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anyways...must go to sleep

Am meeting a producer tomorrow morning about a project Jeff is putting together in LV. Been busy with that as well and if that works out.....hmmmm Vegas here I come!!! lol

Awesome Jodi! I hope is all works out for you.

Thanksgiving is a challenge.....I am handling this year by not cooking or having the kids over. DH and I are going out to eat. I just can't handle the cooking and not tasting.

By journaling I have seen how much I am actually eating. It was way over 1100 calories.

Yesterday I had, oatmeal,grapes, mozarella stick, Protein drink, 3oz of meat, piece of avocado, and Navy Beans. 1330 calories. Walked two miles

It is coming down today

Plan.....oatmeal, Protein Drink, grapes, mozarella stick, sf pudding, Navy Beans, and lean cuisine. 1180calories. Oh, walk 2 miles.

I think I am going to go hard core Water aerobics after my Vegas trip. The weight lifting causes too much nerve pain in my back. It might be weather related, but I can't take the chance. I have a friend at church that was weight training and messed her back up.... she almost needed surgery. Nope.....it is not worth it.

Okay, off to church.....gotta greet today......then home to watch football and eat my Navy Beans....YUMMO!!!

Janet......WHERE ARE YOU!!!

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Jessica, I take it you agree with your Doc. When working with others your bubbly side comes out. It's not fake. It's really you in that situation. But there's another side. And your doc sees it. Many of us are like that. I am an outwardly "bubbly" person, upbeat and optimistic. I am passionate about my work and I love children. But I'm also very private. I have a very sober side. I am very private about many of my deepest feelings, self-doubts, and fears. Generally I fake it till I make it. I act competent to feel competent, act happy to feel happy, etc. I pick and choose to whom I will self-reveal.


Cheri - We are a lot a like ;0)

Good morning everyone!

I was wondering if I can join your group? I have been trying to find a group that is open and supportive, that I can be supportive with too! And from the looks of it, you ladies are it!

A little bit about myself:

Had LAP-BAND® done September 2008, husband was deployed to Iraq at the time. First nine months went perfect! I was on target, losing weight (40 pounds) and focused on taking care of myself. Hubby came home, and my focus left me and went on him. We had been infertile for 10 years, so started with an infertility dr. Shots, shots and more shots, failed IUI and 2 dncs later found me with a uterus filled with pre-cancerous cells. Had to be put on a medication for 3 months to fix the situation, which it did, but also put 20 pounds on me (come to find out the med was used for anorexics to gain weight).

Did another round of shots and another IUI, early miscarriage.

So no more insurance money to do infertility, that part of my life is over. We have been on an adoption list for 3 years, and am now working with the state to do a foster to adopt program.

I have nothing left in me, no focus, drive, or even happiness. I did lose 9 of the 20 pounds. I feel horrible, every day I have horrendous heartburn, almost completely filled, I vomit almost every day if not more.

How do I come back? I feel like such a failure!

If this is too intense for you, please let me know and I will find someplace else.

Thank you for listening!

Thank you everyone for such a warm welcome!

So I am going to call my lb dr on Monday to make an appt. Should I get totally unfilled and start over? Not sure.

As for my daily foods. I do not keep a journal, do not know how, never did in my life, even as a girl with a diary.

I normally do not eat until around 2 p.m., coffee in the a.m. and I do try to eat sometimes, but it just usually comes back up.

Nightime is my worst, I am starved by than. I do tend to eat "sliders" often.

Lately I have noticed I am not eating any fruits or veggies, just meat and a starch. And lots of chocolate. Uh, yeah, bad!!!! lol....

I guess I am at my breaking point emotionally. Oh, forgot to mention in my intro, I also have Muscular Dystrophy. I am still mobile, can walk, but am weak. So exercise comes very hard, and I have no motivation.

Maybe today is my turn around time. I bought the biggest loser nutritional scale. you can actually weigh and track your daily foods, with all the nutritional stuff too. Today, I think I have done pretty good so far.

BF: bowl of kashi go lean crisp Cereal with 1% milk

coffee with coffee mate almond creme, 2 splendas

Snack: Soy strawberry yogurt (lactose intolerant)

From what the scale says, I am at around 230 calories.

I guess I need to validate every day of what I am eating.

Welcome Solider Wife - Hugs for your struggles - you gotta turn your way of thinking around- quit thinking you can't cuz if you think that way you won't succeed... Hope is a word you use when you have no control - you do have control over you..

There are plenty of websites where you can track your food - Calorie Count - Sparks pple - Daily Plate..

Are you eating slowly - chewing ?? Starches & chocolate - I would detox for a week of these things - Try the 5 day pouch test.. (google it)

Can you walk - if you can - do that..

You can do this - you really can - pull up the boot straps and move forward

Sorry about the ms - fertility issues

Almost forgot, Janet & Arlene, I know you are QVC shoppers I got the Special Value today the Bare Escentuals make up kit. Got 3 of them, one for me, one for DD and one for DS's girlfriend. But darn it all, DD gave me DSIL's number to use as once a year he gets a discount through his employer and I couldn't get it to work. Of course, couldn't call him and ask as he's on a cruise ship so had to pay full price.

I dislike Lesilie - don't ask me why - one time she scolded one or the models on air- I like the eye shadows - but not into the crazy colors - mostly browns/rust for me .. I like Laura Gellers baked stuff better - it's lighter feeling on my face..

Got it! I also got a grey crossbody bag from B. makowsky. I have found that if I have a crossbody bag I can shop and not worry about leaving it anywhere. I left my purse in a Walgreeen's before Vegas. Fortunately. I remembered it five minutes later .....went back and it was still there. It was early in the morning or I feel sure it would have been gone. I have been freaked about losing my bag ever since.

That is a good idea about getting the makeup for DD. I think I will go back and get her some.

DH is cooking a pot of Navy Beans. I know carbs, but they are good carbs. I have done real well today. 400 calories so far.....walked two miles.

I got a B makoskwy bag too ;0) but not that cross over one - I don't think they showed the one I got on air this time around - I really love his bags - love the cell phone pocket - the only thing I wish he had lighter interiors..

Good Morning Gang...

Well woke up yesterday with a upset stomach - must have been the sf choc raisins ;0) didn't feel real hot - but by noon it passed.

Got my closet done - it took all day - got all the summer stuff moved to the other bedroom - on the bed !! and some in the closet got some stuff picked out for vacation in a separate pile.. Put away some summer pj's got out winter pjs -

Gotta say I sure don't need any clothes ;0) well maybe another pair of black pietite jeans - but that's it.. Washed

I had cream of potato Soup - the calories aren't on the package - it's called Ta Da Soup from Gullah gourmet that I get off the internet.. Ate couple 1 cup bowls - it's good so cal most likely weren't great ;0)

I think I have arthritis - my knees ache - need to get some bengay or asprin cream today..

Have gym this a.m. - then Target shopping - home to catch up on t.v. and get ready for my busy week..


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so while there I thought I might as well get an exam as well thinking I didn't really need one. Guess what? I have a hemorrhage on the back of my eye by the optic nerve, he called it a 'dot' one meaning very small. I need to get rechecked in 2 mos to see if it has reabsorbed. Totally freaking me out. Any of you nurses know much about this? The eye doc said the first things they are concerned with is diabetes and blood sugars. Those are excellent as I just had my physical a couple months ago. So I ordered some new readers as well.

Laura or Phyl, do I need to be super concerned about this 'dot hemorrhage that you know of?

Lori, I would strongly recommend you see an ophthalmologist. Walmart/Costco eye docs are not MDs. Your medical insurance should cover that. I supposed you might need a referral from your primary care, but I think you should get it checked out.

Great..heard on the local radio station about an hour ago that our university (located 15 miles from here ) cancelled their football game today that was to be played down by Mpls. 11.5 inches of snow this morning there. We are getting a very light snow right now and the last report said to expect 4-5 inches.

So how much snow did you get?? Morning news reports look like Mpls really got dumped on!!!

Don't have much time this morning... need to get in the shower in a few minutes and get over to chapel by a little after 9 a.m. for a few more minutes of choir practice before 9:30 a.m. service because we're singing this morning.

Extremely windy here today.... won't be doing any cruising around the park on my scooter unless it dies down.

Jodi.... anxiously awaiting more details on your LF possibilities!! :):biggrin::crying:

Okay.... gotta eat my Breakfast... no more time for chatting! Love you all!

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Good afternoon. Brrrrr it is cold out but now snow. DH is up on the rooftop hanging Christmas lights. He's now thinking he should've done it last weekend when it was in the 70's. LOL

Darn it all, I feel like I am coming down with something. Sore throat, runny nose and eyes and just feel blah.

Cheri, I sound a lot like you in your advice to Jewel. I have a very sober side as well. Can't remember exactly how you put it but described me pretty well.

Phyl, the eye dr asked me over and over about my blood sugars as I guess this is something they see in diabetics. My sugars are always low, last check 2 mos ago my glucose was 78 (just looked up my blood test results) he seems unconcerned because it was just one spot but hmmm, maybe I should call my primary care and just ask them. Thanks.

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Someone posted this on one of the recipe threads. Sounds really good. I am making white chicken chili today, but, as it turned out, it's really kinda hot today for chili!! 80+ outside, 87 inside!!

Roast Sticky Chicken-Rotisserie Style

46458.jpg Rated: 4.5.gifSubmitted By: Sue Rogers

Photo By: chibi chef

Prep Time: 10 Minutes

Cook Time: 5 Hours

Ready In: 9 Hours 10 Minutes

Servings: 8

"Ever wish you could get that restaurant style rotisserie chicken at home? Well, with minimal preparation and about 5 hours cooking time (great for the weekends!) you can! These chickens are rubbed with a spice mixture, and slow roasted in the oven for 5 hours."


4 teaspoons salt

2 teaspoons paprika

1 teaspoon onion powder

1 teaspoon dried thyme

1 teaspoon white pepper

1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder

2 onions, quartered

2 (4 pound) whole chickens


1. In a small bowl, mix together salt, paprika, onion powder, thyme, white pepper, black pepper, cayenne pepper, and garlic powder. Remove and discard giblets from chicken. Rinse chicken cavity, and pat dry with paper towel. Rub each chicken inside and out with spice mixture. Place 1 onion into the cavity of each chicken. Place chickens in a resealable bag or double wrap with plastic wrap. Refrigerate overnight, or at least 4 to 6 hours. 2. Preheat oven to 250 degrees F (120 degrees C). 3. Place chickens in a roasting pan. Bake uncovered for 5 hours, to a minimum internal temperature of 180 degrees F (85 degrees C). Let the chickens stand for 10 minutes before carving. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2010 Allrecipes.com Printed from Allrecipes.com 11/14/2

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Phyl, the eye dr asked me over and over about my blood sugars as I guess this is something they see in diabetics. My sugars are always low, last check 2 mos ago my glucose was 78 (just looked up my blood test results) he seems unconcerned because it was just one spot but hmmm, maybe I should call my primary care and just ask them. Thanks.

Okay... just one spot, but is he sure it is a hemorrhage?? Did he dilate your eyes to get a good look?? I just wouldn't want to take any chances with eyes! And, not to scare you, but our son, Chris... opted out of having his eyes dilated one year because he had to get to a meeting and was in a hurry. The next year when it was time for his exam... dr dilated his eyes and he had a tumor on the back of his left eye. Turned out to be choroidal melanoma and he lost the eye to a 2nd tumor the next year. May have had a better outcome if he'd taken the time to let the doc complete his exam the year before. Tumor was probably there then but much smaller. So... want to err on the side of caution, as the saying goes, when it comes to eyes.

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Phyl, no my eyes were not dialated this time since they just were last year he said, however, when I go back for my recheck they will be in 2 mos. He wants to get a really good look at it next time to be sure it reabsorbs. I almost always go to an opthamologist vs an optomitrist and this year didn't due to our horrible eye insurance which we just cancelled. It didn't pay to carry it at all. He also asked if I saw 'floaters' etc. and had no other symptoms but am to call if I do.

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Jessica, I take it you agree with your Doc. When working with others your bubbly side comes out. It's not fake. It's really you in that situation. But there's another side. And your doc sees it. Many of us are like that. I am an outwardly "bubbly" person, upbeat and optimistic. I am passionate about my work and I love children. But I'm also very private. I have a very sober side. I am very private about many of my deepest feelings, self-doubts, and fears. Generally I fake it till I make it. I act competent to feel competent, act happy to feel happy, etc. I pick and choose to whom I will self-reveal. I don't trust many people for fully opening up to. Most aren't trustworthy. They simply can't handle it. I've had good therapists and not so good. With your mental disorder, a good therapist is essential to your long term health. Keep looking. You may need to try out more than one. Whatever you do, stay on your meds. You're doing better than you've ever done in your life. I'm very proud of you. You will tackle this challenge like you've tackled everything else. Just think of it as another self-improvement project.


Thank you so much Cheri. I was thinking maybe my personality was split. I am pretty happy around people and I love that side of me. When I get inside myself though it is not so happy. So I avoid doing that. But my Doc went there and it really upset me. We didn't really have much of a relationships "or repore" at that point. I felt invaded. He did apologize later and now I feel like we have a good give and take. He does really seem to think though that I am severly depressed. He actually asked permission to inspect my arms for cutting. Makes me wonder what in the world he is seeing. I don't feel even close to being that bad. My head is such a mess sometimes that I try to use other people kinda like a mirror. I can't always judge if my feelings and thoughts are normal or because of my illness. So I look for proof outside myself that I am not out of line. If it is real bad I'll ask my husband if it sounds legit. Usually people around me see me slipping before I realize it so I try to listen to people when they get concerned. I am thinking though that maybe my doc just saw my mental diagnosis and is over reacting.

I also remind myself to fake it till I make it.

Also regarding meds, I was really struggling taking them because I would fall asleep in class. Went to the doc and she said the dose was probably too high because I lost so much weight. We are still working on finding the right dose but I still feel way better than I did before I ever started them.

Good morning everyone!

I was wondering if I can join your group? I have been trying to find a group that is open and supportive, that I can be supportive with too! And from the looks of it, you ladies are it!

A little bit about myself:

Had LAP-BAND® done September 2008, husband was deployed to Iraq at the time. First nine months went perfect! I was on target, losing weight (40 pounds) and focused on taking care of myself. Hubby came home, and my focus left me and went on him. We had been infertile for 10 years, so started with an infertility dr. Shots, shots and more shots, failed IUI and 2 dncs later found me with a uterus filled with pre-cancerous cells. Had to be put on a medication for 3 months to fix the situation, which it did, but also put 20 pounds on me (come to find out the med was used for anorexics to gain weight).

Did another round of shots and another IUI, early miscarriage.

So no more insurance money to do infertility, that part of my life is over. We have been on an adoption list for 3 years, and am now working with the state to do a foster to adopt program.

I have nothing left in me, no focus, drive, or even happiness. I did lose 9 of the 20 pounds. I feel horrible, every day I have horrendous heartburn, almost completely filled, I vomit almost every day if not more.

How do I come back? I feel like such a failure!

If this is too intense for you, please let me know and I will find someplace else.

Thank you for listening!

Welcome, I know when life starts to beat us down we can feel like losers but nothing you just told us actually showed me you are a loser. You've taken some hard knocks but haven't given up. That is the path to success. I have lost the same 5 pounds over and over in the past 3 months. Actually went to the doc and told his staff "I quit". Then she asked well where do you think that path will take you? So I lost that same 5 pounds again and am working on breaking through to the next pound lost. I was too tight at one point and it made it very hard for me to make the right decision regarding food. I got unfilled and haven't had any restriction until last week. It is hard to take an unfill but once your too tight it is needed. Just take it as another step in the journey. In the end you will still reach your destination.

Hi friends, I'm still hanging around but sure feel awful.... I'm so frustrated with feeling bad all the time... Tried to call my LB doc today, but he wasn't on call so got the one who did my abscess surgery.... He was no help..... My new NP is in Aruba..... So, I called the sweetest NP I know.....(the one in Florida!!!!!) and we talked quite a while.... She gave me lots of ideas and some assurances that I'm not on my death bed...... Thanks Laura, it means so much that you care and share your talents with us.....

NJ, I'm a soldier's wife, too..... Mine is now retired after 38 years...... He started with a tour in Viet Nam and ended with OIF II in Iraq from 12-03 to 2-05.... Was quite an experience for people our age...... So glad your husband came home safe..... I too lost a lot of weight while he was gone (just on my own) but when he got back I went back to old habits and put it all on again.... I had my LB 8-08..... I've lost just over 100 pounds with about 80 left to go, but have had major health issues that have put me into maintenance stage for over a year... I'm glad to me maintaining, but along with being sickly now, I fear that I won't be able to get back to losing..... Also, my daughter has had serious female problems and was told she would need medical assistance to conceive.... Surprise.......... got pregnant with guy she just met who turned out to be a nightmare..... So I have a 3 1/2 year old granddaughter.. Here doctor was just amazed that she conceived..... A while back DD finally met someone nice and they fell in love... He has a little one, too... almost the same circumstance so no marraige.... She will be 3 in December.... DD and DF just got married a few weeks ago.... Guess what???? They are already pregnant........... Another shock....... So, the point is, that almost anything can happen if you don't give up hope.... If you are meant to be a mother, you will be... I wish for you that it be very soon.... And keep coming back here ...... this is a wonderful place to find acceptance, support, compassion, tough love, and just the best bunch of friends you can imagine..... Welcome

Apples, I love you, too, and every one else, too...... Glad to hear about DS getting a plan going that keeps him around.... I'm sure you are relieved....

My meds are kicking in, thank goodness, so maybe I can finish this tonight....

Eva, what a beautiful card you sent.... thank you for it and the little memento...... I'm just not very crafty... I do crochet and really want to get sweaters made for Mimi and Bailey for Christmas......But gotta feel better than I do now.... and of course, if this new baby is a boy I'll have lots to do.... I'm not used to blue.....

Jessica, don't like that your son got involved in what the doc said.... but otherwise, you know if you want to keep seeing him or if you need someone knew... I've had my share of counseling and you really need to be able to trust the person you are spilling your guts to...... As for your new avatar..... how cute.... you've gone from very blonde to very dark... what is your natural color??? Take care...

Lori, hope you enjoy your weekend at home.... I know this isn't the ideal situation for you, but you are luckier than others in your situation as you can up and fly where ever you choose quiete easily...... It's a great benefit to lonliness or boredom.... Have fun with you Ho Ho Ho's.....

Pyhll, hope that shot helps you.... they didn't help me at all...... I envy you your Water aerobics..... but oh well.... Maybe one day I can do them again....

Laura K, sorry your friend bailed on you.... What did you decide to do instead???? I haven't been feeling up to doing anything much these days at all.... Yesterday after the doc and dentist for DH, we did go shopping for a van for DD and DSIL..... They have 3 vehicles and none of them will handle a family with 3 children in car seats..... We found a nice 2005 Ford Freestar that meets the need...... Poor DSIL hit a deer on his way home from work last night with the car they are trading in.... However, it didn't turn out too bad.. Will cost us about $250 extra over the quoted price.....

Arlene, girl you definitley get the prize for giving it you all.... wish things worked out better for you... You are getting good advice from these gals and I'm sure you will be on track again soon....

I didn't take any notes this time, so I know I've left some out...... sorry.... I gotta go get some ice on my shoulder.....I'm praying for a peaceful night.... Haven't had many lately..... Take care everyone... Hugs and prayers to all.......... Julie

Congrats on the new grandchild. I must have missed that announcement. My hair naturally is a dull brown color. I was blonde as a child but it got real dark when I hit my teens. I loved having it blonde but It was very hard to do myself. Hubby was having sticker shock when I mentioned the price to have it done by a professional. I went and got it cut and the lady who did it recommended chocolate so I tried it and love it. Not as much as the blonde but still really happy with it.

My son has been going to my appointments with me because my school schedule and the doctors schedule only allow me to go in the afternoon. My doc runs 2-3 hours late sometimes and I can't get to the school in time to pick Jake up. So I just pick him up early and take him with me. I am very frustrated with waiting like that all the time. My year with him is almost up and I am considering a Fill center. Need to do more research on there patient satisfaction and safety before I decide.

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Phyl, no my eyes were not dialated this time since they just were last year he said, however, when I go back for my recheck they will be in 2 mos. He wants to get a really good look at it next time to be sure it reabsorbs. I almost always go to an opthamologist vs an optomitrist and this year didn't due to our horrible eye insurance which we just cancelled. It didn't pay to carry it at all. He also asked if I saw 'floaters' etc. and had no other symptoms but am to call if I do.

You may want to consider having an opthamologist do the follow up exam. Optometrists are not medical doctors, opthamologists are. Under these circumstances it may be best to have it checked out by a specialist. I have diabetes and my primary care doctor will only let me see an opthamologist because, as the doctor told you, hemorrhages or spots are common in diabetics. Because of the spot, your health insurance will most likely cover the opthamologist. Just my two cents worth. :) Let us know how it turns out.

I just got home after spending a nice weekend with DH friends. DH is deer hunting by his friend’s farm and I drove down for the weekend to hang out. We had such a nice time visiting, I wish we lived closer so we could do it more often. It is a 3.5 hour drive each way so we don’t get to visit as often as we would like. DH is coming home in a couple of days as gun season opens at the end of the week here. Apples, we are like you, when gun season starts it is time to duck. Thank goodness DH only does archery season. It is much less popular and he almost always is the only hunter.

Edited by sndycnrd

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Hey...hope everyone had a nice Sunday...

I'm shot...doesn't happen very often but waaaaaaaay too much put into one day. Long story short:

1. 3 hour breakfast...if I could keep my A$$ in bed beyond 5:30 on a Sunday morning, we wouldn't have such long ones.

2. Went to church...been missing it. Has been 15 yrs since I went to a church service other than weddings, vow renewals and funeral.

3. Met DH for lunch. Couldn't get him to go to church with me but he was very happy to have lunch after.

4. Flagged for youngest DS as he flew his boss in from LV. Helped him refuel the plane, drove the 4-wheeler as it pushed the plane into the hanger. Fun.

5. Took him out to dinner and dropped him back at the airport for a flight to Atlanta. Taking a doc out there for a conference.

6. Home and had a beer with DH....him 3 beers. Me a capaccino with three scoops of Benefiber. I think I'm tipsty.

7. Shower and heading to bed.

Sleep tight. Love to all

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Jewel - i love your new hair color it is so cute.

Well 1:00am am I can't get to sleep I took an ambien 3hrs ago and nothing my head will not stop chatting. I have not really felt good today nausea, headaches, I have had night sweats the last two nights something is not right. I think I have been messing up my stomach with all this acid problems and I need to get the Dr to loosen my band so I can rest my stomach. I sure it it a combo of stress, emotions an other stuff but I have never had acid so bad before and I do not want to take any more stuff for the acid the band needs loosened. Somehow I need to stay home from work in the morning and begged the to work me in I cant take it no more I have been eating sliders and gained weight plus I have been pbing so much even on broth Soup I need HELP

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Hey there, I seem to be doing my posting during the night a lot lately..... I slept way too much today, so am not tired yet...... Yesterday was a very bad day.... But my stomach issues seem to have lessened and that's a good thing... I was able to eat a bit more today without pain.... I will still take Laura's advice about seeing my band doctor asap.... will call early in the morning to see what chance I have of getting in soon.....

DH and I did take Laromi and Bailey to the park today for a bit.. It was pretty chilly but they had so much fun on the slides.... Some fresh air will make them sleep good tonight.... SIL was under the weather so appreciated a little quiet so he could nap some while we had the girls....

Otherwise we just really sat around today... I missed church........... I hate it when that happens, but sometimes you just can't get going..... That's 2 in a row now and I sure hope things get better soon...

Hope everyone had a great weekend with some fun and relaxation.... Now on to another week..... Sweet dreams and hugs to all............ love ya.......... Julie

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Jewel - i love your new hair color it is so cute.

Well 1:00am am I can't get to sleep I took an ambien 3hrs ago and nothing my head will not stop chatting. I have not really felt good today nausea, headaches, I have had night sweats the last two nights something is not right. I think I have been messing up my stomach with all this acid problems and I need to get the Dr to loosen my band so I can rest my stomach. I sure it it a combo of stress, emotions an other stuff but I have never had acid so bad before and I do not want to take any more stuff for the acid the band needs loosened. Somehow I need to stay home from work in the morning and begged the to work me in I cant take it no more I have been eating sliders and gained weight plus I have been pbing so much even on broth Soup I need HELP

Melissa...get yourself to your LB doc A.S.A.P. Reflux, eating sliders, PBing is just going to add to your stress. A person also needs to be sleeping and your problem is not allowing you to. They will just have to understand at your work. Let them know this NEEDS to be taken care of TODAY.

Please, after you get an unfill go back to your LB basics. Fill your LB doc in on how you have been eating. Maybe he can suggest a support group or nutritionist that you can work with. You need someone to guide you along with all of this.

Take care and let us know how today went. Hugs.:thumbup:

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Hey there, I seem to be doing my posting during the night a lot lately..... I slept way too much today, so am not tired yet...... Yesterday was a very bad day.... But my stomach issues seem to have lessened and that's a good thing... I was able to eat a bit more today without pain.... I will still take Laura's advice about seeing my band doctor asap.... will call early in the morning to see what chance I have of getting in soon.....

DH and I did take Laromi and Bailey to the park today for a bit.. It was pretty chilly but they had so much fun on the slides.... Some fresh air will make them sleep good tonight.... SIL was under the weather so appreciated a little quiet so he could nap some while we had the girls....

Otherwise we just really sat around today... I missed church........... I hate it when that happens, but sometimes you just can't get going..... That's 2 in a row now and I sure hope things get better soon...

Hope everyone had a great weekend with some fun and relaxation.... Now on to another week..... Sweet dreams and hugs to all............ love ya.......... Julie

Julie....more or less the same advice that was in the above post to Melissa. You need to be in tuned to what is going on with your band and not let it go. Let your LB doc know EVERYTHING...what you are eating, how your stomach has been feeling. If you are having issues with nausea, not being able to eat, you could have a number of things going on and should not ignore these symptoms.


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Good Morning All...had a wonderful night sleep.

Books this morning and then off to coffee with a friend. Gotta stop to pick up some steel cut oats and some other diabetic friendly treats for my cute little FIL. Will make the oats up and freeze so he has them at hand for his breakfasts.

He is heading to AZ in his motorhome on the 29th and want him to have a supply of healthy foods. Since MIL passed away a few months ago, he's kind of been like a kid in the candy store. He thinks he needs to eat at every restaurant in the 50 mile area and it makes it tough for him to keep track of what he is eating. He has lost 10lbs (he's very little...5'tall (or short) and maybe weighs 125lbs...but, still, he needs to watch is sugars. 87 yrs old and ready to hit the road. One of DH's sisters it taking the trip with him and flying back. He was insisting on do the drive himself.

OK...WARNING...prepping for colonoscopy today. I am going to TRY to not whine as much as DH did when he prepped for his last one but I swear this makes me crabbier than anything. I detest having my food taken away from me for an entire 24 hour period. I am already in a pissy mood. And, anyone that knows me knows it takes a lot to make me pissy.

Thank you all for listening to the above whine. I will deal with it from here on out. &^*(^$@$%^%&((&&%$#@

Edited by Apples2

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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