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Someone posted this on one of the recipe threads. Sounds really good. I am making white chicken chili today, but, as it turned out, it's really kinda hot today for chili!! 80+ outside, 87 inside!!

Roast Sticky Chicken-Rotisserie Style

46458.jpg Rated: 4.5.gifSubmitted By: Sue Rogers

Photo By: chibi chef

Prep Time: 10 Minutes

Cook Time: 5 Hours

Ready In: 9 Hours 10 Minutes

Servings: 8

"Ever wish you could get that restaurant style rotisserie chicken at home? Well, with minimal preparation and about 5 hours cooking time (great for the weekends!) you can! These chickens are rubbed with a spice mixture, and slow roasted in the oven for 5 hours."


4 teaspoons salt

2 teaspoons paprika

1 teaspoon onion powder

1 teaspoon dried thyme

1 teaspoon white pepper

1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

2 onions, quartered

2 (4 pound) whole chickens


1. In a small bowl, mix together salt, paprika, onion powder, thyme, white pepper, black pepper, cayenne pepper, and garlic powder. Remove and discard giblets from chicken. Rinse chicken cavity, and pat dry with paper towel. Rub each chicken inside and out with spice mixture. Place 1 onion into the cavity of each chicken. Place chickens in a resealable bag or double wrap with plastic wrap. Refrigerate overnight, or at least 4 to 6 hours. 2. Preheat oven to 250 degrees F (120 degrees C). 3. Place chickens in a roasting pan. Bake uncovered for 5 hours, to a minimum internal temperature of 180 degrees F (85 degrees C). Let the chickens stand for 10 minutes before carving. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2010 Allrecipes.com Printed from Allrecipes.com 11/14/2

Thanks for the recipe, Phyll...looks like a good one and will make sure I have the ingredients on hand to make for tomorrow night's dinner. Num

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Good morning gang! After standing out in the cold greeting people at church my FM kicked in. Even my teeth were aching last night. So I took two tylenol. I usually take one. My heart was racing for about three hours till I took a xanax. I finally fell asleep at 1am. Anyway, I am better this morning. i am not going to Water aerobics because I don't want a repeat of last night. It is cool and damp. I can't wait to get to Vegas where the humidity is lower. I am going to buy me a cap and gloves with my Kohl bucks. Then come home and start packing.

I did not weigh today. I may do that tomorrow. I know one thing. I NEED A FILL! I am going Dec 9th. If she says no......I will ask to speak to Dr. Davis.

I had oatmeal this morning. I think I am going to make Soup today.....probably taco.....the low cal version.

I will check in tonight.

Apples.......YUK! I need one of those too. HUGS! for you today!

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Hi all...good morning!

It was a wonderful weekend. The weather was absolutely gorgeous needed only a light jacket/coat.

My meeting went very well with the producer. If she is someone who is going to produce this show....ill be very happy to work with her. Jeff was happy as well...so on to the next step of finding the right network to pick it up. Again not holding my breadth until contracts are signed. lol Im not changing my life at all...and certainly making no plans for anyones future.

Today...am home with Dassi apparently who has a virus of some sort. Was throwing up yesturday afternoon with slight fever. I made her home remedy of pedialyte for the first 8 hrs. That seemed to help. At night she had crackers and some Soup this morning. I will be going to work at 2:30 after babysitter gets here.

Phyl I love that roasting recipe....what a great idea for shabbos for me....can put the roast in the oven before leaving for work and which on Friday is early early...day. Home by 1:30 and then the chicken would be ready...Have so little time after work since shabbat starts at 4:00-4:30 for about three months starting daylight saving time. Been looking for recipes like this for the winter!!!!

Thank you Thank you!!!

Okay....I got this post from the support group on Thursday..so posting for everyone

Here is my tips that ive heard and hopefully learned about the upcoming holiday season....to share


1. Thou shalt not enter a party feeling hungry

2. Thou shalt not thing about the holidays being about food

3. Thou shalt not arrive at a party empty handed

4. Thou shalt not feel exhausted during the holiday season

5. Thou shalt not be unprepared during the holiday season

6. Thou shalt not EVER accept leftovers

7. Thou shalt not drink less than 80 ounces of "good Fluid: daily after reading this post

8. Thou shalt not disobey the 5% rule

9. Thou shalt not ever feel guilty

10. Thou shalt not forget their goals or the hard work they have allready accomplished


Ideas to get you through the season

1. Always be prepared

2. Location is everything! "Hang out" in a safe zone

3. Avoid leftovers at all costs

4. Its just another meal attidude.

5. Protein, protein, protein!

6. Half of the time, food cravings are the thirst in disquise.

7. Increase your exercise during the season.

8. "Buisness as usual" attidude.

9. No guilt- Relish ion your success.

Happy Holidays all.....

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Jodi, thanks for the post that is great.

Apples, you can whine all you want. You are the least whinny one. I'm sure I beat you in that dept.

Arlene, good luck shopping.

Where's Janet?


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Well, good morning everyone! I really don't have any complaints. I do however, have to go to town today (yuk) I have several errands to run. The one I don't want to do is go to "Big Brands" tire place to get nitro in the tires and have them look at a buldge on one of the front tires:cursing:.

Then I'm off to the dr. to show them I don't have t.b.. Then over to the adult school to turn in my physical papers so I can get my books, and finally to the grocery store:rolleyes:.

Gonna try to walk two times today, I only walked once each of the last two days:eek:.

I know weather will be permitting because the next few days it will be around 70 degrees.:laugh:

Well all for now!:thumbup:

Edited by kellyodoran

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Morning ladies,

I have a bunch of errands to do today...but I've already sorted my t-shirt and jeans closet. I moved summer shirts out and long-sleeved shirts in. It's finally cool enough to justify the long sleeve weather. I'm also trying to pack for the trip. So far it looks like the weather is going to be fine...meaning no snow.

Tried to install the new Office 2007 I got and it's messed up and won't install so I need to deal with that and deal with my insurance. Always something.

Will try and check in again later.


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I am back from shopping early. Kohls bucks can't be spent till tomorrow. So, at 7am I am going to Macy's for their big sale then on to kohls.....gotta check the time though, but I know the Macy's sale starts tomorrow.

Jodi, thanks for the Banding Ten Commandments. I will print them and put them on the Fridge. I hope all goes well with the new job prospect.

Eva.....where are your going? Vegas again? We are going on that Grand Canyon bus tour.

Phyl, thanks for the recipe. Hey, I loaded several recipes apps on to my phone. Sparkpeople, martha stewart, Allrecipe. I did not know that they had them until I saw Martha's in her Living Magazine.

Kelly.....TB......I must have missed that post.....What's up ....you had to get a test?

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I am back from shopping early. Kohls bucks can't be spent till tomorrow. So, at 7am I am going to Macy's for their big sale then on to kohls.....gotta check the time though, but I know the Macy's sale starts tomorrow.

Jodi, thanks for the Banding Ten Commandments. I will print them and put them on the Fridge. I hope all goes well with the new job prospect.

Eva.....where are your going? Vegas again? We are going on that Grand Canyon bus tour.

Phyl, thanks for the recipe. Hey, I loaded several recipes apps on to my phone. Sparkpeople, martha stewart, Allrecipe. I did not know that they had them until I saw Martha's in her Living Magazine.

Kelly.....TB......I must have missed that post.....What's up ....you had to get a test?

It is for a scholarship to start a cna(certified nurses assis.) program, I think because you will be in health care facilities? And maybe around older people?

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Jodi...good luck with getting your contracts in place for the program. What a good momma....sounds like you did just the right thing for poor little Dazzi. Stomach flu...yuk. Hope you don't get it. Do you keep anti-nausea meds on hand in case you do get it?

LauraK...oh good...according to you I have a little wiggle room and can whine a bit more on the thread.

Kelly...having to get new tires or repair ranks right up there with fixing the Water heater, water conditioner, frig, dishwasher, etc. I don't like those surprise maintenance costs.

Here goes....*&^%$#@*(())))%%$##. Tomorrow about this time, all will be good.

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Ooops...forgot to post the "tip of the day". I cannot take credit for this one...got it from another bandster on another thread.

Was getting tired of my Viactiv chews. Once in awhile or every other day would be fine but have been chewing those things every day since b/4 LB surgery. Need a change and found one. Also, wanted a change from my flinstone gummies. The following were recommended and they are wonderful. Soft and no rotten Vitamin taste to pick up on.

I went on Amazon.com and ordered them.

Vitafusion Calcium 500mg...130 gummies. They are sooooooo good. The orange taste like a dreamcicle. (variety of flavors in the bottle). 25 cals/2 gummies.

Also ordered Vitafusion Fiber gummies (20% of required fiber in 2 gummies). 10 cals/2 gummies and are sugar free. They also taste great and not vitimin taste.

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You may want to consider having an opthamologist do the follow up exam. Optometrists are not medical doctors, opthamologists are. Under these circumstances it may be best to have it checked out by a specialist. I have diabetes and my primary care doctor will only let me see an opthamologist because, as the doctor told you, hemorrhages or spots are common in diabetics. Because of the spot, your health insurance will most likely cover the opthamologist. Just my two cents worth. :thumbup: Let us know how it turns out.

I just got home after spending a nice weekend with DH friends. DH is deer hunting by his friend’s farm and I drove down for the weekend to hang out. We had such a nice time visiting, I wish we lived closer so we could do it more often. It is a 3.5 hour drive each way so we don’t get to visit as often as we would like. DH is coming home in a couple of days as gun season opens at the end of the week here. Apples, we are like you, when gun season starts it is time to duck. Thank goodness DH only does archery season. It is much less popular and he almost always is the only hunter.

Your hunting season is so late. DH did his archery in Aug/Sep and rifle was October. And since we are not going to S Dakota this year for Thanksgiving, his hunting is all done this year! Yippee!! Next year he has plans for 2 or 3 states though, out of state CO to still go with his bro and our son and then of course he'll be a resident of UT so just has to do that and we will for sure go to SD next year.

Well I stopped getting my email notifications again and had no idea there were new posts til I realized it's been a while and there's no way this group has been that quiet!

Feeling a little under the weather still today. So I did not go to the gym (shhh don't tell Janet) HOWEVER, I DID WORKOUT! I did one of my P90 DVDs at home. These are what I did during my entire weight loss phase and lost over 100 lbs on them, I got so tired of them, but after today I really missed them so think these will become a big part of my routine again. I hate going to the gym so will supplement my routine with these and go to gym as well but not as often. I hadn't done these DVDs since my knee replacement surgeries, some moves were harder but was able to improvise. Oh the power yoga about kicked my butt! I will be sore tomorrow.

Also, Arlene, I am cutting out carbs today. I had oatmeal for Breakfast out, but put it back and had bacon and for lunch some chicken. Tonight is steak and mushrooms but gotta check out the carb content of mushrooms, don't think there's any but not sure since I don't have them often.

Apples, as someone told DH as he was prepping for his colonoscopy and I thought it funny, BOTTOMS UP!! LOL

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Just a fly by to let everyone know I am ok. Just busy busy busy. Air show and birthday parties... getting ready for Thanksgiving in NC... crafts and TG festivities in Nelson's class... never ending!

Life is good though! : ) I am blessed and feel great!!! I haven't felt this good in a LONG time! Saw some folks who hadn't seen me in 1-2 yrs- they had to pick their jaws up from the ground. Cracked me up!

Julie~ Hope you are doing better than when we spoke Saturday. Let us know what your dr says. hugs

Apples~ just saw your post about colon prep. Hope it all comes out ok. ; ) Literally. Happy pooping today! Will be thinking about you tomorrow.

Hi and hugs to everyone else!!!


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Okay everyone back from the LB Dr took 4.5cc out of my band. I am going to be on Prilosec for a while to get my stomach to settle down due to it is most likely irritated under the band from the acid, PBing and so forth. I have 3.3cc in my band like in the begining liquids till Wed. the soft/ mushie then start solids this weekend. I get to start over and this time follow correctly. Oh he was not surprised at the weight gain because of the issues.

I am go to my reg MD shortly cause I have had such a Migraine for two days and have not slept so she can give me a shot of toradol it is the only thing that really works. I might take tomorrow off to so I can get some rest I will keep you posted.

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Great...it's great that you will be getting back into your P90 routine again. I remember you posting about how much you worked out at home prior to your knew replacements. I sure will enjoy getting the old Lori back. What I mean by that is.....I miss your enthusiastic posts about your exercise routines and miss your positive posts about what you ate for the day. I really, really miss those posts.

I get email notifications from Coldwater Creek. I don't think I have ever ordered online from them but I clicked onto their clearance email that they sent me today. I looked thru all of their clearance items. OMG...really good deals and a lot of the items were for winter. Just wanted to share if anyone is looking for clothes at a good price. Worth a look. I didn't order anything (in need of nothing) but if I needed clothes, my shopping cart would have been filled up.

Feeling very nauseous from the Miralax and Dulcolax combination. Not tough drinking it but it is upsetting the stomach. Whine. Going to go lay down and might just have to take my first ever anti-nausea med. Bleck. )(*&^%#@$^%&

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Melissa...happy to hear you got an unfill and that you are "starting over". Hope you get some relief from your headache.

Laura...leave to you to do a happy post about my prep...not what I want. Sympathy please! LOL

I LOVE the photo of DH and DS in the pool. How cool. And, you DO look happy, Laura. Keep working that band!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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