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So, two and a half days of barely there carbs and high Protein and I dropped 5 lbs. Only got out to exercise 1 time although I did do a lot of house cleaning on Thurs.and I still lost the weight.

Meredith and Tex this is the only way I can lose weight. I can't count calories or keep a food plan or journal my food. I'm too ADHD and have always been terrible at any kind of record keeping. I lose or mislay journals and lists. I don't count carbs either. I just know which foods have very low carbs. I don't worry about fat or calories. For example, half and half has less sugar than lowfat or skim milk. I also need more lowfat and skim milk to make my coffee look and taste right than I need half and half. Half and half in my coffee is much more satisfying and holds off hunger because of the fat in it and since its not combined with sugar or any other carbs I burn and don't store the fat.

That's the good thing about a very low carb diet. You can eat higher fat foods and feel more satisfied for longer periods of time without shooting up your blood sugar. When you shoot up your blood sugar you store the fat instead of burning it, because you are metabolizing or burning the sugar and other carbs you ate instead of the fat. That's why Cookies, cake, ice cream, etc. put on so much weight. They combine sugar and fat. Salty crunchy Snacks are also basically very simple carbs that digest fast and shoot up your blood sugar causing you to store all the fat they contain. The salt in them makes you retain Water and raises your blood pressure.

When I am in weight loss mode I also eliminate fruit because no matter their nutritional advantages, there is still quickly digestible carbs in them that raise your blood sugar level, especially if you are insulin resistant which most overweight people are. I am careful with vegetables for the same reason. They may be low glycemic but large amounts still can contribute to higher blood sugar. So for a couple of days I avoid them. After I lose a chunk of weight, I then add veggies and some fruit back in my diet, often in a night time salad for supper that has feta cheese and cashews for Protein to keep my sugar level. This is during maintenance phase. During this time I have occasional treats. During my weight loss phase I would lose weight and then strive to maintain before doing a couple more days of strict low carb. Now that I'm at maintenance I use the 2-4 lb rule. If I've gained beyond my range ((158-162 lbs) I go back for a few days on very low carb until its off again.

I currently am using leftover turkey in its own gelled juice for meals. I scraped the fat off the top since it solidifies on top of the juice once its cold. The gelled juice gells from the bone marrow dissolved in it from slow cooking my turkey. It's good for you like Gelatin is good for you.

I also use peel top cans of chicken or tuna at work. However, that gets boring so once in a while I buy one of those spit roasted chickens at the grocery store and strip the left over meat and store it frozen in meal size baggies. Then I bring along a condiment or sauce to add to it. I found that pesto was a good one, hummus tasted good, hot sauce was great. Hot sauce has almost no carbs. Pesto and hummus both have low glycemic soluble Fiber carbs and olive oil and are good for you but probably shouldn't be used on an extrememely low carb day. Mustards that aren't combined with honey or other carbs also make good sauces. BBQ Sauce, ketchup are chock full of carbs. Real mayo made with good for you oils is actually a much better choice despite the higher fat content. Just don't add carbs to it. Olive oil and vinegar/lemon with spices is also a good flavoring and moistener for the chicken which can have a tendancy to get stuck and cause you to pb. A little sour cream is not a bad choice as long as its not combined with carbs. A little butter and lemon with spices is also a better choice than a sauce with carbs.

The other day at the restaurant I picked an appetizer for my supper/lunch that was mushrooms stuffed with sausage with a little mozzarella cheese and cooked chopped Tomato sauce (like a lumpy spaghetti sauce) on top. The mushrooms took the place of Pasta which is high carb and can make me pb.

I drink a Protein Drink for Breakfast and have some Protein Bars (not granola bars) with very low carbs (no real sugar) and some sugar free treats to keep me going between meals. Be careful, these can really give you gas and loosen your bowels, so don't overeat them. Propel fitness Water often gets me through cravings and so does Decaf with half and half.

Hopefully there's a few ideas there that will help you. Get acquainted with the glycemic index so you can find out what carbs are can be safely added back into your lifestyle in limited quantities during maintenance intervals.

By the way, I don't do this perfectly. If I have a day where I'm totally craving carbs I will substitute a high carb treat for a meal. Today I knew I was going to a movie so I had popcorn instead of lunch and I went to the bookstore and had peppermint mocha decaf latte. Rest of the day was fine and tomorrow I'll be back on low carb. This works for me and may not work for others. As always, take what you want from this and leave the rest.


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Hey Gang....just checking in. I was down in my back today after keeping the g-kids yesterday. I went for a walk......it helped for a little while, now I am hurting again. The weather changed this evening. It has started to rain ....we are getting another front in. Oh, my DGDs (the older ones) came and went in my attic for all my Christmas decorations. Of course they didn't find my tree skirts so I might have to use one of my damask table cloths for a tree skirt.

I haven't gained or lost in a couple of weeks. I plan on Water aerobics tomorrow and continue to journal. Cheri, I have a hard time with journaling too. I go along for days......I get sidetracked and forget.

Apples, I haven't gone to my profile yet. I just found the other thread I post on. Yep, I think some of the new stuff sucks. Did you get your house decorated? I should have mine done tomorrow with the exception of lights on the house. I have yard ornaments out. If we don't get this electrical problem solved I may not put up lights. We had an electrician out last week because our lights are blinking. He put a surge protector on the breaker box. Last night the lights would not stop blinking. I called the light company. I also called my neighbor and found out they were having problems. So, at 11 last night the light co shows up to check the transformer in my yard. They cut my bushes down to get to it, but did not fix the problem. They are blinking tonight. UGH! Sorry to rant.

Jessica.....I am so proud of you. You are reaching your goals......awesome!

Oh, I didn't tell y'all I ate some beef yesterday and it got stuck. I think my problem is I am so hungry I have gone back to eating too fast. Anyway, I had to literally throw up to get relief. I was Pbing before going on the liquid diet.

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Hi all....just checking in.....trying to navigate new site still but to no avail....why cant I find how to change font and color for always...so frustrating..will get it some time soon in the meantime will have to suck it up. [/size


Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and remembered to "Plan". Its been a lovely weekend...here. Today we went to see "Wintuk" Cirque de solei...it was nice. Dassi liked it. I prefer a real musical. But for the kids this was a nice change. Went to dinner afterwards without the familly...too much drama as usual.

relligious practice....its that time of decision making....

Dassi decided recently she wants only to eat Kosher outside the house as well and tonight the familly who doesnt eat Kosher at all decided...well they just didnt want to so....I said thats okay you all can go out together and Dassi and I will go out ourselves. Not even going to discuss the words I had with them all but no matter.....Dassi knows that I will support her regardless of whether I think she is right or wrong....im her mother and unless its dangerous..to herself or others then there is no reason to not support her beliefs and endeavors....in this case Im setting her up to learn not to eat out etc etc and so therefefore I must support her decisions and if anyone cares to differ or try to sway.,..hahh. Try me. Dassi us old enough to find out what will happen when she is not going to be supported by people that dont think the way she is or practices religion the way she has been taught and brought up with. I told her that the family at large would not support her decision and say..well thats nice but when your with us too bad youl do as we wish. Well she didnt want to take that ...so she stuck to her guns explained herself and said she didnt care to join them in that case any ways. lol. I agreed and rewarded her couragous standing up for what she felt was right...with her favorite restaurant, Cost 65 bucks but she deserved it. I let everyone know that as her mother I support her decision and although I may not myself keep kpsher out the house I respect her wishes and we would not be going out any longer in NY wherre there are plenty of kosher places to eat when eating out....suffice to say we wont be eating out to frequently any more. lol.

Other then the above the weekend was farely nice...I started learning basics of "Zumba" at home from a DVD and that is this weeks project. Foods was good..exercise sucked....but this is a new week and a new goal to reach....three times at least cardio!!! This is my plan!!!

Well.....I must get to slleep. wanted to catch up...quiet I see. Well have a great week.....


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Got back to RV today after a great weekend w/friends in Three Rivers. And Zoey has a new BFF... Chloe! Zoey and Chloe!!

Still quite frustrated with the new format here. I'm not getting emails. When I click on link in my old emails... it takes me to the last post, not the lst post I read like it used to do. Tried to look at Laura's photos... clicked on the first one, then tried to go back and it took me to the last post again! UGH!

Came home with sore throat, sniffles, sneezes, etc. Better feel better in the morning because I want to go shopping with Red Hatters!!

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Phyll, glad you had a good trip. I am also peeved by the new format. When I click on to look at a photo (like I just did for Zoey's) it takes me all the way out of LBT. And, when I go to my profile, I have so much missing. This thread is not even listed as on of my threads.Too much going on right now to deal with it.

Jodi...give Dassi a pat on the back for sticking up for herself. Sounds like things are going good for you. Hope you find the time you want to hit the gym

Jessica...nice to hear from you. Good going with your grades! Good luck with food choices on your trip. As you stated, best to bring your own if you are worried about it. Our choice what we put in our mouths so we need to not got with others choices.

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Hello everybody................. long night for me..... I'm mellowing out now so want to go back to bed... thought I would just check in first.... You all seem to be doing well and I'm happy for that... I have been okay until yesterday..... It was nice to have a little break....

Laura, sorry to hear that the cancer is back with your dad..... Just keep doing what you are doing.... It's such a hard thing to come to grips with.... Just hang in there....

Jessica, you are doing so well..... Good for you.... take care..... Your MIL seems to be getting it better now... This is good...

Well, time to sleep... I'll try to check back later, but will have both girls today from 10-6, so might not get the chance... DH will be here, too, so don't have to do it alone.... Hugs to all............... Julie

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Hey Gang! I am getting ready to leave for Water aerobics.....just wanted to check in. I did eat oatmeal with a few walnuts. Can't help it.....I'm hooked on oatmeal. I can't believe I have been missing out on oatmeal for 59 years. I guess I need to start exploring other food choices.....Like Tofu?.....sounds yuk to me.

Jodi......you go girl......props for supporting Dassi. Yes, planning.......that is one of the keys to success in this lifestyle. Thanks for the reminder!

Julie......good to hear from you!

Phyl...love the pic of Zoey and her new BFF.

Apples.......yeah I still haven't found the right buttons to click to get to where I need to be. I still can't find the "edit signature". Do you know where it is?

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I'm home!! Took me a while to catch up. I am so frustrated with this new site. I couldn't read it from my phone like I could the old one, probably something to do with signing in etc. It keeps signing me back out. Also I stopped getting email notifications. I thought I had it figured out and was getting one every time someone posted which was a bit much, but now haven't gotten a single one since Tues night last week when Julie posted. GRRRRR Also my color is different. Wah, Wah, Wah, whine, whine, whine. LOL

Had an okay trip to Denver, guess suffice it to say, it's different when you go back vs when you live there. We stayed at my inlaws which was okay but so cold, think they are trying to conserve on the heat or something. I've never been so cold. I just shivered in bed at night for a good half hour, and by shiver I mean more than just a little shiver, I was shaking. Thanksgiving Day I went and visited Grandma and she seemed rather down. I stayed there awhile and left before my sister would be arriving to pick her up. Didn't want to cross paths with her. LOL Then I went to McD's to meet my friend I used to work with for a Diet Coke, not much is open on Thanksgiving day but we got our $1 diet Coke and DH got his free wifi and got some work done. LOL Then it was turkey dinner at the inlaws which went fine.

Then BLACK FRIDAY!!!!! Yep for the first time in 4 yrs I was out there. And since I've been such a trooper for 4 yrs and DHs pheasant hunting in S Dakota for 4 yrs he came with! Gotta love that man! First up Kohls at 6am (nope couldn't do the 3am thing). I got DD a chip and dip bowl there that she wanted for about 75% off and I talked DH into a new vaccuum! I got the Dyson Animal vaccuum. I've gone through so many vaccuums a new one every few years but always get a cheap one. This was $200 off, had my 15% coupon and now have $70 in Kohl's bucks to go back and spend this week. Then it was Breakfast and we met up with DD, DS and his DGF at Bass Pro Shops. DH had promised to go shopping if we made that a stop and DD and DS's GF wanted ideas for DD and DS. Also DH found lots of $9 blue jeans, so he got those and we made him and DS go sit at Starbucks while we got the guy's shopping all done. Then went to see DS's new apartment (very nice) and lunch. Left DS (he worked all night at Walmart for Black Friday) to go to sleep and we hit the mall. We wandered the mall and I was to show DH lots of things at the Loft I liked and was dismissed to the foodcourt to wait. So I know I am getting some of it! LOL It was fun to watch all the people too.

The rest of the weekend was disappointing actually. DS didn't see us again. I was hurt by that. I know he is super busy this time of year at Walmart and he works overnights but I felt he could have afforded us an hour after work or something to meet for Breakfast or something like that. He just gets in these modes where all he just checks out when he gets super busy and sleep is so important to him. Not sure how long his GF will be around either as she is very frustrated too. And my grandma she cancelled on me too for lunch on Sat. I still went and visited her. She never wants to go out of her apartment anymore and is getting weaker and weaker. It's a catch 22, the less she does the harder it is and soon she won't be able to go out at all. She is 101 after all though. Just hard to see her start to give up. She's been so active. I did go shopping with DD some on Saturday, we discovered a new store called Charming Charlies, guess it originated in TX so maybe Arlene's heard of it. It's a huge accessory type store. All this costume jewelry, scarves, etc. all arranged by color in the store and cheap! I got a few bracelets, a ring and a scarf.

Then the drive home. We left extra early as they were predictign snow in Wyoming (we cross the entire state almost on I-80). We had dry roads until almost Utah then they got really bad. But I saw on the road report that I was watching on my phone that about an hour or two after we crossed I-80 had drifting snow on it and had we left when we planned originally we'd have gotten in all that. We got home about 4pm yesterday and it's still snowing here.

So that was my weekend. Exercise today is shovelling snow. We have a snow blower but I will shovel the back patio and steps.

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Ok. I know we are doing a lot of B&M about the new LBT... but this is for the birds! I am tech savvy and cannot figure $hit out! Pics are gone- can't sign up for this thread to save my life- it kept saying the spellchecker couldn't be recognized and when I went to the sister site to DL it again... it lost my LONG post I had written last night! I got so frustrated, that I just signed off. Wow. Just so frustrating. I can only imagine that for people who have never been on threads before- that this must be nutso! I know if I came and tried to navigate on this for the first time- that i would sign off and RUN from the computer! A bunch of dyfunctional BS on here. DH and I are on a bunch of these between MDs and NPs and have never seen something so screwy. Funny how SREWY and SAV VY look like the same words..LOL.

I just caught up with some of the posts and now am behind again. I have a new droid phone and can't navigate this either Lori. But then again, can't do it on the computer- so am not expecting to on the phone! LOL. We got new Blackberrys last month. Loved the LOOK and FEEL of the phone, but it dropped every other call- so had to send them back. They gave us a deal on the new Verizon Droid. Very complicated, but way worth it. It's like having an i-phone with a keyboard. Can do things old school if you want, but has a great touch screen too. I figured out the camera last night. Surprise to everyone, i know. <giggle> ; )

Well, Thanks for all the PMs from you all about my Dad's news. It meant so much to me to have all of you reach out the way you did. They are dealing with it the best they can- tomorrow is the big day for radiation. Not sure if the first appt is just consult or they do the scout CT and tatoo. This is all new to me, as I have not had anyone close to me have radiation.

We had a lovely Thanksgiving all together though. Really nice to have everyone in one place. (with the exception of my niece who is in Seattle with her online boyfriend).Dad actually had the stamina to fly us back on Saturday! He had a pilot friend come as co pilot. (mainly for the flight home) But was so proud of him- he flew the whole way down here! Nelson said Saturday night as I tucked him in, that seeing Grandpa fly was the best part of the week. : ) I agree with him.

House is all decorated and lovely! I just adore Christmas time! I did get a little sneaky this year and had our handyman put up our outdoor decorations while we were gone! (not sure if I told you guys this- as I lost that post and can't remember what I really said- or just thought I posted..LOL) We did Mom and Dad's decorations for them, and I knew DH was "done" and that Nelson would be insisting that he do it. DH needed at least one day of true "vacation" before returning to work at 6am today. It was a nice surprise to come home to. Sat and Sunday we put up the ornaments and other inside stuff, but again- the bins were all down from the attic waiting for us. I might hire my handyman to put it all up this year too! He is VERY OCD and very organized. If DH had his way he would put everything in the circular file at the end of the season and buy "new" each year..LOL. I did throw the lights last year, as I found them 90% off after Christmas. I Did 90% off my Christmas shopping today on Cyber Monday! I just love the free shipping and great deals! I had extra online coupons on top of the deals they were offering today. I compared notes with friends who went to Walmart and Toyrus and stuff- and I got the same if not better deals- and did it in my PJs! Now, if the stuff actually arrives..LOL.

ok guys. I need to get to the bus stop. I can't re-write the post I did last night. Sorry, just no time. I did write a personal note to each and every one of you. Please know that I send my hugs to you all.

peasout.. Laura

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Just in from shovelling AGAIN! It snowed a little bit more and if you don't get it off the north facing driveway right way you get ice. I vowed to never have a north facing driveway so what do I have? LOL

Laura, I missed where you posted about your dad. Sorry to hear the news wasn't good. Tree looks beautiful. I have a Droid too it is the Droid X I like it a lot, I can't do some of the more techy stuff (like LBT LOL) but I can do email and Facebook on it and camera. OH and I have Angry Birds downloaded, LOVE that game.

Well I slipped and slided my way on these roads to Kohls to use my Kohls bucks and I can't find anything. Isn't that how it is, when you have free money you can't find anything? DH says we'll go back tonight and he could use some work clothes, but he's so hard to fit and usually needs talls which they don't carry. If nothing else there was a cheap cashmere sweater there for $50 and then I'll spend the other $30 on kitchen gadgets.

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OH Great, I am so glad you mentioned Kohl bucks. I think I have to spend them today or tomorrow. Sounds like you are having an awesome Christmas. So sorry Grandma canceled on you. My mother is doing the same thing. She doesn't like to leave her retirement home. Her sight is so bad she doesn't see faces anymore. We bought her a new flat screen tv today online. I hope it helps her see tv a little better. Oh, Charming Charlies'....yep we have one here, but I heard of a better place than that. It is Sam Moon's. I think it originated in LA. Check it out online. We have one about fifty miles from here......on the other side of Houston. I really want to go.

Phyl, yep this new format sucks!

Laura.....I think it is great your dad could take you home. He is back on my prayer list. I have the yard decorations out and the fireplace done. The tree is up, but I have not finished decorating it. I have a small tree. It is just so much easier for me to manage. My DH has never been into tree decorating. I bet Nel's face lit up when he saw the yard.

Apples, are you working today?

Well, the electrician has been out again only to tell me it is the power companies side. Ya think so? If three neghbor's lights are blinking it is not our problem. So, I have to call them again. UGH!

Water aerobics really helped my back. It must be arthritis this time. Okay, Later gang!

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well, what are they gonna do next! I'm only gone a couple of hours and they turn it into facebook! I don't care what they do as long as they notify me by e-mail!

O.K. enough of that! I have been faithfully walking twice a day, even when I don't feel like it! Somehow the thought that I will be turning 50 in May is a powerful motivator:D . I wnat to turn 50 looking better than when I turned 40,,,oh I say about 30, 40 pounds to go. I just tell myself "self, you turn 50 in May, get your ass down the road!" So I do (May is not that far off if you think about it):rolleyes: .

Pease your tree looks beeeaaauuttiifffuullll!

Well everything is quite peaceful here today, sun shining, snow covered mountains! Might have to take my camara with me this afternoon!

All for now!:waytogo:

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Hi everyone. Just wanted to say hi -- my computer is down at home so wasn't able to do anything over the long weekend. I had to reload Windows and that wiped everything out and now I need help getting my wireless router reinstalled, so am waiting on a tech to call me back, hopefully soon. I'm so bad at computer stuff.

Had a lovely Thanksgiving, enjoyed my DS and DDIL visit, got all the Christmas decorations up on Saturday/Sunday and feel great -- didn't gain any weight over the holiday -- enjoyed a few "treats" but didn't over do and got my workouts in as well.

Had dental cleaning this a.m. -- glad that's over for another 6 months.

Thinking of you all -- will try to get caught up on reading at work and will write more when I can. Love to you all.


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Okay whoever said it they did turn this into FB but harder to deal with. Anyways hanging in there I have gained weight since he took my fill down to what I had in the begining. OMG I mean I can eat like fruit very cold drinks you forget what a pleasure it is to eat this stuff. Okay and I can eat stuff that is not good. But I am trying to find a balance. I can't get a fill till Jan. However doing the Zumba I am so sore what a workout.

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what in the heck did I do wrong?

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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