I Need a meeting close by. Dr. Davis is too far to go to weigh. They said I can come by an weigh there whenever I want to, but 28 miles is too far for me. I will CBL and read the posts.

I missed weigh in last Thursday because I was too sick to go. I was down 2.6 the week before, but then there was the weekend in Three Rivers and Thanksgiving and my birthday. No birthday cake, but my friend's sister gave me the cutest card... it had a birthday cake taste strip inside!! I didn't open that yet, and probably won't!! Front of the card says, "If nothing else, birthdays are a great excuse to eat cake." Then inside cover is a Peel n' Taste Vanilla Cupcake strip! Funny! The "Nutrition Facts" thing is actually on the back of the card but everything is "0"! And note says it contains Soy and Milk.


Good morning chicas and chico! Woke up this morning to rain? What the heck? We've had so much snow already this winter and now it's raining, but at least that's melting the snow! I can see grass. I am having lunch today with someone I used to know when I lived here years ago, she found me on Facebook via a mutual friend. Should be fun to catch up, hope we recognize each other. LOL

Airport Security - yes I hate it. But I decided it's not going to stop me from doing what I love and that is travel. I agree with Janet that all it does is harrass the good guys. I really don't believe it does much at all to deter the bad ones as they will always find away. Just as Janet say with gun control. In fact DD is buying DSIL a shotgun for Christmas for our now every other pheasant hunting trips to SD, it took forever to go through the paperwork (she did this the day after Thanksgiving). She made one mistake on the form and used a 4 letter state abbreviates instead of 2 (Colo. vs CO) and it got rejected. She finally got the gun a week later. SHEESH! My biggest complaint about TSA is of course the body pat downs. But even before they started I always looked for the body scan machines due to my knee replacements. It was quicker and easier. But ever since the new pat down procedure started even that's not enough. Every time they still see something and need to feel me up! GRRRR This never happened before so what's the deal? Also, and this one really irks me. They say that the pat downs are if you refuse the body scan. Well give me a chance to refuse! Since our Las Vegas weekend, for a total of 5 times (that being number 1) I have gone to the body scan machine line only to get there and they have the machine shut down because the person running it is on break? WTH? Train more people, you have this mega $$ machine and you don't use it because someone is on break? So then I have to go through the detectors and of course alarm and then need the pat down. This happened again in MSP on Friday, I went to 2 different security checkpoints only to find no working scan machines. In Denver on Friday I filed an official complaint. I went through the line after a very long wait (the only had 2 lanes open), and then the gal came and started patting me down. She didn't tell me, she didn't use the back of her hands and she was extremely rude and when I asked what was going on she said they saw something. That's it! Then when I got to the gate to board found out why only 2 lanes were open. They had 7 TSA at the gate to check ID's. I've never seen ID's checked again as you board. It took 2 TSA agents to check the ID's of everyone, 3 more TSA's to watch the 2, and then 2 more out in the concourse to watch them! SHEESH!! My gov't tax dollars in action. Okay so rant over, but I am still going to fly and travel! LOL

Toast: OK so after reading Merediths post about having toast it sounded sooooooo good. I haven't had that since preband so decided to try it this morning. And to my surprise I can eat it very slowly. Not sure that's a good thing. LOL

Well I am going to go and try and look at some of the pics I've missed by reading the emailed posts on my phone.

Yeah... security! GRRRR!!

I eat toast from time to time... the 45 calorie Sara Lee, usually, but.. very slowly. Toasted it goes down. But over the weekend.. we had to take a sack lunch to the TOPS walk so Earl did his trick with the bread... toast it and then slice it down the middle to make two. And he made us each a boca burger sandwich. Well, I had to run to the BR and slime after I ate it... and I ate it SO slow! But the sandwich got a little soggy because it had catsup on it and it was about 3 hrs old by the time we ate. I also slimed on chicken earlier in the week, and had a tough time with a pork chop last night. So I guess I AM tight enough.

WHAT.... are you able to read the posts on your phone now???

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Good Morning All....Happy Monday!

Janet...have a great day off of work. Too bad you didn't get a chance to sleep in. We get booked into our 4:30-5:00am routine and have a hard time changing it after harvest and tiling is done. Still getting up with the chickens (not our chickens....I wouldn't have the little pecking/crowing things). Can't wait to see the underwater photos. Last trip DH took to Australia, he did the Great Barrier Reef dive. Such beautiful photos.

Meredith...how much fun is it to decorate your own home for Christmas???? Fun. I love, love, love Christmas decorating. So many unique peices we have collected over the years. But, my favorite is still the little glass egg with the glass dear standing within it tree ornament that my smiley faced boys gave me when they were 4 and 6. Went to Hallmark shop all by themselves with their piggy bank money while I stood outside the door. Gosh, I miss those days. Have fun baking. I will do a little more. What I made yesterday is already boxed up and ready to be shipped and taken to landlords and friends. I love baking but I took on way to much at one time yesterday. Finished up about 9pm last night. One more stint with Cookies and a day of making fudge. I am not used to eating crap and think I had 4 Cookies on an empty stomach and did not set well. Washed it through with some cocoa and then I was fine.

Great...I'd rather have the snow this time of the year. Our first two weeks of true winter was rain, freeze, snow and then rain, freeze snow. Makes for trecherous driving conditions. I have found that my car handles better than the pickup. Go figure.

Arlene....I am thinking that you must be very carb sensitive. I was until just b/4 I got to goal. I kept my carbs (or tried to) under 40 and it worked. If I went over, it was about a week b/4 the scale even budged a bit. I know it's tough during the holidays to stay on task but you just gotta say it in your head when you are tempted "I cannot have that" and reach for another healthy choice. Hugs.

Busy day catching up with some things. Heard on the obits this morning that my good friend's mother passed away. Plan on going to visit her later. Made a pumpkin pie, muffins and packed up some of the cookies I made yesterday to take to her house and visit with her a bit. That will mean another wake a funeral this week. Selfish of me to even mention this but I am hoping the wake is not till Wed night cuz don't want to cancel my overnighter with other GF. Might have to.

Cold, cold, cold today but sun is shining. Helps tremendously when the sun shines.

Where are you, Julie?

You all have a good day and will check in later. Sending the love.

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Phyll....not sure about this but there is a "mobile" option (I believe in the user's page). Not sure if that has to be activated. Great would probably know.

I still cannot see who is looking at the thread. I had it for a week and then just "poof" went away.

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You can get a device, and I can't remember what it's called, but it gives you additional USB ports... like a USB extension. It will have 4 or 5 additional ports and plugs in to just one of your existing USB ports.

I think we're going to go to Algodones in January. We can get you some vanilla, or you can go with us. But we might spend the night at that new casino... the "Q"... can't spell the whole name!!

I missed weigh in last Thursday because I was too sick to go. I was down 2.6 the week before, but then there was the weekend in Three Rivers and Thanksgiving and my birthday. No birthday cake, but my friend's sister gave me the cutest card... it had a birthday cake taste strip inside!! I didn't open that yet, and probably won't!! Front of the card says, "If nothing else, birthdays are a great excuse to eat cake." Then inside cover is a Peel n' Taste Vanilla Cupcake strip! Funny! The "Nutrition Facts" thing is actually on the back of the card but everything is "0"! And note says it contains Soy and Milk.


Yeah... security! GRRRR!!

I eat toast from time to time... the 45 calorie Sara Lee, usually, but.. very slowly. Toasted it goes down. But over the weekend.. we had to take a sack lunch to the TOPS walk so Earl did his trick with the bread... toast it and then slice it down the middle to make two. And he made us each a boca burger sandwich. Well, I had to run to the BR and slime after I ate it... and I ate it SO slow! But the sandwich got a little soggy because it had catsup on it and it was about 3 hrs old by the time we ate. I also slimed on chicken earlier in the week, and had a tough time with a pork chop last night. So I guess I AM tight enough.

WHAT.... are you able to read the posts on your phone now???

I figured that they would have something like that - a usb splitter ;0) - will look for that too ;0)

Love that bday card ;0)

I know for me sometimes I'm tight sometimes I'm not - exercise makes me tight ;0)

Phyl - Thanks !!! it really wasn't the vanilla that I wanted - was going to give to gf who bakes and sells here pies etc - it was the principal ;0) - Joseph & family coming in January - so doubt I can make it - but thanks for the invite ;0)

Good Morning All....Happy Monday!

Janet...have a great day off of work. Too bad you didn't get a chance to sleep in. We get booked into our 4:30-5:00am routine and have a hard time changing it after harvest and tiling is done. Still getting up with the chickens (not our chickens....I wouldn't have the little pecking/crowing things). Can't wait to see the underwater photos. Last trip DH took to Australia, he did the Great Barrier Reef dive. Such beautiful photos.

Meredith...how much fun is it to decorate your own home for Christmas???? Fun. I love, love, love Christmas decorating. So many unique peices we have collected over the years. But, my favorite is still the little glass egg with the glass dear standing within it tree ornament that my smiley faced boys gave me when they were 4 and 6. Went to Hallmark shop all by themselves with their piggy bank money while I stood outside the door. Gosh, I miss those days. Have fun baking. I will do a little more. What I made yesterday is already boxed up and ready to be shipped and taken to landlords and friends. I love baking but I took on way to much at one time yesterday. Finished up about 9pm last night. One more stint with Cookies and a day of making fudge. I am not used to eating crap and think I had 4 Cookies on an empty stomach and did not set well. Washed it through with some cocoa and then I was fine.

Great...I'd rather have the snow this time of the year. Our first two weeks of true winter was rain, freeze, snow and then rain, freeze snow. Makes for trecherous driving conditions. I have found that my car handles better than the pickup. Go figure.

Arlene....I am thinking that you must be very carb sensitive. I was until just b/4 I got to goal. I kept my carbs (or tried to) under 40 and it worked. If I went over, it was about a week b/4 the scale even budged a bit. I know it's tough during the holidays to stay on task but you just gotta say it in your head when you are tempted "I cannot have that" and reach for another healthy choice. Hugs.

Busy day catching up with some things. Heard on the obits this morning that my good friend's mother passed away. Plan on going to visit her later. Made a pumpkin pie, muffins and packed up some of the cookies I made yesterday to take to her house and visit with her a bit. That will mean another wake a funeral this week. Selfish of me to even mention this but I am hoping the wake is not till Wed night cuz don't want to cancel my overnighter with other GF. Might have to.

Cold, cold, cold today but sun is shining. Helps tremendously when the sun shines.

Where are you, Julie?

You all have a good day and will check in later. Sending the love.

Gosh Apples not another wake/funeral - enough already... I would be depressed with having to attending all those funerals Hugs - Hope you don't have to cancel your trip..

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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